Address Asklepios Klinik St. Georg Do you have any questions? Please get in touch! Professor T. Niemeyer Chief Physician for Spinal & Scoliosis Surgery, Senior Physician of the Interdisciplinary Spinal Centre Hamburg Professor K.-H. Frosch Chief Physician for Trauma & Reconstructive Surgery, Senior Physician for the Surgical Trauma Centre, Dep. Head of the Interdisciplinary Spinal Centre Hamburg Dr G. Manthei Head of Neurosurgery Section, Surgical Trauma Centre, Dep. Head of the Interdisciplinary Spinal Centre Hamburg Dr U. Peschel Chief Physician for Interdisciplinary Early Rehabilitation/Physical Medicine Interdisciplinary Spinal Centre Hamburg Interdisciplinary Spinal Centre Hamburg Interdisciplinary Spinal Centre Hamburg Lohmühlenstr. 5 House F 20099 Hamburg Secretariat Kathleen Dau Tel: +49 (0)40 18 18-85 21 11 Fax: +49 (0)40 18 18-85 30 79 Head: Professor Thomas Niemeyer Specialist in Orthopaedics and Trauma Surgery, Special Orthopaedic Surgery, Paediatric Orthopaedics Information for doctors and patients ■ Dept. for Spinal & Scoliosis Surgery Chief Physician: Professor Thomas Niemeyer Tel. +49 (0)40 18 18-85 21 11/fax +49 (0)40 18 18-85 30 79 Interdisciplinary Spinal Centre Hamburg ■ Dept. for Trauma & Reconstructive Surgery Chief Physician: Professor Karl-Heinz Frosch Tel. +49 (0)40 18 18-85 22 87/fax +49 (0)40 18 18-85 37 70 ■ Section for Neurosurgery Section Head: Dr med. Gerd Manthei Tel. +49 (0)40 18 18-85 24 12/fax +49 (0)40 18 18-85 34 37 ■ Dept. for Interdisciplinary Early Rehabilitation & Physical Medicine/Asklepios Medical Treatment Centre Mitte Chief Physician: Dr Ulrich Peschel Tel. +49 (0)40 18 18-85 26 23/fax +49 (0)40 18 18-85 26 90 ■ Emergencies outside of appointment hours Central Accident & Emergency, House E Tel. +49 (0)40 18 18-85 20 36/fax +49 (0)40 18 18-85 39 90 Together for health Klinik St. Georg Professor Thomas Niemeyer Dear Patients, Dear Colleagues, Our Centre has neurosurgeons, trauma and spinal surgeons, orthopaediatricians, pain therapists, physiotherapists and orthopaedic technicians all working together in an interdisciplinary team, providing patients of all ages with the best possible diagnostic and treatment services for diseases and changes in the spinal column. Our patients and the referring or transferring doctor have a guarantee of the best possible treatment from the doctor best qualified to treat the disease. Degenerative diseases, injuries, deformities, inflammations and tumorous processes in the spinal column are becoming increasingly significant in daily clinical practice as the result of demographic changes in the population. It is vital for the general practitioner and hospital specialist to work hand-in-hand to ensure the best possible treatment for patients. This gives the patient and the referring doctor the opportunity to gain expert advice and treatment on a daily basis. The Central Accident & Emergency Department is home to an experienced team of doctors and nurses, providing an around-the-clock service for all issues and problems. Professor K.-H. Frosch The Interdisciplinary Spinal Centre is a facility of the following departments: Dr G. Manthei For outpatient treatment you require: ■ Patients with statutory health insurance: ■ Dept. for Spinal & Scoliosis Surgery ▪ Referral letter (red) from the treating physician ■ Dept. for Trauma & Reconstructive Surgery (general practitioner, internal specialist, orthopaedi- ■ Section for Neurosurgery atrician, surgeon, paediatrician, neurologist) ■ Dept. for Interdisciplinary Early Rehabilitation & ▪ Transfer letter (yellow) from the treating physician Physical Medicine (general practitioner, internal specialist, orthopaedi atrician, surgeon, paediatrician, neurologist) for the clinic of Professor T. Niemeyer or Dr U. Peschel ▪ Insurance card / if nec. additional insurance details ■ Patients with private health insurance and self-paying patients confirm treatment by the applicable physician Outpatient appointments of their choice on arrival at the outpatient clinic ■ Medical reports: surgeon, general practitioner, internal Consultation hours: Monday - Friday 9am - 4pm specialist, neurologists, neurosurgeon, paediatrician, Appointments: Tel: +49 (0)40 18 18-85 24 12 ■ X-rays and and layer images as CD/DVD (MRT, CT etc.) orthopaediatrician Scope of treatment Emergencies at any time through ■ All standard stabilisation and decompression Central Accident & Emergency procedures for deterioration diseases Tel: +49 (0)40 18 18-85 20 36 ■ Infections and injuries (spinal fractures) in all sections of the spinal column Dr U. Peschel ■ Surgery on tumours of the spinal cord and spinal column ■ Corrective operations for scoliosis/kyphosis and spondylolisthesis in children and adults ■ Microscopic, minimally invasive, thoracoscopic and full-endoscopic procedures ■ Intervertebral disc prostheses and dynamic, non stiffening stabilisations ■ Use of a navigation system and neuromonitoring for certain procedures ■ Evaluation of mental comorbidities and multimodal pain therapy for chronic pain Interdisciplinary case conference On the first Wednesday of the month, we offer referring doctors the opportunityof an interdisciplinary exchange and discussion as part of the interdisciplinary case conference, which has been awarded 3 CME points by the Hamburg Chamber of Medical Practitioners (Ärztekammer Hamburg). Please see the website for details.