
본 교재는 대학수학능력시험을 준비하는 데 도움을 주고자 제작되었으며, 교육과정에 부합한 내용으로 구성되었다.
특히 학생들의 읽기 능력 신장을 목적으로 다양한 소재 및 분야의 글과 정보를 제시하고 있으며, 교육과정 상의 어휘
범주를 고려하여 제작하였다. 교과서로 기본 개념을 익힌 후 본 교재를 활용하여 실제 응용력을 키우게 함으로써,
교육과정 성취 목표 도달과 함께 대학수학능력시험 대비에 도움이 되도록 하였다.
대학수학능력시험 영어영역의 읽기 문항 수와 동일한 28개의 문항으로 1개의 세트를 구성, 모두 10개의 세트로 교재를 구성하였
습니다. 실제 수능 시험과 유사한 난이도의 문항을 유형별로 배치하여, 앞으로 남은 수험 준비 기간에 완벽하게 시험에 대비할 수
있도록 하였습니다.
회당 28개 문항의 각 유형별 문항 수는 '2015학년도 통합형 수능 읽기 영역'의 검사지 구성에 따른 유형별 문항 수와 상이할 수
있습니다. 본 교재는 수험생들이 실제 수능에서 어려워하는 유형의 문항 수를 보강하여 충분히 연습할 수 있는 기회를 제공하고
제한시간 내 문제해결능력 및 실전 적응력을 배가토록 하였습니다.
‘정답과 해설’
에서는 각 문항의 지문에 대한 해석과 문제 풀이 해설을 제시하였고, 지문의 핵심 구문에 대한 분석과 주요 어휘 및
어구에 대한 설명을 제시하여 학생들의 자기주도 학습이 가능하도록 하였습니다.
인터넷 학습, 약이 될 수도 독이 될 수도 있다.
인터넷 학습은 방송 학습과 달리 학습자가 원하는 시간에 언제든지 시청할 수 있는 장점이 있습니다. 하지만 이 때문에 학습을 미루
거나 한꺼번에 모든 강좌를 학습하려고 한다면 오히려 독이 될 수도 있습니다. 따라서 본 교재를 갖고 공부하는 사람은 누구나 인터
넷 학습의 성패가 학습자 자신의 의지에 달려 있음을 명심해야 합니다.
학습 방법이 결과를 좌우한다.
시청 전 학습: VOD 시청 전에는 미리 학습 계획을 세우고 교재의 내용을 예습하면서 충분히 이해하지 못한 부분은 메모를 해
시청 중 메모: VOD 시청 중에는 강의의 흐름에 따라 내용을 파악하고, 특히 교재에 없는 내용이나 선생님들이 강조하는 부분은
별도로 표시해 둡니다.
시청 후 복습: VOD 시청 후에는 시청 중 메모했던 내용을 다시 확인하고, 이해가 되지 않았던 부분을 복습하여 완전히 이해하도록
이 교재는 일반적인 참고서나 문제집과는 달리 인터넷 강의 교재이므로 VOD와 교재를 입체적으로 활용하여야만 기대한 바의 학습 효
과를 거둘 수 있습니다.
01 ~ 28
01 ~ 28
01 ~ 28
01 ~ 28
01 ~ 28
01 ~ 28
01 ~ 28
01 ~ 28
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01 ~ 28
본 교재의 강의는 EBS i 홈페이지(에서 무료로 시청하실 수 있습니다.
(인터넷 VOD 무료 제공)
교재 및 강의 내용에 관한 문의는 EBS i 홈페이지의 Q&A 서비스를 활용하시기 바랍니다.
제한 시간
학습 일자
2014. . .
다음 글의 목적으로 가장 적절한 것은?
다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은?
As a former seasonal worker at Mount Rainier
and Crater Lake, I can attest that our National Park
Service is facing the most catastrophic change in
its history. Over the past few decades we have
witnessed a concerted attack on the structure of the
professional rangers corps through forced transfers
and retirements of experienced professionals`─`
now the same is happening to the dedicated park
seasonal workers as well. Emphasis has been
placed on law enforcement and fire fighting at the
expense of resource protection. Morale has
declined as threats of private enterprise running
everything from entry gates to interpretation have
edged ever closer. This may be the last hurrah for
the great heritage of the professional park ranger,
unless an aroused public demands a significant
increase in funding and a reversion in management
philosophies to protect resources while providing
enjoyment for the public.
How deeply do you feel music? How much of
yourself do you give? The more you can give of
yourself to the music you are experiencing, the
more vibrations of power will sound through you.
If you come to great music with an open heart, a
willing mind, and a relaxed body, it will enter you
and renew you. Great music brings healing streams
and electrical chargings, but these cannot enter and
revitalize you as deeply if you are distracted, tense
and resistant, critical, impatient, ungrateful, or
poorly prepared. If our attunement is faulty and we
are scattered, we sometimes miss the finest things
in life. A poet has written, “The angels come to
visit us, and we know them only after they are
gone.” If you take time to prepare yourself
beforehand for your music, it will play through
you, not just around you.
① 음악은 다른 사람과 마음을 열고 소통하는 매개체가 될
수 있다.
last hurrah 마지막 노력
② 산만한 사람은 음악을 통한 심리 치료로 좋은 효과를 볼
수 있다.
① 국립공원 관리에 관한 개정된 법률의 적용 시기를 공지
③ 음악을 들으면서 자신의 과거를 되돌아보는 시간을 가
져야 한다.
② 국립공원 보호를 위해 탐방객 수를 제한할 것을 건의하
④ 자신의 취향에 맞는 음악을 들어야 마음의 위안을 얻을
수 있다.
③ 국립공원에서 화재 발생 횟수가 증가하는 이유를 설명
⑤ 음악이 주는 감동을 느끼기 위해 감상 전에 준비를 갖춰
야 한다.
④ 국립공원 관리원에 대한 강제 전보 및 퇴직의 부당함을
⑤ 국립공원 관리의 경쟁력 향상을 위한 민영화를 촉구하
영어 280제
ㅣ정답과 해설 2-4쪽ㅣ
다음 글이 시사하는 바로 가장 적절한 것은?
다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?
Numerous studies have shown that early school
start times lead to chronic sleep deprivation for
many students`─`with measurable results on many
scales, including increases in irritability, sadness,
and other emotions. As a result of this growing
awareness of sleep needs in teenagers, some
school districts have taken action. Ten years ago,
Minneapolis shifted the start of its seven high
schools from 7:15 a.m. to 8:40 a.m. According to
the follow-up studies, the change led to a sustained
sleep increase of an average of one hour per night
among students. Since critics have argued that
students will not sleep more but rather just stay up
later, this is an important f inding. Moreover,
attendance has increased and stayed at a higher
level, and student reports of falling asleep in class,
of struggling to stay alert and concentrated, and of
negative emotional states all show signif icant
improvements compared both to the same schools
before the change and to other schools with earlier
start times.
Remember how those old LPs would start to hiss
and crackle after several playings? Not so with
digital media. Those 1s and 0s remain 1s and 0s
throughout the entire process. Physically, this
means that the music on a CD sounds exactly the
same after a thousand playings as it did when first
out of the jewel case. It’s the same with digital
downloads; the thousandth digital copy of a
song will sound identical to the original. In addition,
if you choose a higher sampling rate with less
(or no) compression, a digital recording can
come extremely close to accurately mirroring the
original sound. Analog recordings can also be
very accurate, but are more often than not plagued
by a low signal-to-noise ratio because of high
background noise. Digital recordings have a very
high signal-to-noise ratio, with very little
background noise or distortion.
① How to Remove Background Noise from Audio
② How Digital Media Has Changed the Music
③ The Process of Recording and Releasing Digital
④ The Rebirth of Analog Sounds in the Age of
Digital Media
⑤ Permanent Original Sounds Created by Digital
① 학생들의 학력 향상은 정서적 안정에 기반을 둔다.
② 등교 시간을 늦추는 것이 학교 교육의 질을 향상시킨다.
③ 학생들의 수면 시간은 등교 시간에 영향을 받지 않는다.
④ 잦은 등교 시간 변동은 학생들의 생활 리듬을 잃게 한다.
⑤ 학생들의 연령이 높아질수록 등교 시간은 빨라져야 한다.
영어 280제
다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은?
밑줄 친 she[her] 가 가리키는 대상이 나머지 넷과 다른 것은?
When a patient is admitted to a hospital, a
physician or nurse first needs information about
the reason for patient admission and the patient
history. Later, she or he needs results from services
such as laboratory and radiology, which are some
of the most frequent diagnostic procedures. In
general, clinical patient-related information should
be available on time, and it should be up-to-date
and valid. For example, the recent laboratory
report should be available on the ward within two
hours after the request. If this is not the case, if it
comes too late, or is old or even wrong, both
quality of care and patient safety are at risk. An
incorrect laboratory report may lead to erroneous
and even harmful treatment decisions. Additionally,
if examinations have to be repeated or lost findings
have to be searched for, the costs of health care
may increase. Information should be documented
adequately, enabling health care professionals to
access the information needed and to make sound
Marina awoke the next morning to ripples of
sunlight playing across her face. Peering over the
edge of the coverlet, ① she took in the wardrobe,
beautifully carved with angels and vines, that the
night before had appeared dark and hulking. In the
corner, her discarded sweater and jeans looked
quite at home where ② she had flung them on the
old armchair. On her arrival the night before,
③ she had attempted to apologize for the late
hour. But the woman who received her in a
sagging cardigan, nightgown, and leather slippers
was interested only in getting back to ④ her bed
as quickly as possible. She took Marina’s passport,
indicated where to sign the thick guest register,
then delivered ⑤ her to the top floor in an elevator
the size of a telephone booth, unlocked a room,
handed over the key, and pointed out a bathroom at
the end of the hall.
sagging 축 늘어진
① the impact of health care reform on health care
② the signif icance of systematic information
processing in patient care
③ the necessity of considering ethical issues in
medical research
④ the purpose of evaluating health care services
provided by hospitals
⑤ the efforts to improve patient safety and quality
of care in hospitals
영어 280제
ㅣ정답과 해설 4-7쪽ㅣ
다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은?
(A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 어법에 맞는 표현으로 가장 적절
한 것은?
The language we use and the words we choose
are vitally important. As words have power and
energy we need to be discerning about ① how we
use them. Have you ever felt that someone’s words
melt your heart or pierce you like an arrow?
Behind the words ② is an energetic impact that
can leave a dent on a physical level. That is why
there are so many phrases like broken heart,
shattered dreams, cut like a knife. When I was
making a documentary about domestic violence,
every person I interviewed, without exception,
both men and women, ③ saying that the most
damaging part of the abuse was the psychological
and verbal insults they had received. ④ However
catastrophic the physical abuse, the lasting scars
came from the unkind and demeaning words that
had been hurled at them. Words and language have
tremendous power, as ⑤ does the intent behind
A graduation ceremony is not a necessary
condition for being a graduate. But the ceremony
is an outward sign that (A) communicates /
is communicated to students and others present
that the students have met an important milestone
and are at a time of significant change. Without
participating in the ritual, it is unlikely that those
present will otherwise experience an “Ah-ha”
moment when they realize that life has changed. A
school registrar marking a transcript (B) indicates /
indicating that a student has graduated does not
communicate the passage of time and change in
life circumstances that a graduation ceremony
conveys. At the same time, the g raduation
ceremony is not a sufficient condition for being a
graduate. If a student participates in the ritual but
in fact has not completed all the requirements and
the school does not mark on his transcript (C) that /
which he has graduated, his participation in the
graduation will not make him a graduate.
① communicates
② communicates
③ communicates
④ is communicated
⑤ is communicated
영어 280제
다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 않은
OKTOBERS BEST에 관한 다음 안내문의 내용과 일치하지 않는
Americans tend to arrange objects on a single
scale of value, from best to worst, biggest to
smallest, cheapest to most expensive, and are able
to express a ① preference among very complex
objects on such a single scale. The question,
“What is your favorite color?” so intelligible to an
American, is meaningless in Britain, and such a
question is ② countered by: “Favorite color for
what? A flower? A necktie?” Each object is
thought of as having a most complex set of
qualities and color is merely a quality of an object,
not something from a color chart on which one can
make a choice which is ③ transferable to a large
number of different sorts of objects. The American
reduction of complexities to single scales is
entirely comprehensible in terms of the great
④ diversity of value systems which different
immigrant groups brought to the American scene.
Some common denominator among the
incommensurables was very much needed and
⑤ overcomplexity was almost inevitable.
Ok Best
Ball Till You Fall 2014
Mercer Island
Dates: October 27th, 28th, 29th, 2014
Grade Levels: 5th- 8th
Gyms: Mercer Island High School, Mercer
Island Middle School, Bellevue College,
Eastside Christian
Fee: $275/team ($250/team if three or more
teams from the same organization
Registration: A registration form can be
found at Send your
registration form and fee check to MIGB
Booster Club, 3211 84th Place SE, Mercer
Island, WA 98040. Registration will not be
considered complete until both the fee and
the completed registration form are received.
Registration Deadline: October 11th (no
refunds after deadline)
common denominator 공통 기준, 공통 분모
incommensurable 같은 표준으로 잴 수 없는 것, 약분할 수 없는 수
Register early. Gym space is available for a
limited number of teams. Food, beverages,
and tournament T-shirts will be sold during the
① 10월 하순에 3일에 걸쳐 4개의 체육관에서 진행된다.
② 같은 단체에서 3팀 이상이 참가하면 팀당 참가비가 할
③ 참가비를 내지 않으면 등록된 것으로 간주되지 않는다.
④ 등록 마감일이 지난 후에는 참가비를 환불해 주지 않는다.
⑤ 기념 티셔츠는 대회 시작 전에 무료로 배부된다.
영어 280제
ㅣ정답과 해설 7-9쪽ㅣ
다음 도표의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?
pika에 관한 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?
The pika is a small animal weighing between 4
and 6 ounces. It has short legs, ears, and a tail and
resembles a guinea pig more than its own relatives,
rabbits and hares. It has two sets of upper front
teeth, however, and it is this characteristic that
results in its classification with rabbits and hares.
The pika lives high in the mountains in piles of
rocks located near areas where grass and other
forage are abundant. These small animals remain
active throughout the winter, and they survive by
eating the hay they harvested and stored during the
summer. Three or four young are born in the
spring, and by the time the grass is ready to
harvest, they are big enough to help harvest the
hay that will feed them through the next winter.
The pika is preyed upon by hawks, eagles, and
other predatory birds that are lucky enough to find
it outside its home in the rocks.
Healthcare Expenditure
% of GDP, selected OECD countries, 2008 or the latest available year
United France Switzer- Ger- Austria Canada Italy Spain United Japan Chile Korea
land many
Public Expenditure
Private Expenditure
The chart above shows the ratio of healthcare
expenditure to Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in
selected OECD countries in 2008 or the latest
available year. ① In all of the selected countries
except the United States, public expenditure is
much or a little higher than private expenditure.
② The United States shows the highest ratio of
total healthcare spending to GDP, but the country
with the highest ratio of public expenditure is
France. ③ Canada’s total ratio of healthcare
expenditure is much lower than that of the United
States, but the ratios of the two countries’ public
healthcare expenditures are almost the same. ④ Of
the seven European countries selected, Switzerland
shows the lowest percentage of private healthcare
expenditure, which is almost half of that of the
United States. ⑤ In terms of public healthcare
spending, Japan shows a relatively higher ratio
than Chile or Korea.
forage 먹이
① 겉모습은 토끼보다 기니피그를 닮았다.
② 산의 높은 곳에 있는 바위 더미에 산다.
③ 겨울에는 활동을 최대한 자제한다.
④ 서너 마리의 새끼들이 봄에 태어난다.
⑤ 매, 독수리 등의 먹잇감이 되기도 한다.
영어 280제
stars. For many pop hopefuls, a change of address
is a must. Some families move to Hollywood or
New York City to try to boost their child’s career.
Young pop stars often keep it all in the family by
hiring their parents as managers. Managers guide
pop stars’ careers and handle their schedules. This
lets the family keep track of a star’s money and
image. But too much
always a good thing. Even worse, pop stars might
feel like their parents treat them like employees
rather than family members. It’s a tricky balance
between business and family.
다음 글에 드러난‘I’
의 심경으로 가장 적절한 것은?
I ran back to the playground and went looking
for that little kid. He didn’t even say he was sorry
when he ran into my leg; he just kept on riding his
bike. Then I spotted him. He was still down there
on his bike like nothing had ever happened. I ran
over to him and pointed at my leg. “See what you
did, you dumb little kid!” He looked at me like he
just didn’t give a crap. When he saw the look on
my face, he started to get scared. He quickly
turned his bike around and started pedaling really
fast. I stood there and kept watching him for a
minute. He skidded to a stop in front of two adults.
Then I watched him pointing his finger at me. I
guessed that they were probably his parents. I
thought about telling his parents what had
happened, but some parents are always sticking up
for their kids no matter how bad they were.
① encouragement
③ concealment
⑤ independence
② popularity
④ togetherness
not give a crap 신경을 안 쓰다
When an animal is injured, the first thing it will
do, if it possibly can, is scramble to its feet.
Despite the fact that doing so will probably cause
further pain, the instinct to get up drives the animal
because the alternative, taking no action to get up,
invites predators to come in to kill and eat the
defenseless one. Emotionally, we do the same
thing. Often a person who has just suffered an
injury or a devastating shock or loss will answer,
“Fine” when asked, “How are you doing?” Just
labeling this as denial misses the deeper truth. The
organism, animal or human, is trying not only to
look f ine in order to
, but
trying to be fine.
① angry and irritated
② guilty and ashamed
③ proud and flattered
④ happy and grateful
⑤ lonely and sorrowful
다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을
When accepting awards, pop stars often thank
their family members. It’s no wonder they
appreciate their families so much. After all, it takes
a major support system to travel the road to
stardom. Parents pay big bucks for singing lessons,
clothing, and professional pics for their young
scramble to one’s feet 재빨리 일어나다
① avoid attack
③ make profits
⑤ suppress anger
영어 280제
② gain support
④ draw attention
ㅣ정답과 해설 9-12쪽ㅣ
On our own level it is generally difficult to make
a complete divorce between objective reality and
our linguistic symbols of reference to it; and
things, qualities, and events are on the whole felt
to be what they are called. For the normal person
every experience, real or potential, is saturated
with verbalism. This explains why so many lovers
of nature, for instance, do not feel that they are
truly in touch with it until they have mastered the
names of a great many flowers and trees, as though
the primary world of reality were a verbal one and
as though one could not get close to nature unless
one f irst mastered the terminology which
somehow magically expresses it. It is this
which removes language
from the cold status of such purely and simply
symbolic systems as mathematical symbolism or
flag signaling.
It is considered that psychiatric patients’
compliance in therapy is a function of the degree
to which they
. In order to test
this hypothesis, Foulks, Persons, and Merkel
carried out a survey. Utilizing outpatients of the
psychiatric clinic at the University of Pennsylvania
hospital, they administered a cause of illness
inventory questionnaire. The items included in this
questionnaire were divided into two groups:
“medically congruent explanations” and
“medically noncongruent explanations.” The
former group referred to explanations that were
consistent with the psychosocial model widely
used by contemporary psychiatrists. Examples
included having tension in the family or being
mistreated by others. The latter group was not
consistent with modern psychiatrists’ views.
Examples included eating too many hot foods or
having committed too many sins. In a follow-up
study, it was disclosed that those who endorsed
more medically congruent explanations made
more visits to the clinic and ended treatment in a
more compliant manner, whereas those who held
more medically noncongruent explanations did
be saturated with ~로 가득 차 있다
verbalism 언어적 표현
① ability to communicate through verbal language
② slow and long process of language development
③ complex relationship between language and
④ constant inter play between language and
⑤ symbolic and unifying power of a common
congruent 적합한, 합당한
endorse 지지하다
① are responsible for the cause of their illness
② can predict what therapy they would be offered
③ benefit from the relationship with their therapists
④ share their therapists’ view of the cause of
⑤ will be affected by the symptoms of their illness
영어 280제
다음 글의 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은?
The historian of philosophy, whether primarily
interested in philosophy or primarily interested in
history, cannot help being both a philosopher and a
historian. A historian of painting does not have to
be a painter; a historian of medicine does not
practise medicine.
, a historian of
philosophy cannot help doing philosophy in
the very writing of history. The link between
philosophy and its history is a far closer one. The
historical task itself forces historians of philosophy
to paraphrase their subjects’ opinions, to offer
reasons why past thinkers held the opinions they
did, to speculate on the premises left tacit in their
arguments, and to evaluate the coherence of the
inferences they drew. But the supplying of reasons
for philosophical conclusions, the detection of
hidden premises in philosophical arguments, and
the logical evaluation of philosophical inferences
are themselves full-blooded philosophical activities.
, any serious history of philosophy
must itself be an exercise in philosophy as well as
in history.
In real life, most motor acts are perceptual in
nature. Sports, driving a car, and walking down
a busy street all require considerable cognitive
control. Vertical jumping provides a good
(A) On the other hand, vertical jumping in a soccer
game as part of a heading movement is
psychomotor. The player must anticipate ball
trajectory, time the jump, jostle for position,
and consider where to head the ball.
(B) The jump, therefore, is a complex movement
requiring more than explosive muscle strength
to be carried out successfully. This suggests
that it is the perceptual part that determines the
efficiency and appropriateness of a motor act.
(C) In the lab, vertical jumping is not considered a
perceptual motor skill. There is little cognitive
effort, no reaction to a stimulus, and minimal
precision and minimal manual dexterity is
trajectory 궤적, 궤도, 곡선
tacit 암묵적인
① However
② However
③ That is
④ Moreover
⑤ Moreover
① (A) - (C) - (B)
③ (B) - (C) - (A)
⑤ (C) - (B) - (A)
영어 280제
jostle 거칠게 밀치다
② (B) - (A) - (C)
④ (C) - (A) - (B)
ㅣ정답과 해설 12-14쪽ㅣ
다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장은?
글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에
가장 적절한 곳을 고르시오.
There are few more important aspects to the life
of any society than land and the relations between
land and humankind. ① Economists recognise land
as being one of the three economic fundamentals
of society along with labour and capital. ② It is no
accident that anthropologists have, in investigating
traditional societies, spent a great deal of energy in
probing those societies’ rules and practices about
land since they know that that will tell them much
about those societies both in the pre-colonial and
in the colonial era. ③ Decision-making about land
use and management requires good information on
the characteristics of soil and land. ④The ownership
of land has, throughout the ages and in all
societies, been a major factor in determining class
structures and relations and in the allocation and
exercise of political power. ⑤ Equally the many
` `
and often conflicting uses to which land ─
sometimes the same plot of land`─`can be put have
given rise both to complex laws and serious
disputes in many societies.
But as the employee internalizes and
understands the values of the organization
innately, he develops a sense of rightness that
doesn’t require rules, restrictions or social
An employee, like a child becoming an
adolescent and then an adult, goes through similar
stages. ( ① ) Early on, what is right and wrong
is defined very dogmatically in terms of rules and
regulations. ( ② ) As attachment to the group
becomes more socially powerful, the employee
wor ries about developing relationships,
conforming and maintaining good social order by
showing respect to authority. ( ③ ) Instead, the
rightness rings true because it sets up a resonance.
( ④ ) If you play a well-known piece of music,
for example, and stop it before the last few notes,
most people will mentally finish up the piece on
their own. ( ⑤ ) When an organization instills
an understanding of its values, most employees can
answer questions of right and wrong intuitively
without having to resort to rules or looking around
for the responses of others.
dogmatically 독단적으로, 교조적으로
resonance 공감하게 하는 힘, 울림
영어 280제
다음 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 한다. 빈칸 (A)와 (B)에
However, the rapid advances in medical
technology capabilities have also produced
great uncertainty as to what is most beneficial
or least harmful for the patient.
들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
In one well-known study, Kahneman and
colleagues presented a coffee mug with a
university logo to one group of participants
(“sellers”) and told them the mug was theirs to
keep, then asked these participants whether they
would sell the mug back to them at various prices.
A second group of participants (“choosers”) were
told that they could have the option of receiving an
identical mug or an amount of money and asked
which they preferred at various prices. Although
both groups were placed in strategically identical
situations (walk away with a mug or money), the
sellers, who presumably framed the choice as a
loss of a mug against a compensating gain of
money, quoted a median price of $7.12, whereas
the choosers, who presumably framed the choice
as a gain of a mug against a gain of money, quoted
a median price of $3.12.
The advent of modern science changed matters
dramatically. ( ① ) Knowledge acquired in
laboratories, tested in clinics, and verif ied by
statistical methods has increasingly dictated the
practices of medicine. ( ② ) This ongoing
alliance between medicine and science became
a critical source of the plethora of technologies
that now pervades medical care. ( ③ ) The
impressive increases in therapeutic, preventive,
and rehabilitative capabilities that these
technologies have provided have pushed
beneficence to the forefront of medical morality.
( ④ ) Some have even gone so far as to hold that
the old medical ethic of “Above all, do no
harm” should be replaced by the new ethic that
“The patient deserves the best.” ( ⑤ ) In other
words, along with increases in ability to be
beneficent, medicine’s technology has generated
much debate about what actually counts as
beneficent or nonmaleficent treatment.
quote 값을 매기다
People tend to value objects more
after they come to feel that they
plethora 과다, 과잉
① highly
② highly
③ poorly
④ accurately
⑤ accurately
영어 280제
ㅣ정답과 해설 14-17쪽ㅣ
다음 글을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오.
Rüdiger Wehner has spent most of his life
wandering the Sahara Desert in search of desert
ants. Desert ants are scavengers searching for
insects that have succumbed to the rigors of life in
a harsh environment. When such victims are
found, the ants collect the carcasses and then
return to the nest. Though this pattern of behavior
sounds simple enough, Wehner noticed something
remarkable about the movements of the ant. Ants
that are looking for food meander in seemingly
random and circuitous paths that can carry them
far from their nests. Wehner’s surprising discovery
was that, on their return to the nest with the food,
the ants strike out on a direct, straight-line path for
the nest. They maintain a seemingly iron grip on
their location.
How do they do it? One possibility is that the
nest emits some kind of signal, such as a smell,
that the ants can easily pinpoint. It is well known
that ants sometimes follow each other’s paths
using odor trails, so this seems like an obvious
possibility. But using a simple but clever
technique, Wehner proved that the ants were not
following a scent. When foraging ants reached
food sources, he picked up the ants and moved
them to a new location. The ants responded to this
displacement by running immediately in a direct
course to where the nest would have been located
if they had not been displaced. This proved that the
ants were keeping track of the location of the nest
by means of
. This ability to
keep such a careful record of one’s movements,
and to extract an estimate of one’s current position
from this record, is referred to as path integration.
위 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?
① Deserts Are Natural Laboratories
② Why Desert Ants Don’t Get Lost
③ How Animals Adapt to the Desert
④ Ants Can Survive Food Shortages
⑤ Strange Animals Found in Deserts
위 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
① a keen sense of hearing
② an internal smoke detector
③ a continually updated estimate
④ a special communication system
⑤ a gradual increase of temperature
scavenger 죽은 동물을 먹는 동물
succumb to ~에 굴복하다
meander (이리저리) 거닐다
영어 280제
ㅣ정답과 해설 17-18쪽ㅣ
burning. The white bear was always hiding near,
watching the fire. He longed to put (d) it out, but
he did not dare, for he feared the hunter’s arrows.
One night, the poor boy grew so tired that he could
keep awake no longer and fell fast asleep. Then the
white bear ran as fast as he could and jumped upon
the fire with his wet feet, and rolled upon (e) it
until he thought it was all out. Then he trotted
happily away to his cave.
다음 글을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오.
Long ago in the Far North, where it is very cold,
there was only one fire. A hunter and his little son
took care of this fire and kept (a) it burning day
and night. They knew that if the fire went out the
people would freeze and the white bear would have
the Northland all to himself.
But a little robin had been flying near, and had
seen what the white bear was doing. She was
greatly worried when she thought that (b) it might
be out. As soon as the bear was out of sight, she
darted down swiftly and searched with her sharp
eyes until she found a tiny live coal. This she
fanned patiently with her wings for a long time.
Her little breast was scorched red, but she did not
stop until a red flame blazed up from the ashes.
Then she flew off to visit every hut in the
Northland. Wherever she touched the ground, a
fire began to burn.
주어진 글 (A)에 이어질 내용을 순서에 맞게 배열한 것으로 가장
적절한 것은?
① (B) - (D) - (C)
③ (C) - (D) - (B)
⑤ (D) - (C) - (B)
② (C) - (B) - (D)
④ (D) - (B) - (C)
robin 울새
밑줄 친 (a)~(e) 중에서 가리키는 대상이 나머지 넷과 다른 것은?
Soon, instead of one little fire, the whole North
Country was lighted up, so that people far to the
south wondered at the beautiful flames of red and
yellow light in the northern sky. But when the
white bear saw the fires, he went further back into
his cave and growled terribly. He knew that now
there was no hope that he would ever have the
Northland all to himself. This is the reason that the
people in the North Country love the robin, and
never tire of telling their children how (c) it got its
red breast.
① (a)
③ (c)
④ (d)
⑤ (e)
위 글에 관한 내용과 일치하는 것은?
① 흰곰이 불을 끄고 있을 때 울새는 잠을 자고 있었다.
② 불꽃을 되살린 후 울새는 더 이상 날 수 없게 되었다.
③ 울새는 북쪽 나라를 아름다운 불로 환하게 만들었다.
④ 사냥꾼이 병들자 그의 아들은 집을 떠나 버렸다.
⑤ 사냥꾼의 집에 아무도 없을 때 흰곰이 침입했다.
One day the hunter became ill and his son had to
do all the work. For many days and nights he
bravely took care of his father and kept the fire
② (b)
영어 280제
다음 글의 목적으로 가장 적절한 것은?
제한 시간
학습 일자
2014. . .
다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.
Dear Peter and Susan,
“Ethics of altruism” too often fail to recognize
the claims of the self, and as a result they make the
mistake of measuring goodness by the selfsacrifice it requires. So often, well-meaning people
who are doing a great deal of good in the world
torment themselves with doubt about the purity of
their motives. If they find that serving others is
relatively easy or even enjoyable, they wonder
whether their giving “counts” as good. They
wonder, “Isn’t this just my way of being selfish?”
Maybe it is; but why condemn this sort of
selfishness? Goodness should be measured not by
the sacrifice required but by its contribution to
human flourishing, one’s own and others’. Imagine
a physician who decides to work for Doctors
Without Borders. She is assigned to Cambodia,
where living conditions are difficult, but she finds
the experience exciting and fulfilling`─`so much so
that on her return she signs up for another
assignment. Does her evident pleasure in this new
role compromise the moral quality of her action?
We enjoy your dog Tucker almost as
much as you do, but I am afraid we have
lately been having some problems with
For the past few weeks, Tucker has
broken into our garbage bags left out on
Sunday night for pickup on Monday
morning. Before you ask, we know it was
Tucker because we caught him in the act.
He’s making a mess and causing us a lot
of extra work. And we’re also concerned
he might be harmed by bones and other
things in the garbage.
We do have a town ordinance that
prohibits free-roaming dogs. I’d hate to
have to call the police.
Could you please find a way to keep him
out of our yard?
Thank you.
altruism 이타주의
Brad Kelly
① the proper criteria to measure goodness
② the effect of altruism on the common good
③ the emphasis on the virtues of self-sacrifice
④ cases when selfishness is considered a virtue
⑤ human contributions to the development of
ordinance (시·읍·면의) 조례, 법령, 포고
① 개를 괴롭히는 행위를 비난하려고
② 말썽을 피우는 개에 대해 항의하려고
③ 주인 없는 개를 입양하도록 권하려고
④ 주말 동안 개를 돌봐 달라고 부탁하려고
⑤ 애완용 동물 관련 조례의 수정을 주장하려고
compromise 손상시키다
영어 280제
Soil is only a renewable resource if we carefully
manage the ways in which we use soil. There are
natural cycles of unfortunate events like drought or
insect plagues or outbreaks of disease that
negatively impact ecosystems and also harm the
soil. But there are also many ways in which
humans neglect or abuse this important resource.
One harmful practice is removing the vegetation
that helps to hold soil in place. Sometimes just
walking or riding your bike over the same place
will kill the grass that normally grows there. Other
times land is deliberately cleared to make way for
some other use. The ‘lost’ soils may be carried
away by wind or running water. In many areas of
the world, the rate of soil erosion is many times
greater than the rate at which it is forming. Soils
can also be contaminated if too much salt
accumulates in the soil or where pollutants sink
into the ground.
ecosystem 생태계
다음 글에서 필자가 주장하는 바로 가장 적절한 것은?
If you are asked to write instructions for
operating dangerous equipment and you know the
potential operators have little formal education,
you would be wise to keep the writing as simple as
possible. Short sentences. Perhaps illustrations.
Explicit warnings. Now suppose you have to send
a copy to your supervisor, who holds a Ph.D. in
engineering. Do you write two versions? One
simple and one more elaborate? Which of your
readers is most important? The operators or the
supervisor? The answer is that because the
operators are the primary audience, the writing
level and style need to be directed towards them.
