Building with the Site-cast Concrete System Factory methods at the job site provide a smooth flow of men and materials when carefully planned BY C.E. WARNES, REGIONAL MANAGER, INTERNATIONAL ENGINEERING COMPANY, INC. A view of a typical casting yard. Wall panels are stacked next to the foundation and separated from the floor stacks by a 24-foot wide truck and crane corridor. he site-cast building technique can best be described in terms of actual projects in which it has been used. Buildings utilizing this system have been built near Redwood City, California, by Challenge Developments, Inc. The technique was first introduced in Colorado in 1970 and used by a number of builders, some of whom used variations of the system. Because Challenge has done T much of the development work and has the longest span of experience, the system will be illustrated here using details from construction recently completed by Challenge. Layout for panel manufacturing Panel stacks are laid out around the perimeter of the foundation slab in such a manner as to provide two completely encircling sets of stacks of wall and floor panels separated by a 24- to 27-foot-wide aisle. This aisle is used initially by the va ri o u s t ru c k s, including concrete trucks, and later, during the erection process, by the mobile crane. A rigger’s layout is provided by the architect to show the location of the stacks. A slab schedule describes each panel in each stack, its location, lifting sequence and final position in the building. To avoid errors that could seriously affect construc- Large wall panel being lowered into place. A typical setting cycle of three to five minutes for each wall panel is the target. tion costs, every panel is detailed in shop drawings and field-checked by a representative of the architect. Each wall and floor panel is detailed separately and assigned an identifying number relating both to its position in the building and to its floor level. Walls are identified by the letter W and floors by S for slab. Scheduling all the panels to face in the same direction prevents reversal of panels during lifting. An improperly fabricated or located panel can be very costly. Casting beds Thin concrete casting beds are carefully laid out and placed to provide a foundation on which subsequent panels can be fabricated. Panels are cast one on top of another, with as many as fourteen to sixteen in a stack. The panels to be lifted last are cast first, a necessity if unnecessary movement of panels is to be avoided. At first concrete may be deposited directly from ready mix trucks, but when the height of the stack reaches approximately five feet a pump is used to lift the concrete to the desired height. Panels are designed as large as possible consistent with architectural requirements and the capability of the erection crane. cians, one plumber and three steel w o rk e r s. Concrete work is subcontracted. Approximately 7,000 to 8,000 square feet of panels are formed and cast daily. A production schedule that permits the placement of a full lift of concrete each day is established. The forms for each successive placement are held by brackets fastened to the previously placed panel by means of snap ties cast in the panel. After the forms are set they are checked for dimensional accuracy. Each panel has its own shop drawing which shows the location of special installations such as blackouts and electrical conduits. These locations are marked in chalk or crayon on the surface of the pre- viously placed panel. Anchor devices and lifting anchors are then installed, followed by reinforcing steel which is placed using a combination of welded mesh and reinforcing bars. Electricians install prefabricated conduits and outlets at this time. Foamed polystyrene blocks are placed as required to provide voids for mechanical and electrical connections that will be made after the panels are in place in the building. Constant inspection is re q u i re d during this period. The stru c t u ra l engineer certifies a member of the architect’s staff to the building department, which then accepts his reports in place of its own inspections. Before concrete is placed the Panel details A typical crew consists of thirteen carpenters, five laborers, six electri- Wood bracket used to support wood sideforms is held by a metal tie cast in a previous panel. architect’s representative, who is on the job full time during this phase of construction, checks each panel for accuracy. Casting Concrete is placed conventionally and vibrated in a flat position in the same manner as it would be for a sidewalk or a floor. The finish is powe r- t roweled and then touched up by hand. Curing A chlorinated-rubber curing compound is applied immediately after troweling. As soon as it dries, a bond breaker is sprayed on. Extreme care must be exercised in selecting the type of bond breaker and in adhering strictly to the manufacturer’s directions during its application. Both operations— curing and bond breaking—are handled through a bonded subcontractor