SPRING 2015 Course Selection Bulletin Texas Southern University www.tsu.edu Table of Contents Academic Calendar Spring 2015.................................................................................. 2 Placement Test Requirements.......................................................................................3 What Courses to Take....................................................................................................4 Guide to Course Offerings.............................................................................................5 How to Read the Course Listings..................................................................................6 Register for Courses Online (after student has been advised)......................................7 Find Your Department................................................................................................ 8-9 Pay Fees................................................................................................................ 10-11 Apply For Financial Aid................................................................................................12 Planning for the Semester...........................................................................................13 Degree Programs........................................................................................................14 University Housing.......................................................................................................15 Required Immunization................................................................................................16 Student Support...........................................................................................................17 Campus Organization..................................................................................................18 Textbook Availability.....................................................................................................19 Class Attendance Rule................................................................................................19 Title IX Grievance Procedures............................................................................... 20-29 Anti-Retaliation Policy..................................................................................................30 Sexual Harassment Policy..................................................................................... 31-32 Notification of Rights under FERPA for Post Secondary Institutions..................... 33-35 Right to Privacy............................................................................................................36 Drop Limit....................................................................................................................37 Formula for Graduation................................................................................................38 The Value of a TSU Education.....................................................................................38 Schedule - Spring 2015......................................................................................... 39-82 Online Courses............................................................................................... 41-43 Weekend College.................................................................................................44 Honors..................................................................................................................45 Jesse H. Jones School of Business................................................................ 46-48 School of Communication............................................................................... 49-50 College of Education...................................................................................... 51-54 College of Liberal Arts and Behavioral Sciences............................................ 55-64 College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences.................................................... 65-68 Barbara Jordan-Mickey Leland School of Public Affairs................................. 69-72 School of Science and Technology................................................................. 73-80 Thurgood Marshall School of Law.................................................................. 81-82 Course Selection Bulletin - Spring 2015 | 1 Introduction Academic Calendar (Spring 2015) November 17, 2014 January 19, 2015 Spring registration period for continuing students January 9 Friday Last day to apply for spring admission January 11 Sunday Residence Halls open at 8:00 a.m. January 12-16 Monday-Friday Orientation and registration period for first-time freshmen and new transfer students January 16 Friday Last day to pay tuition and fees without a late fee January 19 Monday Martin Luther King, Jr. Day holiday January 20 Tuesday Classes Begin January 20-23 Tuesday-Friday Change of program period February 2 Monday TWELFTH CLASS DAY Last day to drop classes or withdraw from school without grades of W February 6 Friday Last day to file for May graduation February 11 Wednesday TWENTIETH CLASS DAY Purge of all unpaid course selections Last day to pay tuition and fees with a late fee February 16 Monday Second Installment payment due Presidents’ Day holiday March 7-13 Saturday-Friday MID-SEMESTER EXAMINATIONS March 14-20 Saturday-Friday Spring vacation March 16 Monday Third Installment payment due March 21 Classes Resume April 2 Thursday Honors Day April 3 Friday Good Friday holiday April 4 Saturday Classes resume April 10 Friday Last day to drop classes or withdraw from school with grades of W April 15 Wednesday Fourth Installment payment due May 8 Last day of classes May 9-15 Saturday-Friday FINAL EXAMINATIONS May 15 Friday Official closing of semester May 16 Commencement Exercises, 9:30 a.m. Please note that the academic calendar dates are subject to change. 2 | Cou rse Sele cti on Bullet in - Spr ing 2015 I ntr o d u cti o n Placement Test Requirements (ONLY ONE test is required) Incoming Texas Southern University students who are not otherwise exempted by law are recommended to attempt either the ASSET or THEA test for placement purposes. Education majors may attempt only the THEA test for admission into the College of Education. ASSET Test Fee (Payable by check, money $40.00 order, VISA, Master Card) THEA $10.00 institution fee, $29.00 test fee payable to NES Test Day Reporting Time 1:00 P.M. 8:00 A.M. Practice Test http://www.act.org/asset http://www.thea.nesinc.com Registration for Placement Test prior Online at http://em.tsu.edu/testing/index.php or in person at to the testing date University Testing Center, Education Building, Room 007 (basement). Test Office University Testing Center, Education Building, Room 007 (basement) Items to Bring • Admission Card, issued by the University Testing Center on Test Day • Two forms of identification. One must be acceptable photo identification. • Calculator, if applicable Acceptable Valid driver’s license, government-issued identification, passport, high school or Photo Identification college identification, etc. Test dates are available online at em.tsu.edu/testing Assigned test date is not transferable Test fee is nonrefundable. ACT-R Test Texas Southern University offers ACT-R (Residual ACT) testing on campus for those students who have not taken the national SAT or ACT exam. (Note: ACT-R score will not transfer to and are not accepted by other institutions.) Test Fee (Payable by check, $55.00 money order, VISA, Master Card) Test Day Reporting Time 1:00 P.M. Practice Test http://www.act.org/aap.pdf.preparing.pdf Registration for Placement Test Online at http://em.tsu.edu/testing/index.php or in person at prior to the testing date University Testing Center, Education Building, Room 007 (basement). Test Office University Testing Center, Education Building, Room 007 (basement) Items to Bring on Test Day • Admission Card, issued by the University Testing Center • Two forms of identification. One must be acceptable photo identification. • Calculator, if applicable Acceptable Valid driver’s license, government-issued identification, passport, high school or Photo Identification college identification, etc. Test dates are available online at em.tsu.edu/testing Assigned test date is not transferable Test fee is nonrefundable. Course Selection Bulletin - Spring 2015 | 3 Introduction What Courses to Take (Placement Test Standards for Developmental Courses) English/Writing Skills ASSET Scores COMPASS Scores ACCUPLACER Scores THEA/ TASP Scores Course Recommendations 0-28 0-36 0-57 0-180 ENG 129 29-34 37-43 58-61 181-200 ENG 130 35-37 (WS:5+) 44-50 (WS: 5+) 62-70 (WS: 0-4) 201-219 ENG 131 w/WRIT 101 38-39 (WS:5+) 51-58 (WS: 5+) 71-79 (WS: 5+) 40+ (WS:5+) 59+ (WS: 5+) 80+ (WS: 5+) 220 + ENG 131 ASSET Scores COMPASS Scores ACCUPLACER Scores THEA/ TASP Scores Course Recommendations 0-34 0-63 0-60 0-200 READ 130 ENG 131 w/WRIT 101 Reading Skills 35-37 64-72 61-68 201-216 College Level w/READ 101 38-40 73-80 69-77 217-229 College Level w/READ 101 41+ 81+ 78+ 230+ College Level ASSET Scores (Algebra) COMPASS Scores (Algebra) ACCUPLACER Scores (Algebra) THEA/ TASP Scores Course Recommendations 0-29 0-22 0-51 0-205 MATH 130 30-33 23-30 52-57 206-220 MATH 131 34-37 31-38 58-62 221-229 MATH 133 w/MATH 101 38+ 39+ 63+ 230+ MATH 133 Mathematics Skills During the course of each semester, an audit will be conducted on all enrolled students for compliance with the policies and procedures addressed herein by academic advisors in SAES. A student’s enrollment in a course not in compliance with the above policies and procedures will result in said enrollment being cancelled. 4 | Cou rse Sele cti on Bullet in - Spr ing 2015 I ntr o d u cti o n Guide to Course Offerings ACCT BADM ECON FIN CM ERM JOUR COUN EDAS EDCI EDFD EPSY HED AD ART CFDV CT ENG FCS FN FR GEOG HIST CLSC HSCR HSEH HSHA HSHI AFSC AJ EMGT FORS HMSC MSCI AWS BIOL CHEM CIVT CMET COE CONS CS DRFT SCHOOL OF BUSINESS MGMT Management MGSC Management Science MIS Management Information System MKTG Marketing SCHOOL OF COMMUNICATIONS RTF Communication Radio Television and Film SC Entertainment and Record Industry Mgmt. Speech Communication Journalism COLLEGE OF EDUCATION KIN Counseling Kinesiology PE Educational Administration Human Performance RDG Curriculum and Instruction Reading REC Educational Foundation Recreation SPED Educational Psychology Special Education SPMT Health Sports Management COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS AND BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES HSCS Apparel Design Human Services and Consumer Sciences MUSA Art Applied Music MUSI Child and Family Development Music PHIL Clothing and Textile Philosophy PSY English Psychology SOC Family and Consumer Sciences Sociology SOCW Foods and Nutrition Social Work SPAN French Spanish THEA Geography Theatre History COLLEGE OF PHARMACY AND HEALTH SCIENCES HSRT Clinical Laboratory Science Respiratory Therapy PADM Health Sciences Core Pharmacy Administration PHAR Environmental Health Pharmacy PHS Health Administration Pharmaceutical Sciences Health Information Management SCHOOL OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS NAVA Air Force Science Naval Sciences PA Administration of Justice Public Affairs PAD Emergency Management Public Administration PLN Forensic Science City Planning POLS Homeland Security Political Science UPEP Military Science Urban Planning and Environmental Policy COLLEGE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY ELET Airway Science Electronics Engineering Technology ENGT Biology Engineering Technology ES Chemistry Environmental Science GEOL Civil Engineering Technology Geology ITEC Computer Engineering Technology Industrial Technology MATH Cooperative Education Mathematics MTMS Construction Maritime Transportation Management Security PHYS Computer Science Physics TMGT Drafting Transportation Planning & Management Accounting Business Administration Economics Finance C o u r s e S e l e c t i o n B u l l e t i n - S p r i ng 2 0 1 5 | 5 Introduction How to Read the Course Listings Courses are listed alphabetically by college and by academic department. Course listings include the course subject, number and title and, below from left to right, the course reference number (CRN), section number, number of credit hours, meeting days, meeting times, building, room and instructor name. To select courses appropriate to a chosen degree plan, consult the catalog online or contact your academic advisor. Example course listing: ENG 131 Freshman English I 55551 12 3 MWF 1300-1350pm MLK251 Moore Subject: ENGLISH Number: 131 (100s=freshman, 200s=sophomore, 300s=junior, 400s=senior, 500s-900s=graduate/professional) Title: Freshman English I CRN: 55551 (Course Reference Number) Section: 12 Credits: 3 Meeting Day(s): Monday, Wednesday, and Friday M=Monday, T=Tuesday, W=Wednesday, R=Thursday, F=Friday, S=Saturday, U=Sunday Meeting Time(s): 1:00 to 1:50 pm Meeting Room: Martin Luther King Center Room 251 A meeting location with building code marked ** below or a “TBA” room should be verified with the teaching department. Instructor: Moore Building Legend BLDG Building Name BLDG Building Name ART J. T. Biggers Art Center PAB Public Affairs Building DEPT Department-Assigned ** PARK University Park, SH 249 and Louetta ED Education Building REC Recreational Center FH Fairchild Hall RMA Rhinehart Music Auditorium GH Gray Hall ROT Rotational Course ** HE Lane Consumer Sciences Building RSC Rollins-Stewart Music Center HPE Health and Physical Education Arena SB Science Building IE Industrial Education Shop TBA To Be Announced ** JHJ Jesse H. Jones Building TECH Technology Building KTSU KTSU Studio TMC Texas Medical Center ** LSB Thurgood Marshall Law School Building TMOD Technology Modules, west of Bell Hall MLK Martin Luther King Center UA Auditorium, Ollington Smith Playhouse NSC Nabrit Science Center UH University of Houston ** ONL Online Course ** (**) Contact Academic Department View the campus map online at http://em.tsu.edu/registrar/campusbuildings.php 6 | Cou rse Sele cti on Bullet in - Spr ing 2015 I ntr o d u cti o n Register for Courses Online (after student has been advised) Accessing the My TSU Web Portal • Go to the TSU Home page (http://www.tsu.edu) and click the MyTSUweb link located at the top right-hand corner of the page. • After the MyTSUweb page displays, click Students. • Enter User Name and Initial Password to access the site. Setup your secret question and answers. Login Item Standard Formula Example User Name All User Names are formulated using the following standard: <<first initial>> + . + <<first 14 characters of last name>> + <<last 4 digits of student ID>> John Doe (T00001234): j.doe1234 All students have an initial password that they will be required to change on the first login to the My TSU portal. All initial passwords are formulated using the following standard: John Doe’s birth date is 01/01/1988: Initial Password = Q!010188 Initial Password Jane Smitherson-Johnson (T00002345): j.smithersonjoh2345 Jane Smitherson-Johnson’s birth date is 11/28/1978: Initial Password = Q!112878 Q + ! +<<Birth Date>> (birth date is in the MMDDYY format) Resetting Your My TSU Web Portal Password The first time you log on to the My TSU Web Portal, you are asked to provide answers to four (4) security questions. To reset your password, perform the following tasks: • Go to the TSU Home page (http://www.tsu.edu) and click the MyTSUweb link located at the top right-hand corner of the page. • After the MyTSUweb page displays, click Students. • From the My TSU Web Portal home page, click Reset Your Password. • Before resetting your password, you are prompted to answer security questions. • You must answer two (2) of the four (4) security questions; these answers are not case-sensitive and white-space differences do not matter. • After answering two (2) of the four (4) security questions, you can reset your password. The My TSU Web Portal is a top-quality system for students that provides easy single sign-on access to a variety of online resources and services including, but not limited to, Registration, Financial Aid, Bill/Fee Payment, Summary Statements, Academic History, Grades, Unofficial Transcripts, Degree Audits, Google Apps (Including Gmail), TSU Web Content, Messages, and Blackboard. Course Selection Bulletin - Spring 2015 | 7 Introduction Find your Department College/School Building/Room College of Business Dean’s Office Accounting Office Business Administration Majors Offered Jesse H. Jones Bldg. (JHJ) Rm. 301 (JHJ) (713) 313-7215 Rm. 365 (JHJ) (713) 313-7910/7715/7737 Rm. 326 (JHJ) (713) 313-7708/7309/7590 o Accounting o Economics o Finance o Management o Marketing Roderick Paige School of Education (ED) Rm. 240 (ED) (713) 313-1054 Rm. 006 (ED) (713) 313-7731 Rm. 204 (ED) (713) 313-7267/1922 Rm. 249 (ED) (713) 313-7389/7340 Rm. 103 (HPE) (713) 313-7087 o Interdisciplinary Studies: Certification in Bilingual Education o Interdisciplinary Studies: Certification in Early Childhood Education o Interdisciplinary Studies: Certification in English o Interdisciplinary Studies: Certification in Science o Interdisciplinary Studies: Certification in Spanish o Interdisciplinary Studies: Certification in Reading o Health – Secondary Teaching o Human Performance: All Levels (K-12) o Human Performance: Secondary Teaching Hannah Hall (HH); Rollins-Stewart Music Bldg. (Music); Public Affairs Bldg (PAB) Rm. 315 (PAB) (713) 313-4287/7211 Rm. 106 (MLK) (713) 313-7916 Rm. 301 (MLK) (713) 313-1324 Rm. 112 (Music) (713) 313-7337/7794 Rm. 340 (PAB/COLABS) (713) 313-7794 Rm. 320 (PAB) (713) 313-7344/7421 Rm. 302 W (PAB) (713) 313-7783 Rm. 302 AK (PAB) (713) 313-7250/4438 Rm. 340 (PAB/COLABS) (713) 313-7794 o Art o English o French o General Studies: Cultural Studies Track o History o Music College of Education Dean’s Office Student Advisement Center Curriculum & Instruction Ed. Administration & Counseling Health & Kinesiology Ed. Majors Offered College of Liberal Arts & Behavior Sciences Dean’s Office English Foreign Languages Art, Music, and Theater History, Geography, General Studies Psychology Social Work Sociology Undecided Majors Offered o Spanish 8 | Cou rse Sele cti on Bullet in - Spr ing 2015 Phone I ntr o d u cti o n College/School Building/Room School of Communications Dean’s Office Majors Offered Martin L. King Bldg. (MLK) Rm. 223 (MLK) (713) 313-7740 o Journalism Track (Advertising & Public Relations Specialty) (713) 313-7740 o Journalism Track (Broadcast Journalism Specialty) (713) 313-7740 o Journalism Track (Print Journalism Specialty) (713) 313-7740 o Telecommunications (Electronic Media Track) (713) 313-7740 o Speech Communication (Organizational) (713) 313-7740 o Speech Communication (Intercultural/Interpersonal) (713) 313-7740 Gray Hall (GH) Rm. 240 (GH) (713) 313-7559 Rm. 134 (GH) (713) 313-6700 Rm. 202 (NSC) (713) 313-1151 Rm. 241 (GH) (713) 313-1887 Rm. 124 (GH) (713) 313-1885 o Clinical Laboratory Science o Environmental Health o Health Administration o Health Information Management o Respiratory Therapy o Pharmaceutical Sciences: M.S., PH.D. o Pre-Pharmacy Track o Doctor of Pharmacy Nabrit Science (NSC) / New Science Building (SB) Rm. 403P (SB) (713) 313-1860 Rm. 203Y (SB) (713) 313-7005 Rm. 403T (SB) (713) 313-7003 Rm. 314 (TECH) (713) 313-7611 Rm. 101 (TECH) (713) 313-7679 Rm. 115 (TECH) (713) 313-7679 Rm. 111K (SB) (713) 313-7002 Rm. 201 (TECH) (713) 313-1846 Rm. 215 (TECH) (713) 313-1841 Rm. 328 (TECH) (713) 313-1846 o Aviation Science & Technology Management Track o Biology (Pre-Med, Pre-Dental, Pre-Veterinary, Pre-Optometry, Pre-Physical Therapy, and Comprehensive) o Chemistry (Pre-Med, Pre-Dental and Comprehensive ACS Tracks) o Computer Science o Engineering Technology: Civil Engineering Track o Engineering Technology: Electronics Engineering Track o Engineering Technology: Computer Engineering Track o Industrial Technology: Construction Technology Track o Industrial Technology: Design Technology Track o Mathematics o Physics o Pre-Nursing - Room 203 (SB) College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences Dean’s Office Office of Student Services Health Sciences Pharmacy Practice Pharmaceutical Science Majors Offered College of Science and Technology Dean’s Office Biology Chemistry Computer Science Engineering Technology Industrial Technologies Mathematics Physics Transportation Studies Aviation Science and Technology Majors Offered School of Public Affairs Dean’s Office Advisors Administration of Justice Political Science and Public Affairs Urban Planning and Environmental Planning Majors Offered School of Law Dean’s Office Student Affairs Phone Roderick Paige School of Education (ED)/Hannah Hall (HH)/Public Affairs Bldg. (PAB) Rm. 415 (PAB) (713) 313-7401/7311 Rm. 420 (PAB) (713) 313-7405 Rm. 420 (PAB) (713) 313-6847 Rm. 420 (PAB) (713) 313-7405/7760 Rm. 420 (PAB) (713) 313-6842 o Administration of Justice o Political Science o Public Affairs Thurgood Marshall School of Law Rm. 223 (Law) (713) 313-1076 Rm. 214A (Law) (713) 313-1141 Course Selection Bulletin - Spring 2015 | 9 Introduction Pay Fees You may pay your tuition and fees in one of 3 ways: 1. Pay in full Pay in person Pay by fax Pay by web Pay by mail You can pay by cash, You can pay by credit card The University accepts Money order, cashiers money order, cashier’s (Visa, Mastercard, American online payment by Visa, check, or personal check check, or personal Express, Discover) by MasterCard, can be mailed to the check, credit card (Visa, faxing (fax=713-313-4316) American Express, Student Accounting Office. MasterCard, American a copy of your credit card Discover. Log in to your Please include SSN# or T#. Express, Discover) in authorization form to the account at www.tsu.edu person in the Student Student Accounting Office. If Accounting Office in the you have any questions call basement of the Bell 713 313-7052. Student Accounting Texas Southern University 3100 Cleburne Street Houston, Texas 77004 Building. 2. Pay in installments in person or online on MyTSU Web • Complete the Tuition and Fees Installment Agreement. (obtain in the Student Accounting Office). • Following approval, maintain the following installment payment plan # of payment Payment amount Due date 1st payment 25% of fees Due upon signing plus installment fee of $52.00 2nd payment 25% of fees February 16, 2015 3rd payment 25% of fees March 16, 2015 4th payment 25% of fees April 15, 2015 10 | Co urse Se lect ion Bullet in - Spr ing 2015 I ntr o d u cti o n 3. Pay by Financial Aid Deferment • To be eligible for a Financial Aid Deferment Plan, you must be eligible for financial aid, have a current Student Aid Report on file • Contact the Office of Student Financial Assistance • Sign online deferment at www.em.tsu.edu The Texas Southern University Electronic Deferment Process is designed to defer the payment of the student’s current balance based on an expected financial aid disbursements. Obtaining an electronic tuition deferment does not indicate the student has enough financial to pay their total outstanding balance with the university and serves as a binding contract between the student and Texas Southern University. You may complete the electronic tuition deferment on-line at your MyTSUWeb Account. The Texas Southern University Electronic Deferment Process (EDP) is available to students who • are regularly admitted student into an eligible academic program • are registered in a minimum of 6 credit hours • have an official response from the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) • have submitted all supporting documentation including, but not limited to the verification worksheet, parent’s and/or student federal income tax returns, and others items requested by the U.S. Department of Education prior to disbursement of Title IV aid • are not be in default on a federal loan • meet the minimum satisfactory academic requirements There is also “Third party payment” available at Texas Southern University. If you are paying through a third party (such as - DARS (Department of Assistive and Rehabilitative Services), Division of Rehabilitation Services, TCH (Texas Children Hospital), Texas Tomorrow Funds - Texas Guaranteed Tuition Plan, The Boeing Company Learning Together Program, ARMY), follow the steps below 1. Get an authorization letter from the third party. 2. Submit the authorization letter to the Student Accounting Office - E.O. Bell Building (Basement 109). 3. Your account will be credited after the payment is received from the third party. (Confirm with the Student Accounting Office whether your account has been properly credited by phone at 713-313-7052.) 4. Account balances that are not paid by the third party will be the responsibility of the student. (Contact your third party agency regarding an unpaid balance.) C o u r s e S e l e c t i o n B u l l e t i n - S p r i n g 2 0 1 5 | 11 Introduction Apply for Financial Aid Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) • Submission begins January 1 of every year. • Application may be submitted through the telephone or internet at www.fafsa.ed.gov. Paper applications may be requested by calling 1-800-433-3243. • Processing time is significantly decreased by using internet and telephone services • Receive email notification or paper response (Student Aid Report) in 2 to 4 weeks depending on method used to file application. • Review email or Student Aid Report for corrections and comments as soon as possible. • Submission prior to April 15 increases the likelihood of receiving maximum grant eligibility To complete the FAFSA, you will need the following documents: • A copy of your federal income tax return (if you are a dependent, you will need only your • parents’ return; if you are married, you will need your return and your spouse’s). • Copies of your most recent bank statements • The value of current investments • Business value and debt • Alien registration number (for permanent residents) • Social security number (for students; spouse, if married; and • parents if dependent) • Driver’s license Start e TSU Fe deral S arly!! chool C 003642 ode – Apply Electronically Filing electronically increases the accuracy of your application, saves mailing time, and reduces the processing time to about two weeks. The electronic version may be submitted on-line at the U.S. Department of Education web site, www. fafsa.ed.gov. TSU has computer stations available specifically for filing FAFSA forms. These computers are located in the Bell Building on the first floor, adjacent to the Office of Student Financial Assistance. Apply by Phone FAFSA on the Phone is a non-Web, paperless alternative to completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid. With the assistance of Federal Student Aid Information Center (FSAIC) customer service representatives (CSRs), students are given the flexibility to complete the FAFSA by relaying their information over the telephone. This service is provide free of charge by the U.S. Department of Education. Contact FSAIC at 1-800-4-FED-AID (1-800-433-3243) Sun: Closed, Mon - Fri: 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 midnight Eastern Time, Sat: 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Eastern Time 12 | Co urse Se lect ion Bullet in - Spr ing 2015 I ntr o d u cti o n Planning for the Semester Completing the chart below will assist you in developing a financial plan to pay for expected costs associated with your enrollment, housing and other living expenses during the academic year. Expenses Resources Tuition and Fees Grants Room and Board Loans Transportation Earnings Books Savings Personal Tuition Exemptions Medical University Scholarships Other Outside Scholarships Other V. A. Benefits Total Expenses Total Resources Total Expenses – Total Resources = estimated refund or estimated unmeet need ________________ – _________________ = _____________________________________________ 1. Go to www.em.tsu.edu 2. Click on “ Enrollment Services” to view your a. charges and payments and, b. financial aid information. 