Russell D. Moore - The Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission

Russell D. Moore
The Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission
Follow us @ERLC
Table of Contents
Biography ........................................................................ 5
Endorsements .................................................................. 6
Curriculum Vitae ........................................................... 23
Personal ........................................................................ 23
Education .................................................................... 23
Professional Experience ................................................ 24
Public and Media Engagement ..................................... 25
Service and Appointments ............................................ 27
Books ........................................................................... 28
Representative Book Contributions .............................. 28
Representative Articles ................................................. 29
Representative Scholarly Addresses ............................... 31
Representative Web Commentaries .............................. 32
Broadcast Experience ................................................... 33
Media and Speaking Examples ..................................... 34
ERLC Fact Sheet .......................................................... 35
3 - Russell D. Moore
4 - ERLC President
Russell D. Moore is President of the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission, the Southern Baptist
Convention’s official entity assigned to address social, moral, and ethical concerns.
Prior to coming to the ERLC, Dr. Moore served as the Dean of the School of Theology and Senior
Vice President for Academic Administration at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, where he
was also Professor of Christian Theology and Ethics.
Dr. Moore earned a B.S. in history and political science from the University of Southern Mississippi.
He also received the M.Div. in biblical studies from New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, and
the Ph.D. in systematic theology from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.
A widely-sought cultural commentator, Dr. Moore speaks frequently to issues of theology, culture,
and public policy, having been quoted or published by many of the nation’s leading news agencies
and periodicals—including the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, Chicago
Tribune, USA Today, and the Associated Press.
An ordained Southern Baptist minister, Dr. Moore has served as a pastor for a number of Southern
Baptist churches—most recently serving as preaching pastor at Highview Baptist Church from 20082012. More broadly, Dr. Moore has served his denomination at-large, as chairman and four-time
member of the SBC Resolutions Committee, and as a regular columnist for Baptist Press. Prior to
entering ministry, Dr. Moore was an aide to U.S. Congressman Gene Taylor. A native Mississippian,
he and his wife Maria live in Nashville, Tenn., with their five sons.
5 - Russell D. Moore
Never before has our nation needed Christian leaders in the Church
who are both faithful and compassionate. Russell Moore embodies the
honesty, integrity, and fortitude of a man deeply rooted in the ways of
God and of his Kingdom. His presence of mind and keen insights as a
theologian and pastor are such that his work has not only benefited me
personally, but many who serve our nation in public life. I have never
read anything by Russell Moore that did not leave me with a strong
impression that this was a man who could speak carefully and powerfully
to the public square. I am deeply grateful for his life and look forward to
his many future years of service.
Bobby Jindal (R)
Governor of the State of Louisiana
As a commander of ships, I learned early in my life that, on the water,
depending on where you are in the world, there can be a variance
between magnetic north and true north. Having known, observed, and
worked alongside Russell Moore for many years, I can say with utmost
confidence that his compass has never once deviated from true north.
Russell Moore is a man unquestionably true to what is right, what is fair,
and what is equitable. A man of honor and conviction, he will represent
Southern Baptists in the public square with unparalleled skill and
moral courage.
Gene Taylor (D-Miss.)
Former United States Congressman
U.S. House of Representatives (1989-2011)
6 - ERLC President
I can think of no one more qualified in experience, in temperament,
in passion, and in doctrine to represent us as Southern Baptists on the
most critical ethical issues of our day, and on the all-important issue of
religious liberty, which I believe may be the civil rights issue of this next
decade in America.
Russell has a brilliant intellect, but an endearing humility and sense
of humor that is essential to representing Christ in the media, the
marketplace, and the halls of political power. His election as President
of our SBC Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission gives me great
hope that we will be able to lovingly influence our culture and the next
generation for God and for good in brand new ways, such as through
social media. Those who represent us must be winsome and “wise as
serpents yet unthreatening as doves,” and Russell fits that description.
As one who is well-acquainted with the pitfalls and traps of dealing with
media, I could not be more pleased with his appointment to leadership of
this vital agency. Having Russell Moore as the face of Southern Baptists
on issues that are often referred to as the “culture wars” will be a blessing
to every pastor, every church, and every Southern Baptist. I commend
and thank the Board of Trustees for their wise decision.
Rick Warren
Pastor, Saddleback Church
The choice of Dr. Russell Moore to guide the work of the Ethics &
Religious Liberty Commission comes at a strategic moment in both
American and Baptist history. He has uniquely prepared himself
spiritually, theologically, academically, and politically for just such a
moment as this. Placing a leader with the right convictions, a razor-sharp
mind, and a moral compass that will not fail paints a bright picture for
Southern Baptists’ future. He will have our full support and prayers.
Paige Patterson, Ph.D.
President, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
7 - Russell D. Moore
The Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist
Convention plays a vital role in defending Christian values in the public
square and advocating public policies that uphold universal principles of
justice and human dignity. I can think of no one more highly qualified
to lead the Commission than Russell Moore of the Southern Baptist
Theological Seminary.
Of Dr. Moore’s intellectual gifts, one need say no more than that they
are formidable indeed. I have often said, and I repeat here, that he is
the most brilliant theologian of his generation in any of the Christian
traditions. Similarly, of his leadership skills, one need say no more
than that they are exceptional. What he has accomplished at Southern
Seminary is nothing short of amazing. He is truly a leader of men.
But let me turn to even more important considerations. Dr. Moore is a
man of profound faith in Jesus Christ. By example as well as by precept,
he bears constant witness to the gospel. He preaches the whole gospel
and practices what he preaches. He stands up and speaks out for truth
and righteousness without fear of the cost. He understands the scope
and depth of the challenges facing Christianity in a culture whose elites
have abandoned the faith for the false gospel of liberal secularism, and he
possesses the wisdom and courage to meet them. He is precisely the kind
of man we need today in positions of leadership in the Christian church.