Obviously, you say, but beware of the tendency we
all have to enjoy impressing family, friends, and
coworkers with our knowledge. Keep in mind the
need to write for your primary readers. Resist the
temptation to write to impress the less important
reader, no matter how high up the corporate
management hierarchy.
contaminate 오염시키다
① ways people use soil as a resource
② factors which have negative effects on soil
③ necessity to develop an alternative resource to soil
④ intensive land use decreasing biodiversity
⑤ the link between human health and soil health
① 독자층을 확대하기 위해 노력하라.
② 사고력을 키울 수 있는 글을 쓰라.
③ 상징적이고 압축된 표현을 사용하라.
④ 자신에게 흥미로운 주제에 집중하라.
⑤ 주요 독자층에 맞도록 글을 쓰라.
영어 280제
ㅣ정답과 해설 18-22쪽ㅣ
at all the right times. At seventeen Rachel had lava
red hair flowing in curls to ④ her shoulders, and
smooth almond skin, light brown freckles, and lips`
─`full and fresh, deep orange`─`that were almost too
big, like her mouth, into which it appeared you
could fit a tangerine when she smiled. She smiled
not because she didn’t miss what she’d lost from
life, but because of what ⑤ she still had: her
parents, a home, and, most of all, her sister, Helen.
다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은?
One of the difficult choices we all face is telling
the truth when we know it’ll embarrass us and land
us in trouble. We might think that lying will make
it all go away, but it won’t. Lying is a slippery
slope that only leads to more lies, and the truth
always comes out in the end. Because you know
right from wrong, guilt will also eat away at you if
you choose to lie. Just because you may have
started down the wrong path, however, doesn’t
mean you can’t make things right by confessing
and taking responsibility for whatever you did.
Life would be so easy if we didn’t make mistakes
... but we do. No one expects you to live a life
without an occasional “oops.” It’s how you handle
those mistakes that can set you apart as a person of
honesty and integrity. Take responsibility for your
actions, especially the misguided ones, and you
will maintain that integrity and others’ trust.
tangerine 탄제린(껍질이 잘 벗겨지는 작은 오렌지)
(A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 어법에 맞는 표현으로 가장 적절한 것은?
When you’re done with telling your story, go
back and look at the beginning. See (A) if / what
you can find a way to repeat an image or a theme
from your opening paragraph in your concluding
paragraph. Try to bring the reader back into the
story. The more you practice this technique, the
easier it will become. As you write, you may
already be thinking ahead to a possible conclusion
that will fit well with the opening. This kind of
structure moves the reader in a circle. The piece
feels complete and (B) satisfied / satisfying in the
same way that tonal music does. Writing that flows
from one paragraph to the next and has a good
conclusion will hold your readers’ attention
throughout your blog post or brochure. If you
provide them with useful information presented in
an interesting and coherent format, they will return
to your site for more, and may recommend
(C) it / them to others, too.
① 실수의 가능성이 적은 선택을 하는 것이 좋다.
② 거짓된 행실을 보이는 사람을 멀리하는 것이 좋다.
③ 선의의 거짓말에 대해서는 죄책감을 가지지 않아도 된다.
④ 남이 저지른 사소한 실수는 관대하게 감싸야 한다.
⑤ 자신의 실수를 숨기지 말고 행동에 책임을 져야 한다.
밑줄 친 부분이 가리키는 대상이 나머지 넷과 다른 것은?
As years passed, it was clear that Rachel was
going to be an extraordinary beauty, as if, unable to
see herself, ① she would make the most of being
seen. Her mother trained ② her eyes to remain
relatively steady, and used tape to keep her eyelids
open, in an effort to avoid what she called “that
unfortunate blind girl look.” ③ She even taught
Rachel to blink, and Rachel blinked quite well, and
① if
② if
③ if
④ what
⑤ what
영어 280제
다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 않은
(A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 문맥에 맞는 낱말로 가장 적절한
A study indicated that student perceptions of
counselling often caused males to be ① reluctant
to seek out the school counsellor for assistance.
Therefore, informal discussions were conducted
with a group of male students to determine their
views on using an online counselling facility
through the school website. The themes of
attractiveness, privacy, and relative anonymity
were ② identified by the students. That is, these
male students believed a chat facility needed to be
③ visually attractive and suggested inclusion of
comic figures. Further, the importance of chat
room security providing privacy as well as users
not being required to ④ conceal their identity,
giving them relative anonymity, was the main
factors valued by this group of boys. As the online
service was utilised, it became obvious that in most
cases, students followed up the online appointment
with ⑤ subsequent ‘face-to-face’ consultations
with the counsellor.
Making the industrial-based global food system
possible is our ever-growing reliance on fossil fuel
based technologies as the basis of fertilizers,
pesticides, and methods of cultivation and
transportation. On average, fruits and vegetables
that ar rive at tables in North America have
traveled 1,500 miles to get there. On the positive
side of this system is the seemingly (A) finite /
infinite variety of produce available all year long
that many of us now simply take for granted.
Bananas from the Caribbean, apples from New
Zealand, tomatoes, oranges, and grapes from
California ─ all available every month of the year.
The downside of this, of course, is the reduction in
(B) quality / quantity of many of these varieties
as they are picked early, ripened artificially, and
shipped halfway around the world to be packaged,
then shipped again to various places across the
world to awaiting consumers. In a world
experiencing the ever-rising effects of climate
change and decreasing levels of cheap oil,
this system is clearly not (C) sustainable /
objectionable .
relative anonymity 상대적 익명성
fertilizer 비료
① finite
② finite
③ infinite
④ infinite
⑤ infinite
영어 280제
pesticide 살충제
ㅣ정답과 해설 22-24쪽ㅣ
Superfood Drawing Contest에 관한 다음 안내문의 내용과
다음 도표의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?
일치하지 않는 것은?
How Many Hours Mothers and Fathers Spent on...
Superfood Drawing Contest
Number of Hours
Superfoods are foods that have an abundance
of nutrients that reduce the risk of disease and
enhance energy such as almonds, broccoli,
mushrooms, olive oil, spinach, and tomatoes.
Paid Work Housework Child Care
Paid Work Housework Child Care
The above chart shows the average number of
hours per week fathers and mothers spent on paid
work, housework, and child care in 1965 and 2011.
① Mothers spent, on average, 21 hours on paid
work in 2011, up from eight hours in 1965.
② Over the same period, the total amount of time
mothers spent on housework and child care had
gone down from 42 hours to 32 hours. ③ In 2011
fathers spent more time on housework and child
care than they had done about half a century
before, and the amount of time they devoted to
paid work had also increased by five hours over
that period. ④ Meanwhile, fathers had by no
means caught up to mothers in terms of time spent
caring for children and doing housework by 2011.
⑤ The roles of both genders had gradually come
closer to each other in the way they divided their
time between work and home.
Contest Rules and Regulations :
Drawing must include the theme and at
least one of the superfoods mentioned above.
MINIMUM drawing size: 8″
MAXIMUM drawing size: 12″
Framing is not required.
The 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners get
prizes. Winners will be notified by Thursday,
October 16.
Drawings will be returned if requested after
their evaluation is completed.
Mail to :
Senito County Arts Council, PO Box
692, Hollister, CA 95024
enhance 높이다
① 제출 마감일은 10월 11일이다.
② 언급된 식품 중 하나를 그림에 포함해야 한다.
③ 그림을 액자에 넣을 필요는 없다.
④ 1위에서 3위까지 상을 수여한다.
⑤ 제출된 그림은 반환되지 않는다.
Deadline for submission : Saturday, October
11, 2014. No artwork will be accepted
after the deadline.
nutrient 영양소
Theme : Superfoods as super heroes!
영어 280제
Lois Weber에 관한 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?
다음 글의 상황에 나타난 분위기로 가장 적절한 것은?
Born in 1881 in Allegheny, Pennsylvania, Lois
Weber was a child prodigy, touring as a concert
pianist until the age of seventeen. Before she
became an actress and director, she worked as a
social activist. She began writing for early motion
pictures at Gaumont Film Company, where she
was known by her married name, Mrs. Phillips
Smalley. After writing screenplays, she began
acting in f ilms with her husband at Gaumont,
starring in a number of films directed by Herbert
Blache'(husband of Alice Guy). Weber also
directed many films, including early sound-on-disc
shorts produced at Gaumont. She rapidly became
one of the highest-paid directors in the industry
and was associated with film celebrities such as
Edwin S. Porter, Carl Laemmle, and Hobart
Bosworth in her business dealings. She was one of
the first American women directors to head her
own production unit, Lois Weber Productions, in
Mary wrapped up in her bathrobe and went out
to put the coffee on. She lit the gas and set the
coffeepot on the flame and looked out the window.
In the darkness something moved. She looked
closer. Just within the light cast by the kitchen
window, she saw falling snow. She went to the
front door, turned on the outside light, and opened
the door. Oh! She cried out loud. It was already
piled up on the bottom step. Crystals of snow
sparkled back at the yellow porch light. Oh, the
kids were going to be enchanted. And the silence!
She went down the steps in her socks and dipped a
hand into it. No wind; it was all coming straight
down. The parade of crystals came straight down
onto her hair, onto her raised face and closed eyes
like a blessing.
prodigy 신동
enchant 황홀하게 하다
① noisy and festive
② calm and peaceful
③ sad and miserable
④ solemn and sacred
⑤ scary and mysterious
dealings 관계, 교제
① 17살까지 피아노 순회공연을 다녔다.
② 사회 운동가로서 활동한 적이 있다.
③ Gaumont 사에서 결혼 전의 이름으로 알려졌다.
④ 남편과 함께 연기를 시작했다.
⑤ 영화계의 유명인사와 친분을 맺었다.
영어 280제
ㅣ정답과 해설 24-26쪽ㅣ
다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을
Whether your goal is to persuade upper
management to accept your suggestions for
improving productivity or for your consulting
group to win a sizable government contract, think
of your proposal as
. After all,
isn’t the basic idea of any proposal, including one
for marriage, to “sell” your reader (or prospective
mate) to accept your ideas or you? In all proposals,
written or verbal, the overall thrust and tone must
be persuasive. Moreover, similar to a marriage
proposal, you will need to supply supporting
details, such as facts, statistics, and lists of
personnel or who will be invited to the wedding.
Most importantly, your proposal must include a
benefit statement or list of benefits. What do you
hope to accomplish? How will your proposal save
the company time and money? In brief, what’s in it
for your reader? Every successful salesperson
knows that the best way to get the order is to offer
potential customers exactly what they need and
Activism, like politics more broadly, is often
seen as a masculine realm; many women have
pointed to the sexism in social movements that
values some aspects of activism, such as public
speaking, while denigrating or ignoring others,
such as office work`─`work typically performed by
women. Some women have responded with
“women only” groups or with political actions
that use distinctly
forms of
expression. In her essay, Linda Pershing
documents a group of women whose protests
against nuclear armament utilized needlepoint, a
traditional craft of women. In 1985, to mark the
fortieth anniversary of the atomic bombing of
Hiroshima and Nagasaki, 20,000 people encircled
the Pentagon, the Capitol Building, and the
Lincoln and Washington memorials with some
f ifteen miles of hand-sewn ribbons. Pershing
argues that the women involved appraised the
event less on its effect on military policy than on
the satisfaction they gained from the group sewing
process, perhaps suggesting a different way to
examine and assess women’s activism.
denigrate 모독하다
① conventional
③ sensational
⑤ personal
thrust 취지, 요점
① a contract with yourself
② a kind of wedding invitation
③ a story rather than a fact
④ a variation of a sales letter
⑤ your bank account statement
armament 무장
② feminine
④ eco-friendly
영어 280제
People rarely
, and even when
they appear to be doing just that, it typically is
only at the surface of the process. Consider, for
example, a writer who creates a novel in the
solitary confinement of her house. The writer is
alone only in a very narrow sense. Indeed, she is
writing, typically, about people, with people, and
for people. The process of writing a novel can
hardly be reduced to an individual cognitive
reflection. Thus, the imaginary reader is always
present in the creative process of writing`─`as an
addressee, a possible judge of the creation, and,
more generally, a partner in a dialogue that each
human creation ultimately is. Our writer arguably
also is motivated by specifically human, social
purposes, such as to be understood, respected and
needed by others.
solitary 고독한
다음 글의 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장
적절한 것을 고르시오.
Exactly how the cicadas keep track of time has
always intrigued researchers and it has always
been assumed that the insects must rely on an
internal clock. Recently, however, one group of
scientists working with the 17-year cicada in
California have suggested that the nymphs use an
external cue and that they can
. For
their experiments they took 15-year-old nymphs
and moved them to an experimental enclosure.
These nymphs should have taken a further two
years to emerge as adults, but in fact they took just
one year. The researchers had made this happen by
lengthening the period of daylight to which the
peach trees on whose roots the insects fed were
exposed. By doing this the trees were “tricked”
into flowering twice during the year rather than the
usual once. Flowering in trees
a peak in amino acid concentrations in the sap that
the insects feed on. So it seems that the cicadas
keep track of time based on the number of the
cognitive 인지적인
① act alone
② think logically
③ behave intentionally
④ create out of nothing
⑤ have only one purpose
nymph 애벌레
① count
② count
③ look
④ look
⑤ think
영어 280제
amino acid 아미노산
sap 수액
ㅣ정답과 해설 27-29쪽ㅣ
At sea level, air has a pressure of 14.7 pounds
per square inch (psi; 14.7 psi is called 1
atmosphere of pressure). Because water is heavier
than air, it exerts more pressure. For every 33 feet
(10 m) you descend underwater, the pressure
increases by another 14.7 psi. At 99 feet (30 m)
, the pressure is 58.8
psi, or 4 atmospheres. For humans, a pressure this
high endangers air spaces in the body`─`the lungs,
ear canals, and sinuses. Submarines and other
deep-sea vessels must have heavy walls; otherwise,
the water pressure would crush them.
, sperm whales and certain other
marine mammals can tolerate more than 200
atmospheres with no adverse effects. Elephant
seals and beaked whales are other deep divers.
Scientists are studying these animals’ physiology
to understand how they can survive these high
ear canal 외이도(外耳道)
① by contrast
② by contrast
③ for example
④ for example
⑤ nevertheless
글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳은?
Over-charging can be equally problematic.
Pricing can be a strange thing. It has a strong
influence on how you feel about the value of what
you do. If you undercharge you may end up
working very hard for not a lot. You may be
perceived as cheap and therefore not so valuable.
( ① ) You may end up with a lot of work but no
time to develop and grow your business or your
skills. ( ② ) You may get stuck at a level that
you find hard to raise. ( ③ ) You may price
yourself out of the market, or find yourself under
such intense pressure to deliver the high value that
equates to the price you are charging that it affects
your delivery. ( ④ ) Either way it is important to
find the right balance both for you and for your
customers. ( ⑤ ) You need to feel comfortable
about the price you charge your customers and
your customers must feel comfortable about the
value they perceive themselves to be receiving.
sinus 부비강(副鼻腔)
As a result
undercharge 가격을 낮게 매기다
price oneself out of the market 과도한 가격을 책정하여
시장성을 잃다
영어 280제
다음 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 한다. 빈칸 (A)와 (B)에
다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장은?
들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
A nation’s control over the sea was once believed
to extend about three nautical miles (3.45 miles)
from shore. That three-mile limit sprang partly
from the seventeenth-century “cannonshot rule”`─`that a nation had jurisdiction over its
waters as far as it could fire a cannon from the
shore in defense. ① Now, however, the focus has
changed from defense to responsibility as we
realize how events in one part of the ocean impact
the world community. ② Ship debris from the
Pacific Ocean shows up in Scotland and plastic
bags litter the shores of Antarctica, hundreds of
miles from the nearest town. ③ Industrial wastes in
Asia enter the bodies of f ish that end up on a
dinner table in Kansas. ④ Business owners are
required to establish an annual plan to reduce
industrial waste for each workplace. ⑤ No longer
is any region isolated, with its impact on the ocean
limited to a few miles offshore.
You could do what many people are doing to get
fresh herbs. They buy packages of them in the
grocery store. Those packages come with four or
five leaves of the fresh herb. The problem is, that
little package can also cost you $5 to $8. That
means for one pasta dish, you may spend more on
the herbs than the pasta and the sauce combined. It
just does not make sense especially if you want to
have access to the finest herbs on a regular basis.
It’s better, on the other hand, to invest in some
quality pots and soil and grow your own. Though
you will need to learn how to do this, it takes just a
few minutes of your time to set it up and to put this
in place. Once the plants begin to grow, you’ll have
no limitation on the access you have to the herbs
you want to enjoy.
herbs on your own is a more
way to eat fresh vegetables.
① Purchasing
② Purchasing
③ Cooking
④ Growing
⑤ Growing
nautical mile 해리(海里)
debris 파편
jurisdiction 지배권, 권한
영어 280제
ㅣ정답과 해설 29-31쪽ㅣ
주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장
적절한 것을 고르시오.
It is interesting to note that other sources of
energy can also release radioactivity into the
environment ─ and, in some cases, more
radiation than nuclear energy does.
Everybody has moments of doubt or can be
unsure about something or other from time to
time; it is a natural process.
(A) A lot of fuel oil also contains small amounts of
uranium, so burning it releases radioactivity as
well. It turns out that coal and fuel oil power
plants, when added together, actually put more
radioactivity into the environment than do the
entire world’s existing nuclear power plants.
(B) Natural gas plants also do release some
radioactivity, although the amount is less than
that released by nuclear reactors. What all of
this means is that no for m of energy
production is perfect ─ every source presents
some potential problem.
(C) For example, because of the way that uranium
behaves in the environment, a lot of it can be
found in coal. As a result, burning coal can
release uranium into the environment; the
disposal of coal ash can also release
radioactivity into the environment.
(A) Don’t let these comments rock your self-belief.
Always question the person’s reason for the
comment. If it is based on fact you will listen;
if not, then it is only their opinion. You will
need to stay strong.
(B) Some people give you positive energy because
they believe in you. You feel it and you rise to
the occasion. Others may always have a
negative comment to make about what you are
doing or talking about.
(C) The challenge is not to let those moments
accumulate and affect your self-belief. You
will always face the challenge of other people’s
comments and opinion. You may have noticed
in your life that there are people that you feel
good being around and others you don’t.
rise to the occasion 위기 상황에서 능력을 발휘하다
① (A) - (C) - (B)
③ (B) - (C) - (A)
⑤ (C) - (B) - (A)
radioactivity 방사능
② (B) - (A) - (C)
④ (C) - (A) - (B)
① (A) - (C) - (B)
③ (B) - (C) - (A)
⑤ (C) - (B) - (A)
영어 280제
uranium 우라늄
② (B) - (A) - (C)
④ (C) - (A) - (B)
다음 글을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오.
It often surprises me that when a student goes
through a reprimand procedure the structure
almost always deals first with what went wrong
and second with what the punishment
consequences should be. Should the punishment
be a detention? Should the writing be cleaned off
the wall? There is often an absence of a third
stage. The third stage is “How can both student
and teacher turn this disadvantage into an
Instead of seeing the student as an “offender,”
see him as “in training.” It really is a great
opportunity to get to know the student better in
reference to what went wrong.
Suppose, for example, the student had lost his
temper and punched the wall and kicked stuff
about. Here’s a great time to chat about what
causes you to lose your temper. You can point out
that it is a human condition. That sometimes you
lose your temper. You, of course, can take the
opportunity to explain the dangers of losing
control and how dreadful the consequences could
become. You then work out what to do if it
happens again.
But the main point here is that now there is a
. If you notice that the student
is losing his temper next time you can immediately
intervene. Because you have already been through
the problems with this student in a calm and
considered way, it helps enormously when the
problem recurs.
You can say things like: “Do you remember, Jack?
Didn’t we agree that you should go for a short walk
and calm down?” The
help with a successful outcome in a diff icult,
stressful situation.
reprimand 징계
위 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?
① How to Calm Down in Stressful Situations
② The Third Stage in a Reprimand Procedure
③ Punishment at Home for Bad Behavior in
④ Tips for Improving Academic Performance
⑤ Helping Students Succeed Socially in School
위 글의 빈칸에 공통으로 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
① little humor
② positive tension
③ formal procedure
④ shared understanding
⑤ familiar environment
detention (벌로서) 방과 후 남게 하기
영어 280제
ㅣ정답과 해설 31-32쪽ㅣ
job. Instead of having his own studio and being his
own boss, Andy had to earn money by working
with a studio photographer who specialized in
baby pictures. His first assignment was to find out
which day of the week at a local mall was the most
popular shopping day among women with babies.
(e) His boss had rented space for a temporary
studio in a nearby mall for a special one-day
promotion, and he wanted to make sure there
would be plenty of traffic from moms with babies
and toddlers.
다음 글을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오.
For as long as he could remember, Andy had
dreamed of becoming a photographer. He had
taken pictures at every family wedding and each
family vacation since (a) he was old enough to
hold a camera.
Andy really didn’t know what to do. He didn’t
think there would be some kind of book on it, so
(b) he went to the mall, did some people-watching,
and talked to some store clerks. He was lucky. Not
only was he naturally observant, having a
photographer’s eye, but he was charming and
polite. (c) He interviewed the assistant manager of
a sporting goods store who had worked in the mall
for almost 10 years. Soon the sporting goods
manager took Andy to several other mall
employees, including some who worked at stores
specializing in children’s clothing.
주어진 글 (A)에 이어질 내용을 순서에 맞게 배열한 것으로 가장
적절한 것은?
① (B) - (D) - (C)
③ (C) - (D) - (B)
⑤ (D) - (C) - (B)
② (C) - (B) - (D)
④ (D) - (B) - (C)
Andy asked them when mothers with babies
were most likely to shop. Almost everyone he
spoke to said that their shops were packed on
Monday and Tuesday mornings with moms with
small children. Andy reported this information to
his boss, who scheduled (d) his display for
Monday morning and took more than 100 baby
pictures on the day of the event. “At the time I
didn’t think much about it,” Andy said. “But when
I quit my job and set up my own business as a
wedding photographer, the first thing I did was
interview recently married couples about what
they liked and disliked about their wedding photos.
I really knew the value of interviewing and how I
could be more successful.”
밑줄 친 (a)~(e) 중에서 가리키는 대상이 나머지 넷과 다른 것은?
① (a)
③ (c)
④ (d)
⑤ (e)
위 글의 Andy에 관한 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?
① 가족들의 결혼사진을 매번 찍어 주었다.
② 천성적으로 관찰력이 좋았다.
③ 아기 엄마들이 시장에 많이 오는 요일을 알아냈다.
④ 결혼식 전문 사진사로서 자기 사업을 시작했다.
⑤ 대학 졸업 직후 자신이 꿈꾸던 직장을 얻었다.
Andy’s first job out of college was not his dream
② (b)
영어 280제
다음 글에서 필자가 주장하는 바로 가장 적절한 것은?
학습 일자
2014. . .
다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것을 고르
How many times have you promised yourself that
you’ll try harder ... starting next week or after the
next business trip, or after that party you have to
go to over the weekend? You may be pretty
committed to next week and to all the changes
you’re going to make then, but I’ll tell you
something`─`next week never arrives. This is your
life. This minute. This hour. This day. If you push
your plans into the future, you’ll never get there.
Those plans begin today and lead into the future.
Yes, aspiration is good. You should always have
your goals in mind. But the only way to achieve
those goals is to see and be where you are. I want
you to feel relaxed and safe in your home. I want
you to be knowledgeable about your health status.
I want you to eat foods for the body you want
today. I want you to exercise today so you sleep
well tonight. Every decision you make must
support your commitment to the life you want here
and now.
When people complain about the weather, such
as, “It always rains when I want to play golf,” they
say it with no intention to change the weather, or
even, at that moment, to move to a drier climate or
buy a rain suit and adapt. Many complaints at work
are like complaints about the weather. People do
not intend to do anything to resolve the complaint,
and often have no solutions in mind. Even where
solutions exist, or could be developed, the
complainer does not intend to be the one who will
push for implementing them. Complaints about
anything`─`the weather or a problem at work or at
home `─` which lack a commitment to create or
work toward a solution, are simply a distraction to
everyone within earshot. Uncommitted complaints
do not produce any good results, and have a
negative effect on morale and performance.
① Complaints: Just Unproductive Comments
② Dissatisfaction at Work Leads to Creativity
③ Why Do People Complain about Their Lives?
④ How to Be Satisfied within Our Dissatisfaction
⑤ The Root of All Problems: Constant Complaints
① 계획을 구체적으로 세우라.
② 과거의 성공에 안주하지 말라.
③ 일의 우선순위를 정해서 추진하라.
④ 목표 달성을 위한 노력을 미루지 말라.
⑤ 자신의 능력을 고려하여 목표를 세우라.
제한 시간
영어 280제
ㅣ정답과 해설 33-35쪽ㅣ
When students at the University of Colorado
answered questions in class using clickers (the
hand-held device that allows instructors to survey
students during a lecture), discussed the question
with their neighbors, and then answered the same
question again, the percentage of correct answers
increased. This was true even when none of the
students in the discussion group originally knew
the answer. Discussing a problem with others
brings alternative problem perspectives together
and, more often than not, this type of
communication leads to the optimal solution. As
one student commented, “Discussion is productive
when people do not know the answers because you
explore all the options and eliminate the ones that
you know can’t be cor rect.” Justifying an
explanation to another person also provides people
with valuable opportunities for developing
communication and reasoning skills. This is the
case whether you are new to an area or have tons
and tons of experience.
다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은?
In a sixth-grade classroom in Montreal, Quebec,
a teacher faced the most divisive group she had
ever taught. The class was torn apart by racial
conflict; blacks and whites exchanged insults and
physically assaulted each other during recess and
after school. The school psychologist observed the
class and recommended that the teacher put
together children who have trouble getting along.
Give them joint assignments and projects, he said.
Monitor them closely. Most important, stick with
the groups even if they don’t seem to be working
in the beginning. The teacher started having
students work together`─`usually in threes or fours`
─` in all subjects for part of every day. They
worked on math problems in groups, researched
social studies questions in groups, practiced
reading to each other in groups, and so on. “It took
them two months to make this really work,” the
teacher says, “but they f inally got it together.
What’s more, their test scores went up. I couldn’t
believe it was the same class.”
① Don’t Teach a Fish How to Swim
② Several Heads Are Better Than One
③ There Is No Royal Road to Learning
④ Saying Is One Thing And Doing Another
⑤ A Bird in the Hand Is Worth Two in the Bush
① necessity of teacher training and infrastructure
② effective teaching techniques to help slow
③ importance of stimulating teacher-pupil
④ requirements for obeying strict school
⑤ effects of cooperative learning on racially
divided students
영어 280제
overlooking their troops before going into battle.
① One general said to his aide, “Bring me my red
cape.” Confused, the other off icer said, “But
general, if you wear your red cape, ② you’ll be a
clear target for the enemy.” ③ The valiant officer
replied, “I’m not worried about the enemy. I’m
wor ried about my men. If by chance I am
wounded, the blood will blend in with my cape.
Unaware that ④ I am hurt, my men will continue
to advance. I never want my men to know I am
wounded!” With that, the other general turned to
his aide and said, “Bring ⑤ me my brown pants!”
These leaders could not bear to appear vulnerable
in the presence of their people.
다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은?
You want your toddler to grow up with all the
smarts he was born with, don’t you? In order to
activate those smarts, and keep them activated, a
child needs to be active. The more opportunity a
toddler has to explore and experiment upon the
environment, the smarter he will become. My
Formula for a Smart Kid consists of what I refer to
as the “Six E’s of Excellence”: Expose the child to
Environments and Experiences that Encourage
Exploration and Experimentation. In that context,
television simply fails to do the job. Television
produces an electronic environment that depresses
exploration and experimentation. For proof of what
I’m saying, simply watch a child watch television.
See the blank expression? See the listless hands? See
the lack of any creative, constructive behavior?
You’re looking at a child wasting time, and time is all
the human mind has with which to develop its gifts.
blank 생기 없는
다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은?
You age, as does every living creature. It is
part of the cosmic plan. Aging is universal, as is
death. But how ① rapidly you age is not. Nor is
your own individual life span. Both the rate at
which you age and your time on earth are under
more control than you may dream`─`and ② than
scientists envisioned until recently. Exploding
research into aging and related diseases ③ is
suddenly producing some awesome prospects.
Recent discoveries are enough to take scientists’
breath away`─`and ④ ours `─`as they enter territory
never before explored, witnessing at ever closer
range the ultimate biological mysteries of life and
death. These new investigations, for the first time
in human history, promise ways to expand our
mortality and avoid the curse of old age, ⑤ allow
us to live at our fullest capacity until the end of our
① 유아는 부모의 적극적인 텔레비전 시청 지도가 필요하다.
② 유아는 기본적인 욕구가 채워질 때 왕성하게 활동한다.
③ 텔레비전은 유아 양육에 관한 유익한 정보를 많이 제공한다.
④ 방송사는 다양한 유아 교육 프로그램을 제작할 필요가 있다.
⑤ 활동을 저해하는 텔레비전 시청은 유아 지능 발달에 해롭다.
밑줄 친 부분이 가리키는 대상이 나머지 넷과 다른 것은?
In the past, managers were reluctant to share
their vulnerability with their people. This was seen
as weakness, as in the story of the two generals
who were talking as they stood on a hill
영어 280제
ㅣ정답과 해설 35-38쪽ㅣ
(A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 어법에 맞는 표현으로 가장 적절
(A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 문맥에 맞는 낱말로 가장 적절한
한 것은?
One of America’s foremost survey researchers,
Reed Larson of the University of Illinois in
Urbana-Champaign, has discovered that finding
structured leisure activities a child will like
(A) is / to be more than just humanistic parenting.
Music, sports, hobbies, and crafts, he finds, are
invaluable for a child’s mental development. One
of the many bridges a school-aged child must cross
takes him or her from impulsiveness and
distractibility to the capacity for “voluntary
attention.” (B) Inherent / Inherently in this
transition, writes Larson, is “the transformation by
which whimsical, impulsive, and periodically
indolent children become motivated, directed and
energetic adults.” Larson and his colleagues
studied this transformation to see if it happens
automatically with age, or if the unfolding ability
to direct one’s thoughts toward a chosen task
(C) needs / need some help from parents and
children themselves.
Human energy is like the energy of light. When
it is (A) scattered / gathered , as in the average
light bulb, it gets work done in an average way. But
when that same energy is focused in a single
direction, as with a laser beam, it has the power to
cut through any kind of obstacle. In the same way,
whereas the average person disperses his or her
energy into a broad spectrum of pursuits, the
person of “genius” is able to harness his or her
energy, beam it toward one single pursuit at a time,
and accomplish far more than others. This
principle of (B) concentration / conservation of
energy also applies when you are considering the
efforts of a large group of people`─`an organization.
The success of that organization is directly related
to the amount of energy its people are willing to
(C) waste / invest and to its ability to harness and
direct those energies toward a single, burning
whimsical 변덕스러운
① is
② is
③ to be
④ to be
⑤ to be
harness 이용[활용]하다
indolent 나태한, 게으른
① scattered
② scattered
③ scattered
④ gathered
⑤ gathered
영어 280제
Free Kids Library Camp에 관한 다음 안내문의 내용과 일치
다음 도표의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?
하는 것은?
Percentages of Smartphone or Tablet Users
When Shopping in Stores in the U.S., 2012
Kids Library Camp
at Centerville Library
We offer a free educational program.
Come and find out more about the library!
★`A two-day camp for kids entering 4th-6th
grade in elementary school
★`Wednesday, October 29, 2014 1:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m.
Friday, October 31, 2014 1:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m.
Age Group
The graph above shows the percentage of men
and women who used a smartphone or a tablet by
age group when shopping for products in stores in
the U.S., in 2012. ① Overall, the percentages of
men who used a smartphone or a tablet when
shopping were higher than those of women in all
age groups. ② The younger men were, the more
they used a smartphone or a tablet when
purchasing products, and this was also true of
women. ③ The percentage gap between men aged
18-34 and 35-54 was greater than that between
men aged 35-54 and 55 or older. ④ However, the
percentage gap between women aged 18-34 and
35-54 was less than that between women aged 3554 and 55 or older. ⑤ The percentage gap between
men and women was the smallest in respondents
aged 55 or older and the largest among those aged
How do you find things in the library?
What programs are normally offered at
the library?
Can children volunteer for the library?
Do you know there is a library that never
What is it like to work in the library?
Think about answers to all these questions at home.
It’s educational and it’s FUN!
Seats are limited, so advance registration is required.
Reserve your seat only at
Centerville Library is located at 3553 Nicole Ave.
Fremont, CA 99888.
For more information, please call (510) 232-6767.
① 도서관 관련 교육 프로그램이며 유료로 운영된다.
② 초등학교에 재학 중인 전 학년 학생들을 대상으로 한다.
③ 10월 마지막 주에 이틀 연속해서 5시간씩 진행한다.
④ 사전에 참가자가 생각해 볼 질문과 답변을 함께 제공한다.
⑤ 제한된 좌석으로 인해 온라인상의 사전 등록이 필요하다.
영어 280제
ㅣ정답과 해설 38-40쪽ㅣ
Doug Henning에 관한 다음 글의 내용과 일치하는 것은?
다음 글에 드러난‘I’
의 심경으로 가장 적절한 것은?
In the 1970s, illusionist Doug Henning revived
the magic show as a popular form of entertainment
and starred in an NBC television special called
Doug Henning’s World of Magic, which was seen
by 50 million viewers. Also popular in the late
1970s: Transcendental Meditation, a Hinduismbased practice. Henning was an avid follower of
TM and became convinced that his life’s mission
was to spread the practice. So he began work on a
TM-based theme park called Veda Land. Using
“astonishing visual and sensory effects and stateof-the-art 3D imagery,” the park would look like
an authentic Himalayan mountain village.
However, he was unable to buy land in India or
near Orlando, Florida, so Henning bought 700
acres near Niagara Falls, Ontario, and set about
trying to raise the money he needed to build Veda
Land `─` an astounding $1 billion. He never
succeeded. When he died of cancer in 2000 at age
52, he’d been trying to get the project going for
nearly 15 years.
I try to smile to myself and keep moving. I see
green all-weather carpet about ten feet in front of
me that leads to a set of stairs. At the top of the
stairs is a small landing and the entrance to the
barracks. Leading into the barracks is a pair of
doors with a porthole-shaped window in each door.
As I get closer to the landing, I see someone
looking out from the window on the left side. I
then see another face in the other window on the
opposing door. It looks like they’re waiting for
someone. Me? They look at me and then quickly
duck back behind the windows to avoid detection.
It’s quite unnerving to see one head then the other
look out to check my progress toward their
barracks. My hands begin to shake and I feel sweat
begin to drip down my face. I look up at the blue
sky and squint, feeling my nerves rise within me.
duck (머리나 몸을) 휙 수그리다
① delighted
③ relieved
⑤ sympathetic
① 5천만 명이 시청한 방송 프로그램 제작에 투자했다.
② 명상 요법을 소개하는 방송 제작을 사명으로 생각했다.
③ 다양한 명상법을 교육하는 Veda Land 건립을 추진했다.
④ 테마파크를 위해 Orlando에 700에이커의 부지를 구입했다.
⑤ 테마파크를 건립하는 데 필요한 기금을 다 모으지 못했다.
영어 280제
squint 눈을 가늘게 뜨고 보다
② anxious
④ indifferent
다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을
Acceptance of family members does not mean
acceptance of every attitude or behavior. It does
mean valuing the human being and looking for
what is worthy and good. If there’s a situation
where someone is behaving destructively or
outrageously`─`being disrespectful, misbehaving,
drinking or using drugs`─`you can deal with him or
her in a way that clearly communicates that the
behavior is unacceptable, yet in a way that
. You can say, for instance, “I
can’t and won’t tolerate or endorse your behavior,
because I know you’re a better person than this.
I’m not judging you, because I know you have
good qualities and traits and characteristics. I know
you can respond in a healthier, more positive way.
And I won’t let you be less than who you are. I’m
going to require you to be that better person.”
Building a career is hard, and sometimes you
work so hard that you forget to celebrate the
progress you make. When you get a new job, it’s
tempting to (as the cliché goes) hit the ground
running, but I encourage you to do everything you
can to
between jobs. Make it
part of your negotiations. Just take it if you can
afford it. Being between jobs is one of the most
liberated times you have: you’ve said good-bye to
all the responsibilities of your old job and you have
the security of knowing a new job is waiting for
you. This is the best time to enjoy time off, free
from the weight of any job responsibilities. Your
cell phone won’t ring. You shouldn’t have to check
email. Work to get your headspace organized and
think about your priorities and plans for the
coming year. Make the most of it.
endorse (공개적으로) 지지하다
① uncritically accepts him or her
② lets him or her know your gratitude
③ accurately explains something wrong
④ can be followed without the help of others
⑤ ultimately promotes his or her self-esteem
① take a vacation
② build your career
③ learn something new
④ fix your own problems
⑤ contact those around you
영어 280제
ㅣ정답과 해설 40-43쪽ㅣ
Retailers are distribution channel members that
sell goods and services to individuals for their own
use rather than for resale. Consumers usually buy
their food, clothing, shampoo, and appliances from
some type of retailer. The supermarket where you
buy your groceries may have bought some of its
items from a wholesaler such as Unified Grocers
and then resold them to you. Retailers are the final
link of the distribution channel. Because they are
often the only channel members that deal directly
with consumers, it is essential that retailers
. For instance, soaring gas
prices affect consumers’ budgets, so they may
make fewer trips to the mall or cut back on
nonessential purchases. As a result, retailers may
need to offer special sales or events to lure
customers to their shops. It is also important for
retailers to keep pace with developments in
the fast-changing business environment, such as
the disruption in delivery of suppliers from
widespread wildfires or storms.
In a sense, emotional display is like theater. We
all have a backstage, the hidden zone where we
feel our emotions, and a stage front, the social
arena where we present the emotions we choose to
reveal. This private split between our public and
private emotional lives is analogous to the concept
of the front of the store and the back off ice.
Emotional displays are more often carefully
stage-managed when interacting with customers,
and less well managed backstage, and this
can be unfortunate. As one
organizational consultant put it, “Many an
executive who appears highly charismatic out of
the office comes back and acts like a jerk with his
employees.” Or as the director of a large Sunday
school complained to me about her minister, “He’s
just too impassive, completely unexpressive. He’s
so hard to read, I don’t know how to take much of
what he says to me`─`it’s very difficult to work
with him.” Being poor at appropriately
emotions can be a major handicap.
① remain alert to changing shopper needs
② strive to build the trust of their consumers
③ attract their consumers with their product
impassive 무감각한, 감정이 없는
④ do as much as possible to prevent loss from
⑤ band together to form their wholesaling
다음 글의 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장
적절한 것을 고르시오.
① discrepancy
② discrepancy
③ reaction
④ consensus
⑤ consensus
영어 280제
Imagine that you’re a diver in the group that
learned while underwater. In this setting, the world
has a different look and feel than it does above
water: The sound of your breathing is quite
prominent; so is the temperature.
you might end up thinking about your breathing
during learning, and this will likely create memory
connections between these thoughts of breathing
and the materials you are learning. If you are then
back underwater at the time of the memory test,
the sound of your breathing will again be
prominent, and this may lead you back into the
same thoughts. Once thinking these thoughts, you
will benefit from the memory connection linking
the thoughts to the target materials`─`and so you
will remember the materials.
, if
you’re on land during the memory test, then the
sound of breathing is absent, and so these thoughts
won’t be triggered, and the connections you
established earlier will have no influence.
① As a result
② As a result
③ Similarly
④ For example
⑤ For example
다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장은?
Individuals of excellence`─`that is, people who
produce outstanding results`─`almost universally
have a tremendous sense of respect and
appreciation for people. ① They have a sense of
team, a sense of common purpose and unity. ② If
there’s any insight at the heart of the new
generation of business books like Innovation and
Entrepreneurship, In Search of Excellence, or The
One Minute Manager, it’s that there’s no longlasting success without rapport among people, that
the way to succeed is to form a successful team
that’s working together. ③ We’ve all seen reports
on Japanese factories, where workers and
management eat in the same cafeteria and where
both have input into evaluating performance. ④ So
we can say their corporate culture has been
transformed over time into a closed system due to
indolence just like ours. ⑤ Their success reflects
the wonders that can be achieved when we respect
people rather than trying to manipulate them.
In contrast
In contrast
rapport (친밀한) 관계
영어 280제
ㅣ정답과 해설 43-45쪽ㅣ
글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에
가장 적절한 곳을 고르시오.
But the inevitable ceiling, followed by a
decline, in energy production is a problem that
cannot be solved with a quick infusion of cash.
That’s an insightful analogy, for just as your
muscles weaken without physical exercise, so
does your soul weaken without its special kinds
of exercise.
Today, the United States faces several growing
problems. Some of these, such as the widely
discussed Social Security crisis, are problems that
might be solved with money. ( ① ) The U.S.
government budget deficit and the trade deficit are
massive problems that may result in a falling dollar
and eventually a lot of inflation. ( ② ) However,
inflation, while it may make us poorer, is unlikely
to threaten our way of life significantly. ( ③ ) In
the end, we would argue that these too are crises
that might be solved with money. ( ④ ) Solving
it will take not only massive amounts of money but
also many years of work developing alternatives.
( ⑤ ) Failing to solve it could spell disaster for
our civilization.
If you lack stimulating interaction with others,
your soul shrinks. Really, it’s only through
connecting with other human beings that you learn
about the world, about yourself, and even about
your destiny. ( ① ) After all, other people are a
mirror in which you can see yourself. ( ② ) This
interconnection enables you to reach your full
potential and to strengthen your soul. ( ③ ) The
Trappist monk Thomas Merton once wrote: “Souls
are like athletes who need opponents worthy of
them if they are to be tried and extended and
pushed to the full use of their powers.” ( ④ ) A
great exercise for your soul is the practice of
giving. ( ⑤ ) As with physical exercise, the
more you do it, the easier it is, and the stronger
you will become.
ceiling (최대) 한계
Trappist 트라피스트회(기도·침묵 등을 강조하는 엄격한 수도회)의
영어 280제
다음 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 한다. 빈칸 (A)와 (B)에
주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은?
들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
If you suspect that you are allergic to a
certain food, a simple test can help you
determine if you are correct.
Psychologist Michelene Chi asked physics
professors and some Ph.D. students from the
physics department and several undergraduate
students to solve several physics problems. As
expected, the professors and Ph.D. students were
better at solving the physics problems than were
the undergraduates. Interestingly, however, the
physics experts were not necessarily faster than the
undergraduates. Sure, once the professors and
Ph.D.s got going on a problem, they were quicker
to compute a solution. But Chi also found that the
professors and Ph.D.s were slower than the
undergraduates to begin to solve the problems. The
experts paused before they ever put pencil to
paper. They spent a few moments assessing the
underlying structure of the problem and figuring
out the best physics principle to use. The
undergraduates, on the other hand, jumped right
into problem-solving, which often got them in
trouble. By rushing to start the problem, the
undergraduates got distracted by ir relevant
problem details, which led them astray.
(A) Wait to twenty minutes and take your pulse
again. If your pulse rate has increased more
than ten beats per minute, omit this food from
your diet for one month, and then retest
yourself. For the purposes of this test, it is best
to use the purest form of the suspected food
(B) When completely relaxed, take your pulse at
the wrist. Count the number of beats in a sixtysecond period. A normal pulse reading is
between 52 and 70 beats per minute. After
taking your pulse, consume the food that you
are testing for an allergic reaction.
(C) By recording your pulse rate after consuming
the food in question, you can reveal if you are
having an allergic reaction. Using a watch with
a second hand, sit down and relax for a few
① (A) - (B) - (C)
③ (B) - (C) - (A)
⑤ (C) - (B) - (A)
The above experiment indicates that a big
difference between success and failure in
diff icult problem-solving situations is the
taken to think about a problem at
① time
② time
③ energy
④ perspective
⑤ perspective
영어 280제
② (A) - (C) - (B)
④ (C) - (A) - (B)
ㅣ정답과 해설 45-47쪽ㅣ
다음 글을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오.
I can still remember listening to one of my
college professors`─`he was teaching a course in
marriage and family relations `─` lecture on the
difference between “democratic” and “autocratic”
families. In the democratic family, he said,
everyone was regarded as an equal. Therefore,
obedience (from the children) was not mandatory,
and disagreements were resolved with discussion,
negotiation, and compromise. Cooperation and
harmony were the hallmarks of a democratic
family. ‘How marvelous!’ I thought. In contrast,
the autocratic family was a hierarchy, with parents
at the top. Children were punished if they
disobeyed and were not allowed to make decisions
for themselves. Compromise between parent and
child was possible only on the parent’s terms.
Obedience, rather than joyous cooperation, was the
bill of fare for children of autocratic parents. “How
awful!” I said to myself. I vowed I’d never, ever be
a nasty old autocrat, and I tried my best, really I
For the first three or four years after Eric, my
first son, was born, I regarded him as my equal. If
he didn’t like decisions I made, he rolled on the
floor screaming and I reconsidered. I thought it
unfair to
, so he didn’t. The
result of this exercise, however, was not harmony.
The result was anarchy. One night in a dream a
wise-looking elderly gentleman appeared, calling
himself the spirit of my future. In his hands he held
a clear crystal ball, and while I gazed within, there
appeared a vision of my family who was slightly
older, all of us trussed up nicely in stainless steel
straitjackets. I woke up screaming, bathed in sweat,
and my life as a father was never again the same.
위 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은?
① the ideal and reality in child-rearing
② the nature of parent-child relationship
③ the most common way to raise children
④ the importance of equality among brothers
⑤ parents’ efforts to understand their children
위 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
① make him obey
② leave him to himself
③ let him take the blame
④ compare him with others
⑤ take him away from the family
truss up (움직이지 못하게) 꼭 묶다
straitjacket 구속복(폭력적인 사람의 행동을 제압하기 위해 입히는 것)
영어 280제
ㅣ정답과 해설 47-48쪽ㅣ
“Never mind, Scott. You were just too good.
(d) You’ll get me next time,” Antonio said. “No
way,” the hapless Scott groaned. At this moment
Tom said to Antonio, “You really aced that. Did
you learn to play like that in your homeland
El Salvador?” Antonio suddenly looked uneasy.
“(e) I played a bit there,” he admitted. “Oh, yeah?
You never talk about it much. What else did you do
there?” Tom observed. “Nothing much,” Antonio
answered. He wished Tom would drop the subject
다음 글을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오.
At lunchtime, Antonio, Tom, and several of their
friends played an impromptu soccer match.
Antonio, as usual, was picked as the forward for
his side. Neither side scored a goal until the final
minutes of the game. Then Robert, a lanky kid
on the other team, kicked the ball across the field,
and Tom intercepted it. Tom juggled the ball with
his thighs, passing it to Antonio. Robert tried to
regain the ball and charged Antonio. But
(a) the smaller boy dodged to the right and neatly
side-stepped his opponent.
주어진 글 (A)에 이어질 내용을 순서에 맞게 배열한 것으로 가장
That’s because he didn’t want to remember all
the things in his homeland. “Well, that really tells
me a lot.” Tom studied his friend closely. He
seemed on the verge of saying something to
Antonio and then changed his mind. “Oh, by the
way, I’ve got something for you.” Tom dug into his
jeans pocket and pulled out a folded envelope with
Antonio’s name on it. “Here’s your invitation to my
birthday party.” Tom handed the envelope to
(b) his friend . Antonio’s eyes lit up with pleasure.
He knew being invited to Tom’s birthday party
would boost his status among his peers. He eagerly
tore open the envelope and read the invitation.
적절한 것은?
① (B) - (D) - (C)
③ (C) - (D) - (B)
⑤ (D) - (C) - (B)
② (C) - (B) - (D)
④ (D) - (B) - (C)
밑줄 친 (a)~(e) 중에서 가리키는 대상이 나머지 넷과 다른 것은?
① (a)
② (b)
③ (c)
④ (d)
⑤ (e)
Then Antonio dribbled the ball across the field,
gently stroking it without breaking stride. When
Antonio had almost reached the net, the goalie
raced forward to block (c) his shot. But Antonio
was too quick. Keeping the ball to his side, he
swung his leg back and kicked the ball straight into
the net. Tom and his other teammates let out a
cheer while the poor goalie looked totally crushed.
Antonio went over to him and patted him on the
위 글의 Antonio에 관한 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?
① 점심시간에 친구들과 축구 시합을 했다.
② Tom에게서 생일 초대장을 받았다.
③ 축구장을 가로질러 공을 몰고 갔다.
④ 골을 넣은 후 골키퍼의 등을 두드려 주었다.
⑤ 고국에서의 일을 말하기 좋아했다.
영어 280제
제한 시간
학습 일자
2014. . .
다음 글의 목적으로 가장 적절한 것은?
다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은?
The drawing you see above is called The Trust. It
is completely composed of dots of ink. I worked
with a quill pen and placed thousands of these
dots, one at a time, to create this gift in honor of
my youngest brother and his wife. Now, I have
decided to offer The Trust to those who share and
value its sentiment. Each litho is numbered and
signed by hand and precisely captures the detail of
the drawing. As a wedding, anniversary or
Christmas gift or simply as a standard for your
own home, I believe you will f ind it more
, it is available
appropriate. Measuring 14″by 16″
either fully framed in a subtle copper tone with
hand-cut mats of pewter and rust at $110, or in the
mats alone at $95. Please add $14.50 for insured
shipping and packaging. Your satisfaction is
completely guaranteed.
The Great Wall of China was built to keep the
unwanted hordes out of China. It was a pretty great
wall. Now imagine two tribes, the Wangs and the
Changs, living on opposite sides of the wall.
Imagine that on the Wang side the wall is painted
green, and on the Chang side it’s painted red.
Without too much imagination you can see how
the Wangs and Changs could blindly argue for
centuries, shouting over the wall at each other
about their respective colors. The Wangs would be
totally enthusiastic about the fact that they were
right and the Changs were an impregnable fortress
of stupidity. And vice versa. Only by making a
hole in the wall, climbing through and looking at
the wall from the other side can any real consensus
be reached. Hey, maybe a bit of green over there
isn’t such a bad idea. And maybe a bit of red over
here could be good.
litho 석판화
pewter 회청색
horde (사람들의 큰) 무리
① 자신이 만든 작품을 판매하려고
② 새로 나온 경매 물건을 설명하려고
③ 터무니없는 미술품 가격을 비판하려고
④ 주문 제작한 그림의 비용을 청구하려고
⑤ 선물 가게의 개업 할인 행사를 안내하려고
impregnable 난공불락의
① 남이 가진 것이 더 좋아 보이는 법이다.
② 상대방의 입장에서 보면 서로를 이해할 수 있다.
③ 중재자의 과도한 개입이 문제를 악화시킬 수 있다.
④ 다른 사람들의 장점을 열린 마음으로 수용해야 한다.
⑤ 지역 간 분쟁을 해결하려면 역사적 배경을 알아야 한다.
영어 280제
다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것을 고르
The concept of humans doing multiple things at
a time has been studied by psychologists since the
1920s, but the term “multitasking” didn’t exist
until the 1960s. It was used to describe computers,
not people. Back then, ten megahertz was so fast
that a new word was needed to describe a
computer’s ability to quickly perform many tasks.
In retrospect, they probably made a poor choice,
for the expression “multitasking” is inherently
deceptive. Multitasking is about multiple tasks
alternately sharing one resource (CPU), but in
time the context was flipped and it became
interpreted to mean multiple tasks being done
simultaneously by one resource (a person). It was a
clever turn of phrase that’s misleading, for even
computers can process only one piece of code at a
time. When they “multitask,” they switch back and
forth, alternating their attention until both tasks are
done. The speed with which computers tackle
multiple tasks feeds the illusion that everything
happens simultaneously, so comparing computers
to humans can be confusing.
We know a new manager who took over a trading
desk in a global investment bank where he oversaw
a group of experienced traders. Like many other
new managers, he first used a directive approach,
giving detailed instructions for adopting or closing
specif ic positions or trying different trading
strategies. The traders resented his commands and
demanded to know his rationale, even though
many acknowledged privately his talent for timing
trades. Tension grew between them. He did
recognize his lack of knowledge about foreign
markets, however, and one day he asked a trader a
simple question about pricing. The trader spent
several minutes explaining and even suggested
they talk again at the end of the day. It provided an
important insight for the manager, who said he
learned to stop talking all the time and begin
listening. Once he made that change, he said, he
began to learn about the work, and people
questioned his calls less. In short, people began to
trust him.
① Multitasking: What Does It Really Mean?
② Why Is Multitasking Important Nowadays?
③ Multitasking: A Dream to Be Realized Soon?
④ Can Efficiency Be Enhanced by Multitasking?
⑤ How Can We Develop Our Multitasking Skills?
position (금융) 매매 약정
① Critical Listening Pays
② Listen More, Talk Less
③ No Argument, No Progress
④ Negotiation Relieves Tension
⑤ Change Yourself, Change the World
영어 280제
ㅣ정답과 해설 49-52쪽ㅣ
f ifty dinars in damages. Bahlool, being poor,
preferred to take the money. The kadi then asked
② the culprit whether he had the money on him.
③ He then got the message and asked for permission
to leave the court to fetch the fine. Bahlool waited
and waited in vain. ④ He finally came up to the kadi,
gave him a hard hit on the back of his neck and said
to him: “When ⑤ your friend comes back with the
money, take it from him in damages, Your Honor.”
다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은?
The New Shorter Oxford English Dictionary defines
a market as “a meeting or gathering place of people
for the purchase and sale of provisions or livestock”
and as “the action or business of buying and selling”
But markets aren’t merely meeting places or a series of
transactions; they are social institutions that must be
built up and maintained. Initially markets may be
thrown up spontaneously, but in the end they are
socially sustained; all markets depend for their
operation on a complex of social, cultural, and legal
institutions. For exchanges to constitute the structure of
a market many elements have to be in place: property
rights need to be defined and protected, rules for
making contracts need to be specified and enforced,
information needs to flow smoothly, and people need
to be induced through internal and external
mechanisms to behave in a trustworthy manner. In
all developed market economies governments play
a large role in securing these elements.
kadi (이슬람법에 기초하여 판결하는) 재판관
dinar 디나르 (중동 일부 국가의 화폐 단위)
(A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 어법에 맞는 표현으로 가장 적절한 것은?
Good vision is so important to safe driving that
you must do everything you can to keep your eyes
in good shape and correct any problems, if possible.
I suggest that you get your eyes (A) to examine
/ examined at least once a year so that any
problems are caught early before they do significant
damage. Try to see the same eye specialist each
year so that she or he can become familiar with
your status. Remember (B) to wear / wearing your
glasses if you have a prescription, and use proper
lighting to read. When driving, be aware of the
difficulties of shifting quickly from light to dark
areas (and vice versa), such as when you enter or
exit a tunnel. If you have any doubts about your
own vision or (C) that / those of a loved one, talk
to a vision specialist; he or she can tell you whether
or not it is safe to drive with your condition.
① arguments over the function of markets
② elements of a market as a social institution
③ problems with the modern market economy
④ strong points of the modern market economy
⑤ influence of markets on economic development
밑줄 친 부분이 가리키는 대상이 나머지 넷과 다른 것은?
① to examine
② to examine
③ examined
④ examined
⑤ examined
A man hit Bahlool on the back of his neck in public
by way of scorning him. Bahlool caught
the rogue by the collar and took him to the kadi.
However, ① the man happened to be one of the kadi’s
friends. The kadi declared that Bahlool might either
hit the man on the back of his neck in return or take
영어 280제
to wear
to wear
to wear
(A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 문맥에 맞는 낱말로 가장 적절한
다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 않은
Professor Antonio Damasio believes that
emotions (A) interfere / assist with cognitive
tasks like reasoning and decision making. When
we reason about situations and predict different
outcomes, we use our emotions to evaluate the
hypothetical outcomes and to infor m our
decisions. Imagine you’re giving a presentation
tomorrow and need to prepare, but you also feel
like popping in a DVD and relaxing. Opting to
prepare is the responsible choice, but it’s not
merely a matter of reason winning out over
emotion. Your choice still involves emotion: you
imagine the scenario in which you watch the movie
and find yourself, the next day, standing in front of
a group of colleagues (B) unprepared / confident .
The queasy feeling elicited by that embarrassing
(but imaginary) situation nudges you toward the
right path. Imagining consequences can make a
bad decision painful and a good one pleasant. Of
course, sometimes we choose to ignore this built-in
(C) warning / rewarding system and make bad
decisions anyway.
Perhaps the only difference between categories
like “living cell” and “species” is that grouping
organisms into species requires more conscious
effort, because the ways of classifying the living are
virtually ① inexhaustible . One could classify
organisms by shape, color, or taste; by their ability
to lay eggs; and so on. Naturalists labored for
centuries to find the best system of organizing life’s
immense ② unity . Eventually, many of them agreed
that such a system should reflect an organism’s
position on the tree of life, its ③ evolutionary
history. Such classification not only organizes our
knowledge about the living but tells us whether two
organisms belong on the same branch of life’s tree.
It places apes ④ closer to humans than, say, mice,
flies, or bacteria, simply because the common
ancestor of humans and apes lived more recently
than that of humans and mice, flies, or bacteria.
Organizing life around this tree, however, poses a
⑤ challenge . It means reconstructing the history of
life itself.
queasy 불안한
① interfere
② interfere
③ assist
④ assist
⑤ assist
영어 280제
ㅣ정답과 해설 52-54쪽ㅣ
The Best Spectrum 플로어 램프에 관한 다음 광고문의 내용과 일
다음 도표의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?
치하지 않는 것은?
Reach and Frequency of Online Video Ads
January - May 2013
The Best Spectrum floor lamp
brings many of the benefits of
natural daylight indoors for
glare-free lighting that’s perfect
for a variety of indoor activities.
1. Sunshine indoors. Best
Call now for $10
instant savings!
$59.95 → $49.95
Spectrum lamps replicate
the full spectrum of
natural sunlight and its
many benefits. The dual ☎ 1-359-432-1096
brightness switch features two light levels.
The above graph shows the reach (percentage of
the American population reached by video ads)
and the frequency (average number of times video
ads were viewed) of online video ads from January
2013 to May 2013. ① According to the graph, the
frequency of online video ads continued to
increase from each previous month, except in
April. ② It was in May that the highest percentage
of the US population was reached by online video
ads. ③ The average number of times video ads
were viewed online in May was 96.5, the second
biggest increase from the previous month. ④ Fiftytwo percent of US citizens were reached by online
video ads in March, the only month when the
percentage decreased from the previous month.
⑤ Online video ads reached 50.5 percent of
Americans in January, and February was the first
month when the average number of times video
ads were viewed online was over 60.
incandescent or fluorescent light, full
spectrum light helps prevent eyestrain
from reading or computer use.
3. Save money. Compared to a regular 100-
watt incandescent bulb, our 27-watt bulb
saves you about $0.0076 per hour. Over
the 8,000-hour life of the bulb, you’ll save
almost $61 in electricity costs.
Try this lamp for 90 days and return it for the
product purchase price if not completely satisfied.
Order two Best Spectrum floor lamps and get free
shipping on both lamps.
fluorescent 형광성의
① 지금 전화로 주문하면 10달러가 할인된다.
② 밝기 스위치는 두 단계로 밝기를 조절한다.
③ 독서나 컴퓨터 사용 시 눈의 피로를 막아 준다.
④ 구입 후 90일이 지나면 반품할 수 없다.
⑤ 두 개를 주문하면 배송비가 무료다.
Reach (American population reached by video ads)
Frequency (average number of times ads viewed)
2. Glare-free light. Unlike the harsh glare of
incandescent 백열성의
영어 280제
William Wetmore Story에 관한 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는
다음 글에 드러난‘we’
의 심경 변화로 가장 적절한 것은?
The break between bells seemed like an eternity
with staff yelling: “Go to class!” “Stop cursing!”
“Hurry out of the bathroom!” Mr. Johnson and I
were walking back to the office when we were
startled by what sounded like a small explosion.
Boom! The sound came from the boy’s bathroom.
We ran to the bathroom, thinking that a student
might be hurt. When we entered the restroom, we
saw one of my favorite students, Donte, standing in
a puddle of toilet water and broken porcelain. His
pants were splattered with water and the look of
embarrassment on his face was priceless. We made
sure he wasn’t hurt, given all the broken porcelain
that was scattered across the floor. After the initial
awkward glances and silence, Mr. Johnson said, “I
am glad whoever was in there flushed the toilet or
you would have been in some serious trouble!”
We burst out laughing, and despite his
embarrassment, even Donte had to laugh, too.
The American sculptor and poet William
Wetmore Story was the son of the jurist Joseph
Story. He graduated from Harvard University in
1838 and from the Harvard Law School in 1840,
continued his law studies under his father, and was
admitted to the Massachusetts bar. Abandoning the
law, he devoted himself to sculpture, and after
1850 lived in Rome, where he had first gone in
1848, and where he was intimate with the
Brownings and with Landor. He was a man of rare
social cultivation and charm of manner, and his
studio in Rome was a center for the gatherings of
distinguished English and American literary,
musical and artistic people. During the American
Civil War his letters to the Daily News in
December 1861, and his articles in Blackwood’s,
had considerable influence on English opinion.
Among his writings, in addition to legal and
artistic treatises, he wrote several volumes of
poems of considerable merit.
bar 법조계
porcelain 변기
① worried → relieved
② bored → frightened
③ ashamed → sorrowful
④ indifferent → apologetic
⑤ irritated → embarrassed
treatise 논문
① 아버지 밑에서 법학 공부를 계속하였다.
② 1848년부터 내내 로마에서 거주하였다.
③ 로마의 작업실에서 예술인들과 교류하였다.
④ 영국의 여론에 영향을 미친 글을 썼다.
⑤ 상당한 가치가 있는 시를 쓰기도 하였다.
영어 280제
splatter (물 등을) 튀기다
ㅣ정답과 해설 54-56쪽ㅣ
다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을
Each of us tends to stay put in a particular longterm disposition; we appear to have a set point for
personal happiness that is not easy to change.
In fact, like other personality traits, personal
happiness appears to
. Studies
of identical and fraternal twins show that identical
twins are significantly more likely to exhibit the
same level of happiness than are fraternal twins or
other siblings. Behavior geneticists have used these
studies to estimate just how much genes matter,
and their best guess is that long-term happiness
depends 50 percent on a person’s genetic set point,
10 percent on their circumstances (e.g., where they
live, how rich they are, how healthy they are), and
40 percent on what they choose to think and do.
What we experience in life can, of course, change
our moods for a period of time, but in most cases
these changes are transitory.
Imagine what would happen if there were some
known formula that determined who would be
audited by the IRS. Before you submitted a tax
return, you could apply the formula to see if you
would be audited. If an audit was predicted, but
you could see a way to “amend” your tax return
until the formula no longer predicted an audit, you
probably would do so. If an audit was unavoidable,
you would choose to tell the truth. The result of the
IRS being completely predictable is that it would
audit exactly the wrong people. All those audited
would have anticipated their fate and chosen to act
honestly, while those spared an audit would have
only their consciences to watch over them. When
the IRS audit formula is somewhat fuzzy, everyone
stands some risk of an audit; this gives an added
incentive for
audit 회계 감사(를 하다)
fraternal twin 이란성 쌍둥이 (중의 한 명)
① cause our genes to work differently
② be strongly influenced by our genes
③ depend on being successful in our work
④ spread to twins better than to non-twins
⑤ stem from our efforts as much as from our genes
IRS (미국) 국세청
tax return 소득 신고서
① savings
③ innovation
⑤ performance
② honesty
④ investment
영어 280제
Uri Gneezy and Aldo Rustichini conducted an
experiment where subjects were given f ifty
questions from an IQ test. One group was asked to
do the best they could. Another was given 3C/ per
correct answer. A third group was rewarded with
30C/ per correct answer and a fourth was paid 90C/
per correct answer. As you might have predicted,
the two groups being paid 30C/ and 90C/ both
outperformed the ones with no bonus`─`on average,
they got 34 questions right compared to 28. The
surprise was that the group with only 3C/ payment
did the worst of all, getting only 23 right on
average. Once money enters the picture, it
becomes the main motivation, and 3C/ just wasn’t
enough. It may also have conveyed that the task
wasn’t that important. Thus Gneezy and Rustichini
conclude that
. Paying just a
little might lead to the worst of all outcomes.
The notion that only in modern times have
people grown uneasy about killing animals is a
flattering conceit. Taking a life is momentous, and
people have been working to
slaughter of animals for thousands of years.
Religion, especially ritual, has played a crucial part
in helping us reckon the moral costs. Native
Americans and other hunter-gatherers would give
thanks to their prey for giving up its life so the
eater might live. Many cultures have offered
sacrificial animals to the gods, perhaps as a way to
convince themselves that it was the gods’ desires
that demanded the slaughter, not their own. In
ancient Greece, the priests responsible for the
slaughter would sprinkle holy water on the
sacrif icial animal’s brow. The beast would
promptly shake its head, and this was taken as a
sign of assent. Slaughter doesn’t necessarily
preclude respect. For all these people, it was the
that allowed them to look, then to
① the more reward you earn, the higher your
motivation is
② employees should get paid according to their
③ you should offer significant financial rewards or
none at all
④ financial rewards should be given equally to
each individual
⑤ you lose motivation easily when the task is too
easy or too hard
다음 글의 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장
적절한 것을 고르시오.
reckon 계산하다
① justify
② prevent
③ justify
④ prevent
⑤ minimize
영어 280제
preclude 불가능하게 하다
ㅣ정답과 해설 56-59쪽ㅣ
The people who do become top-level achievers
are rarely child prodigies. That is certainly true in
business; the early lives of the Welches, Ogilvies,
and Rockefellers almost never hint at the success
to come. Looking at more scientific research, this
is one of the most notable findings in Benjamin
Bloom’s large study, which examined performers
at the highest level`─` people who had achieved
national or international recognition before age
, all of the twenty-four
pianists studied`─`each a finalist in at least one
major international competition`─`had had lessons
“forced upon them,” in the words of the study, just
the opposite of the kids who seemed driven to sit at
the piano as toddlers.
, in no case
did the parents of the future champion swimmers
foresee their child’s eventual achievements. Time
and again the story is the same: Even by age
eleven or twelve it would have been difficult to
predict who the future exceptional performers
would be.