3. Complete the chart above to asses your a. refunds – resources in excess of expenses or, b. unmeet need – expenses in excess of resources A. Grants Federal Pell Grant PELL Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant SEOG Texas Public Education Grant TPEG Towards Excellence Access and Success TEXAS Academic Competitive Grant ACG National Science and Mathematics Access to Retain Grant SMART TOTAL Grants B. Loans Federal Perkins Loan PERK Federal Subsidized Stafford Loan STFD Federal Unsubsidized Stafford Loan UNSTFD Federal Parent Loan PLUS TOTAL Loans C. Earnings Federal College Work-Study Program FCWS Texas College Work-Study Program TCWS Other TOTAL Earnings C o u r s e S e l e c t i o n B u l l e t i n - S p r i n g 2 0 1 5 | 13 Introduction Degree Programs UNDERGRADUATE Jesse H. Jones School of Business BBA, Accounting BBA, Finance BBA, Management BBA, Marketing BBA, Management Information Systems College of Education BS, Health BS, Human Performance BS, Human Performance-Athletic Training BS, Interdisciplinary Studies BS, Sports Management School of Communication BA, Entertainment and the Recording Industry BA, Journalism BA, Speech Communication BA, Radio/ Television/ Film College of Liberal Arts and Behavioral Science BA, Art BA, English BA, Dietetics BA, General Studies BA, History BA, Human Services and Consumer Science BA, Music BA, Psychology BA, Social Work BA, Sociology BA, Spanish BA, Theatre Barbara Jordan-Mickey Leland School of Public Affairs BS, Administration of Justice BA, Political Science BS, Public Affairs College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences BS, Clinical Laboratory Science BS, Environmental Health BS, Health Administration BS, Health Information Management BS, Respiratory Therapy Pre-Pharmacy Track College of Science and Technology BS, Aviation Science Management BS, Biology BS, Chemistry BS, Civil Engineering Technology BS, Computer Engineering Technology BS, Computer Science BS, Electronics Engineering Technology BS, Industrial Technology BS, Maritime Transportation Management and Security BS, Mathematics GRADUATE Jesse H. Jones School of Business MBA, Business Administration MBA, Business Administration Accounting MBA, Business Administration - Health Care Administration MBA, Business Administration - MIS eMBA, Executive MBA - Energy Finance (Online) eMBA, Executive MBA - General (Online) JD/MBA, Law/Business Administration Dual Degree Program MS, Management Information Systems College of Education MED, Curriculum and Instruction MED, Educational Administration MED, Counselor Education MS, Health MS, Human Performance EDD, Education Administration EDD, Counselor Education EDD, Curriculum and Instruction School of Communication MA, Communication College of Liberal Arts and Behavioral Science MA, English MA, History MA, Psychology MA, Sociology Barbara Jordan-Mickey Leland School of Public Affairs MS, Administration of Justice MPA, Public Administration eMPA, Executive MPA - Public Administration MS, Urban Planning and Environmental Policy PHD, Administration of Justice PHD, Urban Planning and Environment Policy College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences MSHCA, Health Care Administration MS, Pharmaceutical Sciences PHD, Pharmaceutical Sciences PHARMD, Pharmacy College of Science and Technology MS, Biology MS, Chemistry MS, Computer Science MS, Environmental Toxicology MS, Transportation Planning and Management PHD, Environmental Toxicology Thurgood Marshall School of Law JD, Law 14 | Co urse Se lect ion Bullet in - Spr ing 2015 I ntr o d u cti o n University Housing STEP I. Obtain Admission to Texas Fees may be paid in person or by mail by the 12th class day of the semester, Southern University. at: Officeof Student Accounting, you will be charged a fee for University 3100 Cleburne St, Houston,TX 77004 sponsored healthcare insurance. STEP II. Visit www.tsu.edu to view Bell Bldg Basement. Please Note: A down payment of Residential Community Rates to view room type, rates and lease terms. STEP III. While online under the Please note: If payment is not received 70% of your residential expenses within 10 days of submission, you will covered by Financial Aid or other need to reapply. resources & means is required before you will be given your room housing webpage, select “Residential Meal Plans” tab to view meal plan STEP V. Within 72 hours of submitting assignment, lease and meal plan options and rates. Please note: All your electronic housing application, contract. residential students must select you will receive a “Status Letter” that a meal plan except students who details your total estimated cost of reside in Savoy, Rosewood, and attendance including housing and meal Your Residential Lease & Meal Plan Palm. plan. Please follow instructions within Contract: After you’ve completed the your “status letter” email to proceed steps in your “status letter” email, you further. will receive an electronic lease detailing Apply for the Urban Academic STEP VIII. Review & Acknowledge Village at: www.tsu.edu/village. your residential property, lease terms & Once you have received your STEP VI. Submission of Required acceptance letter from the UAV, you Information. Please be sure to may proceed with Step IV. For more provide important documentation STEP IX. Receive your Confirmation information regarding the selection such as immunization record, physical Letter & Welcome Brochure via process for the UAV program, please exam and completed student health email and arrive to the university for contact the UAV Admissions team at form the TSU Student Health Center. Residential Check in accordance to 713.313.1318 This documentation may be emailed the dates provided in your confirmation to “vaccines@tsu.edu” or faxed to letter. Please note: If you do not 713.313.7817. check-in with 48 hours of the STEP IV. While online under the housing webpage, click the “How to provisions and meal plan contract. Residential Check In period, you Apply” tab to complete and submit Please Note: ALL RESIDENTIAL your electronic housing application. STUDENTS MUST HAVE MENINGITIS have to be reassigned at the time of Please be sure to complete ALL fields. SHOT AND BE REGISTERED FOR Note: You will be required to pay the COURSES PRIOR TO CHECK-IN. may lose room reservation and will arrival. $250 non-refundable application/ administrative fee prior to submitting STEP VII. All students must provide application. If you wish to pay said proof of health insurance coverage by fee in person or by mail, please submitting insurance information to the choose the “cash” option. TSU Health Center or www.macori. com. If information is not submitted Note: All group housing reser’vations will be considered on a “First Come First Serve” basis. Your group housing reservation is not considered complete until all those in your group have registered for courses and all required documentation and payments (if necessary) are received. C o u r s e S e l e c t i o n B u l l e t i n - S p r i n g 2 0 1 5 | 15 Introduction Required Immunization In May 2011, the Texas State Legislature passed SB 1107, effective January 1, 2012, requiring all entering students under the age of 30 to public and private institutions of higher education to provide evidence of vaccination against bacterial meningitis administered within the last five years or a signed affidavit declining the vaccine at least 10 days prior to the start of classes for any given semester. Failure to do so required Texas Southern University to immediately withdraw a student from coursework. Bacterial meningitis is a serious, potentially deadly disease that can progress extremely fast – so take utmost caution. It is an inflammation of the membranes that surround the brain and spinal cord. The bacteria that cause meningitis can also infect the blood. This disease strikes about 3,000 Americans each year, including 100-125 on college campuses, leading to 5-15 deaths among college students every year. There is a treatment, but those who survive may develop severe health problems or disabilities. WHAT ARE THE SYMPTOMS? • High fever • Light sensitivity • Confusion and sleepiness • Rash or purple patches on • Severe headache • Vomiting • Lethargy skin (caused by bleeding • Stiff neck • Seizures • Nausea under the skin) The more symptoms, the higher the risk. When these symptoms appear, seek immediate medical attention HOW IS BACTERIAL MENINGITIS DIAGNOSED? Diagnosis is made by a medical provider and is usually based on a combination of clinical symptoms and laboratory results from spinal fluid and blood tests. Early diagnosis and treatment can greatly improve the likelihood of recovery. HOW IS THE DISEASE TRANSMITTED? The disease is transmitted when people exchange saliva (such as by kissing or by sharing drinking containers, utensils, cigarettes, toothbrushes, etc.) or come in contact with respiratory or throat secretions. HOW DO YOU INCREASE YOUR RISK OF GETTING BACTERIAL MENINGITIS? Your risk is increased through exposure to saliva by sharing cigarettes, water bottles, eating utensils, food, kissing, etc., or by living in close conditions (such as sharing a room/suite in a dorm or group home). WHAT ARE THE POSSIBLE CONSEQUENCES OF THE DISEASE? • Death (in 8 to 24 hours from • Permanent brain damage arms, legs) that require seemingly healthy to dead) • Gangrene amputation • Hearing loss, blindness • Limb damage (fingers, toes, • Kidney failure CAN THE DISEASE BE TREATED? • Antibiotic treatment, if received early, can save lives and increase chances of recovery. However, permanent disability or death can still occur. • Vaccinations are available and should be considered for those living in close quarters and for college students 25 years old or younger. • Vaccinations are effective against four of the five most common bacterial types that cause 70% of the disease in the United • Learning disability • Coma • Convulsions States (but do not protect against all types of meningitis). • Vaccinations take seven to ten days to become effective, with protection lasting three to five years. • The cost of vaccine varies, so check with your health-care provider. • Vaccination is very safe. Most common side effects are redness and minor pain at injection site for up to two days. HOW CAN I FIND OUT MORE INFORMATION? Contact your health-care provider or the Student Health Center at Texas Southern University, (713) 313-7173 or (713) 313-7174. Or, call your local or regional Texas Department of Health office at (713) 767-3000 (web sites: www.cdc.gov/ncidod/dbmd/diseaseinfo; www.acha.org.) For additional information please visit: www.tsu.edu/health 16 | Co urse Se lect ion Bullet in - Spr ing 2015 I ntr o d u cti o n Student Support Women’s Resource Center Parking Decal and Access card The Women’s Resource Center is an on-campus resource Parking decals and access cards can be picked up at West serving students, staff, faculty and members of the Side Garage. For more information, call 713-313-7084 community. Located in room 213 of the Sterling Student (parking decals), 713-313-4434 (access card). Life Center, the Women’s Resource Center is committed to enhancing the lives of every TSU student through advocacy, University Identification awareness, education, professionalism and personal The University Identification Card (Tiger One Card) can be development of diverse groups of women. For more picked up at Sterling Student Life Center, Room 232. For information, call (713) 313-6787. more information, call 713-313-7029. Library The University Bookstore The Robert James Terry Library serves the information and You can buy textbooks, magazines, snacks, student aids, research needs of the entire university campus. Additionally, test materials, and TSU Tiger apparel in the bookstore. resources are available in the Thurgood Marshall School Location: Sterling Student Life Center. For more information, of Law Library, which is located in the Thurgood Marshall call (713) 313-7030. School of Law Building. For more information, call 713313-7148 - R. J. Terry Library, 713-313-4455 - Thurgood Cooperative Education and Placement Marshall School of Law Library. Services The Cooperative Education and Placement Services STUDENT HEALTH Services Office is designed to provide support services that will help Student Health Services is located in the Student Health students develop and/or enhance job seeking skills. The Center on Tierwester. Health Services provides medical Co-op and Placement Center is located in Room 152 of the care to students when they are sick or injured. Health Fairchild Building. For services and more information, visit Services is open Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to the Cooperative Education and Placement Services Office 5:00 p.m. For more information, go to www.tsu.edu/health or call (713) 313-7541. or call 713 313-7173. Veterans Affairs University COUNSELING CENTER Information on the TSUVRC can be found on Facebook, The mission is to help students enhance their academic and Twitter, and on TSU’s website. For additional information personal well being. The UCC provides personal counseling, please call 713-313-7327 or visit our website at http://www. crisis intervention, drug and alcohol education and outreach tsu.edu/Life_at_TSU/Student_Services/veteran_affairs/ to TSU students. The UCC is located in the Student Health default.php. Center. For information, call (713) 313-7804. Office of Disabilities Student LIFE CENTER In maintaining compliance with the Americans with The Ernest S. Sterling Student Life Center is the hub Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990, the ADA Amendments Act of activities at Texas Southern University. For more (ADAAA) of 2008, and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation information, call (713) 313-7068. Act of 1973 as amended, the University ensures that equal opportunities are provided to persons with disabilities in all its facilities, programs, activities, and services. Contact the Office of Disability Services for additional information, at (713) 313-4210 or stop by the Student Health Center. C o u r s e S e l e c t i o n B u l l e t i n - S p r i n g 2 0 1 5 | 17 Introduction Campus Organization Barbara Jordan - Mickey Leland School of Public Affairs Administration of Justice (7) Alpha Phi Sigma Administration of Justice Honor Society (5) Political Science Club (11) TSU Pre-Law Society (11) College of Education Chi Sigma Iota (22) Health and Kinesiology (30) TSU Counseling Association (3) College of Science & Technology American Chemical Society (15) American Pharmacists Association (14) Chinese Overseas Transportation Association (11) Computer & Information Technology Student Organization (14) Health Occupation Students of America (4) Institute of Transportation Engineers (7) Intelligent Transportation Society (22) Maritime Student Association (4) National Organization for the Professional Advancement of Black Chemists & Chemical Engineers (18) Student Environmental Health Association (24) TSU Computing Society (4) TSU Maroon Tails - Women in Aviation International (22) TSU Pre-Nursing Association (9) Lambda Beta: National Honor Society for the Professional Respiratory Care (10) Lambda Kappa Sigma Pharmacy Fraternity (4) Phi Delta Chi Pharmacy Fraternity (35) Phi Lambda Sigma National Pharmacy Leadership Society (5) Pre-Health Professions Club (5) Student Healthcare Executive Association (26) Student National Pharmaceutical Association (12) Student Society of Health- System Pharmacists (51) Cultural Chinese Student and Scholar Association (13) Hispanic Student Association (41) Jesse H. Jones School of Business American Marketing Association (8) Entrepreneurship Club (8) National Association of Black Accountants (11) Multi-Cultural Greek Council – TSU Chapter Kappa Delta Chi Sorority Inc. (7) Multi-cultural Greek Council (11) Omega Delta Phi Fraternity Inc. (5) Sigma Lambda Beta International Fraternity, Inc. (6) Sigma Lambda Gamma National Sorority Inc. (6) Mutual Interest California Club (6) Dallas Club (33) Epsilon Xi Gamma, Inc. (3) Groove Phi Groove Social Fellowship, Inc. (1) KINKS- A Natural Hair Care Club (17) MIDWEST Club (10) College of Liberal Arts &Behavioral National Association for the Advancement Sciences of Colored People (6) Dietetics Club (16) Pre-Alumni Association (21) El Club de Español (32) Rho Chi Psi - Recruitment and Kappa Kappa Psi National Honorary Retention Organization (4) Band Fraternity (14) Strive For College (8) Sociology Scholars Association (5) Student TSU Student Veterans of America Social Work Organization (30) Tau Beta Sigma National Honorary National Pan Hellenic Council – Band Sorority (11) TSU Chapter Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Inc. (16) College of Pharmacy & Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc. (10) Health Sciences Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc. (12) African Pharmacy Student Association (63) Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity Inc. (11) Be The Match (8) Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Inc. (6) Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity Inc. (52) Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity Inc. (8) Zeta Phi Beta Sorority Inc. (9) School of Communication Radio/TV/Film Club National Association of Black Journalists Communication Student Alliance TSU-TV Professional American Association of Blacks in Energy (4) Clinical Laboratory Science Program (19) Collegiate 100 Black Men (63) Collegiate 100 Black Women (29) National Society of Collegiate Scholars (33) United Nations Association (13) Spiritual Alpha Lambda Omega Christian Sorority Inc. (2) Baptist Student Ministry (5) Divine Unity One (14) Intervarsity Christian Fellowship (5) Living Testimony Gospel Ministry (8) Tigers for Christ (6) Wesley Foundation (12) Sports & Recreational Campus Recreational Professionals (12) Student Athlete Advisory Committee (23) TSU Dance Company (10) TSU Tennis Club (4) TSU Volleyball (8) Thomas F. Freeman Honors College Honors Ambassadors (30) National Collegiate Honors Society (60) Golden Key International Honour Society (20) Thurgood Marshall College Fund Ambassadors (10) Thurgood Marshall School of Law 1L Class (45) 2L Class (176) 3L Class (26) African Law Students Association (12) APALSA (11) BOA/Moot Court (41) Caribbean Law Society (13) Christian Legal Society (56) Delta Theta Phi (31) Gender, Race & Justice Journal (52) Hispanic Law Students Association (172) Intellectual Property Law Society (8) International Law Student Association (3) Outlaw TMSL (14) Phi Alpha Delta (9) Student Bar Association (8) United Law Students Association (17) Women of Law (6) ( ) - # of members Campus Organization is Located in the Sterling Student Center, Room 215 18 | Co urse Se lect ion Bullet in - Spr ing 2015 I ntr o d u cti o n Textbook Availability Textbook information is available on the University’s internet class schedule, from the ‘Search Course Listings’ link on http://em.tsu.edu/course. Order and reserve textbooks on the University bookstore website, www.tsu.edu/pages/2530.asp. A student of this institution is not under any obligation to purchase a textbook from a university-affiliated bookstore. The same textbook may also be available from an independent retailer, including an online retailer. Class Attendance Rule All students are required to be present for all class meetings of any course for which they are enrolled. Students are responsible for learning about, becoming knowledgeable of and complying with the attendance policy stated in the catalog and/or faculty syllabus. Faculty members will provide details on the rules for attendance in their classes in their course syllabi. Faculty members will keep students’ attendance records. Record keeping A record of excused and unexcused absences will be maintained by faculty members. When requested by the student, teachers must inform the student who has been absent whether make-up work is allowed and whether absences jeopardize the student’s standing in a class. Non- Attendance Students who register for courses for a particular semester must attend their classes starting on the first-day of class. Students who have not attended classes up to the 12th day of classes will be reported to the Registrar’s office for nonattendance. A student who is reported for non-attendance, will be dropped from those classes. Students who have supporting documentation for their absence(s) must present their documentation to the instructor who reported them for non-attendance. The instructor may evaluate their supporting documentation and hear their case. If denied, the student will have to re-register for the course as early as the next semester the class is available. If the instructor approves the student for re-instatement, the instructor will submit a request in writing for the re-instatement to the Dean of the School or College. If the Dean approves the request for reinstatement, the Dean of the School or College will submit in writing to the Registrar’s Office to allow the student to be re-instated. C o u r s e S e l e c t i o n B u l l e t i n - S p r i n g 2 0 1 5 | 19 Introduction Title IX Grievance Procedures I. PURPOSE AND SCOPE It is the policy of Texas Southern University not to discriminate on the basis of sex in its educational programs and activities as required by Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972. Title IX provides that “No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance. Sex discrimination includes sexual harassment and sexual assault. This policy shall apply to all students, staff, faculty, contractors, vendors, and/or visitors to Texas Southern University. As a student of the University you are protected from sex discrimination in areas including, but not limited to: • Admission to schools/colleges • Access to enrollment in courses • Access to and use of school facilities • Counseling and guidance materials, tests and practices • Vocational education • Physical education • Competitive athletics • Graduation requirements • Student rules, regulations and benefits • Treatment as a married and/or pregnant student • Housing • Financial assistance • Health services • School-sponsored extracurricular activities As an employee of the University you are protected from sex discrimination in areas including, but not limited to: • Employment, evaluation, wages, advancement, assigned duties and shifts • Career advancement • Other terms and conditions of employment II. DEFINITIONS A. Sex Discrimination. Sex discrimination can occur when conduct is directed at a specific individual or a group of identifiable individuals that adversely affects the education or employment of the individual or group because of sex. Behavior that may be sex discrimination include, but are not limited to: • Exclusion from educational resources or activities because of one’s gender • Subjection to jokes or derogatory comments about one’s gender; or • Being held to different standards or requirements on the basis of one’s gender 20 | Co urse Se lect ion Bullet in - Spr ing 2015 I ntr o d u cti o n B. Sexual Harassment. Sexual harassment is a form of sex discrimination that can occur when there are: • Unwelcome sexual advances; • Request for sexual favors, whether or not accompanied by promises or threats relating to the employment or academic relationship, or that in any way influence any academic or personnel decision regarding a person’s academic standing, employment, evaluation, wages, advancement, assigned duties, shifts or any other condition of employment, career or academic development; • Any verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature that threatens or implies, either explicitly or implicitly, that an employee’s or student’s submission to or rejection of sexual advances will in any way influence any personnel or academic decision regarding his or her academic standing, employment, evaluation, wages, advancement, assigned duties, shifts or any other condition of employment, career or academic development; • Any verbal or physical conduct that has the purpose or effect of substantially interfering with an employee’s ability to do his or her job or a student’s academic standing, performance or development; • Any verbal or physical conduct that has the purpose or effect of creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive working or educational environment; and • Certain conduct in the workplace or educational environment, whether physical or verbal, committed by supervisors, non-supervisory personnel, or faculty, including but not limited to references to an individual’s body; use of sexually degrading words to describe an individual; offensive comments; off-color language or jokes; innuendoes; and sexually suggestive objects or behavior, books, magazines, photographs, cartoons or pictures. C. Sexual Assault. Sexual assault is a nonconsensual act involving psychological manipulation, physical force, or coercion. As defined by the Texas Penal Code, a stranger or acquaintance commits sexual assault through forcible sodomy, forcible sexual penetration, however slight, of another person’s mouth, anal or genital opening with any object. These acts must be committed without the victim’s consent either by force, threat of force or violence, intimidation or through the use of the victim’s mental or physical helplessness of which the accused was aware or should have been aware. III. REPORTING OF COMPLAINTS Texas Southern University (TSU) encourages any student, employee or visitor who thinks that she or he has been subjected to sex discrimination, sexual harassment or sexual assault by another student, member of the faculty or staff, campus visitor or contractor, to report that action immediately to the University’s Title IX Coordinator or a Deputy Coordinator. Any complaint of sex discrimination, sexual harassment or sexual assault made under this procedure must be submitted in writing within 180 days after the occurrence (or the last of a series of occurrences) of the alleged discrimination. Every dean, department head, director, supervisor or administrator is responsible for promptly reporting incidents of sex discrimination, sex harassment and sexual assault that come to their attention to the University’s Title IX Coordinator or a Deputy Coordinator. All other individuals are urged to report to their supervisors or the University’s Title IX Coordinator/ Deputy Coordinators conduct that they believe violate the University policies prohibiting sex discrimination. C o u r s e S e l e c t i o n B u l l e t i n - S p r i n g 2 0 1 5 | 21 Introduction IV. NOTICE OF TITLE IX COORDINATOR/DEPUTY COORDINATORS While compliance with the law is everyone’s responsibility at the University, listed below are the University’s Title IX Coordinator/Deputy Coordinators who have primary responsibility for Title IX Compliance. Title IX Coordinator Keisha David Associate Director, Employee Relations and Compliance Office of Human Resources Hannah Hall, Room 126 Texas Southern University Houston, TX 77004 (713) 313-7037 David_KL@tsu.edu Duties and responsibilities of the Title IX Coordinator include monitoring and oversight of overall implementation of Title IX compliance at the University, including, but not limited to coordination of training, education, communications, and administration of grievance procedures for faculty, staff, students and other members of the University community. Title IX Deputy Coordinators For students: Corliss RabbWilliam Thomas Director of Judicial Affairs Associate Dean of Students Office of the Dean of Students Office of the Dean of Students Recreation Center, Room 200 Recreation Center, Room 200 Texas Southern University Texas Southern University Houston, TX 77004 Houston, TX 77004 (713) 313-7956(713) 313-6816 rabb_ca@tsu.eduthomas_wa@tsu.edu If you have a complaint against a TSU student for sex discrimination, sex harassment or sexual assault, you should contact the Associate Dean of Students or the Director of Judicial Affairs. The Associate Dean of Students and the Director of Judicial Affairs are responsible for Title IX compliance for matters involving students, including training, education, communication, and administration of the grievance procedure for all complaints filed against TSU students. 