PERIOD 5 (1750-1900) (TEXT, Bulliet 2nd edition, pp. 620-646)

Mrs. Osborn
Name__________________________________ Per_____ Date________________________
PERIOD 5 (1750-1900)
Ch 25 Reading Study Guide: “Nation Building and Economic Transformation in the
Americas, 1800-1890”
(TEXT, Bulliet 2nd edition, pp. 620-646)
HONOR STATEMENT: On my honor, I understand that this is an individual assignment and is
to be completed entirely by myself. (Copying or ‘splitting’ the assignment with other students
will not prepare me for tests/essays in this course.)
A) Write answers on your OWN paper. Do the work on your own. You need to read.
B) Using 3x5 index cards, create study flash cards (term on one side, definition on the other
side w/chapter pg#) of the following key terms: Simón Bolívar, Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla,
José María Morelos, Confederation of 1867, personalist leaders, Andrew Jackson, José Antonia
Páez, Benito Juárez, Tecumseh, Caste War, abolitionists, acculturation, Women’s Rights
Convention, development & underdevelopment.
C) Using complete sentences, answer the following questions. Page numbers provided.
What ignited Latin America’s struggle for independence? p.621-622
What social group led the revolution in Venezuela? p.622
How was Simon Bolivar able to gain political support? p.623
What was Bolivar’s view of slavery? p.623
What was Gran Colombia? p.625
Who were Jose de San Martin’s most effective troops in his campaign against the Spanish
military? p.625
7. What was Spain’s richest and most populous colony? p.625
8. How Spanish colonial officials rule Mexico since the Spanish king had been imprisoned by
the French? p.625
9. What kind of government did Mexico finally form after gaining independence? p.626
10. What kind of government did Brazil form after Pedro I declared independence from Portugal
in 1822? p.626
11. What was Pedro I’s view of slavery and why was it considered dangerous? p.626
12. What new nation was born as the result of the agreement of a Confederation in 1867? p.627
13. How did new Latin American nations deal with the question of the Catholic Church? pp.599627-628
14. Define caudillo and give an example of one in Latin America. p.628
15. List at least two similarities between American President Andrew Jackson and Venezuelan
leader Jose Antonio Paez. p.629-630
16. What were four factors that provided fewer checks against ambitions of popular politicians in
Latin America than in the United States? pp.629-630
17. What was the central issue of regional disputes in the United States? p.631
18. Why was the southern secession in the United States defeated? p.631
19. What land was Mexico forced to cede to the United States as a result of the treaty of 1848?
20. What invading force did Benito Juarez help expel from Mexico in 1867? p.633
21. What was the Indian Removal Act of 1830 and what was its result? p.634
22. Why were Amerindians of the Great Plains able to offer formidable resistance to white
settlers? p.634
23. What arguments did abolitionists use in attacking slavery? p.636-637
24. Who pushed for the abolition of slavery in Britain after 1800? p.638
25. How did Britain weaken slavery in the Caribbean? p.638
26. While Africans made up the bulk of immigrants to the Americas during the colonial period,
where did most immigrants to the Americas come from after the abolition of the slave trade?
27. What was the “head tax” in China and why was it imposed? p.639
28. By 1900, what were the only three nations in the Western Hemisphere to achieve similar
income levels as Western Europe? p.642-644
29. What caused the mining “boom” in the United States, Chile, and Mexico? p.642/644
30. How were the mining companies of the late 19th century different from the operations of the
gold/silver mining companies of the colonial era? p.644-645
31. What were at least four major improvements in cattle farming that transformed Argentina’s
cattle market? p.644
32. The economic success of the United States during the 19th century is suggested by what?
33. Why did Cuban planters cut down forests? p.644
34. When confronted by a choice between environmental protection and economic growth, what
did all nations in the Western Hemisphere choose? p.644-645
D) Free Response Focus Questions: Answer EACH of these questions in a 4-6 sentence
In your own words! Do not simply copy from the book and memorize the response. Know it.
Be sure to support your response with plenty of facts.
Understand where events fall historically (global context, cause/effect, etc)
35. What were the underlying reasons for the struggle for independence in Latin America in the
early nineteenth century?
36. What impact does industrialization have on the Western Hemisphere? (Hint: most nations in
the Western Hemisphere did NOT industrialize, so what did this mean for those nations?)
37. Discuss the process of abolishing slavery in the Americas. Did the movement for abolition of
slavery differ in the United States, Latin America, and the Caribbean?
38. What was the nature of immigration to the Americas in the nineteenth century? What were
some of the problems and contributions of immigration?
E) FLIPPED VIDEOS: Watch the following short video for this chapter:
- WHCC Latin American Revolutions: