David Scott blogger complaint

In the matter of:
David Scott for Congress
2301Xf.5 25 P * 31
Kwame Vidal, Campaign Manger
Michael Williams, Attorney
Andre Walker
Georgia Politics Unfitted
COMES NOW, DavidKnox, Founder of I^mocrats for Good Government,
complainant hncm, files this Oroplamt against I>tvid Scott fa Qxigtcss and Ai^
Walker, Georgia Politics UnfiHeied for serious violations of the FedeialElec^
(FECA) showing the Federal Elections Commission as fbDows:
Complainant, Democnb for Good Government ban individual spoosored
website developed for the purpose of informing Ac citizens of Georgia Congressiona]
District 13 of the record of US. Representative David Scott Tne Address for Democrats
for Good Govemmcnt is 7110 Scott Trail, Riverdale, Georgia 30296.
David Scott is cunentiythe U.S. Representative reprcsentiiig the 13th
Congressional district of Georgia and in was a candidate for Ac U.S. House of
Representatives for the same m the 20M
JoMsboco. Georgia 30236.
Andre Walker uueulci the CtooigiaPbltfcaUiifiUBredBlogaiidliM
David Scott'a 2006 and 2008 reelection congresskMia] campaigns. Ifis address is listed
as 1352 Willow Trail Atlanta, GA 30311
On November 28» 2007, December 18, 2007, January 18. 2008. Modi 01,2008.
March 19. 2008, April 22. 2008, May 20, 2008.July 01, 2008. July 18, 2008 and October
16. 2007 Andre Walker paid a reported sum of $2950.00 tan the David Scott Congress
Omiiniflee.TnepByii>em record fe
The payment records indicate that Andre Walker wufiaid for internet oonsulting
to assist David Scott in Us re-election efforts.
The postings
Politics Unfiteed^Btog attach
outcome of fte election.
Gout O»e - Failure to Identify Finding ud AiAorizatioB Smircea
The postings by Andre Walkers against David Scott's opponent on hisMGeorgia
Politics Unfihereor Bfog did not Hate he was paid by David Scott fbrCooa^esB
Committee as required by 2 U.S.C paragraph 441d(aXl)or(2).Sce£c«WfC
To the extent these pro David Scott and aiMKOfposilioiioa'^eoigia Politics
fiuled to include the disdosim required by 2 U^S.C.paiagrapii44ld(a)(l).
The Respondent has violated FBC regulatioiKa^cofispiied with Andre Walker
to misled the voters of the 1 3* O»gi€SsionalDiit^
opposing the candidacy of David Scott's oppositioiLllib was accomplished by the
fiutare ID identify the David Scott ftr Congress anthorizatkm and fand^
Wherefore, coinplainant respectfully requests:
1. ftsjt flip Fffdcilil filftCtFTII (^"""yBPffl COBdOCt IPI "^^M'ffMMBl ffif ftMC
2. that the Federal QectkMi declare o»ReapMid>n^
Federal Election Campaign Act and applicabk FTC regulations;
3. that the Federal Election coounisskm impose sncdons appropriate to to
violations; and
4 tto Fc( c MComill
^ ^
appropriate inchidiiig the referral of soch matters as may be applicable to
of March. 2009
David Knox
Democrats for Good Ooveniment
Exhibit A
Expenditure Detail
David Scott-2008
Return to Expenditure Summary
Walker, Andre, College Park, OA $250
Walker, Andre, College Park. O A $250
Walker, Andre, College Park, GA $250
Walker, Andre, College Park, GA $250
Walker, Andre, College Park, GA $250
Walker, Andre, CoUege Park, GA $250
Walker, Andre, College Park. GA $250
Walker. Andre, College Park, GA $250
Walker, Andre, College Park. GA $250
Walker, Andre, College Park, GA $700
November 28,2007 Internet Consulting
December 18,2007 Internet Considting
January 18,2008 Internet Consulting
March 01,2008 Internet Consulting
Much 19.2008 Internet Consulting
April 22,2008
Interact Consulting
May 20.2008
Internet Consulting
July 01.2008
July 18.2008
October 16,2007 Internet Consulting
NOTE: Where expenditures to financial mstitiitk)iishtveade9Cfip(ioaof"seebelow,11
die actual expenditures that make up the trtalarctennzedassepiiiiteert
in the report.