In thinking about this testimonial, I asked myself a question: Of which
of our Lord’s apostles does Russell remind me? The answer immediately
came: John—the disciple whom Jesus loved. It was John, alone among
the men who followed Jesus, who did not flee but stayed beside him to
the end, standing with the holy women at the foot of the cross. It was
John who ran ahead of Peter to the tomb of Jesus, but who stopped to
permit Peter to enter first, even though Peter had denied Jesus three
times. It was John who was among those few apostles privileged to
witness the raising of the daughter of Jairus and the transfiguration of
Jesus. It is John’s fidelity, fearlessness, and humility—born of deep and
pure love for the Lord—that I see in Russell. And these qualities are what
we need so desperately today in Christian leaders.
Robert P. George, J.D., D.Phil.
McCormick Professor of Jurisprudence, Princeton University
Visiting Professor, Harvard Law School
8 - ERLC President
I believe that both the Church and our nation will be tremendously well
served with Dr. Russell Moore at the helm of the ERLC. A position of
such great consequence requires an individual that holds together stalwart
principle with winsome witness, both unambiguous biblical conviction
and a demeanor reflecting the heart of Christ. Sincerely, I can think of no
one who better fits this description than Russell Moore.
Jedd Medefind
Special Assistant to President George W. Bush
Director of the Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives (2007-2008)
President, Christian Alliance for Orphans
Russell Moore and I have not agreed on every issue, even some important
ones, but I have always known him to operate with civility, intelligence,
and gospel-driven kindness. Dr. Moore has also shown a deep heart for
reconciliation and for orphans and the vulnerable, critical issues in times
like these.
Joshua DuBois
Special Assistant to President Barack Obama
Director of the White House Office of Faith-based and Neighborhood
Partnerships (2008-2013)
Russell Moore’s selection to lead the ERLC is an inspired choice. His
rigorous mind, gift for expression, and great heart for God, His Word,
and people combine to make him a tremendous pick for this vital role.
Russell’s judgments are wise, his criticisms fair, and his steadfastness for
the truth unequivocal. The Southern Baptist Convention, and Christians
across the country, will be blessed by his new work and ministry, and I
look forward to a continued partnership with the ERLC.
Tony Perkins
President, Family Research Council
9 - Russell D. Moore
I want you to know as a pastor and supporter of the ERLC, I am elated that
the name of Dr. Russell Moore is being brought forth for affirmation as
President of this great organization.
Dr. Moore is, first of all, a man of devotion. He believes in and stands
directly upon God’s Word for the ethics of life, liberty, and religious
freedom. Secondly, he is a man of distinction. He has testified twice before
the U.S. Senate and has worked with all levels of government leadership
in areas ranging from abortion to orphan care; and every time he does, his
winsome personality allows him to prosper and others to see that Southern
Baptists not only have leaves that are visible, but fruit that is viable for a
culture decaying and rotting away before our eyes. Finally, Dr. Moore is
a man of duration. The Psalmist said, “The Lord knows the way of the
righteous, but the way of the ungodly shall perish,” and Russell Moore is a
righteous man.
Dr. Richard Land has been greatly used by the Lord to remind government
influencers that while there is an old and there is a new, there is also an
eternal. It is my belief with Dr. Moore’s spiritual character, theological
wisdom, and political knowledge this great foundation will be built upon,
and it will be for Southern Baptists’ good and for our Lord
Jesus Christ’s glory.
I trust for such a time as this God has brought you as a trustee and Dr.
Russell Moore together for an even greater and brighter future for the
United States of America. It is without reservation that I commend Dr.
Russell Moore to you.
Ken Whitten
Senior Pastor, Idlewild Baptist Church, Tampa, Florida
I have one choice only for the ERLC, and that’s Dr. Russell Moore. He
has the Christ-honoring qualities to lead us into our best years.
Johnny Hunt
Senior Pastor, First Baptist Church, Woodstock, Georgia
President, Southern Baptist Convention (2008-2010)
10 - ERLC President
Southern Baptists are most fortunate to have Russell Moore representing
us on issues of ethics and religious liberty. In this day we need a clear,
certain, convictional voice, and I am grateful that we have the leadership
of such a skilled servant.
Mac Brunson
Pastor, First Baptist Church, Jacksonville, Florida
President, SBC Pastors’ Conference (2003)
Dr. Russell Moore will lead the ERLC and speak to today’s cultural issues
with timeless biblical integrity. His experience blends service in the public
square with the education and experience of a theologian and minister of
the gospel. Dr. Moore is also a husband and father; he realizes the need to
contend for the faith once and for all delivered to the saints as we teach
our children the ways of the Lord. Dr. Moore will be a tremendous ally
to pastors, church planters, and missionaries as we stand on the truth and
share the gospel with our neighbors and the nations.
Brian Autry
Executive Director, Southern Baptist Conservatives of Virginia
Dr. Russell Moore is God’s man to lead Southern Baptists. With His
depth of spiritual insight into God’s Word, his ability to communicate
in preaching, the experiences in Washington, his unfailing commitment
to the local church, and his belief that the gospel of Jesus Christ is still
America’s only hope, Dr. Russell Moore will provide voice and vision for
the Kingdom of God across our land.
