Logging into Blackboard -A tutorial for UH College of Education faculty, staff, and students- Blackboard— Blackboard works with clients to develop and implement technology that improves every aspect of education. Blackboard enables clients to engage more students in exciting new ways, reaching them on their terms and devices—and connecting more effectively, keeping students informed, involved, and collaborating together. http://www.blackboard.com/ http://www.uh.edu/blackboard Requirements— Active Blackboard course, internet access, internet browser, and active UH CougarNet account. What do you want to do? I am a currently enrolled student or Instructor of Record for a University of Houston course (hosted on Blackboard). I would like to log into the system to see my course materials. 1.1 - Go to http://accessuh.uh.edu or http://elearning.uh.edu - Enter your CougarNet ID and password. -Click the “Login” button. 1.2 - Click on the “Blackboard” icon to access course materials for the current semester. 1.3 Congratulations!! You have successfully accessed Blackboard. To properly close the system, click on “LOGOUT” from the top right menu. If you have any questions regarding the content of this tutorial please contact Blackboard Support (http://www.uh.edu/blackboard) or the CITE Lab Help desk (713-743-9833). Created by, Velvette Laurence 2013