Name: HA Biomedical Science 2015 2016 Date: Cat Dissection Lab Report Each student is responsible for generating their own lab report. Each required definition or description listed below should include an illustration. You may use your devices to generated digital images to use in your lab report. All images generated in class should include only the cat and structures that you may be focusing on. (No selfies please) I will post a due date as we get closer to completing the dissection. The lab report should look like this: Name, Name, Name A&P Date Cardiovascular: Appendix: (unless images are embedded) Urogenital: Cat Dissection Lab Report External Features: Respiratory: Skeletal System: Works Cited: (Be sure sources are reputable) Nervous: Digestive System: Essential System Structures to Include : Lymphatic Digestive Cardiovascular Urinary Respiratory SYSTEM External Features Skeletal Spleen, bone marrow, lymph nodes, thymus gland, tonsils Mouth/tongue, pharynx, larynx, Esophagus, stomach, S.I., L.I., rectum, salivary glands, liver, gallbladder, pancreas Heart, aorta, vena cava, pulmonary arteries, pulmonary veins, coronary arteries, cardiac veins, brachial artery & vein, carotid artery, jugular vein, renal vein, iliac artery & vein, femoral artery & vein, hepatic portal system Kidneys, ureters, bladder, urethra Larynx, Trachea, Bronchi, Lungs (bronchioles & alveoli) REQUIRED INFORMATION Discuss two interesting observations/discoveries (2) Distinguish between the axial and appendicular skeleton in terms of structure and function (4) Describe two interesting observations/discoveries (2) Diagram labeled with major digestive structures/organs (5) Describe the functions of the major digestive organs (6) Describe the diaphragm and identify its function (2) Identify the location & function of the epiglottis. (2) What is peristalsis and what is its function? (2) Explain the function of sphincters and identify some places they are located. (2) What is chyme? How is it produced? (2) Why are the small and large intestines labeled as they are? (2) Where is the gallbladder in relation to the liver? Why? (2) Explain the importance of bile. How and at what point does it enter the digestive Muscular Digestive (NOTE: Questions may be grouped together and do not need to be answered in the order listed). YOUR PTS Respiratory Cardiovascular Urogenital Nervous system? (2) Describe two interesting observations/discoveries. (2) Diagram the Respiratory System. (3) Describe the functions of the structures of the respiratory system (3) Diagram of the heart (Include chambers, valves & major vessels) (6) Diagram tracing the path of circulation in the adult mammalian heart. You may do a separate flow chart or build this off of your heart diagram. (5) Describe two interesting observations/discoveries. (2) Discuss the structures of the Cardiovascular System (including major veins & arteries serving the body) & describe their functions/locations served. (9) How are blood vessels named? (2) Describe two interesting observations/discoveries. This would be an ideal place to discuss reproductive structures. (2) Diagram the urinary system – four structures to include. (2) Describe the function of each urinary structure. As in the labeling, there are four main structures that you need to include in the answer to this question. (2) Describe how the nervous system works as one of the two major controlling systems in the body. Discuss its means of communication, length of effect, and response time. Outline an example of a feedback mechanism involving the nervous system. (4) Describe the difference between the central and peripheral nervous system in terms of function and structures. Describe the pathway that communication within the nervous system would follow from a receptor to an effector. (4) NOTE: We will not be looking a nervous system structures. If time permits, you may attempt to extract and view the brain. If you choose to do so, please note that opening the skull is often a difficult task, especially avoiding damage to the brain in the process. Please use extreme caution.)