Roger P. Freeman
Pastor Emeritus, First Baptist Church, Clarksville, Tennessee
President, Tennessee Baptist Convention (2005), Louisiana Baptist
Convention (1992-1993)
11 - Russell D. Moore
I am so pleased to hear that Russell Moore has been selected as the next
President of the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission. In a time such
as this, when our religious liberties are under unprecedented assault, we
are fortunate to have an advocate like Dr. Moore who brings excellence
and thoughtfulness to his scholarship, combined with an ability to
communicate winsomely at the cutting-edge of today’s technology. On
behalf of Americans United for Life, we are particularly gratified that
the ERLC has chosen someone with a demonstrated commitment to
defending life. The fight for the defense of life and liberty are at a critical
point in our nation’s history—with significant challenges, at the same
time as remarkable opportunities opening up in front of us, I am gratified
to have the opportunity to work with such a strong and stalwart defender
of the truth of the gospel as Russell Moore.
Charmaine Yoest, Ph.D.
President and CEO, Americans United for Life
Russell Moore is an effective, wise, and winsome ambassador for Christ.
I am thrilled that he will be serving as the new President of the Ethics &
Religious Liberty Commission.
Dennis Rainey
President, FamilyLife
Russell Moore is exceptionally gifted at helping the church understand
the issues of our time and the Kingdom perspective through which we
must view them. I am grateful for his contribution and believe he will
serve us all well as President of the ERLC.
Nancy Leigh DeMoss
Author, host of Revive Our Hearts radio
12 - ERLC President
When I consider Dr. Russell Moore’s nomination to serve as President
of the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission, I can think of no better
servant for the position. Dr. Moore exhibits the perfect balance of
character and experience. He has the academic, theological, and political
knowledge needed and an easy style and humor to connect with anyone
from a nationally known journalist to an octogenarian in your church.
He has what seems to me to be an insatiable drive and boundless energy
to address hard issues under the gospel’s light, while calling us to action—
whether that action means taking in an unwed pregnant teenager, or
respectfully engaging our political and theological opponents to expand
the Kingdom.
Monica E. Henderson, J.D.
Executive Director, A Woman’s Choice Crisis Pregnancy Center
Louisville, Kentucky
We live in a time when we desperately need Christian leaders to be filled
with grace and humility as they speak the truth boldly. Russell Moore is
that kind of Christian leader. He understands that grace and truth can
and should co-exist.
Bob Lepine
Co-Host, FamilyLife Today
Russell Moore has been called to be a voice for the voiceless, and as such,
seeks and speaks, giftedly, persuasively, and unflinchingly, the truth of
God for the benefit and blessing of God’s people. He is one whose heart’s
intent is to please his Father, and to lead others to the same place of
blessing and fruitfulness.
Susan Hillis, Ph.D.
Senior HIV Scientist, United States Centers for Disease Control
Adjunct Assistant Professor of Epidemiology, Emory University
13 - Russell D. Moore
For almost two decades, I have had the privilege of knowing and
observing Dr. Russell D. Moore. He is a cherished friend, a treasured
colleague, and one of the most highly gifted men I have ever known.
He is a preacher of great power, a leader of great vision, a writer of great
passion, and a faithful servant of Christ. He is a public intellectual and
one of the great minds of the Church in this age. He is passionately
committed to the gospel of Jesus Christ. He is a tireless advocate for
justice and righteousness. He is a theologian who combines intellect
and conviction. He loves the Bible, he loves the Church, and he loves
Southern Baptists.
Russell Moore will provide epic leadership for the Ethics & Religious
Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention. He will be an
outstanding president who will make Southern Baptists proud and who
will make the enemies of Christ tremble. He will provide a public voice
Southern Baptists will follow and the secular world will respect.
He is a faithful husband and father, and Maria and their five wonderful
sons stand with him. The election of Russell D. Moore as President of
the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist
Convention is a great day for us all. The Southern Baptist Theological
Seminary will greatly miss him, as will I, but we congratulate Southern
Baptists on the wisdom of their choice. Russell Moore was made for this
position of leadership, and for this hour.
R. Albert Mohler, Jr., Ph.D.
President, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
Russell Moore is God’s man to lead the ERLC—the perfect choice for
this day and age. He will always be true to God’s Word while sharing
gifted insight in his winsome way of how God’s Word speaks to every
major issue of our day.
Bryant Wright
Senior Pastor, Johnson Ferry Baptist Church, Marietta, Georgia
President, Southern Baptist Convention (2010-2012)
14 - ERLC President
I humbly and wholeheartedly commend Russell Moore as the next
President of the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commision. Simply put,
people and pastors in Southern Baptist life already look to him for
guidance, wisdom, counsel, and perspective on how Scripture speaks to
cultural issues around us. As a result, Dr. Moore serving as the President of
the ERLC, in a sense, would only affirm what God, by His grace, is already
doing through Dr. Moore’s ministry.
In addition, I am convinced that Dr. Moore has the character, competency,
capability, heart, drive, and understanding to take the ERLC to new
heights in its influence both in our culture and among Southern Baptist
churches. In these days where the church seems to be losing ground
amidst such significant cultural issues, we as Southern Baptists must think
carefully and creatively about how we can most compassionately, wisely,
humbly, and boldly bring the gospel to bear on the culture around us. In
light of this, I have full confidence in Dr. Moore’s ability to speak gracefilled, gospel-saturated truth clearly and biblically through a variety of
different means to a variety of different people. I also have full confidence
in his ability to lead others to do the same as he organizes and directs the
entire ERLC for maximum impact in our culture and ultimately in
God’s Kingdom.
In short, I cannot imagine anyone more qualified and better suited to serve
in this role than Dr. Russell Moore. I believe his service as President of
this entity would have an energizing, emboldening, clarifying, catalyzing,
confidence-giving effect across the Southern Baptist spectrum as together
we engage the cultural wars around us with the gospel of Jesus Christ.