다음 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 한다. 빈칸 (A)와 (B)에
들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
At the time of this writing and for the first time
in modern economics, unemployment among
young men is higher than almost any other group
in America and, indeed, this is true of many
developed countries around the world. How could
this be? Reasonable people can debate whether this
is the result of the economic policies of past
decades, but I think another factor is contributing
to this situation. I worry that an entire generation
has reached adulthood without the capabilities`─`
particularly the processes`─` that translate into
employment. We have outsourced the work from
our homes, and we’ve allowed the vacuum to be
filled with activities that don’t challenge or engage
our kids. By sheltering children from the problems
that arise in life, we have inadvertently denied this
generation the ability to develop the processes and
priorities it needs to succeed.
prodigy 영재
① For example
② For example
③ However
④ However
⑤ Instead
The writer thinks that
our children
has resulted in denying them the opportunity to
develop the capabilities they need to get
That is
① overpraising
② overpraising
③ overprotecting
④ overprotecting
⑤ overestimating
영어 280제
다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장은?
주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은?
Cancer is not unique to humans, and neither is it
a product of our modern times. ① More than 3,500
years ago, before soup cans were lined with
bisphenol A-laced plastic, before hormones were
pumped into meat, and before methylparabens
were added to shampoos, Egyptian physicians
described human breasts with “bulging tumors.”
② Ancient Greek doctors, including Hippocrates,
explicated cancer in their medical texts.
③ It is very important to make society know that,
unlike the past, cancer is not a fatal disease, and
that timely and proper treatment gives patients
good chances for full recovery. ④ Galen, the
renowned second-century Greek physician who
practiced in Rome, said breast cancer was the most
common of the many cancers he saw. ⑤ In fact, as
James S. Olson writes in his book, “Among
ancients, breast cancer was cancer,” primarily
because it was the one they could easily see.
There is a big difference between jumping out
of a plane with a parachute on and jumping
without one.
(A) In such a case, the effort may be good for the
individual and it may be good for the group,
but the benefits, especially for the group, come
with a time limit. Over time, this system will
break down, often to the damage of the
(B) Both produce extraordinary experiences, but
only one increases the likelihood of being
able to try again another time. A trapeze artist
with a personality predisposed to taking
extraordinary risks without a net may be the
star attraction in an otherwise mediocre show.
(C) But if he dies or leaves for another circus,
then what? This is the paradigm in which
someone is motivated by self-gain regardless
of the consequences or the benefits to the
organization for which he or she works.
bisphenol A-laced 비스페놀 A(환경호르몬의 일종)가 들어간
trapeze artist 공중 곡예사
① (A) - (C) - (B)
③ (B) - (C) - (A)
⑤ (C) - (B) - (A)
영어 280제
mediocre 보통밖에 안 되는
② (B) - (A) - (C)
④ (C) - (A) - (B)
ㅣ정답과 해설 59-60쪽ㅣ
글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에
가장 적절한 곳을 고르시오.
Even though the farmers are happy, Yi is
banished by the lord of heaven to live as a
mortal on earth with his wife, Chang E.
I took his advice and chose the minor blues
In an ancient Chinese tale, there are ten suns, each
one the son of the ruler of heaven. ( ① ) When
they all appear at the same time, their intense heat
withers the crops and the lord of heaven sends Yi, a
great archer, to restore order. ( ② ) But instead of
commanding the suns to go home, Yi shoots nine of
them with his arrows. ( ③ ) Upset at losing her
immortality, Chang E acquires a special elixir from
the Queen Mother of the West and consumes it all,
even though half is meant for her husband. ( ④ )
For her disobedience, Chang E is sent to the moon
and becomes the moon goddess. ( ⑤ ) Yi accepts
his mortality, but in some accounts, goes back to
heaven after being forgiven.
On my 40th birthday, I started taking guitar
lessons and quickly discovered I could give only 20
minutes a day to practice. ( ① ) This wasn’t
much, so I knew I had to narrow down what I
learned. ( ② ) I asked my friend Eric Johnson
(one of the greatest guitarists ever) for advice.
( ③ ) Eric said that if I could do only one thing,
then I should practice my scales. ( ④ ) What I
discovered was that if I learned that scale, then I
could play many of the solos of great classic rock
guitarists from Eric Clapton to Billy Gibbons and,
maybe someday, even Eric Johnson. ( ⑤ ) That
scale became my one essential thing for the guitar,
and it unlocked the world of rock ’n’ roll for me.
elixir 불사의 영약
scale 음계
영어 280제
다음 글을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오.
Every human brain is a warehouse of beliefs and
assumptions about the world and how it works.
Psychologists call these “schemas.” We love stories
that f it our schemas; they’re the cognitive
equivalent of beautiful music. But a story that
doesn’t fit is dissonant. This is why there’s no
universally acclaimed pundit. The expert who
predicts based on an explanatory story that fits
with the beliefs of an American free-market
enthusiast, for example, is likely to get the
applause of American free-market enthusiasts. But
that expert is likely to get a cold shoulder from
European social democrats. Same story, same
evidence, same logic, but completely different
This sort of disparity appears routinely. Will
man-made climate change savage civilization if we
don’t act now? Many people make that case. Some
people f ind their evidence and arguments
compelling. Others snort. Whether a person falls in
one camp or the other isn’t up to a coin toss. Their
prior beliefs `─` their schemas `─` make all the
difference. If I were to describe an American who
thinks gun control doesn’t work, Reagan was a
great leader, and terrorism is a major threat, which
side of the climate change debate is he likely to be
on? What about an American who supports gun
control, thinks Reagan was dishonest, and the
threat of terrorism is overblown? We know the
answer`─` the first person is more likely to snort`─
even though with regard to evidence and logic, gun
control, Reagan, and terrorism have nothing
to do with climate change. But they do
a person’s schemas.
pundit 전문가
위 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?
① Don’t Trust All of Your Schemas
② Different Schemas, Same Opinion
③ How Do We Develop Our Schemas?
④ Schemas Determine Our Viewpoints
⑤ Schemas: Independent of Basic Beliefs
위 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
① reveal
③ distort
⑤ evaluate
savage 무참히 공격하다
영어 280제
② ignore
④ update
ㅣ정답과 해설 61-62쪽ㅣ
Alas, the law of unforeseen consequences struck
with a vengeance. The tournament organizers had
introduced a new rule in order to give a fairer goal
difference advantage to teams that won in extra
time by scoring a ‘golden goal.’ Since the golden
goal ended the match, you could never win by
more than one goal in such a circumstance, which
seems unfair. The organizers therefore decided that
a golden goal would count as two goals. But look
what happened. Barbados soon took a 2-0 lead and
looked to be coasting through to the next phase.
Just seven minutes from full time (e) their
opponents pulled a goal back to make it 2-1.
다음 글을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오.
What is the most bizarre football match ever
played? I think it is the infamous encounter
between Grenada and Barbados in the 1994 Shell
Caribbean Cup. This tournament had a group stage
before the final knockout matches. In the last of
the group stage games Barbados needed to beat
Grenada by at least two clear goals in order to
qualify for the next stage. If (a) they failed to do
that, Grenada would qualify instead. This sounds
very straightforward. What could possibly go
Grenada realized that if they could score another
goal (at either end!) they would go through, so
they attacked their own goal to get that losing goal
that would send them through on goal difference.
But Barbados resolutely defended the Grenada
goal to stop (b) them scoring and sent the match
into extra time. In extra time the Barbadians took
Grenada by surprise by attacking their goal and
scored the winning golden goal in the first five
minutes. If you don’t believe me, watch it on the
주어진 글 (A)에 이어질 내용을 순서에 맞게 배열한 것으로 가장
적절한 것은?
① (B) - (D) - (C)
③ (C) - (D) - (B)
⑤ (D) - (C) - (B)
밑줄 친 (a)~(e) 중에서 가리키는 대상이 나머지 넷과 다른 것은?
extra time (스포츠) 연장전
① (a)
② (b)
③ (c)
④ (d)
⑤ (e)
Barbados could still qualify by scoring a third
goal, but that wasn’t so easy with only a few
minutes left. Better to attack their own goal and
score an equalizer for Grenada because (c) they
then had the chance to win by a golden goal in
extra time, which would count as two goals and so
Barbados would qualify at Grenada’s expense.
Barbados obliged by putting the ball into (d) their
own net to make it 2-2 with three minutes left.
위 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?
① Barbados는 다음 단계로 진출하려면 Grenada를 최소
두 점 차이로 이겨야 했다.
② Grenada는 경기에 지려고 정규 시간에 자기 골문을 공
③ Grenada는 연장전에서 먼저 골을 넣었다.
④ Barbados는 정규 시간에 셋째 골을 넣기가 쉽지 않았다.
⑤ 대회 주최측은 골든 골을 두 점으로 인정하기로 결정하였다.
equalizer 동점골
② (C) - (B) - (D)
④ (D) - (B) - (C)
영어 280제
제한 시간
학습 일자
2014. . .
다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?
다음 글이 시사하는 바로 가장 적절한 것은?
It may sound counterintuitive, but excessive
freedom of thought leads to “idea anarchy”
and a poor level of inventiveness. Most of us have
had a firsthand or secondhand experience of a
brilliant solution devised by improvising with
scant materials at hand. In many cases, a lack
of an essential substance or tool requires
resourcefulness. If you’ve ever communicated a
big idea concisely on a napkin or managed to score
tickets to a sold-out concert (without paying a
ticket scalper), you can consider yourself
resourceful `─` that is, using existing resources
extremely efficiently. Using this same logic, when
we place enough constraints around resources, we
can prevent ideation anarchy and focus productive
thinking into that limited space where the creative
solutions are frequently hiding.
Leonard Bickman and his team found a busy
high street and strategically placed crumpled-up
pieces of paper several feet away from a rubbish
bin. Next, they moved across the street and secretly
recorded the percentage of pedestrians who picked
up the litter and placed it in the bin. It turned out
that the folks weren’t too tidy, with only 2 percent
of pedestrians picking up the paper and putting it
in the bin. In the next phase, the experimenters
stopped hundreds of the pedestrians after they had
walked past the litter and asked them one question:
‘Should it be everyone’s responsibility to pick up
litter, or should it be left for street cleaners?’ What
percentage of the pedestrians said that everyone
should do their bit to keep the streets clean? Ten
percent? Forty percent? In fact, a remarkable 94
percent of the people who had just walked past the
crumpled ball of paper said they firmly believed
that it was everyone’s job to pick up litter.
anarchy 혼란, 무질서
ticket scalper 암표 장수
① Enjoy Unrestricted Freedom of Ideas
② Lack of Resources Leads to Creativity
③ The More Materials, the More Inspiration
④ Small Ideas: The Best Source of Big Ideas
⑤ Firsthand Experiences: A Key to Inventiveness
① Great things come from small beginnings.
② A clean environment creates a positive mind.
③ To say is one thing, and to do is quite another.
④ People treat others as they would like to be
⑤ People have a tendency to care too much about
small things.
영어 280제
ㅣ정답과 해설 63-65쪽ㅣ
다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은?
다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은?
Most Americans agree on the general goal of
equal opportunity for rich and poor children. They
also agree that poor children should not suffer
from hunger, homelessness, or lack of medical
care. But they disagree about how to achieve these
goals. This is nothing new: Americans have always
disagreed about what to do about their poorest
citizens. Every generation of reformers believes
that it can solve the problems of poor children by
devising new and improved policies, but none of
these policies have eliminated poverty or closed
the gap between rich and poor children’s chances
for success. In fact, the sequence of policies
implemented over the last hundred years strongly
resembles the sequence of policies implemented
over the previous hundred years. As Grace Abbott
wrote in 1939, “We have proceeded along in a
stumbling fashion, trying one method of care after
another and often moving from bad to worse, and
back again, in the search for a cure of pauperism.”
Imagine seeing a nail with two heads: one at the
top of the spike and one to the side. Immediately, it
grabs our attention. We think it must be defective.
Because of structural fixedness, we mentally want
to correct the oddity and restore the nail back to
having just one head. This is the reflex we have to
overcome. Remember “function follows form”?
That’s how we should do it. If we push ourselves to
find a beneficial use for a nail with two heads, we
may come up with some ideas that are truly
innovative. For example, suppose a second head
allows you to hold the nail in place as you
hammer, so that you don’t smash your thumb.
Or perhaps the second head sticks out in a way
you could hang things on. “Function follows
form” helps us break fixedness by taking odd
configurations and imagining beneficial uses for
① 사전 조사를 철저히 해야 실수를 줄일 수 있다.
② 익숙한 형태에 대한 고정관념에서 벗어날 필요가 있다.
③ 창의적인 사람이 되려면 실패를 수용할 줄 알아야 한다.
④ 기능을 염두에 두고 상품을 디자인하는 것이 효율적이다.
⑤ 기존의 상품이나 아이디어는 새로운 창조의 바탕이 된다.
pauperism 빈곤 상태
① importance of guaranteeing equal opportunities
for everyone
② ineffectiveness of cyclic policies for the poor in
③ requirements for closing the gap between the
rich and the poor
④ relationship between American economic
growth and its educational system
⑤ reasons American reforms for the poor are
favored worldwide
영어 280제
the case with Betsy Rogers, a teacher in Leeds,
Alabama, who became the 2003 National Teacher
of the Year. Rogers can’t remember a time when
① she didn’t want to be a teacher. It was in her
blood`─` and in her family. Her grandmother taught
in rural Alabama beginning when she was only
sixteen years old. Both her grandmother’s sisters
followed ② her into the profession. And Rogers’s
mother taught Sunday school for fifty years. So
when she went off to college, she naturally studied
to become a teacher too. Rogers began teaching in
1974, immediately after finishing ③ her degree.
She took six years off to take care of her sons until
they were school age, but she knew that as soon as
they were old enough, ④ she would be back in the
classroom. And being connected in the community
where she would teach was ⑤ her priority.
다음 글에서 필자가 주장하는 바로 가장 적절한 것은?
There are those who would say, “Do the gifted
really need a literature program? Surely, children
who started reading early and are already fluent in
written language can find their own way.” Those of
us who have gone down a rabbit hole, climbed the
mast of a plunging schooner with a pirate hot on
our tails, learned to breathe underwater on a
Martian moon: Those of us who have done these
things realize how narrow and bleak our lives
would have been if untouched by these mindstretching adventures. Beyond the skill of learning
to read lies a land of vision and enchantment. A
child who is never pointed in that direction may
grow to adulthood literate in only the “letters”
sense of the word, and with a sadly undernourished
spirit. A literature program can do much to enrich
the lives of gifted children who might otherwise
have no stimulus to strive for excellence.
Competition in an average classroom can be
suffocating or demanding to the sleeping intellectual.
다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은?
There lived in Florence a family that was
exceptionally rich and powerful. Their name was
Medici, and it was ① they who dictated the course
of the history of Florence between 1400 and 1500.
Foremost among them ② was Lorenzo de’ Medici,
known as ‘the Magnificent’ because he made such
wonderful use of his great wealth, and gave his
support and protection to so many artists and
scholars. Whenever he came across a gifted young
man he instantly took him into his household and
had him ③ educated . A description of the customs
of Lorenzo’s household gives you an idea of
④ how people thought at the time. There was no
seating order at table. Instead of the eldest and
most respected ⑤ sat at the top of the table above
the rest, it was the first to arrive who sat with
Lorenzo de’ Medici, even if he was no more than a
young painter’s apprentice.
schooner 스쿠너(돛대가 두 개 이상인 범선)
suffocating 숨이 막히는
① 조기 영재 교육 프로그램을 확대해야 한다.
② 영재 교육 과정에서 과학과 문학을 통합해야 한다.
③ 영재 아동을 위해 문학 프로그램을 운영해야 한다.
④ 이론보다는 실험 중심의 영재 교육을 실시해야 한다.
⑤ 영재 아동에게 읽기와 쓰기 학습을 강요하지 말아야 한다.
밑줄 친 she[her] 가 가리키는 대상이 나머지 넷과 다른 것은?
Any time people reach the highest level in their
profession, you can be sure that priorities have
been very important to them. That was certainly
영어 280제
ㅣ정답과 해설 65-68쪽ㅣ
(A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 어법에 맞는 표현으로 가장 적절
다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 않은
한 것은?
In 1995, the otherwise excellent scientist and
writer Jared Diamond fell under the spell of
fashionable pessimism when he promised: ‘By the
time my young sons reach retirement age, half the
world’s species will be extinct, the air radioactive
and the seas (A) pollute / polluted with oil.’ Let
me reassure his sons that species extinction,
though terrible, is so far undershooting that
promise by a wide margin. Even if you take E. O.
Wilson’s wildly pessimistic guess that 27,000
species are dying out every year, (B) that / which
equates to just 27 percent a century (there are
thought to be at least ten million species). As for
Diamond’s other worries, the trends are getting
better, not worse: the radioactive dose his sons
receive today from weapons tests and nuclear
accidents (C) is / are 90 percent down on what
their father received in the early 1960s. The
amount of oil spilled in the sea has been falling
steadily since before the young Diamonds were
Traffic is riddled with ① asymmetries in communication, as Jack Katz, a sociologist, describes:
“You can see but you can’t be heard. In a very
precise way, you’re made ② dumb . You can shout
as much as you want but nobody’s going to hear
you.” Another way to think about this imbalance
is that while you can see a lot of other drivers
making mistakes, you are ③ less likely to see
yourself doing so. Drivers also spend much
of their time in traffic looking at the rear ends
of other cars, an activity culturally associated
with subordination. It also tends to make the
communication ④ interactive : You’re looking at a
bunch of drivers who cannot see you. “It’s like
trying to talk to someone who’s walking in front of
you, as opposed to someone who’s face-to-face
with you,” Katz says. “We’re looking at
everybody’s rear, and that’s not how human beings
were set up to ⑤ maximize their communicative
undershoot (표적에) 미치지 않다
영어 280제
Renfrew Park 커뮤니티 센터의 겨울 프로그램에 관한 다음 안내문
다음 표의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?
의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?
How Concerned Are You About
Third-party Access to Your Personal Information?
Renfrew Park Community Center
Winter Program Guide`─`Now Available Online
Percentage of Answers
Somewhat Not too Not at all
Concerned Concerned Concerned Concerned
■How to Register
All teen social media users
Online @
In-person @ 2929 East 22nd Avenue
Via telephone @ (604) 257-8388 ext. 3
Are valid from September 1, 2014 - August 31,
The above table shows the percentage of teen
social media users who are concerned about thirdparty access to their personal information by
gender, age, and family income. ① Overall, a
relatively small percentage of teens report a high
level of concern; just 9% of them are “very
concerned,” and 60% in total report that they are
“not too” or “not at all concerned.” ② About 40%
of boys and girls are “very” or “somewhat
concerned” about third-party access to their
personal information. ③ Younger teen social
media users aged 12-13 are considerably less likely
than older teens to say that they are “very
concerned.” ④ The percentage of teens from lower
income families who are “very concerned” is twice
as high as the percentage of teens from higher
income households. ⑤ Teens from lower income
families are also more than twice as likely to be
“not at all concerned” as those from higher income
households about third parties accessing their
personal information.
■Transfers & Refund Policies
A $5 administration fee will be applied to all
requests. Requests must be made in person or
over the phone.
General Refund Policy
Refunds must be made during office hours.
Full refunds will be issued for programs
cancelled by the center. PLEASE NOTE: If
cancellations are made on the day of the
program, then that day will be prorated from
the refund.
Reprinting a Receipt
Should you require additional copies of your
receipt, there will be a charge of $1 per receipt.
prorate 비례하여 계산하다
① 온라인, 직접 방문 및 전화 등록이 모두 가능하다.
② 회원권은 2014년 9월 1일부터 일 년 간 유효하다.
③ 다른 프로그램으로 바꾸려면 인터넷으로 신청해야 한다.
④ 센터 사정으로 프로그램이 취소되면 전액 환불된다.
⑤ 영수증 재발급 비용으로 1매당 1달러가 부과된다.
영어 280제
ㅣ정답과 해설 68-70쪽ㅣ
dugong에 관한 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?
다음 글에 드러난 필자의 어조로 가장 적절한 것은?
Dugongs bear a close resemblance to seals and
average 10 feet in length, although some reach 13
feet. Their tail forms a broad paddle and their
forelimbs are flipperlike. Young dugongs use the
forelimbs for propulsion, while older dugongs use
the tail for locomotion and the flippers for
steering. The skin is a pale cream color at birth but
gradually darkens with age to a deep slate gray
color on the back and sides. Dugongs are usually
found in coastal waters and do not venture far up
rivers or any distance from the shore. At one time
dugongs were common in the Red Sea. They lived
in vast herds, sometimes numbering several
thousand, but, due to overhunting, such groups no
longer exist. Only scattered remnants of the herds
are left and many of these are now in danger of
disappearing altogether.
We work in office buildings where we cannot
open the windows even if we wanted to`─`not, of
course, that anyone would want to. When we go on
vacation, it is often in an outsized motor home that
allows us to view the great outdoors without
actually exposing ourselves to it. Increasingly,
when we go to a sporting event it is in an indoor
stadium. And almost all those Dick and Jane
things we did as kids`─`ride bikes up and down the
street, run to the park, play hide-and-seek or some
game of ball`─`have pretty much vanished. Walk
through almost any neighborhood now in summer
and you won’t see children doing any of this stuff
because they are all inside. All you will hear is the
uniform hum of air-conditioning units.
propulsion 추진력
Dick and Jane things 아동기의 놀이를 총칭하는 말
① humorous
③ indifferent
⑤ admiring
locomotion 이동, 운동
① 물개와 생김새가 많이 비슷하다.
② 앞다리가 지느러미발처럼 생겼다.
③ 나이가 들면서 피부색이 점점 더 옅어진다.
④ 해안에서 먼 곳으로는 잘 가지 않는다.
⑤ 현재 멸종 위기에 처해 있다.
영어 280제
② lamenting
④ encouraging
다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을
In order to develop new ways to combat cancer,
we can learn much from nature herself. The most
basic instinct of any cell in our body is to divide,
so over millions of years evolution has already
come up with some clever mechanisms to curb this
selfish instinct and make our cells resist the deadly
mayhem of cancer. There are genes that tirelessly
work to keep the cell’s genetic material, or
genome, free of errors. Others ensure that cells
divide cleanly. Most cells are continuously
listening to signals from their neighbors, soothing
them when they are doing OK. If they do not get
these chemical murmurs of reassurance, they
might kill themselves`─`the cell adopts Plan B:
apoptosis. So, for example, if a liver cell enters the
bloodstream and lodges elsewhere in the body, it
gets the wrong signals and self-destructs. You can
think of the body as a hive and these signals as the
equivalent of peer pressure to
Some people often say, “I must make sure I know
all about this before I start.” Here our intolerance
stops us from taking
action. We feel as though we will be exposed or
that people may discover that we are an impostor
and we decide that it is safer to do nothing.
Sometimes we try to get more information but
with this belief it is unlikely that it will ever be
enough. One traveler recalled that for years he had
been toying with the idea of motorcycling across
Europe. Every time the dream got close to becoming
a reality, he decided that he didn’t know enough
about the bike, the journey, first aid, the places he’d
visit, the local languages or any of a host of
imponderables. He told himself that more research
was needed. His belief that ‘I must be certain’
prevented him from making a start. If everyone
thought like this, there’d be no Edisons or Picassos,
and not many books, films or new medicines, either.
If you need to play it safe, don’t expect to leave your
name in the history books.
impostor 사기꾼
mayhem 파괴 행위, 대혼란
① turn selfish and cancerous
② conform and to do the right thing
③ discourage cellular cooperation
④ prevent the cell from committing suicide
⑤ remain confined to one part of the body
imponderable 가늠할 수 없는 것
① ambiguity
② uniformity
③ commonness
④ disagreement
⑤ discrimination
apoptosis 세포 소멸
영어 280제
ㅣ정답과 해설 70-72쪽ㅣ
Generate a long series of coin flips producing
heads and tails with 50% odds each and fill up
sheets of paper. If the series is long enough you
may get eight heads or eight tails in a row, perhaps
even ten of each. Yet you know that in spite of
these wins the conditional odds of getting a head
or a tail is still 50%. Imagine these heads and tails
as monetary bets f illing up the coffers of an
individual. The deviation from the norm as seen in
excess heads or excess tails is here entirely
attributable to luck, in other words, to variance, not
to the skills of the hypothetical player. A result is
that in real life, the larger the deviation from the
norm, the larger the probability of it coming from
luck rather than skills: Consider that even if one
has 55% probability of heads,
coffer 금고
다음 글의 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장
적절한 것을 고르시오.
There was a former colleague of mine who, at a
recent meeting of the English Department, said
that she thought it was now no longer important to
teach Shakespeare because among other things he
had a very feeble grasp of women. Now that seems
to me as trifling an observation as can be made,
but it does mean that, if you take this seriously,
nobody’s place in the whole canon is very
. And this is both good and bad.
John Donne’s position was in the nineteenth
century of no consequence at all. The Oxford Book
of English Verse had only one poem of his. And
now, of course, he was resurrected by Herbert
Grierson and T. S. Eliot and he’s one of the great
f igures of seventeenth-century poetry. But he
wasn’t always. This is true of music, too. Bach was
eclipsed for two hundred years and rediscovered by
Mendelssohn. This means that we are constantly
the past.
deviation 편차
① flipping coins is not so random
② the odds of ten wins are still very small
③ whether you win or lose depends on your skills
④ having excess heads is highly predictable
⑤ the 45% probability of coming up tails rarely
canon (고전) 주요 작품 목록
① secure
② secure
③ private
④ changeable
⑤ changeable
영어 280제
resurrect 부활시키다
Knowledge in any domain, from minerals to
music to mushrooms to math, is the fuel for your
, the more you know
about a particular topic, the more raw materials
you have to work with. For example, if you want to
design an inventive solar car or find a cure for
diabetes, you need to begin with a base of
knowledge about engineering or biology,
respectively. Some people argue the contrary`─` that
there is a benefit to having a “beginner’s mind,” so
that you come at challenges without established
knowledge or entrenched beliefs. There are
examples that back up this attitude of a beginner.
, if you look closely, you will see
that in most of these cases these folks have
expertise in a related or unrelated field upon which
they can draw. Successful entrepreneurs often
come from outside the domain of their new
venture, and their unorthodox ideas aren’t
inhibited by industry doctrine.
글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳은?
But many products are not sold in perfectly
competitive markets.
The law of one price applies most forcefully in
perfectly competitive markets`─`roughly speaking,
markets like those for salt or gold in which
numerous suppliers sell highly standardized
products. ( ① ) For example, although films in a
given genre may seem interchangeable, local
movie screenings are not standardized products.
( ② ) Different theater locations and start times
make each showing unique in at least some
respects. ( ③ ) And few moviegoers would
regard Casablanca as a perfect substitute for Scary
Movie VIII. ( ④ ) Because the law of one price
does not apply in the market for film screenings,
economists are not surprised that movie tickets do
not all sell for the same price. ( ⑤ ) Day
showings, for example, are generally priced lower
than evening showings of the same film because
fewer people are free to attend movies in the
afternoon than in the evening.
entrenched 견고한, 확고부동한
① That is
② That is
③ On the contrary
④ On the contrary
⑤ What is more
law of one price 일물일가의 법칙(완전 경쟁이 이루어지고 있는
시장에서는 같은 상품에는 오직 하나의 가격만이 있다는 원칙)
영어 280제
ㅣ정답과 해설 72-74쪽ㅣ
주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장
적절한 것을 고르시오.
다음 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 한다. 빈칸 (A)와 (B)에
들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
Have you ever watched someone play golf on TV
and caught yourself involuntarily moving in the
direction of his swing? Obviously, your conscious
brain knows that you are sitting on the couch
eating potato chips, but another small part of your
brain`─`the part where the mirror neurons reside`─
`thinks you are out on that green. Then, because
mirror neurons are often right next to motor
neurons in the brain, copied feelings often lead to
copied actions `─` suddenly you are moving like
you’re swinging a golf club without even knowing
it. This is why smiles become contagious and why
babies automatically imitate the funny faces their
parents make. And it’s why watching someone get
elbowed in the face in Brisbane immediately
causes a bunch of rugby fans in Sydney to reach
toward their own faces in agony.
In 1999, Eleanor Maguire conducted MRI
scans on London cabbies and compared them
with the brain scans of others. In contrast with
noncabbies, experienced taxi drivers had a
greatly enlarged posterior hippocampus`─` that
part of the brain that specializes in recalling
spatial representations.
(A) What made Maguire’s study so striking is that
she then correlated the size of the posterior
hippocampi directly with each driver’s
experience: the longer the driving career, the
larger the posterior hippocampus.
(B) That strongly suggested that spatial tasks were
actively changing cabbies’ brains. “These
data,” concluded Maguire dramatically,
“suggest that the changes in hippocampal gray
matter are acquired.”
(C) On its own, that f inding proved nothing;
theoretically, people born with larger posterior
hippocampi could have innately better spatial
skills and therefore be more likely to become
Because of the mirror neurons next to motor
neurons, we can actually sense and then
the physical actions or facial
expressions of another person
① assess
② mimic
③ control
④ analyze
⑤ influence
posterior hippocampus (두뇌에서) 해마
모양으로 융기한 부분의 뒤쪽
① (A) - (C) - (B)
③ (B) - (C) - (A)
⑤ (C) - (B) - (A)
영어 280제
② (B) - (A) - (C)
④ (C) - (A) - (B)
다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장은?
Tipping in restaurants is thought to have been
introduced as a means of encouraging better
service. Restaurant owners are willing to pay
their servers higher wages if they provide
attentive and courteous service because diners
who have an enjoyable experience are more
likely to come back.
In a sense, a negotiation can be seen as an
exercise in joint problem solving, since the conflict
belongs to both parties. ① The reason for the
negotiation, of course, is that each side has its own
competing interests and perspective and wants to
convince the other to capitulate to its wishes.
② But the very act of agreeing to negotiate
acknowledges that the problem is a shared one and
that there may be a mutually satisfying solution
available. ③ Also, most successful negotiators
recognize that the way people involved in
negotiations behave does not always reflect their
true feelings or intentions. ④ In this sense
negotiation is a cooperative venture, not just a
competitive one. ⑤ Indeed, as Herbert Kelman, a
Harvard psychologist who specializes in
negotiations, points out, the process of negotiation
itself restores cooperation between conflicting
(A) And since most diners patronize the same
restaurants repeatedly, a server who receives a
generous tip for good service on one occasion
will typically provide even better service on
the diner’s next visit.
(B) Servers, for their part, would be willing to
expend the extra effort in return for higher pay.
The problem is that it is difficult for owners to
check the quality of table service directly.
(C) Reducing the price of the meal slightly and
announcing that diners should leave a little
extra for the server if they are pleased with
their service helps solve this problem. Diners,
after all, are perfectly positioned to monitor
service quality.
① (A) - (C) - (B)
③ (B) - (C) - (A)
⑤ (C) - (B) - (A)
capitulate 굴복하다
② (B) - (A) - (C)
④ (C) - (A) - (B)
영어 280제
ㅣ정답과 해설 74-76쪽ㅣ
다음 글을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오.
In the late 1960s, Paul Ekman took a trip to
Papua New Guinea to conduct a series of
interviews with the Fore, an isolated tribe living in
an ancient, pre-literate culture. He was seeking to
test the cultural theory of emotion: the idea that
emotions are learned behaviors that are picked up
from family and friends, like languages. According
to this theory `─` which was almost universally
accepted at the time`─`in order to experience joy or
bitterness, you first need to see others being joyful
or bitter. Without that social transmission, you
would never experience those emotions.
Ekman’s experiment was remarkably simple: he
told the Fore tribesmen various stories and then
asked them to choose, from photographs of
Americans expressing various emotions, the photo
that most closely matched the story. One story, for
example, involved coming across a wild animal in
a hut, a situation that would create fear in
Westerners. Given that the Fore had never had any
contact with Westerners, Ekman did not expect
them to have any idea about the kinds of emotions
experienced by Westerners or the facial
expressions associated with them. But to his
astonishment he found that when they were shown
the photographs, the Fore tribesmen picked out
precisely the expressions that Westerners linked to
the stories. Ekman then reversed the experiment,
asking the Fore people to make facial expressions
appropriate to the various stories, which he
videotaped. After he ar rived back in San
Francisco, he asked Americans to link the Fore
faces to the stories. Once again, the judgments
위 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?
① Emotions Are Present from Birth
② Negative Emotions Spread Fast
③ Express Your Emotions; Don’t Hide Them
④ How Should We Control Our Emotions?
⑤ Emotions: The Result of Cultural Transmission
위 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
① were partly biased
② coincided perfectly
③ faced severe ridicule
④ were not trustworthy
⑤ went against Westerners
영어 280제
ㅣ정답과 해설 76-77쪽ㅣ
But that safe route would have put them in the
center of a downward economic spiral. Liverpool’s
heavy industry declined rapidly in the following
two decades, leading to dizzying unemployment in
their hometown and eventually to the closing of the
school they had attended, the Liverpool Institute
High School for Boys. Luckily for music fans,
McCartney and (e) his friends John, George, and
Ringo found encouragement elsewhere. And of
course, the Beatles became one of the most
successful and beloved groups of all time.
다음 글을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오.
Sir Ken Robinson told me a memorable story
about talent that almost went to waste. He was
born in Liverpool and made a discovery one day
while talking to fellow Liver pudlian Paul
McCartney. Apparently, the legendary singersongwriter had not done especially well in his
musical studies. His high school music teacher had
neither given McCartney good marks nor
identified any particular musical talent in (a) him .