KOTE: All the numbers on tins page are for the 2007 - 2008 HOUK election cycle and
based on Federal Election Commission data available electroiucaUyofl Friday, Decemo
Feel free to distribute or cit
Atlanta Pnlitir*l Rlnoo^r Andr^ Walker Oa Pnlitirlana9 Pavrnll
Publiriied July ML 2008 AthltfLbfab,
1 almost titled this one YoaTI Never Ghre Blof b TWs Town A«afci.(WouW have
made for poor SEO though!)
It doesn't keep me awake at night that btoggeis get paid, sometimes, to btog. That's a
good things most sure need me paycheck. What bonenaiid troubles me deeply is when
they don't disclose to their audience, with Mtnmsparency, who exactly they are
blogging for... if indeed they ore Hogging for a cliemandYor
Andre Walker of Georgia Polttki Unflltered and Peach Pandit (where 1 too Mori was
"outedMbvAth^ Progressive News* Mal^^
Political btogger Andre Walker wrote dozens of btog items in favor of US Repi David
Scott (D-GA) this year but did not disclose to readers he was on Scott's payroll. Walker
runs a btog called Geo^PotitkaUnfittered and also is a btogger at Pea^
Previoiisly, Walker had need scrutiny in the local bloggerconimunityforrii'ingto
disclose at least $1200 in payments from the VeincoJooes for US Senate Campaign
2008. According to the EEC reports. Walker was domg legislative iqxiates;accofdmg
Walker, he was maintaining a btog for Jones called "Jonesin* for Georgia.7'
And men, it gets just downnglrt creepy!
"1 said, this young man was working whli the Party, so I'U give you a chance,** (former
State Sea. Donzella) James said. James said he asked Walker not to be campaign
manager anymore a few okys later ate Walker made pta^s
her campaign.
Now, James is wondering whether Walker was an undenxiver operative for Scott.
"Someone told me before I hired him, do no< allow hmi in yow office,whe is wim David
Scott They told me he had campa^ned in the first campaign for Scott, James said.
"Andre said that's behind me, it's a new day. He could have been sem to my campaign
by David Scott in 2006," James said.
James said she was leery when Andre jxessuredhertoteUhimifshehadskBletoasinher
t OBB week* what could they poavUy lay about you? You've
got to tell me. When you look at your lewid. you kxik great We've got to make sure we
protect yon if you have any skeletons. Ho said, are you sure, is there anymingr
Exhibit B
Thursday, October 30.2008
Republican Honeycutt Lashes Out At Media & Calls Ads By Scott
Campaign "Lies"
Republican Deborah Honeycutt, who is challenging Democratic Congressman
David Scott in Georgia's isth district, called the lecent negative ads against her
*They [the Scott campaign] are in panic, desperation inooVHoneycntt said of
resonating an over the district; so they have to resort to ties."
Responding to a new radio ad by David Scott soggestmg that Honeycutt doesn't
want to be around Mack people, campaign manager IfichaelMntphy added that
Honeycutt was a member of the NAACP.
Honeycutt continued to deflect questions on the recency fifed FEC complaint
fited ly flu* 5ton*f campaign Aiming that hor Aampaign ImH vini>f»Hi Mmprfgn
finance roles by fondmg the group "Democnts for Good GowenmieiiL"
"I haven't received any notification of acoim?lamt,"H£mcyciittsaid."Aniknowis
die gaibage my opponent has pot out I have asked my staff to look into it and
Honejpcntt went on to criticiie the media for pot iiyii ling more on fte
"Hiere seems to be very Utde media attention on Mr. Scott and the things that
other people have ashed about him and his recoid>1>Hbneycntt8aid.TdhToeto
Democnts Hit Republican Honcycutt With 2nd Mailer On Social Sccurily
The Democrati
piece that once again hits Honeycutt on her suppon for pnvatizmg Social Security.
"Deborah Honeycutt favors George Buah's risky scheme to gamble your Social Security
on the stock market," the mate reads. "To keep our Social Security strong, Barack
Obama needs Democnns like Cbqgratman David Scott*
and funding shady front groups wfflbc
enough to hkte her reooid of aipiMftmgte
votes won't be duped," saidfl>m
T)knfid Scott IMS beeo A itioiu advocate fbr our
and Congressman Scott wfll work closely with SeoatorObamatomoveAiiiericauia
Summary only...