David Platt, Ph.D.
Pastor, The Church at Brook Hills, Birmingham, Alabama
Author, Radical: Taking Back Your Faith from the American Dream
Dr. Russell Moore has been prepared for this moment! At this critical time
in American history, I am encouraged to know how our Sovereign God has
chosen him to lead and speak to the issues in our nation. He will hold the
love of God in one hand and the Truth of God in the other hand.
Ronnie Floyd
Senior Pastor, Cross Church, Northwest Arkansas
President, SBC Pastors’ Conference (1997)
15 - Russell D. Moore
Russell Moore is the ideal choice to serve Southern Baptists in this role.
A model husband and father, he is also an exceptional leader whose life
is rooted in a solid biblical foundation. He is passionate about meeting
the needs of the most vulnerable and overlooked members of our society.
We need a leader like Dr. Russell Moore to navigate our denomination
through the cultural challenges we are facing with sexuality, marriage, and
religious liberty issues. He is uniquely gifted to provide just the right mix
Southern Baptists need and want at the ERLC.
Kevin Ezell
President, North American Mission Board
I could not be more excited about the choice of Dr. Russell Moore to
become the next President of the ERLC. Dr. Moore is an intellectual
stalwart, tremendously well versed in the political and policy arena, and
brings a compassionate heart that will prove to be winsome to those who
need to hear our Southern Baptist voice. Without question he has come
to the Kingdom for such a time as this and under his leadership the best
days of the ERLC are yet to come!
James Merritt
Pastor, Cross Pointe Church, Duluth, Georgia
I believe God has appointed Dr. Russell Moore to this critical platform
of influence for such a time as this. His will be a powerful but winsome
voice of reason and uncompromised conviction for religious liberty.
David Whitlock, Ph.D.
President, Oklahoma Baptist University
16 - ERLC President
The marriage of the ERLC and Dr. Russell Moore is one I am convinced
is made in heaven. As Dr. Moore leads millions of Southern Baptists
and evangelicals in ethical, moral and religious liberty issues, we can
all be confident. His reputation is spotless, and his character is beyond
reproach. Russell is courageous, yet compassionate. He is tenacious, yet
temperate. He is brilliant, yet benevolent. And, importantly, he is straight
as an arrow theologically. Only history and heaven will ultimately reveal
the impact of this new voice and “certain sound” in the public square.
O. S. Hawkins
President and CEO, Guidestone Financial Resources
Dr. Moore is uniquely positioned to serve with excellence and extend
the reach and influence of the ERLC as no one else in Baptist life. He
has become a pioneering face of adoption, and through his advocacy
countless numbers of children have been adopted and are experiencing a
family life today that they only dreamed of before. Beyond his role with
adoption, Dr. Moore has established a loyal following of young leaders.
Dr. Moore boldly speaks to the most perplexing issues of our day in
national publications, books, and through his blog. He is modeling a
thoughtful and biblically-shaped worldview that is having an influence on
When I think of the ERLC’s goal of addressing social, moral, and ethical
issues of our day within the context of faith and family, there is no one
positioned to lead this fine agency to embrace an even more effective
future than Dr. Russell Moore. His ministry is already so aligned with the
goals of the ERLC that I cannot truly imagine there to be a more suited
Charles A. Fowler
Senior Pastor, Germantown Baptist Church, Germantown, Tennessee
17 - Russell D. Moore
The ancient rhetoricians agree that out of the three modes of truth—
ethos, logos, and pathos—the most important one is ethos. This is
because ethos is the essence of a believable man. Dr. Russell Moore is a
believable man. Every time I have been in his presence I was convinced
that he was both a Christian and a gentleman. He is the personal epitome
of the needs required by the head of the Southern Baptist Ethics &
Religious Liberty Commission. In all my conversations with him, the
spirit of compassion for all people has exuded out of the pores of his
being. I endorse him with the highest confidence and believe that the
Lord will use him to sound the alarm of Amos: “Let justice roll down like
waters and righteousness as a flowing stream.”
Robert Smith, Ph.D.
Professor of Christian Preaching, Beeson Divinity School
Author, Doctrine that Dances: Bringing Doctrinal Preaching and
Teaching to Life
The role of the ERLC in this changing culture has never been more
critical. Russell Moore is a man of clear and measured thinking, and
he is winsome, yet with the ability to land a hard-hitting truth. His
convictions are unmistakably clear. I affirm the wisdom of this choice for
Russell Moore to serve as President of this institution and anticipate wise
leadership in face of radical cultural shifts.
Ed Litton
Pastor, First Baptist Church North Mobile, Saraland, Alabama
18 - ERLC President
At this time in the history of the Southern Baptist Convention, I know
of no better choice to lead the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission
than my friend, Russell D. Moore. As a part of the generation that has
benefited the most from the Conservative Resurgence, Dr. Moore is an
ideal leader with a great vision to carry out the mission of the ERLC in
service of present and future Southern Baptists. As a pastor, I regularly
recommend him to other pastors and church members for help in seeking
the mind of Christ on issues related to Christianity and culture. Russell
Moore has the rare gift of speaking and writing with bold humility that
we desperately need in the present day. I praise and thank the Lord for
Russell D. Moore.
Nathan G. Lino
Pastor, Northeast Houston Baptist Church, Humble, Texas
First Vice President, Southern Baptist Convention, 2012-2013
Trustee, International Mission Board
With Dr. Russell Moore’s background, his training, and his intellect,
giftedness, and character, I can think of no better person to lead the
Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission. I know Russell Moore will
speak boldly, truthfully, and winsomely about the present challenges to
religious liberty, the sanctity of human life, and other moral issues facing
our nation. He will represent well all Southern Baptists in Washington,
D.C., and around the world during these uncertain times.
