PHOTOGRAPHY: BRIDGING ART AND SCIENCE SAS 40 (3 units); Art/Science Fusion Program GE: Div, SciEng, ArtHum, SocSci, Wri INSTRUCTOR: Terry Nathan, 239 Hoagland Hall; 752-1609 (office); (e-mail) Atmospheric Science Program, Department of Land, Air and Water Resources; Art/Science Fusion Program. Office Hours: 10:00-10:50 a.m., Monday and Wednesday, or by appointment. TEACHING ASSISTANT: Ms. Uyen Hua, e-mail: Office Hours: 12:00-1:00 p.m., Thursday and Friday, or by appointment. Location: 333 Voorhies. LECTURES: STUDIOS: CRNS 66989/66990 - 1:10-2:00; Monday, Wednesday; 119 Wellman CRN 66989 – 1:10-4:00; Thursday, 148 Environmental Horticulture CRN 66990 – 1:10-4:00; Friday, 122 Briggs REQUIRED TEXTS (1) Rosenblum, Naomi. A World History of Photography (4th Edition). New York: Abbeville Press Publishers, 2007. [Available at UCD Bookstore] (2) Course Reader [Available at Davis Copy Shop, 231 3rd St.; 530-758-2311;] COURSE GOALS: To provide historical context for the connection between photography, art and science; to explore the common ground occupied by art and science; and to increase visual literacy and communication through photography. CAMERA REQUIRED. The type and quality of the camera is unimportant, although camera phones will not suffice. COURSE FORMAT: Two lectures per week examining the history, art and science of photography. One studio/discussion per week for clarifying selected lecture issues, introducing complementary material, and hands-on photographic exercises. COURSE GRADING Four Projects/Homework Assigments (50%). The first three assigments are worth 10% each; the final assigment is worth 20%. Quizzes (15%; given in studio sections). There will be five pop quizzes. Students who complete a quiz will automatically be awared six points. Thus for students who complete a quiz, the score can range from six to as many as ten points. The quiz questions are based on the lecture/studio material. Mid-term exam (15%) - Wednesday, April 30; 1:10-2:00; 119 Wellman. Final exam (20%) - Saturday, June 7; 1:00-3:00 p.m. Final letter grade – Based on class distribution of scores. Individual scores are based on the ratio of total points earned to the total number of possible points. EXAM FORMAT: The exams are closed book. The comprehensive final exam, which will emphasize material covered since the midterm, will be based on material covered in the assigned readings, hand-outs, weekly studios, and lecture material. Make-ups for exams, projects, homeworks and quizzes are not provided except for verifiable emergencies. PROJECTS/HOMEWORK (PR/HW): HW is due by 5:00 p.m. on the announced date (see Course Outline for dates). PR/HW can be submitted before the lecture begins or at my office (239 Hoagland). All PR/HW must be your personal and individual work and completed in your own words. All written work must be typed; handwritten work will not be accepted. The written work must be clearly and concisely presented using appropriate vocabulary, grammer, and punctuation. Use the MLA (Modern Language Association) style for citations. No credit is given for HW/Projects submitted after the announced due date and time. IMPORTANT DATES Mid-term exam: Wednesday, April 30; 1:10-2:00; 119 Wellman Exhibition set-up: June 2nd and 3rd Exhibition opening: June 4, 3-5 p.m. Final exam: Saturday, June 7; 1:00-3:00 p.m. COURSE WEB PAGE: The web page for SAS 40 can be accessed via MyUCDavis. Terry Nathan, Science and Society 40 (Art/Science Fusion Program) Spring 2008 Photography: Bridging Art and Science V-3-30-08