Labels: 13th CoogiesaioiialDisuict, Election 2008
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Wednesday, October 29,2008David Scott launches New Radio Ad
Againmt Republican Opponent
David Scott Launches New Radio Ad Against Repdbtican Opponent
Today, Congressman David Soott (GA-13) launched a strong, new radio ad, nosing
questions about Republican Deborah Honeycutt'sqi^^
extreme rhetoric in her opposition to Senator BarackObama's candidacy.
"ft's important that votOT in Georgia's m
Deborah Hbneycutt*s divisive attacks on Sem^Obama and her strong support for
cxratiniring the extreme George Bush-John McC^
spokesman for the Scott camprign." White Debon^Ho^
a coiitinimtion of the niiled George Bi^statia quote
Congre^man David Soott and BarackObanut^leadthefig)itfbranewdirectioaN
Summary only...
Posted by Andre at 12:30 PM 2 comments Links to this post f
Labels: 13th Congressional District, Ads. Ejection 2008
Democrats Hit Honeycutt On Her Si^port For PrivitiziiigSodal Security
The foUowing mail piece is appearing in mailb(»es across Geofgw^ 13m coqgitssional
district Itfs • piece hitting Republican DebonhHooeycim for supporting me
privatizatioii of Social Security.
The piece was paid for by the Democratic Congressiond Campaign Coinmittee(DCCC).
Read Mom..
SuoooHuy ooly...
Ported by Andre at 5:35 AM Icommcaito Links to this post X
: 1 3th CongresikMMl District, Ekwtion 2008
Tuesday, October 2S, 2008
Debonh Honeycntt: A Binh4*fcCam Republics
Debonh Honeycutt is a George Bush Republican who's out of touch with the Georgia's
13th congressional district She has ran what civil rigbts legend John Lewis (D- Georgia)
called a dishonest and misleading campaign against Ram* Dt^
13A dutnct votors.
Theie can be no doubt tint Debonh Hbneycutt is a isxfical Republican who i
McCain, wants four more yean of the bat eight yean of thefidledBush-NfcCainpolicies
and is out of touch with Gooigutfi 13th oongnMslonil district.
• bogus group called "Dmocmto fer Good Govamnenl";
engaged in deplorable smear tactics against David Scott.
The Scott canipaign filed toonnjlamt with the Peden^
the bogus ofgniatkNi "Demeans for Good Government" Ilie Scott campaign mdnded
an invoice showing the Debonh Hooeyci^
the fliers, but those ffien say they were pud for by Democnls for Oood Government
[Source: Clayton News-Daily, "Scott files FBC cbiigesagunstHooeycimScainpugD",
David Knox, the man behind Democnts for Good Oovennient, chimed to have no
relationslupvvuli the Honeyed
Scott clean some debts", June 25,2008; MaconTetegnq*."G*-l« Scott smyi opponent
ftm(bsinearcainnii^ October 21.2008; Georgia P^
Good Government1 Leader Gets Money From ReplMMicanCJnrtidate^ July 6,2008]. But
Kira'smteniet design coinpain/was pakl $525 ty
2008 for "iiifftrnfft ^nn«iiitjM* even JJMMI^I {Q^ H6neycutt% wcbritB •"^ nrfing donations
are both nm by a difienol company. [Sources: ^^
chaiges against HoneyeinllicanYaiftXf
Commission, "Honeycutt for Congress Aetm^edDisbiirsements*, June 25,2008].
If engaging in deceptive campaign practices wefenteoougli, over the last lew nionths,
that demuiisliales that she is out of touch with tte people of Georgians 13th district.
Here's just n sample of Honeycutft outrageous
Honeycutt says she opposes Democratic preskiemld candidate Banv^Ooama becau
$4.3 million tor her campaign,, but qirstioniluiger* October 22, 2008]
Honeycutft taabaiid, Andrew, ou^e^
and accused Democrats of pimping blacks.
"They'd rather enjoy political power then serve me people. Tl^ know David Scott is
corrupt They're his cohorts in an anrny of contemptihlBway«.T1ienMd^am^gpmgto
upset the Andrew Young's, the Rev. Joe bowery's, and the John Lewis'.