Juan Sanchez
Pastor, High Pointe Baptist Church, Austin, Texas
19 - Russell D. Moore
Even before I had the privilege of meeting Dr. Russell Moore, I had
been largely influenced by his teaching and gospel-centered ministry. I
am extremely grateful for Dr. Moore and the lasting impact that he has
had on my faith in Christ. God used Dr. Moore’s book on adoption
more than any other resource to grow my wife’s faith and my faith for
adopting, which we are now pursuing.
Dr. Moore attended a dinner with some of the most influential political
journalists in Washington, D.C., along with several individuals who
work in politics, including one friend who worked with me at the White
House during the Bush administration. It is an understatement to say
that we were all struck by Dr. Moore’s knowledge, humility, and passion
for the truth. I know of no man that is more qualified to serve the ERLC
than Russell Moore. Dr. Moore has a passion for racial reconciliation, the
right to life, and all ethical issues, unlike any man I have ever met.
With his unique ability to address Christians and nonbelievers alike, Dr.
Moore would be more than a credible spokesman for Southern Baptists
on Capitol Hill, The White House, and with the media. Due to Dr.
Moore’s love of Jesus, the church, the outcast, and the lost, I strongly urge
the trustees to take favorable action on his candidacy.
Josh Deckard
Deputy White House Press Secretary
Deputy Assistant to President George W. Bush
Executive Office of the President (2002-2007)
Dr. Moore leads with compassion, intellect, and biblical wisdom. He
keenly understands the opportunities to bring the love, grace, and truth
of Jesus Christ to bear in advancing the common good. His leadership
and witness transcend traditional barriers, bringing people together for
the benefit of family and society. I am grateful for his leadership and
voice in this generation and look forward to working closely with him.
Kelly Rosati
Vice President for Community Outreach, Focus on the Family
20 - ERLC President
I wholeheartedly recommend Dr. Russell Moore to be the next President
of the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission. Dr. Moore works very
hard to base every position he takes upon the authority of Scripture. It is
evident that he is passionate about the truths contained in the Bible and
that he believes adherence to these truths is paramount. He combines this
passion for the truth with an incredible ability to communicate the truth.
He is biblically sound in his thinking, hard working, a gifted speaker, and
a committed Christian who has dedicated his life to spreading the gospel
of Jesus Christ, and God has gifted him to accomplish the task to which
He has called him. In addition, I am confident that Russell Moore can
navigate the landscape to be an incredibly strong voice for the ERLC. I
believe that you will not be able to find a more worthy candidate than
Dr. Russell D. Moore, and I wholeheartedly support his election to
become President of the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission.
Phillip Gunn (R)
Speaker of the House, Mississippi House of Representatives
Dr. Russell Moore is the only leader within SBC life that I know of
who demonstrates the ability to examine the epistemological and ethical
interrelatedness of lyrics produced by urban hip-hop icon, Jay-Z, and
country music extraordinaire, Johnny Cash, from a biblical worldview.
That is to say, Moore has his finger on the pulse of a diverse culture. My
heart was elated when I discovered that Moore was chosen to serve as the
next President of the SBC Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission. God
has answered my prayers!
Curtis A. Woods
Associate Executive Director for Convention Relations
Kentucky Baptist Convention
21 - Russell D. Moore
There is no more crucial time than now for the evangelical community
to have the competent voice of Russell Moore in the public square. Dr.
Moore can capably articulate the issues, is media savvy and understands
the cultural climate, and can speak with civility and dignity. Yet he will
take an uncompromising stand for righteousness in what is a fierce
battle for the soul of our nation. From my perspective as a non-Southern
Baptist, he would represent not only Baptists but also the broader
evangelical public well. I know of no other person who could do it as well
as he can. He is a uniter in evangelicalism—having welcomed even me as
a full-fledged Arminian! He is intellectually capable enough to stand toeto-toe on CNN with someone from the ACLU, while at the same time
being winsome and civil and appealing to grassroots Americans
across generations.
J. Matthew Pinson, Ed.D.
President, Free Will Baptist Bible College
22 - ERLC President
Curriculum Vitae
Born October 9, 1971; Biloxi, Mississippi
Wife Maria Hanna Moore; married May 27, 1994
Children Benjamin, Timothy, Samuel, Jonah, and Taylor
Ordination August 6, 1995, by Bay Vista Baptist Church
Biloxi, Mississippi
Ph.D. The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (2002)
Dissertation: “Kingdom Theology and the American
Evangelical Consensus: Emerging Implications for
Sociopolitical Engagement”
M.Div. New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary (1997)
B.S. University of Southern Mississippi (1993)
23 - Russell D. Moore
President and Chief Executive Officer
The Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention (2013-present)
Senior Vice President for Academic Administration and Dean, School of Theology
The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (2004-2013)
Led seminary as chief academic officer, with responsibility over all curriculum and
approximately 4000 students at the largest evangelical seminary in North America;
Participated in a three-person executive team, which planned and implemented all major
seminary decisions; Responsible for recruiting, supervising, and evaluating all seminary
faculty; Represented seminary through extensive student recruitment; Cultivated
relationships with seminary donors, trustees, and foundation board members; Directed
and hosted each of the seminary’s endowed lectureships; Oversaw and maintained a
$13 million academic budget, an administrative staff of over 100 employees, and 64
residential faculty members; Increased School of Theology enrollment 30 percent over
course of deanship.
Professor of Christian Theology and Ethics
The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (2001-Present)
Responsible for teaching and research in the areas of Christian doctrine and life; Teaches
across the spectrum of theology, ethics, church life, and cultural engagement.