Much later, having achieved fame and fortune
and been knighted by the queen, Sir Paul
McCartney felt the noblesse oblige to help others
get the creative chance (b) he nearly missed. After
the Liverpool Institute closed, putting his music
teacher`─`and all the other faculty and staff`─`out
of a job, McCartney helped restore the old
nineteenth-century school building from the
ground up. Together with educator Mark
Featherstone-Witty, (c) he formed the Liverpool
Institute for Performing Arts, a thriving creative
environment that helps young people with
emerging talent build practical skills in music,
acting, and dance.
주어진 글 (A)에 이어질 내용을 순서에 맞게 배열한 것으로 가장
적절한 것은?
① (B) - (D) - (C)
③ (C) - (D) - (B)
⑤ (D) - (C) - (B)
밑줄 친 (a)~(e) 중에서 가리키는 대상이 나머지 넷과 다른 것은?
① (a)
George Harrison had the same teacher and had
likewise failed to attract any positive attention in
music class. “Let me get this straight,” Sir Ken
asked McCartney in amazement, “this teacher had
half of the Beatles in (d) his classes and didn’t
notice anything out of the ordinary?” Lacking
encouragement from the person best positioned to
nurture their musical talents, McCartney and
Harrison could have “played it safe” and gone to
work in Liverpool’s traditional manufacturing and
shipping industries.
② (C) - (B) - (D)
④ (D) - (B) - (C)
② (b)
③ (c)
④ (d)
⑤ (e)
위 글의 Paul McCartney에 관한 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?
① 학창 시절에 음악 점수가 낮았다.
② 여왕에게서 기사 작위를 받았다.
③ Liverpool Institute를 복원하는 데에 힘을 보탰다.
④ George Harrison과 같은 학교에 다녔다.
⑤ 제조 및 해운업계에서 일한 적이 있다.
영어 280제
제한 시간
학습 일자
2014. . .
다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은?
다음 글에서 필자가 주장하는 바로 가장 적절한 것은?
Medical school is difficult, and students whose
support group includes classmates find medical
school to be less difficult, and certainly less lonely.
No one will better understand what you’re going
through than your classmates. In the process of
making new connections and nurturing these
relationships, students are able to develop a
support network. As one student from the
University of Washington stated, “It is absolutely
true that the hardest part of medical school is
the social adjustment. Make lots of friends.
Life is much easier when you have a strong
support group.” Another student emphasized the
importance of keeping up with your old friends. “If
you have friends in the area that are not in med
school, make sure to spend time with them! While
your classmates may end up being some of your
best friends, it’s a really nice breather to ‘get away
from it all’ with non-school friends.”
If you get a promotion at the office, don’t be
surprised when your critics come out of the
woodwork. “Well, he’s not that talented,” someone
might say. “She’s just a manipulator, always
playing up to the boss.” Or your friends may be
f ine as long as you are single. Once you are
married, however, they start saying things such as,
“I can’t believe he married her.” Unfortunately, not
everybody will celebrate your victories with you.
Not all your single friends may jump up and down
when you marry the man of your dreams. Your
coworkers may not sing your praises when you get
that promotion. Sadly, for some people, your
success evokes that jealous, critical spirit rather
than appreciation and compliments. Here’s the key
to handling criticism: Never take it personally.
Many times, it’s not even about you, even though it
may be directed at you. If the critic weren’t tearing
you apart, he’d be complaining about somebody
① 어릴 적 친구가 가장 소중한 친구이다.
② 의대생의 사회적 적응력은 비교적 낮다.
③ 대학생 때 감정 표현 능력이 가장 뛰어나다.
④ 새로운 관계망 형성에 적극적 자세를 가져야 한다.
⑤ 성공적인 의대 생활을 위해 다양한 친구 관계 형성이 중
come out of the woodwork 난데없이 나타나다
① 자신의 성과에 대한 지나친 자랑을 지양해야 한다.
② 자신에 대한 비판을 열린 자세로 받아들여야 한다.
③ 질투에서 비롯된 비판을 기분 나쁘게 받아들일 필요는
④ 승진을 위해 끊임없이 아첨하는 것은 부정적 결과를 가
⑤ 결혼 상대자의 조건만을 중시하면 결국 불행을 초래하
게 된다.
영어 280제
다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?
다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은?
With any calculation, whether it is addition,
subtraction or something more complicated, there
is a final step that children need to learn. It takes
time to develop this skill, since most children
having just completed a sum regard it as finished,
and are desperate to get on to the next task.
Checking a calculation doesn’t necessarily mean
going through all of the workings again. Some of
the best checks are ones that establish there must
have been a mistake, even if you don’t know
exactly what the mistake was. For example, the
answer to 27 plus 42 cannot be 843 because both
numbers are smaller than 100. We don’t know
what the mistake was, but we know for sure that
there was one! Try to help your child to look out
for obvious errors by developing a habit of asking:
‘Does this answer look sensible?’
Recent studies in the U.S., Canada, and Europe
compare bilingual and monolingual children
attending the same school and matched for
parental socio-economic status. It turns out that
bilingual children and monolingual children pass
milestones of language acquisition (e.g., age to say
first word, first sentence, or to acquire a 50-word
vocabulary) at the same age. Depending on the
study, either bilingual and monolingual children
end up as adults with essentially the same
vocabulary size and word-retrieval rate, or else the
monolingual children end up with a slight
advantage (vocabulary up to 10% larger in their
sole language). However, it would be misleading to
summarize this result by saying, “Monolingual
children end up with a slightly larger vocabulary:
3,300 versus only 3,000 words.” Instead, the result
is, “Bilingual children end up with a much larger
vocabulary: a total of 6,000 words, consisting of
3,000 English words plus 3,000 Chinese words,
instead of 3,300 English words and no Chinese
① The More Practice, the Fewer Errors
② Effective Calculation Methods for Kids
③ Factors Affecting the Calculation Process
④ Why Children Should Not Use Calculators
⑤ A Final Step in Calculation Children Should
① impacts of parents’ social standing on bilingual
② no disadvantages of being bilingual in vocabulary
③ ways to measure the relative benefits of early
④ negative effects of bilingualism on the acquisition
of mother tongue
⑤ language milestones for bilingual and
monolingual children
영어 280제
ㅣ정답과 해설 78-82쪽ㅣ
inheritance, which would take care of them nicely.
After all, he genially reasons, “④ He could spare
so considerable a sum with little inconvenience.”
Despite the satisfaction John gets from this idea
and the ease with which the gift can be given, his
clever and selfish wife convinces him`─` without
much difficulty and with a great deal of specious
reasoning`─` that any money ⑤ he gives his stepfamily will leave him, his wife, and their son
“impoverished to a most dreadful degree.”
다음 글이 시사하는 바로 가장 적절한 것은?
Almost always printed in capitals, and rarely seen
without its accompanying asterisk, ‘FREE*’ is one
of the most powerful come-on words of all. It
appeals to all our baser bargain-hunting instincts,
and can convince even the most logical thinker that
they’re going to get something for nothing. It’s a
word that’s more often abused than just about any
other. The magazine OK! runs a banner across its
cover proudly announcing ‘Two FREE magazines
inside `─` OK! USA and HOT STARS’. In other
words, the magazine has two additional sections.
But are these truly two free magazines? Or just
another con trick to make you think you’re getting
something for nothing? It’s often been said that
there’s no such thing as a free lunch. In truth,
there’s no such thing as a free anything.
specious 허울만 그럴 듯한
(A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 어법에 맞는 표현으로 가장 적절한 것은?
Most English people, faced with unappetizing or
even inedible food, are too embarrassed to complain
at all. Complaining would be ‘making a scene’,
‘making a fuss’ or ‘drawing attention to
(A) one / oneself ’ in public`─` all forbidden by the
unwritten rules. It would involve a confrontation, an
emotional engagement with another human being,
which is unpleasant and uncomfortable and to
(B) avoid / be avoided if at all possible. English
customers may moan indignantly to their
companions, push the offending food to the side of
their plate and pull disgusted faces at each other, but
when the waiter asks if everything is all right they
smile politely, avoiding eye contact, and mutter, ‘Yes,
fine, thanks.’ Standing in a slow queue at a pub or
cafe food counter, they sigh heavily, fold their arms,
tap their feet and look (C) pointed / pointedly at
their watches, but never actually complain.
bargain-hunting 싸구려만 찾아다니기
① 세상에 공짜는 없으므로 상술에 유의해야 한다.
② 부록으로 제공되는 물건들은 대부분 쓸모가 없다.
③ 사은품을 주는 것은 매우 효과적인 판매 전략이다.
④ 가격이 낮은 물건에 대한 부정적 시각을 버려야 한다.
⑤ 상품의 할인율이 높을수록 소비자의 구매력은 커진다.
밑줄 친 부분이 가리키는 대상이 나머지 넷과 다른 것은?
In Sense and Sensibility there is a revealing scene
in which John, the first and only son and legal heir,
considers what, exactly, is involved in a promise
① he made to his father. At his father’s deathbed,
John promises the old man to take care of ② his
very kind but poor stepmother and three half
sisters. Of his own accord, ③ he decides to give
the women £3,000, a mere fraction of his
① one
② oneself
③ oneself
④ one
⑤ oneself
영어 280제
be avoided
be avoided
다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 않은
(A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 문맥에 맞는 낱말로 가장 적절한
People naturally like high-fat foods. Fat carries
with it many dissolved compounds that give foods
① enticing flavors and aromas, such as the aroma
of frying bacon or French fries. In fact, when a
sick person ② refuses food, dietitians offer foods
flavored with some fat to tempt that person to eat
again. Fat also lends tenderness to foods such as
meats and baked goods. Around the world, as fats
become less expensive and more available in a
given food supply, people ③ consistently choose
fatty foods more often. Fat also contributes to
satiety, the satisfaction of feeling full after a meal.
The fat of swallowed food ④ suppresses a series
of physiological events that slow down the
movement of food through the digestive tract and
promote satiety. Even so, before the sensation of
fullness stops them, people can easily overeat on
fat-rich foods because the delicious taste of fat
⑤ stimulates eating and each bite of a fat-rich
food delivers many calories.
Taste and smell are intimately related ─`so much
so that people are surprised to learn that what they
think of as taste is more often a matter of smell.
Foods lose their flavor when you have a cold
because of your (A) diminished / improved sense
of smell. What people commonly experience as
flavor is actually a compound sensation of
discriminating basic tastes (sweet, salty, bitter,
sour, meaty) along with smell, temperature, and
texture. Compared to our small handful of taste
receptors, we possess about 1,000 olfactory
receptors, the result being that aroma sensations
are far more (B) diverse / limited than taste
sensations. To prove the importance of smell to
tasting, you have only to hold your nose or put a
clothespin on it while sampling a variety of
foodstuffs. Do this and you will discover how
(C) tasty / bland many foods become. For
example, you will be unable to distinguish an
apple from an onion, or coffee from tea.
① diminished
② improved
③ diminished
④ improved
⑤ diminished
영어 280제
ㅣ정답과 해설 82-84쪽ㅣ
박물관에 관한 다음 안내문의 내용과 일치하는 것은?
다음 도표의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?
Social Media Profiles: What Teens Aged 12 - 17 Post
Social Media Profiles: What Teens Aged 12 17 Post
ADMISSION: Free to all visitors. Some special
exhibitions may have an admission charge.
Multimedia Guide`─`From December, audio
tours will be replaced by the Museum’s new
Multimedia Guide. Enjoy commentaries of
over 200 objects and guided tours of the
Museum’s highlights and galleries for free.
Highlight Tours`─`10:30, 13:00, 15:00 daily.
90-minute tours of the Museum’s highlights
with a professional blue-badge guide. £8.
Group Tours`─`£100 per group of 25 (advance
booking only).
Photos of
City or Town
Cell Phone
The above graph shows the percentage of
personal information that American teens aged
12-17 posted on social media sites in 2006 and
2012. ① Overall, American teens posted more of
their personal information in 2012 than in 2006.
② The percentage of teens who posted the photos
of themselves was the highest in both years,
whereas that of teens who posted their cell phone
numbers was the lowest. ③ In 2006, the percentage
of teens who posted their city or town names was
higher than the percentage of teens who posted
their school names, but in 2012, this tendency
completely reversed. ④ About three out of ten
American teens posted their email addresses in
2006; in 2012, more than half of the teens did so.
⑤ Only two percent of American teens posted their
cell phone numbers in 2006, but in 2012, this
percentage point increased ten times.
OPENING TIMES: Daily 10:00-17:30
Special galleries are open on Thursdays and
Fridays until 20:30.
SHOPPING: Shops are located throughout the
Museum, selling a range of maps and guides,
books, gifts, jewellery, and children’s items.
commentary 해설
① 모든 전시관에 무료로 입장할 수 있다.
② 전문 안내원이 이끄는 관람은 하루 두 번 있다.
③ 단체 관람은 사전에 신청하면 무료다.
④ 특별 전시관은 목요일과 금요일에 17:30까지 개장한다.
⑤ 매장은 박물관 내 여러 곳에 있다.
영어 280제
Spinosaurus`에 관한 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?
다음 글의 상황에 드러난‘I’
의 심경으로 가장 적절한 것은?
One of the most unusual of the large predatory
dinosaurs, Spinosaurus was distinguished by a
huge sail-like structure on its back. This was
probably an enormous flap of skin held up by long,
strap-like extensions, known as neural spines,
jutting from the vertebrae (backbones).
Spinosaurus was also one of the largest of the
predatory dinosaurs, rivaling even Tyrannosaurus
in length, although it was more lightweight in
build. Its fossils were first discovered near an oasis
in Egypt in 1912, and were described and named
three years later by Ernst Stromer von
Reichenbach, a German paleontologist. The
limited remains were taken to Munich, in
Germany, for safekeeping in a museum, but were
destroyed during a bombing raid in World War II.
Since then, speculations about the size, structure
and behavior of Spinosaurus have been based on
documentation of these first specimens, along with
more recent finds from Morocco.
One Thursday afternoon, when I was tying my
sneakers on my way out, there was a sharp knock
at the door. I cautiously approached the door,
tiptoeing, ready to peer out the peephole. Mom`─
by this time not in her right mind, dressed only in
an obviously filthy, extra-long T-shirt`─` had gotten
there f irst and was already unsnapping locks.
Given the extent of the mess spread everywhere`─
rotten garbage, old clothing, a thousand cigarette
burns and butts on the matted carpet`─`I panicked.
The door creaked open and my body went limp
when I saw who Mom had let in`─` a twentysomething-year-old white man in a starched suit,
undoubtedly a social worker obligated to report our
unfit living conditions. Unable to fix the larger
mess, I ran to clear a kitchen chair for him and was
wiping the surface down with a towel so he could
at least sit somewhere.
① happy and relieved
② proud and satisfied
③ excited and hopeful
④ calm and indifferent
⑤ nervous and embarrassed
paleontologist 고생물학자
① 등에 돛과 같이 생긴 거대한 구조가 있었다.
② 티라노사우루스보다 가볍지만 길이는 비슷했다.
③ 최초의 화석이 이집트에서 발견되었다.
④ 최초의 화석 일부가 현재 독일의 박물관에 보관되어 있다.
⑤ 화석이 모로코에서도 발견되었다.
영어 280제
ㅣ정답과 해설 84-86쪽ㅣ
다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을
The spokespeople for your business aren’t just
the leaders anymore, the ones who are quoted in
the New York Times business section or on the
cover of your local newspaper. In real-time
, as representatives
of your company, your brand, and your purpose.
They are shaping how it feels to be inside your
walls, and they are communicating to the public
what it’s like to be part of your company. They
represent a new kind of employee whose expertise
can come from unexpected places, and whose
diverse knowledge can connect distinct areas of
your organization. They steward culture: They
create, critique, and communicate. They are eager
to immerse themselves in diverse knowledge that
helps them do their jobs better, and gives them a
finger on the pulse of your changing organization.
How many memories are enough to create a
habit? There is no hard-and-fast number. Perhaps
the most important factor that affects the length of
time it takes for a behavior to become a habit is
. It is easy to remember details
of your one trip to a vacation spot like Disney
World, because there is nothing else in your
memory to compete with it. It is probably hard for
you to remember exactly where you parked your
car in the office parking lot, though, because you
have parked in the lot hundreds (or thousands) of
times and every spot in the lot looks more or less
like every other spot. All of these memories of
places where you have parked your car will
compete with each other when you try to call one
to mind.
① executives lead your company’s culture
② only salespeople meet the clients in person
③ all consumers represent the company’s image
④ team members of every type are on the front
① the economic value of the behavior
② the distinctiveness of the memory
③ the way the memory disappears
④ the necessity of the behavior
⑤ the stability of the memory
⑤ popular models are in the company
영어 280제
If you’ve ever strained your back, you know that
on the scale of 1 to 10, the pain ranks at a 692. It
can be paralyzing`─` making it difficult to walk, to
sit, to get up, to sleep, to do anything. All you need
to do is to lie down, prop your head on some
pillows, flick on Ally McBeal reruns, and remain
still. And you can think of nothing better than
having your spouse deliver ice packs, ibuprofen,
and the latest issue of Tattoo Today directly to your
bed. But
. Why? Statistically
speaking, married people with back pain suffer
two and a half times longer than single people.
Attentive spouses may be doing the right thing
emotionally, but by encouraging the suffering to
stay in bed, they’re doing the wrong thing
physically. If you stay in bed for longer than fortyeight hours, your back muscles weaken`─`and can
increase your risk for further injury.
When experiments can be brought under the
heading “medical” we are inclined to think that
any suffering they involve must be
because the research is contributing to the
alleviation of suffering. But we have already seen
that the testing of therapeutic drugs is less likely to
be motivated by the desire for maximum good to
all than by the desire for maximum profit. The
broad label “medical research” can also be used to
cover research that is motivated by a general
intellectual curiosity. Such curiosity may be
acceptable as part of a basic search for knowledge
when it involves no suffering, but should not be
tolerated if it causes pain. Very often, too, basic
medical research has been going on for decades
and much of it, in the long run, turns out to have
been quite
. Consider the following
experiment on the effects of heat on animals. In
1880 Wood placed a number of animals in boxes
and placed the boxes on a brick pavement on a hot
day. At a temperature of 109.5 degrees Fahrenheit
the rabbit jumped and kicked hind legs with great
fury. At 120 degrees Fahrenheit it died.
① reading itself has a negative effect on back pain
② your spouse will end up being exhausted
③ emotional care by spouses is effective
④ back pain can be cured completely
⑤ your spouse shouldn’t play nurse
① justifiable
② forbidden
③ justifiable
④ forbidden
⑤ breakable
다음 글의 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장
적절한 것을 고르시오.
영어 280제
ㅣ정답과 해설 86-89쪽ㅣ
Even small changes in temperature can lead to
enormous changes in global weather patterns and
, during the years from
about 1000 to 1350 A.D., known as the “Medieval
Warm Period,” when global mean surface
temperatures were only slightly more than 1˚F
warmer than they are now, there were vineyards in
England, and Greenland supported hundreds of
, from 1430 to 1850, the
period known as the “Little Ice Age,” when global
mean surface temperatures were only slightly more
than 1˚F cooler than they are now, the Thames was
often frozen in winter, and there were icebergs off
the coast of Norway. Since the late 19th century,
global mean surface temperatures have already
warmed on average approximately 1˚F, consistent
with the increases in atmospheric CO 2
concentrations during the past century, from
preindustrial revolution levels of 280 ppm to
current levels of 350 ppm.
① For example
② However
③ Similarly
④ However
⑤ For example
Many people are in so much of a hurry to solve
their problem that they don’t pay enough attention
to deciding just what the problem really is.
① Sometimes everything works out satisfactorily
anyway, thanks to plenty of hard work`─` and more
than a little good fortune. ② However, after hours
(or once in a while, days, or even months!) of work
that doesn’t seem to be accomplishing anything,
they f inally realize they have been asking the
wrong questions or working on the wrong
problem. ③ Some problem-solving researchers
have emphasized the need to look closely at the
way problems are defined, framed, or constructed
before the process of solving them can even begin.
④ Ensure that no short-cuts are taken while
solving the problem and the process of solving
problems is as important as the f inal result.
⑤ Researchers have proposed that the process of
problem finding should be treated as an entirely
independent or separate area, distinct from
problem solving.
By contrast
As a result
By contrast
다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장을
영어 280제
Energy is probably the most egregiously
mispriced good. ① The cost of gas at the pump
incorporates the cost to find the oil, pay rent to the
rulers of whatever country sits atop it, pull it out of
the ground, refine it into gasoline, and move it to
your local gas station. ② But in most countries no
part of the price accounts for the effect that carbon
dioxide released by burning oil has on the
atmosphere. ③ This is devilishly hard to measure,
depending on many assumptions about the value of
the damage caused by climate change to the
natural environment. ④ Climatic change happens
over so many years that it rarely affects people’s
lives individually. ⑤ Yet a review of studies by the
Environmental Protection Agency concluded that
the “social cost” of CO2 emissions ranged between
$40 and $68 today and would rise to somewhere
between $105 and $179 in 2040 as the air became
more saturated with the stuff.
주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은?
How can you help yourself learn a new
definition of failure and develop a different
perspective concerning failure and success?
(A) How many mistakes should you expect to
achieve? Give yourself a quota and try to hit it
before bringing the task to completion.
Remember, mistakes don’t define failure. They
are merely the price of achievement on the
journey toward success.
(B) By making mistakes. Chuck Braun of Idea
Connection Systems encourages trainees to
think differently through the use of a mistake
quota. He gives each student a quota of thirty
mistakes to make for each training session.
(C) And if a student uses up all thirty, he or she
receives another thirty. As a result, the students
relax, think of mistakes in a whole new light,
and begin learning. As you approach your next
big project or assignment, give yourself a
reasonable mistake quotient.
egregiously 터무니없이
① (A) - (C) - (B)
③ (B) - (C) - (A)
⑤ (C) - (B) - (A)
영어 280제
② (B) - (A) - (C)
④ (C) - (A) - (B)
ㅣ정답과 해설 89-91쪽ㅣ
글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳은?
다음 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 한다. 빈칸 (A)와 (B)에
들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
The American workplace, by contrast, is mostly
about free competition`─`unblemished by
government interference.
Peter Gollwitzer and colleague Veronika
Brandstatter found that action triggers are quite
effective in motivating action. In one study, they
tracked college students who had the option to
earn extra credit in a class by writing a paper about
how they spent Christmas Eve. But there was a
catch: To earn the credit, they had to submit the
paper by December 26. Most students had good
intentions of writing the paper, but only 33 percent
of them got around to writing and submitting it.
Other students in the study were required to set
action triggers`─`to note, in advance, exactly when
and where they intended to write the report (for
example, “I’ll write this report in my dad’s office
on Christmas morning before everyone gets up”).
A whopping 75 percent of those students wrote the
report. That’s a pretty astonishing result for such a
small mental investment.
Western European social democracies have many
rules mandating minimum holidays and maximum
working hours. ( ① ) Higher minimum wages
and tax rates on high incomes favor more
homogeneous wages. ( ② ) The job market is
structured with one objective in mind: to reward
success, and it has led to an enormous pay gap
between the best and the rest. ( ③ ) In 1989, the
San Francisco Giants, the most expensive team in
Major League Baseball, paid a median salary of
$535,000, more than five times the median wage at
the Baltimore Orioles, the cheapest club at the
time. ( ④ ) Big as it seems, the gap is small by
current standards. ( ⑤ ) In 2009, the New York
Yankees paid a median wage of $5.2 million,
nearly twelve times more than the Oakland
Athletics at the bottom.
According to Gollwitzer and Brandstatter’s
study, setting up
may trigger actions
and lead to
unblemished 흠 하나 없는
① creative strategies
② detailed plans
③ creative strategies
④ demanding schedules
⑤ detailed plans
영어 280제
다음 글을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오.
Unless a researcher is concealed, it is quite likely
that he or she will have some effect on the
behavior of those individuals who are being
observed. Two things can happen, particularly if an
observer is unexpected. First, he or she is likely to
arouse curiosity and result in a lack of attention to
the task at hand, thus producing other-than-normal
behavior. An inexperienced researcher who records
such behavior might easily be misled. It is for this
reason that researchers who observe in classrooms,
for example, usually alert the teacher beforehand
and ask to be introduced. They then may spend 4
to 5 days in the classroom before starting to record
observations. Can you see how this might help the
researcher obtain a more accurate impression of
what goes on when he or she is not present?
The second thing that can happen is that the
behavior of those who are being observed might be
influenced by the researcher’s pur pose. For
example, suppose a researcher was interested in
observing whether social studies teachers ask
“high-level questions” during class discussions of
controversial issues. If the teachers are aware of
what the researcher is looking for, they may tend to
ask more questions than normal, thus giving a
impression of what really
goes on during a typical class discussion. The data
obtained by the researcher’s observation would not
be representative of how the teachers normally
behave. It is for this reason that many researchers
argue that the participants in a study should not be
informed of the study’s purposes until after the
data have been collected.
위 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은?
① teachers’ role in classroom research
② ways to improve grades through good questions
③ effect of the observer’s presence on the observed
④ importance of controversial discussions during
⑤ developmental process of inexperienced
위 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
① neutral
③ distorted
⑤ professional
영어 280제
② specific
④ remarkable
ㅣ정답과 해설 91-92쪽ㅣ
They buy the goods they need, talk with friends
and leave. I have learned that all markets are alike
and the people in markets are always the same.”
Then the second youth reported: “I too watched
the people come and go in the markets. I have
learned that all life is coming and going, people
forever moving to and fro in search of food and
basic material things. I understand now the
simplicity of human life.” Halcolm looked at the
third youth: “And what have (e) you learned?”
다음 글을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오.
After much cloistered study, (a) three youths
came before Halcolm to ask how they might
further increase their knowledge and wisdom.
Halcolm sensed that they lacked experience in the
real world, but he wanted to have them make the
transition from seclusion in stages. During the first
stage he sent (b) them forth under a six-month
vow of silence.
cloistered 속세로부터 떨어진
주어진 글 (A)에 이어질 내용을 순서에 맞게 배열한 것으로 가장
“I saw the same markets and the same people as
my fellow travellers, yet I know not what they
know. My mind is filled with questions. Where did
the people come from? What were they thinking
and feeling as they came and went? Master, I am
filled with questions rather than answers, questions
for the people I saw. I do not know what I have
learned.” Halcolm smiled. “You have learned most
of all. You have learned the importance of finding
out what people have to say about their
experiences. You are now ready to return to the
world, this time without the vow of silence.”
적절한 것은?
① (B) - (D) - (C)
③ (C) - (D) - (B)
⑤ (D) - (C) - (B)
② (C) - (B) - (D)
④ (D) - (B) - (C)
밑줄 친 (a)~(e) 중에서 가리키는 대상이 나머지 넷과 다른 것은?
① (a)
② (b)
③ (c)
④ (d)
⑤ (e)
They wore the identifying garments of the muted
truth-seekers so that people would know (c) they
were forbidden to speak. Each day, according to
their instructions, they sat at the market in
whatever village they entered, watching but never
speaking. After six months in this fashion they
returned to Halcolm. “So,” Halcolm began, “you
have returned. Your period of silence is over. Your
transition to the world beyond our walls of study
has begun. What have (d) you learned so far?”
위 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?
① Halcolm은 세 젊은이들이 실제 세상에서 경험이 부족
함을 느꼈다.
② 한 젊은이는 침묵 수행을 끝내도 충분하다는 평가를 받았다.
③ 세 젊은이들은 마을의 시장에 앉은 채 지시에 따라 말을
하지 않았다.
④ 마을의 시장을 6 개월 동안 다니던 젊은이들은
Halcolm에게 돌아왔다.
⑤ 첫 번째 젊은이는 사람들의 삶의 방식이 서로 다르다는
The first youth answered, “In every village the
patterns are the same. People come to the market.
것을 깨달았다.
영어 280제
제한 시간
학습 일자
2014. . .
다음 글의 목적으로 가장 적절한 것은?
다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?
A certain kind of humor depends on the
juxtaposition of two contrasting ideas or feelings.
Because of the various dimensions of oral
language, a storyteller can convey such contrasting
ideas and feelings simultaneously with different
elements of oral expression. Imagine a humorous
story about parachute jumping. If a character says,
“Yes, I’m ready to jump,” while walking
backwards away from the supposed jump door, he
is expressing a willingness to perform a scary
action through one dimension of oral language
(words), and unwilling fear through another
(movement). Or suppose a character is on the
phone with her mother, whom she does not want to
visit. As she says with a pained tone, “I am so
sorry I can’t come to see you,” she wipes her brow
in an exaggerated gesture of relief. The strong,
simultaneous expression of these two contrasting
attitudes creates a humorous effect.
Dear guest,
Thank you again for staying with us at Hostel
Miles. We are dedicated to making your visit
as pleasant as possible and we hope that your
stay in our hostel was enjoyable.
Please note that our hostel is dependent on
your feedback. If you have booked through
Hostelworld, Hostelbookers or other booking
websites, we would greatly appreciate it if
you would take a couple of minutes to submit
your review to us (considering the fact that
only 12% of guests leave reviews). Please
feel generous if you enjoyed your stay
because every “click” is really important for
our hostel!
juxtaposition 병치, 병렬
Thank you again for your time.
① More Talent, More Jokes
② Humor Through Contrasts
③ The Variety of Expressions
④ Do’s and Don’ts in Wordplay
⑤ Why You Are Misunderstood
If you have any questions or need further
information, please feel free to contact me at
Robert Smitten
① 장기 투숙에 대한 감사를 표하려고
② 숙소 이용 후기 작성을 요청하려고
③ 새로 개설한 웹사이트를 홍보하려고
④ 시설 이용 시 주의사항을 알려주려고
⑤ 온라인 예약을 위한 절차를 설명하려고
영어 280제
ㅣ정답과 해설 93-95쪽ㅣ
다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은?
다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.
Feasts, by means of structure and ritual,
deliberately use the powerful connotations of food
to recall origins and earlier times. They also
attempt to be events in themselves unforgettable,
in order to furnish recollections for the future. The
food served at festivals is, therefore, not only
richer and more splendid than what we usually eat,
but also traditional, inherited from the past and
intended to be experienced as ancient custom; the
recipes and the lore associated with it are to be
handed on by us for use again in ritual
celebrations. Festive food is both out of the
ordinary, and (if the festival is a recurring one)
always the same. English Christmas pudding and
brandy-soaked Christmas cake is heavy, sweet, and
rich. At Christmas, a tiny bit suffices: once we
have recovered from Christmas, we are quite happy
to wait a year before trying the cake and pudding
To get a feel for the ways positive emotions can
build life resources, envision for a moment
something that has made you feel joyful, playful,
or intensely alive`─`when you wanted to smile and
cheer, or jump up and dance around. Maybe it was
witnessing your child’s delight in taking her first
steps, or playing a game of chase or catch with
your dog, sharing a meal and lots of laughter with
a friend you haven’t seen in ages, or playing touch
football in the park during a family get-together.
Whatever comes to mind for you, take a moment
to relive the experience in your mind, letting your
joy rekindle. Consider how you felt and what you
felt like doing. What we’ve learned about joyful
experiences like these is that the playful urges they
carry build resources, and in times of trouble,
these gains in resources can spell the difference
between life and death.
lore (특정 주제에 대한) 구전 지식, (민간) 전통
rekindle (감정·생각 등이) 되살아나다, 불붙다
① the features of festive food
② manners for a formal banquet
③ the value of traditional customs
④ preparations for the holiday feast
⑤ the connotations in Christmas food
① 자기 성찰을 통해 더 나은 자신을 만들 수 있다.
② 현재를 즐기는 것은 인생 전체를 풍요롭게 한다.
③ 긍정적인 감정은 삶의 위기를 극복하는 자산이 된다.
④ 젊은 날의 실패는 성공의 밑거름이자 인생의 자산이다.
⑤ 바쁠수록 소중한 사람들과 보내는 시간을 확보해야 한다.
영어 280제
small and quick, dark of face, with restless eyes
and sharp, strong features. Every part of ② him
was defined: small, strong hands, slender arms, a
thin and bony nose. Behind him, walked ③ his
opposite, a huge man, shapeless of face, with
large, pale eyes, with wide, sloping shoulders; and
he walked heavily, dragging his feet a little, the
way a bear drags his paws. ④ His arms did not
swing at his sides, but hung loosely. The first man
stopped short in the clearing, and the follower
nearly ran over ⑤ him . He took off his hat and
wiped the sweatband with his foref inger and
snapped the moisture off.
I have seen so many women inadvertently
discourage their husbands from doing their share
by being too controlling or critical. Social
scientists call this “maternal gatekeeping,” which
is a fancy term for “Oh, dear! That’s not the way
you do it! Just move aside and let me!” If a mother
acts as a gatekeeper and is reluctant to hand over
responsibility, or worse, questions the father’s
efforts, he does less. Whenever a married woman
asks me for advice on coparenting with a husband,
I tell her to let him put the diaper on the baby any
way he wants as long as he’s doing it himself. She
should smile even if he puts that diaper on the
baby’s head. Over time, if he does things his way,
he’ll find the correct end. But if he’s forced to do
things her way, pretty soon she’ll be doing them
inadvertently 무심결에, 부주의로
다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은?