Whit I am ashamed of is John Lewis and Andy Yoimg, who used to be champion for the
iiiiilci class, and now nVy've gotten so fat as DemorjabcJeaoori they tfn^Deniociats are
morepowerfiii than God. I'm not gpingtosftidrybyaodJetmeRepubhcanBarr^
us and tot the Democnoc Pan>y pimp us." [Source: Independent Business New^
Honeycutt dismissed the values of the lath's district voten telling a British tabloid that
she would "rather be win someone pike John McCam] who niay not look like me and
shares my values and principles, flam lie wtti people [jto me ¥0ten^
who mifijfit look like roc but hive Dotting m common with my values md principles*
man Atlanta Press Qi&debaie,Repubu^
tint the Republican presidential ctndkirte Tm
that I hive." Honeyetffi made th^
dtstaicttiMttsupported Democnlic pre^^
the vote in the Febniaiy 5m presidential primaiytSoinTes: You Tube,com, "Deborah
Honeycutt Endorses John McCain", Ckrtober 23, 200^ Georgw Secretary of Sotfe,
•Official Results of the Tuesday. February 05, 2008 General Primary Ekctioo", February
On the issues. Republican Deborah Itaeyciffi supports coinn^
of the last tight years of the fiuled Bush-McCain policies.
Honeycutt writes on her campaign website that,"IhaveexaniinedaheriiativesaDdfbiiiid
the FaiiTax to offer the best hope of returning ow tax system to ow constitutional
principle" [Source: HoneyciittAirGangnas.com, "Issues", October 28, 2008].
According ID the nonpertissn website, Fact Qieck.ora^tfaeFaiiTaxamouDtstoa23%tax
increase on neariy evetything • person would buy mchidiD^gioceriea, doctor's bills, and
gasoline [Source: Fact Cneck.org, "Uhspuming me FauTax", May 31, 2007].
Houcycutt has uidicated that ste
ittiremcut age [Source: Project Vote Sniart>*GcorguiO)pgrc»sk)cal Election 2(X)8
Political Courage Test", October 28, 2008]. Hone>^sa^ she wants workers to 'mvest
a portion of their payroll tax in private aoxnmts" and "raise
Social Security benefits."
And finally, on me issue of bring our taoops home from 1hM|,1^^
whether the United States should inaintamhstiDOplevdmliaq [Sources
Snis^ "Geoigui GongressionfJ Becn^
There can be no doubt datt Debonu Hm
KfcCain, wants tour more yens of the test eiftjbi yens ofttefiu^
and is out of touch wim Georgia's 13m congri^ssionil district
Summary only...
Labeb: 13th Congressional District
Monday, October 27, 2008
Democratic Members of Congress Rally to the Defense of David Scott
House Majority Whip Jainesayburap
o^fieDse of their Demoaitic coDesi^
by ms Republican opponent, Deborah Honeycutt, mudeao^ and dn^^
Democrat Divid Scott is running for a fourth term in the United States House from the
13th district He is being chalkn^ by RcpubUc^
radio ads and television spots accusing Scoit of being corrupt
"Putting the label of corruption on David Scott goes beyond the pile," Rep. Junes
Clybum said. 'This land of name^dlmg is the kind of stuffs
Clyburn also spoke of Scott's work on the House \ersionofthefiffmbillwhichincluded
include funding for historical MackcoUegesftunfvenities(HBCUs).
"David Scott is a very good, productive member of Congress," Clybura said *I am proud
be a friend with hta and fraud to hralm
The Dean of Georgia's congressional legation, John Lewis (D-5ttd
RepubUcanHoneycuttforsupporting the |m
"Swial Security isasacredtnrtfortheAmeri^
continue to figjit to protect Social Security."
"Hooeycutt wants to do something very dfierentHooeyciittisextitnie.Sheisvery
much in tine with Bush and McCain," Lewis continued.
KendrickMeel^ a Democratic member of Congress fm
and Clyburn adding that voters in the 13th district were waiting in tang tines to vote for
hope and change.
"They're going to get something difieremtrian what they are voting to if they fblkm
Hooeycutt," Meek said
Summary only...
