Target SWOT Analysis “SWOT is an acronym for the internal Strengths and Weaknesses of a firm and the environmental Opportunities and Threats facing that firm. SWOT analysis is a widely used technique through which managers create a quick overview of a company’s strategic situation. The technique is based on the assumption that an effective strategy derives from a sound “fit” between a firm’s internal resources (strengths and weaknesses) and its external situation (opportunities and threats). A good fit maximizes a firm’s strengths and opportunities and minimizes its weaknesses and threats. Accurately applied, this simple assumption has powerful implications for the design of a successful strategy.” Target Target Corporation (Target) is a retailer which operates large format general merchandise and food discount stores. Being one of the leading retailers in the US, Target enjoys a strong market position which further enhances its market penetration opportunities and adds to its bargaining power. However, a prolonged economic slowdown in the US would impact the consumer’s discretionary spending capacity and in turn affect the demand for Target’s products adversely. Page 1 of 2 Target SWOT Analysis Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) Location of Factor TYPE OF FACTOR Favorable Internal Strengths Unfavorable Weaknesses ¾ Strong brand value ¾ Product recalls ¾ Global sourcing ¾ Declining profits capabilities management (GWM) ¾ Geographic concentration ¾ Leading market position External Opportunities ¾ Store expansion ¾ Demand for private label products ¾ Demand for organic Threats ¾ Economic slowdown in the US ¾ Increased minimum wages in the US ¾ Intense competition food Page 2 of 2