In today's stressful society, increasing numbers of patients suffer

Project Title: Elucidation of brain circuitry mechanism for emotion–autonomic signaling to conquer stress disorders
Name: Kazuhiro NAKAMURA
Institution: Kyoto University
1. Background of research
In today’s stressful society, increasing numbers of patients suffer from various stress disorders. These disorders
are developed by strong and chronic signaling from the stress-mediating brain systems to the homeostatic
brain systems, such as autonomic regulatory systems for body temperature and blood pressure. However, the
brain mechanism underlying the stress signaling is unknown and therefore, there is no ultimate approach to
cure stress disorders.
2. Research objectives
The goal of this study is to elucidate how psychological stress signals affect the homeostatic brain systems.
This basic research will provide important information to understand the mechanisms underlying the
development of stress disorders.
3. Research characteristics (incl. originality and creativity)
This study utilizes animal models of stress disorders in combination with innovative techniques to manipulate
activities of specific neural wirings in brain circuits to elucidate the core neural mechanisms of hyperthermia as
well as hypertension that are evoked by stress signaling from the stress-mediating brain systems to the
homeostatic brain systems.
4. Anticipated effects and future applications of research
The elucidation of the fundamental mechanisms underlying the stress-induced hyperthermia and hypertension
in this study will provide important information to understand the core mechanism that is common to the
development of various stress disorders.
「Emotion–autonomic signaling」
Emotion–Autonomic signaling
(emotional) stress
Homeostatic systems
(Autonomic systems)
Missing link
To elucidate the brain circuitry mechanism
of the “emotion–autonomic signaling”
Manipulation of
neuronal activity
Stress disorders
Elucidate how stress affects homeostasis
Contribute to understanding the stress disorder development