Labels: 13th Congressional District, Section 2008
Sunday, October 26, 2008
The Two Faces of Shelley Wynters, Fired Atlanta Radio PenonaUty
Bariier this year, Atlanta radio personality Shelley Wynten was fired fiom Ins job at
WAOK-AM after repeatedly slamming Democratic Oxigreasman David Scott oo the air
while recdvingfttncbfipm the ornipaign
Hbneycutt {Sources: Access AtSanta.com, "More on Shelley Wynter", May 22, 2008;
Redding News Review. "Wynterout at Atlanta's WAOIC-AM". May 22. 2008].
t11 t^ff PMP** igefBtly til^f Bpp^nl BJffCttffBI OOilHllillHffll ^HlCr) Itpffrtft,
Wynters received $5,000 fiom the HboeycuttcaiiH»gD as Uteu October lltfi Based on
this evidence, there can be no doubt which candidate SheflcyWynto is supporting for
Congress inUK 13th district - Republican Debonh Honeycutt.
Here's where things gdcoofusug though...
...During the October 21st Atlanta Press Club debate. Republican Hooeycutt said she
planned to supportfellowRepd^
'similar values and pimples" with her [Source: Yoiffifocom,n)ebo(ahHoaeycim
findones John McCtio\ October 23,20^
she couUrit support Banck Obama for Presid
[Source: Atlanta Journal Constitution, •Non-incumbent raises $4.3 million for her
campaign", October 22,2008].
Shelley Wynters, on the other hand, is supporting Barack Obama.
Yes, you read that right Shelley Wynters, a self-described conservative; bsiq)porting
Barack Obama while the Republican caiididate that Written has taken thousaiids of
doluu* from is backing John McCain.
But wait..it gets better.
During an appearance on CNN, Shelley Wynters repudiatel another Mack talk radio host
least oofiservativecarMlidatetiiatte
[Sowoe: EUR Web.com, "Bawk Mm
Here's the video where you en see and hear Shelley Wynters m his own words:
After seeing o^ tapes, OIK has to wonder if S^
Honeycutt has sold out her coiiscrvstive principles by pub^
presidency." Ate seeing the tapes, one has to wondertfWyiders1statement, "Where I
uiiinL JameafT. Hans] has sold out • is on ns principles as ft conservntrvc. James calls
himsetf a conservative but he sinyom
Republican Party coiildpiit lip for the presid^^
RepubUcanHoneycutt is, after aU, backup
Why doot you give Shelley Wynters a can and D^ out for yourselves. He hojts a radio
show on the US Talk Network weekdays tram 11AM to IPKlHens^ the caD^ number
Ask Shelley Wynters if he's as two-fiKed as he appears.
Rod More...
Summary only...
Posted by Andre it 1:15 PMO comments Links to this post X
Labels: 13th Congressional District, Election 2008
Deborah Honcycutt Values
Republican Hbneycutt: Values
Posted by Andre at 5:05 AM Ocoomients Links to this post X
Labels: 13th Congressional District
Friday, October 24,2008
Republican Deborah Honeycutt..Exposed
"Honeycutt: Exposed"
Labels: 13th Congressional District
Thunday, October 23,2008
David Scott's Goes On The Attack With New T.V. Spot
Democratic Congressman David Scott is nnming for re-election in November and if uie
following ad is any guide, his campaign's leaving nothing to chance.
IDC tv. spot, titled "The Plan", criticizes Republican DeboaftHoneycimfo her support
of the Fair Tax The Pair Tax is a plan pushed by conervative talk radio tort NealBoortz
and Georgia Congressman John Under (R - 7m distikA) that would dinunatete income
tax in tavor of a flat sates tax.
"The Plan" is currently airing on cable television in the Blh district
Posted by Andre at 635 AM 4 comments Links to this post X
Labels: 13th O»gressiooal District, Ads, Etecxwn 2008
Wednesday. October 22,2008
Deborah Honeycutt Deflects Criticisms Of Her Campaign's Finances
Meet Deboiah Honeycntt.
13th district
Yesterday, Deborah Honeycutt puticipitod in a debate sponsoted by to Atlanta Press
Club where she spentan<a consKfaabJB
amount of tune answenng Questions concenung her
paign'sfifflpflces ^fi||i5ftiMfti>Ktactics.
"I am so happy I have gotten support from all overlheaMmtiy/Hoiieycimiieptiedtoa
queiy abort her campaign^ cotttfcutas. "ft
within the [13th]di8trict"
According to FEC reports filed September 30th, the Hooeycutt campaign raised
4,373,410 mostly from contributors outside of die district However, the campaign also
Honeycutt has been criticized in
Georgia Politk»Unfihered,T)ebotahHoiie^^
uftart on the campaign, icspQQjded by saying Sl^milh^ha^
television spots airing on Comcast caWe and local ADC affiliate WSB-TV.