22 | Co urse Se lect ion Bullet in - Spr ing 2015 I ntr o d u cti o n For faculty, staff and visitors: Sanya Sinclair Human Resources Generalist Office of Human Resources Hannah Hall, Room 126 Texas Southern University Houston, TX 77004 (713) 313-7881 SinclairSA@tsu.edu If you have a complaint against a TSU faculty member, staff member, visitor or contractor for sex discrimination, sex harassment or sexual assault, you should contact the Office of Human Resources. The Human Resources Generalist is responsible for Title IX compliance for matters involving faculty and staff, including training, education, communication, and administration of the grievance procedure for all complaints against faculty, staff and visitors, including those complaints filed by students. For Athletics: Dr. Dwalah Fisher Senior Woman Administrator - Athletics Health & Physical Education Building, Room Texas Southern University Houston, Texas 77004 (713) 313- 7272 Fisher_DL@tsu.edu Complaints against TSU students and Employees in Athletics If you have a complaint against a TSU student, coach or administrator for sexual discrimination, sexual harassment, or sexual assault, you may contact one of the offices listed above, or you may contact the Senior Woman Administrator Athletics, who will facilitate the handling of the complaint with the appropriate office. Gender Equity in Athletics If you have a complaint about gender equity in TSU athletic programs, you should contact the Senior Woman Administrator - Athletics, who is responsible for Title IX compliance in matters relating to gender equity in TSU athletic programs. C o u r s e S e l e c t i o n B u l l e t i n - S p r i n g 2 0 1 5 | 23 Introduction For Sexual Assault: To file a complaint of sexual assault, you may contact one of the offices listed above, and you may also contact: TSU Department of Public Safety Texas Southern University 3443 Blodgett Street (713) 313-7000 (Emergency) (713) 313-7001 (Non-emergency) U. S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights You may also file a complaint of illegal discrimination with the Dallas regional office of the U. S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights. Confidentiality Discrimination and harassment complaints will be handled in a confidential manner to the extent possible and consistent with principles of due process. Information will only be shared on a need-to-know basis and as provided for by University policy and applicable federal and state laws. V. INFORMAL RESOLUTION PROCEDURES Though not required, employees and students are encouraged to attempt initially to resolve complaints at the lowest level through the administrative structure of the employment unit or academic department. If you would like to proceed informally, you should ask your supervisor, the other person’s supervisor, the Title IX Coordinator or a Deputy Title IX Coordinator to intervene. Do not rely upon other co-workers or individuals who are not familiar with University policy to intervene on your behalf when discussing your concerns with the person whose behavior is unwelcome and/or offensive. In cases involving allegations of sexual assault, mediation is not appropriate, even on a voluntary basis. You have the right to end the informal resolution process at any time and begin the formal resolution process. Supervisors or administrators, including faculty, always should contact the Title IX Coordinator or a Deputy Coordinator before attempting to resolve any complaints. VI. FORMAL RESOLUTION PROCEDURES You may initiate formal complaint procedures by filing a complaint with the University’s Title IX Coordinator or a Deputy Coordinator (“Coordinator”) whether or not you have attempted resolution through informal procedures. The individual who files the complaint is referred to as the “Complainant”. The individual against whom the complaint is filed is referred to as the “Respondent”. Collectively these individuals are referred to as the “parties”. The University will work to investigate all complaints as quickly and professionally as possible. When investigations confirm the discrimination and/or harassment allegations, appropriate corrective action will be taken to prevent the recurrence of any discrimination or harassment. 24 | Co urse Se lect ion Bullet in - Spr ing 2015 I ntr o d u cti o n 1. Filing of a Complaint. The complaint must be submitted in writing, must be filed within one hundred eighty (180) days of the incident (or last of a series of incidents) that is the basis of the complaint, and must contain the following information: • Complainant’s name and contact information, including address, telephone number and e-mail address; • Name of Complainant’s Department Head/Dean/Vice President (if Complainant is an employee); • Name of person(s) responsible for alleged violation(s); • Date(s) and place(s) of alleged violation(s); • Nature of alleged violation(s) as defined in this policy; • Detailed description of the specific conduct that is the basis of alleged violation(s); • Names of any witnesses to alleged violation(s); • Action requested to resolve the situation; • Complainant’s signature and date of filing; and • Any other relevant information/documents The following communications do not constitute a complaint and will not be investigated or resolved pursuant to this complaint resolution process: • Oral allegations • E-mail correspondence • Anonymous communications • Courtesy copies of correspondence or a complaint filed with others/other entities • Inquires that seek advice or information only • Pre-complaint consultations and informal resolution activities Notwithstanding the foregoing, the University will, pursuant to its obligations under Title IX, respond to all incidents of possible sex discrimination, harassment and sexual assault, of which it knows or reasonably should know. 2. Receipt of a Complaint. Upon receipt of the written complaint, the Coordinator will meet with the Complainant within five (5) working days to review the complaint procedures, discuss the Complainant’s allegations, and determine, if appropriate, whether the Complainant is amenable to resolving the complaint through informal procedures. If the Complainant is willing to first proceed informally, the Coordinator will temporarily postpone the complaint investigation and contact the Respondent to determine whether he or she is willing to participate in an informal resolution. If the Complainant wishes to proceed directly with the formal complaint procedures, or the Respondent declines to participate in an informal resolution, or attempts to resolve the complaint through informal procedures are unsuccessful, the Coordinator will assess the Complainant’s written complaint to determine whether the allegations state a potential violation of federal or state laws and/or University policies. C o u r s e S e l e c t i o n B u l l e t i n - S p r i n g 2 0 1 5 | 25 Introduction 3. Acceptance of a Complaint. Within five (5) working days of: 1) the Coordinator’s receipt of the complaint; 2) the Coordinator’s initial meeting with the Complainant; or 3) the Coordinator’s determination that an informal resolution of the Complainant’s complaint is no longer feasible – whichever is later, the Coordinator shall decide whether the written complaint states a potential violation of University policies or federal or state laws and shall notify the Complainant in writing of her/his determination. If the Coordinator determines that the allegations of the complaint state a potential violation, the Coordinator will notify the Complainant that the complaint has been accepted and within ten (10) days thereafter provide written notice to the Respondent of the complaint allegations. In addition to notice of the complaint being provided to the Respondent, the Coordinator shall provide notice to the Respondent’s immediate supervisor and divisional vice president. If the Coordinator determines that the allegations of the complaint do not state a violation of University policy or federal or state laws, the Coordinator will provide written notice of this decision to the Complainant. The notice shall explain why the complaint does not state a violation. 4. Complaint Investigation. The allegations in all complaints will be investigated thoroughly to assure a resolution that is consistent with the facts. The investigation may include, but is not limited to: • Interviewing the Complainant • Interviewing the Respondent • Interviewing witnesses and reviewing evidence presented by the parties • Interviewing other material witnesses • Reviewing relevant files and records; • Comparing the treatment of the Complainant to that of others similarly situated in the department or unit; and/or • Reviewing applicable policies and procedures All interviews will be audio recorded. Parties and witnesses will be informed that their statements will remain confidential only to the extent allowed by laws. Evidence will be reviewed using a preponderance of the evidence standard (e.g. is it more likely than not that a violation of University policy occurred). 5. Abandonment of Complaint. The following acts may constitute abandonment of a complaint: • Failing to respond or take an action required by the policy or procedure within the specified time limit; • Failing to appear for a scheduled meeting/hearing without adequate cause; or • Otherwise failing to advance the complaint in a timely manner. 26 | Co urse Se lect ion Bullet in - Spr ing 2015 I ntr o d u cti o n No further action or appeal will be allowed following a Coordinator’s determination that the Complainant has abandoned their complaint. The Coordinator will provide written notice to the Complainant of this determination. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the University will, pursuant to its obligations under Title IX, respond to all incidents of possible sex discrimination, harassment and sexual assault, of which it knows or reasonably should know. 6. Report of Findings and Recommendation – Complaints Against Nonstudents. The investigation shall normally be concluded within sixty (60) working days of the filing of the written complaint, at which time the Coordinator shall issue a written report to the Respondent’s supervisor/department head. If a complaint is directed against a supervisor/department head who would otherwise act on a complaint, the function assigned to that supervisor/department head will be delegated to the next level supervisor in the Respondent’s line of supervision. The report shall include a summary of the Complainant’s allegations, the Respondent’s response to the allegations, findings of fact and conclusions, as well as appropriate recommendations. If the report determines a finding of a violation of University policy and/or federal or state law, within five (5) working days following receipt of the report of findings and recommendation, the supervisor/department head shall determine a disciplinary action that is appropriate for the severity of the conduct. Disciplinary action which may include sexual harassment, non-retaliation and/or managerial training, a letter of reprimand, a formal letter of apology to the Complainant, a reduction in administrative duties (e.g. removal as chair of department), unpaid suspension and/or termination of employment, will be taken in accordance with applicable University policies and procedures. Disciplinary action must be approved by the Office of Human Resources prior to the action being taken. The supervisor/department head shall communicate the discipline decision in writing to the Coordinator and the Coordinator shall provide written notice to the parties of the outcome of the investigation. 7. Report of Findings and Recommendation – Complaints Against Students. The investigation shall normally be concluded within sixty (60) days of the filing of the written complaint, at which time the Coordinator shall issue a written report. The report shall include a summary of the Complainant’s allegations, the Respondent’s response to the allegations, findings of fact and conclusions, as well as appropriate recommendations. Any disciplinary proceedings involving a student will be conducted pursuant to the provisions of the University’s Student Conduct Code. Disciplinary sanctions under the Code may include sexual harassment and non-retaliation counseling, disciplinary reprimand, disciplinary probation, suspension and expulsion. The University will take necessary steps to prevent the recurrence of any discrimination found to exist. The Coordinator shall provide written notice to the parties of the outcome of the investigation. C o u r s e S e l e c t i o n B u l l e t i n - S p r i n g 2 0 1 5 | 27 Introduction In all Student Conduct Code disciplinary proceedings initiated pursuant to this Policy the Complainant will be provided with the same procedural protections provided to the Respondent, including but not limited to the right to: • Receive notice of the hearing; • Select and be accompanied and assisted by an advisor; • Attend a pre-hearing disciplinary conference; • Present witnesses and evidence in support of her/his position; • Appeal the determination of the hearing panel; • Notice of the outcome of the complaint and any appeal Further, the Complainant and Respondent will not be allowed to personally question or cross-examine each other during disciplinary hearings/proceedings. Finally, all evidence will be reviewed using a preponderance of the evidence standard (e.g. is it more likely than not that a violation of the Student Conduct Code occurred). As required by Federal law, any disclosure of the findings and decision in regards to student disciplinary proceedings will be governed by the provisions of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act. 8. Protective Measures. At times the Title IX Coordinator/Deputy Coordinator may deem it necessary to recommend steps before or during an investigation to protect the rights and interests of the Complainant and/or the Respondent. Those measures may be designed to reduce or eliminate contact between the Complainant and Respondent so that both parties feel safe in their work or educational environment. Protective measures may also guard against further actual or perceived discrimination or retaliation. Protective measures may include but are not limited to temporary changes in working conditions (such as changes in supervisor, shift, job site, or office location), changes in class schedule, changes in living arrangements, directives to the Complainant and Respondent to avoid personal contact or refrain from such contact without a third party neutral person present, and in severe cases interim suspension. 9. Effect of Criminal Proceedings. Because sexual assault may constitute both a violation of University policy and criminal activity, the University encourages students to report alleged sexual assaults promptly to University and/or local law enforcement agencies. Criminal investigations may be useful in the gathering of relevant evidence, particularly forensic evidence. Because the standards for finding a violation of criminal law are different from the standards for finding a violation of this Policy, criminal investigations or reports are not determinative of whether sexual assault, for purposes of this Policy, has occurred. In other words, conduct may constitute sexual assault under this Policy even if law enforcement agencies lack sufficient evidence of a crime and therefore decline to prosecute. The filing of a complaint of sexual assault under this Policy is independent of any criminal investigation or proceeding, and (except that the University’s investigation may be delayed temporarily while the criminal investigators are gathering evidence) the University will not wait for the conclusion of any criminal investigation or proceedings to commence its own investigation and take interim measures to protect the Complainant and the University Community, if necessary. 28 | Co urse Se lect ion Bullet in - Spr ing 2015 I ntr o d u cti o n 10. Retaliation Prohibited. It is contrary to Title IX, and other federal and state civil rights laws, and to University policy, to retaliate against any person for asserting his/her civil rights, including filing a claim of discrimination or participating as a witness in an investigation. Retaliation or reprisals against any participant in an investigation will not be tolerated by the University. Retaliation against a person who files a claim of discrimination (including sexual harassment or sexual assault) is grounds for a subsequent claim by that person under the University’s Retaliation policy (MAPP 02.05.14). If a person believes that he or she has been retaliated against as a result of filing a grievance or participating in the investigation of a grievance, he or she may pursue a separate complaint charging retaliation. 11. Filing of False Complaints. Any employee or student who knowingly and intentionally files a false complaint under this procedure is subject to disciplinary action up to and including dismissal from the University/termination of employment. 12. Time Frames. Time frames referenced in these procedures may be extended by the Coordinator for good cause, such as holidays or when classes are not in session, or when it is necessary to complete an investigation due to difficulties reaching witnesses or parties to the complaint. VII. TITLE IX GRIEVANCE PROCEDURES. This procedure shall constitute the grievance procedures for complaints alleging unlawful sex discrimination required under Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972. As used herein, “complaint” is synonymous with “grievance”. VIII. OTHER DISCRIMINATION GRIEVANCES/COMPLAINTS Complaints and grievances by faculty, staff and students alleging other forms of unlawful discrimination and harassment by faculty or staff, including but not limited to unlawful discrimination/harassment based on race, color, religion, national origin, age, disability, sexual orientation or veteran status, are subject to the procedures set forth in the University’s “Complaint and Grievance Policy” – MAPP 02.05.01. C o u r s e S e l e c t i o n B u l l e t i n - S p r i n g 2 0 1 5 | 29 Introduction Anti-Retaliation Policy Policy It is the policy of Texas Southern University that positive employee relations and morale can best be achieved and maintained in an environment that promotes ongoing open communication between administration, staff, faculty, and students, including open and candid discussions of problems and concerns. The University encourages staff, faculty and students to express their issues, concerns or opinions without fear of retaliation or reprisal. Therefore, the University wishes to make clear that it considers acts or threats of retaliation to constitute a serious violation of University policy. Retaliation is any action that has the effect of punishing a person for engaging in a legally protected activity, such as alleging discrimination, making a discrimination or harassment complaint, or assisting in a discrimination or harassment investigation. The EEOC has determined that there three essential elements of a retaliation claim: 1) engaging in a legally protected activity, 2) an adverse employment action, such as suspension, demotion, or termination and, 3) a causal connection between engaging in the protected activity and the adverse employment action. Other examples of adverse employment actions include but are not limited to harassment, intimidation, threats or coercion. Retaliation against any person who seeks assistance from the Offices of General Counsel, Internal Audit, Institutional Compliance or Human Resources, or who files a claim of discrimination, including sexual harassment, is prohibited. Direct or indirect retaliation against anyone who, in good faith, raises or points out compliance-related violations or issues is also prohibited. There shall be no retaliation against any participant or witness in an investigation of a complaint, grievance or compliance violation. Any employee who retaliates against a fellow employee or a student in violation of the law and/or this policy is subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment. Procedures All administrators, managers and faculty should take proactive measures to assure staff or students that the University encourages the reporting of problems and prohibits retaliation or reprisal for reporting such problems. Allegations of retaliation will be investigated pursuant to the University’s Retaliation Investigation Procedures. Any employee who is found to have retaliated against a fellow employee or a student in violation of the law and/or this policy is subject to disciplinary action in accordance with the University’s Discipline and Termination Policy, up to and including termination of employment. An employee who has a complaint of retaliation by anyone at work, including any supervisor, co-worker, or visitor, should report such conduct to his or her supervisor. In addition, the employee should report the retaliation to the University’s Employment Compliance Manager. If the complaint involves the employee’s supervisor or someone in the direct line of supervision, or if the employee for any reason is uncomfortable in dealing with his or her immediate supervisor, the employee should go directly to the Compliance Manager. If the complaint involves the Compliance Manager, the employee should make a report to the University’s General Counsel. For more information, contact the Office of General Counsel at (713) 313-7950. 30 | Co urse Se lect ion Bullet in - Spr ing 2015 I ntr o d u cti o n Sexual Harassment Policy It is the policy of Texas Southern University that all employees have the right to work in an environment free of discrimination and sexual harassment. As such, the University has a no-tolerance policy on sexual harassment. That means that any employee who sexually harasses a fellow employee or a student is subject to discipline, up to and including termination of his or her employment. The University’s sexual harassment policy is designed to apply to employment and academic relationships among faculty, administrators, staff, and students and prohibits male-to-female, female-to-male, faculty-student and same-sex harassment. Every employee of the University must avoid offensive or inappropriate sexual and/or sexually harassing behavior at work. Furthermore, the University’s guidelines apply to all sexual advances, regardless of whether they are made in the office, outside the office, or during social or business occasions. Definitions Texas Southern University has adopted and incorporated the regulations of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) and case law that define sexual harassment and hostile work environment. Prohibited conduct and activities include: 1. Unwelcome sexual advances; 2. Requests for sexual favors, whether or not accompanied by promises or threats relating to the employment relationship or that in any way influence any personnel decision regarding a person’s employment, evaluation, wages, advancement, assigned duties, shifts or any other condition of employment or career development; 3. Any verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature that threatens or implies, either explicitly or implicitly, that an employee’s submission to or rejection of sexual advances will in any way influence any personnel decision regarding his or her employment, evaluation, wages, advancement, assigned duties, shifts or any other condition of employment or career development; 4. Any verbal or physical conduct that has the purpose or effect of substantially interfering with an employee’s ability to do his or her job; 5. Any verbal or physical conduct that has the purpose or effect of creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive working environment; 6. Certain conduct in the workplace, whether physical or verbal, committed by supervisors or non-supervisory personnel, including but not limited to references to an individual’s body; use of sexually degrading words to describe an individual; offensive comments; off-color language or jokes; innuendoes; and sexually suggestive objects or behavior, books, magazines, photographs, cartoons or pictures, and; 7. Retaliation against employees who report sexual harassment or assist the University in investigating a complaint is against the law and is prohibited. Retaliation includes but is not limited to refusing to recommend an employee for a benefit for which he or she qualifies, spreading rumors about the employee, encouraging hostility from coworkers and escalating the harassment. Prohibitions 1. It is a violation of the University policy for anyone to engage in sexual harassment as defined in Section A. 2. It is a violation of the University policy for anyone who is authorized to effectively recommend or take personnel or academic actions affecting faculty, staff members or students to engage in sexual harassment as defined in Section A. 3. It is a violation of University policy for anyone to offer sexual favors in order to obtain preferential treatment with regard to conditions of employment or academic standing. C o u r s e S e l e c t i o n B u l l e t i n - S p r i n g 2 0 1 5 | 31 Introduction 4. It is a violation of the University policy for an administrator/supervisor to take personnel or academic actions as a reprisal or in retaliation against an individual for reporting sexual harassment. 5. As with other university policies, it is also a violation of University policy for anyone to make false accusations of sexual harassment or other misconduct. Responsibilities of the University 1. Whenever there is a violation of this policy, prompt corrective action shall be taken by the University consistent with existing rules, regulations, and policies. The University shall take preventive and corrective disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment, against any employee who engages in sexual harassment. 2. The University’s Compliance Officer shall be responsible for the coordination, dissemination, and implementation of this policy and shall work closely with senior academic and non-academic administrators to assure compliance with the provisions of this policy. The Office of General Counsel and the Human Resources Department shall serve as resources with regard to sexual harassment-related matters. 3. Each dean, director, department chairman and/or administrative officer of an operational unit shall cooperate with the Compliance Officer in the implementation and dissemination of this policy and in providing an environment free of sexual harassment. Such officials shall refer complaints arising under this policy to the Compliance Officer. 4. It is the obligation of every faculty, student and staff member of the University to adhere to this policy. Failure of supervisors to promptly investigate and report allegations of sexual harassment or failure to take timely corrective actions is a violation of University policy and may be considered a violation of the law. The University shall take 5. appropriate disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment, against any supervisor who fails to investigate, report and/or take timely corrective action in cases of sexual harassment. 6. The University shall exercise reasonable care to prevent and correct promptly any sexual harassing behavior and to safeguard against sexual harassment and to prevent any harm that could have been avoided. 7. The person affected by the sexual harassment of another must make an attempt to take advantage of a reasonable preventive or corrective opportunity provided by the University or to otherwise avoid harm. 8. Retaliation against an employee who reports sexual harassment or assists the University in investigating a complaint is prohibited; any individual who retaliates against an employee under these circumstances will be subject to appropriate disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment. Complaints An employee who has a complaint of sexual harassment by anyone at work, including any supervisor, co-worker, or visitor, should report such conduct to his or her supervisor. In addition, the employee should report the harassment to the University’s Compliance Officer. If the complaint involves the employee’s supervisor or someone in the direct line of supervision, or if the employee for any reason is uncomfortable in dealing with his or her immediate supervisor, the worker should go directly to the Compliance Officer. If the complaint involves the Compliance Officer, the employee should make a report with the University’s General Counsel. The University will work to investigate all complaints as quickly and as professionally as possible. When investigations confirm the allegations, appropriate corrective action will be taken. In the event the University learns that an employee has made a sexual harassment complaint in bad faith or has knowingly provided false information regarding a complaint, appropriate disciplinary action may be taken against the individual who provided the false information. Confidentiality The University will make every attempt to keep the information provided in the complaint and investigation process confidential to the fullest extent permitted by the circumstances and allowed by law. However, confidentiality cannot be guaranteed. 32 | Co urse Se lect ion Bullet in - Spr ing 2015 I ntr o d u cti o n Notification of Rights under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) afford eligible students certain rights with respect to their education records. (An “eligible student” under FERPA is a student who is 18 years of age or older or who attends a postsecondary institution.) These rights include: 1. The right to inspect and review the student’s education records within 45 days after the day Texas Southern University (“University”)] receives a request for access. A student should submit to the registrar, dean, head of the academic department, or other appropriate official, a written request that identifies the record(s) the student wishes to inspect. The University official will make arrangements for access and notify the student of the time and place where the records may be inspected. If the records are not maintained by the University official to whom the request was submitted, that official shall advise the student of the correct official to whom the request should be addressed. 