Friedman, an American cardiologist, noticed in
the 1940s that the chairs in his waiting room got
worn out from the edges. He then hypothesized
that his patients were driven, impatient people,
who sat on the edge of their seats when ① waited
and labelled these people Type A personalities.
Furthermore, Type A personalities are workaholics,
always busy, somewhat impatient, ② extremely
competitive, often irritable and aggressive. Type B
personalities, on the other hand, are laid-back and
easygoing as they are not highly competitive nor
③ do they always f ight the clock. Dr. David
Fontana points out that this typology also has an
emotional component, namely the emotional
reaction to pressure ④ linked to self-esteem. Type
A personalities are driven by a desire for success in
order to prove ⑤ themselves , and Type B
personalities are able to take a more objective view
of the issues in front of them and of themselves.
① 배우자와 평등한 관계를 구축해야 한다.
② 아버지에게 자율권을 주어 육아 동참을 격려해야 한다.
③ 육아 문제에 대한 전문가의 의견을 중시할 필요가 있다.
④ 자녀 양육에 관한 한 어머니의 의견을 따르는 것이 좋다.
⑤ 성 고정 관념에서 탈피해 공평하게 가사를 분담해야 한다.
밑줄 친 부분이 가리키는 대상이 나머지 넷과 다른 것은?
They had walked in single file down the path,
and even in the open one stayed behind the other.
Both were dressed in denim trousers and in denim
coats with brass buttons. Both wore black,
shapeless hats and both carried tight blanket rolls
slung over their shoulders. ① The first man was
typology 유형 분류
영어 280제
ㅣ정답과 해설 95-98쪽ㅣ
다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 않은
(A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 어법에 맞는 표현으로 가장 적절
한 것은?
One of the most exciting things about teaching
international students is the possibility for teachers
and students to have dynamic interactions. The
presence of international students provides an
① extraordinary learning opportunity for both
teachers and students to accept and ‘own’ each
other’s culture. In reaching a metacultural
awareness, the teacher-student partnership is one
where the ‘partners must be cognizant of their
partner’s cultural heritage and must ② accord that
heritage legitimacy in their dealings with one
another.’ Of course, such sensitivity does not imply
a ③ familiarity with a set of clichéd etiquettes
from another culture. The ④ humorous situation
in which a Japanese man’s extended hand hits the
bowing head of an American on greeting each
other is one good example of such understanding.
In the same way, a Maori student who stares
fixedly at a teacher because he has been told that
looking another person in the eye is ⑤ impolite
may generate an unexpected, hostile, response.
Picking up bits and pieces of another culture is not
metacultural awareness.
As you begin to plan your event, laying out your
budget on a cost sheet will allow you to see what
items can be included while staying within your
budget. Watching the spending activity
(A) to give / gives you the opportunity to use
alternative options if the budget becomes
overextended. (B) Should / Do you f ind extra
money, you may be able to add frills to the event or
find a large profit coming your way. Each event
requires different expenditures, so there is no set
formula or format for the budget. Walk through the
event and write down all costs, considering
everything. Revise the numbers as you get
estimates and actual costs. Suppliers are happy to
furnish you with written estimates for many of the
expensive items your event will require. Get as
many estimates as you can while you build your
budget. The more (C) accurate / accurately the
numbers are in the beginning, the better the bottom
line will be at the end.
frills 가외, (꼭 필요하지 않은데 덧붙이는) 장식
① to give
② to give
③ gives
④ gives
⑤ gives
clichéd 상투적인, 진부한
영어 280제
다음 도표의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?
GALERIES LAFAYETTE에 관한 다음 안내문의 내용과 일치하
는 것은?
3 - 4-Year-Olds Receiving Pre-primary Education
Located in the heart of Paris, Galeries
Lafayette is considered the second most
visited attraction after the Louvre; but also the
world’s leading department store, with more
than 100,000 visitors per day and 70,000
square meters of sales area.
Graced by a 100-year-old neo-Byzantine
dome built in 1912, Galeries Lafayette offers
a large selection of items in every segment,
from fashion to accessories, from beauty to
home decoration and fine food.
Sierra Leone
Cote d’Ivoire
The Richest 20%
The Poorest 20%
The above graph shows the rates of 3-4-year-olds
receiving pre-primary education in ten African
countries. ① Overall, children from the richest
20% are in a better position to receive pre-primary
education than those from the poorest 20%
regardless of their countries. ② In Ghana, over
nine out of ten children from the richest 20%
receive some form of education before they start
primary school; this rate is the highest among the
ten countries. ③ In Ghana, Cameroon, and Togo,
more than half of the children from the richest
20% get pre-primary education. ④ In Zambia,
Rwanda, Cote d’Ivoire, and Senegal, however, the
percentage of children from the richest 20% who
get access to pre-primary education is below 10%.
⑤ In percentage-point terms the largest education
gap between the richest 20% and the poorest 20%
children is shown in Cameroon.
Information desk & multilingual hostesses
Tourist tax refund: 12%, minimum purchase
€175.01 made in the same store on the same
More than 20 restaurants/food places
3 hairdressing & beauty salons
Open Monday through Saturday from 9:30
a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Late night opening every Thursday until 9:00
① 월평균 10만 명 정도가 방문한다.
② 패션과 액세서리를 전문으로 취급한다.
③ 여러 언어를 구사하는 여성 안내원이 있다.
④ 관광객은 구매액과 상관없이 세금을 환급받는다.
⑤ 월요일부터 토요일까지 영업시간이 동일하다.
영어 280제
ㅣ정답과 해설 98-99쪽ㅣ
Kathleen Yardley에 관한 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는
다음 글에 드러난‘I’
의 심경 변화로 가장 적절한 것은?
On the third day of September, 1838, I left my
chains and succeeded in reaching New York
without the slightest interruption of any kind. It
was a moment of the highest excitement I ever
experienced. I felt as one may imagine the
unarmed mariner to feel when he is rescued by a
friendly man-of-war from the pursuit of a pirate. In
writing to a dear friend, immediately after my
arrival in New York, I said I felt like one who had
escaped a den of hungry lions. This state of mind,
however, very soon subsided; and I was again
seized with a feeling of great insecurity. I was yet
liable to be taken back and subjected to all the
tortures of slavery. This in itself was enough to
damp the ardor of my enthusiasm.
Kathleen Yardley (later Lonsdale) was the tenth
child of an Irish postmaster. Her family moved to
England when she was five years old because of
political unrest. In 1922 Yardley graduated from
Bedford College with the highest mark in physics
that anyone in the university had achieved for ten
years. Professor William Bragg immediately wrote
to recruit her as his research assistant. When she
married fellow researcher Thomas Lonsdale and
had three children, Bragg kept her supplied with
work she could do at home. He then found her a
grant to pay for domestic help so that she could
come back to the lab. Thomas Lonsdale was also
willing to share domestic chores and support his
wife in her career. Kathleen Lonsdale clarified the
structure of a number of small organic molecules,
notably confirming that benzene was a flat ring of
six carbon atoms, each with a hydrogen attached.
man-of-war 군함
① amused → bored
② puzzled → resentful
③ delighted → nervous
④ frightened → relieved
⑤ fascinated → astonished
① 어린 시절에 가족과 함께 England로 이주했다.
② William Bragg 교수에 의해 연구 조교로 발탁되었다.
③ 결혼과 출산 후에도 일을 계속하였다.
④ 가사에 전념하기를 원하는 남편과 갈등을 겪었다.
⑤ 벤젠을 비롯한 여러 유기 분자의 구조를 밝혀냈다.
영어 280제
ardor 열정, 정열
다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을
The idea of using virtual water trade as a trade
policy strategy to offset regional water shortage is
currently being debated so vigorously by water
experts because it might lead to huge water
savings, making it possible`─`or so it would seem
at f irst sight `─` to resolve “the water crisis”
virtually overnight. The concept of strategic virtual
water trade is based on the idea that, by importing
more of their food from water-rich countries,
water-poor countries might use their scarce water
resources in sectors (e.g., industrial production)
where they achieve a higher value added per
volume unit of water. Furthermore, advocates
argue that in agriculture, too,
if the emphasis is placed on the cultivation of
crops which are highly efficient in their use of
water. Changes in the domestic food supply could
then be offset by means of international trade.
We’ve all heard the phrase “the family that plays
together, stays together.” The wisdom in this
phrase is that social play builds ties between
people that are lasting and consequential. This
wisdom holds outside the human family circle as
well. A fascinating example comes from a certain
breed of ground squirrels. When one sees a
predator in the distance, it will sound an alarm call
that alerts other squirrels to run for cover. It’s a
risky move. In crying out, the danger-spotting
squirrel draws attention to itself, which may well
attract the predator. Scientists used to think that
animals would risk their lives like this only for kin
with whom they shared common genes. New
evidence suggests, however, that squirrels also
sound alarm calls for former playmates, not
genetically related. These squirrels developed a
social resource while playing and these buddies
① higher yields guarantee a greater profit
② environmental impact is greatly reduced
③ productivity increases lead to water savings
④ local water supply is potentially in jeopardy
⑤ water rights of the disadvantaged are threatened
consequential 중대한
① put their lives on the line to save their playmates
② chase one another when the mating season begins
③ make submissive behavior such as lowering the
④ gladly share their homes with one another in
⑤ run in seemingly irregular directions to deceive
영어 280제
ㅣ정답과 해설 99-101쪽ㅣ
Effective communication starts with the
understanding that
. Rarely is
there one absolute truth, so people who believe
that they speak the truth are very silencing of
others. When we recognize that we can see things
only from our own perspective, we can share our
views in a nonthreatening way. Statements of
opinion are always more constructive in the first
person “I” form. Compare these two statements:
“You never take my suggestions seriously” and “I
feel frustrated that you have not responded to my
last four emails, which leads me to believe that my
suggestions are not that important to you. Is that
so?” The former can elicit a quick and defensive
“That’s not true!” The latter is much harder to
deny. One triggers a disagreement; the other sparks
a discussion.
In contrast to temperate regions where higher
crop yields are projected for warming up to a few
degrees, climate change is generally expected to
cause yields to decrease in the tropics because of
the predominance of rainfed agriculture. Where
rainfall declines, therefore, more severe yield
impacts are expected. Adaptation of farming
systems`─`for example, adjusting planting dates
and cultivar selection`─`will
impacts, but not by enough to prevent reduced
yields. Most studies indicate that food prices
would rise globally with increases of global
average temperature of a few degrees or more
because of a slowing in the expansion of global
food supply relative to population growth.
Economic analysis has estimated that these effects
will combine to reduce the incomes of smallholder
farmers and poor urban consumers under future
climates, resulting in higher numbers of people
worldwide at risk of
① truth is better served by using simple language
② the ability to listen is as important as the ability
to speak
③ being aware of a problem is the first step to
correcting it
④ there are my point of view and someone else’s
point of view
⑤ people in low-power positions are hesitant to
share their views
다음 글의 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장
적절한 것을 고르시오.
temperate regions 온대 지방
cultivar (특정한 특색을 갖도록 개발한 식물의) 품종
① reflect
② lessen
③ reflect
④ lessen
⑤ maximize
영어 280제
One way by which changes to an individual’s
environment can be achieved is through advocacy
─`campaigning for changes to mindsets, rules, and
structures that inherently limit the beneficiaries. To
be sure, advocacy is hard.
, some of
the more sustained solutions to social issues
historically have come from long years of
advocacy. For example, the campaign against
slavery took 46 years before the Slavery Abolition
Act 1833 was passed in England.
the campaign for women’s right to vote took 70
years before the 19th Amendment to the US
Constitution was passed in the US Congress in
1919. Providing shelters, support groups, and other
balms for the victims of injustice might have made
them feel better and, perhaps, taken care of their
immediate needs, but it was the advocacy of
making the environment right for the beneficiaries
that led to enduring change and avoided creating
more victims.
beneficiary 수혜자
① However
② However
③ Furthermore
④ In other words
⑤ In other words
Whereas the original scientist, whether basic or
applied, is essentially a discoverer, the original
technologist is essentially an inventor of
artificial things or processes.
Applied science lies between science and
technology, but there are no borderlines between
the three domains: each shades into the other.
( ① ) The outcome of a piece of basic research
may suggest an applied research project, which in
turn may point to some technological project.
( ② ) Once in a blue moon a single investigator
spans all three. ( ③ ) More often than not, each
task demands people with peculiar backgrounds,
interests, and goals. ( ④ ) Indeed, the invention
of artifacts or of social organizations is the very
hub of technological innovation. ( ⑤ ) No
matter how modest, an invention is something new
that did not exist before, or that existed but was
beyond human control.
Amendment (미국 헌법의) 수정 조항
글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에
가장 적절한 곳을 고르시오.
As a result
As a result
In contrast
once in a blue moon 극히 드물게
영어 280제
ㅣ정답과 해설 102-104쪽ㅣ
주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은?
However, designs are often copied and sold in
other countries without the designer ever
When trained psychologists look through
collections of photos, they can at a glance
separate out genuine smiles from fake ones.
The copying of designs is not new. In 1975 the
Fashion Design Protection Association was set up
by Achilleas Constantinou after he saw many of
his designs in stores that his company had not
supplied. ( ① ) This was subsequently taken up
by the British Clothing Industry Association who
lobbied to get the Department of Trade and
Industry to bring out the Copyright Designs and
Patents Act in 1988. ( ② ) The aim of this Act
is ‘to protect creativity without restricting
competition.’ ( ③ ) Designers are encouraged to
claim copyright of their designs by signing and
dating their original drawings. ( ④ ) So these
admirable efforts have not really solved the
problem. ( ⑤ ) Aside from the difficulties of
time and cost in pursuing legal actions against the
suppliers, there is still the problem of deciding
when a fashion house is merely following a trend
and when it is breaking the law.
(A) All the women were contacted at ages twentyseven, forty-three, and fifty-two and asked
about their mar riages and their life
satisfaction. When Harker and Keltner
inherited the study in the 1990s, they
wondered if they could predict from the
senior-year smile alone what these women’s
married lives would turn out to be like.
(B) Astonishingly, women with genuine smiles, on
average, were more likely to be married, to stay
married, and to experience more personal wellbeing over the next thirty years. Those
indicators of happiness were predicted by a
mere crinkling of the eyes.
(C) Dacher Keltner and LeeAnne Harker of the
University of California at Berkeley, for
example, studied 141 senior-class photos from
the 1960 yearbook of Mills College. All but
three of the women were smiling, and half of
the smilers were genuinely smiling.
crinkle 많은 잔주름이 생기다, 주름이 생기게 미소 짓다
① (A) - (C) - (B)
③ (B) - (C) - (A)
⑤ (C) - (B) - (A)
영어 280제
② (B) - (A) - (C)
④ (C) - (A) - (B)
다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장은?
다음 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 한다. 빈칸 (A)와 (B)에
들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
It is well known that there are various kinds of
energy: kinetic, elastic, thermal, gravitational,
electric, magnetic, nuclear, chemical, etc. More
precisely, there are as many kinds of energy as
kinds of processes. ① Unlike other species, the
various kinds of energy are equivalent, in that they
can be transmuted into one another. ② For
example, when we tense a bow we store potential
elastic energy in it; and when we release the bow,
that energy is transformed into the arrow’s kinetic
energy. ③ In this two-phase process, the type or
quality of energy changes, but its quantity remains
the same. ④ Quality is valued over quantity in
general, but that is not the case in the concept
of conservation efforts. ⑤ Such quantitative
conservation is the reason that we regard all the
kinds of energy as mutually equivalent.
Charity has gone through several phases. It
started with a focus on giving to the poor. Then, in
the 15th century, it expanded to address the
environment in which the poor`─`as well as other
members of the community`─`lived. In the 19th
century, and with the influence of business minds
and principles, the focus was on helping the poor
help themselves. This progression of thinking and
approach in charity work led to one conclusion:
Being kind does not mean just showing kindness.
For example, a social service body may reject an
unemployed man’s request for monetary handouts
and suggest training instead. While this gesture
may seem unkind to a depressed man, the counterargument is that the economic right of the man and
his long-term sustainability through enrichment
programs is more valuable than a one-off handout.
transmute 바꾸다, 변화시키다
Society’s understanding of charity has matured
from the level of being
to that of
fostering the spirit of
① generous
② generous
③ realistic
④ fair
⑤ fair
영어 280제
ㅣ정답과 해설 104-105쪽ㅣ
다음 글을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오.
Some people, in saying thanks, actually end up
making the giver feel as if he or she did something
wrong or inappropriate. One I’ll never forget is:
“Thanks for the cake. Although I’m allergic to
chocolate, I took my medicine and hoped for the
best.” Even something as “polite” as “Oh, you
shouldn’t have done this,” or “I feel terrible that
you went to so much trouble” can send a mixed
message. It’s fine, however, to acknowledge that
someone went to considerable effort. Just keep the
focus on
. For example,
instead of “Oh, you shouldn’t have,” say, “I know
how hard you must have worked on this lovely
afghan. It will always be special to me.”
What if you really hate the gift, or just have no
use for it? For example, what if a colleague
presents you with a gift for the holiday, say a scarf,
but the scarf is not your style and you can’t
imagine actually wearing it? Or you already have
floral arrangements all perfectly arranged when
someone shows up for your dinner party with a
bouquet in hand? In such cases, try to concentrate
on the motivation, and focus the thanks around the
thoughtfulness of the gesture rather than the item
itself. Don’t let the giver know that you are less
than thrilled with the gift. Instead, focus on the act
of giving and thank the person for his or her
위 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?
① Honesty Beats All
② Say Sorry and Mean It
③ Receive Gifts Graciously
④ Economics of Gift Giving
⑤ What Makes Your Gift Special
위 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
① your mood
② the positive
③ being objective
④ the practical value
⑤ the opportunity cost
afghan 침대보
영어 280제
ㅣ정답과 해설 105-106쪽ㅣ
“Then,” said Bill, “how about a little brandy to
straighten me out?” “I guess that would be all
right,” agreed the doctor. “But I’ll make a bargain
with you. There’s a young fellow in the next room
in a pretty bad way. (d) He ’s here for the first time.
Maybe if you showed yourself as a horrible
example, you might scare him into staying sober
for the rest of his life.” Instead of resentment, Bill
showed a flicker of interest. “Okay,” (e) he said.
“But don’t forget that drink when I come back.”
다음 글을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오.
A man we’ll call Bill Wilkins, a Wall Street
broker, woke up one morning in a hospital for
drunkards. Despairingly (a) he peered up at the
physician and groaned, “Doc, how many times
have I been in this place?” “Fifty!” “I suppose
liquor is going to kill me?” “Bill,” replied the
doctor solemnly, “it won’t be long now.”
The young man was certain that he was doomed,
and Bill, who considered himself an agnostic,
incredulously heard himself urging the lad to turn
to some higher power. “Liquor is a power outside
yourself that has overcome you,” he urged. “Only
another outside power can save you. If you don’t
want to call it God, call it truth. The name isn’t
important.” Whatever the effect on the boy, Bill
greatly impressed himself. Back in his own room,
(b) he forgot his bargain with the doctor. He never
did collect the promised drink.
주어진 글 (A)에 이어질 내용을 순서에 맞게 배열한 것으로 가장
적절한 것은?
① (B) - (C) - (D)
③ (C) - (D) - (B)
⑤ (D) - (C) - (B)
agnostic 불가지론자(신의 존재 여부를 알 수 없다고 생각하는 사람)
② (C) - (B) - (D)
④ (D) - (B) - (C)
incredulously 믿을 수 없다는 듯이
밑줄 친 (a)~(e) 중에서 가리키는 대상이 나머지 넷과 다른 것은?
Thinking of someone else at long last, he had
given the law of unselfishness a chance to work on
him. It worked so well that he lived to become a
founder of a self-supporting organization for
alcoholic people `─` Alcoholics Anonymous.
William Griff ith Wilson was Bill’s real name,
though in keeping with Alcoholics Anonymous
tradition, most knew him simply as Bill W. How
could (c) he have ever imagined what worldwide
good would eventually come about as a result of
the moment he shifted his focus from being selfish
to selfless? It is in forgetting ourselves and
investing in others that we often reap the greatest
① (a)
② (b)
③ (c)
④ (d)
⑤ (e)
위 글의 Bill Wilkins에 관한 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?
① 술 때문에 병원에 50차례나 왔다.
② 술에 관해 자신이 한 말에 스스로 감동했다.
③ 의사에게 약속대로 술을 달라고 요청했다.
④ 알코올 중독자의 자립을 위한 단체를 설립했다.
⑤ 옆방의 청년을 만나 달라는 의사의 제의를 수락했다.
영어 280제
학습 일자
2014. . .
다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것을 고르
A survey studied Internet users who were
seeking out, respectively, travel information,
information about purchase of a new computer,
material in search databases, and medical
information. These users prioritized the credibility
indicators on these sites very differently,
depending on the context and purpose of their
searches. For the travel and computer tasks, users
focused on topical interests and affective aspects,
but when they sought out medical information they
were much more concerned with the site’s
cognitive authority. As might be expected, they
made judgments based on g raphics and
information structure more readily when
considering travel and computer purchases than
they did when looking for medical information and
research materials. The implication of this
comparison is that how users judge credibility on
the Web is sensitive to the specific fields in which
the judgments are being made.
Philosophy begins with our ordinary daily
experiences. We not only do things, but also think
about them. Such a simple experience as eating
can lead to some major philosophical questions.
How much should we eat? We ask it because it
makes a difference in our daily lives. The amount
we eat can affect the pleasure we get out of life,
especially if we eat too much. But eating is in itself
a pleasure. We begin to philosophize when we try
to decide which pleasures are most important to
us, for example, looking slim and trim on the one
hand or enjoying satisfying meals on the other. We
even ask whether pleasure is the proper standard
for making our decisions in life. Soon we no
longer talk about eating but about the more general
question that the experience of eating makes us
think about, namely, what values are most
important to us.
① Enhancing Your Web Browsing Techniques
② Managing Legal Issues of Free Downloads
③ Transition to an Electronic Information Era
④ Protecting the Copyrights of Online Publications
⑤ Sensitivity to Context When Judging Website
① You Are What You Eat!
② Philosophy in Everyday Life
③ A Scientific Ground for Philosophy
④ Philosophy: An Essential Tool for Critical
⑤ Eating: From a Philosophical Idea to a
Scientific Theory
제한 시간
영어 280제
다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은?
Liberal arts colleges are threatened by the
perception that liberal arts education is a luxury.
The liberal arts college is a small niche within the
modern American higher education landscape.
Because of their size, liberal arts colleges are
not able to capitalize on economies of scale.
Additionally, the mission of most liberal arts
colleges to develop the “whole person,” typically
accompanied by greater student service
expenditures and a smaller student-to-faculty ratio
than other institutional types, tends to increase
financial expenditures. Moreover, the common
practice of tuition discounting requires institutions
to focus on the difficult challenge of predicting net
tuition revenue in their forecasting or face an
erosion of critical resources. These challenges,
coupled with the volatility of endowment earnings,
can work against the financial viability of liberal
arts colleges and may lead to greater vulnerability
to the competition from lower-priced public
net revenue 순수입
다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.
Marcia admits she gets uncomfortable when a
client seems unhappy, ill at ease, or near tears, and
her first response is reassurance. She believes this
has worked well in her long list of impressive
leadership roles, and she brings this same
perspective to coaching. Yet through peer
feedback, she begins to notice that her quick move
to reassure a client, grab the box of tissues, or give
the proverbial pat on the back robs the client of
important moments of exploration. Reassurance
promotes comfort, not change, and while there is a
time and place for it, reassurance is seldom the
dominant approach that will facilitate lasting
change. In fact, reassurance ill-timed will prevent
the client from facing important work in coaching.
If a client tells the coach he received some tough
feedback from his boss that felt hurtful and the
coach moves to reassure the client, the real work of
unpacking the interaction and examining how the
client wants to address this are lost.
volatility 변동성, 휘발성
proverbial 널리 알려진
① the factors of tuition increases
② the goals of liberal arts education
③ the challenges of business restructuring
④ the misunderstandings about public education
⑤ the financial difficulties of liberal arts colleges
① 지속적인 변화를 위하여 내적인 힘을 길러야 한다.
② 피드백을 잘 활용하면 업무의 효율성이 극대화된다.
③ 효과적인 코칭을 위하여 정확한 언어를 사용해야 한다.
④ 의뢰인을 안심시키기보다는 코칭 본연의 목적에 충실해
야 한다.
⑤ 본격적인 상담 전에 내담자와 신뢰 관계를 형성하는 것이
영어 280제
ㅣ정답과 해설 107-111쪽ㅣ
knees were grazed and the palms of his hands
pitted with the marks of stones. “③ I think....” He
was ready to apologize. “Perhaps I should’ve rung
my bell.” “Are you sure you’re all right? ④ My
father’s a doctor, he could probably help.” “No,
I’m all right.” Nearly crying, the boy wanted to be
left to ⑤ himself . Peter rummaged in his pocket
and produced five shillings. “Here, take this.”
Startled, the boy said, “Thank you, sir,” and they
both blushed.
People in their twenties haven’t yet launched
their first life chapter. Many are busy going to
school to get ready for the great adventure ahead`─
the grown-up years: earning degrees, getting work
experience, learning to manage in many settings,
becoming experts in something. Many imagine
settling down after all this for the long haul. Those
who are now older adults remember that early
period well when training for their first adult life
chapter took more than twenty years. When they
launched their first dreams, they may have lacked
experience, but they didn’t lack careful preparation
and powerful determination. During the rest of
their lives, they gained lots of experience but
probably never again had such intense learning
preparation. They now must engage in whatever
learning they need if they are to sustain the great
adventure of adulthood.
pit 움푹 들어가게 하다, 곰보로 만들다
다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은?
Responsibility for climate change lies with the
industrialized countries that are responsible for
over 60 percent of cur rent emissions and
approximately 80 percent of past emissions. Poor
people in developing countries are thus suffering
the impacts from something ① which they have
received little or no benefit. Under the ‘polluter
pays principle,’ polluters are liable for the costs of
cleaning up and ② compensating the victims of
environmental contamination and damage.
‘Climate Justice’ therefore rightly demands that
the industrialized countries ③ be liable for the
damage to the atmosphere, climate and human and
natural systems caused by greenhouse gas
pollution. Hence, wealth creation has incurred an
‘environmental debt,’ owed by the wealthy
beneficiaries of greenhouse gas pollution to the
poor left vulnerable to ④ its impacts. This debt
carries both a f inancial and moral obligation
⑤ to provide compensation for the damage caused
by climate change and for the costs of reducing
vulnerability to its impacts in developing countries.
① 성인기에도 계속 학습을 해야 한다.
② 전문가가 되려면 한 우물을 파야 한다.
③ 직업 교육은 이론과 실습을 겸비해야 한다.
④ 시작이 늦더라도 하고 싶은 일을 찾아야 한다.
⑤ 장기적 관점에서 인생을 계획하는 것이 필요하다.
밑줄 친 부분이 가리키는 대상이 나머지 넷과 다른 것은?
Peter scrambled out and ran to the front of the
car. A schoolboy, several years younger than him,
was kneeling on his hands and knees in the road.
The wheels of ① his bicycle were still spinning
furiously. “Are ② you all right?” The boy got up.
He wore shorts and a county school cap, and his
overfed face was white with fear. His smooth
rummage 뒤지다
영어 280제
(A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 어법에 맞는 표현으로 가장 적절
(A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 문맥에 맞는 낱말로 가장 적절한
한 것은?
Cinema, television, and the related media
fascinate their audiences in a variety of ways, but
entertainment is (A) that / what most people want
when they pay for leisure products. Well aware of
this, the media industries build their profits by
seeking to gratify audiences’ expectations that
what they are buying will give them pleasure. The
potent impact of moving pictures on the
imagination (B) is / are plain from the audience
response. A particularly striking feature film or
television drama will be received with the most
intense private and public reactions. And ever
since they f irst became sources of popular
entertainment, both large and small screens have
been channels for deeply felt legends, myths, and
cults. The most exciting fictional characters catch
the public’s attention and pass into popular
discourse, (C) where / which they may remain
familiar figures for years. Then too there is the
enduring phenomenon of stardom and the heroworship associated with it.
In both past and present, we have ignored the
construction of rich goals for the non-collegebound which contribute to the large aims of
citizenship and full personal life. Too many of us
have supposed that such goals are necessarily
embedded only in the (A) vocational / academic
curriculum; this result was, in part, caused by
confusion over the meaning of intellectual. Guided
by that (B) false / reasonable supposition,
policymakers have concluded that the only way to
provide a culturally rich education for all students
is to insist that they all participate in the same
standard academic curriculum. This is woefully
impoverished thinking. A vocational curriculum
can be exciting and rich in goals inspired by
(C) specific / universal aims, but we have to treat
this curriculum and its students with respect and
creative effort. It should be possible to open some
courses to students from both academic and
vocational programs `─` art, music, drama, and
literature, for example.
① what
② that
③ what
④ that
⑤ what
impoverished 형편없는
① vocational
② vocational
③ academic
④ academic
⑤ academic
영어 280제
ㅣ정답과 해설 111-113쪽ㅣ
New Prague Free Tour에 관한 다음 안내문의 내용과 일치하지
다음 도표의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?
않는 것은?
Percentage of Leisure-Time Physical Activity,
Population 12 Years or Older,
New Prague Free Tour
by Age Group and Gender, Canada, 2008
The Golden City, the City of a Thousand Spires;
for centuries Prague has been sweeping visitors
off their feet with its romantic streets, soaring
towers and great beer!
The FREE TOUR starts at the Old Town Square
EVERY DAY at 10:45 a.m & 2 p.m.
This 3-hour tour covers all the highlights
Old Town Square & Astronomical Clock
Charles Bridge
St. Nicholas’ Church
... and much more
Age Group
The above graph shows the percentages of
leisure-time physical activity by age group and
gender in Canada in 2008. ① Overall, just over
half of Canadian males repor ted that they
participated in leisure-time physical activity, while
just under half of females reported this level of
activity. ② For all the age groups, males were more
likely than females to participate in physical
activity during leisure time. ③ Males and females
under 25 were significantly more likely to report
being involved in leisure-time physical activity
than were Canadians overall. ④ Meanwhile, the
biggest percentage-point drop of leisure-time
physical activity for both genders is shown
between the age groups of 12 to 17 and 18 to 24.
⑤ For males the percentage drops below the
overall percentage for age groups starting at 35,
while for females the percentage does not drop
below the overall Canadian percentage until they
reached 45 years old.
Well-informed and sharp-witted guides work on
a tips-only basis; the highest quality is
guaranteed! They’ll never pressure you to tip. If
money is given, it should be voluntary and in
direct proportion to the quality of the tour and
the budget of the traveler.
By booking your place online you can skip the
queue at the meeting point. Alternatively, you
can just show up at the meeting point 10-15
minutes early. Groups of 10 or more
should preregister online 24 hours in
sweep one off one’s feet ~을 매료시키다
① 매일 오전과 오후 각각 1차례씩 진행된다.
② 3시간 동안 프라하의 명소를 방문한다.
③ 박식하고 재치 있는 안내자가 동행한다.
④ 안내에 대한 비용 부담을 전혀 주지 않는다.
⑤ 참여 희망자는 온라인 예약이 필수이다.
12 to 17 18 to 24 25 to 34 35 to 44 45 to 54 55 to 64 65 or older
영어 280제
Josephine Baker에 관한 다음 글의 내용과 일치하는 것은?
다음 글에 드러난 Mallory의 심경으로 가장 적절한 것은?
Josephine Baker was a World War II-era
entertainer and spy. Josephine was an African
American dancer and singer from St. Louis,
Missouri. She found some success in the United
States, but was hindered by racial prejudice. She
moved to Paris when she was nineteen and became
an international star. When World War II began,
she started working as an undercover operative for
the French Resistance, transporting orders and
maps from the Resistance into countries occupied
by Germany. Her fame and renown made it easy
for her to pass unsuspected, as foreign officials
were thrilled to meet such a famous performer, but
she wrote the secret information in disappearing
ink on her sheet music just in case.
Mallory drove her overloaded car at full speed to
climb up into the San Rafael Mountains. Her tires
shook and the engine knocked, but that was
nothing like the way her hands shook and her
knees knocked together. Just a small attack of
nerves, she told herself. Understandable,
considering this past week she’d quit her teaching
job, given up her apartment, packed her meager
belongings into her car and was on her way to start
a new life. A new life. Oh, Lord, was she ready for
this? She forced herself to look at the scenery, to
observe the cattle grazing peacefully beneath
majestic oak trees that dotted the hills on either
side. As she passed the sign for the Santa Ynez
Valley Ranch she was hit with another panic
attack. If the road hadn’t been so narrow, she might
have turned back. Instead she pointed her car
toward the imposing California ranch house. At the
entrance, she took a deep breath and got out of her
① 제 2차 세계 대전 시기의 연예인이자 사업가였다.
② 미국 연예계에서 인종적 차별을 극복했다.
③ 국제적인 스타가 된 후 유럽으로 건너갔다.
④ 비밀 첩보 요원으로서 독일에 명령서와 지도를 전달했다.
⑤ 명성 덕에 의심받지 않고 스파이 활동을 수월하게 했다.