Despite the Honeycutt campaign's asserbixis to the contnuy.Claik Atlanta Uimycrs^
ixditica] sdeooe imtaor Wilhw
seen to be well onjanuoed.
•ft doesn't come close to looking like a $4.3 infflkm campaign," Bo^
Atlanta Junmrf Pnngtitiirinnj "Mnn-incimitient maea $d 3 mflKna
October 22, 2008]
Posted by Andre at 1 IKK) AM 0 comments Linkstotibiapost f
Labels: Debatei
Friday, September 19,2008
Deborah Honeycutt Accuses David SciMt Of Being Afissing ID Action
13m district RqjrilraDdxn^
November opponent. US. Oxigressinan David Scott (D-QeocguO; of bet^
"When the voters in the 13th Congressional District needed [GoqgiesniinlSoott, he wu
missing in action," Honeycutt said
Honeycutt went on to sty that Scott had fitted to use Us influence as a member of
Congress to assist students in the Clayton CountySctodSysteoL However, a new report
from the Clayton News Daily seems to contntftoHooeycutft claims.
U.S. Congressman David Scott (D-Oa) is pleading with coUege adnrisskns counselors
everywhere to overtook the Clayton CoWty school system's recent accieditBikm loss
during acceptance considerations for graduating seniors.
"Let me be clear The loss of accreditation was not diie to curriciilar deficiencies within
the school system, but by the actions of members of the Clayton County Boaid of
Education over the past several years," Scott wrote in an op-ed piece appearing in the
American Association of CoUegiatel^stiBra and Admiisiom
"Plagued by ethics violations, niicromanagemem and sqiiabbting.t^
oAencomposed of individuals who placed their iia^rests ahead ciftnestiid^nts and
as elected officials."
admission problems ahead for Claytoopmils*, September 19, 2008]
Unfbrtunatdy for Clayton County stiidents,Horida^devenpi]bhc colleges and
universities wont admit students who gnriuatedfromanimaccieditedsc
[Souce: Adnni Joonid Cooilitin^
grads", September 19, 2008].
Still, contrary to what Deborah Honeyciitt may beUeve, Clayton CountysCon^
David Scott, is not missing in action. QingressmanSootttt busy oVung his job; fitting
for the students mme sbi«g|ii^
their choke.
Summary only...
Wednesday. September 17, 2008
she had reedved a robo call from Republican
The voter, who stated she was baddii8DemocmDi^Sciitt,saidterobo-caU
induded araeoiu^igfiomHooegrcitt
slitBof other MMMthit would bcrtMhsfloTed by acouu^^
member rather than a member of Congress.
Also, in Clayton County, Deborah Honeycutt appears on it least two biUbowds asking
voters to stand im for change.
Summary only...
Posted by Andre at 6:35 AM 2 conmetis Links to mis post X"
Labels: 13m Congressional District
Thursday, September 11,2008
Guest Bloggen Andrew Honeycutt, Congressional Qmdidate Spouse
Andrew Honeycim is married to Repubu'cancongressio^
arid is also an "executive" on his wife's campaign.
As an African American I am so disarjpointedwim the Party of Uncobm^
[disenfianchise] Black delegates. The second m'ghest number African Anicrican delegates
we've ever had was in 1992 [107 detegates and we felt the Republican Party waatofcmg
oft But now the Republican Party seems to be o^rrymgrt's the Party of LirKX>m. They're
acting more Kke the Party of Thomas Jefferson.
Thomas Jefferson created a black tamily and a whrte family. He ignored and denied
black family. The Republican Party was created to free the shivcs but now they (gnore
and deny that we exist TTiey make deals with Democrats to mate sure that a corrupt
Democrat stays in power in the 13th Congressional District They
the most qualified Republican challenger m the stale, Deborah Hbney^^
It's not personal, it's not partisan; it's about power. It's persorial to rne right now. Fm
speaking as a husband who has coiisefvatrve views and has integrfy
(put nbyn^ these dsflingBfliflc
leadership to make deabagamst the bucket
cache. They'd rather enjoy political power then serve the people. Trey know David Scott
is corrupt. They're his cohorts in an array of cuutemptible ways. Hie media] ain't going to
upset the Andrew Young's, the Rev. Joe Uiwery's, and the John Lewis'.
can have Hank Johnson's district, John Lewis's dlsnict and you can have DavW
district Those are safe Democrat dtaricts; Republican hive ma&
cainpaign or cnrnpfllc hi those Congressioiial distncti That's wiong.
ft* s an insidious back-room deal by therdgriingpoUticalrjowerstructin^
alriglrt for Deniocrats to control local A
But ui0 jobs and coflmiBio opportmniy aren t ^fling oiere^ oauy ucmiair.
