Reading Guide for Myne Owne Ground Chapter 1 List some of the characteristics of Anthony Johnson’s life and family and discuss some of the possible larger implications of each. (For example: when he arrived in Virginia sometime in 1621, he was referred to simply as “Antonio a Negro.” What is the larger implication of this fact?) List as many characteristics as possible. Was Anthony an indentured servant or a slave? Evidence? Is there evidence of strong kinship ties among Africans in early colonial America? If so, what are they? Chapter 2 What problems are involved in questions about the origins of slavery? What characterizes the relationships between blacks and whites and between all people on Virginia’s Eastern Shore? How can we interpret the laws about gun ownership? What factors, other than race, seem to have made a difference in the way Virginians enforced the laws? What is significant about the cases of runaways? What factors were involved in creating an atmosphere conducive to slavery in Colonial America? Chapter 3 How did Virginia’s geography affect social and political relationships? What things might have discouraged slavery in early Colonial America? Describe the influence of large planters. Describe the living conditions of small planters. Describe the living conditions and status of indentured servants and slaves. Chapter 4: How did blacks obtain their freedom? What motivations were at work with whites “making freedom achievable”? What does this tell you of Colonial American Slavery? Of colonial American society? What were the conditions of life for free blacks? Racial distinctions between blacks and whites? What was the economic life of a free black? What was the importance of family to free blacks? What rights did free blacks have? What rights didn’t they have? What were the relations between blacks? What can one say about the black community at this time? When did attitudes towards free blacks begin to change? Why? What evidence do we have? With thanks to Professor Shepburn, Radford University.)