UC San Diego Military Affiliated Student Orientation Welcome from Student Veterans Organization and Student Veterans Resource Center Please sign in, enjoy the refreshments, and get started on bingo Agenda Veterans Educational Benefits Meet your Student Veterans Organization Student Services and Staff Introductions Student Veterans Resource Center Coordinator James Bond Provides support and coordinates both on and off campus resources for military affiliated students j1bond@ucsd.edu 858-534-5460 Student Veterans Resource Center Veteran Services Coordinator and Certifying Official Lisa Linares Advising and certification for veteran educational benefits llinares@ucsd.edu 858-534-0077 Student Services Center, 2nd Floor, Suite 261 Tips for Incoming Veterans From the SVO Utilize the SVRC Space implemented and designed specifically to serve military affiliated UCSD students If you have a need, the SVRC will try to fill it If you have a problem, the SVRC will try to solve it Located on the second floor in the Old Student Center Tips for Incoming Veterans From the SVO Get Involved With the SVO and/or other campus student organizations, get involved and develop your own support network – have it before you need it! SVO Peer Mentor Program can pair you with a veteran experienced with navigating UCSD and its resources Tips for Incoming Veterans From the SVO Online Resources Selecting your classes CAPE: UCSD’s answer to Rate My Professor Associated Students Grade Distribution cape.ucsd.edu Find average grades every professor assigns for every class asucsd.ucsd.edu/gradeDistribution Find your way around campus Maps – maps.ucsd.edu Smart Phone App – mobile.ucsd.edu Tips for Incoming Veterans From the SVO Campus Services If you have a need, there is probably an organization or office on campus to help you Download a copy of this PowerPoint at ucsdsvo.com to keep a copy of contact info You have a team, use it Career Services Roxy Farkas Info on graduate schools, job placement, internships, work study, resume critique, and interview prep rfarkas@ucsd.edu 858-534-0144 Career Services Center Student Legal Services Jon Carlos Senour, Esq. Legal counseling, information, and attorney referrals jsenour@ucsd.edu 858-534-4374 Student Services Center, 5th Floor, Suite 527 Office for Students with Disabilities Accomodation and services for students with disabilities Joanna Boval Jan Noz Director Senior Disability Specialist jboval@ucsd.edu jnoz@ucsd.edu 858-534-4382 858-534-4382 University Center 202 University Center 202 Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) Counseling and psychological services, including referrals to other programs at the VA and elsewhere Sarah Clavell Storer, Ph.D. Ryan Stevenson, Ph.D. Psychologist Post Doctoral Fellow sclavellstorer@ucsd.edu rfstevenson@ucsd.edu 858-534-3755 858-534-3755 Galbraith Hall 190 Warren College, CSE, 1st Floor Military Affiliated Student Orientation 2014 Dr. Sarah Clavell Storer Dr. Ryan Stevenson CAPS: Who We Are 21 licensed Psychologists 6 post-doctoral Fellows 2 -3 Psychologists at each of the 6 colleges on campus Central Office 2 licensed Psychiatrists Students can see anyone on staff Generalists / University Mental Health Specialties can be found on CAPS website CAPS: What We Do Short-term individual and couples’ counseling Personal growth and counseling groups Informal drop-in forums Outreach-workshops to students Consultation to students, college staff, and faculty Peer programs Prevention and Intervention Our services are free to registered students Reasons Why Students Seek Counseling at CAPS Stress and Anxiety Relationship Problems Depression Personal Trauma (Abuse, Assault, etc.) Alcohol/Drug Related Problems Learning Problems Identity/Diversity Issues Sleep Veteran Students Anxiety PTSD Anger Depression Transitional issues (returning to civilian life, blending in as a student, reacquainting with family, connecting with peers) Adjustment Problems Academics Family/relationships/social Financial Barriers to Treatment Personal beliefs Your own ideas about mental illness and mental health treatment In military, high value placed on emotional