Preaching Pastor
Highview Baptist Church, Louisville, Kentucky (2008-2012)
Led weekly gathering of over 1000 persons; preached week-by-week expository sermons;
Collaborated with other pastors in worship planning and staff development; Responsible
for extensive counseling, crisis intervention, weddings, funerals, and evangelistic
outreach; Pioneered and grew multi-generational Bible Study from twelve to nearly 100
persons; Sermons televised weekly throughout Louisville.
Associate Pastor
Bay Vista Baptist Church, Biloxi, Mississippi (1994-1997)
Responsible for extensive preaching, ordinance administration, staff and volunteer
development, counseling, and visitation; Grew a student ministry, discipling many
24 - ERLC President
United States Congressman Gene Taylor (1990-1994)
Appointed at an early age to serve as intern, promoted soon thereafter to coordinate and
supervise all intern programs; Responsibilities grew to include interaction with press on
congressman’s behalf and legislative assistance work in the areas of education, national
defense, and the sanctity of life; Served various roles in Washington, D.C. district, and
campaign offices, while simultaneously completing university degree; Later represented
the congressman as campaign communications director and press spokesman, with
accountability for media relations, as well as extensive coordination of strategy and
Appeared on programs such as these:
CPSAN’s Washington Journal
Fox & Friends
Andrea Mitchell Reports
Bill Bennett’s Morning in America
Jansing & Co.
The Laura Ingraham Show
CNN Newsroom
PBS Religion and Ethics Weekly
NPR’s All Things Considered
Family Life Today with Dennis Rainey
Richard Land Live!
Focus on the Family
The Janet Mefferd Show
Quoted on various issues of ethics and culture in newspapers, on broadcast networks and in
newspapers and periodicals such as these:
The New York Times
The Wall Street Journal
The Washington Post The Washington Times
USA Today
Chicago Tribune MSNBC
The Christian Science Monitor
The Tennessean
Houston Chronicle
New Orleans Times-Picayune
Religion News Service The Louisville Courier-Journal CBN
Relevant magazine
World magazine
Fox News
Christianity Today
The Christian Century
The American Enterprise
Associated Press
25 - Russell D. Moore
Spoken on issues of ethics, evangelical engagement, and religious liberty at events such as these:
The White House—official meetings, Bush and Obama Administrations
United States Senate Committee on Finance
United States Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works
Family Research Council
Values Voter Summit
Saddleback Civil Forum on Adoption and Orphan Care
Evangelical Theological Society National Conference
Desiring God National Conference
Christian Alliance for Orphans National Summit
Together for the Gospel National Conference
SBC Pastors’ Conference
Delivered endowed lectures or engaged in forums and debates at institutions such as these:
Princeton University
University of Louisville
University of Virginia
Union University
Duke University Criswell College
Bellarmine University Baptist College of Florida
Indiana University
Free Will Baptist Bible College
Preaches at churches around the country such as these:
Bellevue Baptist Church, Memphis, Tennessee
First Baptist Church, Woodstock, Georgia
Bethlehem Baptist Church, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Idlewild Baptist Church, Tampa, Florida
Grace Community Church, Los Angeles, California
First Baptist Church of West, West Palm Beach, Florida
Hunter Street Baptist Church, Birmingham, Alabama
Central Baptist Church, College Station, Texas
Morrison Heights Baptist Church, Clinton, Mississippi
Morningside Baptist Church, Valdosta, Georgia
First Presbyterian Church, Jackson, Mississippi
Lakeview Baptist Church, Auburn, Alabama
Summit Church, Raleigh, North Carolina
Cross Church, Springdale, Arkansas
First Baptist Church, Naples, Florida
First Baptist Church, Montgomery, Alabama
First Baptist Church, Alexandria, Virginia
26 - ERLC President
Preaches often at Baptist state conventions in states including:
Missouri Indiana Virginia (SBCV)
Texas (SBTC) West Virginia California
Chairman of the Board
Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood, 2011-Present
Senior Editor
Touchstone: A Journal of Mere Christianity, 2005-Present
Member, Resolutions Committee
Southern Baptist Convention, 2011, 2003, 2002
Chairman, Resolutions Committee
Southern Baptist Convention, 2010
Original Signatory
The Manhattan Declaration, 2009
Executive Director
Carl F. H. Henry Institute for Evangelical Engagement, 2001-2009
Member, Ethics and Public Affairs Committee
Kentucky Baptist Convention, 2008-2010
Chairman, Resolutions Committee
Kentucky Baptist Convention, 2007-2008
Participant, Ethics in America Roundtable
PBS, Columbia University, 2007
Correspondent and Columnist
Baptist Press, SBC Executive Committee, 1998-present
27 - Russell D. Moore
Kingdom First: How the Reign of Christ Transforms Our Churches, Our Families, and Our Culture
(Crossway, forthcoming)
The Christ-Shaped Marriage: Love, Fidelity, and the Gospel (B&H, forthcoming)
Abortion and the Gospel (forthcoming)
Tempted and Tried: Temptation and the Triumph of Christ (Crossway, 2010)
Recipient of Christianity Today book award
Adopted for Life: The Priority of Adoption for Christian Families and Churches (Crossway, 2009)
The Kingdom of Christ: The New Evangelical Perspective (Crossway, 2004)
“Kingdom: Heaven after Earth, Heaven on Earth, or Something Else Entirely?” in Don’t
Call it a Comeback: The Old Faith for a New Day (Crossway, 2011), 117-27.
“Learning from Nineteenth-Century Baptists,” in Southern Baptist Identity: An Evangelical
Denomination Faces the Future (Crossway, 2009), 105-22.