2. The right to request the amendment of the student’s education records that the student believes is inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise in violation of the student’s privacy rights under FERPA. A student who wishes to ask the University to amend a record should write the University official responsible for the record, clearly identify the part of the record the student wants changed, and specify why it should be changed. If the University decides not to amend the record as requested, the University will notify the student in writing of the decision and the student’s right to a hearing re-garding the request for amendment. Additional information regarding the hearing procedures will be provided to the student when notified of the right to a hearing. 3. The right to provide written consent before the University discloses personally identifiable information (PII) from the student’s education records, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent. The University discloses education records without a student’s prior written consent under the FERPA exception for disclosure to school officials with legitimate educational interests. A University official is a person employed by Texas Southern University in an administrative, supervisory, academic, research, or support staff position (including law en¬forcement unit personnel and health staff); a person serving on the board of regents; or a student serving on an official committee, such as a disciplinary or grievance com¬mittee. A University official also may include a volunteer or contractor outside of Texas Southern University who performs an institutional service or function for which the University would otherwise use its own employees and who is under the direct control of the University with respect to the use and maintenance of personal identifiable information (PII) from education records, such as an attorney, auditor, or collection agent or a student volunteering to assist another University official in performing his or her tasks. A University official has a legitimate educational interest if the official needs to review an educa¬tion record in order to fulfill his or her professional responsibilities for Texas Southern University. Upon request, the University also discloses education records without consent to offi-cials of another school in which a student seeks or intends to enroll. C o u r s e S e l e c t i o n B u l l e t i n - S p r i n g 2 0 1 5 | 33 Introduction 4. The right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by Texas Southern University to comply with the requirements of FERPA. The name and address of the Office that administers FERPA is: Family Policy Compliance Office U.S. Department of Education 400 Maryland Avenue, SW Washington, DC 20202 At its discretion, Texas Southern University may provide “directory information” to the general public without the student’s consent. “Directory information” is defined by Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) as follows: • Name • Address • Telephone number • Major and minor fields of study • E-mail address • Date and Place of birth • Degree/awards received • Dates of attendance • Participation in officially recognized sports and activities • Most recent previous education institution attended • Height/weight (athletes only) • Enrollment status • Certificates • Type of award received • Grade level • Photograph If a student does not want “directory information” regarding him or her to be released, the student must notify the Office of the Registrar, E. O. Bell Hall, 3100 Cleburne Avenue, Houston, TX 77004, in writing or by completing the Request to Withhold Public Information form, during the first twelve (12) days of class during a regular semester (fall or spring) or the first four (4) days of class during a summer term, to ensure that information is not released by the university or published in the Student Directory. Students are responsible for requesting the release of their information once a request for withholding “directory information” has been placed on record. FERPA permits the disclosure of PII from students’ education records, without consent of the student, if the disclosure meets certain conditions found in §99.31 of the FERPA regulations. Except for disclosures to school officials, disclosures related to some judicial orders or lawfully issued subpoenas, disclosures of directory information, and disclosures to the student, §99.32 of FERPA regulations requires the institution to record the disclosure. Eligible students have a right to inspect and review the record of disclosures. A postsecondary institution may disclose PII from the education records without obtaining prior written consent of the student: 34 | Co urse Se lect ion Bullet in - Spr ing 2015 I ntr o d u cti o n • To other University officials, including teachers, within Texas Southern University whom the University has determined to have legitimate educational interests. This includes contractors, consultants, volunteers, or other parties to whom the school has outsourced institutional services or functions, provided that the conditions listed in §99.31(a)(1)(i)(B) (1) - (a)(1)(i)(B)(2) are met. (§99.31(a)(1)) • To officials of another school where the student seeks or intends to enroll, or where the student is already enrolled if the disclosure is for purposes related to the student’s enrollment or transfer, subject to the requirements of §99.34. (§99.31(a)(2)) • To authorized representatives of the U. S. Comptroller General, the U. S. Attorney General, the U.S. Secretary of Education, or State and local educational authorities, such as a State postsecondary authority that is responsible for supervising the university’s State-supported education programs. Disclosures under this provision may be made, subject to the requirements of §99.35, in connection with an audit or evaluation of Federal- or State-supported education programs, or for the enforcement of or compliance with Federal legal requirements that relate to those programs. These entities may make further disclosures of PII to outside entities that are designated by them as their authorized representatives to conduct any audit, evaluation, or enforcement or compliance activity on their behalf. (§§99.31(a)(3) and 99.35) • In connection with financial aid for which the student has applied or which the student has received, if the information is necessary to determine eligibility for the aid, determine the amount of the aid, determine the conditions of the aid, or enforce the terms and conditions of the aid. (§99.31(a)(4)) • To organizations conducting studies for, or on behalf of, the University, in order to: (a) develop, validate, or administer predictive tests; (b) administer student aid programs; or (c) improve instruction. (§99.31(a)(6)) • To accrediting organizations to carry out their accrediting functions. ((§99.31(a)(7)) • To parents of an eligible student if the student is a dependent for IRS tax purposes. (§99.31(a)(8)) • To comply with a judicial order or lawfully issued subpoena. (§99.31(a)(9)) • To appropriate officials in connection with a health or safety emergency, subject to §99.36. (§99.31(a)(10)) • Information the University has designated as “directory information” under §99.37. (§99.31(a)(11)) • To a victim of an alleged perpetrator of a crime of violence or a non-forcible sex offense, subject to the requirements of §99.39. The disclosure may only include the final results of the disciplinary proceeding with respect to that alleged crime or offense, regardless of the finding. (§99.31(a)(13)) • To the general public, the final results of a disciplinary proceeding, subject to the requirements of §99.39, if the University determines the student is an alleged perpetrator of a crime of violence or non-forcible sex offense and the student has committed a violation of the school’s rules or policies with respect to the allegation made against him or her. (§99.31(a)(14)) • To parents of a student regarding the student’s violation of any Federal, State, or local law, or of any rule or policy of the school, governing the use or possession of alcohol or a controlled substance if the school determines the student committed a disciplinary violation and the student is under the age of 21. (§99.31(a)(15)) C o u r s e S e l e c t i o n B u l l e t i n - S p r i n g 2 0 1 5 | 35 Introduction Right to Privacy The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 is a federal law designed to protect the privacy of student’s educational records. In compliance with this act, the University may release information to the general public that may be thought of as “directory information “ without the written consent of the student. However, students may request that this information be withheld from the public by giving written notice to the Office of the University Registrar. “Directory information” includes the following: (1) name, (2) address, (3) telephone number, (4) date and place of birth, (5) weight and height of members of the athletic teams, (6) participation in officially recognized activities and sports, (7) dates of attendance, (8) educational institution most recently attended, and (9) other information (such as major field of study, degrees earned, and awards received). Students desiring to have “directory information,” as specified above, withheld from the public should give written notice of this desire to the Office of the University Registrar during the first twelve days of class during a regular semester (fall or spring) or the first four days of class during a summer term. These written notices must be given in person. No transcript or other academic or disciplinary record related to an individual student will be released without the written consent of the student for such a release, except as specified by law. 36 | Co urse Se lect ion Bullet in - Spr ing 2015 I ntr o d u cti o n C o u r s e S e l e c t i o n B u l l e t i n - S p r i n g 2 0 1 5 | 37 Introduction Formula for NO MORE THAN GRADUATION! Freshman Year 30 Hours Sophomore Year +30 Hours Junior Year +30 Hours Senior Year +30 Hours YEARS =120 Hours Course Load Recommendation Each Fall Semester 15 hours, each Spring Semester 15 hours. Make up any missed hours in the summer session. The value of a TSU education Why pursue an education beyond high school? Additional Income Based on Hourly Wage Increase $104,000 Return on Investment $100,000 •The time and money you invest in your education can deliver benefits once you graduate. - In many cases, the increased earnings after only one year will justify the cost of a student’s education. - A $5.00 wage increase per hour equals an extra $10,000 a year. $75,000 $62,400 $50,000 $20,800 $25,000 $2,080 $6,240 $1.00 More Per Hour $3.00 More Per Hour $10,400 $0 $5.00 More Per Hour $1.00 More Per Hour In one year More Money • The average individual with some college earns about 19% more than a person who only completed high school.1 $5.00 More Per Hour $3.00 More Per Hour In Ten Years Additional Income Based on Hourly Wage Increase $37,791 $40,000 $34,598 $29,136 $30,000 $19,349 $20,000 $10,000 $0 No HS Diploma More Career Opportunities • Occupations that typically require postsecondary education of some kind are the fastest growing jobs about twice the rate of occupations requiring only work experience or on-the-job training.2 Some College But No Degree HS Diploma Associate’s Degree Additional Income Based on Hourly Wage Increase 20% $40,000 $30,000 $20,000 10% 10% Work On-the-job Training $10,000 1 U.S. Census Bureau, Current Population Survey, March 2005 Annual Social and Economic Supplement. 2 Bureau of labor Statistics, Occupational Projection and Training Data, 2004-2005 Edition. $0 Experience Any Postsecondary Education 38 | Co urse Se lect ion Bullet in - Spr ing 2015 Spring 2015 Courses Online TEXAS SOUTHERN UNIVERSITY SPRING 2015 COURSE SELECTION ONLINE INST CRN Raghavan BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION (Cont.) BADM 630 Managerial Communication 21149 E1 3 TBA TBA TBA Fontai Wang ADMIN OF JUSTICE AJ 321 Probation & Parole Admin 20623 O1 3 TBA TBA TBA COMMUNICATION CM 332 Computers Applications in Comm 20446 O1 3 TBA TBA TBA Randle Kalunta- AJ 322 21423 O1 Juvenile Justice Sys 3 TBA TBA CONSTRUCTION CONS 475 Facilities management 22130 O1 3 TBA TBA TBA Lewis TBA Onwudiwe AJ 345 21927 O1 Comparative AJ 3 TBA TBA TBA STAFF COUNSELING COUN 735 Coun Tech 21547 O1 3 TBA TBA STAFF AJ 412 21424 O1 22237 O2 Selected Topics in AJ 3 TBA TBA 3 TBA TBA TBA TBA STAFF STAFF AJ 500 21460 E1 Sem in Admin of Justice 3 TBA TBA TBA AJ 501 21461 E1 CRN SEC CRED DAYS TIME ACCOUNTING ACCT 631 Sem: Managerial Acctg 20118 E1 3 TBA TBA ACCT 636 21813 O1 BLDRM TBA Financial Statement Analysis 3 TBA TBA TBA SEC CRED DAYS TIME TBA BLDRM INST COUN 821 21447 O1 Counseling Supervision 3 TBA TBA TBA Davis COUN 834 21548 O1 Coun & Personality Theories 3 TBA TBA TBA Finch Greene Seminar in ADM of JUS Theory 3 TBA TBA TBA COUN 876 20679 O1 Career and Lifestyle Dev 3 TBA TBA TBA Broussar STAFF AJ 502 21462 E1 Seminar in Research Methods 3 TBA TBA TBA COUN 879 21374 O1 Med Psy Aspect Disability 3 TBA TBA TBA Broussar STAFF AJ 503 21463 E1 Seminar in Quantitative Meth I 3 TBA TBA TBA STAFF EDUCATION ADMIN. & SUPERVISION EDAS 537 Principles Of Educ Administrat 20685 O1 3 TBA TBA TBA Stroud AJ 504 21633 E1 Sem RaceClassGenderCrime in AJ 3 TBA TBA TBA Greene EDAS 541 20686 O1 Curr Planning & Development 3 TBA TBA TBA Stroud AJ 505 21634 E1 Seminar on Ethics in AJ 3 TBA TBA TBA STAFF EDAS 675 20687 O1 Leadership & Management of Ins 3 TBA TBA TBA Bloom AJ 607 22062 E1 Police Administration 3 TBA TBA TBA STAFF EDAS 781 20688 O1 Internship I 3/6 TBA TBA Newton AJ 609 22063 E1 Issues In Corrections Administ 3 TBA TBA TBA STAFF EDAS 800 20690 O1 Schl Org, Leadership & Mgmt 3 TBA TBA TBA Peltier- AJ 610 21635 E1 21932 O1 Issues in Judicial Adm 3 TBA TBA 3 TBA TBA STAFF STAFF EDAS 850 20691 O1 Leadership & Campus Culture 3 TBA TBA TBA Peltier- AJ 611 22064 E1 Issues in Juvenile Justice Adm 3 TBA TBA TBA STAFF AJ 614 21465 E1 Issues in Terrorism and 3 TBA TBA Onwudiwe AJ 616 22065 E1 Environmental Crime & AJ 3 TBA TBA TBA AJ 617 22066 E1 Independent Study 3 TBA TBA AJ 701 22067 E1 Capstone Seminar 3 TBA TBA TBA TBA AJ TBA TBA EDUCATION FOUNDATIONS EDFD 581 Foundations Of Education 20707 O1 3 TBA TBA TBA STAFF EDFD 633 20706 O1 Owens Research 3 M 0530-0800pm ED102 STAFF EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT EMGT 252 Tech Hazards & Emergy Mgmt 21995 O1 3 TBA TBA TBA Olonilua TBA Baker EMGT 351 21663 O1 Prin/Prac of Hazard Mitigation 3 TBA TBA TBA Ibitayo TBA Baker EMGT 357 21664 O1 Emergy Reov/Respn/Prep & Plng 3 TBA TBA TBA Ibitayo BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION BADM 450 Organl Policy & Strategy 21346 O1 3 TBA TBA TBA STAFF ENGLISH ENG 367 22219 O1 Latin American Literature 3 TBA TBA TBA Jennings BADM 466 20129 O1 Sriniv ENG 501 22220 O1 Grad Prof Writing 3 TBA TBA Walker Business Internship 3 TBA TBA TBA TBA C o u r s e S e l e c t i o n B u l l e t i n - S p r i n g 2 0 1 5 | 41 Online CRN TEXAS SOUTHERN UNIVERSITY SPRING 2015 COURSE SELECTION ONLINE SEC CRED DAYS TIME BLDRM INST CRN JOURNALISM JOUR 235 Online Journalism 20456 O1 3 M TBA FINANCE FIN 301 21492 O1 Basic Financial Management 3 TBA TBA TBA Ayadi FIN 413 20115 O1 Risk Mgmt Ins 3 TBA TBA TBA Sylveste FIN 650 21493 O1 Investment Management 3 TBA TBA TBA FIN 652 21345 E1 Managerial Finance 3 TBA TBA FIN 685 20117 E1 Energy Trading 3 TBA TBA GEOGRAPHY GEOG 331 Geography Of Texas 21845 O1 3 TBA TBA SEC CRED DAYS TIME BLDRM INST TBA Sandifer KINESIOLOGY KIN 332 Coach & Office Acts Sec SCH 22053 O1 3 TBA TBA TBA Asare Jain KIN 433 22054 O1 Asare TBA Jain TBA Iqbal MANAGEMENT MGMT 300 Principles of Management 20163 O1 3 TBA TBA TBA Williams MGMT 636 21219 E1 Organizational & Mgmt Theory 3 TBA TBA TBA Taylor MGMT 646 21220 E1 Graduate Seminar in Mgmt 3 TBA TBA TBA Robinso TBA STAFF Problems in Urban Rec Sports 3 TBA TBA TBA HEALTH EDUCATION HED 339 Diseases & Consumer Health 21678 O1 3 TBA TBA TBA Meshack HED 434 21562 O1 Mental Hygiene 3 TBA TBA Brown-Fi HED 471 20749 O1 Personal Health & Safety II 3 TBA TBA TBA MGSC 303 20145 O1 Operations Management II 3 TBA TBA TBA Ramasw Floyd HISTORY HIST 322 20915 O1 MGSC 331 21348 O1 Business Statistics II 3 TBA TBA TBA Ramaswam African Amer Hist Since 1865 3 TR 0930-1045am TBA Kossie-C MGSC 624 20162 E1 Statistical Methods 3 TBA TBA TBA Supervil HIST 421 21837 O1 Topics in African Diaspora 3 M 0200-0250pm TBA Kossie-C MGSC 625 21167 E1 Supply Chain Management 3 TBA TBA TBA Supervil HOMELAND SECURITY HMSC 361 Terrorism and Homeland Secur 21661 O1 3 TBA TBA TBA Olonilua MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS MIS 304 Information Technology 21349 O1 3 TR 0530-0645pm JH Sherif HMSC 362 21665 O1 STAFF MIS 340 21350 O1 Database Development & Design 3 TBA TBA TBA Smith MIS 420 21351 O1 Web Development 3 TBA TBA Desai TBA Domestic & Global Terrorism 3 TBA TBA TBA MANAGEMENT SCIENCE MGSC 302 Operations Management I 20164 O1 3 TBA TBA TBA Yorke HEALTH SCIENCE - CORE HSCR 300 Hlth Sciences Sem 22090 O1 1 TBA TBA TBA Surles HSCR 360 22091 O1 Princ Of Disease 3 TBA TBA MIS 460 21352 O1 Enterprise Rsource Planning 3 TR 0230-0345pm JHJ Sherif TBA Surles HSCR 361 22092 O1 Research For Hlth Prof 3 TBA TBA MIS 470 21353 O1 MIS Capstone 3 TBA TBA TBA Desai TBA Chilton MIS 490 21484 O1 Internship in MIS Area 3 TBA TBA TBA Vanjani TBA Surles MIS 671 21508 E1 Introduction to MIS 3 TBA TBA TBA Taylor HSHA 262 22094 O1 Public Policy & Hlth Care 3 TBA TBA TBA Surles MIS 674 21221 O1 Data Communications 3 TBA TBA TBA Taylor HSHA 312 22095 O1 Health Admin In Sch System 3 TBA TBA TBA Estill MIS 678 20151 O1 SAP Applications in SCM 3 TBA TBA TBA Desai HSHA 361 22096 O1 Long Term Care 3 TBA TBA TBA Chilton MIS 684 21498 O1 Internship in MIS 3 TBA TBA TBA Vanjani HSHA 411 22097 O1 Internship 3/6 TBA TBA Rasmus MIS 685 21222 O1 Management of Info System 3 TBA TBA TBA HEALTH SCIENCE - HEALTH ADMIN. HSHA 211 Health Info Systems 22093 O1 3 TBA TBA TBA TBA Sherif 42 | Co urse Se lect ion Bullet in - Spr ing 2015 Online CRN TEXAS SOUTHERN UNIVERSITY SPRING 2015 COURSE SELECTION ONLINE SEC CRED DAYS TIME BLDRM INST CRN SEC CRED DAYS TIME PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION (Cont.) PAD 705 Topical Seminar 21268 E1 3 TBA TBA 21269 E2 3 TBA TBA 20659 O1 3 TBA TBA BLDRM INST TBA TBA TBA STAFF STAFF Robinson MARKETING MKTG 306 Principles of Marketing 20165 O1 3 TBA TBA TBA Hansen PUBLIC AFFAIRS PA 271 Intro to Public Adm 21242 O1 3 TBA TBA TBA STAFF PAD 708 21244 O1 Administrative Regulations 3 TBA TBA TBA Robinson Capstone 3 TBA TBA STAFF PA 311 21640 O1 Intro To Pub Sector Plng 3 TBA TBA TBA Ibitayo PA 313 20652 O1 Org Behavior & Mgmt 3 TBA TBA PAD 710 21270 E1 STAFF PA 410 20653 O1 Seminar in Public Affairs 3 TBA TBA TBA Olonilua POLITICAL SCIENCE POLS 330 Comparative Politics 20646 O1 3 TBA TBA TBA STAFF PA 450 21994 O1 Internship in Public Affairs 3 TBA TBA TBA Robinson POLS 340 21658 O2 International Relations 3 TBA TBA TBA STAFF POLS 410 20648 O1 African American Politics 3 TBA TBA TBA Mangum POLS 450 21985 O1 Religion and American Politics 3 TBA TBA TBA STAFF POLS 498 21986 O1 Capstone Sem in Polsc 3 TBA TBA STAFF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION PAD 500 Theory & Practice 21260 E1 3 TBA TBA 21996 E2 3 TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA STAFF STAFF PAD 501 21261 E1 21997 E2 Leadership & Decision Making 3 TBA TBA TBA 3 TBA TBA TBA STAFF STAFF PAD 502 21262 E1 21998 E2 Research Meth In Pub Adm 3 TBA TBA TBA 3 TBA TBA TBA STAFF STAFF PAD 503 21263 E1 Quantitative Methods I 3 TBA TBA TBA STAFF PAD 504 21441 O1 Quantitative Methods II 3 TBA TBA TBA Christop PAD 507 21264 E1 Organization Behavior & Theory 3 TBA TBA TBA STAFF PAD 620 21265 E1 21999 E2 The Policy Making Process 3 TBA TBA TBA 3 TBA TBA TBA STAFF STAFF PAD 622 22000 E1 Science, Tech & Pub Policy 3 TBA TBA TBA STAFF PAD 623 20656 O1 Pub Policy Anal Mthds 3 TBA TBA Majumdar PAD 631 21266 E1 22001 E2 Gov Budgeting & Financial Mgmt 3 TBA TBA TBA 3 TBA TBA TBA STAFF STAFF PAD 650 21267 E1 Intergovernmental Relations 3 TBA TBA TBA STAFF PAD 660 21709 E1 Com Pub Admin West Nations 3 TBA TBA TBA STAFF PAD 661 21989 O1 Sel Topics in Comp Intern Dev 3 TBA TBA TBA STAFF PAD 700 20658 O1 Internship 6 TBA TBA Adams PAD 701 21163 O1 Independent Study 3 TBA TBA TBA STAFF TBA TBA TBA TBA RECREATION REC 434 Mmgt in Rec Sport and Leisure 22056 O1 3 TBA TBA TBA Flowers SPANISH SPAN 336 21818 O1 Sun Intro to Latin Amer Lit II 3 TBA TBA TBA SPORTS MANAGEMENT SPMT 399 Sports Management Seminar 21590 O1 2 TBA TBA TBA Cavil C o u r s e S e l e c t i o n B u l l e t i n - S p r i n g 2 0 1 5 | 43 Weekend College TEXAS SOUTHERN UNIVERSITY SPRING 2015 COURSE SELECTION WEEKEND COLLEGE INST CRN ADMIN OF JUSTICE AJ 100 Intro to Criminology 21941 WE1 3 S 1030-1255pm FH166 STAFF SOCIOLOGY SOC 322 Social Psy 22217 WE1 3 TBA AJ 105 Intro Admin Of Justice 21942 WE1 3 S 0100-0330pm FH166 STAFF AJ 211 Intro to Court Systems(LS) 21943 WE1 3 S 1030-1255pm FH169 STAFF AJ 220 Intro To Corrections 21944 WE1 3 S 0100-0330pm FH169 STAFF AJ 240 Intro To Law Enfrmnt 21945 WE1 3 F 0530-0800pm FH169 STAFF AJ 322 Juvenile Justice Sys 22215 WE1 3 TBA TBA TBA STAFF AJ 323 Correctional Counseling 21926 WE1 3 F 0530-0800pm TBA STAFF BIOLOGY BIOL 143 Survey of Life Science 21331 WE1 3 S 0800-1030am SB154 Brown BIOL 143L Life Science Lab 21332 WE1 1 S 1100-1200pm SB154 Brown CHEMISTRY CHEM 112 Chemistry II Lab 21321 WE1 1 S 1100-0200pm SB402 Moore CHEM 132 Chemistry II 21324 WE1 3 S 0800-1030am SB151 Dooley-R COMPUTER SCIENCE CS 116 Intro To Compr Science I 21693 WE1 3 S 0800-1050am TECH334 Criner CS 117 Intro To Comp Science II 21694 WE1 3 S 1200-0230pm TECH334 Sleem CRN SEC CRED DAYS TIME BLDRM SEC CRED DAYS TIME BLDRM INST TBA TBA Slatton SPEECH COMMUNICATIONS SC 135 Bus Prof Comm 22218 WE1 3 W 0530-0800pm FH170 STAFF SC 136 Public Address 21695 WE1 3 T 0530-0800pm FH171 STAFF HISTORY HIST 132 World History II 22214 WE1 3 S 0800 HIST 232 Soc & Pol Hist US Since 1877 21296 WE1 3 S 1100-0130pm FH170 Hawkins MATHEMATICS MATH 133 College Algebra 21355 WE1 3 S 0800-1050am SB148 STAFF MATH 138 Math and Bus for Econ Anal II 22224 WE1 3 S 1100-0150pm SB148 STAFF MUSIC MUSI 239 Fine Arts In Daily Living 21699 WE1 3 T 0530-0800pm TBA Singleto POLITICAL SCIENCE POLS 236 Texas Government 21981 WE1 3 S 1200-0230pm FH167 Norman PSYCHOLOGY PSY 131 General Psychology 22216 WE1 3 F 0530-0800pm FH170 Henderso 44 | Co urse Se lect ion Bullet in - Spr ing 2015 Honors College TEXAS SOUTHERN UNIVERSITY SPRING 2015 COURSE SELECTION HONORS COLLEGE CRN SEC BIOLOGY BIOL 112 20227 06 BIOL 132 20236 03 CRED DAYS BIOL 143 20247 06 TIME BLDRM INST Biological Science Lab II 1 R 0200-0450pm SB202 Player Biological Science II 3 TR 1100-1215pm SB154 Player Survey of Life Science 3 TR 0230-0345pm SB154 Hollomon CHEMISTRY CHEM 132 Chemistry II 20185 02 3 MWF 1000-1050am SB156 STAFF COMPUTER SCIENCE CS 116 Intro To Compr Science I 20311 03 3 MWF 1000-1050am TECH330 Joyner ENGLISH ENG 132 20807 14 ENG 231 20820 01 HISTORY HIST 232 21831 12 Freshman English II 3 MWF 1000-1050am LIBB14 Reese World Literature II 3 MWF 1100-1150am LIBB14 Jennings Soc & Pol Hist US Since 1877 3 T 0230-0500pm LIBB13 Kossie-C MATHEMATICS MATH 135 Math and Business and Econ I 20395 02 3 MWF 0100-0150pm SB145 Crockett MATH 136 20400 03 Obot Precalculus Math 3 MWF 0100-0150pm SB153 POLITICAL SCIENCE POLS 236 Texas Government 21965 02 3 MWF 0900-0950am LIBB13 STAFF C o u r s e S e l e c t i o n B u l l e t i n - S p r i n g 2 0 1 5 | 45 Jesse H. Jones School of Business CRN TEXAS SOUTHERN UNIVERSITY SPRING 2015 COURSE SELECTION JESSE H. JONES SCHOOL OF BUSINESS SEC CRED DAYS TIME BLDRM INST ACCOUNTING ACCT 231 Principles Of Accounting I 20017 01 3 MWF 0900-0950am JHJ206 20018 02 3 TR 0930-1045am JHJ206 20081 03 3 TR 0530-0645pm JHJ209 20082 04 3 MW 0400-0515pm JHJ210 21341 05 3 TR 0100-0215pm JHJ206 Alexande Alexande Perkins Raghavan Boyd ACCT 232 20092 01 20093 02 20094 03 20095 04 Principles of Accounting II 3 MWF 0100-0150pm JHJ107 3 MW 0400-0515pm JHJ206 3 TR 1100-1215pm JHJ206 3 TR 0230-0345pm JHJ206 Hyman Hyman Boyd Boyd ACCT 300 20096 01 Accounting Information Systems 3 TR 0400-0515pm JHJ108 Desselle ACCT 331 20097 01 21285 02 Intermediate Accounting I 3 MW 0400-0515pm JHJ128 3 TR 1100-1215pm JHJ107 O Pitre ACCT 332 20098 01 Intermediate Accounting II 3 MWF 1000-1050am JHJ109 O ACCT 334 20099 01 Fed Income Tax Acctg I 3 TR 0100-0215pm JHJ106 Perkins ACCT 335 21488 01 Tax Practicum 3 MW 0700-0815pm JHJ106 Perkins ACCT 336 20100 01 Cost Accounting 3 TR 0930-1045am JHJ107 Wang ACCT 400 21342 01 Intro to Energy Accounting 3 TR 0100-0215pm JHJ128 Pitre ACCT 431 21214 01 Advanced Accounting 3 MWF 1100-1150am JHJ106 O ACCT 433 20101 01 21489 02 Auditing 3 TR 3 MW Desselle Raghavan ACCT 438 20102 01 Govt Not -For-Profit 3 TR 0230-0345pm JHJ107 ACCT 630 21343 01 CRN SEC CRED DAYS TIME BLDRM INST BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION (Cont.) BADM 234 Legal & Regulatory Envir of Bu 20104 01 3 MWF 0100-0150pm JHJ109 20105 02 3 MW 0400-0515pm JHJ145 20106 03 3 TR 0100-0215pm JHJ210 20107 04 3 TR 0930-1045am JHJ106 21464 05 3 TR 0530-0645pm JHJ206 21490 06 3 MWF 1100-1150am JHJ109 Rhodes Rhodes Saunders Rhodes Reynolds Rhodes BADM 450 20127 01 20128 02 Organl Policy & Strategy 3 MW 0400-0515pm JHJ106 3 MW 0230-0345pm JHJ108 Ojode Ojode BADM 630 21804 01 Managerial Communication 3 F 0530-0800pm JHJ128 Davis BADM 644 21344 01 Internship 3 F Srinivas ECONOMICS ECON 231 20888 01 20889 02 20890 03 20891 04 Principles Of Economics I 3 TR 0100-0215pm JHJ 3 MWF 0100-0150pm JHJ 3 TR 1100-1215pm JHJ 3 TR 0530-0645pm JHJ Norman Keleta Norman Norman ECON 232 20892 01 20893 02 20894 03 20895 04 Principles Of Economics II 3 MWF 1000-1050am JHJ 3 MWF 0200-0250pm JHJ 3 TR 0100-0215pm JHJ107 3 TR 0400-0515pm JHJ Keleta Keleta Tai Tai 0530-0800pm JHJ107 ENTREPRENEURSHIP ENTR 300 Introduction to Entrepreneursh 20130 01 3 TR 0930-1045am JHJ209 20131 02 3 TR 0400-0515pm JHJ206 Reynolds STAFF Wang FINANCE FIN 301 20108 01 20109 02 20110 03 Basic Financial Management 3 MWF 0100-0150pm JHJ108 3 TR 1100-1215pm JHJ210 3 TR 0530-0645pm JHJ108 Ayadi Iqbal Tai Ethics for Accountants 3 TR 0400-0515pm JHJ106 Pitre FIN 302 20111 01 Management & Financial Insts 3 MW 0530-0645pm JHJ107 Fernande ACCT 631 20103 01 Sem: Managerial Acctg 3 MW 0530-0645pm JHJ Hyman FIN 303 21797 01 Treasury Management 3 TR 0400-0515pm JHJ147 Chatterj ACCT 655 21215 01 Seminar In Taxation 3 TR 0700-0815pm JHJ146 Perkins FIN 312 20112 01 Investments 3 TR Powell ACCT 657 21216 01 Seminar Auditing 3 TR 0530-0645pm JHJ145 Desselle FIN 338 20113 01 International Finance 3 MW 0230-0345pm JHJ147 Ayadi FIN 403 20114 01 Corporate Financial Mgmt 3 TR 0100-0215pm JHJ Chatterj FIN 414 21798 01 Real Estate Finance 3 TBA TBA STAFF FIN 621 21799 01 Fin & Econ Anal 3 MW 0700-0815pm JHJ108 Fernande FIN 652 20116 01 Managerial Finance 3 TR 0700-0815pm JHJ206 Chatterj 1100-1215pm JHJ106 0530-0645pm JHJ106 BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION BADM 101 Intro to Bus, Gov & Society 20119 01 3 MWF 0900-0950am JHJ128 20120 02 3 MWF 1000-1050am JHJ210 20121 03 3 TR 1100-1215pm JHJ128 20122 04 3 MWF 0200-0250pm JHJ128 Owens Owens Owens Owens BADM 230 20123 01 20124 02 20125 03 20126 04 Reynolds Davis Davis Reynolds Advanced Communication Skills 3 TR 0230-0345pm JHJ108 3 MWF 1100-1150am JHJ 3 MW 0100-0150pm JHJ 3 TR 0400-0515pm JHJ 0700-0815pm JHJ108 TBA 46 | Co urse Se lect ion Bullet in - Spr ing 2015 Jesse H. Jones School of Business CRN TEXAS SOUTHERN UNIVERSITY SPRING 2015 COURSE SELECTION JESSE H. JONES SCHOOL OF BUSINESS SEC CRED DAYS TIME BLDRM INSURANCE INS 402 Ins Operations & Regulations 21812 01 3 TR 0230-0345pm JHJ147 INST CRN SEC CRED DAYS TIME BLDRM INST Iqbal MARKETING (Cont.) MKTG 307 Marketing Channels & Inst 20155 01 3 TR 0100-0215pm JHJ108 Minor-Co MKTG 336 20156 01 Marketing Communications 3 TR 0400-0515pm JHJ209 Minor-Co MKTG 430 20157 01 Mktg Decision Making:TH & PRA 3 MW 0400-0515pm JHJ209 Williams MANAGEMENT MGMT 300 Principles of Management 20132 01 3 TR 0100-0215pm JHJ 20133 02 3 TR 1100-1215pm JHJ Brice Williams MGMT 301 20134 01 21217 02 Foundations of Human Res Mgmt 3 TR 0230-0345pm JHJ 3 TR 0400-0515pm JHJ Yancy Yancy MKTG 432 20159 01 International Marketing 3 MW 0700-0815pm JHJ209 Hansen MGMT 330 20135 01 Organizational Behavior 3 TR 0100-0215pm JHJ146 Robinson MKTG 435 20160 01 Market Management Cases & Prob 3 MW 0530-0645pm JHJ206 Williams MGMT 395 21700 01 Team Building & Org Change 3 TR 0400-0515pm JHJ210 Robinson MKTG 650 20161 01 Sem Mktg Probs 3 TR 0530-0645pm JHJ Minor-Co MGMT 401 20137 02 Leadership & Motivation 3 MW 0400-0515pm JHJ109 Waddleto ONLINE COURSES MGMT 402 20138 01 International Management 3 TR 0100-0215pm JHJ109 Williams MGMT 636 21359 01 Organizational & Mgmt Theory 3 TR 0700-0815pm JHJ ACCOUNTING ACCT 631 Sem: Managerial Acctg 20118 E1 3 TBA TBA Yancy MGMT 646 21360 01 Graduate Seminar in Mgmt 3 TR 0530-0645pm JHJ ACCT 636 21813 O1 Brice MGMT 670 20139 01 Global Strategic Mgmt 3 MW 0530-0645pm JHJ Berger BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION BADM 450 Organl Policy & Strategy 21346 O1 3 TBA TBA TBA STAFF BADM 466 20129 O1 Business Internship 3 TBA TBA TBA Sriniv BADM 630 21149 E1 Managerial