strength or "toughing it out" Public stigma Concerns about what others may think Fear of negative career consequences (e.g., being seen as "unfit" for service, discharged, or removed from duty) Perceived lack of effectiveness Logistical issues Availability of needed services and ease of use Our services are confidential In keeping with ethical standards of mental health professionals and the law, all services are confidential. If a student requests information to be shared with others, (e.g., professors, deans), they must give permission by signing a release of information form. How to contact us: Routine appointments: Call (858)534-3755, or visit our Central Office at Galbraith Hall, Rm 190 Appointments are typically available two weeks after an initial request, or can be longer during peak times Office hours: 8:00am – 4:30pm, Monday-Friday Visit our website: http://caps.ucsd.edu How to contact us: For emergencies: Office hours: 8am-4:00pm, Monday-Friday A psychologist is available at our Central Office for emergency walk-ins After hours: Call to talk to a mental health counselor 4:30pm-8:00am, press option 2 (858) 534-3755 Drop-in Hours At the Student Veterans Resource Center Tuesdays 12-2pm (Sarah); Wednesdays 12-2pm (Ryan) Informal confidential consultation How can I use counseling? I’m stressed/annoyed/burned out! Tools (e.g., mobile apps, handouts) Assessments (e.g., mood scales) Request information about services (e.g., groups/forums) UCSD Mobile CAPS App Information Tools/Self-help Appointments Messaging Events Group signup Locations Resources Questions? Academic Advisor Sixth College Annie Abott Academic advisor for students affiliated with Sixth College amaguire@ucsd.edu 858-534-4031 Pepper Canyon Hall #213 Academic Advisor Roosevelt College Gloria Aquino Academic advisor for students affiliated with ERC gaquino@ucsd.edu 858-534-9866 ERC Admin Building #330 Academic Advisor Warren College Terri Baker Academic advisor for students affiliated with Warren College t1baker@ucsd.edu 858-534-9948 Warren Advising Office Academic Advisor Marshall College Denise Odom Academic advisor for students affiliated with TMC ddodom@ucsd.edu 858-534-0610 TMC Admin Building #120 Academic Advisor Muir College Cathy Baez Academic advisor for students affiliated with Muir College cbaez@ucsd.edu 858-534-1449 HSS #2106 Academic Advisor Revelle College Jane Wehrle Academic advisor for students affiliated with Revelle College jwehrle@ucsd.edu 858-534-1581 Revelle Provost Building Center for Student Involvement Emily Marx Director, Center for Student Involvement emarx@ucsd.edu 858-822-0004 Cross Cultural Center Edwina Welch Director, Cross Cultural Center ewelch@ucsd.edu 858-534-9689 LGBT Resource Center Shaun Travers Director, LGBT Resource Center stravers@ucsd.edu 858-822-3493 Women's Center Marnie Brookolo Director, Women’s Center mbrookolo@ucsd.edu 858-822-0072 Ombuds Office John Armijo Associate Ombudsperson jarmijo@ucsd.edu 858-534-0777 Pepper Canyon Hall #402 Student Veteran's Organization Points of Contact Website: ucsdsvo.com Email: studentvets@ucsd.edu Facebook: facebook.com/groups/ucsd.svo SVO General Body Meetings are every other Wednesday at 1700 in the SVRC Fall Meetings: 10/15, 10/29, 11/12, 11/26 Student Veterans Organization Officers Officers President Vice President Donny Olsen (dolsen@ucsd.edu) Tammy Wilson Treasurer Chris Adams Secretary Steve Han Communications Officer Pablo Baxter Logistics Officer Nick Ritter Volunteer Coordinator Chase Barber Public Health Officer Matt Mogi Ex-Officio Dennis Garland Graduate Advisor Billiekai Boughton Financial Aid Ann Klein Director of Office of Financial Aid aklein@ucsd.edu 858-534-3898 Student Services Center #334 Academic Enrichment Programs AEP Jacqueline Azize-Brewer, Ph.D. jazize@ucsd.edu 858-534-8839 Student Center B #205 For more information, please stay for a briefing immediately following the closing comments Thank you for coming Congratulations again on your admission to UCSD, Tritons! Please join us at the SVO meetings or at the SVRC! Thank you to all of our presenters for your continued dedication to the success of student veterans!