① angry and upset
② calm and relaxed
③ tense and anxious
④ thrilled and excited
⑤ shocked and amazed
영어 280제
ㅣ정답과 해설 113-115쪽ㅣ
다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을
Important dimensions of human nutritional
biology appear to be associated with the highenergy demands of our large brains. Humans
consume diets that are more dense in energy and
nutrients than other primates of similar size. For
example, Cordain and other researchers in 2000
showed that modern human foraging populations
typically derive 45% to 65% of their dietary
energy intake from animal foods. In comparison,
modern great apes obtain much of their diet from
low-quality plant foods. Gorillas derive over 80%
of their diet from fibrous foods such as leaves and
bark. Even among chimpanzees, only about 5% of
their calories are derived from animal foods,
including insects. Meat and other animal foods are
more concentrated sources of calories and
nutrients than most of the plant foods typically
eaten by large-bodied primates. This higherquality diet means that humans need to
The concept of emotional intelligence (EI)
originates from two published articles by
psychologists John Mayer and Peter Salovey. They
define EI as the ability to perceive, understand,
manage, and use emotions to
Though frequently conceived as opposites,
emotions and intellect often work in concert, each
enhancing the other. “Our ability to engage in the
highest levels of thought isn’t limited to
intellectual pursuits like calculus,” Mayer
contends. “It also includes reasoning and
abstracting about feelings. That means that among
those people that we refer to as warm-hearted or
romantic or fuzzy, there are some who are
engaging in very, very sophisticated information
processing. This type of reasoning is every bit as
formal as that used in solving syllogisms.” They
further argued that emotions sometimes enrich
thought and that the experience of strong feeling
may help individuals perceive fresh alternatives,
make better choices, and, paradoxically, maintain
an even emotional keel.
fuzzy 친절한, 다정한
① learn about edible plants growing naturally in
our environment
② develop the habit of eating slowly and chewing
their food before swallowing
③ consume more food to compensate for their
nutritional deficiencies
④ compete with larger primates in order to survive
⑤ eat a smaller volume of food to get the energy
and nutrients they require
syllogism 삼단 논법
an even keel 안정 상태
① urge actions
② relieve stress
③ hold attention
④ facilitate thinking
⑤ enhance performance
영어 280제
In more recent decades, the role of the state has
been complicated by the emphasis on individual
responsibility in social discourses. Choices, rather
than structural constraints, are identified as critical
in how well people, and families, do. Health,
education, diet, caregiving and a range of other
elements are more often framed as the responsibility
of individuals and by implication, families, than
as the responsibility of states. This particular
mobilization of individual responsibility has
coincided with significant changes in
States in developed nations have been withdrawing
from active roles of care and support, creating
instead paradigms where individuals ‘choose’ to
interact with state supports and agencies for
needed services. Discourses of mutual obligation
are created around the provision of services; again
reinforcing the responsibility individuals have to
make competent consumption choices about their
own well-being.
At Purdue University Library, a woman librarian
goes about her business, checking out people’s
books. She is part of an experiment in unnoticeable
touches, and knows that half the time she is to do
nothing special, the other half to touch people as
as possible. She brushes a student’s
hand lightly as she returns a library card. Then the
student is followed outside and asked to fill out a
questionnaire about the library that day. Among
other questions, the student is asked if the librarian
smiled, and if she touched him. In fact, the
librarian had not smiled, but the student reports
that she did, although he says she did not touch
him. This experiment lasts all day, and soon a
pattern becomes clear: those students who have
been subconsciously touched report much more
with the library and life in general.
① what people have to do for the future of their
① unkindly
② unkindly
③ intensively
④ insignificantly
⑤ insignificantly
② what the government can do to reduce
③ how states protect the political rights of their
④ what people actually need to provide for their
⑤ how states define their responsibilities to their
다음 글의 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장
적절한 것을 고르시오.
영어 280제
ㅣ정답과 해설 115-118쪽ㅣ
Obtaining high crop yields to meet the increasing
demands for food and fiber has been equated with
intensive cultivation, accelerated mechanization,
high chemical input, and the use of genetically
engineered crop varieties particularly in developed
countries. The conventional way of improving soil
fertility is through the addition of highly soluble
inorganic fertilizers.
, combating
pests and diseases has heavily relied upon frequent
and high input of commercial pesticides. The
development of relatively inexpensive inorganic
fertilizers and pesticides has contributed to the
expansion of chemically-based agricultural
production systems resulting in a large increase in
cultivated land area and crop yields. While
conventional farming systems have revolutionized
agriculture, these have also created major
problems about non-point source pollution, decline
in biodiversity, and increase in soil degradation.
, the challenge lies in developing an
alternative system that reduces or eliminates the
input of chemicals while sustaining high crop
yields. One of these potential alternatives is
organic farming.
주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은?
In April 2007, the United States Senate
debated a bill to permit federal funding for
research using newly derived human embryonic
stem cell lines`─`and so in essence to encourage
the destruction of embryos for research.
(A) It was about the potential utility of the
embryos in question, and the horrors they
might help to overcome. The debate, more
than anything, was a discussion of human
vulnerability to nature’s wrath, and of the
terrible injustice of disease.
(B) The outlines of the ethical dispute were quite
familiar. Opponents said the embryos, which
they took to be developing human beings,
should not be treated as raw materials for
(C) Supporters countered that the embryos could
not be considered human persons, and
therefore that concerns about their fate should
not stand in the way of promising research. But
the most prominent line of argument was not
about the ethical issues at the heart of the
non-point source pollution 비점원 오염(오염원이
특정 장소에 한정되어 있지 않고 분산되어 나타나는 오염)
① Likewise
② Likewise
③ Instead
④ Instead
⑤ For instance
embryo 배아
① (A) - (C) - (B)
③ (B) - (C) - (A)
⑤ (C) - (B) - (A)
영어 280제
② (B) - (A) - (C)
④ (C) - (A) - (B)
글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에
가장 적절한 곳을 고르시오.
If a sheet is sent the wrong way on one of its
two runs through the press, the frame or the
image in the center is printed upside down.
Thus, if you have a secret you cannot risk
others knowing but that is troubling you, it is
probably safer to share it with a trained
Stamps distinguished by errors are valuable
because few mistakes elude quality-control
inspections and find their way into circulation.
( ① ) One common error is the absence of
perforation. ( ② ) Another is an inverted design
element, almost always on a two-color stamp that
has been printed from two plates, one for each
color. ( ③ ) The results are called inverted
centers or inverted frames, but distinguishing
between the two types is a matter of controversy.
( ④ ) Some authorities claim they can tell from
color or paper characteristics which of the two
paintings was done the wrong way. ( ⑤ ) Others
say the more prominent part of the design is
generally considered to be right side up; if the
center is prominent, the stamp is said to be an
inverted frame, and vice versa.
Let’s face it: Disclosing private information to
others is risky business. ( ① ) When you reveal
private things about yourself to others, they might
reject you or divulge your confidences to someone
else. ( ② ) A study of European college students
reported that they revealed others’ personal
emotional disclosures to third parties in 66-78
percent of the cases. ( ③ ) Although the
researchers did not ask the students if they had
been sworn to secrecy, in 85 percent of the
cases the students were intimates (versus
acquaintances) of the self-disclosers. ( ④ )
Moreover, more emotionally intense disclosures
were more likely to be shared`─`and with more
people`─`than less emotionally intense revelations.
( ⑤ ) Alternatively, writing about an issue, such
as in a journal, can help you feel better.
perforation 구멍, 구멍을 냄
divulge 누설하다, 알려 주다
영어 280제
ㅣ정답과 해설 118-120쪽ㅣ
다음 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 한다. 빈칸 (A)와 (B)에
다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장은?
들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
New forms of vehicle, traffic, and environmental
sensors, combined with more powerful and
cheaper processors and communication links,
are opening up new horizons for road traff ic
management and control. ① This is giving
stimulation to software developers and researchers
involved in creating the underlying algorithms for
solving road traffic problems. ② However, despite
these developments, uncertainty still pervades
traff ic engineering regarding both sensor
measurements and predictions of future system
states. ③ The growing volume of road traffic data
collected and transmitted can reduce, but never
eliminate, uncertainty about the current system
state or, indeed, forecasts of future system states
(vehicle queue lengths, traffic flows and speeds,
number of waiting pedestrians, delay to bus
passengers, vehicle emissions). ④ A lot of traffic
laws targeted at motorists are not just for the public
safety but for the safety of motorists themselves
such as seat belt laws. ⑤ It is therefore important
for both transport planning and online decision
support systems to be able to quantify the accuracy
of road traffic data collected by sensors.
Imagine that you had an income of $50,000 per
year in odd-numbered years and of $100,000 per
year in even-numbered years. Would you double
your consumption in even-numbered and halve it
in odd-numbered years? That seems unlikely. Most
people would spend less than their income in evennumbered years and more in odd-numbered years,
setting their consumption levels, not to the current
income, but to $75,000. Although this is an
extreme stylization, real-world cases may
approximate it. American schoolteachers, for
example, are paid only for nine months’ work each
year. They would save about a quarter of their
income each month to carry them over the summer
months with approximately the same level of
consumption. Similarly, people who work on
commission or for tips are aware that some seasons
of the year (say, Christmas for a salesman or
summer holidays for a waitress in a resort town)
are more lucrative; and they would save some of
the income from these periods to boost
consumption in slower times.
lucrative 돈이 벌리는, 수익성이 좋은
People are likely to smooth
fluctuations in income by adjusting
consumption to the
level of income.
① rapid
② rapid
③ unusual
④ predictable
⑤ predictable
영어 280제
다음 글을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오.
When Alexander the Great conquered the entire
known world in 323 B.C., he sat down and wept.
There were no more battles to be won. Hundreds
of years later, just months after the July 20, 1969,
date when Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin Jr. became one of
the first two men to walk on the moon, Aldrin
realized that, as a pilot, there were no greater
achievements he could strive for in his lifetime,
and he had a nervous breakdown. A great irony of
life is that people complain constantly about how
hard it is to “get ahead”; yet when they no longer
have to struggle, they
This has been a recur rent theme of great
literature. For example, throughout the novel Les
Misérables, by Victor Hugo, a police inspector
named Javert hunts the elusive criminal Jean
Valjean. In the end, when Javert f inally has a
chance to capture and arrest Valjean after many
years of pursuit, he cannot bring himself to do it.
Instead, he throws himself into the Seine River,
committing suicide. The chase had given him a
reason for living. For it to end was for life to end.
Consider a real-life parallel to that. Have you
ever heard parents say that they can’t wait to get
their kids raised and out of the house so that they
can have some time to themselves, yet once the
kids are gone, these same parents nearly go crazy
with all the time they have on their hands? The
point of all this is to challenge you with a great
truth that has survived the test of time: It is the
hard work we put into the trip itself that is our
victory in life, not getting to the destination.
위 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?
① The Virtue Lies in the Struggle, Not in the Prize
② All Human Beings Die Whether Famous or Not
③ Your Life Is More Precious Than Anything Else
④ Everyone Deserves to Live in Peace and
⑤ History Is Made by a Few Great Men and
위 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
① give up their lifelong career and look for
another job
② regain their strength and maintain their
③ enjoy their life and forget about what might
happen next
④ acknowledge their failure and seek to remedy
their errors
⑤ lose their sense of pur pose and develop
emotional problems
elusive 잡기 힘든
영어 280제
ㅣ정답과 해설 120-122쪽ㅣ
The story of a young fawn’s arrival at the shelter
was typical of Jasmine’s nurturing instincts. A
neighbor found the fawn roaming in a field not far
from the shelter. She was acting disoriented, and
most likely (d) her mother had been killed.
Grewcock named the fawn Bramble, and soon
after her arrival, Jasmine greeted the scared fawn
and promptly assumed responsibility for her care.
“They are inseparable,” said Grewcock. “Bramble
walks between (e) her legs as they walk together
around the shelter, and they keep kissing each
other. It’s absolutely marvelous.”
다음 글을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오.
In 2003, local police had found a young
greyhound locked in a garden shed. It was clear
she had been there for more than a few days
because she was in pretty rough shape: She showed
signs of having been abused before she was
abandoned, and she was malnourished and covered
with dirt. The police contacted Geoff Grewcock,
who had founded an animal shelter two years
earlier, and he took (a) her in to live among other
abandoned and abused animals.
fawn 새끼 사슴
He added that Jasmine treated every baby animal
in the same way regardless of the species or breed:
with lots of love and affection. He particularly
marveled at how Jasmine interacted with the
bunnies that came into the shelter, since
greyhounds were bred to chase them. She even
calmly sat while birds perched on her nose. “It is
quite amazing, particularly as she is a greyhound
breed and they are usually quite aggressive, which
is why they are used for racing,” Grewcock said.
“She loves the animals as if they were (b) her
주어진 글 (A)에 이어질 내용을 순서에 맞게 배열한 것으로 가장
적절한 것은?
① (B) - (D) - (C)
③ (C) - (D) - (B)
⑤ (D) - (C) - (B)
② (C) - (B) - (D)
④ (D) - (B) - (C)
밑줄 친 (a)~(e) 중에서 가리키는 대상이 나머지 넷과 다른 것은?
Originally, his goal was to bring the dog
(christened Jasmine by him) back to health, help
her renew her trust of humans, and then find a new
home for (c) her , but then something unusual
happened. As soon as Jasmine started to regain her
health, she would accompany Grewcock around
the shelter, and took a great interest whenever a
new animal arrived at the shelter, especially very
young ones. In essence, caring for these babies
became Jasmine’s job, and over the years, she
served as surrogate mother to a variety of animal
① (a)
③ (c)
④ (d)
⑤ (e)
위 글의 Jasmine에 관한 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?
① 경찰에 의해 처음 발견되었을 때 초췌하고 더러웠다.
② 새끼 동물들을 종류에 관계없이 동등하게 다루었다.
③ 새들이 자신의 코에 앉으면 몸을 흔들어 쫓아내었다.
④ 건강을 회복한 후에도 동물 보호소를 떠나지 않았다.
⑤ 새끼 사슴과 함께 동물 보호소를 두루 돌아다녔다.
surrogate mother 대리모
② (b)
영어 280제
제한 시간
학습 일자
2014. . .
다음 글의 목적으로 가장 적절한 것은?
다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?
I have been interested in student learning for as
long as I can remember. As an undergraduate it
puzzled me that some of my friends, no matter
how hard they studied, still failed or only just
passed their subjects. I had always held the belief
that if a person studied ‘hard’ enough, any subject
was understandable. As a young secondary school
science/maths teacher it became apparent to me
that studying ‘hard’ or ‘harder’ wasn’t necessarily
enough for all students to pass or do well. Students
needed to know ‘how to learn’. Through my
studies I learned a great deal about the different
ways in which students learn and the different
ways in which teachers can develop useful student
learning environments. The genesis of this book
came about through my role with Warwick
Diabetes Care at the University of Warwick where
I and my colleagues worked to provide excellent
learning opportunities for health care
professionals. This book is written for all health
care students.
Anecdotally, presidential advisers Clark Clifford,
Bernard Baruch, Henry Kissinger, and General
George Marshall were more useful at solving the
world’s problems after age 55 than before. If only
we could measure it properly, wisdom ought, like
experience and gray hair, to increase steadily with
age. Experimental evidence, however, suggests that
this belief is not true. For example, one research
study, using a test called the “Mature Reflective
Judgement Interview,” found a clear increase in
wisdom up until age 35. After that the
investigators found no good evidence for further
wisdom growth. In another study middle-level
managers could solve complex social relationship
problems as well from 28 to 35 as they could from
45 to 55; the only difference was that the younger
managers had to gather more and sometimes quite
extraneous data. From 65 to 75, however, the
manager’s performance was clearly inferior. Others
have obtained experimental results that confirm
these findings.
① 다양한 강의 기술을 안내하려고
② 집필의 배경과 목적을 설명하려고
③ 교육 전문가 양성 프로그램을 홍보하려고
④ 비효율적 시간 관리의 문제점을 알리려고
⑤ 책 출간에 도움을 준 사람들에게 감사하려고
① Does Wisdom Increase with Age?
② Wisdom: Formula for Your Happiness
③ How Can You Improve Your Wisdom?
④ Age: Something That Affects You Most
⑤ What Is the Most Important Value in Life?
영어 280제
ㅣ정답과 해설 123-125쪽ㅣ
다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.
다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은?
What is less known and little appreciated about
Alexander the Great is that his battlefield victories
depended on in-depth knowledge of the
psychology and culture of the ordinary people and
military leaders in opposing armies. He included
in his military intelligence information about the
beliefs, worldview, motivations, and patterns of
behavior of those he faced. Moreover, his
conquests and subsequent rule were more
economic and political in nature than military. He
used what we would now understand to be
psychological, sociological, and anthropological
insights. He understood that lasting victory
depended on the goodwill of and alliances with
non-Greek peoples. He carefully studied the
customs and conditions of people he conquered and
adapted his policies`─`politically, economically,
and culturally `─` to promote good conditions in
each place so that the people were reasonably welldisposed toward his rule. In this approach,
Alexander had to overcome the arrogance and
ethnocentrism of his own training, culture, and
Greek philosophy.
A Fortune magazine article sometime back
reported that Microsoft chairman Bill Gates has
three monitors on his desk. One screen displays
e-mail. The second screen shows the particular
message that he is writing at that moment. The
third screen is for a browser so he can search
various sites. Bill Gates is a pioneer of electronic
communication. He is a genius, and especially a
genius in the field of handling data. But for many
of us mere mortals, ICTs, far from freeing up time
to actually focus on and think about what we are
doing, have frequently compressed time to
stressful levels. The Dutch sociologist Ida Sabelis
uses the word “decompress,” which is what divers
have to do when they surface after very deep dives.
After we dive deeply into all kinds of data, we
definitely need time to sit back and think deeply
about the issues.
ICT 정보 통신 기술(information and communication technologies)
① 일을 할 때 일의 우선순위를 설정해야 한다.
② 스스로의 한계를 인식하는 것이 발전의 시작이다.
③ 컴퓨터에 능통하기 위해서는 꾸준한 노력이 필요하다.
④ 여러 일을 동시에 수행하는 것은 작업의 효율성을 떨어
① importance of in-depth knowledge of the military
② significant conditions for the Greeks to win in
③ necessity for non-Greek peoples to learn Greek
④ how Alexander won lasting victory over his
⑤ why the Greeks loved philosophy and
⑤ 업무 수행 중 여유를 두고 문제를 숙고하는 시간을 가져
야 한다.
영어 280제
Suppose, on your wedding day, your best man
delivers a heart-warming toast, a speech so moving
it brings tears to your eyes. You later learn that he
didn’t write it himself but bought it online. Would
the toast mean less than it did at first, before you
knew it was written by a paid professional? Most of
us would probably say yes. It might be argued that
presidents and prime ministers routinely employ
speechwriters, and no one faults them for it. But a
wedding toast is not a State of the Union address. It
is an expression of friendship. Although a bought
toast might “work” in the sense of achieving its
desired effect, that effect might depend on an
element of deception. Here’s a test: If, seized with
anxiety at the prospect of giving a speech at your
best friend’s wedding, you purchased a moving,
sentimental masterpiece online, would you reveal
this fact, or try to cover it up?
밑줄 친 부분이 가리키는 대상이 나머지 넷과 다른 것은?
Like Cézanne, Gauguin was a Post-Impressionist
who wanted to paint something deeper and more
important. He abandoned ① his stockbroking
career, and went to South America and Martinique
looking for simplicity. But poverty and disease
forced him back to France. Van Gogh invited
② him to Arles to help start an artists’ colony, but
the plan fell apart when they fought over where the
art should come from. Gauguin painted straight
from the imagination. Van Gogh, clinging to reality
as best he could, wanted to paint what he physically
saw but infused with the emotion of his mind.
③ His violent outburst sent Gauguin fleeing back
to Paris for safety. From there he left the West for
good. ④ His next twelve years in Tahiti were a
time of reflection on the true elements of humanity.
He explored primitive representation there, but
infectious disease, combined with artistic neglect
and extreme poverty, killed ⑤ him in 1903.
State of the Union address 일반 교서(미국 대통령이
매년 의회를 상대로 하는 국정 보고)
① 연설을 잘하기 위해서는 사전 연습이 효과적이다.
② 돈으로 사는 결혼식 건배사는 그 의미가 반감된다.
③ 정치가가 연설문을 대필시키는 것은 비도덕적이다.
④ 시간과 노력을 들일수록 훌륭한 연설문이 완성된다.
⑤ 감동적인 결혼식 축사의 가치는 돈으로 매길 수 없다.
영어 280제
ㅣ정답과 해설 125-127쪽ㅣ
(A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 어법에 맞는 표현으로 가장 적절한
다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 않은
Lewicki demonstrated that momentary past
encounters can affect choice behavior in social
settings. Participating high school students first
interacted with an interviewer who asked a series
of questions. For one of the questions, the
interviewer acted in either an “unkind” or a
“neutral” way. In the next part of the experiment,
students were presented with the choice of
approaching one of two new experimenters, one of
(A) whom / them physically resembled the first
interviewer. Only 20% of students who had had an
unpleasant brief encounter during the interview
approached the experimenter who physically
resembled the interviewer, whereas 57% of
students who had had a neutral interaction with the
interviewer chose the physically similar
experimenter. When (B) asked / asking , most
students believed that their choice of experimenter
was completely random. Lewicki concluded that
“the memory representation of even a single
instance relevant in some respect to the present
situation (C) is / being capable of influencing the
final decision”.
The degree of language endangerment varies
around the world. The continent in most
① desperate conditions linguistically is Aboriginal
Australia, where originally about 250 languages
were spoken, all with under 5,000 speakers. Today,
half of those Australian languages are already not
used: most of the ② survivors have under 100
speakers. Fewer than 20 Australian languages are
still being passed on to children, and at most a few
are likely still to be spoken by the end of the 21st
century. Nearly as desperate is the ③ plight of the
native languages of the Americas. Of the hundreds
of former Native American languages of North
America, one-third are already ④ extinct , another
third have only a few old speakers, and only two
(Navajo and Yupik Eskimo) are still being used for
broadcast on local radio stations. Among the
thousand or so native languages originally spoken
in Central and South America, the only one with a
⑤ doubtful future is Guarani, which along with
Spanish is the national language of Paraguay.
① whom
② them
③ whom
④ them
⑤ whom
영어 280제
(A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 문맥에 맞는 낱말로 가장 적절한
Stonehenge Tour에 관한 다음 안내문의 내용과 일치하지 않는
Lovelace Hospital Systems was concerned about
the rapid turnover among its nurses. When nurses
left, replacing them cost a lot of money, morale
suffered, and patient care was put at risk during the
(A) transaction / transition period. Kathleen
Davis, a registered nurse and vice president of
hospital operations, decided to tr y a(n)
(B) traditional / unconventional approach to
analyzing the turnover problem. She hired Susan
Wood, a consultant who specialized in
Appreciative Inquiry, a process for changing
organizations by studying what’s working rather
than what’s not. Wood and Davis decided not to
investigate why so many nurses were leaving.
Instead, they began to explore why other nurses
were staying. Wood asked nurses what made their
jobs (C) satisfying / disappointing . She recalled,
“These nurses were beaten down and overworked,
but as soon as we started them in a conversation
about what they were good at, the tone changed.”
Davis and Wood found that the nurses who stayed
at the hospital were fiercely loyal to the profession
of nursing.
① transaction
② transition
③ transaction
④ transition
⑤ transition
The great and ancient stone circle of
Stonehenge is one of the great wonders of the
world and has been awarded World Heritage
Site status. Why it was built is a mystery. Its
origins date back almost 5,000 years. Board
our luxury bus for a direct Express service to
Stonehenge. You can enjoy the stones at your
leisure with a fascinating audio-guided tour,
in the language of your choice.
Included Highlights
Express Service to Stonehenge by Luxury
Information Fact Sheet
Entrance to Stonehenge Included
Price & Departures
Adults: £29.00
Children: £15.00
Seniors/Students: £20.00
Days of departures: Tuesday, Thursday, and
Departures: 12:00 Royal National Hotel
12:30 Evan Evans Office
① 음성 안내 설명을 들을 수 있다.
② 버스를 타고 이동한다.
③ 관람지 입장료는 별도이다.
④ 학생과 노인의 관광료는 같다.
⑤ 화요일, 목요일, 토요일에 출발한다.
영어 280제
ㅣ정답과 해설 127-129쪽ㅣ
다음 도표의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?
Corsica에 관한 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?
A landscape wrapped in myth, Corsica remains
today a place of mysterious beauty. This is a rough,
wild land; its interior is scattered with twenty
peaks, which are believed to have once been the
land of giants and monsters, now home to an
astonishing diversity that is unexpected in this part
of the Mediterranean. It’s no surprise that this, the
fourth largest island in the Mediterranean, is so
popular during the summer, for it combines
sunshine with charming small towns, rich green
forests, cool clear rivers and soft white sand
beaches. Despite being part of France since the
18th century, Corsica is closer to Italy,
geographically and culturally, with graceful
Baroque churches, Genoese fortresses and a
cuisine that brings together both the Mediterranean
and the mountains. The island’s somewhat stormy
history has led to many fascinating tales of heroic
struggles, robbers, and long-running vendettas`─
the stuff of bedtime stories ─ which can be
explored in the charming harbourside towns.
Average Amounts
AY 2009 - 2010
AY 2010 - 2011
Student Borrowing
Student Income and Savings
AY 2011 - 2012
Parent Borrowing
Relatives and Friends
AY 2012 - 2013
Parent Income and Savings
Grants and Scholarships
The above graph shows what source American
families relied on for college money and how
much they spent in the four academic years (AY).
① Of the four academic years, American families
spent the largest amount of college money in 20092010, and the least in 2011-2012. ② Except for the
year 2009-2010, grants and scholarships played the
largest part in paying for college. ③ Parent income
and savings accounted for the largest part of
college money in 2009-2010 and the second
largest part in the other academic years. ④ During
the four academic-year period, students borrowed
more than their parents for their college money.
⑤ Relatives and friends played a relatively small
role in paying for college, but their contribution
was slightly higher than student income and
vendetta 피의 복수
① 신비로운 아름다움을 간직하고 있다.
② 내부에 20개의 봉우리가 흩어져 있다.
③ 지중해에서 네 번째로 큰 섬이다.
④ 18세기에 프랑스로부터 독립하였다.
⑤ 격동적인 역사 때문에 흥미로운 많은 이야기가 전해져
영어 280제
get them tossed out of the decision-making
process prematurely. Dr. Koichi Kawana says,
means the achievement of
maximum effect with minimal means.” When you
examine everything you do through that lens, it
shifts what you do and how you do it.
다음 글의 상황에 나타난 분위기로 가장 적절한 것은?
Lou reached for the remote control and held it
toward the TV like a gun. He pressed the trigger
angrily and powered it off. The sweating spandexed
women disappeared into a small circle of light in
the center of the screen before diminishing
completely. He reached for the plate of apple pie on
the table and began picking at it, wondering how
this had all started, practically from the second he
had walked in the door. It would end as it did so
many other nights: he would go to bed and she
would be asleep, or at least pretend to be. A few
hours later he would wake up, work out, get
showered, and go to work. He sighed, and then on
hearing the baby monitor crackle, he realized it had
grown silent. As he headed toward it to turn it off,
he heard a faint noise that made him reach for the
volume dial. His heart sank as the sounds of Ruth’s
quiet sobs filled the kitchen.
① noisy
④ romantic
boilerplate 표준 문안
① Variety
④ Interaction
② Clarity
③ Simplicity
⑤ Spontaneity
The introduction of new technologies into a
society is conditioned, in large part, by the cultural
consciousness. For example, in 1831, Europeans
invented chloroform for use in surgery. Centuries
earlier, the Chinese invented acupuncture and used
it as an anesthetic. Why did the Europeans never
discover acupuncture and the Chinese never
discover chloroform? Because European and
Chinese ideas about space, time, and reality were so
utterly different. The Chinese culture, because of its
emphasis on context, holistic thinking, and harmony
with nature, predisposed itself to discoveries like
acupuncture. The European mind, being analytical,
was predisposed to discoveries like chloroform. In
short, cultural consciousness conditions the mind to
view the world in a certain way and leads to new
discoveries that
② scary
③ serious
⑤ monotonous
다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을
Recently, I spoke to a group of college students
majoring in sales. Jessica, who worked for a tech
company as a sales intern, told of how shocked she
was when she saw a proposal prepared by one of the
salespeople. It was one hundred pages long, filled
with corporate boilerplate covering everything that a
decision maker might ever want to know `─` in
excruciating detail. When she raised questions
about it, she was told by the sales pros, “That’s what
we always do!” I told her that their failure to change
would hurt their chances of winning, and could even
excruciating 극도의
acupuncture 침술
anesthetic 마취제
① encourage social and cultural integration
② will make old institutions obsolete
③ conform with the culture’s mental perception of
④ will add to our knowledge and understanding of
the world
⑤ change the way we think about everything in
our own culture
영어 280제
ㅣ정답과 해설 129-132쪽ㅣ
The key to successful risk taking is to understand
that the actions you’re taking should be the natural
next step. One of the mistakes we often make
when confronting a risk situation, whether it is
learning a new skill or starting a new project, is
our tendency to
. Skiers who
are unsure of themselves often do this. They’ll go
to the edge of a difficult slope, look all the way
down to the bottom, and from where they are on
the hill, determine that the slope is too steep for
them to try. The ones that decide to make it change
their focus by analyzing what they need to do to
master the first step, like getting through the first
mogul on the hill. Once they get there, they
concentrate on the next mogul, and over the course
of the run, they end up at the bottom of what
others thought was an impossible mountain.
다음 글의 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장
적절한 것을 고르시오.
When we stop believing that criticizing is useful,
we can become more
to others. We
criticize others because we believe that this will
help them improve, and we do not recognize that
we are, in fact, discouraging them. It is a
misconception that criticizing is the best way to
help someone progress. When we deal with those
who have been entrusted to us or with whom we
work, we can suggest changes and point out
opportunities for progress and, at the same time,
we can ensure that the other person feels
comfortable with the situation. Individuals who
feel a sense of belonging usually do not mind if
their mistakes are
. The same is not
the case when individuals feel that they are only
being criticized. Without the feeling of belonging,
the main feeling engendered is likely to be guilt.
mogul 모굴(스키의 활주 사면에 있는 단단한 눈 더미)
run (스키 등의) 비탈 코스
① focus on the end result
② depend only on our leaders
③ think in terms of efficiency
④ conform to those around us
⑤ attribute failure to ourselves
misconception 잘못된 생각, 오해
engender (어떤 감정·상황을) 낳다, 불러일으키다
① attractive
② depressing
③ depressing
④ encouraging
⑤ encouraging
영어 280제
One form of energy that seems to have fewer
problems than most others is nuclear fusion power.
The fusion process actually releases much more
energy than nuclear fission, and it produces much
less radioactive waste. So many people are excited
about the possibility of developing a working
hydrogen fusion reactor. Right now,
scientists are not having a lot of luck turning
fusion power into reality `─` it is much more
difficult than anything else humans have tried to
build. Scientists can produce fusion energy, but
right now it takes much more energy to create
nuclear fusion than the actual energy that fusion
gives us in return.
, in trying to
create nuclear fusion, energy is actually lost
instead of gained. While humans can make bombs
that use fusion power, they are not yet able to
control the reaction for use in a power plant.
fusion 융합, 핵융합
① however
② however
③ in addition
④ therefore
⑤ therefore
주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장
적절한 것을 고르시오.
Changing the position or shape of your body
while on a snowboard changes the arrangement
of your weight. In other words, it changes the
position of your center of gravity.
(A) Suppose a kid gets on one end, and an adult
(who is heavier) gets on the other. This shifts
the seesaw’s center of gravity toward the adult.
The end with the adult moves down, and the
end with the kid goes up.
(B) The same thing happens when you change the
arrangement of weight on a seesaw. If no one
sits on it, its center of gravity is in the middle.
The seesaw is evenly balanced.
(C) Now suppose the two people change places.
The center of gravity again moves toward the
adult. To shift the seesaw’s center of gravity
back to the middle, the arrangement of weight
needs to be changed. This can be done if the
adult sits closer to the middle.
fission 분열, 핵분열
For example
In other words
For example
In other words
① (A) - (C) - (B)
③ (B) - (C) - (A)
⑤ (C) - (B) - (A)
영어 280제
② (B) - (A) - (C)
④ (C) - (A) - (B)
ㅣ정답과 해설 132-134쪽ㅣ
다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장은?
Trail laying and trail following as a
navigational method are common throughout
the animal kingdom.
High quality, three-dimensional kinematic data
are necessary to model bat flight and its
interspecif ic variation, and to examine how
effectively aerodynamic theory developed for
aircraft can be applied to bat flight. ① Until
recently, such data were extremely difficult to
obtain for several reasons. ② The rapid movements
of bat wings require high imaging rates to
accurately capture movements of the wingtips
(typically greater than 250-500 images per second,
and higher for smaller species with high wingbeat
frequencies). ③ Although low-frequency sound
travels further than high-frequency sound, calls at
higher frequencies give bats more detailed
information. ④ With conventional film and video,
these imaging rates require intense light that often
prevents bats from flying normally or at all.
⑤ Moreover, bats move several body lengths with
each wingbeat cycle, hence it is impossible to
simultaneously zoom in close enough to obtain
good detail of wing motions and capture images
from an entire wingbeat.
(A) As it does so it deposits a pheromone trail on
the ground behind it. At the nest the returning
individual performs stereotyped behaviors
designed to recruit others to the food source.
By following the trail these recruits are able to
go directly to it.
(B) As each of them returns to the nest they too
deposit pheromone and so the trail is
reinforced. Eventually the food source will
become exhausted and animals will stop
returning from it. No trail reinforcement will
take place and quite quickly the trail will
(C) Ants, for example, use pheromone trails as a
method by which a number of foragers can
efficiently exploit a newly discovered food
source. When it finds a food source that is too
large for it to exploit successfully alone, a
foraging ant will return quickly, and by a very
direct route, to its nest.
kinematic 운동학적인
aerodynamic 공기 역학의
pheromone 페로몬, 유인 물질
forager 식량을 찾아다니는 사람이나 동물, 약탈자
① (A) - (C) - (B)
③ (B) - (C) - (A)
⑤ (C) - (B) - (A)
② (B) - (A) - (C)
④ (C) - (A) - (B)
interspecific 이종( 種) 간의
영어 280제
글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳은?
다음 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 한다. 빈칸 (A)와 (B)에
들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
In this state the researchers asked them to fill in
a questionnaire about their mental search.
In an experiment, a pair of Cornell researchers
divided a class of students into two groups. One
group was allowed to surf the Web while listening
to a lecture. A log of their activity showed that they
looked at sites related to the lecture’s content but
also visited unrelated sites, checked their
e-mail, went shopping, watched videos, and did all
the other things that people do online. The second
group heard the identical lecture but had to keep
their laptops shut. Immediately afterward, both
groups took a test measuring how well they could
recall the information from the lecture. The
surfers, the researchers repor t, “performed
significantly poorer on immediate measures of
memory for the to-be-learned content.” It didn’t
matter, moreover, whether they surfed information
related to the lecture or completely unrelated
content `─`they all performed poorly. When the
researchers repeated the experiment with another
class, the results were the same.
Researchers Brown and McNeill assembled a
group of students, and read them out definitions of
relatively uncommon words. For example, when
the ‘target’ word was SEXTANT, the students
heard the definition: ‘A navigational instrument
used in measuring angular distances, especially the
altitude of sun, moon and stars at sea.’ ( ① )
Some of the students recognized the right word
immediately. ( ② ) But others went into a ‘tip of
the tongue’ state: They felt they were on the verge
of getting the word, but not quite there. ( ③ ).
To their surprise, they found that the students
could provide quite a lot of information about the
elusive missing name. ( ④ ) Sometimes the
information was semantic, and sometimes it was
phonetic. ( ⑤ ) For example, in response to the
definition of SEXTANT, several students provided
the similar meaning words COMPASS and
PROTRACTOR, and others remembered that it
had two syllables and began with an S, and made
guesses such as SECANT, SEXTON or SEXTET.
altitude 고도
According to the experiments,
access to the Internet during class has a
negative influence on students’
elusive 기억하기 어려운
semantic 의미에 관한
① allowing
② allowing
③ limiting
④ limiting
⑤ allowing
영어 280제
group work
classroom discipline
creativity development
learning motivation
information acquisition
ㅣ정답과 해설 134-136쪽ㅣ
다음 글을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오.
A teacher has an overload of information coming
at him from a wide range of sources. Some of the
biggest problems and disruptions can arise when a
busy teacher simply doesn’t know exactly what is
going on. Half the class doesn’t turn up and you
find out from other students that there is a play
rehearsal. Ten minutes into a lesson, ten students
are called out to have an inoculation. Your lesson is
going well when the whole class is called for a
photograph session. In a school year the variety of
reasons for changes to plan is quite amazing. Yes,
there are of course memos and emails and
meetings galore, but in practice I have developed a
simple little system which is worth its weight in
You build up a small network of key people. For
example, your deputy head of department, your
year head and maybe the receptionist. You work
out lines of communication so that all major
activities which occur in the annual calendar are
covered and these key people are aware of them.
Then you develop the habit each and every day of
just double-checking exactly what is going on the
next day with each of the key people. It only takes
a few moments but you will be amazed at how
many things you will pick up which may have
. It will give you an early
warning and therefore vital preparation time. It is
important to check the day before, because so
many plans printed in advance in notices are often
changed at the last minute. This system picks that
inoculation 예방 접종
위 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?
① What Happened During My Absence in School?
② The Power of Powerless People’s Communication
③ How to Make an Emergency Communication
④ A Way to Be Sure You Know What Is Going On
in School
⑤ You Don’t Have to Know All the Information in
위 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
① caused surprisingly little problems for a year
② otherwise slipped through the communication
③ been canceled without your cooperation and
④ turned out to be the greatest mistake you’ve
ever made
⑤ disturbed you at the time but eventually helped
galore 많은
영어 280제
ㅣ정답과 해설 136-137쪽ㅣ
was never identified, nor did anyone try to track
her down or to involve her in the debates. The
driver’s apology that the online community forced
(d) him to make was also not directed at her. The
driver did not apologize for having threatened the
foreign woman or for having thrown her bicycle to
the side of the road, but instead (e) he apologized
to Chinese netizens for having embarrassed and
shamed the Chinese nation in front of foreigners.
다음 글을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오.
In 2006, a Western woman stopped a car driver
from entering a bicycle lane in Beijing. The
Western woman had an altercation with the driver
during which the Chinese man forcibly removed
her bicycle from the road. The Western woman did
not back down, however, and retrieved her bicycle
to continue to block the car’s entry into the bike
altercation 언쟁, 격론
retrieve 회수하다, 회복하다
주어진 글 (A)에 이어질 내용을 순서에 맞게 배열한 것으로 가장
But this impulsive and nationalistic reaction soon
changed to at first include, and later on focus solely
on criticizing, the Chinese man in online debates.
Netizens accused (a) him of having embarrassed
the entire Chinese nation, of having lost face for
China, and wondered why a country with a history
of 5,000 years kept producing such uncultured
people. The debates gathered steam online, until he
appeared and publicly apologized for (b) his
behaviour and for having shamed China.
적절한 것은?
① (B) - (D) - (C)
③ (C) - (D) - (B)
⑤ (D) - (C) - (B)
impulsive 충동적인
밑줄 친 (a)~(e) 중에서 가리키는 대상이 나머지 넷과 다른 것은?
① (a)
The event would not have been remarkable,
except for the fact that a bystander had pointed
(c) his mobile phone at the developing situation
and uploaded the resulting photos. The photos
show numerous Chinese bystanders who looked on
but did not interfere in the scene to support either
the Western woman or the Chinese driver, but
reactions online were very different. Chinese
netizens were outraged at f irst that a Western
woman had dared tell a Chinese man how to
behave in his own country.
② (b)
③ (c)
④ (d)
⑤ (e)
위 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?
① 중국인 남성은 서양 여성의 자전거를 강제로 치웠다.
② 온라인에서 논쟁이 계속되면서 비판의 대상이 바뀌었다.
③ 주위에서 많은 사람들이 서양 여성을 도와주었다.
④ 중국 네티즌들은 처음에는 서양 여성에게 분노했다.
⑤ 서양 여성의 신원은 밝혀지지 않았다.
Meanwhile, the foreign woman in the pictures
② (C) - (B) - (D)
④ (D) - (B) - (C)
영어 280제
제한 시간
학습 일자
2014. . .
다음 글에서 Marilynn Wann이 주장하는 바로 가장 적절한 것은?
다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은?
When I ask Marilynn Wann, a fat activist, what
she would do about the obesity epidemic, she gives
a relatively simple and straightforward answer.
Rather than continuing this mad and pointless
effort to either fight our biology or stifle the free
market, the best way to get over our weight
problem is to stop worrying so much about our
weight. In her experience, it is fat biases and
prejudices that are causing more harm than any of
the health problems that come from being fat. Not
only do these prejudices distort our understanding
of body weight and health, but they are also
fueling a public hysteria over our recent weight
gains and how we should respond. Until we let go
of our hostility toward fatness, our government
will continue to waste billions on ineffective and
misguided weight-loss policies and millions of
people will continue to suffer from the stigma and
frustration of simply living naturally.
In our counseling sessions clients are sometimes
surprised when we ask them what they like about
themselves. They look uncomfortable and
embarrassed. They find it easier to talk about how
they see themselves in positive ways if we say to
them: “If your best friends were here, how would
they describe you?” “What characteristics would
they ascribe to you?” “What reasons might they
give for choosing you as a friend?” Some have
been brought up to think that it is egocentric to talk
about self-love. But unless we learn how to love
ourselves, we will encounter difficulties in loving
others and in allowing them to love us. We cannot
give to others what we do not possess ourselves. If
we are able to appreciate our own worth, then we
are better able to accept the love from others. This
could even include loving an enemy.
stifle 억누르다
① 감정을 잘 표현하는 것은 정신 건강에 이롭다.
② 좋은 교우 관계는 자존감 증진에 긍정적 영향을 미친다.
③ 자기중심적 사고는 건전한 인간 관계 형성에 방해가 된다.
④ 타인의 의견을 수용할 줄 알아야 자기 발전을 이룰 수 있다.
⑤ 자기 자신을 사랑할 수 있어야 남과 사랑을 주고받을 수 있다.
stigma 오명
① 비만을 유발하는 식습관을 바꿔야 한다.
② 비만은 질병이라는 인식을 가져야 한다.
③ 비만이 선천적이라는 생각에서 벗어나야 한다.
④ 비만 예방 정책에 필요한 예산을 늘려야 한다.
⑤ 비만에 대한 나쁜 편견과 선입견을 버려야 한다.
영어 280제
다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?
다음 글의 목적으로 가장 적절한 것은?
People who are highly motivated often tense their
muscles as they get ready to spring into action. But
is the opposite also true? Can you boost your
willpower by tensing your muscles? Ris Hung
from the National University of Singapore
assembled several groups of participants and asked
them to keep their hands submerged in an ice
bucket for as long as possible, consume a healthy
but terrible-tasting vinegar drink, or visit a local
cafeteria and buy healthy food rather than sugary
snacks. Every time, half of the participants were
asked to tighten certain muscles by making their
hand into a fist, sitting down and lifting their heels
off the floor, holding a pen by tightly weaving it
between their fingers, or contracting their biceps.
Each of these exercises was designed to make the
participants behave as if they were trying hard to
exert self-control. The results showed that those
carrying out the exercises were more likely to keep
their hand in the bucket of ice for longer, down
more vinegar or buy healthier food.
Thank you for your interest in becoming part of
Powell’s training and development department as
an instructor. I agree that everyone needs a change
once in a while. However, though you have good
production experience, this position requires indepth knowledge of the training process. Although
you have been with Powell for five years, your
background and experience have not prepared you
for this particular position. Several applications
have been received from people with training
experience and even some with training experience
in the manufacturing industry. The company will
f ill the position from these applicants.
Unfortunately, you are not being selected for this
position, but I am aware that you wish to continue
to upgrade your position with the company. I
encourage you to do this, and I’m sure that we`─
the company and you`─`will find the position that
best matches your experience and background.
submerge 물속에 넣다
① 신입 사원 선발 절차를 고지하려고
② 맞춤형 인재 양성 계획을 안내하려고
③ 부서 간 사원 교류가 있음을 홍보하려고
④ 지원한 직책에 선발되지 않았음을 통보하려고
⑤ 회사의 승진 기준이 변경되었음을 공고하려고
biceps 이두박근
① Endurance Pays Off
② Building Muscle Isn’t Difficult
③ Muscle: A Strengthener of Willpower
④ Tense Muscles: Not Good for Health
⑤ Willpower: The Greatest Human Quality
영어 280제
ㅣ정답과 해설 138-142쪽ㅣ
while students passively take notes. They have
sadly graduated from an environment that is
designed to stimulate their imagination to ④ one
that inadvertently crushes it. And when they head
off to work, many of these graduates f ind
⑤ themselves in offices with rows upon rows of
sterile cubicles. Furthermore, in many places in the
world, these offices are dimly lit and filled with
cigarette smoke.
밑줄 친 부분이 가리키는 대상이 나머지 넷과 다른 것은?
Wesley Autrey was waiting with his two young
daughters for a train at the 137th Street and
Broadway station in Manhattan when ① he saw
Cameron Hollopeter undergoing a seizure. Autrey
borrowed a pen and used it to keep the jaw of the
student open. Moments later, Hollopeter came to
and stood up, only to fall down onto the tracks.
Despite the lights and rumble that signaled the
approach of a southbound train, Autrey jumped
down to help the fallen student as ② his daughters
looked on, aghast. On the tracks, he realized there
was not enough time to drag ③ him away. Instead,
④ he threw himself over the student to pin him
down. The operator of the train applied the brakes,
but two cars still passed over the prone figures,
close enough to leave a smear of grease on
Autrey’s cap. Within a few weeks, Autrey had
received a flood of gifts, and been showered with
praise for ⑤ his heroic role in the “Miracle Under
137th Street.”
prone 엎드린
sterile 개성이 결핍된
(A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 어법에 맞는 표현으로 가장 적절한
When pressed by your host, you take a second
helping of dinner, even though you are determined
to watch your weight. You may go to a movie that
you end up disliking because everyone you know
and the reviews (A) recommend / to recommend
it. You wear the same clothes as others partly
because of the way the clothing industry copies
itself, but largely because we choose to wear what
other people wear. You give your kids the same
names as your peers give (B) them / theirs , even
though you swear you are being original with
Jacob, Noah, Emily. We all look around `─`at
people like us, at magazines, at films and TV`─
and develop a feel for what is socially acceptable
and (C) what / how we might put that look
smear 자국, 얼룩
다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은?
Kindergartens strive for a stimulating
environment. Rooms are filled with manipulatives
such as blocks and Legos, there is an abundance of
brightly colored books and games, and the
furniture is designed so that kids can work
① independently , in groups, or as an entire class.
Unfortunately, as children get older, classrooms
get less and less ② inspiring . Eventually, in high
school and college, desks and chairs are usually
lined up in rows and bolted to the floor, ③ faced
the front of the room, where the teacher lectures
① recommend
② recommend
③ recommend
④ to recommend
⑤ to recommend
영어 280제
다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 않은
Book Club 행사에 관한 다음 안내문의 내용과 일치하는 것은?
Book Club
① Accelerating beyond my strolling speed
completely changes the experience of walking,
because the transition to a faster walk brings about
a shar p deterioration in my ability to think
coherently. As I speed up, my attention is drawn
with ② increasing frequency to the experience of
walking and to the deliberate maintenance of the
faster pace. My ability to bring a train of thought
to a conclusion is ③ enhanced accordingly. At the
highest speed I can ④ sustain on the hills, about
14 minutes for a mile, I do not even try to think of
anything else. In addition to the physical effort of
moving my body rapidly along the path, a mental
effort of self-control is needed to ⑤ resist the urge
to slow down. Self-control and deliberate thought
apparently draw on the same limited budget of
This is a golden opportunity to meet Kearns
When: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 4:30
p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Where: Quadrangle Club
Now available online ─ Register at:
▶ Here Kearns Goodwin will speak about
previous works, as well as her most recent
book, The Bully Pulpit.
deterioration 악화, 하락
Cost: This event is free and open to
students, faculty, staff, and the public.
Notes: If you cannot attend, please cancel
your ticket reservation on Eventbrite so
others may register. Doors will open at 3:45
p.m. After 4:15 p.m., if you have not
arrived, your seat will be given to a guest
waiting on standby on a first-come, firstserved basis.
① 오후 4시 30분부터 6시까지 주말에 진행된다.
② 인터넷 사이트에서의 참가 신청은 당분간 불가능하다.
③ Kearns Goodwin의 최신 작품에 관한 이야기를 들을
수 있다.
④ 학생 및 교직원을 제외한 일반인들은 참가비를 내야 한다.
⑤ 오후 3시 45분부터는 대기자들에게 선착순으로 빈자리
가 양도된다.
영어 280제
ㅣ정답과 해설 142-144쪽ㅣ
다음 도표의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?
Anguissola에 관한 다음 글의 내용과 일치하는 것은?
Sofonisba Anguissola was born in Cremona in
northern Italy around 1535. Her father, a poor and
landless aristocrat, nevertheless had his six
daughters educated as sixteenth-centur y
noblewomen, including tutoring in the fine arts ─
music, literature, and painting. When Anguissola,
the eldest of the sisters, was in her early teens she
continued her serious ar t training with an
apprenticeship with a local painter. Anguissola
became so skillful that one of her drawings came
to the attention of Michelangelo, who admired and
critiqued her work. Although she received
professional training, Anguissola still faced
restrictions as a woman. She was not allowed to
formally study anatomy or the human figure, and
she probably did most of her work at home using
herself and members of her family as subjects.
Anguissola’s first specialty was portrait painting.
She gained a considerable reputation around
Cremona and her many self-portraits became
collectors’ items.
Just off the top of your head, would you say you have a
positive or negative image of each of the following?
% Positive
% Negative
50 48
46 51
Entrepre- Capitalism
The Federal Socialism
Business Enterprise neurs
Business Government
The above graph shows whether Americans’ topof-mind reactions to the given seven terms are
positive or negative. ① Americans are almost
uniformly positive in their reactions to three terms:
small business, free enterprise, and entrepreneurs.
② Small business is the most positively rated term
of the seven included in the list, with a nearly
universal positive rating of 95%. ③ In contrast,
Americans are divided on big business and the
federal government, with roughly as many people
saying their view is positive as saying it is negative.
④ Also, capitalism evokes less positive responses
than free enterprise, 61% saying it is positive
compared to 86% to free enterprise. ⑤ Socialism
has the lowest percentage positive rating and the
second highest negative rating of any term tested;
still, more than a third of Americans say they have
a positive image of socialism.
① 토지가 많은 부유한 귀족 집안에서 태어났다.
② 십대가 되면서 예술 수업을 중단했다.
③ 미켈란젤로에게 작품을 인정받지 못했다.
④ 인체에 대해 정식으로 연구할 기회를 얻었다.
⑤ 그녀의 자화상은 수집가들의 관심을 끌었다.
영어 280제
다음 글에 드러난 Dorry의 심경으로 가장 적절한 것은?
다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을
Dorry sank down in the hard plastic chair as if
that would make her invisible. This was ridiculous
because, of the hundreds of kids crowded into the
Crestwood High School cafeteria, not one seemed
to care if Dorry was there or on Mars. Dorry
peeled the waxed paper off her peanut-butter-andcheese sandwich. It used to be her favorite
sandwich, but now it tasted like sadness, like tears
held back because she was too proud to cry in
front of people she didn’t know. The first few
weeks she’d gone around like some robot
with a one-message computer chip: “Hi. I’m
Dor ry Stevens. I’m new.” She had grinned
enthusiastically with every greeting, so much that
her smile muscles ached by the end of each day.
Usually kids said “Hi,” and then turned back to
their friends. Sometimes all she got was a shrug.
Studies do show that motorists are more likely to
yield to pedestrians in marked crosswalks than at
unmarked crosswalks. But as University of
California, Berkeley, researchers David Ragland
and Meghan Fehlig Mitman found, that does not
necessarily make things safer. When they
compared the way pedestrians crossed at both
kinds of crosswalks on roads with considerable
traff ic volumes, they found that people at
unmarked crosswalks tended to look both ways
more often, waited more often for gaps in traffic,
and crossed the road more quickly. Researchers
suspect that both drivers and pedestrians are more
aware that drivers should yield to pedestrians in
marked crosswalks. But neither are aware of this
fact when it comes to unmarked crosswalks. Not
knowing traffic safety laws, it turns out, is actually
a good thing for pedestrians. Because they do not
know whether cars are supposed to stop`─`or if
they will ─`they act more cautiously. Marked
crosswalks, by contrast, may give pedestrians
① amused and happy
② proud and satisfied
③ relieved and grateful
④ bored and indifferent
⑤ depressed and frustrated
① an awareness of the complex traffic rules
② an unrealistic picture of their own safety
③ a tip for safely crossing at crosswalks
④ a good opportunity to follow safe practices
⑤ a deep anxiety about increasing traffic accidents
영어 280제
ㅣ정답과 해설 144-146쪽ㅣ
Powerful commitment, whether to a lover, a
family, a friend, or a cause, is often the catalyst for
achieving higher mental performance. This
phenomenon played itself out on the big screen
through Russell Crowe’s excellent portrayal of Jim
Braddock in the movie Cinderella Man, the story
of how a mediocre boxer found his inspiration to
become the world champion. The changing energy
that marked the success of the real man’s climb to
fame was the awareness of the path for his family’s
sake. That powerful emotional commitment fueled
his drive for success. The phrase “You are the
champion of my heart,” supposedly said to this
great athlete by his wife, is indicative of the power
of faith and hope.
has always
been a major source of physical and mental power.
It used to be thought that pottery was invented
only once people had begun to settle down on
farms. Archaeological discoveries in the Middle
East seemed to confirm that, with no evidence of
pottery until about 8,000 years ago, some time
after the first farms and cities appeared in this part
of the world. In the Zagros Mountains in modernday Iraq, for instance, people didn’t start to make
pottery until 6300 BC, some 2,000 years after
beginning to cultivate wheat and barley, keep cows
and sheep and live in villages. But then pottery
was found at Odai Yamamoto in Japan that dates
back 12,500 years, long before the coming of
farming. The hunting and gathering people who
created this pottery, which is surprisingly wellmade, are known as the Jomon culture because of
the distinctive cord marks or ‘jomon’ on their pots.
In 1998, improved dating techniques put the date
for some shards of Jomon pottery back a further
4,000 years, making them 16,500 years old.
catalyst 자극제
① Analyzing yourself and your opponent
② Loving not only your family but also your
③ Being placed in the role of hero in the name of
④ Aiming high irrespective of what others say
about you
⑤ Not being afraid of defeat in the face of a strong
shard (유리, 금속 등의) 조각, 파편
① Jomon pottery represented the successful launch
of farming
② having pots and an unsettled lifestyle were not
③ the credibility of the dating method was
seriously undermined
④ possessing pottery indicated the high level of
ancient civilizations
⑤ the farming revolution spread from the Middle
East to the world
영어 280제
다음 글의 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장
적절한 것을 고르시오.
One important characteristic of a post-industrial
society is an increase in the impor tance of
theoretical knowledge. Industrial societies are
interested in the practical side of things. They
concentrate on what works and ignore the rest. A
post-industrial society,
, is concerned
with more than just this short-run, heavily
pragmatic view. For example, in hospitals today, a
great deal of research is being conducted. Medical
institutions are collecting all sorts of data on their
patients. In many cases, though the data are
analyzed, no answer is found.
medical personnel retain this information in a
computer; they do not need to find a short-run
value for it. Possibly, in the future, researchers will
have collected suff icient data from which to
propose a theory regarding the causes of and cures
for a given disease.
Planned obsolescence was central to the golden
age of industrial design, from the 1930s through
the 1970s. Every year brought new products with
avant-garde styling that rendered last year’s model
. As Vance Packard
observed, it is impossible to make genuine
technical innovations in established products every
year, so their planned obsolescence must be
focused on design, not functionality. Businesses
must seek “planned obsolescence of desirability”
(the product is thrown out and replaced because it
is no longer fashionable), rather than “planned
obsolescence of utility” (the product is thrown out
because it no longer works). The idea of planned
obsolescence spread quickly through all domains
of industrial design: cars, houses, clothing,
furniture. Businesses learned that consumers
bought things vastly more often if they were
convinced that product novelty as an openness
indicator surpassed product utility and reliability
as conscientiousness indicators. So, throughout
these decades of dizzying
innovation, the highly open were highly excited,
and the less open were highly confused.
avant-garde 급진적인
① instead
② instead
③ in addition
④ however
⑤ however
desirability 바람직한 정도(매력도)
conscientiousness 성실성
① cheaper
② cheaper
③ useless
④ old-fashioned
⑤ old-fashioned
영어 280제
ㅣ정답과 해설 146-148쪽ㅣ
글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에
가장 적절한 곳을 고르시오.
But our fattening leftovers might not have been
the sole cause of the rodents’ increase in body
But we may find that our values are such that
we incorporate the good of others as part of our
Even just living around us humans can make
animals balloon. ( ① ) City rats crawling the
alleys in urban Baltimore, for example, grew about
6 percent fatter, per decade, between 1948 and
2006, presumably because their food came almost
entirely from human garbage cans and pantries.
( ② ) These rats also showed about a 20 percent
increase in the chance of becoming obese. ( ③ )
The researchers who studied these urban rodents
found an intriguing parallel weight gain in another
group of animals. ( ④ ) The city rats’ country
cousins also became fatter`─`at nearly the same
rates `─` during some of that same time period.
( ⑤ ) And even though their food supplies were
“natural,” rats in the parklands and agricultural
areas around Baltimore also showed an increase in
the odds they would become obese.
Suppose humans are predominantly psychological
egoists, that we are very often motivated by selfregarding motives. ( ① ) This does not imply
that we are entirely egoists, nor does it mean that
we are necessarily self ish. ( ② ) Webster’s
Dictionary def ines self ish as “seeking or
concentrating on one’s own advantage, pleasure, or
well-being without regard for others.” ( ③ ) A
friend’s or a lover’s happiness is so bound up with
the good of the other that the two cannot be
separated. ( ④ ) So if psychological egoism is
interpreted as selfishness, it is surely false; if it is
simply a statement of how we are motivated, then it
probably still is false. ( ⑤ ) Something like it`─
`predominant psychological egoism`─`may be true,
but this does not rule out the possibility of
disinterested action.
rodent 설치류(쥐, 토끼처럼 앞니가 날카로운 동물)
pantry 식품 저장고
영어 280제
다음 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 한다. 빈칸 (A)와 (B)에
다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장은?
들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
One example of the environmentalists’ claim that
global warming will hurt the poor is through the
spread of malaria. When it comes to malaria,
though, the environmentalists should be the last
ones we turn to for advice. ① The world’s poor are
already dying by the millions because of
misguided environmental policies. ② European
countries have threatened trade restrictions on
African countries if they use DDT, a relatively safe
and extremely effective pesticide that the
developed countries have already used to conquer
malaria. ③ As a result of this ban, nearly one
million Africans die each year from malaria, and
many more are permanently disabled. ④ DDT is
still used to control malaria outside developed
countries, so DDT-resistant mosquitoes are a
problem. ⑤ Forcing the environmental policies of
wealthy countries on the poor countries has caused,
and continues to cause, death and suffering.
Participants in one study read target words (e.g.,
piano) in either of two contexts: “The man lifted
the piano” or “The man tuned the piano.” These
sentences led the participants to think about the
target word in a particular way, and it was then this
line of thinking that was encoded into each
person’s memory. Thus, continuing the example,
what was recorded in memory was the idea of
“piano as something heavy” or “piano as a musical
instrument.” This difference in memory content
became clear when participants were later asked to
recall the target words. If they had earlier seen the
“lifted” sentence, then they were quite likely to
recall the target word if given the hint “something
heavy.” The hint “something with a nice sound”
was much less effective. But if participants had
seen the “tuned” sentence, the result reversed:
Now the “nice sound” hint was effective, but the
“heavy” hint was not. In both cases, the memory
hint was effective only if it was in agreement with
what was stored in memory.
The above experiment indicates that target
words are encoded with specific
contents into memory, which makes the words
easier to
① visual
② visual
③ auditory
④ contextual
⑤ contextual
영어 280제
ㅣ정답과 해설 148-151쪽ㅣ
주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장
적절한 것을 고르시오.
Some modern readers have felt excluded
from access to classical culture, precisely
because they have no access to the original
languages written and spoken in the ancient
If you grew up with brothers and sisters, you
no doubt recall many remarkable moments you
shared together.
(A) In fact, Plutarch’s Life of Julius Caesar was an
important source for Shakespeare’s Julius
Caesar, the play in which the memorable
phrase ‘it was [all] Greek to me’ was coined.
But he read his Plutarch entirely in the English
of North’s translation.
(B) Shakespeare too, to take another famous
example, was near enough Greekless (‘little
Latin, and less Greek’). Not that he neglected
classical writers. He was well-versed in the
works of the Greek biographer Plutarch, who
in the second century wrote a series of lives of
famous Greeks and Romans.
(C) But others have been happy to use translations,
and to get on with the business of becoming
‘classicists’ in their own language. Keats, one
of the most classical (in every sense of the
word) English poets, knew no Greek.
(A) But the younger child is usually quite
persistent, and often is willing to do just about
anything to get in the good graces of his or her
brother or sister. This includes being subjected
to a range of tests and experiments.
(B) Unfortunately, many big kids don’t want to be
bothered by a small child who might play with
their things, cramp their style, annoy their
friends, mess up their rooms even more, or
report their activities to the authorities (i.e.,
Mom or Dad).
(C) Whether they were pleasant or unpleasant at
the time, most seem quite humorous in
retrospect. At an early age, in particular, small
kids eagerly try to participate in their older
siblings’ activities and do whatever it takes to
be involved.
① (A) - (C) - (B)
③ (B) - (C) - (A)
⑤ (C) - (B) - (A)
coin (새로운 낱말·어구를) 만들다
② (B) - (A) - (C)
④ (C) - (A) - (B)
① (A) - (C) - (B)
③ (B) - (C) - (A)
⑤ (C) - (B) - (A)
영어 280제
well-versed 정통한
② (B) - (A) - (C)
④ (C) - (A) - (B)
다음 글을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오.
In 2004 I was elected an honorary member of the
Explorers Club of New York, a distinction given
only to a score of men and women, and in 2009 I
received the Explorers Club Medal, the highest
award. At first this might be seen as an entirely
inappropriate honor, and maybe it was. I had never
suffered privation on polar ice, never climbed an
unconquered Antarctic mountain, never contacted
a previously unknown Amazonian tribe.
The reason was science. The board of the club
had decided to expand its concept of what remains
left to explore on our planet. The conventional map
of the world had been largely filled in since the
time Teddy Roosevelt traveled down an unnamed
river in the Amazon and Robert Peary and
Matthew Henson conquered the North Pole. Most
of the Earth’s land surface had been visited on foot
or by helicopter. What remained could be
examined`─`even monitored day by day`─`through
satellites to the last square kilometer.
What was left of importance to map on the home
planet other than the deep sea? The answer is its
little-known biodiversity, that variety of plants,
animals, and microorganisms that compose the
thin layer of Earth called the biosphere. Although
most of the flowering plants, birds, and mammals
have been found, described, and given a scientific
name, the great majority of species in other groups
of organisms still remain to be discovered.
Biologists and naturalists, both professional and
amateur, who set out to find species and map the
biosphere, have remained as among Earth’s true
위 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?
① Science Flourishes, Exploration Perishes
② Explore the Earth, Save the Environment
③ Why I Have Devoted My Life to the Deep Sea
④ A Scientist Awarded by a Non-Science
⑤ Never-ending Struggles Between Humans and
the Earth
위 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
① planners
③ protectors
⑤ worshipers
privation 궁핍
영어 280제
② explorers
④ innovators
ㅣ정답과 해설 151-152쪽ㅣ
from his hotel to the building where I worked. That
morning (d) the receptionist called to tell me that I
had a visitor in the lobby. When I met my visitor
and he introduced himself, I was shocked that
(e) someone had come so far just to shake my
hand and thank me personally. It turns out that Rob
is a former officer in the Dutch Royal Navy and a
mathematics professor.
다음 글을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오.
I’m a webmaster for a company, and one of my
jobs is to answer people’s various questions. Rob
Dijxhoorn, who lives in the Netherlands, sent me
an e-mail asking for some specific information
relating to computers. I responded that same day
and thought no more about it. Just another
question, another answer, all in a day’s work. I
didn’t know until later that Rob was very excited
when (a) he received my response.
주어진 글 (A)에 이어질 내용을 순서에 맞게 배열한 것으로 가장
적절한 것은?
I was thoroughly impressed with the effort he
had made to find me and I introduced him to my
staff. We had a memorable visit with Rob. In fact
we had another visit the following year and hope to
have many more in the years to come. That one
visitor from the Netherlands made up for the tens
of thousands of people we’ve helped who never
bother to say “thanks.” (b) My Dutch friend , Rob
Dijxhoorn, and I still keep in touch.
① (B) - (D) - (C)
③ (C) - (D) - (B)
⑤ (D) - (C) - (B)
He was thrilled not only because he had an
answer that no one else had been able to give him,
but also because the answer came all the way from
California and had arrived the very next day. Some
months later Rob came to San Francisco on
vacation and wanted to thank me personally. All he
had was my e-mail address, which contained an
acronym for the facility I worked in. He asked the
hotel clerk what the acronym meant and the clerk
told (c) him . He then called directory assistance,
asked for the phone number of the facility, called
the receptionist and asked for the street address.
밑줄 친 (a)~(e) 중에서 가리키는 대상이 나머지 넷과 다른 것은?
① (a)
② (b)
③ (c)
④ (d)
⑤ (e)
위 글의 Rob Dijxhoorn에 관한 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?
① 필자(I)에게 컴퓨터와 관련된 정보를 요청했다.
② 필자(I)와 필자 회사의 직원들도 함께 만났다.
③ 휴가 차 샌프란시스코에 왔다.
④ 빌린 차를 직접 운전하여 필자(I)를 찾아왔다.
⑤ 네덜란드 해군에서 장교로 복무 중이다.
Rob then asked someone at the hotel for
directions, rented a car, and drove the 50 miles
② (C) - (B) - (D)
④ (D) - (B) - (C)
영어 280제