Communication 3 TBA TBA TBA Fontai FINANCE FIN 301 21492 O1 Basic Financial Management 3 TBA TBA TBA Ayadi FIN 413 20115 O1 Risk Mgmt Ins 3 TBA TBA TBA Sylveste FIN 650 21493 O1 Investment Management 3 TBA TBA TBA Jain FIN 652 21345 E1 Managerial Finance 3 TBA TBA TBA Jain FIN 685 20117 E1 Energy Trading 3 TBA TBA TBA Iqbal MANAGEMENT SCIENCE MGSC 239 Business Statistics I 20140 01 3 TR 0930-1045am 20141 02 3 MW 0400-0515pm 20142 03 3 MWF 0900-0950am 21218 04 3 MWF 1100-1150am JHJ109 JHJ108 JHJ JHJ206 Yorke Woldie Woldie Smith MGSC 302 20143 01 20144 02 Operations Management I 3 TR 0100-0215pm JHJ209 3 MW 0400-0515pm JHJ107 Yorke Ramaswam MGSC 331 20146 01 Business Statistics II 3 MW 0100-0150pm JHJ206 Woldie MANAGEMENT INFORMATION MIS 204 Fundamentals 20147 01 3 TR 20148 02 3 TR 20149 03 3 MWF SYSTEMS of Info Systems 0930-1045am JHJ145 0100-0215pm JHJ145 0100-0150pm JHJ145 Rizvi Rizvi Smith MIS 304 21361 01 Information Technology 3 TR 1100-1215pm JHJ Sherif MIS 676 20150 01 Web Design & Development 3 TR 0530-0645pm JHJ146 Vanjani MIS 681 21499 01 IT Project Management 3 MW 0530-0645pm JHJ Srinivas MARKETING MKTG 306 Principles of Marketing 20165 O1 3 TBA TBA MKTG 306 20152 01 20153 02 20154 03 TBA Principles of Marketing 3 MWF 0100-0150pm JHJ210 3 MWF 1100-1150am JHJ108 3 TR 0100-0215pm JHJ Hansen Williams Hansen Waddleto TBA Financial Statement Analysis 3 TBA TBA TBA Raghavan Wang MANAGEMENT MGMT 300 Principles of Management 20163 O1 3 TBA TBA TBA Williams MGMT 636 21219 E1 Organizational & Mgmt Theory 3 TBA TBA TBA Taylor MGMT 646 21220 E1 Graduate Seminar in Mgmt 3 TBA TBA TBA Robinso MANAGEMENT SCIENCE MGSC 302 Operations Management I 20164 O1 3 TBA TBA MGSC 303 20145 O1 TBA Operations Management II 3 TBA TBA TBA Yorke Ramasw C o u r s e S e l e c t i o n B u l l e t i n - S p r i n g 2 0 1 5 | 47 Jesse H. Jones School of Business CRN TEXAS SOUTHERN UNIVERSITY SPRING 2015 COURSE SELECTION JESSE H. JONES SCHOOL OF BUSINESS SEC CRED DAYS TIME BLDRM INST MANAGEMENT SCIENCE (Cont.) MGSC 331 Business Statistics II 21348 O1 3 TBA TBA TBA Ramaswam MGSC 624 20162 E1 Statistical Methods 3 TBA TBA TBA Supervil MGSC 625 21167 E1 Supply Chain Management 3 TBA TBA TBA Supervil MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS MIS 304 Information Technology 21349 O1 3 TR 0530-0645pm JH Sherif MIS 340 21350 O1 Database Development & Design 3 TBA TBA TBA Smith MIS 420 21351 O1 Web Development 3 TBA TBA Desai MIS 460 21352 O1 Enterprise Rsource Planning 3 TR 0230-0345pm JHJ Sherif MIS 470 21353 O1 MIS Capstone 3 TBA TBA TBA Desai MIS 490 21484 O1 Internship in MIS Area 3 TBA TBA TBA Vanjani MIS 671 21508 E1 Introduction to MIS 3 TBA TBA TBA Taylor MIS 674 21221 O1 Data Communications 3 TBA TBA TBA Taylor MIS 678 20151 O1 SAP Applications in SCM 3 TBA TBA TBA Desai MIS 684 21498 O1 Internship in MIS 3 TBA TBA TBA Vanjani MIS 685 21222 O1 Management of Info System 3 TBA TBA TBA MARKETING MKTG 306 Principles of Marketing 20165 O1 3 TBA TBA TBA TBA Sherif Hansen 48 | Co urse Se lect ion Bullet in - Spr ing 2015 School of Communication TEXAS SOUTHERN UNIVERSITY SPRING 2015 COURSE SELECTION SCHOOL OF COMMUNICATION INST CRN COMMUNICATION CM 110 Speech Proficiency Lab 21814 01 1 MW 1200-1250pm MLK214 Jones JOURNALISM (Cont.) JOUR 253 News Editing I 20458 01 3 MWF 0200-0250pm MLK119 Johnson CM 130 20442 01 21815 02 Intro Communication Studies 3 MWF 1000-1050am MLK138 3 TR 0930-1045am MLK104 Khosrova Nichols JOUR 331 20459 01 Law & Ethics Of Journalism 3 MWF 0800-0850am MLK250 Parker CM 200 20443 01 20444 02 Intro to Media Research Tech 3 MWF 0800-0850am MLK249 3 TR 0800-0915am MLK249 Thornton Thornton JOUR 332 20460 01 Advanced Reporting 4 TR 0900-1050am MLK119 Berryhil CM 330 21816 01 Profess Development & Ethic 3 MWF 1000-1050am MLK250 JOUR 335 20461 01 Computer Assisted Reporting 3 MWF 1100-1150am MLK206 Randle STAFF CM 332 20445 01 Computers Applications in Comm 3 MWF 0800-0850am MLK213 JOUR 356 20462 01 Advertising Pr Campaigns 3 MWF 0300-0350pm MLK246 Walker-H Randle CM 430 20447 01 Experiential Learning 3 MWF 1200-1250pm MLK250 JOUR 435 20463 01 Multimedia Graphic Designs 3 MWF 0100-0150pm MLK204 Randle STAFF CM 634 20448 01 Adv Comm Res Meth 3 M 0530-0800pm MLK206 JOUR 443 20464 01 Adv Broadcast News 4 TR 0200-0350pm MLK206 STAFF Lee CM 664 21533 01 Graduate Practicum 6 W 0530-0800pm MLK215 JOUR 531 21888 01 Sem In Mass Communication 3 T 0530-0750pm MLK246 Walker-H Browne CM 698 20449 01 Research Project 3 F 0530-0800pm MLK215 JOUR 539 21720 01 International Communications 3 W 0530-0750pm MLK246 Regis Lee JOUR 571 21889 01 Lit Of Journalism 3 R 0530-0750pm MLK246 Berryhil CRN SEC CRED DAYS TIME BLDRM ENTERTAINMNT RECORD INDUS MGMT ERM 130 Intro to Recording Industry 21865 01 3 M 0530-0800pm MLK104 STAFF ERM 205 21866 01 Intro to Enter Business Fin 3 TR 0100-0215pm MLK215 Williams ERM 210 21867 01 Initro to Enter Prod Tool 4 TR 1000-1150am MLK215 ERM 305 20450 01 SEC CRED DAYS TIME BLDRM INST RADIO/TV/FILM RTF 130 Introduction to Media Studies 21890 01 3 MWF 0800-0850am MLK104 21891 02 3 MWF 0900-0950am MLK104 Monjok Monjok STAFF RTF 131 21892 01 21893 02 Intro to Media Aesthetics 3 TR 0930-1045am MLK203 3 TR 1100-1215pm MLK203 Jeffries Jeffries Ethnic Entertainment 3 MWF 0900-0950am MLK246 STAFF RTF 135 21894 01 Introduction to Photography 4 MW 0800-0950am MLK204 Wolf ERM 310 21868 01 Publishing and Media Policy 3 T 0530-0800pm MLK203 STAFF RTF 250 21895 01 Film Industry 3 TR 0100-0215pm MLK102 Willems ERM 320 21869 01 Artist Management 3 MW 0300-0415pm MLK104 STAFF RTF 255 21896 01 Introduction to Videography 4 MW 0100-0250pm MLK102 STAFF ERM 330 21870 01 Business Devel & Portfolio 3 TR 0100-0215pm MLK203 Jeffries ERM 450 20451 01 Entertainment Management 3 MW 1100-1215pm MLK246 RTF 268 21897 01 21898 02 Intro to Digital Video Editing 4 TR 0100-0250pm MLK204 4 MW 1000-1150am MLK204 Wolf Wolf Williams RTF 331 20467 01 Media Analysis and Criticism 3 TR 0930-1045am MLK251 Brown RTF 335 20468 01 Writing For Elec Media & Film 3 MWF 0900-0950am MLK253 Okolo RTF 340 21899 01 Digital Effects for Film&Video 4 TR 1100-1250pm MLK100 Willems RTF 344 20469 01 Media Management & Marketing 3 MWF 1100-1150am MLK253 Parker RTF 345 21900 01 Prod Media For the Web&Beyond 4 MW 0100-0250pm MLK123 Samples JOURNALISM JOUR 130 Intro To Journalism 20452 01 3 MWF 0900-0950am MLK206 Johnson JOUR 132 20453 01 Intro To Reporting 4 TR 0900-1050am MLK206 Sandifer JOUR 133 20454 01 Intro to Broadcast News 4 TR 1200-0150pm MLK119 Johnson JOUR 232 20455 01 Intro To Advertising 3 MWF 1200-1250pm MLK203 Singleto JOUR 238 20457 01 Intermediate Reporting 4 TR 0900-1050am MLK213 Johnson RTF 355 Television Production 21901 01 4 MW 1100-1250pm MLK123 Broadcast Journalism Majors Samples C o u r s e S e l e c t i o n B u l l e t i n - S p r i n g 2 0 1 5 | 49 School of Communication TEXAS SOUTHERN UNIVERSITY SPRING 2015 COURSE SELECTION SCHOOL OF COMMUNICATION INST CRN RADIO/TV/FILM (Cont.) RTF 360 Voice & Diction for Media Perf 21902 01 4 MW 0300-0450pm KTSU Smith-Jo SPEECH COMMUNICATIONS (Cont.) SC 432 Intercultural Communication 20485 01 3 TR 1100-1215pm MLK251 Duncan RTF 381 21903 01 Broadcast Responsibiities 3 MWF 0900-0950am MLK203 Parker SC 434 20487 01 Prin Of Leadership 3 MWF 1000-1050am MLK249 Nichols RTF 430 21904 01 Independent Study 3 TBA TBA Poudeh SC 438 20488 01 Orgnl Struct & Comm Behav 3 MWF 1100-1150am MLK249 Khosrova RTF 435 21905 01 Adv Media Writing 3 MWF 1000-1050am MLK100 Okolo SC 549 21146 01 Sem Interpersonal Commun 3 T 0530-0800pm MLK251 STAFF RTF 438 21906 01 Media and Society 3 MWF 1100-1150am MLK102 Ulasi SC 551 21915 01 Studies In Public Communicatio 3 R 0530-0800pm MLK248 STAFF RTF 460 21907 01 Advanced Voice Training 4 TR 0900-1050am KTSU Smith-Jo ONLINE COURSES RTF 461 21908 01 Radio Programming & Production 4 TR 1100-1250pm KTSU Smith-Jo RTF 480 21909 01 Film Marketing & Distribution 3 MWF 1200-1250pm MLK247 COMMUNICATION CM 332 Computers Applications in Comm 20446 O1 3 TBA TBA TBA Randle STAFF RTF 498 21910 01 Pers Natl & Intl Broadcasting 3 MWF 0900-0950am MLK247 Regis JOURNALISM JOUR 235 Online Journalism 20456 O1 3 M TBA Sandifer RTF 499 20473 01 Master Project 4 TBA TBA Poudeh RTF 538 21911 01 Impact of Elec Technologies 3 M 0530-0800pm MLK215 Regis RTF 539 21725 01 International Media Systems 3 W 0530-0800pm MLK249 Regis RTF 550 21334 01 Probs in Telecom 3 T 0530-0800pm MLK200 Ulasi RTF 561 20474 01 Seminar in Elec Media 3 R 0530-0800pm MLK251 Brown CRN SEC CRED DAYS TIME BLDRM MLK200 MLK200 SPEECH COMMUNICATIONS SC 135 Bus Prof Comm 20476 01 3 MWF 0800-0850am 20477 02 3 MWF 0900-0950am 20478 03 3 MWF 1100-1150am 20479 04 3 TR 0930-1045am 21681 05 3 TR 1100-1215pm 21912 06 3 TR 1230-0145pm MLK248 MLK248 MLK248 MLK248 MLK248 MLK248 Thomas Thomas Thornton Thomas Thomas Thornton SC 136 20480 01 20481 02 21682 03 21913 04 Public Address 3 MWF 0900-0950am 3 MWF 1000-1050am 3 TR 0930-1045am 3 TR 1100-1213pm MLK251 MLK251 MLK250 MLK250 Wiley Duncan Duncan Wiley SC 232 20482 01 Interpersonal Communication 3 TR 1100-1215pm MLK249 Nichols SC 233 20483 01 Comm Skills Health Profs 3 MWF 1000-1050am MLK104 Wiley SC 333 21914 01 Interviewing 3 TR 0930-1045am MLK253 Wiley SC 431 21539 01 Non Verbal Communication 3 MWF 1100-1150am MLK250 Duncan SEC CRED DAYS TIME BLDRM TBA INST 50 | Co urse Se lect ion Bullet in - Spr ing 2015 College of Education TEXAS SOUTHERN UNIVERSITY SPRING 2015 COURSE SELECTION COLLEGE OF EDUCATION INST CRN COUNSELING COUN 611 Appraisal & Assessment Techniq 20681 01 3 W 0530-0800pm ED336 STAFF EDUCATION ADMIN. & SUPERVISION EDAS 953 Evaluation Of Schools 20695 01 3 F 0530-0800pm ED333 Nwagwu COUN 638 21246 01 Org & Admin Coun Guid Services 3 T 0530-0800pm ED321 Finch EDAS 978 20698 01 Doctoral Internship 3-9 TBA TBA North COUN 735 21446 01 Coun Tech 3 R Finch EDAS 998 21556 01 Doc Colloq Ed Admin 3 M 0530-0800pm ED335 Bloom COUN 736 21546 01 Supervised Counseling 3 T 0530-0800pm ED STAFF COUN 836 20684 01 Mental Health & Psychopath 3 M 0530-0800pm ED333 EDAS 999 20696 01 20697 02 Dissertation 3-12 TBA TBA 3-12 TBA TBA Bailey Poats STAFF COUN 839 21550 01 Practicum I 3 M 0530-0800pm ED320 STAFF COUN 840 21373 01 Practicum II 3 M 0530-0800pm ED317 STAFF EDUCATION EDCI 210 20712 01 20713 02 21877 03 21878 04 CURRICULUM & INSTR. Ins Tec 3 M 1001-1230pm ED308C 3 M 1000-1230pm ED 3 M 0530-0800pm ED308C 3 M 0530-0800pm ED Song STAFF Song STAFF COUN 841 21828 01 Family Counseling 3 R 0530-0800pm ED321 Jones EDCI 310 20714 01 Field Based I Perf Focus Tchng 3 MW 0800-0150pm ED337 Smith COUN 890 20683 01 Group Counseling 3 M 0530-0800pm ED338 Davis EDCI 328 20715 01 Field Based -II Perf Focus Tch 3 TR 0800-0150pm ED337 Grant COUN 895 21148 01 Ethics & Prof Issues Coun 3 W 0530-0800pm ED334 Mitchell EDCI 329 21879 01 Content Foc Tchng:Social Stud 3 W 0530-0800pm ED STAFF COUN 911 21834 01 Ind Appraisal In Coun 3 M 0530-0800pm ED321 Ratliff EDCI 330 21880 01 Soc St Strat II 3 R 0530-0800pm TBA STAFF COUN 912 21552 01 Prin & Found Of Coun 3 S 0800-1030am ED325 Jones EDCI 339 20716 01 Classrm Mngt 3 MW 0800-0150pm ED Smith COUN 915 21835 01 Vocational Assessment 3 W 0530-0800pm ED321 Broussar COUN 916 21247 01 Sem Comm Col Stu Pers Servs 3 T 0530-0800pm ED333 EDCI 340 20717 01 20718 02 Ins Tec II 3 T 3 T Song Song Epps COUN 918 20680 01 Probs In Coun 3-6 R 0530-0800pm ED333 EDCI 346 21248 01 Intro to Edu Psychology 3 R 0530-0800pm ED334 Smith Ratliff COUN 919 21836 01 Internship 3 W EDCI 350 20719 01 Desgng & Implg Inst/Assessment 3 TR 0800-0150pm ED Grant STAFF COUN 920 21555 01 Research in Counseling 3 T 0530-0800pm ED317 Jefferso EDCI 402 21881 01 Content Foc Tchng: Science 3 F 0530-0800pm ED STAFF COUN 944 21846 01 Topics in Aging 3 R 0530-0800pm ED Epps EDCI 404 20720 01 Cert Sem 3 T Grant COUN 999 20682 01 21475 02 Dissertation 3-12 R 0530-0800pm ED 3-12 R 0530-0800pm ED306 Jefferso Jones EDCI 410 20721 01 Individual Projects 3 TBA 0530-0800pm TBA STAFF EDCI 433 20723 01 Early Childhood Curriculum 3 M 0630-0800pm ED Smith Newton EDCI 435 21883 01 Lan Dev & Lit 3 W 0530-0800pm ED STAFF CRN SEC CRED DAYS TIME BLDRM 0530-0800pm ED338 0530-0800pm ED300 EDUCATION ADMIN. & SUPERVISION EDAS 782 Internship II 20689 01 3/6 TBA TBA TBA SEC CRED DAYS TIME BLDRM TBA TBA TBA 1000-1230pm ED308C 0530-0800pm ED308C 0530-0800pm ED INST EDAS 933 20693 01 Systems Mgmt Of Schools 3 W 0530-0800pm ED337 Nwagwu EDCI 450 20724 01 DIR STU TCH GRD 4-8 6 MTWRF 0800-0350pm ED102 STAFF EDAS 935 20694 01 Sch Admin Hierarchy 3 T 0530-0800pm ED337 North EDCI 463 20725 01 DIR STU TCH SPED 6 MTWRF 0800-0350pm ED102 STAFF EDAS 950 21871 01 Schools & The Community 3 R 0530-0800pm ED102 Bailey EDCI 464 20726 01 DIR STU TCH HS 6 MTWRF 0800-0350pm ED102 STAFF C o u r s e S e l e c t i o n B u l l e t i n - S p r i n g 2 0 1 5 | 51 College of Education TEXAS SOUTHERN UNIVERSITY SPRING 2015 COURSE SELECTION COLLEGE OF EDUCATION INST CRN EDUCATION CURRICULUM & INSTR. (Cont.) EDCI 468 DIR STU TCH ALL LEVELS 21730 01 6 MTWRF 0800-0350pm ED102 Reynolds HIGHER EDUCATIONS EDHI 933 Intro to Study of Higher Ed 22235 01 3 F 0530-0800pm ED321 STAFF EDCI 479 21884 01 Mgmt Early Childhd Envir 3 S 1000-1230pm ED317 STAFF EDHI 937 21873 01 Financing Of Higher Ed 3 T 0530-0800pm ED200 STAFF EDCI 491 20728 01 Dir Stu Tchng: EC-6 6 MTWRF 0800-0330pm ED102 STAFF EDHI 942 20708 01 Sem Goverance Of Higher Ed 3 S 0800-1030pm ED338 Mutakabb EDCI 521 21554 01 Creativity In Child Dev 3 M 0530-0800pm ED115 STAFF EDHI 945 20709 01 Sem Current Prob In Higher Ed 3 S 1100-0130pm ED338 Mutakabb EDCI 524 21448 01 Home Com Partnsp Dev Of Child 3 F 0530-0800pm ED115 STAFF EDHI 950 21876 01 Higher Ed & The Law 3 M 0530-0800pm ED Cunningh EDCI 531 21885 01 Classroom Management 3 TBA TBA TBA STAFF EDHI 968 21375 01 Internship In Univ Admin 3/6 TBA TBA TBA Cummings EDCI 540 21886 01 Curriculum & Instruction 3 TBA TBA TBA STAFF EDHI 970 21162 01 Urban Higher Ed 3 R 0530-0800pm TBA Cummings EDCI 551 21887 01 Multicultural Education 3 W 0530-0800pm ED STAFF EDHI 971 20711 01 Stu Affairs Admin High Ed 3 W 0530-0800pm ED Cunningh EDCI 915 20729 01 Diversity Education 3 T 0530-0800pm ED Ligons EDHI 999 22234 03 Stu Affairs Admin High Ed 3 TBA TBA TBA Cunningh EDCI 921 22005 01 Adv Curr Dev 3 TBA TBA Saha-Gup EDCI 927 21731 01 Independent Study and Research 3-12 TBA TBA TBA Haynes-M EDCI 938 22006 01 Techniques of Curr Evaluation 3 TBA TBA TBA STAFF EDCI 995 20730 01 Practicum In Urban Ed 3 TBA TBA TBA STAFF EDCI 996 22011 01 Ed & The Urban Dilemma 3 TBA TBA TBA STAFF EDCI 999 20731 01 20732 02 21742 03 21743 04 21754 05 Dissertation 3-12 TBA 3-12 TBA 3-12 TBA 3-12 TBA 3-12 TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA Ligons Haynes-M Saha-Gup Song Smith CRN SEC CRED DAYS TIME TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA BLDRM TBA EDUCATION FOUNDATIONS EDFD 576 His Black Ed In America 20705 01 3 W 0530-0800pm ED Stroud EDFD 905 20699 01 Nature Meth Ed Res 3 F 0530-0800pm ED200 Davis EDFD 931 20700 01 Ed Res Corr Stat Methods 3 W 0530-0800pm ED317 Owens EDFD 932 20701 01 Ed Res Sig Tests Stat Methods 3 S 1100-0130pm ED102 Davis EDFD 980 20702 01 Hist Of Ed In U S 3 T 0530-0800pm ED334 EDFD 997 20703 01 Research Seminar 3 S 0200-0430pm ED102 SEC CRED DAYS TIME BLDRM INST EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY EPSY 831 Educ Statistics 20704 01 3 T 0530-0800pm ED115 Lamb HEALTH EDUCATION HED 223 Basic C P R 20743 01 2 MW Rodgers 0900-0950am REC212 HED 233 20744 01 20745 02 20746 03 21449 04 22028 05 Hist 2 2 2 2 2 & Prin Of Health MW 0900-0950am MW 1000-1050am MW 1100-1150am M 0530-0800pm TR 0100-0150pm HPE155 HPE155 HPE155 HPE102 HPE162 Floyd Floyd Floyd Floyd Guinn HED 333 20747 01 Emergency & Care of Injuries 3 MWF 0100-0150pm HPE155 Guinn HED 399 20748 01 Health Seminar 2 M 0400-0550pm HPE162 Guinn HED 432 21366 01 Fitness For Living 3 TR 1100-1215pm HPE162 Meshack HED 472 20750 01 Foundations of Safety 3 TR 0100-0215pm HPE104 Moreland HED 499 21367 01 Sup Ind Wk/Res Com Hlth 6 TBA TBA Meshack HED 574 22233 01 Health Manpower Issues 3 T 0530-0800pm HPE106 Brown-Fi HED 577 22029 O1 Human Sexuality & Dev 3 TBA TBA Brown-Fi TBA TBA Poats KINESIOLOGY KIN 211 Individual Sports & Activities 22030 01 1 T 1200-1250pm HPE STAFF Davis KIN 212 22031 01 STAFF Individual Sports/ActivitiesII 1 T 0100-0150pm HPE 52 | Co urse Se lect ion Bullet in - Spr ing 2015 College of Education TEXAS SOUTHERN UNIVERSITY SPRING 2015 COURSE SELECTION COLLEGE OF EDUCATION INST CRN KINESIOLOGY (Cont.) KIN 233 Foundations II 21572 01 3 TR 1100-1215pm HPE155 STAFF READING RDG 301 22012 01 Content Foc Tchng:Reading 3 M 0530-0800pm ED Boyd KIN 235 21574 01 Intro to Adapted Physical Ed 3 MWF 0900-0950am HPE106 Forest RDG 302 21249 01 Reading Skills Development 3 TBA 0530-0800pm ED Boyd KIN 300 21575 01 Athletic Training Pract/Sem 2 TR 0100-0215pm HPE Harper RDG 401 20733 01 Div Pop 3 R Boyd KIN 324 21576 01 Advanced Swimming 2 TR 0800-0850am REC106 Duncan RDG 406 21397 01 Reading Appreciation 3 W 0530-0800pm ED114 Boyd KIN 336 21577 01 Org & Admin Phy Edu 3 MWF 0200-0250pm HPE106 Moreland RDG 574 21171 01 Fund Of Reading Instruction 3 W 0530-0800pm ED Haynes-M KIN 339 21580 01 Fundamentals Of Movement 3 MWF 0900-0950am HPE Harvey KIN 370 21581 01 Athletic Training I 3 MWF 1000-1050am HPE KIN 378 21582 01 CRN SEC CRED DAYS TIME BLDRM SEC CRED DAYS TIME TBA BLDRM TBA INST RECREATION REC 234 Foundation Rec Parks & Leisure 21369 01 3 TR 1100-1215pm REC212 Thomas Harvey Ind Dev & Motor Learning 3 MW 0200-0315pm HPE162 REC 332 21370 01 Aquatics Facility Mgmt & Water 3 MWF 1000-1045am REC212 Rodgers Owlia KIN 399 21583 01 Physical Ed Seminar 2 M 0400-0550pm TBA REC 373 21589 01 Hist & Philosophy Rec Park 3 TR 0930-1045am REC212 Thomas Guinn KIN 433 22054 O1 Problems in Urban Rec Sports 3 TBA TBA TBA Asare SPECIAL EDUCATION SPED 309 Survey Exceptional Education I 22016 01 3 M 0530-0800pm ED 22020 02 3 T 0530-0800pm ED335 Saha-Gup STAFF KIN 435 21584 01 Tests & Measurements 3 MWF 1000-1050am HPE106 Forest KIN 438 21585 01 Physiology of Exercise I 3 W 0530-0800pm HPE162 SPED 370 22024 01 22026 02 Survey Exceptional EducationII 3 T 0530-0800pm ED 3 R 0730-0800pm ED335 Saha-Gup STAFF Owlia KIN 439 21586 01 Independent Study 3 MTWRF TBA SPED 401 22027 01 Field Experiences in Sped 3 TBA TBA TBA Saha-Gup Forest KIN 531 21587 01 Advanced Theory & Practice 3 W 0530-0800pm HPE106 Reynolds SPORTS MANAGEMENT SPMT 135 Sport Marketing & Promotions 22057 01 3 TR 0100-0215pm HPE155 Cavil KIN 638 22055 01 Physiology Of Exercise II 3 W 0530-0800pm HPE Owlia SPMT 279 21253 01 Sport Prg Evnt & Facility MGMT 3 MWF 1100-1150am HPE102 Flowers SPMT 333 22058 01 Problems in Rec & Sports 3 MWF 1000-1050am HPE102 Flowers SPMT 399 21590 O1 Sports Management Seminar 2 TBA TBA TBA Cavil SPMT 476 21600 01 Hist Sport Gov African Disaspo 3 TR 0230-0345pm HPE155 Cavil SPMT 499 21371 01 Sport Management Practicum 6 MTWF TBA HPE STAFF TBA PHYSICAL EDUCATION PE 100 Water Aerobics 22059 01 1 M 0900-0950am REC106 22060 02 1 M 1000-1050am REC106 22061 03 1 M 1100-1150am REC106 Duncan Duncan Duncan PE 103 20735 01 20736 02 Racquetball 1 W 1 W Harper Harper PE 108 20737 01 Modern Dance I 1 T 0430-0520pm REC124 Johnson PE 109 20738 01 Modern Dance II 1 T 0530-0620pm REC124 Johnson PE 120 21251 01 Adapted Activities I 1 MTWR TBA Harper COUNSELING COUN 735 Coun Tech 21547 O1 3 TBA PE 125 20739 01 Weight Training 1 T 0100-0150pm HPE STAFF COUN 821 21447 O1 Counseling Supervision 3 TBA TBA PE 128 20742 01 Tae Kwon-Do I 2 MW 0200-0250pm HPE Plumber COUN 834 21548 O1 0900-0950am HPE 1000-1050am HPE TBA ONLINE COURSES TBA TBA STAFF TBA Davis Coun & Personality Theories 3 TBA TBA TBA Finch C o u r s e S e l e c t i o n B u l l e t i n - S p r i n g 2 0 1 5 | 53 College of Education TEXAS SOUTHERN UNIVERSITY SPRING 2015 COURSE SELECTION COLLEGE OF EDUCATION CRN SEC CRED DAYS TIME BLDRM INST COUNSELING COUN 876 Career and Lifestyle Dev 20679 O1 3 TBA TBA TBA Broussar COUN 879 21374 O1 Broussar Med Psy Aspect Disability 3 TBA TBA TBA EDUCATION ADMIN. & SUPERVISION EDAS 537 Principles Of Educ Administrat 20685 O1 3 TBA TBA TBA Stroud EDAS 541 20686 O1 Curr Planning & Development 3 TBA TBA TBA Stroud EDAS 675 20687 O1 Leadership & Management of Ins 3 TBA TBA TBA Bloom EDAS 781 20688 O1 Internship I 3/6 TBA TBA Newton EDAS 800 20690 O1 Schl Org, Leadership & Mgmt 3 TBA TBA TBA Peltier- EDAS 850 20691 O1 Leadership & Campus Culture 3 TBA TBA TBA Peltier- TBA EDUCATION FOUNDATIONS EDFD 581 Foundations Of Education 20707 O1 3 TBA TBA TBA STAFF EDFD 633 20706 O1 Owens Research 3 M 0530-0800pm ED102 HEALTH EDUCATION HED 339 Diseases & Consumer Health 21678 O1 3 TBA TBA TBA Meshack HED 434 21562 O1 Mental Hygiene 3 TBA TBA Brown-Fi HED 471 20749 O1 Personal Health & Safety II 3 TBA TBA TBA Floyd KINESIOLOGY KIN 332 Coach & Office Acts Sec SCH 22053 O1 3 TBA TBA TBA Asare KIN 433 22054 O1 Asare TBA Problems in Urban Rec Sports 3 TBA TBA TBA RECREATION REC 434 Mmgt in Rec Sport and Leisure 22056 O1 3 TBA TBA TBA Flowers SPORTS MANAGEMENT SPMT 399 Sports Management Seminar 21590 O1 2 TBA TBA TBA Cavil 54 | Co urse Se lect ion Bullet in - Spr ing 2015 College of Liberal Arts and Behavioral Sciences TEXAS SOUTHERN UNIVERSITY SPRING 2015 COURSE SELECTION COLLEGE OF LIBERAL AND BEHAVIORAL SCIENCE INST CRN ART & DESIGN AD 130 Environmental Design 20763 01 2 MW 0300-0350pm HE STAFF CHILD & FAMILY DEVELOPMENT CFDV 333 Meth & Proc in Early Child Dev 21623 01 3 MWF 1000-1050am HE100 Scurlock AD 130L Environ Design Lab 20764 01 1 WF 0400-0450pm HE121 STAFF CFDV 335 21288 01 Independent Study in Cfdev 3 TBA TBA HE100 Scurlock CFDV 432 20755 01 Children's Literature 3 R 0530-0800pm HE100 STAFF CFDV 434 21624 01 Practicum I 3 MWF Scurlock Tapscott CFDV 435 22032 01 Child Nutrition 3 MWF 0900-0950am TBA STAFF CRN SEC CRED DAYS TIME BLDRM SEC CRED DAYS TIME BLDRM INST ART ART 130 21784 01 Introduction to Visual Art 3 MWF 1100-1150am ART112 ART 132 20920 01 Majors 21785 02 Drawing & Composition II 3 MWF 0800-0950am ART107 Only 3 TR 0800-1045am ART107 ART 134 20921 01 Creative Design II 3 TR 0400-0645pm ART104 Robinson CFDV 436 21625 01 Parenting 3 W 0530-0800pm HE100 STAFF ART 137 21786 01 Intro African Art 3 TR 1100-1215pm ART112 Wardlaw CFDV 437 20756 01 Capstone in Child & Family Dev 3 TBA TBA TBA Oates ART 201 20924 01 20925 02 Art Seminar T 1 T Wardlaw Wardlaw CFDV 534 22033 01 Issues in Child & Family Dev 3 T 0530-0800pm HE100 STAFF ART 232 20926 01 Elementary Painting II 3 MWF 0400-0550pm ART117 Green CFDV 671 22034 01 Behavior Probs Young Child 3 R 0530-0800pm HE STAFF ART 236 21286 01 Baroque & Modern Art 3 MWF 0100-0150pm ART112 Tapscott ART 303 21847 01 Art Studio I 3 TBA TBA CHINESE CHNS 131 21592 01 21593 02 Elementary Chinese I 3 MWF 0900-0950am MLK311 3 MWF 1000-1050am MLK311 Song Song Tapscott ART 322 20927 01 Life Sketch II 3 MWF 0800-0950am ART CHNS 132 21595 01 Elementary Chinese II 3 MWF 1100-1150am TBA Chang Green ART 331 21787 01 Sculpture I 3 TR CHNS 231 21810 01 Intermediate Chinese I 3 MWF 0100-0150pm MLK311 Song 0400-0645pm ART115 Sifuente ART 333 21181 01 Digital Painting & Imaging 3 MWF 0400-0550pm ART106 CHNS 232 21811 03 Intermediate Chinese II 3 MWF 0100-0150pm MLK313 Chang Robinson ART 336 20928 01 Intermediate Painting II 3 MWF 1000-1150am ART117 Green CLOTHING/TEXTILES CT 130 Clothing Behavior 21620 01 3 TR 0400-0515pm HE STAFF ART 400 21393 01 Exhibition 3 MWF Green ART 402 21849 01 Ind Study in Art Research 3 TBA TBA ART112 Tapscott ART 431 21788 01 Advanced Drawing I 3 MWF 0200-0350pm ART107 Robinson ART 434 21287 01 Mural Painting 3 TR 0800-1045am ART115 ENGLISH ENG 130 20778 01 20779 02 21789 03 21790 04 22232 05 22221 06 22222 07 22223 08 Integrated Reading and Writing 3 MWF 1000-1050am FH159 3 MWF 1100-1150am FH159 3 MWF 0900-0950am FH159 3 TR 0800-0915am FH159 3 TR 0930-1045am FH159 3 TR 0930-1045am TBA 3 TR 1100-1215pm FH159 3 TR 0100-0114pm FH159 Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Harris Harris Johnson Sifuente ENG 131 20780 01 20781 02 20782 03 20783 04 20784 05 20785 06 20786 07 20787 08 20788 09 20789 10 20790 11 20791 12 20792 13 Freshman English I 3 TR 0400-0515pm 3 TR 0800-0915am 3 TR 0800-0915am 3 TR 0800-0915am 3 TR 0930-1045am 3 TR 0930-1045am 3 TR 0930-1045am 3 TR 0930-1045am 3 TR 0930-1045am 3 TR 1100-1215pm 3 TR 1100-1215pm 3 TR 1100-1215pm 3 TR 1100-1215pm Abebe Sears Amboree Reese Douglas Barron-B Walker Lancaste Abebe Johnson Sears Amboree Jones 0200-0315pm ART112 0200-0315pm ART ART112 1200-0150pm ART117 Tapscott Robinson CHILD & FAMILY DEVELOPMENT CFDV 233 Family Relationships 20751 01 3 MWF 1100-1150am HE106 Levy-Cul CFDV 234 20752 01 Survey Early Childhood Dev 3 TR 0230-0345pm HE100 Oates CFDV 235 20753 01 Interaction with Young Childrn 3 T 1100-1215pm HE100 Scurlock CFDV 235L Interact with Young Child Lab 20754 01 0 TBA TBA TBA Scurlock 0100-0150pm HE100 MLK200 MLK215 MLK203 MLK246 MLK247 MLK150 MLK249 MLK311 MLK313 MLK311 MLK200 MLK246 MLK310 C o u r s e S e l e c t i o n B u l l e t i n - S p r i n g 2 0 1 5 | 55 College of Liberal Arts and Behavioral Sciences CRN TEXAS SOUTHERN UNIVERSITY SPRING 2015 COURSE SELECTION COLLEGE OF LIBERAL AND BEHAVIORAL SCIENCE SEC CRED DAYS TIME BLDRM ENGLISH (Cont.) ENG 131 Freshman English I (Cont.) 20793 14 3 TR 1100-1215pm MLK247 21791 15 3 MWF 0900-0950am MLK312 21792 16 3 MWF 1000-1050am MLK312 21793 17 3 MWF 0900-0950am MLK313 21794 18 3 MWF 1000-1050am MLK248 21795 DCI 3 TR 0930-1045am MLK310 INST Harmon Griffith Griffith Turner Turner Johnson ENG 132 20794 01 20795 02 20796 03 20797 04 20798 05 20799 06 20800 07 20801 08 20802 09 20803 10 20804 11 20805 12 20806 13 20807 14 HONORS 20808 15 20809 16 20810 17 20811 18 20812 19 20813 20 20814 21 21606 22 20815 23 21284 24 21433 25 21434 26 21304 27 21305 28 21306 29 21307 30 21308 31 21309 32 21310 33 21311 34 21312 35 21607 36 21613 37 21614 38 21615 39 21616 40 21617 41 21800 42 21801 43 21802 44 21803 45 Freshman English II 3 MWF 0800-0850am 3 MWF 0800-0850am 3 MWF 0800-0850am 3 MWF 0800-0850am 3 MWF 0800-0850am 3 MWF 0900-0950am 3 TR 0930-1045am 3 MWF 0900-0950am 3 MWF 0900-0950am 3 MWF 0900-0950am 3 MWF 0900-0950am 3 MWF 1000-1050am 3 MWF 1000-1050am 3 MWF 1000-1050am MLK215 MLK246 MLK203 MLK247 MLK200 MLK200 MLK138 MLK215 MLK150 MLK250 MLK249 MLK200 MLK215 LIBB14 Harmon Decatur Jones James STAFF James Jackson Jackson Sears Amboree Johnson Douglas Barron-B Reese 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1000-1050am 1000-1050am 1000-1050am 1000-1050am 1000-1050am 1100-1150am 1100-1150am 1100-1150am 1100-1150am 1100-1150am 1100-1150am 1100-1150am 0800-0915am 0800-0915am 0800-0915am 0800-0915am 0930-1045am 0930-1045am 0930-1045am 0930-1045am 0930-1045am 0800-0915am 0930-1045am 1100-1215pm 1100-1215pm 1100-1215pm 1100-1215pm 1100-1215pm 0100-0215pm 0100-0215pm 0230-0345pm MLK246 MLK203 MLK247 MLK150 MLK253 MLK200 MLK215 MLK203 MLK247 MLK150 MLK311 MLK138 MLK311 MLK313 MLK310 MLK247 MLK200 MLK217 MLK102 ED334 ED336 MLK200 MLK246 MLK138 MLK217 MLK104 MLK102 ED334 MLK311 MLK246 MLK200 Harmon Johnson Jones Sears Amboree Johnson James Reese Harmon Decatur Barron-B Douglas Ware Johnson Decatur James STAFF Decatur Benson Ware Turner Jones STAFF Ware Benson Reese Griffith Turner Ware Abebe Abebe ENG 230 20816 01 21313 02 20817 03 20818 04 20819 05 World Literature I 3 MWF 0200-0250pm 3 TR 0230-0345pm 3 TR 0100-0215pm 3 MWF 1000-1050am 3 TR 0930-1045am MLK310 MLK310 MLK138 MLK102 MLK100 DouglasDouglasHarmon Jackson Reese ENG 231 20820 01 HONORS 20821 02 20822 03 20823 04 21738 05 World Literature II 3 MWF 1100-1150am LIBB14 Jennings 3 3 3 3 Jackson Turner Turner Turner MWF MWF MWF MWF MWF MWF MWF MWF MWF MWF MWF MWF TR TR TR TR TR TR TR TR TR TR TR TR TR TR TR TR TR TR TR MWF TR TR T 1100-1150am 0230-0345pm 0400-0515pm 0530-0800pm MLK251 MLK150 MLK150 MLK150 CRN SEC CRED DAYS TIME BLDRM INST ENGLISH (Cont.) ENG 231 World Literature II (Cont.) 21752 06 3 R 0530-0800pm MLK150 Turner ENG 235 20829 01 20830 02 21666 03 American Literature 3 TR 1100-1215pm MLK150 3 TR 1100-1215pm MLK253 3 TR 0100-0215pm MLK253 Lancaste Evans Evans ENG 244 20824 01 20825 02 20826 03 20827 04 20828 05 African-American Literature 3 TR 0230-0345pm MLK247 3 MWF 0100-0150pm MLK247 3 TR 0400-0515pm MLK247 3 TR 0100-0215pm MLK247 3 TR 0530-0645pm MLK247 Benson Benson Kilgore Kilgore Kilgore ENG 302 21314 01 Great American Writers II 3 TR 0400-0515pm MLK250 Samples ENG 304 20831 01 British Literature II 3 MWF 0300-0330pm MLK250 Zeitler ENG 351 20832 01 Grammar Review Workshop 3 MWF 0200-0250pm MLK250 Kilgore ENG 430 20833 01 Hist & Theory of English Lang 3 TR 0230-0345pm MLK250 Walker ENG 432 21669 01 Capstone Seminar 3 T 0530-0800pm MLK250 Brooks d ENG 433 21805 01 Shakespeare & Renaissa Studies 3 TR 0100-0215pm MLK200 Sollars ENG 439 21806 01 The Teaching of English 3 MWF 1100-1150am MLK100 Harris ENG 441 21671 01 African-Am Lit:Fiction & Crit 3 MWF 0100-0150pm MLK200 Griffith ENG 501 20835 01 20834 03 Grad Prof Writing 3 T 0530-0800pm MLK253 3 W 0530-0800pm MLK200 Samples Samples ENG 529 21807 01 Studies in Lit Bio and Nonfict 3 M 0530-0800pm MLK200 Lancaste ENG 536 21675 01 Seminar in Advan Tech Writing 3 R 0530-0800pm MLK200 Sollars ENG 735 21672 01 The