Satoday, December SscBsa $te$MCffi&MhB& 2j1975 B j.. j' - y 'av.yvAv.-c.. , Vl:S8aA)L-- . LEFT TO RIGHT: Lester Strong, Ted Grove, Pep. David Scott, TO "C0OQD30BATE DEED- SHOT CELEBRATE BICE J T E By EDWARD SMITH - ATLANTA The Georgia Black Legislative Caucus is spearheading a drive to place a monument in the states' Capitol to 33 Blacks who served in the Georgia legislature during Reconstruction. The drive by the is part of an effort Black caucus bicentennial campaign is not a celebration. "To us it (Black participation in the bicentennial) must be the history of a movement of Black people, not a celebration, but an emancipation,' said Scott. campaign's activities in America Blacks. 'It is right question and proper to whether we (Blacks) should celebrate the bicentennial. We were subjected to the most debase treatment, brought here to build a land of freedom, enslaved by another people," said Scott. He said the To and program, agreed. "Blacks have been robbed of their heritage. It (the oratory contest) would motivate our young people to do research to find their identify," Grove said. He said the top three finishers in the contest will receive a partial scholarship to a Georgia college or university. opportunity bicentennial) to future," Scott said. Lester Affairs Strong, Community Director,and ofa here, member of Grove's committee, said,"the logo grew out of (television) series I wanted to do on Blacks in the American WSB-televisi- Revolution." Grove, a local who heads a task force committee that is designing the Theodore "We are not celebrating the has bicentennial. What we are doing this been done to honor a Black is commemorating the said Georgia Rep. politician,' deeds of Black outstanding David Scott, of the in Georgia and the caucus efforts to place the people said Grove,, whose country," monument in the Georgia state committee is primarily house. composed of area Black historians, artists, writers - and Scott is chairman of the task community workers. force formed earlier this year by Grove said, among other the caucus headed by Rep. Ben Brown, things, the committee is developing an oratory contest Scott said Black participation for Georgia high school students in the bicentennial has become a on the topic "Blackness and the "national dilemma' for many Bicentennial." 'No where Grove said the committee has also contracted to place placards depicting Blacks prominent in Georgia and the United States history in buses across the state, and is preparing a series of radio vignettes describing the deeds of famous Blacks. Caucus' attorney, Bicentennial Task Force to dramatize the role Blacks have played in the development of the United States. and BARKSDALE MARKS us. Black in the bicentennial it an participation mancipation, not a celebration." it was also Grove's committee that designed the task force's logo. The red, white and blue logo, featuring the lace of a Black man and the words, "Lest We Forget" on it, will serve as the general theme of the caucus' bicentennial campaign, Scott said. "We feel that it says something to every Georgian and .every American of every race and religion about the deep and abiding belief, faith and struggle of Black people In America, past, present and for the Bicentennial Task Force got wind of what WSB and I were doing and they were impressed by the idea. They decided they wanted to use it in what they were doing," Strong said. (of the try and get something for our people." However, several prominent Whites in Georgia have said they would not like to see the Black lawmakers get the '"opportunity" to place monument in then-planne- d the Capitol. Former Gov. Lester Maddox, who first rose to national acclaim when he chased Blacks out of his restaurant here, charged the Black caucus is "asking for not superior opportunity, equal opportunity" in wanting to Strong said all of the art work place the monument in the on the logo was done by WSB Capitol. artist Virginia Staples. But Scott argued, ' You'd see ' What's unique about faces of men who fought under Virginia working with us is the the Confederate flag on these fact that she can trace her family walls. Many of those politicians tree back to the Revolution - her clamored for political support forefathers fought the British, from the Ku Klux Han. What she's white,' said Strong. about the 33 Black legislators during Reconstruction." Strong said though many ' Blacks, initial impression of the Scott said there is no other caucus' bicentennial efforts may group of Americans who be outrage" because of the way personify the principles of Blacks have been treated in this democracy more than Blacks. country, the task force hopes "The Black people of 'they can see through that outrage and say that's the way it America wrote with their own is, but we have' made some Mood in the dust of this nation what Thomas Jefferson and sizable gains in America." Scott agreed, and said Blacks Patrick Henry merely wrote with should use their outrage pens and ink on a piece of productively to "seize the paper," he said.