who guarantees panel separation. The top layer of panels is normally cured seven days, or to a strength of 2,000 psi, before the panels are lifted. This waiting period may be reduced somewhat by using extra cement, high early strength cement, a c c e l e ra t o r s, or other methods of accelerating strength gain. Erection stage of construction The key to erection efficiency is preplanning. A crane modified to provide 100-ton capacity is used. The California builder has suggested that additional economies might result from use of an even larger c ra n e, primarily because it would decrease the number of moves by increasing the reach. The crane moves around the structure in the corridor provided between rows of stacks, setting wall panels and floor slabs for each story. Setting wall panels Braces are bolted to threaded studs which are shot into the wall panels by powder-actuated guns while the panels are still on the ground. The lifting rings are bolted to cast-in-place inserts in the top edge of the wall panels. Meanwhile, Prefabricated conduit sections are installed in wall and floor panels. the open spaces between the floor slabs are overfilled with a layer of expansive grout so that the grout will be squeezed into grout keys in the wall edges when the panels are set into place. The panels are guided into place against wood blocks or metal angles previously fastened to the floor with concrete nails. As soon as the bottom of a panel is properly located, the bottom ends of the braces are fastened to the floor, again to powder-driven threaded shanks, and the crane is released to go back for another load. The walls are then plumbed by screws on the braces. A typical cycle as outlined above takes three to five minutes. ing used except that a single continuous bar extends through all the floors, connecting to a similar bar extending from the foundation. Lateral shear transverse to the length of the wall panel is carried by a grouted keyway in the top and bottom of each wall panel. Floor connections The two and one-half-inch openings between slabs are spanned by welding straps (rebar) to bars previously embedded in each floor slab. The openings are filled with expansive grout at the same time grout is laid for the base of the wall panels. This makes the floor act as a large horizontal diaphragm. Setting floor slabs Floor slabs, being larger than wall panels, generally take longer to set in place. Lifting devices are provided in the top surfaces of the floor slab so they can be lifted in a horizontal position. A special rigging frame is used to distribute the lifting stresses. Panel connections Se ve ral connection details have been tried. In earlier buildings steel tie-down plates extending through the floor and welded to anchor plates at the top and bottom of wall panel ends were used. In another case oval tubes were cast in the ends of each wall panel for which a connection was specified. Overlapping reinforcing bars three stories high were inserted into the tubes from above, lowered through the floors into a tube in the foundation slab and then grouted in place. Currently the same general concept is be- Several wall connection methods can be used. This one involves a continuous reinforcing bar that is passed through metal tubes in the walls all the way to the foundation and grouted into place. Construction rate The construction cycle for buildings constructed using the site-cast technique can be quite attractive to investors. The relatively large buildings described here required nine months from ground breaking to completed building ready for move-in. This rapid construction time is achieved mainly by the use of industrialized assembly line methods made possible by repetitive activities. The speed possible with this technique is illustrated by the 85 wall panels erected in a single eight-hour day on the Broadway II Project, an a ve rage of one every six and onehalf minutes. Since floor slabs take longer to put in place the maximum number that has been set in one day is 53, an average of one every nine minutes. However, records are being broken with each new building as p ro c e d u res and techniques are refined. The following table provides some of the production details on three Challenge projects. Speed of Construction on Three Projects YEAR Building 1969 1971 1972 Marshall Broadway Casa de Towers II Redwood No. 4 Number of units Number of stories 112 123 136 7 7 7* 685 297 982 600 340 940 Number of panels Wall 729 Floor 328 Total 1,057 Number of working days Fabrication 44 24 29 Erection 21 161⁄2 151⁄2 •Includes penthouse Electrical work Almost all of the electrical roughin work is completed at ground level. Conduit ends, junction boxes and other openings are sealed with foamed polystyrene, to pre ve n t them from filling up with concrete, and secured to reinforcing bars. Where conduit ends are to connect across panels—wall to ceiling for example—a precut foamed polystyrene block is fastened over the butt ends. After the panels have High strength (5,000 