“General Revelation,” and “Eschatology,” in A Theology for the Church (B&H Academic,
2007), 71-117, 858-926.
“Conservative Christians in an Era of Christian Conservatives: Reclaiming the Struggle
for Religious Liberty from Cultural Captivity,” in First Freedom (B&H, 2007), 143-54.
“Till Every Foe is Vanquished: Emerging Sociopolitical Implications of Progressive
Dispensational Eschatology,” in Looking in to the Future (Baker, 2001), 342-61.
“Baptist After All: Resurgent Conservatives Face the Future,” in Why I Am a Baptist
(B&H, 2001), 233-46.
28 - ERLC President
“There’s No Such Thing as Premarital Sex: Whatever Happened to Fornication,”
Touchstone, Jan 2013, 20-24.
“Women, Stop Submitting to Men?” Journal for Biblical Manhood and Womanhood 17
(Spring 2012): 8-10.
“Born Again Birth Dearth,” First Things, Oct 2012, 62-64.
“Student-Loan Debt and the Future of Seminaries,” Wall Street Journal, 24 Aug 2012, A9.
“The Kingdom of God in the Social Ethics of Carl F. H. Henry: A Twenty-First Century
Reappraisal,” Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society, 55, no. 2 (2012): 77-98.
“Black, White, and Red All Over: Why Racial Justice is a Gospel Issue,” Southern
Seminary Magazine (Summer 2012), 40-41.
“Should Churches Display the American Flag in Their Sanctuaries?” Christianity Today,
July/Aug 2012, 82.
“Requiem for a Nixon Man,” Touchstone, July/Aug 2012, 25-29.
“A Purpose-Driven Cosmos: Why Jesus Doesn’t Promise Us Just an Afterlife,” Christianity
Today, Feb 2012, 31-33.
“The Politics of Dominion,” The City, Winter 2011, 9-13.
“The Gospel at Ground Zero: The Horrors of 9/11 Were Not Unlike Those of Good
Friday,” Christianity Today, Sep 2011, 24-27.
“Abba Changes Everything: Why Every Christian Is Called to Rescue Orphans,”
Christianity Today, July 2010, 18-22.
“Joan or John? An Ethical Dilemma,” Southern Baptist Journal of Theology 13 (Summer
2009): 52-57.
“Pop Christianity and Pop Culture: Relating Mars Hill to Rolling Stone,” Fusion,
Mar/April/May 2009, 56-59.
29 - Russell D. Moore
“Southern Seminary and the Reshaping of American Culture: Retrospect and Prospect,”
Southern Baptist Journal of Theology 13 (Spring 2009): 80-99.
“Who Will Reclaim the Religious Right?” Criswell Theological Review 6
(Fall 2008): 71-80.
“From the House of Jacob to the Iowa Caucuses: The Future of Israel in Contemporary
Evangelical Political Ethics,” Southern Baptist Journal of Theology 11 (Winter 2007): 4-21.
“Retaking Mars Hill: Paul Didn’t Build Bridges to Popular Culture,”
Touchstone, Sep 2007, 20-25.
“Brotherhood of Sons: What Some Rude Questions about Adoption Taught Me about
the Gospel of Christ,” Touchstone, May 2007, 26-30.
“O. J. Simpson Is Not a Complementarian: Male Headship and Violence against
Women,” Journal for Biblical Manhood and Womanhood 12 (Spring 2007): 2-6.
“Who Would Jesus Bomb? Peace, War, and the Christian,” Collegiate,
Spring 2007, 30-31.
“Grave Signs: On the Godly Waste of Christian Burial,” Touchstone,
Jan/Feb 2007, 24-27.
“After Patriarchy, What? Why Egalitarians Are Winning the Gender Debate,”
Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society, 49 (Sep 2006): 569-76.
“Uniform Prayers,” Touchstone, July/Aug 2006, 3-5.
“Southern Baptist Sexual Revolutionaries: Cultural Accomodation, Spiritual Conflict,
and the Baptist Vision of the Family,” Southwestern Journal of Theology 49
(Fall 2006): 3-29.
“The Surrendered Christ: The Christological Confusion of Evangelical Feminism,”
Journal for Biblical Manhood and Womanhood 11 (Spring 2006): 2-3.
“The Baptist Headway: America’s Largest Protestant Denomination and the Culture
War,” Touchstone, April 2006, 33-37.
30 - ERLC President
“Soft Servants: Patriarchy, Marriage, and the Future of Evangelical Christianity,”
Touchstone, June 2005, 38-42.
“Aborting the Conscience,” SBC Life, Jan 2005, 3.
“Crucifying Jim Crow: Conservative Christianity and the Quest for Racial Justice,”
Southern Baptist Journal of Theology 8 (Summer 2004): 4-23.
“Do Today’s Southern Democrats Have Time for the Future?” Biloxi Sun-Herald,
15 Oct 2003, C3.
“The Folly of Racism, Then; Of Sexual Liberation, Now,” SBC Life, Oct 2003, 9.
“The Gospel According to Jane Roe: Abortion Rights and the Reshaping of Evangelical
Theology,” Southern Baptist Journal of Theology 7 (Summer 2003): 40-53.
“Resurgence v. McWorld? American Culture and the Future of Baptist Conservatism,”
Southern Baptist Journal of Theology 5 (Winter 2001): 36-48.
“Whatever happened to the wrath of God?” Washington Post, 30 July 2013.
“W.W. Jay-Z?” Christianity Today, May 2013
“George Jones: Troubadour of the Christ-Haunted Bible Belt,” First Things, 26 April 2013
“An Evangelical Looks at Pope Benedict XVI,” First Things, 11 February 2013
“Reframing the Earth: A Review and Critique of John Frame’s, The Doctrine of the
Christian Life”
Paper presented at the national meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society, New Orleans,
Louisiana (Nov 2009).
