Travel and Tourism Assignment Deadlines 2015-16

Travel and Tourism Assignment Deadlines
Year 12 (Level 3 Certificate in Travel and Tourism)
Unit 1
Investigating the
Travel and Tourism
Unit 2
The Business of
Travel & Tourism
Unit 3
The UK as a
Assignment Title
Hand in Date
Assignment 1
Introduction to the Travel and Tourism Sector
5 October 2015
Assignment 2
Travel and Tourism – the last 50 years
23 November 2015
Assignment 3
Travel and Tourism Today
25 Jan 2016
Assignment 1
The Travel and Tourism Business Environment
29 September 2015
Assignment 2
The organisational and financial characteristics of two
different types of T&T organisations
2 November 2015
Assignment 3
Business case for a travel and tourism enterprise
7 December 2015
Assignment 1
Where in the UK
2 February 2016
Assignment 2
The needs of domestic and inbound tourists
16 March 2016
Assignment 3
Report on the current and future factors affecting UK
inbound and domestic tourism
11 April 2016
Year 13 (Level 3 Subsidiary Diploma in Travel and Tourism)
Assignment Title
Hand in Date
Unit 4
Customer Service in
Travel and Tourism
Assignment 1
Customer Service in Travel & Tourism
5 October 2015
Assignment 2
The Provision of Customer Service in Travel and
Tourism Organisations
23 November 2015
Assignment 3 and 4
Demonstrating Customer Service Skills in Travel and
25 Jan 2016
Assignment 5
Demonstrating Selling Skills in a T&T situation
25 Jan 2016
Assignment 1 Career Opportunities in the T&T
5 October 2015
Assignment 2
Winning that Job
23 November 2015
Assignment 3
Working Practices
25 Jan 2016
Assignment 1
Research Methods
2 February 2016
Assignment 2
Research a complex current issue
16 March 2016
Assignment 3
Report a complex current issue
11 April 2016
Unit 6 Preparing for
Employment in T&T
Unit 26
Researching Current
Issues in Travel and