psi) nonshrink grout overfills the joint between floor slabs, filling the keyways in the edges of both upper and lower wall panels. To tie the floor slabs together a rebar strap is welded to bars embedded in the slabs. been erected, this block is scraped out and a quick-couple connection is made. Because of the repetitive nature of the electrical work, the electrical contractor prefabricates conduit assemblies in his shop. Six men then install the prefabricated conduit sections in the panels during panel fabrication. One electrical contractor feels that he can bid on this type of job more accurately than on frame construction for several reasons: the work is repetitive and clearly defined in shop drawings; it is better supervised by the architect’s inspector, thus minimizing errors; and fewer movements of men and materials are required since most of the work is done at ground level. Plumbing and heating Plumbing and heating details are handled in a fairly conventional manner. Since plumbing is installed in chases and not within the panels, only one plumber is required on the job during casting of the panels to install foamed polystyrene blocks. Waste lines and vents are prefabricated in trees off site and installed during erection. Each apartment unit has individual heaters. In warm climates air conditioning units, if used, can be through-the-wall types perhaps also incorporating the heating function. Drop ceilings in the corridors carry electrical service, water supply and gas mains and feeders. Vertical lines and duct work for vents are accommodated in the chases. Costs After completion of Marshall Towers No. 4 in 1969, a Challenge Developments, Inc. executive stated that the firm would build a building of this type for $15 per square foot anywhere within a 50-mile radius of its home office. This price included all costs (except land and financing) required to complete a building ready for move-in. Costs have since gone up, like those for other types of construction, and the total cost for a typical structure would now be closer to $17 per square foot. This can be compared to costs for wood frame structures in the San Francisco Bay Area which now average $14 to $17 per square foot and to conventional cast-in-place concrete s t ru c t u res at $20 to $32 per square foot. Interiors are finished in the same manner as in conventional frame buildings. Walls are textured and receive paint or wall paper. Floors are carpeted. The ceiling is skip-troweled and painted, or a spray-on acoustical finish is applied directly to the concrete. Drop ceil- Development of the method After wall and floor panels have been set, foamed polystyrene blocks are removed from blockouts exposing electrical conduit ends that are coupled together. Section through a typical wall-floor joint. The large vertical reinforcing bar extends from foundation to roof. ings are provided in bath areas, kitchens and hallways to accommodate electrical, plumbing and mechanical details. One might ask: if this technique is so good and so simple, why isn’t e ve ryone using it? One answer is that until just recently it has not received a great deal of publicity and no concerted large-scale effort has been made to sell it. An even more important reason for lack of rapid progress lies in the fact that, although the construction procedures are straightforward, the planning requirements are great. The planning process demands practically erro r- f ree detailing and layout and extremely well thoughtout project scheduling. The entire building principle is based on a smooth flow of labor from one task to another—an assembly line process. Any error in planning or deficiency in materials will idle large numbers of workmen until inefficient field corrections can be made. Therefore, unless a builder has the capability for and understands the importance of thorough planning, he invites trouble. In any case he should use the services of an architect and engineer who have had experience using the technique. The contractor’s superintendent should be an integral part of the planning and design team from the very inception of the project. The site-cast building technique described here was introduced to Colorado in 1970 by the Po rt l a n d Cement Association. At that time, a joint promotional effort was launched by the cement industry and ready mix concrete producers in the Denver area. In early 1971, the Colorado Ready Mixed Co n c re t e Promotional Association was created for the specific purpose of market development. A director was hired and the intensive promotional program featuring the site-cast concrete building system was continued. Acceptance of this building method in Co l o ra d o, as a result of the two years of promotional work, has been beyond expectations. This success indicates that site-cast building systems may truly be the better mouse trap for those ready mixed concrete producers interested in expanding the markets for their products. PUBLICATION#C720324 Copyright © 1972, The Aberdeen Group All rights reserved