“Adoption and the Renewal of Creation: How the Church’s Mission to Orphan Care Can
Reshape Evangelical Eschatology and Ecclesiology”
Paper presented at the national meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society, New Orleans,
Louisiana (Nov 2009).
31 - Russell D. Moore
“Have Baptists Changed or Has Culture? The Baptist View of Family”
Plenary address to the Womanhood and Manhood Conference, Fort Worth, Texas (Sep 2007).
“Why Larry Flynt Is Not a Complementarian: Gender, Abuse, and Social Justice”
Paper presented at the national meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society, Washington,
D.C. (Nov 2006).
“Conservative Christians in an Era of Christian Conservatives: Reclaiming the Struggle
for Religious Liberty from Cultural Captivity”
Paper presented to First Freedom: The Baptist Perspective on Religious Liberty Conference, Fort
Worth, Texas (Sep 2005).
“Man, Woman, and the Mystery of Christ: The Cosmic Roots of the Gender Wars”
Plenary address to the International Council on Gender Studies national meeting, Denver,
Colorado (Oct 2003).
“Free and Faithful Fundamentalists? How To Be Authentic Baptists and Resurgent
Conservatives (At the Same Time)”
Address to the annual convocation of the Southern Baptist Conservatives of Alabama
(April 2001).
Writes frequently for his “Moore to the Point” website and other online publications, such
as Christianity Today, Baptist Press, The Gospel Coalition, (Salem News
Network), and Desiring God. Representative commentaries include:
Aug 2012
Mar 2012
Mar 2012
Oct 2011
Oct 2011
June 2011
May 2011
Aug 2010
Feb 2010
Feb 2009
“Pat Robertson vs. The Spirit of Adoption”
“Should Christians Boycott Starbucks?”
“Should I Divorce if I’m Miserable?”
“Evangelism or Justice—Which do We Choose?” “Should I Marry a Man with Pornography Struggles?”
“Immigration and the Gospel”
“Can Romance Novels Hurt Your Heart?”
“God, the Gospel, and Glenn Beck”
“Is it Okay for Me to Opt Out of Social Security?”
“Does Your Child’s Cell Phone Preach a Different Gospel?”
32 - ERLC President
Dec 2008
Mar 2008
Dec 2007
Dec 2007
July 2007
July 2007
May 2007
Aug 2006
July 2006
Feb 2006
Oct 2005
Sep 2005
Mar 2004
June 2003
“The Eschatology of Parenting”
“Why You Shouldn’t Worry about Jeremiah Wright and Why You Should”
“The Ecumenism of the Abortion Clinic”
“Joseph of Nazareth vs. Planned Parenthood”
“Blood, Gore, and Global Warming”
“Independence Days: Race, Conscience, and the Spoken Word”
“Closed Minds at the Creation Museum”
“The Myth of the Apolitical Evangelical”
“From My Cold Dead Hands? Gun Control and the Loss of Community”
“Human Cloning and the Imago Dei”
“Why Southern Baptists Say ‘Amen’ to Rosa Parks”
“Evangelicals and Catholics the Abortion Clinic”
“Why Rosie O’Donnell Isn’t Rosa Parks: Revivalism, Civil Rights, and the
Gay Marriage Debate”
“Middle East Peace: A Kingdom Road-Map”
“Moore to the Point” commentaries have been featured on prominent evangelical online
publications, such as Christianity Today, as well as in mass media outlets, such as CNN;
Receives regular interaction on social media, averaging hundreds of comments per post;
Hosts an average of 8000 visitors a week, with records of over 100,000 visitors a month.
Regular Guest Host
The Albert Mohler Program, 2001-2010
Hosted hundreds of broadcasts of this nationally-syndicated, daily radio program;
Engaged numerous guests, including members of Congress, media figures, and religious
leaders; Contributed to many more episodes as a featured guest.
The Cross and the Jukebox, 2010-Present
A weekly podcast discussing religious and cultural themes in country music.
33 - Russell D. Moore
Interview on CNN
Interview on Fox News
Interview with Justin Taylor
Interview on Tempted
and Tried
Interview on C-SPAN
Interview on
Cooperative Program
Desiring God National
Together for the Gospel Panel
Southern Baptist Theological
Highview Baptist Church
2010 SBC Resolutions
Interview on Andrea Mitchell
34 - ERLC President
About the ERLC
The Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission is an entity of the Southern Baptist
Convention, America’s largest non-Catholic denomination with more than 15.8 million
members in over 46,000 churches nationwide. The ERLC is dedicated to engaging the
culture with the gospel of Jesus Christ and speaking to issues in the public square for
the protection of religious liberty and human flourishing. Since its inception, the ERLC
has been defined around a holistic vision of the kingdom of God, leading the culture to
change within the church itself and then as the church addresses the world.
ERLC Mission
The Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission exists to assist the churches by helping
them understand the moral demands of the gospel, apply Christian principles to moral
and social problems and questions of public policy, and to promote religious liberty in
cooperation with the churches and other Southern Baptist entities.
ERLC Issues at a Glance
• Religious Liberty
• Sanctity of Human Life
• Persecution
• Adoption
• Race
• Christian Citizenship
• Gambling
• Hunger
• Homosexuality
• Human Trafficking
• Sexual Purity
• Substance Abuse
• Bioethics
• Marriage
• Family
35 - Russell D. Moore
To request an interview with Russell D. Moore,
contact Elizabeth Bristow by e-mail at
or by phone at (615) 782-8409
Visit our website at
Follow us on Twitter at @ERLC and @DrMoore