British Novel 3 W 0530-0800pm MLK203 Zeitler ENG 835 20836 01 Directed Reading and Research 3 TBA TBA TBA Brooks d ENG 837 20837 01 Thesis In Progress 3 TBA TBA Brooks d TBA FAMILY CONSUMER SCIENCES FCS 334 Career Opprtunities 22035 01 3 TR 0100-0215pm HE106 Levy-Cul FCS 411 22036 01 IND STUDY IN FAM & CONS SCI 1 TBA TBA HE106 Levy-Cul FCS 420 22037 01 IND STUDY IN FAM & CONS SCI 2 TBA TBA HE106 Levy-Cul 56 | Co urse Se lect ion Bullet in - Spr ing 2015 College of Liberal Arts and Behavioral Sciences CRN TEXAS SOUTHERN UNIVERSITY SPRING 2015 COURSE SELECTION COLLEGE OF LIBERAL AND BEHAVIORAL SCIENCE SEC CRED DAYS TIME BLDRM FAMILY CONSUMER SCIENCES (Cont.) FCS 435 Communication: Fam & Marriage* 22038 01 3 W 0530-0800pm HE106 INST CRN Levy-Cul HISTORY (Cont.) HIST 332 Modern Europe Since 1815 20916 01 3 TR 1100-1215pm TBA Chaudhur HIST 382 20918 01 African Civ Since 1800 3 MWF 0100-0150pm TBA Tate HIST 430 21838 01 Topics In History 3 R 0230-0500pm TBA Esparza HIST 432 21297 01 Topics in World History 3 T 0230-0500pm TBA Hart HIST 478 21610 01 Slavery 3 W Pitre HIST 533 21839 01 Readings in World Europe 3 M 0530-0800pm TBA Chaudhur HIST 630 21611 01 Spec Probs in Amer Hist 3 W 0530-0800pm TBA Wintz HIST 635 21840 01 Civil War Reconst Nat Develop 3 T 0530-0800pm TBA Pitre HIST 734 21841 01 Seminar In American History 3 R 0530-0800pm TBA Wintz HIST 790 20919 01 Thesis in History 3 TBA TBA Wintz FRENCH FR 131 20838 01 Elementary French I 3 MWF 1000-1050am MLK309 STAFF FR 132 20839 01 Elementary French II 3 MWF 1100-1150am MLK309 Caussinu FR 432 21808 01 Business French 3 MWF 0100-0150pm MLK309 Caussinu FR 439 21809 01 French Influence in Africa 3 MWF 0200-0250pm MLK309 Caussinu GEOGRAPHY GEOG 132 World Regional Geography 20896 01 3 TR 0930-1045am TBA 21295 02 3 TR 1100-1215pm TBA Parekh Parekh GEOG 332 21843 01 Economic Geography 3 TR 0100-0215pm TBA Parekh GEOG 432 21844 01 Geog Of Transportation 3 W 0530-0800pm TBA STAFF HISTORY HIST 131 20897 01 World History I 3 MWF 1100-1150am TBA Herbst HIST 132 20898 01 World History II 3 MWF 1000-1050am TBA Herbst HIST 231 20899 01 20900 02 20901 03 20902 04 20903 05 20904 06 20905 07 20906 08 21824 09 21825 10 21826 11 Soc & Pol Hist US to 1877 3 MWF 0900-0950am TBA 3 MWF 1000-1050am TBA 3 MWF 1100-1150am TBA 3 MWF 1200-1250pm TBA 3 MWF 0100-0150pm TBA 3 MWF 0200-0250pm TBA 3 M 0530-0800pm TBA 3 TR 0800-0915am TBA 3 TR 0930-1045am TBA 3 TR 1100-1215pm TBA 3 TR 0230-0345pm TBA Benjamin Benjamin Benjamin STAFF Benjamin STAFF Dirden Rodrigue Rodrigue Rodrigue Rodrigue HIST 232 20907 01 20908 02 20909 03 20910 04 20911 05 20912 06 20913 07 20914 08 21296 WE1 21827 09 21829 10 21830 11 21831 12 HONORS 21832 13 Soc & Pol Hist US Since 1877 3 MWF 0900-0950am TBA 3 MWF 1000-1050am TBA 3 MWF 1100-1150am TBA 3 MWF 1100-1150am TBA 3 MWF 1200-1250pm TBA 3 MWF 0100-0150pm TBA 3 MWF 0200-0250pm TBA 3 TR 0800-0915am TBA 3 S 1100-0130pm FH170 3 TR 0930-1045am TBA 3 TR 1100-1215pm TBA 3 TR 0100-0215pm TBA 3 T 0230-0500pm LIBB13 Tate Tate Tate Williams Williams Gonzalez Gonzalez Vipond Hawkins Esparza Esparza Esparza Kossie-C 3 HIST 281 21833 01 Intro to African American Hist 3 TR 1100-1215pm TBA T 0530-0800pm TBA SEC CRED DAYS TIME BLDRM 0530-0800pm TBA TBA INST HUMAN SERVS & CONSUMER SCI HSCS 233 Sem in Hum Serv & Con Sci 20762 01 3 MWF 1000-1050am HE106 Levy-Cul HSCS 430 21618 01 Research Methods 3 M 0530-0800pm HE106 Levy-Cul HSCS 534 21290 01 Rdgs Areas Spec Hum Ser Con Sc 3 M 0530-0800pm HE Ahmed APPLIED MUSIC MUSA 111B Applied Music Brass 21415 01 1 TBA TBA TBA Lee MUSA 111K Applied Music Piano 21418 01 1 F 0100-0150pm RSC122 Perkyns MUSA 111P Applied Music Perc 21417 01 1 TBA TBA TBA Singleto MUSA 111S Applied Music String 21416 01 1 TBA TBA TBA Lundy MUSA 111V Applied Music Voice 21419 01 1 TBA TBA TBA Oby MUSA 111W Applied Music Woodwind 21420 01 1 TBA TBA TBA Butler MUSA 112B Applied Music Brass 20979 01 1 TBA TBA TBA Lee Dirden MUSA 112K Applied Music Piano 20982 01 1 TBA TBA TBA Perkyns Taylor MUSA 112P Applied Music Perc 20981 01 1 TBA TBA TBA Adams C o u r s e S e l e c t i o n B u l l e t i n - S p r i n g 2 0 1 5 | 57 College of Liberal Arts and Behavioral Sciences CRN TEXAS SOUTHERN UNIVERSITY SPRING 2015 COURSE SELECTION COLLEGE OF LIBERAL AND BEHAVIORAL SCIENCE SEC CRED DAYS TIME BLDRM INST CRN SEC CRED DAYS TIME BLDRM INST TBA Singleto APPLIED MUSIC (Cont.) MUSA 112S Applied Music String 20980 01 1 TBA TBA TBA STAFF APPLIED MUSIC (Cont.) MUSA 132P Applied Music Perc 20993 01 2 TBA TBA MUSA 112V Applied Music Voice 20983 01 1 TBA TBA TBA Oby MUSA 132S Applied Music String 20992 01 2 TBA TBA TBA STAFF MUSA 112W Applied Music Woodwind 20984 01 1 TBA TBA TBA Butler MUSA 132V Applied Music Voice 20995 01 2 TBA TBA TBA Oby MUSA 121B Applied Music Brass 21421 01 1 TBA TBA TBA Harris MUSA 132W Applied Music Woodwind 20996 01 2 TBA TBA TBA Butler MUSA 121K Applied Music Piano 21054 01 1 TBA TBA TBA Perkyns MUSA 211B Applied Music Brass 21063 01 1 TBA TBA TBA Harris MUSA 121P Applied Music Perc 21053 01 1 TBA TBA TBA Singleto MUSA 211K Applied Music Piano 21066 01 1 TBA TBA TBA Perkyns MUSA 121S Applied Music String 21052 01 1 TBA TBA TBA STAFF MUSA 211P Applied Music Perc 21065 01 1 TBA TBA TBA Singleto MUSA 121V Applied Music Voice 21055 01 1 TBA TBA TBA Oby MUSA 211S Applied Music String 21064 01 1 TBA TBA TBA STAFF MUSA 121W Applied Music Woodwind 21056 01 1 TBA TBA TBA Butler MUSA 211V Applied Music Voice 21067 01 1 TBA TBA TBA Oby MUSA 122B Applied Music Brass 20985 01 1 TBA TBA TBA Lee MUSA 211W Applied Music Woodwind 21068 01 1 TBA TBA TBA Butler MUSA 122K Applied Music Piano 20988 01 1 TBA TBA TBA Perkyns MUSA 122P Applied Music Perc 20987 01 1 TBA TBA MUSA 212B Applied Music Brass 20997 01 1 TBA TBA TBA Lee TBA Singleto MUSA 122S Applied Music String 20986 01 1 TBA TBA MUSA 212K Applied Music Piano 21000 01 1 TBA TBA TBA Perkyns TBA STAFF MUSA 122V Applied Music Voice 20989 01 1 TBA TBA MUSA 212P Applied Music Perc 20999 01 1 TBA TBA TBA Singleto TBA Oby MUSA 122W Applied Music Woodwind 20990 01 1 TBA TBA MUSA 212S Applied Music String 20998 01 1 TBA TBA TBA STAFF TBA Butler MUSA 212V Applied Music Voice 21001 01 1 TBA TBA TBA Oby MUSA 131B Applied Music Brass 21057 01 2 TBA TBA TBA Lee MUSA 212W Applied Music Woodwind 21002 01 1 TBA TBA TBA Butler MUSA 131K Applied Music Piano 21060 01 2 TBA TBA TBA Perkyns MUSA 221B Applied Music Brass 21069 01 1 TBA TBA TBA Lee MUSA 131P Applied Music Perc 21059 01 2 TBA TBA TBA Singleto MUSA 221K Applied Music Piano 21072 01 1 TBA TBA TBA Perkyns MUSA 131S Applied Music String 21058 01 2 TBA TBA TBA STAFF MUSA 221P Applied Music Perc 21071 01 1 TBA TBA TBA Singleto MUSA 131V Applied Music Voice 21061 01 2 TBA TBA TBA Oby MUSA 221S Applied Music String 21070 01 1 TBA TBA TBA STAFF MUSA 131W Applied Music Woodwind 21062 01 2 TBA TBA TBA Butler MUSA 221V Applied Music Voice 21073 01 1 TBA TBA TBA Oby MUSA 132B Applied Music Brass 20991 01 2 TBA TBA TBA Lee MUSA 221W Applied Music Woodwind 21074 01 1 TBA TBA TBA Butler MUSA 132K Applied Music Piano 20994 01 2 TBA TBA TBA Perkyns MUSA 222B Applied Music Brass 21003 01 1 TBA TBA TBA Lee 58 | Co urse Se lect ion Bullet in - Spr ing 2015 College of Liberal Arts and Behavioral Sciences CRN TEXAS SOUTHERN UNIVERSITY SPRING 2015 COURSE SELECTION COLLEGE OF LIBERAL AND BEHAVIORAL SCIENCE SEC CRED DAYS TIME BLDRM INST CRN SEC CRED DAYS TIME BLDRM INST APPLIED MUSIC (Cont.) MUSA 312B Applied Music Brass 21015 01 1 TBA TBA TBA Lee Harris APPLIED MUSIC (Cont.) MUSA 222K Applied Music Piano 21006 01 1 TBA TBA TBA Perkyns MUSA 222P Applied Music Perc 21005 01 1 TBA TBA TBA Singleto MUSA 222S Applied Music String 21004 01 1 TBA TBA MUSA 312K Applied Music Piano 21019 01 1 TBA TBA TBA Perkyns TBA STAFF MUSA 222V Applied Music Voice 21007 01 1 TBA TBA MUSA 312P Applied Music Perc 21018 01 1 TBA TBA TBA Singleto TBA Oby MUSA 222W Applied Music Woodwind 21008 01 1 TBA TBA TBA Butler MUSA 312S Applied Music String 21016 01 1 TBA TBA 21017 02 1 TBA TBA TBA TBA STAFF STAFF MUSA 231B Applied Music Brass 21075 01 2 TBA TBA TBA Harris MUSA 312V Applied Music Voice 21020 01 1 TBA TBA TBA Oby MUSA 231K Applied Music Piano 21078 01 2 TBA TBA TBA Perkyns MUSA 312W Applied Music Woodwind 21021 01 1 TBA TBA TBA Butler MUSA 231P Applied Music Perc 21077 01 2 TBA TBA TBA Singleto MUSA 321B Applied Music Brass 21087 01 1 TBA TBA TBA Lee Harris MUSA 231S Applied Music String 21076 01 2 TBA TBA TBA STAFF MUSA 321K Applied Music Piano 21090 01 1 TBA TBA TBA Perkyns MUSA 231V Applied Music Voice 21079 01 2 TBA TBA TBA Oby MUSA 321P Applied Music Perc 21089 01 1 TBA TBA TBA Singleto MUSA 231W Applied Music Woodwind 21080 01 2 TBA TBA TBA Butler MUSA 321S Applied Music String 21088 01 1 TBA TBA TBA STAFF MUSA 232B Applied Music Brass 21009 01 2 TBA TBA TBA Harris MUSA 321V Applied Music Voice 21091 01 1 TBA TBA TBA Oby MUSA 232K Applied Music Piano 21012 01 2 TBA TBA TBA Perkyns MUSA 321W Applied Music Woodwind 21092 01 1 TBA TBA TBA Butler MUSA 232P Applied Music Perc 21011 01 2 TBA TBA TBA Singleto MUSA 322B Applied Music Brass 21022 01 1 TBA TBA TBA MUSA 232S Applied Music String 21010 01 2 TBA TBA Lee Harris TBA STAFF MUSA 232V Applied Music Voice 21013 01 2 TBA TBA MUSA 322K Applied Music Piano 21025 01 1 TBA TBA TBA Perkyns TBA Oby MUSA 232W Applied Music Woodwind 21014 01 2 TBA TBA MUSA 322P Applied Music Perc 21024 01 1 TBA TBA TBA Singleto TBA Butler MUSA 311B Applied Music Brass 21081 01 1 TBA TBA TBA STAFF TBA Lee Harris MUSA 322S 21023 01 MUSA 322V 21026 01 TBA Oby MUSA 322W Applied Music Woodwind 21027 01 1 TBA TBA TBA Butler MUSA 331B Applied Music Brass 21093 01 2 TBA TBA TBA Lee Harris Applied Music String 1 TBA TBA Applied Music Voice 1 TBA TBA MUSA 311K Applied Music Piano 21084 01 1 TBA TBA TBA Perkyns MUSA 311P Applied Music Perc 21083 01 1 TBA TBA TBA Singleto MUSA 311S Applied Music String 21082 01 1 TBA TBA TBA STAFF MUSA 331K Applied Music Piano 21096 01 2 TBA TBA TBA Perkyns MUSA 311V Applied Music Voice 21085 01 1 TBA TBA TBA Oby MUSA 331P Applied Music Perc 21095 01 2 TBA TBA TBA Singleto MUSA 311W Applied Music Woodwind 21086 01 1 TBA TBA TBA Butler MUSA 331S Applied Music String 21094 01 2 TBA TBA TBA STAFF C o u r s e S e l e c t i o n B u l l e t i n - S p r i n g 2 0 1 5 | 59 College of Liberal Arts and Behavioral Sciences CRN TEXAS SOUTHERN UNIVERSITY SPRING 2015 COURSE SELECTION COLLEGE OF LIBERAL AND BEHAVIORAL SCIENCE SEC CRED DAYS TIME BLDRM INST CRN SEC CRED DAYS TIME BLDRM INST TBA STAFF APPLIED MUSIC (Cont.) MUSA 331V Applied Music Voice 21097 01 2 TBA TBA TBA Oby APPLIED MUSIC (Cont.) MUSA 421S Applied Music String 21106 01 1 TBA TBA MUSA 331W Applied Music Woodwind 21098 01 2 TBA TBA TBA Butler MUSA 421V Applied Music Voice 21109 01 1 TBA TBA TBA Oby MUSA 332B Applied Music Brass 21028 01 2 TBA TBA TBA MUSA 421W Applied Music Woodwind 21110 01 1 TBA TBA TBA Butler MUSA 332K Applied Music Piano 21031 01 2 TBA TBA Lee Harris TBA Perkyns MUSA 422B Applied Music Brass 21040 01 1 TBA TBA TBA MUSA 332P Applied Music Perc 21030 01 2 TBA TBA Lee Harris TBA Singleto MUSA 332S Applied Music String 21029 01 2 TBA TBA MUSA 422K Applied Music Piano 21043 01 1 TBA TBA TBA Perkyns TBA STAFF MUSA 332V Applied Music Voice 21032 01 2 TBA TBA MUSA 422P Applied Music Perc 21042 01 1 TBA TBA TBA Singleto TBA Oby MUSA 332W Applied Music Woodwind 21033 01 2 TBA TBA MUSA 422S Applied Music String 21041 01 1 TBA TBA TBA STAFF TBA Butler MUSA 422V Applied Music Voice 21044 01 1 TBA TBA TBA Oby MUSA 411B Applied Music Brass 21099 01 1 TBA TBA TBA MUSA 422W Applied Music Woodwind 21045 01 1 TBA TBA TBA Butler MUSA 411K Applied Music Piano 21102 01 1 TBA TBA Lee Harris TBA Perkyns MUSA 431B Applied Music Brass 21111 01 2 TBA TBA TBA MUSA 411P Applied Music Perc 21101 01 1 TBA TBA Lee Harris TBA Singleto MUSA 411S Applied Music String 21100 01 1 TBA TBA MUSA 431K Applied Music Piano 21114 01 2 TBA TBA TBA Perkyns TBA STAFF MUSA 411V Applied Music Voice 21103 01 1 TBA TBA MUSA 431P Applied Music Perc 21113 01 2 TBA TBA TBA Singleto TBA Oby MUSA 411W Applied Music Woodwind 21104 01 1 TBA TBA MUSA 431S Applied Music String 21112 01 2 TBA TBA TBA STAFF TBA Butler MUSA 412B Applied Music Brass 21034 01 1 TBA TBA MUSA 431V Applied Music Voice 21115 01 2 TBA TBA TBA Oby TBA MUSA 412K Applied Music Piano 21037 01 1 TBA TBA Butler Harris MUSA 431W Applied Music Woodwind 21116 01 2 TBA TBA TBA Butler TBA Perkyns MUSA 412P Applied Music Perc 21036 01 1 TBA TBA MUSA 432B Applied Music Brass 21046 01 2 TBA TBA TBA Lee TBA Singleto MUSA 412S Applied Music String 21035 01 1 TBA TBA MUSA 432K Applied Music Piano 21049 01 2 TBA TBA TBA Perkyns TBA STAFF MUSA 412V Applied Music Voice 21038 01 1 TBA TBA MUSA 432P Applied Music Perc 21048 01 2 TBA TBA TBA Singleto TBA Oby MUSA 412W Applied Music Woodwind 21039 01 1 TBA TBA MUSA 432S Applied Music String 21047 01 2 TBA TBA TBA STAFF TBA Butler MUSA 421B Applied Music Brass 21105 01 1 TBA TBA MUSA 432V Applied Music Voice 21050 01 2 TBA TBA TBA Oby TBA MUSA 421K Applied Music Piano 21108 01 1 TBA TBA Lee Harris MUSA 432W Applied Music Woodwind 21051 01 2 TBA TBA TBA Butler TBA Perkyns MUSA 421P Applied Music Perc 21107 01 1 TBA TBA TBA Singleto MUSIC MUSI 100 20931 01 21398 02 Seminar I R 0-1 R 0100-0150pm RMA 0100-0150pm RMA Perkyns Belfield 60 | Co urse Se lect ion Bullet in - Spr ing 2015 College of Liberal Arts and Behavioral Sciences CRN TEXAS SOUTHERN UNIVERSITY SPRING 2015 COURSE SELECTION COLLEGE OF LIBERAL AND BEHAVIORAL SCIENCE SEC CRED DAYS MUSIC (Cont.) MUSI 131 Introduction 20932 01 3 MWF 20933 02 3 TR 20934 03 3 MWF TIME BLDRM To Music 0900-0950am RSC121 1100-1215pm RSC118 1000-1050am RSC118 INST Young Mack Harris CRN SEC CRED DAYS TIME BLDRM INST MUSIC (Cont.) MUSI 329 Funds Music Techniques 20956 01 3 MWF 1200-1250pm RSC120 Mack MUSI 333 20957 01 Form & Analysis 3 MWF 1100-1150am RSC120 Adams MUSI 132 20935 01 Intro To Computer Music 3 MWF 0200-0250pm RSC Gibson MUSI 136 22225 01 Music Appreciation 3 MWF 0200-0250pm RSC118 MUSI 338 20958 01 History Of Music II 3 TR 0200-0340pm RSC121 Perkyns Mack MUSI 141 20936 01 Theory I 2 MWF MUSI 343 22226 01 Jazz History 3 TBA TBA Harris 1000-1050am RSC120 Mack MUSI 142 20937 01 Theory II 2 MWF MUSI 347 21920 01 Basic Music Procedures 3 MW 0230-0345pm RSC120 Mack 0900-0950am RSC120 Zidaru MUSI 146 20938 01 Ear Training/Sight Singing I 1 TR 1000-1050am RSC120 MUSI 351 20959 01 Composition VI 2 TBA TBA RSC119 Adams Mack MUSI 147 20939 01 Ear Training/Sight Singing II 1 TR 0900-0950am RSC120 MUSI 355 22227 01 Jazz Arranging 3 TBA TBA TBA Harris Zidaru MUSI 151 20940 01 Composition II 2 TBA TBA MUSI 400 20960 01 Senior Recital 0 TBA TBA TBA Perkyns Adams MUSI 171 20941 01 20942 02 Class Piano I 1 MW 0900-0950am RSC122 1 MW 1200-1250pm RSC122 MUSI 401 21183 01 Capstone Sem in Music 3 T 0430-0700pm RSC120 Mack Zidaru MUSI 172 20943 01 Class Piano II 1 TR 1000-1050am RSC122 MUSI 431 20961 01 Conducting Fundamentals 3 MWF 0900-0950am RSC Belfield Belfield MUSI 173 20944 01 Voice Class I 1 TR 1230-0120pm RSC119 MUSI 435 20962 01 Sem Music Studies 3 MWF 0200-0250pm RSC STAFF Song MUSI 223 20945 01 Brass & Percussion 2 MW 0100-0150pm RSC MUSI 439 21674 01 Piano-Voice Pedagogy 3 TR 0900-1015am RSC121 STAFF Gibson Singleto MUSI 480 22228 01 Business of Music 3 TBA TBA Harris MUSI 229 22229 01 Jazz Improvisation II 2 MW 1100-1150am RSC111 Harris MUSI JBB 20977 01 Jazz Big Band 1 TR 1100-1215pm RSC111 STAFF MUSI 239 20947 01 20948 02 20949 03 21918 04 Fine 3 3 3 3 Singleto Gibson Harris Singleto MUSI JEC 20976 01 Jazz Ensemble Combo 1 MWF 1200-1250pm RSC111 STAFF MUSI LJE 21921 01 Latin Jazz Ensemble 1 MW TBA STAFF MUSI 242 20950 01 Theory IV 2 MWF MUSI OW 20971 01 Opera Workshop 1 TR 1100-1215pm RMA Oby MUSI 247 20951 01 Ear Training/Sight Singing IV 1 TR 1000-1050am RSC118 Adams MUSI 251 20952 01 Composition IV 2 TBA TBA RSC Adams MUSI UB 20972 01 20973 02 20974 03 University Band 1 MTWR 0300-0500pm RSC101 1 MTWR 0300-0500pm RSC101 1 MTWR 0600-0800pm RSC101 Lee Singleto Gibson MUSI 253 20953 01 Jazz Theory 3 TBA TBA Young MUSI UC 20975 01 University Choir 1 MTWRF 1200-1250pm RSC Belfield MUSI 300 20954 01 Junior Recital 0 TBA TBA MUSI VJE 20978 01 Vocal Jazz Ensemble 1 MW TBA Belfield RSC Zidaru MUSI 325 21919 01 Song Literature 3 TBA TBA TBA Allouach MUSI 328 20955 01 Instrumental Techniques 2 TR 1100-1215pm RSC NUTRITION NUTR 235 22039 01 22040 02 22041 03 22042 04 22043 05 Introduction 3 MWF 3 MWF 3 TR 3 TR 3 T RSC119 Arts In Daily Living MWF 1000-1050am RSC121 MWF 1100-1150am RSC118 TR 1100-1215pm RSC120 M 0500-0800pm RSC118 1000-1050am RSC TBA Adams White TBA TBA RSC117 RSC117 to Nutrition 0800-0850am HE108 0900-0950am HE108 0800-0915am HE108 1100-1215pm HE108 0530-0800pm HE108 Mack Perkyns STAFF STAFF STAFF STAFF Lihono C o u r s e S e l e c t i o n B u l l e t i n - S p r i n g 2 0 1 5 | 61 College of Liberal Arts and Behavioral Sciences TEXAS SOUTHERN UNIVERSITY SPRING 2015 COURSE SELECTION COLLEGE OF LIBERAL AND BEHAVIORAL SCIENCE INST CRN NUTRITION (Cont.) NUTR 335 Nutrition and Aging 22044 01 3 TR 0200-0315pm HE108 Lihono PSYCHOLOGY (Cont.) PSY 533 Survey Psy Statistics 21597 01 3 R 0530-0800pm TBA Mhoon NUTR 336 22045 01 Nutrition Thru Life Cycle 3 TR 1230-0145pm HE108 STAFF PSY 536 21459 01 Prin Treating Problem Children 3 M 0530-0800pm TBA Broussar NUTR 337 22046 01 Nutr Physical Activity 3 MW 0400-0515pm HE108 Morrow PSY 637 22230 01 Personality Assessment 3 F 0530-0800pm TBA STAFF NUTR 340 22047 01 Experimental Foods Lab 3 F 0900-1250pm HE122 Lihono PSY 730 21302 01 Eth & Legal Issues in Men Hlth 3 W 0530-0800pm TBA Douglas NUTR 445 22048 01 Food Systems Mgmt 3 TR 0930-1045am HE108 STAFF PSY 736 21303 01 Practicum 3 MTWRF 0900-0500pm TBA Williams NUTR 450 22049 01 Nutr Stattus Assessment Lab 2 T 0530-0800pm HE Anglin PSY 899 21991 01 Psy Internship 3 MTWRF 0900-0500pm TBA Williams NUTR 457 22050 01 Advanced Nutrition II 3 TR 0330-0445pm HE108 STAFF NUTR 461 22051 01 Medi Nutrition Therapy II 3 MW 0530-0645pm HE108 Morrow NUTR 461L Medi Nutrition Theraphy II 22052 01 1 R 0530-0820pm HE122 Morrow CRN SEC CRED DAYS TIME BLDRM PHILOSOPHY PHIL 231 Introduction To Philosophy 20870 01 3 TR 0930-1045am TBA PSYCHOLOGY PSY 131 General Psychology 20853 01 3 MWF 0800-0850am 20854 02 3 MWF 0900-0950am 20855 03 3 MWF 1000-1050am 20856 04 3 MWF 1100-1150am 20857 05 3 MWF 0100-0150pm 20858 06 3 MWF 0200-0250pm 20859 07 3 M 0530-0800pm 20860 08 3 TR 0800-0915am 20861 09 3 TR 0930-1045am 20862 10 3 TR 0230-0345pm TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA Tinklenb Broussar Boudreau Boudreau Henderso Henderso STAFF Belcher Belcher Belcher Boudreau SEC CRED DAYS TIME BLDRM INST READING-NO DEGREE-DEVELOPMENT READ 101 Interdisciplinary Reading Lab 21136 01 0 MWF 1000-1050am FH161 21137 02 0 MWF 1100-1150am FH160 21138 03 0 TR 0930-1045am FH161 21139 04 0 TR 1100-1215pm FH160 21140 05 0 TR 0100-0215pm FH161 White White White White White SOCIOLOGY SOC 141 Texas A Multi-Cultural State 21992 01 3 MWF 1200-1250pm TBA Barnes SOC 157 20765 01 20766 02 20767 03 21993 04 Introduction 3 MWF 3 MWF 3 TR 3 R To Sociology 0900-0950am TBA 1000-1050am TBA 0930-1045am TBA 0530-0800pm TBA Barnes Barnes Barnes STAFF SOC 158 20768 01 20769 02 20770 03 21729 04 Contemporary 3 TR 3 TR 3 MWF 3 W Social Issues 1100-1215pm TBA 0100-0215pm TBA 1000-1050am TBA 0530-0800pm TBA Brailey Slatton STAFF Cox SOC 254 20771 01 Black Perspec In Soc 3 W 0530-0800pm TBA Swan PSY 231 20864 01 Child Psychology 3 MWF 0900-0950am TBA Clay SOC 322 21172 01 Social Psy 3 TR 0230-0345pm TBA Slatton PSY 234 20865 01 Basic Statistics 3 MWF 0200-0250pm TBA Henderso SOC 337 22014 01 Urban Community Life 3 TR 0100-0215pm TBA Brailey PSY 332 20866 01 Vocational Industrial Psychol 3 R 0530-0800pm TBA Belcher SOC 344 22015 01 Social Stratification 3 W 0100-0330pm TBA Slatton PSY 334 20867 01 Research Methods 3 TR 0230-0345pm TBA Douglas SOC 359 20772 01 Sociological Research 3 TR 0100-0215pm TBA Mosley PSY 336 20868 01 Psy Testing 3 W Clay SOC 438 22017 01 Col Behavior & Social Movemt 3 T 0230-0500pm TBA Brailey PSY 432 20869 01 Social Psychology 3 TR 0930-1045am TBA Broussar SOC 456 21458 01 Independent Study 3 M 0530-0800pm TBA Brailey PSY 436 21273 01 Biological Psychology 3 TR 1100-1215pm TBA Henderso SOC 457 20773 01 Seminar In Sociological Theory 3 TR 1100-1215pm TBA Mosley PSY 461 21990 01 Selected Topics In Psychology 3 TR 0100-0215pm TBA Boudreau SOC 458 21744 01 Sem Applications Sociology 3 T 0530-0800pm TBA Swan 0530-0800pm TBA 62 | Co urse Se lect ion Bullet in - Spr ing 2015 College of Liberal Arts and Behavioral Sciences TEXAS SOUTHERN UNIVERSITY SPRING 2015 COURSE SELECTION COLLEGE OF LIBERAL AND BEHAVIORAL SCIENCE INST CRN SOCIOLOGY (Cont.) SOC 554 Advanced Sociological Statist 20775 01 3 M 0530-0800pm TBA Jackson SOCIAL WORK (Cont.) SOCW 448 Top Sem In Social Welfare 21184 O1 3 TBA TBA TBA Willis SOC 655 20776 01 Internship 3 F Cox SOC 710 22018 01 Seminar in Soc Stratification 3 W 0530-0800pm TBA Foreman SOC 750 21677 01 Race and Ethnicity 3 T 0530-0800pm TBA Garcia SPANISH SPAN 131 20840 01 20841 02 20842 03 20843 04 20844 05 Elementary Spanish I 3 MWF 0900-0950am 3 MWF 1000-1050am 3 MWF 1100-1150am 3 MWF 0100-0150pm 3 TR 0930-1045am MLK310 MLK313 MLK313 MLK310 MLK312 Boles Gonzalez Gonzalez Boles Diaz SOC 840 22019 01 Seminar in Gerontology 3 R 0530-0800pm TBA Foreman SOC 899 20777 01 Thesis 3 F Garcia SPAN 132 20845 01 20846 02 20847 03 20848 04 Elementary Spanish II 3 MWF 1000-1050am 3 MWF 1100-1150am 3 TR 1100-1215pm 3 TR 0100-0215pm MLK310 MLK310 MLK312 MLK312 Boles Boles Diaz Diaz SOC 950 22021 01 Sem in Sociotherapy & Psych 3 M 0530-0800pm TBA SPAN 231 20849 01 Intermediate Spanish I 3 TR 1100-1215pm MLK313 Sanchez- SPAN 232 20850 01 Intermediate Spanish II 3 TR 0100-0215pm MLK313 Sanchez- SPAN 332 20851 01 Conversation & Diction 3 TR 0930-1045am MLK309 Garcia SPAN 334 21817 01 Intro to Span Lit II 3 TR 1100-1215pm MLK309 Garcia CRN SEC CRED DAYS SOCIAL WORK SOCW 145 Intro Social 20871 01 3 MWF 20872 02 3 TR 22022 03 3 M TIME BLDRM 0530-0800pm TBA 0530-0800pm TBA Welfare 0900-0950am TBA 0930-1045am TBA 0530-0800pm TBA Swan Loudd Willis STAFF SEC CRED DAYS TIME BLDRM INST SOCW 246 20873 01 20874 02 22023 03 Social Legislation 3 MWF 1000-1050am TBA 3 TR 1100-1215pm TBA 3 T 0530-0800pm TBA Omorogbe Milton STAFF SOCW 333 21599 01 Violence & Abuse In Fams 3 TR 0930-1045am TBA SPAN 428 21819 01 21820 02 21821 03 Span: Phar/Health Professional 3 W 0200-0350pm MLK247 3 F 1230-0230pm MLK312 3 F 0200-0350pm MLK247 STAFF STAFF STAFF Loudd SOCW 340 20875 01 21298 02 Sem In Helping 3 MWF 1100-1150am TBA 3 W 0530-0800pm ED SPAN 439 21822 01 Cul & Civil of Latin America 3 MW 1100-1215pm MLK312 Sun STAFF Batiste- SPAN 444 21823 01 Masterpieces of Hispanic Lit 3 TR 0100-0215pm MLK309 Garcia SOCW 345 20876 01 Human Behav Social Environ I 3 MWF 1100-1150am TBA Loudd SOCW 347 20877 01 20878 02 Human Behav Social Environ II 3 TR 1100-1215pm TBA 3 R 0530-0800pm TBA THEATRE THEA 111 21858 01 Production Practicum 1 TBA TBA OSP Beineman Loudd STAFF SOCW 439 20880 01 Social Welfare Policy 3 MW 0900-1015am PAB208 Boutte-Q SOCW 441 20881 01 Generalist Practice II 3 MW 1030-1145am PAB208 Milton THEA 130 21859 01 21860 02 21861 03 21862 04 21863 05 21864 06 Introduction 3 MWF 3 MWF 3 MWF 3 MWF 3 TR 3 T OSP OSP OSP OSP OSP OSP Beineman Beineman Rodrigue Rodrigue Meloncon Meloncon SOCW 441L Generalist Practice Lab II 20882 01 2 F 0900-1050am PAB208 Milton THEA 251 21851 01 Scene Design 3 TR 0930-1045am OSP Beineman SOCW 442 22025 01 Seminar in Dying and Death 3 T 0530-0800pm ED Batiste- THEA 331 21852 01 Intermediate Acting 3 MW 0400-0530pm OSP House SOCW 446 20883 01 20884 02 Field Instruction II 4 TR 0800-0500pm TBA 4 TR 0800-0500pm TBA Omorogbe STAFF THEA 431 21853 01 Styles of Acting 3 TR 1100-1215pm OSP Jemison THEA 438 21854 01 Modern Drama 3 MW 0100-0215pm OSP Rodrigue to Theatre 0900-0950am 1000-1050am 1100-1150am 1200-1250pm 0930-1045am 0530-0800pm SOCW 446S Field Instruction Seminar II 20885 01 1 F 1100-1150am PAB208 20886 02 1 F 1100-1150am PAB Omorogbe STAFF THEA 497 21855 01 Research Topics 3 TBA TBA TBA Jemison SOCW 447 20887 01 Boutte-Q THEA 498 21856 01 Theatre Internship 3 TBA TBA TBA Rodrigue Ind Study Soc Welfare 3 TBA TBA TBA C o u r s e S e l e c t i o n B u l l e t i n - S p r i n g 2 0 1 5 | 63 College of Liberal Arts and Behavioral Sciences CRN TEXAS SOUTHERN UNIVERSITY SPRING 2015 COURSE SELECTION COLLEGE OF LIBERAL AND BEHAVIORAL SCIENCE SEC CRED DAYS TIME BLDRM INST THEATRE (Cont.) THEA 499 Senior Project- Theatre Majors 21857 01 3 TBA TBA TBA Meloncon WRITING WRIT 101 21141 01 21142 02 21143 03 21144 04 21145 05 Pope Pope Pope Pope Pope Interdisciplinary Writing Lab 0 MWF 0900-0950am FH161 0 MWF 1100-1150am FH161 0 TR 0930-1045am FH160 0 TR 1100-1215pm FH161 0 MWF 1000-1050am FH160 ONLINE COURSES ENGLISH ENG 367 22219 O1 Latin American Literature 3 TBA TBA TBA Jennings ENG 501 22220 O1 Grad Prof Writing 3 TBA TBA TBA Walker TBA STAFF GEOGRAPHY GEOG 331 Geography Of Texas 21845 O1 3 TBA TBA HISTORY HIST 322 20915 O1 African Amer Hist Since 1865 3 TR 0930-1045am TBA Kossie-C HIST 421 21837 O1 Topics in African Diaspora 3 M 0200-0250pm TBA Kossie-C SPANISH SPAN 336 21818 O1 Intro to Latin Amer Lit II 3 TBA TBA TBA Sun 64 | Co urse Se lect ion Bullet in - Spr ing 2015 College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences TEXAS SOUTHERN UNIVERSITY SPRING 2015 COURSE SELECTION COLLEGE OF PHARMACY AND HEALTH SCIENCE INST CRN CLINICAL LABORATORY SCIENCES CLSC 252 Sero Practices and Procedures 20564 01 2 W 1000-1050am TBA Cummings HEALTH SCIENCE - ENVRN. HLTH. HSEH 442 Safety & Health 22088 01 3 TR 0100-0215pm TBA Mazique CLSC 252L Sero Pract & Proc Lab 20565 01 1 W 0100-0330pm TBA Cummings HSEH 450 22087 01 Environ Toxicology 3 MWF 1000-1050am TBA Thomas CLSC 305 20566 01 Med Tech App II 1 M 0500-0550pm TBA Pearse CLSC 307 22081 01 Comprehensive Clinical Lab II 1 F 1130-1230pm TBA McVea HEALTH SCIENCE - HEALTH ADMIN. HSHA 233 History and Soc of Hlthcare 22082 01 3 TR 0800-0915am TBA Rasmus CLSC 358 20568 01 Clin Immuno 3 MTWRF McVea CLSC 362 20569 01 Hematology II 2 T 0900-1030am TBA Quiller CLSC 362L Hematology Lab II 20570 01 1 T 0100-0450pm TBA Quiller CLSC 364 20571 01 Blood Bank II 2 R 0900-1050am TBA CRN SEC CRED DAYS TIME BLDRM SEC CRED DAYS TIME BLDRM INST HSHA 234 22175 01 History & Sociology of Healthc 3 TR 0930-1045am TBA HSHA 335 22176 01 Hlth Pol & US Hlthcare Sys 3 TBA TBA TBA Moore HSHA 336 22177 01 22178 02 Res Health Professionals 3 TR 0200-0315pm TBA 3 TR 1100-1215pm TBA Shelton Chilton McVea CLSC 364L Blood Bank Lab II 20572 01 1 R 0100-0450pm TBA HSHA 337 22181 01 Intro Human Resource Manag HC 3 TR 0930-1045am TBA STAFF McVea CLSC 365 20573 01 Medical Chemistry II 2 M 1000-1150am TBA HSHA 338 22182 01 Hlthcare fin & Econ II 3 TR 0330-0445pm TBA Estill Cummings CLSC 365L Medical Chemistry Lab II 20574 01 1 M 0100-0450pm TBA HSHA 339 22183 01 Health Disparities 3 TR 1230-0145pm TBA Estill Cummings CLSC 369 20575 01 Micro Human Disorders II 1 M 0400-0450pm TBA HSHA 411 20609 01 Internship 3/6 T Rasmus Pearse CLSC 369L Micro Human Disorders Lab II 21147 01 1 W 0500-0750pm TBA HSHA 414 22098 O1 Sem Issues In Hlth Care 3 TBA TBA Pearse CLSC 468 20576 01 Clinical Micro 4 MTWRF TBA HSHA 514 20612 01 Human Resource & Labor Mgmt 3 M 0530-0800pm TBA James ROT Pearse CLSC 469 20577 01 Clinical Biochemistry 4 MTWRF TBA HSHA 525 22083 01 Healthcare MGR Communication 3 R 0530-0800pm TBA Lawson-W ROT Quiller HSHA 621 22184 01 Healthcare Org, Strategy & Mgm 3 T 0530-0800pm GH234 Stemley HSHA 651 20615 01 Administrative Residency 3 R 0530-0800pm TBA Moore HSHA 652 21400 01 Managerial Fin in Health Care 3 W 0530-0800pm TBA Atwood HSHA 659 21751 01 Thesis Research 3 TBA 0530-0800pm TBA Shelton HSHA 662 20616 01 Hlth Pol Anyls 3 W 0530-0800pm TBA Lawson-W HSHA 663 20617 01 Epidemiology 3 M 0530-0800pm TBA HSHA 669 22185 01 HSHA Indepent Study 3 TBA TBA HSHA 680 22186 01 HSHA Capstone 3 T 0530-0800pm GH202 TBA ROT HEALTH SCIENCE - CORE HSCR 150 Concepts Of Health 20594 01 3 MW 0230-0345pm TBA Yousefip HSCR 260 21383 02 Biomedical Ethics 3 MWF 0800-0850am TBA Taylor HSCR 300 20563 01 20582 03 Hlth Sciences Sem 1 F 0100-0150pm TBA 1 W 1100-1150am TBA Quiller Allen HSCR 360 20587 01 20588 02 Princ Of Disease 3 MWF 0900-0950am TBA 3 MW 1000-1115am TBA Hampton Yeldell HEALTH SCIENCE - ENVRN. HLTH. HSEH 337 Environ Microbio 22085 01 4 TR 0900-1100am TBA Zikarge HSEH 434 22086 01 Sewage Trtmt & Disposal 3 MWF 1100-1150am TBA Thomas HSEH 435 22089 01 Environ Hlth Probs 3 MW 0100-0215pm TBA Yousefip 0430-0700pm TBA TBA TBA HEALTH SCIENCE - HEALTH INFO HSHI 364 Management of Health Data I 20595 01 3 M 0500-0750pm TBA Chilton Rasmus Chilton Rasmus Shelton Moore Moore Hawkins C o u r s e S e l e c t i o n B u l l e t i n - S p r i n g 2 0 1 5 | 65 College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences TEXAS SOUTHERN UNIVERSITY SPRING 2015 COURSE SELECTION COLLEGE OF PHARMACY AND HEALTH SCIENCE INST CRN HEALTH SCIENCE - HEALTH INFO (Cont.) HSHI 364L Management of Health Data Lab 20596 01 2 S 0800-0200pm TBA Hawkins PHARMACY (Cont.) PHAR 212 Medical Terminology 20561 01 1 T 0300-0350pm