<X)PAC chainnanMichadSteete and one other Black n^
African Americans who spoke at te convention. This is the Party of Lincoln that had no
tnie Mack iqprcsentatioiLTlie rank and fiteRepublk^
warn tosee everybody have an opportunity. It UteO
te national Republican leadership. Their biggest fear is if they get behind a Mack
candidate like Deborah [Honeycutt] it might bring out te Mack vote and thrt win help
te Democrats.
I'm not going to sit idly by and let te Republican Paity ignore us and let te Democratic
Party pimp us. It's been happening for years. What I am ashamed of is John Lewis and
Andy Youmj, who used to be cfaampiora forte underclass, and powtne^
fat as Democratic leaden they think Democrats are more powerful than God.
I don't care what they say. They have no record to stand on in Georgia. All they have is
thair aum «Hf,intetegf They haven't Ama unyjhitifl rniea Aa 1<MO*« They'tB tn had with
the same Democrats who beat them over the head and hosed them; ftp same people who
pimped tern ten and are pimping them now!
Labels: Guest Bugs
Tuesday, September 09.2008
Republicans Not United Behind Deborah Honeycutt
Since first running for me U.S. House of Representatives in 2006, RepuMMm Deborah
Honeycutt has repeatedly dwarfed her Democratic opponent David Scott in fundraising
totals posting numbers in te seven figure range throiQhout her two fiuled congressional
bids. However, despite raising more than $4 million over te last two years, Deborah
has fiuledtogetmorethan 30% igBinst David Scott inte 13m congressional
vppart fiom her Republican Putty may be a reason
In an article that appeared on the website Black Politics on the Web" near te end of
August, Rufus Mbotgomery, me 36-year^d head of teGeofgia Black RepuUkan
Council and a member of te Georgia RepubUcMPart/sexecua^ committee, ha^
kind words fig Democrat David Scott and seemed skeptical of Republican Deborah
Honeycutt chances of unseating te three4enn incumbent in November.
T like David," caodidty admits Monlgoinery[..jnT»ftatou^imccfbri»becauK
David Scott is one of me most cooservabVe African Americans in Congress." [Source:
Black Politics ooteWeb.coni,"Oeofgui(KM> Offic^ Snn^
Candidate", August 26, 2008]
Mootgomerys comments weren't received well by teHooeycutt campaign, but as
fonner George W. Bush appointee Yvonne Davis opined man Hartford Cowantop-td
cohmm. some of Deborah Hooeycutfs harshest words mig^ft be reserved for omer
Republican Parry leaders who seem to have left her to sink or swim on her own.
Yvonne Davis, a former national co-chair of African Americans for George W. Bush,
detailed in exchange between her and Debotah Huueycuil's campaign mimgfir Michael
Minphy in which MuiphysaklRepiAlicmpit^
Republican National Committee had not readied out and offered help for Hooeycutt's
congressional campaign.
...African American Republican Dr. Deborah Honeycutt, a higjUy educated,
successful physician naming for the U.S. House m
cant get support from the ReptAUcan National Committee, the Nati^^
CongressMpal Comnutlee or the Georgia. State Republican Party.
I asked Honeycutfs campaign manager, Michael Murphy^f John McCain hasreachedout
her or whether anyone of significance fhm
He hesitated and gave an embanassmg Wo." [Source: Ha^^
Tha Honjyarft campaign'* ntyytipM nntwithyfainHin^ tha Hty i^liff « BM^ may he
justified m its refusal to commit resoiirces to Georgia^ 13m congressional distrkA.
Congressional Politics, a Caphol Hill newspaper, ranis the distrto as "safe l^inocnat" In
the 2004 presidential dcction, the ch^rtrictwem 62% for DCUKK^ John Kerry. In 2000,
the district went 59% for Al Gore.
Still, tte!3tfa districts past dectDnlperfa
campaign fimm Mammg tin> ttapAlieMi P^rty far ttm cMnpign rfiailiiMpM
Summary only...