GH100 Milton HSHI 374 20597 01 Management of Health Data II 2 W 0500-0650pm TBA Hawkins HSHI 402 20598 01 Comp Hlth Info Mgmt 1 M 0400-0450pm TBA Jefferso PHAR 412 20493 01 20494 02 20495 03 20496 04 Pharmacy Practice II Lab 1 R 0800-0950am 1 R 1000-1150am 1 R 0100-0250pm 1 R 0300-0450pm Estes Estes Estes Estes HSHI 473 20599 01 Quality Assurance Mgmt 3 T 0500-0750pm TBA Titus-Co HSHI 474 20600 01 Computerized Hlth Info Systems 3 R 0500-0750pm TBA Titus-Co PHAR 414 20558 01 20559 02 20560 03 Pharmaceutics II Lab 1 M 0200-0450pm GH114 1 W 0200-0450pm GH114 1 F 0200-0450pm GH114 HSHI 475 20601 01 Directed Practice II 3 R 0800-1050am TBA Jefferso PHAR 415 20497 01 Introduction to Public Health 1 M 0100-0150pm GH100 HSHI 476 20602 01 Preceptorship 4 F 0800-1150am TBA Hawkins PHAR 417 21259 01 Pharm Practice Experiences II 1 M 1100-1150am GH100 Davis HSHI 478 20603 01 Probs In Medical Records 2 R 0800-0950am TBA Hawkins PHAR 419 20554 01 20555 02 20556 03 Prin 1 1 1 of Drug Action II Lab M 0200-0450pm GH202 W 0200-0450pm GH202 F 0200-0450pm GH202 Eugere Eugere Eugere Yeldell Yeldell PHAR 422 20492 01 Pharmacy Practice II 2 MW 0800-0850am GH100 Okafor CRN SEC CRED DAYS HEALTH SCIENCE HSRT 220 Resp 20578 01 2 20579 02 2 TIME BLDRM - RESP. THERP. Ther Clin Prac I TR 0700-1050am TBA TR 1100-0250pm TBA SEC CRED DAYS TIME BLDRM GH200 GH200 GH200 GH200 INST Bell Bell Bell Osemene Pounds HSRT 230 20580 01 Intro Resp Therapy 3 F 0800-1050am TBA Taylor PHAR 429 20498 01 Emergency Preparedness 2 W 0100-0250pm GH100 Eaton HSRT 231 20581 01 Cardio-Pulmonary Systems 3 W 0930-1045am TBA Allen PHAR 434 20557 01 Pharmaceutics II Dosage Forms 3 MWF 0900-0950am GH100 Xie HSRT 322 20584 01 R T Clin Prac V 2 TR 0700-1050am TBA STAFF PHAR 439 20553 01 Principles of Drug Action II 3 MWF 1000-1050am GH100 Enigboka HSRT 323 20585 01 R T Clin Prac VI 2 TR 1100-0250pm TBA STAFF PHAR 510 20500 01 Pharmacotherapy Skills Lab I 1 F 0900-1200pm TBA HSRT 332 20583 01 App Proc & Equip 3 MW 0800-0915am TBA Allen HSRT 333 20586 01 Cardio-Pulmon Diseases 3 F 0100-0350pm TBA Taylor PHAR 512 20502 01 20503 02 20504 03 Patient Assessment Laboratory 1 T 1000-1150am TBA 1 T 0100-0250pm TBA 1 T 0300-0450pm TBA Osemene Osemene Osemene HSRT 420 22084 01 Comp Rest Care 2 M 0200-0350pm TBA Taylor PHAR 517 20505 01 Pharm Practice Experience IV 1 W 1130-1220pm TBA Davis HSRT 435 20590 01 Ecg Tech 3 F 1200-0250pm TBA Taylor PHAR 532 20506 01 Drug Info and Literature Eval 3 MW 1000-1120am TBA Ndefo HSRT 441 20589 01 R T Mgmt II 4 MW 0100-0300pm TBA Hampton PHAR 542 20507 01 Pharmacotherapy I 4 MW 0300-0450pm TBA HSRT 453 20591 01 Cardio-Pulmon Tech 5 F 0700-1150am TBA Allen PHAR 543 20508 01 Pharmacotherapy II 4 MW 0100-0250pm TBA PHARMACY ADMINISTRATION PADM 430 Ethics in Pharmacy 20499 01 3 WF 1100-1220pm GH100 Mathur PHAR 601 21745 01 Special Problems 1-8 W TBA PADM 634 20510 01 Pharmacy Jurisprudence 3 TR 0800-0920am TBA Jones PHAR 611 21450 01 Pharmacotherapy Skills Lab III 1 F 0200-0450pm TBA PHARMACY PHAR 112 20562 01 Pharmacy Orientation 1 T 0400-0450pm GH100 PHAR 619 20509 01 Pharm Practice Experience VI 1 T 0100-0150pm TBA Felder TBA Davis Anderson Zagaar Bell Poon Oyekan Osemene Hunter Swan Davis Capers 66 | Co urse Se lect ion Bullet in - Spr ing 2015 College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences CRN TEXAS SOUTHERN UNIVERSITY SPRING 2015 COURSE SELECTION COLLEGE OF PHARMACY AND HEALTH SCIENCE SEC CRED DAYS TIME BLDRM PHARMACY (Cont.) PHAR 642 Pharmacotherapy V 21207 01 4 TR 1000-1150am TBA INST CRN SEC CRED DAYS TIME BLDRM INST PHARMACY (Cont.) PHAR 765 Infusion Therapy 20535 01 6 MTWRF 0800-0500pm ROT Estes PHAR 766 20536 01 Clinical Pharmacy 6 MTWRF 0800-0500pm ROT Poon PHAR 767 20537 01 Compounding Pharmacy 6 MTWRF 0800-0500pm ROT Okafor Estes Ohia PHAR 768 20538 01 Nephrology 6 MTWRF 0800-0500pm ROT Abobo Poon Davis PHAR 769 20539 01 Neurology 6 MTWRF 0800-0500pm ROT Zagaar PHAR 770 20540 01 Pharmacy Community Management 6 MTWRF 0800-0500pm ROT Moultry PHAR 771 20541 01 20542 02 20543 03 20544 04 20545 05 20546 06 20547 07 21213 08 21392 09 21394 10 21395 11 21573 12 Seminar 6 MTWRF 6 MTWRF 6 MTWRF 6 MTWRF 6 MTWRF 6 MTWRF 6 MTWRF 6 MTWRF 6 MTWRF 6 MTWRF 6 MTWRF 6 MTWRF Ndefo Eaton Hunter Mathur Moultry Osemene Poon Swan Yousefip Leonard Milton Oyekan PHAR 774 20548 01 Women's Health 6 MTWRF 0800-0500pm ROT Eaton PHAR 775 20549 01 Governmental Regulatory Agency 6 MTWRF 0800-0500pm ROT Moultry PHAR 776 20550 01 Disease State Formulary Mgmt 6 MTWRF 0800-0500pm ROT Osemene Abobo Eugere PHAR 643 21208 01 Pharmacotherapy VI 4 MW 0800-0950am TBA PHAR 644 21209 01 Pharmacotherapy VII 4 TR 0230-0420pm TBA PHAR 741 20511 01 20512 02 Ambulatory Care Pract Exp 6 MTWRF 0800-0500pm ROT 6 MTWRF 0800-0500pm ROT PHAR 745 20513 01 Community Pharmacy Pract Exp 6 MTWRF 0800-0500pm ROT Estes PHAR 746 20514 01 Acute /Emergency Med Pract Exp 6 MTWRF 0800-0500pm ROT Abobo PHAR 747 20515 01 20516 02 Drug Information Practice Exp 6 MTWRF 0800-0500pm ROT 6 MTWRF 0800-0500pm ROT Eaton Ndefo PHAR 748 20517 01 20518 01 Geriatrics Practice Exp 6 MTWRF 0800-0500pm ROT 6 MTWRF 0800-0500pm ROT Poon Zagaar PHAR 751 20519 01 Hospital Pharmacy Pract Exp 6 MTWRF 0800-0500pm ROT Okafor PHAR 752 20520 01 20521 02 Infectious Disease Pract Exp 6 MTWRF 0800-0500pm ROT 6 MTWRF 0800-0500pm ROT Hunter Hunter PHAR 753 20522 01 20523 03 20524 04 Family Medicine Practice 6 MTWRF 0800-0500pm 6 MTWRF 0800-0500pm 6 MTWRF 0800-0500pm Abobo Cheung Simpson PHAR 754 20525 01 Oncology Practice Experience 6 MTWRF 0800-0500pm ROT Hunter PHAR 777 20551 01 Endocrinology 6 MTWRF 0800-0500pm ROT Eaton PHAR 756 20526 01 Pediatrics/Neo Practice Exp 6 MTWRF 0800-0500pm ROT Osemene PHAR 778 20552 01 Pharmacy Benefit Management 6 MTWRF 0800-0500pm ROT Moultry PHAR 757 20527 01 Pharmacy Administration Pra Ex 6 MTWRF 0800-0500pm ROT Moultry PHAR 758 20528 01 20529 02 Psychiatry Practice Experience 6 MTWRF 0800-0500pm ROT 6 MTWRF 0800-0500pm ROT Zagaar Zagaar PHAR 779 21389 01 21390 02 21391 03 21679 04 Academic Pharmacy 6 MTWRF 0800-0500pm 6 MTWRF 0800-0500pm 6 MTWRF 0800-0500pm 6 MTWRF 0800-0500pm Estes Moultry Hayes Milton PHAR 759 20530 01 Surgery Practice Experience 6 MTWRF 0800-0500pm ROT Swan PHAR 760 20531 01 20532 02 Cardiology Practice Experience 6 MTWRF 0800-0500pm ROT 6 MTWRF 0800-0500pm ROT PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES PHS 800 Bioethics 22077 01 3 MW 0100-0230pm GH Shivacha Osemene Osemene PHS 803 20491 01 Seminar/Special Topics 1 T 1100-1200pm GH Ohia PHAR 762 20533 01 Managed Care Pharm Pract Exp 6 MTWRF 0800-0500pm ROT Moultry PHS 807 20490 01 Exp Design/Instr/Clin Measurmt 3 MW 1030-1200pm GH Ranganna PHAR 763 21451 01 Nuclear Pharmacy Pract Exp 6 MTWRF 0800-0500pm ROT Estes PHS 810 22080 01 Physical Pharmacy 3 MW 0300-0430pm GH Liang PHAR 764 20534 01 Pharmaecono Practice Exp 6 MTWRF 0800-0500pm ROT Osemene PHS 814 21195 01 Lab Rotation 3 MTWRF 0900-1200pm GH Liang Exp ROT ROT ROT Moultry Ranganna 0800-0500pm 0800-0500pm 0800-0500pm 0800-0500pm 0800-0500pm 0800-0500pm 0800-0500pm 0800-0500pm 0800-0500pm 0800-0500pm 0800-0500pm 0800-0500pm ROT ROT ROT ROT ROT ROT ROT ROT ROT ROT ROT ROT ROT ROT ROT ROT C o u r s e S e l e c t i o n B u l l e t i n - S p r i n g 2 0 1 5 | 67 College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences CRN TEXAS SOUTHERN UNIVERSITY SPRING 2015 COURSE SELECTION COLLEGE OF PHARMACY AND HEALTH SCIENCE SEC CRED DAYS TIME BLDRM INST PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES (Cont.) PHS 900 Biosyn and Drug Metabolism 22079 01 3 TR 0100-0230pm GH Chelliah PHS 911 22078 01 Cardiovascular Pharmacology 3 TR 0300-0430pm GH Oyekan PHS 917 21196 01 21197 02 21198 03 21199 04 21200 05 PhD Research II 1-3 MTWRF 0200-0450pm GH 1-3 MTWRF 0200-0450pm GH 1-3 MTWRF 0200-0450pm GH 1-3 MTWRF 0200-0450pm GH 1-3 MTWRF 0200-0450pm GH Liang Oyekan Ohia Xie Ranganna PHS 918 21202 01 21203 02 21204 03 PhD Dissertation I 1-9 MTWRF 0900-1200pm GH 1-9 MTWRF 0900-1200pm GH 1-9 MTWRF 0900-1200pm GH Chelliah Liang Shivacha ONLINE COURSES HEALTH SCIENCE - CORE HSCR 300 Hlth Sciences Sem 22090 O1 1 TBA TBA TBA Surles HSCR 360 22091 O1 Princ Of Disease 3 TBA TBA TBA Surles HSCR 361 22092 O1 Research For Hlth Prof 3 TBA TBA TBA Chilton TBA Surles HSHA 262 22094 O1 Public Policy & Hlth Care 3 TBA TBA TBA Surles HSHA 312 22095 O1 Health Admin In Sch System 3 TBA TBA TBA Estill HSHA 361 22096 O1 Long Term Care 3 TBA TBA TBA Chilton HSHA 411 22097 O1 Internship 3/6 TBA TBA Rasmus HEALTH SCIENCE - HEALTH ADMIN. HSHA 211 Health Info Systems 22093 O1 3 TBA TBA TBA 68 | Co urse Se lect ion Bullet in - Spr ing 2015 Barbara Jordan-Mickey Leland School of Public Affairs CRN TEXAS SOUTHERN UNIVERSITY SPRING 2015 COURSE SELECTION BARBARA JORDAN-MICKEY LELAND SCHOOL OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS SEC CRED DAYS TIME BLDRM INST CRN SEC CRED DAYS TIME BLDRM INST ADMIN OF JUSTICE (Cont.) AJ 430 Environmental Justice 21929 01 3 R 0530-0800pm TBA STAFF AJ 452 21930 01 Race and AJ 3 T STAFF AJ 460 20626 01 Admin of Justice Internship 3 F 0230-0500pm TBA Gilbert AJ 499 21923 01 Admin of Justice Capstone 3 M 0530-0800pm TBA Baker AJ 503 20627 01 Seminar in Quantitative Meth I 3 W 0530-0800pm TBA Tachia AJ 504 20628 01 Sem RaceClassGenderCrime in AJ 3 T 0530-0800pm TBA Greene AJ 505 20629 01 Seminar on Ethics in AJ 3 R 0530-0800pm TBA Baker STAFF STAFF AJ 613 21933 01 Eval Research for Jus Agencies 3 R 0530-0800pm TBA Mupier AFSC 4302 National Security Affairs II 21439 01 3 TBA TBA TBA 21440 02 3 TBA TBA TBA STAFF STAFF AJ 617 21232 02 21934 01 Independent Study 3 TBA TBA 3 TBA TBA STAFF STAFF AFSC 4302 National Security Affairs II 21439 01 3 TBA TBA TBA 21440 02 3 TBA TBA TBA STAFF STAFF AJ 702 21629 01 Internship 3 F 0530-0800pm TBA Gilbert AJ 789 21479 01 Thesis II 3/6 TBA TBA Nayer AIR FORCE AFSC 1202 20673 01 20674 02 SCIENCE Foundations of the USAF II 2 TBA TBA TBA 2 TBA TBA TBA STAFF STAFF AFSC 1202 Foundations of the USAF II 20673 01 2 TBA TBA TBA 20674 02 2 TBA TBA TBA STAFF STAFF AFSC 2202 Evolution of Air Power II 20676 01 2 TBA TBA TBA 20677 02 2 TBA TBA TBA STAFF STAFF AFSC 2202 Evolution of Air Power II 20676 01 2 TBA TBA TBA 20677 02 2 TBA TBA TBA STAFF STAFF AFSC 3302 Air Force Leadership II 21437 01 3 TBA TBA 21438 02 3 TBA TBA TBA TBA STAFF STAFF AFSC 3302 Air Force Leadership II 21437 01 3 TBA TBA 21438 02 3 TBA TBA TBA TBA 0530-0800pm TBA TBA TBA ADMIN OF JUSTICE AJ 100 Intro to Criminology 20618 01 3 MWF 1100-1150am TBA Kalunta- AJ 105 20619 01 Intro Admin Of Justice 3 TR 0930-1045am TBA AJ 903 20631 01 Sem in Advanced Quant Method I 3 M 0530-0800pm TBA Tachia Gilbert AJ 211 20620 01 Intro to Court Systems(LS) 3 TR 0230-0345pm TBA AJ 904 21935 02 Adv Sem in Race Class Gender 3 R 0530-0800pm TBA Greene Nayer AJ 220 21425 01 Intro To Corrections 3 MWF 0100-0150pm TBA AJ 905 21936 01 Sem in Adm Crime Mapping & AJ 3 T 0530-0800pm TBA STAFF Kalunta- AJ 240 21486 01 Intro To Law Enfrmnt 3 TR 1100-1215pm TBA Nayer AJ 250 20621 01 21922 02 Legal Aspects Law Enforcement 3 MWF 0900-0950am TBA 3 MWF 0200-0250pm TBA AJ 917 21937 01 21938 02 21939 03 21940 04 Independent Study 3 TBA TBA 3 TBA TBA 3 TBA TBA 3 TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA Baker Greene Henderso Onwudiwe Opolot Opolot AJ 987 20633 01 Research Colloquium 3 W 0530-0800pm TBA Henderso AJ 301 20622 01 Research Methods in AJ 3 TR 1100-1215pm TBA Mupier AJ 302 21422 01 Statistics in AJ 3 MWF 1100-1150am TBA Tachia AJ 310 21924 01 Criminal 3 W STAFF AJ 988 21233 01 21630 02 21631 03 21632 04 22068 05 22069 06 Dissertation 0-12 TBA 0-12 TBA 0-12 TBA 0-12 TBA 0-12 TBA 0-12 TBA Baker Greene Henderso Mupier Onwudiwe Tachia AJ 313 21925 01 Judicial Admin (LS) 3 MWF 0300-0350pm TBA Opolot FORENSIC FORS 236 21686 01 SCIENCE Forensic Evidence & Collection 3 T 0530-0800pm TBA Mozayani AJ 411 20624 01 Sem Admin Of Justice Ethics 3 TR 0100-0215pm TBA Georges- FORS 416 21931 01 Forensic Science Seminar 3 R 0530-0800pm TBA Mozayani AJ 412 21928 01 22237 O2 Selected Topics in AJ 3 TR 0930-1045am TBA 3 TBA TBA TBA GeorgesSTAFF MILITARY SCIENCE MSCI 122 Military Leadership II 21117 01 2 T 0900-1000am UH Law & Procedure (LS) 0530-0800pm TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA STAFF C o u r s e S e l e c t i o n B u l l e t i n - S p r i n g 2 0 1 5 | 69 Barbara Jordan-Mickey Leland School of Public Affairs TEXAS SOUTHERN UNIVERSITY SPRING 2015 COURSE SELECTION BARBARA JORDAN-MICKEY LELAND SCHOOL OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS INST CRN MILITARY SCIENCE (Cont.) 21234 02 2 W 1100-1200pm UH 21706 03 2 W 0100-0200pm UH STAFF STAFF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION PAD 504 Quantitative Methods II 20654 01 3 M 0530-0800pm TBA Christop MSCI 122L Military Leadership II Lab 21118 01 0 W 0300-0500pm UH STAFF PAD 507 20655 01 Organization Behavior & Theory 3 T 0530-0800pm TBA Christop MSCI 126 21235 01 Physical Readiness II 1 MWF 0630-0730pm UH STAFF PAD 622 21245 01 Science, Tech & Pub Policy 3 R 0530-0800pm TBA Callagha MSCI 132 21236 01 Interm Phy Fitness II 1 MWF 0630-0730pm UH Braswell PAD 640 20657 01 Pub Pers Admin Th & Pract 3 R 0530-0800pm TBA Ewoh MSCI 222 21119 01 21237 02 Military Leadership Dev II 2 MW 0900-1000am UH 2 MW 1200-0100pm UH STAFF STAFF PAD 642 21987 01 Labor Rel Coll Barg 3 T 0530-0800pm TBA Ewoh PAD 643 21643 01 Human & Employee Benefits 3 W 0530-0800pm TBA Ewoh PAD 652 21988 01 Human Services Admin 3 M 0530-0800pm TBA STAFF PAD 710 21271 01 Capstone 3 W Majumdar POLITICAL POLS 235 21946 01 21947 02 21948 03 21949 04 21950 05 21951 06 21952 07 21953 08 21954 09 21955 10 21956 11 21957 12 21958 13 21959 14 21960 15 21961 16 21962 17 SCIENCE American Government 3 MWF 0800-0850am 3 MWF 0900-0950am 3 MWF 1000-1050am 3 MWF 1100-1150am 3 MWF 0100-0150pm 3 MWF 0200-0250pm 3 MWF 0300-0350pm 3 TR 0800-0915am 3 TR 0930-1045am 3 TR 1100-1215pm 3 TR 0100-0215pm 3 TR 0230-0345pm 3 R 0400-0515pm 3 M 0530-0800pm 3 T 0530-0800pm 3 W 0530-0800pm 3 R 0530-0800pm Texas Government 3 MWF 0800-0850am TBA 3 MWF 0900-0950am LIBB13 STAFF STAFF 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA STAFF STAFF STAFF STAFF STAFF STAFF STAFF STAFF STAFF STAFF STAFF STAFF STAFF STAFF STAFF CRN SEC CRED DAYS TIME BLDRM MSCI 222L Military Leadership Dev II Lab 21120 01 0 W 0300-0500pm UH STAFF MSCI 332 21165 01 21238 02 Advanced Military Science II 3 MW 0730-0900pm UH 3 MW 0100-0230pm UH Braswell Braswell MSCI 332L Advanced Military Sci II Lab 21239 01 0 W 0300-0500pm UH Braswell MSCI 432 21240 01 STAFF Leadership In A Cplx Wrld 3 MW 0730-0900pm UH MSCI 432L Leadership In A Cplx Wrld Lab 21241 01 0 W 0300-0500pm UH Braswell MSCI 439 21707 01 STAFF Special Problems IV 3 R 0800-1100am UH NAVAL SCIENCES NAVA 301 Navigation I 21274 01 3 TBA TBA TBA STAFF NAVA 402 21275 01 TBA STAFF Leadership and Ethics 3 TBA TBA SEC CRED DAYS TIME BLDRM 0530-0800pm TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA INST Perez-Fe Perez-Fe STAFF STAFF STAFF STAFF STAFF STAFF STAFF STAFF STAFF STAFF STAFF STAFF STAFF STAFF STAFF PUBLIC AFFAIRS PA 271 Intro to Public Adm 20649 01 3 TR 1100-1215pm TBA Herringt PA 301 20650 01 21283 02 Res Methods In Pub Admin 3 MWF 1011-1050am TBA 3 M 0530-0800pm TBA STAFF Callagha PA 302 20651 01 21638 02 Quantitative Methods 3 TR 1100-1215pm TBA 3 W 0530-0800pm TBA STAFF STAFF PA 311 21639 01 Intro To Pub Sector Plng 3 TR 0930-1045am TBA STAFF PA 312 21641 01 Public Budgeting 3 W 0530-0800pm TBA STAFF PA 313 21741 01 Org Behavior & Mgmt 3 T 0530-0800pm TBA Herringt POLS 236 21964 01 21965 02 HONORS 21966 03 21967 04 21968 05 21969 06 21970 07 21971 08 21972 09 21973 10 21974 11 21975 12 21976 13 21977 14 21978 15 21979 16 21980 17 PA 321 21243 01 Personnel Admin 3 R 0530-0800pm TBA Herringt POLS 330 21982 01 Comparative Politics 3 TR 1100-1215pm TBA STAFF PA 400 21319 01 Program Evaluation 3 TR 0100-0215pm TBA STAFF POLS 340 21657 01 International Relations 3 TR 0100-0215pm TBA STAFF MWF MWF MWF MWF MWF TR TR TR TR TR TR M T W R 1000-1050am 1100-1150am 0100-0150pm 0200-0250pm 0300-0350pm 0800-0915am 0930-1045am 1100-1215pm 0100-0215pm 0230-0345pm 0400-0515pm 0530-0800pm 0530-0800pm 0530-0800pm 0530-0800pm 70 | Co urse Se lect ion Bullet in - Spr ing 2015 Barbara Jordan-Mickey Leland School of Public Affairs TEXAS SOUTHERN UNIVERSITY SPRING 2015 COURSE SELECTION BARBARA JORDAN-MICKEY LELAND SCHOOL OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS INST CRN BLDRM INST POLITICAL SCIENCE POLS 370 US Latino Politics 21983 01 3 TR 0230-0345pm TBA STAFF ADMIN OF JUSTICE (Cont.) AJ 322 Juvenile Justice Sys 21423 O1 3 TBA TBA TBA Onwudiwe POLS 391 20647 01 Modern Political Theory 3 TR 0930-1045am TBA Perez-Fe AJ 345 21927 O1 Comparative AJ 3 TBA TBA TBA STAFF POLS 412 21317 01 Civil Rights(LS) 3 M 0530-0800pm TBA STAFF POLS 419 21984 01 Selected Topics in Polit Sci 3 T 0530-0800pm TBA AJ 412 21424 O1 22237 O2 Selected Topics in AJ 3 TBA TBA 3 TBA TBA TBA TBA STAFF STAFF STAFF AJ 500 21460 E1 Sem in Admin of Justice 3 TBA TBA TBA Greene CRN SEC CRED DAYS TIME BLDRM SEC CRED DAYS TIME URBAN PLANNING & ENVIRO POLICY UPEP 804 Intro to Site Design 22002 01 3 R 0530-0800pm PAB411 STAFF AJ 501 21461 E1 Seminar in ADM of JUS Theory 3 TBA TBA TBA STAFF UPEP 806 20661 01 Land Use & Env Law 3 T 0530-0800pm TBA Solitare AJ 502 21462 E1 Seminar in Research Methods 3 TBA TBA TBA STAFF UPEP 807 22003 01 PRO COMM IN PLANNING 3 F 0530-0800pm TBA STAFF AJ 503 21463 E1 Seminar in Quantitative Meth I 3 TBA TBA TBA STAFF UPEP 808 21494 01 Applied Planning Methods 3 W 0530-0800pm TBA Smith AJ 504 21633 E1 Sem RaceClassGenderCrime in AJ 3 TBA TBA TBA Greene UPEP 809 22004 01 Urban Econ & Spatial Stru 3 T 0530-0800pm TBA STAFF AJ 505 21634 E1 Seminar on Ethics in AJ 3 TBA TBA TBA STAFF UPEP 811 21495 01 Intro to GIS in Urb Pln 3 M 0530-0800pm PAB409 Sen AJ 607 22062 E1 Police Administration 3 TBA TBA TBA STAFF UPEP 850 22007 01 Infrastructure Pln& Pol 3 M 0530-0800pm TBA Smith AJ 609 22063 E1 Issues In Corrections Administ 3 TBA TBA TBA STAFF UPEP 860 21466 01 Theory His & Prac of Com Dev 3 R 0530-0800pm TBA Lowe UPEP 873 22008 01 Special Topics 3 T 0530-0800pm TBA AJ 610 21635 E1 21932 O1 Issues in Judicial Adm 3 TBA TBA 3 TBA TBA STAFF STAFF Chandras UPEP 889 22009 01 Planning Thesis 3-6 TBA TBA AJ 611 22064 E1 Issues in Juvenile Justice Adm 3 TBA TBA TBA STAFF Smith UPEP 901 20662 01 Adv Urb Theory 3 M 0530-0800pm TBA AJ 614 21465 E1 Issues in Terrorism and 3 TBA TBA Onwudiwe Lowe UPEP 902 22010 01 Adv Pln Analysis 3 R 0530-0800pm PAB409 AJ 616 22065 E1 Environmental Crime & AJ 3 TBA TBA TBA STAFF Pan UPEP 905 20664 01 Env Pln & Natural Res Mgmt 3 T 0530-0800pm PAB409 AJ 617 22066 E1 Independent Study 3 TBA TBA TBA Baker Nance UPEP 941 21325 01 Res Colloquium 3 W 0530-0800pm TBA AJ 701 22067 E1 Capstone Seminar 3 TBA TBA TBA Baker Solitare UPEP 942 20665 01 20666 02 20667 03 20668 04 20669 05 Dissertation 3-12 TBA 3-12 TBA 3-12 TBA 3-12 TBA 3-12 TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA Lowe Pan Sen Smith Solitare UPEP 977 20670 01 Independent Study 3 TBA TBA TBA Sen TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA ONLINE COURSES ADMIN OF JUSTICE AJ 321 Probation & Parole Admin 20623 O1 3 TBA TBA TBA Kalunta- TBA TBA AJ TBA EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT EMGT 252 Tech Hazards & Emergy Mgmt 21995 O1 3 TBA TBA TBA Olonilua EMGT 351 21663 O1 Prin/Prac of Hazard Mitigation 3 TBA TBA TBA Ibitayo EMGT 357 21664 O1 Emergy Reov/Respn/Prep & Plng 3 TBA TBA TBA Ibitayo HOMELAND SECURITY HMSC 361 Terrorism and Homeland Secur 21661 O1 3 TBA TBA TBA Olonilua HMSC 362 21665 O1 STAFF Domestic & Global Terrorism 3 TBA TBA TBA C o u r s e S e l e c t i o n B u l l e t i n - S p r i n g 2 0 1 5 | 71 Barbara Jordan-Mickey Leland School of Public Affairs CRN TEXAS SOUTHERN UNIVERSITY SPRING 2015 COURSE SELECTION BARBARA JORDAN-MICKEY LELAND SCHOOL OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS SEC CRED DAYS TIME PUBLIC AFFAIRS PA 271 Intro to Public Adm 21242 O1 3 TBA TBA BLDRM TBA INST CRN SEC CRED DAYS STAFF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION (Cont) PAD 708 Administrative Regulations 21244 O1 3 TBA TBA TBA Robinson PAD 710 21270 E1 TBA STAFF POLITICAL SCIENCE POLS 330 Comparative Politics 20646 O1 3 TBA TBA TBA STAFF TBA STAFF Capstone 3 TBA TIME BLDRM INST PA 311 21640 O1 Intro To Pub Sector Plng 3 TBA TBA TBA Ibitayo PA 313 20652 O1 Org Behavior & Mgmt 3 TBA TBA STAFF PA 410 20653 O1 Seminar in Public Affairs 3 TBA TBA TBA Olonilua PA 450 21994 O1 Internship in Public Affairs 3 TBA TBA TBA POLS 340 21658 O2 International Relations 3 TBA TBA Robinson POLS 410 20648 O1 African American Politics 3 TBA TBA TBA Mangum POLS 450 21985 O1 Religion and American Politics 3 TBA TBA TBA STAFF POLS 498 21986 O1 Capstone Sem in Polsc 3 TBA TBA STAFF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION PAD 500 Theory & Practice 21260 E1 3 TBA TBA 21996 E2 3 TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA STAFF STAFF PAD 501 21261 E1 21997 E2 Leadership & Decision Making 3 TBA TBA TBA 3 TBA TBA TBA STAFF STAFF PAD 502 21262 E1 21998 E2 Research Meth In Pub Adm 3 TBA TBA TBA 3 TBA TBA TBA STAFF STAFF PAD 503 21263 E1 Quantitative Methods I 3 TBA TBA TBA STAFF PAD 504 21441 O1 Quantitative Methods II 3 TBA TBA TBA Christop PAD 507 21264 E1 Organization Behavior & Theory 3 TBA TBA TBA STAFF PAD 620 21265 E1 21999 E2 The Policy Making Process 3 TBA TBA TBA 3 TBA TBA TBA STAFF STAFF PAD 622 22000 E1 Science, Tech & Pub Policy 3 TBA TBA TBA STAFF PAD 623 20656 O1 Pub Policy Anal Mthds 3 TBA TBA Majumdar PAD 631 21266 E1 22001 E2 Gov Budgeting & Financial Mgmt 3 TBA TBA TBA 3 TBA TBA TBA STAFF STAFF PAD 650 21267 E1 Intergovernmental Relations 3 TBA TBA TBA STAFF PAD 660 21709 E1 Com Pub Admin West Nations 3 TBA TBA TBA STAFF PAD 661 21989 O1 Sel Topics in Comp Intern Dev 3 TBA TBA TBA STAFF PAD 700 20658 O1 Internship 6 TBA TBA Adams PAD 701 21163 O1 Independent Study 3 TBA TBA TBA STAFF PAD 705 21268 E1 21269 E2 20659 O1 Topical Seminar 3 TBA TBA 3 TBA TBA 3 TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA STAFF STAFF Robinson TBA TBA TBA TBA 72 | Co urse Se lect ion Bullet in - Spr ing 2015 School of Science and Technology CRN TEXAS SOUTHERN UNIVERSITY SPRING 2014 COURSE SELECTION COLLEGE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY SEC CRED DAYS TIME BLDRM INST AVIATION SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY AVST 101 Intro to Aviation 22099 01 3 TR 0800-0915am TECH139 Sherman AVST 102 22100 01 Aviation History 3 TR 0930-1045am TECH139 Sherman AVST 103 22117 01 Private Pilot Ground 3 MW 0630-0745pm TECH151 STAFF AVST 105 22118 01 Private Pilot Flight 3 TR 0430-0545pm TECH151 STAFF CRN SEC CRED DAYS BIOLOGY BIOL 111 20216 01 20217 02 20218 03 20219 04 20220 05 20221 06 TIME Biological Science Lab I 1 T 0800-1050am 1 T 1100-0150pm 1 T 0200-0450pm 1 R 0800-1050am 1 R 1100-0150pm 1 R 0200-0450pm BLDRM INST SB208 SB208 SB208 SB208 SB208 SB208 Cassimer Cassimer Cassimer Hillar Hillar Hillar AVST 105L Private Pilot Flight Lab 22119 01 3 MW 0430-0530pm TBA STAFF AVST 113 22101 01 Introduction to Flight 3 TR 0930-1045am TECH151 STAFF BIOL 112 20222 01 20223 02 20224 03 20225 04 20226 05 20227 06 HONORS AVST 113L Introduction to Flight Lab 22102 01 1 TR 1100-1215pm TECH156 STAFF 20228 07 20229 08 1 1 AVST 120 22103 01 Transportation Survey 3 TR 1100-1215pm TECH139 Sherman AVST 201 22104 01 Flight Meteorology 3 TR 0330-0445pm TECH139 Sherman BIOL 131 20230 01 20231 02 20232 03 20233 04 Biological Science I 3 MWF 0200-0250pm 3 TR 0930-1045am 3 TR 0100-0215pm 3 MWF 1100-1150am SB154 SB154 SB158 SB158 Cassimer STAFF STAFF Cassimer AVST 218 22120 01 Instrument Ground & Flight 3 TR 0630-0745pm TECH151 STAFF BIOL 132 20234 01 20235 02 20236 03 HONORS Biological Science II 3 MWF 0100-0150pm SB154 3 MWF 1100-1150am SB154 3 TR 1100-1215pm SB154 Gardiner STAFF Player 20237 04 20238 05 20239 06 3 3 3 Player STAFF STAFF BIOL 135 22212 01 Human Anat & Phys I 3 MWF 0300-0350pm SB158 STAFF BIOL 135L Human Anat Physiol Pre-Nur Lab 22213 01 1 T 0800-1050am SB226 STAFF BIOL 136 20240 01 Human Anat & Phys II 3 MWF 1000-1050am SB154 Pamugo BIOL 136L Hum Anat Phys Lab 20241 01 1 T 0800-1050am SB213 21330 02 1 R 0800-1050am SB213 Pamugo Pamugo AVST 218L Instrument Ground & Flight Lab 22121 01 1 TR 0230-0330pm TBA STAFF AVST 310 22105 01 Emergency Planning Mitigation 3 TR 0800-0915am TECH151 Baker AVST 313 22106 01 Int Flight Theory 3 TR 1100-1215pm TECH151 Odetunde AVST 321 22107 01 Air Traffic Control 3 M 0300-0430pm TECH153 Brown AVST 321L Air Traffic Control Lab 22108 01 1 M 0445-0550pm TECH153 Brown AVST 325 22109 01 Airport Design & Operation 3 TR 0230-0345pm TECH151 Odetunde AVST 351 22111 01 Aviation Law 3 MWF 1000-1050am TECH151 Hall AVST 371 22110 01 Airport Management 3 MWF 0900-0950am TECH151 Baker AVST 381 22112 01 Air Carrier Management 3 MWF 1100-1150am TECH151 Hall AVST 401 22113 01 Advanced Aerodynamics 3 TR 0100-0215pm TECH151 Odetunde AVST 407 22114 01 Aviation Services Opers 3 MWF 0100-0150pm TECH151 Hall AVST 409 22115 01 Gen Aviation Mgmt 3 MWF 0200-0250pm TECH151 Hall AVST 495 22116 01 Fld Work Pract in AVS 6 TBA TBA Baker TBA BIOL 143 20242 01 20243 02 20244 03 20245 04 20246 05 20247 06 HONORS 20248 07 Biological Science Lab II 1 T 0800-1050am SB202 1 T 1100-0150pm SB202 1 T 0200-0450pm SB202 1 R 0800-1050am SB202 1 R 1100-0150pm SB202 1 R 0200-0450pm SB202 Sodipe Sodipe Sodipe Sodipe Player Player Player Player T T TR TR TR 1100-0150pm SB204 0700-0950pm SB202 0930-1045am SB158 0230-0345pm SB158 0530-0645pm SB158 Survey of Life Science 3 MWF 0800-0850am 3 MWF 0900-0950am 3 MWF 1000-1050am 3 MWF 0300-0350pm 3 TR 1100-1215pm 3 TR 0230-0345pm 3 MW SB154 SB158 SB158 SB152 SB158 SB154 0530-0645pm SB152 BIOL 143L Life Science Lab 20249 01 1 M 1200-1250pm SB158 20250 02 1 T 0800-0850am SB158 Brown Brown STAFF Pamugo STAFF Hollomon STAFF Hollomon Hollomon C o u r s e S e l e c t i o n B u l l e t i n - S p r i n g 2 0 1 5 | 73 School of Science and Technology CRN TEXAS SOUTHERN UNIVERSITY SPRING 2015 COURSE SELECTION COLLEGE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY SEC CRED DAYS TIME BLDRM INST BIOLOGY (Cont.) BIOL 211 Cell Biology Lab 20261 01 1 R 0800-1050am SB228 20262 02 1 R 1100-0150pm SB228 Cassimer Cassimer BIOL 212 20263 01 20264 02 Developmental Biology Lab 1 T 0800-1050am SB227 1 T 1100-0150pm SB227 Jackson Jackson BIOL 212 20265 03 CRN SEC CRED DAYS BIOLOGY (Cont.) BIOL 441 Histology 20290 01 4 MWF TIME BLDRM INST 0100-0150pm SB158 Hillar BIOL 441L 20291 01 20292 02 21281 03 Histology Lab 0 T 1100-0150pm SB228 0 T 0200-0450pm SB228 0 R 0200-0450pm SB228 Hillar Hillar Hillar Developmental Biology Lab (Cont.) 1 T 0200-0450pm SB STAFF BIOL 446 20293 01 Human Physiology Lab 1 T 0800-1050am SB228 Sundares BIOL 231 20266 01 Cell Biology 3 MWF 0900-0950am SB152 Cassimer BIOL 447 20294 01 Human Physiology 3 MWF 0900-0950am SB154 Sundares BIOL 232 21333 01 Developmental Biology 3 MWF 0800-0850am SB158 Jackson BIOL 450 20295 01 Molecular Genetics 3 MWF 0800-0850am SB152 Williams BIOL 245 20267 01 Human Anatomy & Physiology 4 MWF 0200-0250pm SB158 Pamugo BIOL 452 20296 01 Intermediary Cellular Metabol 3 MWF 1000-1050am SB152 Hillar BIOL 245L 20268 01 20269 02 20270 03 20271 04 Human Anat & Phys Lab 0 T 1100-0150pm SB213 0 T 0200-0450pm SB213 0 R 1100-0150pm SB213 0 R 0200-0450pm SB213 Pamugo Pamugo Pamugo Pamugo BIOL 454 20297 01 Immunology 3 TR 0800-0915am SB154 Hollomon BIOL 246 20273 01 Microbiol Hlth Rel Professions 4 MWF 0100-0150pm SB152 BIOL 454L Immunology Lab 20298 01 0 R 1100-0150pm SB227 21186 02 0 R 0200-0450pm SB227 Hollomon Hollomon STAFF BIOL 246L Micro Hlth Rel Pr Lab 20272 01 0 R 1100-0150pm SB210 21335 02 0 R 0200-0450pm SB210 BIOL 461 22191 01 Environ Sampling & Analysis 3 MWF 0300-0350pm SB154 Sodipe STAFF STAFF BIOL 526 21258 01 Topics In Biology 3 R 0500-0730pm SB Player BIOL 300 20274 01 Seminar Hlth Related Profs 1 F 1200-1250pm SB154 Sodipe BIOL 636 21187 01 Endocrinology 3 W 0500-0730pm SB154 Olufemi BIOL 341 20275 01 Organismic Biology 4 MWF 1100-1150am SB150 Miranda BIOL 647 20299 01 Experimental Biology 4 T 0500-0650pm SB227 Abdel Ra BIOL 341L Organismic Biol Lab 20276 01 0 T 0800-1050am SB229 20277 02 0 R 0800-1050am SB229 Miranda Miranda BIOL 647L Experimental Biol Lab 20300 01 0 T 0700-1000pm SB227 Abdel Ra BIOL 343 20278 01 Ecology 3 TR 0100-0215pm SB154 Brown BIOL 715 20301 01 Advanced Human Genetics 3 M 0500-0730pm SB154 Olufemi BIOL 345 20279 01 Ecology Laboratory 1 T 0230-0520pm SB226 Brown BIOL 347 20280 01 Microbiology 4 MWF 1100-1150am SB152 STAFF BIOL 347L Microbiology Lab 20281 01 0 T 1100-0150pm SB210 20282 02 0 T 0200-0450pm SB210 STAFF STAFF BIOL 401 20283 01 20284 02 20285 03 20286 04 20287 05 20288 06 21336 07 21337 08 21338 09 22159 10 Undergraduate Research 1 TBA TBA 1 TBA TBA 1 TBA TBA 1 TBA TBA 1 TBA TBA 1 TBA TBA 1 TBA TBA 1 TBA TBA 1 TBA TBA 1 TBA TBA BIOL 862 20302 01 20303 02 20304 03 20305 04 20306 05 20307 06 20308 07 21339 08 21340 09 22190 10 Research Problems II 3 TBA TBA 3 TBA TBA 3 TBA TBA 3 TBA TBA 3 TBA TBA 3 TBA TBA 3 TBA TBA 3 TBA TBA 3 TBA TBA 3 TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA Abdel Ra Hollomon Jackson Miranda Olufemi Player Rosenzwe Shishodi Sodipe Sundares Abdel Ra Hillar Hollomon Miranda Olufemi Player Rosenzwe Shishodi Sodipe Sundares CHEMISTRY CHEM 111 20168 01 20169 02 20170 03 20171 04 20172 05 20173 06 21280 07 21452 08 Chemistry I Lab 1 T 0800-1050am 1 R 0200-0450pm 1 T 1100-0150pm 1 R 1100-0150pm 1 T 0500-0750pm 1 F 1100-0150pm 1 R 0800-1050am 1 T 0200-0450pm SB402 SB404 SB402 SB404 SB402 SB402 SB404 SB402 STAFF STAFF STAFF STAFF STAFF STAFF STAFF STAFF BIOL 431 20289 01 Radiation Biology 3 MWF 0200-0250pm SB152 Hillar CHEM 112 20174 01 Chemistry II Lab 1 T 0800-1050am SB412 STAFF TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA 74 | Co urse Se lect ion Bullet in - Spr ing 2015 School of Science and Technology CRN TEXAS SOUTHERN UNIVERSITY SPRING 2015 COURSE SELECTION COLLEGE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY SEC CRED DAYS TIME BLDRM INST CHEMISTRY CHEM 112 20175 02 20176 03 20177 04 20178 05 20179 06 (Cont.) Chemistry II Lab (Cont.) 1 R 0800-1050am SB412 1 T 1100-0150pm SB412 1 R 1100-0150pm SB412 1 T 0200-0450pm SB412 1 R 0200-0450pm SB412 STAFF STAFF STAFF STAFF STAFF CHEM 131 20181 01 20182 02 20183 03 21151 04 21257 05 21454 06 21455 07 Chemistry I 3 MWF 3 TR 3 MWF 3 TR 3 MWF 3 MWF 3 MWF Good STAFF Clement STAFF STAFF STAFF STAFF CHEM 132 20184 01 20186 03 20187 04 20188 05 21166 06 Chemistry II 3 MWF 1100-1150am TBA 3 MWF 0200-0250pm SB156 3 MWF 0300-0350pm SB149 3 MWF 0100-0150pm SB150 3 TR 0100-0215pm SB153 Wilkerso STAFF Clement Fennell STAFF CHEM 211 20189 01 20190 02 20191 03 Organic Chem I Lab 1 T 0800-1050am SB417 1 R 1100-0150pm SB417 1 T 0200-0450pm SB417 STAFF STAFF STAFF CHEM 212 20192 01 20193 02 20194 03 20195 05 22196 04 Organic Chem II Lab 1 R 0200-0450pm SB431 1 T 1100-0150pm SB431 1 T 0800-1050am SB431 1 R 0200-0450pm SB433 1 R 0800-1050am SB431 STAFF STAFF STAFF STAFF STAFF CHEM 231 20197 01 20198 02 Organic Chem I 3 MWF 0900-0950am SB150 3 TR 0400-0515pm SB153 STAFF Wei CHEM 232 20199 01 20200 02 20201 03 Organic Chem 3 MWF 3 WF 3 MWF Sapp Saleh Wei CHEM 322 20203 01 20204 02 Quan Analysis Lab 2 T 0800-1050am SB416 2 R 0200-0250pm SB416 Good Good CHEM 332 20202 01 Quan Analysis Lec 3 WF 0900-0950am SB156 Good CHEM 412 20206 01 Physical Chem II Lab 1 T 0200-0250pm SB400 STAFF CHEM 432 20205 01 Physical Chem II 3 MWF 0800-0850am SB150 STAFF CHEM 445 20207 01 Biochemistry 3 MWF 1000-1050am SB149 Fennell CHEM 445L Biochem Lab 20208 01 1 R 20209 02 1 R CHEM 451 20210 01 0300-0350pm 0800-0915am 1100-1150am 1000-1115am 0800-0850am 0900-0950am 0200-0250pm SB156 SB153 SB SB153 SB149 SB149 SB II 0800-0850am SB156 1000-1050am SB150 0300-0350pm SB150 0800-0850am TBA 1100-0150pm SB432 Inorganic Chemistry 3 MWF 1100-1150am SB149 CHEM 451L Inorganic Chem Lab 20211 01 0 R 0200-0450pm SB400 Fennell Fennell CRN SEC CRED DAYS TIME BLDRM INST CHEMISTRY (Cont.) CHEM 453 Instrumental Analysis 20212 01 3 MWF 0200-0250pm SB150 Deng CHEM 453L Instrumental Analysis Lab 20213 01 0 W 0200-0450pm SB400 Deng CHEM 454 21326 01 Research 3 TBA Wilson CHEM 479 21327 01 Biological Inorganic Chemistry 3 MWF 0100-0150pm SB149 Clement CHEM 499 20214 01 Seminar 1 R Wilson CHEM 623 22200 01 Topics In Chemistry 3 M 0530-0815pm SB400 Deng CHEM 624 22201 01 Topics In Chemistry 3 R 0530-0815pm SB400 Saleh CHEM 861 20215 01 21191 03 21192 04 21193 05 21328 02 21329 06 22202 07 22203 08 Research Problems 3-6 TBA TBA 3-6 TBA TBA 3-6 TBA TBA 3-6 TBA TBA 3-6 TBA TBA 3-6 TBA TBA 3-6 TBA TBA 3-6 TBA TBA Deng Wei Saleh Sapp Fennell Wilson Good Clement TBA SB 1200-1250pm SB153 SB SB SB SB435 SB432 SB302 SB435 SB CIVIL ENGINEERING TECH. CIVT 141 Civil Engr Mtls 20331 01 3 MWF 1200-1250pm TECH133 Wanyan CIVT 223 21705 01 Water Resource Engineering 3 TR 0930-1045am TECH129 Olowoker CIVT 224 20332 01 22123 02 Soil Engineering 3 MWF 1200-1250pm TECH253 3 MWF 0100-0150pm TECH253 STAFF STAFF CIVT 233 20333 01 Dynamics 3 MWF Afiesima CIVT 333 20334 01 Hydraulic Engineering 3 MWF 1100-1150am TECH133 STAFF CIVT 335 20335 01 Geom Des Of Highways 3 TR 0300-0415pm TECH133 STAFF CIVT 336 20336 01 Structural Analysis 3 TR 0430-0545pm TECH133 STAFF CIVT 400 20337 01 Civil Engr Tech Project 3 TBA TBA Olowoker CIVT 434 21282 01 Sanitary Engineering 3 MWF 0900-0950am TECH129 STAFF CIVT 435 22124 01 Building Construction 3 TR 1100-1215pm TECH STAFF 1000-1050am TECH129 TBA Deng COMPUTER ENGINEERING TECH CMET 331 Microcomputer Operating System 21410 01 3 TR 1100-1215pm TECH Chen Deng CMET 415 21411 01 STAFF Advanced Microcomp Network Lab 1 MW 0900-0950am TECH C o u r s e S e l e c t i o n B u l l e t i n - S p r i n g 2 0 1 5 | 75 School of Science and Technology TEXAS SOUTHERN UNIVERSITY SPRING 2015 COURSE SELECTION COLLEGE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY INST CRN COMPUTER ENGINEERING TECH (Cont.) CMET 417 Data Communication Mthds Lab 21412 01 1 W 1100-1250pm TECH260 STAFF COMPUTER SCIENCE (Cont.) CS 351 WAN Technologies 21428 01 3 TR 0100-0215pm TECH338 Sleem CMET 435 21413 01 Advanced Microcomp Networks 3 MWF 0800-0850am TECH129 STAFF CS 415 20328 01 Comp Ethics & Society 3 MWF 0200-0250pm TECH335 Handy CMET 437 21414 01 Data Communication Mthds 3 MWF 0100-0150pm TECH STAFF CS 434 22135 01 Wireless Programming 3 TR 0930-1045am TECH338 Ghemri CS 444 20329 01 Operating Systems 3 TR 0100-0215pm TECH330 Khan CRN SEC CRED DAYS TIME BLDRM SEC CRED DAYS TIME BLDRM INST CONSTRUCTION CONS 141 Const Methods & Materials 20367 01 3 TR 0800-1050am TECH161 Lott CONS 331 22127 01 Models & Presentations 3 TR 1100-1250pm TECH161 CS 451 21509 01 Intro to Wireless&Mobile Nets 3 MWF 0200-0250pm TECH330 Li Lott CONS 344 22128 01 Const Mgmt I 3 MWF 1000-1150am TECH161 CS 499 21429 01 Capstone Proj 3 TR 0400-0515pm TECH338 Kamel Lott CONS 437 21272 01 Const Problems 3 TBA TBA CS 531 21426 01 Comp Arch 3 M Kamel Lewis CONS 475 22129 01 Facilities management 3 MWF 0100-0150pm TECH161 CS 541 21430 01 Operating Systems 3 W 0530-0820pm TECH330 Pan Lewis CS 545 22136 01 Computer Networks 3 T 0530-0820pm TECH330 Sleem CS 547 22137 01 Crytography & Comp Sec 3 MW 0400-0515pm TECH330 Li CS 599 21510 01 Graduate Seminar Computer Sci 1 M 1200-1250pm TECH335 Kamel CS 661 22138 01 Adv Tps in Sfw Eng 3 R 0530-0820pm TECH330 Khan CS 697 22139 01 22140 02 22141 03 22142 04 22143 05 22144 06 22145 07 Independent Master's Prjt 3 TBA TBA TBA 3 TBA TBA TBA 3 TBA TBA TBA 3 TBA TBA TBA 3 TBA TBA TBA 3 TBA TBA TBA 3 TBA TBA TBA Li Criner Kamel Ghemri Sleem Khan Pan CS 698 21173 01 21431 02 21511 04 21512 07 22146 03 22147 05 22148 06 Mst Thes/Rsch I 1-3 TBA TBA 1-3 TBA TBA 1-3 TBA TBA 1-3 TBA TBA 1-3 TBA TBA 1-3 TBA TBA 1-3 TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA Li Criner Ghemri Pan Kamel Sleem Khan CS 699 20330 01 21432 02 21513 03 21514 04 21515 05 22149 06 22150 07 Mst Thes/Rsch II 1-3 TBA TBA 1-3 TBA TBA 1-3 TBA TBA 1-3 TBA TBA 1-3 TBA TBA 1-3 TBA TBA 1-3 TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA Li Criner Kamel Ghemri Sleem Khan Pan COMPUTER SCIENCE CS 116 Intro To Compr Science I 20309 01 3 MWF 0800-0850am 20310 02 3 MWF 0900-0950am 20311 03 3 MWF 1000-1050am HONORS 20312 04 3 MWF 1100-1150am 20313 05 3 MWF 0100-0150pm 20314 06 3 MWF 0300-0350pm TBA TECH334 TECH334 TECH330 STAFF STAFF Joyner TECH334 TECH334 TECH338 STAFF STAFF Handy CS 117 20317 01 20318 02 Intro To Comp Science II 3 MWF 0900-0950am TECH338 3 MWF 1000-1015am TECH338 Handy Handy CS 120 20320 01 20321 02 Intro to Comp & Prob Solving 3 TR 0930-1045am TECH335 3 TR 0230-0345pm TECH335 Javadian Javadian CS 124 20322 01 Fund Machine Computation 3 TR 0400-0515pm TECH334 Criner CS 140 20323 01 Computer Programming in Java 3 TR 1100-1215pm TECH334 Lin CS 241 22134 01 OOP Using C++ 3 TR 0930-1045am TECH334 Lin CS 243 21427 01 Computer Organization 3 TR 0100-0215pm TECH335 Javadian CS 246 21468 01 Data & File Structures 3 TR 0800-0915am TECH334 Lin CS 248 20324 01 Theory of Computation 3 TR 0230-0345pm TECH338 Ghemri CS 250 20325 01 Computer Networks Fundamentals 3 MW 0300-0415pm TECH404 Pan CS 251 20326 01 Internetworking & Routing 3 MWF 0100-0150pm TECH404 CS 346 20327 01 Database Mgmt System 3 TR 1100-1215pm TECH338 0530-0820pm TECH330 STAFF DRAFTING/DESIGN TECHNOLOGY DRFT 131 Fundamentals Of Drafting 20368 01 3 MWF 1000-1150am TECH160 Osakue Ghemri DRFT 232 22125 01 Osakue Architectural Design 3 MWF 0200-0330pm TECH160 76 | Co urse Se lect ion Bullet in - Spr ing 2015 School of Science and Technology TEXAS SOUTHERN UNIVERSITY SPRING 2015 COURSE SELECTION COLLEGE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY INST CRN DRAFTING/DESIGN TECHNOLOGY DRFT 233 Intro Comp-Aided Design 20370 01 3 TR 1100-0150pm TECH158 Horner ELECTRONICS ENGR TECHNOLOGY (Cont.) ELET 431 Microprocessor Interfacing 20357 01 3 MWF 0200-0250pm TECH252 STAFF DRFT 336 21529 01 Computer-Aided Design 3 TR 0200-0430pm TECH160 Osakue ELET 440 20358 01 Senior Electronics Project 4 MWRF TBA TECH252 STAFF DRFT 430 22126 01 Adv Comp-Aided Design 3 MWF 1200-0150pm TECH158 Horner ELET 441 20359 01 Electronics Senior Comps 0 TBA TBA TBA Olowoker ELET 442 22231 01 Special Topics 3 TBA TBA Olowoker CRN SEC CRED DAYS TIME BLDRM ELECTRONICS ENGR TECHNOLOGY ELET 111 DC Circuits Lab 20338 01 1 F 1100-1250pm TECH260 20339 02 1 T 0930-1120am TECH262 21524 03 1 R 0230-0420pm TECH262 STAFF Thomas Zhang ELET 113 20341 01 21756 02 AC Circuits Lab 1 W 1000-1150am TECH252 1 M 0230-0420pm TECH262 ELET 114 20340 01 SEC CRED DAYS TIME BLDRM TBA INST ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY ENGT 111 Intro to Project Mgmt 20361 01 1 F 0900-0950am TECH253 Afiesima Darayan STAFF ENGT 331 20360 01 Engineering Economy 3 MWF 0200-0250pm TECH133 Afiesima Electronics I Laboratory 1 R 0930-1120am TECH262 Thomas ENGT 333 21522 01 Ethics in Prof Eng Practice 1 W 0900-0950am TECH253 Afiesima ELET 130 20342 01 21480 02 Intro to Stru Prog with C++ 3 MWF 0200-0250pm TECH 3 MWF 0900-0950am TECH STAFF STAFF ENGT 433 21523 01 Alternative Energy Tech 3 TR 1100-1150am TECH253 Afiesima ELET 131 20343 01 20344 02 20345 03 DC Circuits 3 MWF 3 TR 3 TR 1000-1050am TECH 1130-1245pm TECH129 0100-0215pm TECH256 STAFF Thomas Zhang ELET 133 20346 01 AC Circuits 3 MWF 0900-0950am TECH252 Darayan ELET 133 22122 02 AC Circuits (Cont.) 3 MWF 0100-0150pm TECH129 STAFF ELET 134 20347 01 Electronics I 3 TR 0800-0915am TECH129 Thomas ELET 212 20348 01 Electronics II Lab 1 T 1100-1250pm TECH252 STAFF ELET 215 20349 01 Digital Systems Lab 1 F 1000-1150am TECH252 Darayan ELET 232 20350 01 Electronics II 3 TR 0930-1045am TECH252 STAFF ELET 235 21525 01 Digital Systems 3 MWF 1200-1250pm TECH Darayan ELET 311 20351 01 Communications Systems Lab 1 R 1100-1250pm TECH260 Zhang ELET 331 20352 01 Communications Systems 3 TR 0930-1045am TECH256 Zhang ELET 410 20353 01 Computer Control Sys Lab 1 T 0230-0420pm TECH Saneifar ELET 413 20354 01 Microprocessor Interfacing Lab 1 MW 0300-0450pm TECH252 STAFF ELET 422 20355 01 21409 02 Advanced Struc Prog with C++ 3 TR 0930-1045am TECH 3 TR 0100-0215pm TECH Chen Chen ELET 430 20356 01 Computer Control System 3 TR 0100-0215pm TECH129 Saneifar ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE ES 705 Environmental Policy & MGMT 22151 01 3 W 0530-0820pm SB149 Hwang ES 724 20365 01 21363 02 22158 03 22160 04 22161 05 22162 06 22163 07 22164 08 Research Problems 3-6 TBA TBA 3-6 TBA TBA 3-6 TBA TBA 3-6 TBA TBA 3-6 TBA TBA 3-6 TBA TBA 3-6 TBA TBA 3-6 TBA TBA Balaji B Yakubu Hwang Wilson Saleh Thomas Criner Rosenzwe ES 903 22153 01 General Ecology 3 M 0530-0820pm SB147 Balaji B ES 909 22152 01 Sample Analysis Labortory 3 W 0530-0820pm SB147 Saleh ES 914 21362 01 Modeling Laboratory 3 R 0530-0820pm SB153 Criner ES 920 22154 01 Special Topics 3 T 0530-0820pm SB147 Hwang ES 922 22155 01 Sem in Envir Toxicology 2 TBA TBA TBA Wilson ES 925 20366 01 21364 02 21365 03 21445 04 22165 05 22166 06 22167 07 22168 08 22169 09 22170 10 22171 11 22172 12 22173 13 22174 14 22179 15 Research & Dissertation 3 TBA TBA 6 TBA TBA 9 S 0800-1050am 12 TBA TBA 3-12 TBA TBA 3-12 TBA TBA 3-12 TBA TBA 3-12 TBA TBA 3-12 TBA TBA 3-12 TBA TBA 3-12 TBA TBA 3-12 TBA TBA 3-12 TBA TBA 3-12 TBA TBA 3-12 TBA TBA TBA TBA SB TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA Balaji B Yakubu Hwang Wilson Saleh Thomas Criner Yousefip Qiao Olufemi Player Clement Sundares Abdel Ra Shishodi TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA C o u r s e S e l e c t i o n B u l l e t i n - S p r i n g 2 0 1 5 | 77 School of Science and Technology CRN TEXAS SOUTHERN UNIVERSITY SPRING 2015 COURSE SELECTION COLLEGE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY SEC CRED DAYS TIME BLDRM INST ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE ES 925 Research & Dissertation (Cont.) 22180 16 3-12 TBA TBA TBA Rosenzwe ES 929 22156 01 Toxicology III 3 M 0530-0820pm SB146 Yakubu ES 930 22157 01 Biochemistry 3 T 0530-0820pm SB153 Yakubu GEOLOGY GEOL 141 20362 01 20363 02 20364 03 Introduction 3 TR 3 TR 3 TR STAFF STAFF STAFF INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY ITEC 111 Orientation 20371 01 1 T 20372 02 1 W To The Earth 0930-1045am SB156 1100-1215pm SB156 0200-0315pm SB156 1100-1150am TBA 1200-1250pm TBA Lewis Lott ITEC 331 20373 01 Technical Writing 3 TR 0100-0230pm TECH133 Lewis ITEC 412 20374 01 Senior Seminar 1 T 1200-1250pm TECH Lewis ITEC 439 21531 01 Industrial Safety 3 MWF 0100-0150pm TECH133 Lott ITEC 495 20375 01 Special Topics 3 TBA TBA Horner TBA MATHEMATICS MATH 101 Interdisciplinary Math Lab 21132 01 0 MWF 1000-1050am FH156 21133 02 0 MWF 1100-1150am FH156 21134 03 0 TR 0930-1045am FH156 21135 04 0 TR 0100-0215pm FH156 Travare Travare Travare Travare MATH 130 21121 01 21122 02 21123 03 22187 04 22188 05 22189 06 Fundamental Math 3 MW 0900-1050am 3 MW 1000-1150am 3 TR 0800-0950am 3 TR 0800-0950am 3 TR 0900-1050am 3 TR 1000-1150am FH168 FH170 FH166 FH167 FH168 FH170 Kinfe Jones Kinfe Jones Patterso Jones MATH 131 21124 01 21125 02 21126 03 21127 04 21128 05 21129 06 21485 07 21500 08 22192 09 22193 10 22194 11 22195 12 Developmental Ed Math II 3 MW 0800-0950am 3 MW 0800-0950am 3 MW 0900-1050am 3 MW 1000-1150am 3 MW 1100-1250pm 3 MW 1100-1250pm 3 MW 0100-0250pm 3 TR 0900-1050am 3 TR 1000-1150am 3 TR 1100-1250pm 3 TR 1100-1250pm 3 TR 0100-0250pm FH167 FH166 FH169 FH171 FH167 FH168 FH166 FH169 FH171 FH166 FH167 FH166 Guo Patterso STAFF Guo Patterso Kinfe Jones Guo STAFF Kinfe Guo Patterso MATH 132 22070 01 Contemporary Mathematics I 3 MWF 1100-1150am SB147 Nehs MATH 133 20377 01 20378 02 20379 03 20380 04 20381 05 College Algebra 3 MWF 0800-0850am 3 MWF 0800-0850am 3 MWF 0900-0950am 3 MWF 1000-1050am 3 MWF 1000-1050am STAFF Evans Evans STAFF STAFF SB146 SB148 SB146 SB146 SB148 CRN SEC CRED DAYS BLDRM INST MATHEMATICS (Cont.) MATH 133 College Algebra (Cont.) 20382 06 3 MWF 1100-1150am 20383 07 3 MWF 0100-0150pm 20384 08 3 TR 0800-0915am 20385 09 3 TR 0930-1045am 20386 10 3 TR 0930-1045am 20387 12 3 TR 0100-0215pm 20388 14 3 TR 0400-0515pm 21225 13 3 TR 0100-0215pm 21226 15 3 TR 0530-0645pm 21227 16 3 TR 0230-0345pm 22071 11 3 TR 1100-1215pm SB148 SB148 SB148 SB148 SB145 SB148 SB148 SB145 SB148 SB145 SB148 STAFF Wu STAFF Kazakos STAFF Kazakos STAFF Crockett STAFF Wu Kazakos MATH 134 20390 01 20391 02 20392 03 20393 04 Plane Trigonometry 3 MWF 0900-0950am 3 MWF 1100-1150am 3 TR 0800-0915am 3 TR 0930-1045am SB145 SB146 SB145 SB150 Williams Holmes STAFF Williams MATH 135 20394 01 20395 02 HONORS 20396 03 20397 04 21532 05 Math and Business and Econ I 3 MWF 0900-0950am SB148 3 MWF 0100-0150pm SB145 STAFF Crockett 3 3 3 1100-1215pm SB145 0230-0345pm SB148 0530-0645pm SB146 Crockett STAFF STAFF MATH 136 20398 01 20399 02 20400 03 HONORS 20401 04 20402 05 21357 06 Precalculus Math 3 MWF 0900-0950am SB153 3 MWF 1100-1150am SB153 3 MWF 0100-0150pm SB153 Wang Chilakam Obot 3 3 3 Ekwo Ekwo Glenn MATH 137 22073 01 Contemporary Mathematics II 3 MWF 0900-0950am SB147 Nehs MATH 138 22074 01 22075 02 22076 03 Math 3 3 3 Crockett Evans Wu MATH 231 20403 01 20404 02 22197 03 Elementary Statistics 3 MWF 1000-1050am SB145 3 TR 0930-1045am SB149 3 TR 1100-1215pm SB149 Ekwo Glenn Glenn MATH 235 20405 01 Str & App of Numb Sys 3 MWF 1100-1150am SB Wu MATH 236 20406 01 Fnds of Geom, Stat & Pro 3 MWF 1000-1050am TECH133 Evans MATH 241 20407 01 20408 02 20409 03 21358 04 21534 05 Calculus & Analytic Geomtry I 4 MTWF 0800-0850am SB151 4 MWRF 0900-0950am SB151 4 MTWF 1000-1050am SB147 4 MWRF 1100-1150am SB151 4 MTWR 0100-0150pm TBA Wang Obot Holmes Obot Ekwo MATH 242 20410 01 20411 02 Calculus & Analytic Geomtry II 4 MTWF 1000-1050am SB151 4 MTWR 0200-0250pm SB151 Taylor Nehs MATH 243 20412 01 Calculus & Analytic Geo III 4 MTWF 0200-0250pm SB147 Nehs TR TR TR TR TR TR TIME 0930-1045am SB152 1100-1215pm SB152 0100-0215pm SB152 and Bus for Econ Anal II MWF 0900-0950am TECH133 MWF 1100-1150am SB145 TR 1100-1215pm SB150 78 | Co urse Se lect ion Bullet in - Spr ing 2015 School of Science and Technology TEXAS SOUTHERN UNIVERSITY SPRING 2015 COURSE SELECTION COLLEGE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY INST CRN MATHEMATICS (Cont.) MATH 250 Linear Algebra 22198 01 3 MWF 1100-1150am TECH139 Taylor MATH 251 20413 01 Differential Equations 3 MWF 1000-1050am SB153 Wang PHYSICS (Cont.) PHYS 213 College Phys Lab I (Cont.) 21401 04 1 T 0300-0450pm TECH243 21537 05 1 T 0500-0650pm TECH243 22205 06 1 T 0700-0900pm TECH243 22206 07 1 R 0700-0900pm TECH243 STAFF STAFF STAFF STAFF MATH 336 21535 01 Foundations Of Algebra 3 TR 1100-1215pm SB147 Saydam MATH 439 20414 01 Advanced Calculus I 3 MWF 0100-0150pm SB151 Chilakam PHYS 214 20423 01 20424 02 21402 03 22207 04 College Phys Lab II 1 R 0800-0950am TECH243 1 R 1000-1150am TECH243 1 R 0100-0250pm TECH243 1 R 0300-0450pm TECH243 STAFF STAFF STAFF STAFF MATH 471 22199 01 Topics In Math I 3 TR 0100-0215pm SB149 Taylor PHYS 217 20425 01 Univers Phys Lab I 1 M 0300-0450pm TECH241 STAFF MATH 490 21748 01 Independent Study Undergrad 3 TBA TBA TBA STAFF PHYS 218 20426 01 Univers Phys Lab II 1 W 0300-0450pm TECH241 STAFF PHYS 237 20427 01 20428 02 21403 03 21404 04 College Physics I 3 MWF 1000-1050am 3 MWF 0100-0150pm 3 MWF 0300-0350pm 3 TR 0200-0315pm Harvey Vrincean Harvey Tymczak PHYS 238 20429 01 20430 02 22208 03 College Physics II 3 MWF 1100-1150am TECH243 3 MWF 0200-0250pm TECH243 3 MWF 0400-0515pm TECH139 Tymczak Tymczak STAFF CRN SEC CRED DAYS TIME BLDRM MANUFACTURING MFG 231 Manufacturing Processes 22131 01 3 TR 1100-0130pm TECH160 Osakue SEC CRED DAYS TIME BLDRM TECH243 TECH243 TECH243 TECH139 INST MARITIME TRANS MGMT SECURITY MTMS 101 Intro to Maritime Transp 20441 01 3 MWF 1000-1050am TECH266 STAFF MTMS 321 21379 01 Intl Business & Ocean Shipping 3 TR 0230-0315pm TECH266 Beverly MTMS 342 21380 01 Maritime Security Technology 3 MWF 1100-1150am TECH266 PHYS 247 21405 01 Fund Scientific Programming 3 TR 0930-1045am TECH239 Handy STAFF MTMS 361 21381 01 Maritime Environment Mgmt 3 TR 0930-1045am TECH266 PHYS 251 21406 01 University Physics I 3 MWF 1100-1150am TECH129 Handy Morgan MTMS 423 22132 01 Marine Cargo Operations 3 TR 1100-1215pm TECH266 PHYS 252 20431 01 University Phys II 3 MWF 0400-0450pm TECH129 Bessis STAFF MTMS 463 21382 01 Maritime Environmental Law 3 TR 0530-0645pm TECH266 McKamie PHYS 332 21538 01 Intro to Modern Physics 3 MWF 1100-1150am TECH247 STAFF MTMS 481 21230 01 Sem In Int'L Maritime Business 3 TR 0100-0215pm TECH266 Beverly PHYS 338 22209 01 Math Methods I 3 MWF 0100-0150pm TECH247 STAFF MTMS 490 21541 01 Indep Study in Marit Transp 3 TBA TBA TECH266 STAFF PHYS 360 21228 01 Adv Undergrad Lab 3 TR 1100-1215pm TECH247 STAFF MTMS 495 21231 01 Field Work Prac In Marit Trnsp 3 TBA TBA TECH266 Williams PHYS 416 22210 01 Senior Thesis II 3 MW 1200-1250pm TECH247 STAFF PHYS 437 22211 01 Nuclear Physics I 3 MWF 1000-1050am TECH247 STAFF PHYS 484 21229 01 Topics in Physics 3 TR 0100-0225pm TECH247 Harvey PHYSICS PHYS 101 20415 01 20416 02 20417 03 22204 04 Prin 3 3 3 3 PHYS 116 20418 01 Pre-Univers Phys Lab 1 R 0400-0550pm TECH239 STAFF PHYS 152 20419 01 Pre-Univers Phys 3 TR 1100-1215pm TECH239 Vrincean PHYS 213 20420 01 20421 02 20422 03 College Phys Lab I 1 T 0800-0950am TECH243 1 T 1000-1150am TECH243 1 T 0100-0250pm TECH243 STAFF STAFF STAFF of Phys MWF MWF MWF MWF Sci 0900-0950am 1200-1250pm 0400-0450pm 0100-0150pm TECH243 TECH243 TECH243 TECH139 Vrincean Bessis Handy Bessis TRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT TMGT 812 Prin Trans & Des Engrng 20432 01 3 M 0530-0800pm TECH261 Lynch TMGT 815 21407 01 Computer Apps In Trans 3 W 0530-0800pm TECH261 Qiao TMGT 825 22133 01 Marine Trans Sys 3 W 0530-0800pm TECH217 STAFF TMGT 826 21408 01 Ship Operations & Mgmt 3 TR 0400-0520pm TECH217 Morgan C o u r s e S e l e c t i o n B u l l e t i n - S p r i n g 2 0 1 5 | 79 School of Science and Technology CRN TEXAS SOUTHERN UNIVERSITY SPRING 2015 COURSE SELECTION COLLEGE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY SEC CRED DAYS TIME BLDRM INST TRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT (Cont.) TMGT 830 Urban Trans Plng 20433 01 3 T 0530-0800pm TECH261 Lewis TMGT 850 20434 01 Travel Demand Analysis 3 R 0530-0800pm TECH261 Simmons TMGT 865 20435 01 Traffic Signals & Signal Ctrl 3 T 0530-0800pm TECH217 Qi TMGT 890 20436 01 Transportaton Seminar 3 MW 0400-0520pm TECH261 STAFF TMGT 895 20437 01 Internship 3 TBA TBA TECH Qi TMGT 899 20438 01 20439 02 20440 03 Thesis 1-6 TBA 1-6 TBA 1-6 TBA TBA TBA TBA TECH250 TECH250 TBA Yu Qi Qiao Lewis 80 | Co urse Se lect ion Bullet in - Spr ing 2015 Thurgood Marshall School of Law CRN TEXAS SOUTHERN UNIVERSITY SPRING 2015 COURSE SELECTION THURGOOD MARSHALL SCHOOL OF LAW SEC CRED DAYS TIME BLDRM INST LSB206 LSB208 LSB202 LSB106 Jackson Otero James Butler LAW LAW 502 20001 01 20002 02 20003 03 20004 04 Civil Procedure 4 MTWR 0200-0250pm 4 MTWR 0200-0250pm 4 MTWR 0200-0250pm 4 MTWR 0200-0250pm LAW 505 20005 01 20006 02 20007 03 20008 04 Contracts II 3 MWF 1100-1150am LSB208 3 MWF 1000-1050am LSB203 3 MWF 1100-1150am LSB202 3 MWF 1000-1050am LSB106 Douglas Chukwume Wu Jackson LAW 507 20009 01 20010 02 20011 03 20012 04 Property II 3 MWF 3 MWF 3 MWF 3 MWF 1000-1050am 0800-0850am 0900-0950am 0800-0850am LSB202 LSB208 LSB206 LSB106 LAW 509 20013 01 20014 02 20015 03 20016 04 Torts II 3 MWF 3 MWF 3 MTW 3 MWF 0100-0150pm 0100-0150pm 1000-1050am 0100-0150pm LAW 601 20032 01 20033 02 20034 03 21188 04 21848 05 Criminal Procedure 3 MWF 1100-1150am 3 MWF 0200-0250pm 3 MWF 1100-1150am 3 MWF 1100-1150am 3 MTW 0400-0450pm LAW 602 20057 01 20058 02 LAW 726 21916 01 Juvenile Law 2 TR 0100-0250pm LSB211 Green LAW 728 20075 01 Medical & Legal Malpractice 3 MWF 1000-1050am LSB105 Fain CRN SEC CRED DAYS TIME BLDRM INST LAW (Cont.) LAW 740 Federal Income Tax of Indiv 20042 01 3 MTR 1100-1150am LSB210 20043 02 3 MTR 0200-0250pm LSB210 Beard Aitsebao LAW 741 20064 01 First Amendment 3 MTW 0100-0150pm LSB212 Weeden Colon-Na Colon-Na Kleven Tekle LAW 758 21689 01 Public Education 3 MWF 1100-1150am LSB212 Kleven LAW 760 21690 01 International Law 3 MWF 0200-0250pm LSB212 Wu LSB206 LSB202 LSB208 LSB107 Fain Kelsaw Weeden Ransom LAW 784 20065 01 Marital Property 2 TR 1200-1250pm LSB203 James LAW 789 20069 01 Sports Law 3 MW 1000-1130am LSB211 Champion LSB203 LSB203 LSB106 LSB206 LSB203 Salinas Sanders Walker Maldonad STAFF LAW 796 20071 01 Law Review 2 TBA TBA STAFF Federal Jurisdiction 3 MW 0300-0430pm LSB106 3 MWF 0300-0350pm LSB107 LAW 802 20089 01 Independent Research I 3 F 0400-0450pm LSB212 Mouton Levy Leal LAW 803 20090 01 Independent Research II 3 F 0300-0350pm LSB212 Mouton LAW 610 20030 01 20031 02 Commercial Law 4 TWRF 1000-1050am LSB107 4 TWRF 0100-0150pm LSB203 Green Marchett LAW 804 21872 01 Short Topical Sem Law 2 MT 0100-0150pm LSB STAFF LAW 620 20035 01 20036 02 21687 03 21850 04 Profl Responsibility 2 TR 0400-0450pm 2 TR 0300-0350pm 2 MW 0400-0450pm 2 MW 1000-1050am LSB105 LSB210 LSB206 LSB212 Johnson James Maldonad Miller LAW 807 21316 01 Advance Legal Writing 2 MW 1100-1150am LSB Kelly LAW 809 20061 01 20062 02 Bar Essay Writing 2 R 1000-1150am LSB203 2 F 0900-1050am LSB210 Shoyombo Hardmon LAW 640 20028 01 20029 02 21842 03 Business Associations 3 TR 1100-1230pm LSB106 3 MWF 0900-0950am LSB202 3 MWF 1000-1050am LSB206 Johnson Duruigbo Marchett LAW 810 20073 01 Sem Bankruptcy Law 2 W 0400-0550pm LSB107 Leal LAW 650 20041 01 21315 02 Wills and Trusts 4 MTWR 0300-0350pm LSB203 4 MTWR 0100-0150pm LSB106 LAW 822 20076 01 Innocence Practice 2 TBA TBA Haughton Carringt Carringt LAW 823 20077 01 Innocence Clinic 2 M 0400-0600pm LSB211 Haughton LAW 711 20055 01 Consumer Rights 3 MWF 0100-0150pm LSB210 Chukwume LAW 825 20067 01 Employment Law 3 TR 0300-0450pm LSB106 Smith LAW 721 20070 01 Oil and Gas 3 MWF Duruigbo LAW 828 21456 01 Mock Trial 2 TBA STAFF LAW 722 21874 01 Real Estate Transactions 3 TBA TBA TBA Pollard LAW 829 21691 01 Hip Hop culture & The Law 2 MW 1000-1050am LSB Sanders LAW 723 20068 01 Recreational Injuries 2 MW 0400-0450pm LSB212 Champion LAW 832 20072 01 Adv Legal Analysis 2 TR 1000-1050am LSB105 Mouton LAW 725 20066 01 Domestic Relations 3 TR 0100-0230pm LSB107 Beard LAW 845 21189 01 Sem: Jurisprudence 2 W 1200-0150pm LSB211 Levy 1100-1150am LSB107 TBA TBA TBA TBA C o u r s e S e l e c t i o n B u l l e t i n - S p r i n g 2 0 1 5 | 81 Thurgood Marshall School of Law TEXAS SOUTHERN UNIVERSITY SPRING 2015 COURSE SELECTION THURGOOD MARSHALL SCHOOL OF LAW LAW 934 21164 01 Admin Law Clinic 4 TBA TBA TBA Hew LAW 935 20079 01 21211 02 Civil Law Clinic 4 TBA TBA 4 TBA TBA TBA TBA Cartwrig Harmon Fong LAW 960 20084 01 Crim Law Clinic 4 TBA TBA TBA Johnson LAW 982 20060 01 Multistate Subject Review 3 T 0800-1050am LSB203 Aitsebao LAW 985 20063 01 Music Industry Contracts 3 M 0500-0750pm LSB206 Anderson LAW 990 21688 01 Multistate Performance Testing 2 R 1200-0150pm LSB202 STAFF LAW 847 21190 01 Sem: Patent Law 2 MW 1200-1250pm LSB107 Ransom LAW 850 20074 01 Latinos and the Law 2 M 0100-0250pm LSB211 Salinas LAW 859 21917 01 Sem: Employment Law 2 W 0500-0650pm LSB203 LAW 901 20091 01 Moot Court 2 TBA CRN SEC CRED DAYS TBA TBA Douglas TIME BLDRM INST LAW (Cont.) LAW 902 Criminal Trial Practice 20085 01 2-3 TR 0400-0450pm LSB208 Johnson LAW 903 20059 01 Texas Practice 3 MWR 0900-0950am LSB203 Otero LAW 907 20083 01 Criminal Externship Clinic 2-6 TBA TBA TBA Ledesma LAW 908 20080 01 Civil Externship Clinic 3-6 TBA TBA TBA Ledesma LAW 909 20087 01 Judicial Externship 3-6 TBA TBA TBA Ledesma LAW 912 20088 01 Legislative Externship 12 TBA TBA TBA Douglas LAW 920 20037 01 20038 02 20039 03 20040 04 Appellate Litigation 2 TR 1100-1150am 2 TR 1100-1150am 2 TR 0530-0620pm 2 MW 0300-0350pm LSB202 LSB211 LSB212 LSB211 Butler Vukadin Landau Ledesma LAW 921 20044 01 20045 02 20046 03 20047 04 20048 05 20049 06 20050 07 20051 08 20052 09 20053 10 20054 11 21212 12 Trial Simulation 2 W 0500-0650pm 2 MW 0100-0150pm 2 R 0500-0650pm 2 R 0500-0650pm 2 R 0500-0650pm 2 R 0500-0650pm 2 T 0500-0650pm 2 MW 0100-0150pm 2 T 0500-0650pm 2 W 0500-0650pm 2 MW 1000-1050am 2 MW 0300-0350pm LSB211 LSB105 LSB203 LSB208 LSB210 LSB206 LSB211 LSB208 LSB203 LSB105 LSB210 LSB212 Vinson Ledesma Smith Markland Johnson STAFF Fields Walker Cotton STAFF Harmon Cartwrig LAW 924 21875 01 Law Practice Management 3 TBA TBA TBA Pollard LAW 930 20019 01 20020 02 20021 03 20022 04 20023 05 20024 06 20025 07 20026 08 Lawyering Process II 2 TR 1000-1050am 2 TR 1000-1050am 2 TR 0300-0350pm 2 TR 1100-1150am 2 TR 1000-1050am 2 TR 0100-0150pm 2 TR 0300-0350pm 2 TR 1000-1050am LSB202 LSB206 LSB206 LSB206 LSB211 LSB208 LSB211 LSB212 Lewis Kelsaw Lewis Hill Anga Anga Stewart Stewart LAW 932 20078 01 21210 02 Civil Trial Practice 2 TR 0400-0450pm LSB 2 M 1200-0200pm LSB Cartwrig Harmon LAW 933 20086 01 Admin Trial Practice 2 TR 1200-1250pm LSB211 Hew 82 | Co urse Se lect ion Bullet in - Spr ing 2015 Name Phone Name Phone Admissions [Undergraduate] 713-313-7071 or 7849 Gameroom 713-313-6833 Registrar 713-313-7071 or 4327 Health Center 713-313-7173 Financial Aid 713-313-7071 or 7802 TSU Herald Newspaper 713-313-6710 Bursar’s Office 713-313-7052 Intramural Sports 713-313-6897 International Students’ Office 713-313-7094 Student Services/Judicial Affairs 713-313-7956 TSU Campus [Main] 713-313-7011 KTSU Radio 713-313-7591 Graduate School 713-313-4410 R. J. Terry Library 713-313-7402 Athletics 713-313-7271 University Post Office 713-313-7032 Athletic Ticket Hotline 713-313-1954 Residential Life and Housing 713-313-7206 Barber Shop 713-313-7812 Scholarships 713-313-7104 Bookstore 713-313-7030 Services for Students with Disabilities 713-313-4210 Campus Dining Service 713-313-4489 Student Organizations 713-313-4233 Career Planning/Cooperative Education 713-313-7346 Testing Center 713-313-6838 College of Continuing Education 713-313-7224 TSU Police Department 713-313-7000 Student Billing and Accounts 713-313-7976 TSU Recreation and Wellness Center 713-313-6885 University Counseling Center 713-313-7804 Tiger One Card Office 713-313-7029 Drug and Alcohol Education 713-313-7804 Parking Operations 713-313-4433 Thomas F. Freeman Honors College 713-313-6725 Campus Events 713-313-1000 For any information, call Customer Service at 713-313-7011 Texas Southern University Office of the Registrar 3100 Cleburne Street, Houston, Texas 77004 Phone: (713) 313-7071 www.tsu.edu