Posted by Andre at 1035 AM 0 comments Links to mis post f
Labels: 13th Congressional District
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Deborah Honeycutt "lam the Democrats Party^ Worn Nightmare.*
Yesterday, TalkmgPomtsMBrno published a Debor^
that it obtained tram a reader in Iowa.
that recently was the target of scrutiny by the Boston Globe newspaper after an
investigation showed that candidates who hire BMW Directing see more Aan 20K of
the money raised for their campaigns [Source: Boston Globe, Firm gets big cut of
campaign donations", June 29, 2008}.
Deborah Hooeycutt is the Republican nominee for GeoigM^ 13th cong^essknaldistr^
In her letter, Hooeycutt writes, "Kly fiierid, I wouW not be writing youfliUletter intess I
honestly knew I could win this race."
"I am the Democratic Party's wont nightmare. Because I am a Mack Repiiblican woman
and Fm nmniiig for a scat in the UA Home of Representatives/HdoeycuttcoitfiiHies.
[Source: Talking Points Memo, "BMW Direct Mailer For Geor^Repubkro Lands ta
Iowa Doorstep of Weekly Standard Reader", August 11,2008]
The highly-respected Cook's Political Report nmksGcorgU^ 13th district w a "soHdD."
Summary only...
Posted by Andre at 9:52 AM 0 comments Links to this post f
Labels: 13th Congressional District
Appendix C
Exhibit D
Cowards Hide Behind Fate Face * N
Over the past couple of weeks I as the Leader of Democrats For Good GoferaMnt have
rctieved several phone calls and emails from people posing to be news reporters and
supporters of the Democrats all asking Questions about flu website
(DenKmatsForGoodGoveramentcom) and the flyers we are passing out
Eveiyone is making a mad attempt to link this website and this organization to a
candidate when we dearly slate this is TteraooiU For Good Government"
are they blind or just stupid?
This site exist to providevoters with a comprehensive overview of what's wrong with our
bcntiqwescdtative— David Scott, 13^
of bullies and cowards who hide behind news reporter fivthsAJCClayton New Daily- JodHaU who {MDfi» that a stoiy is being published bat never sfac^
up in arrypapn. Stop wasting my time!
We are tired of so-called oonoened Democrats who support David Seott or may actually
be David Scott using alias like MA^fiMn^vem«fw and sending oowaidlyeD^
guess they got the message from Rep, David Scott thru Homeland Security and the FEC.
Let it be known that Democrats For Good Government is not paid for by any candidate
running for office. David Knox has done work over the past yon for David Scott,
Deborah Honeycutt and DonzeUa J. James, however this website is not sponsored by any
of the above. Fnrthennore, we cannot verify the ramar that Mr. Scott has ofiered an
undisclosed amount to remove this she nor that any fiitureofierswfll be accepted. This is
a privately owned website and that is the final word
Your Vote Counts,
Exhibit E
Ms/Mr. Madison Avenue (or whomever you are),
First of all I am a long time registered Democrat, a Democrat for Good
Government, over the age of l&yrs, and I own and control this web she and
inany others by my choice of fegistndkMLTto
you were able to find my phone number and call me to get nay email address.
If you have a problem any of the iniuniialion presented on
sources they come from, they are clearly listed as well as the authors of
the articles the cartoon is a gift!
guide mem my actions of civic dity
do you?
United States with the right to vote have the privilege of expressing my
opinion and views about any candidate I so choose and if you ask me David
Scott has not represented the Democratic Party, the interest of the voters
in the 13th Congressional District, Dayton Coimty where I reside and
nor the interest fndCTUMfMof Afifafl" ^m<|"Pifflff If ho
to use people like you to hide behind; as he has abtaty attempted to
aggravate me with cloaks of disguise and false statements I will step up the
game with measures mat he has no idea. IJkeseoxh^ a copy of this email
and lecordings of any other contact this campaign makes or has with me or my
company to me press and media,
Furthermore as a real veteran of the U.S. Mih^JtateorBase to anyone
who calls themselves an American who supports mis war in hio^ I could go
up and down his voting record in congress but that woukl be a waste of thne
because obviously you dktat But if you need a reference just check out the
Thank you for your concern, and maximize yowvotmg potential by voting
David Scott out of office in 2008,
Dr. David Knox. Registered Democrat
www VfrfenntnavtrfScrttOnft