Subject Level Collection Statement Finance Purpose statement The Information Resources policy outlines the overarching principles and general framework which informs the strategies and procedures related to the Library’s information resources. This subject level collection statement is used to develop the collection and to inform the acquisition of new resources and, where appropriate, withdrawals from the collection. This collection statement describes the history and contents of the Library’s Finance collections. There is a separate collection statement for economics. Scope The collections in this area support teaching and research primarily in the Department of Economics and Finance, as well as programmes across the entire College of Business and Law. The Department offers a wide variety of courses on Finance topics including business finance, corporate finance, international finance, personal finance, financial markets, institutions and instruments, applied financial analysis and valuation, investments, asset pricing, risk analysis, credit risk management, derivative securities, financial economics, financial modelling, monetary economics, as well as the economics of risk and insurance. Many books classified in HG and HJ, particularly in the areas of business finance, international finance, personal finance, financial markets and institutions as well as public finance have been purchased to support the teaching and research in these subject areas. Books on mathematical statistics, probabilities, analysis in QA are relevant to finance and are shelved in the EPS Library. Also books on statistics, statistical data (classifications HA) are also relevant to Finance. History of the collection Before 2008, the Finance programme was offered within the Department of Accounting & Finance. In 2009, Finance moved to the Economics Department and the Department of Accounting & Finance changed its name to Accounting and Information Systems (ACIS). Since Professor Glenn Boyle joined the Finance Programme in December 2008, the University has invested heavily in our Finance collection. Now the University has access to the following specialist finance databases, Bloomberg, CRSP, DataStream, International Financial Statistics (IFS), NZX company research, Orbis, SNL financial, Sirca, ZEPHYR Language The library will primarily purchase material in English. Format The Library collects resources in any format that meets the service obligations and operational capabilities of the Library, its users and the information technology infrastructure of the university. Non-standard data-sets are bought if required. Unique Collections Financial reports collection - In the past, paper copies of New Zealand financial reports were collected by the library. The print collection now includes only companies that have regional or historical interest and which are not online. The collection is kept in the Library Warehouse. Databases such as NZX Company Research and Global reports (via ORBIS) have largely replaced the print collections. Collection Strengths & Weakness The Library is comparatively strong in company financial data, but lacks data on company and country ratings. LC classification numbers Note: these numbers include items held in the Macmillan Brown Library as well as Central Library. Subject LC Classification Collecting commitment Items held (Total no.) Finance HG1–HG9999 Teaching Research 5188 Personal Finance HG179 Teaching Research 110 Money HG201-HG1496 Teaching Research 832 Banking HG1501-HG3550 Teaching Research 749 Credit. Debt. Loans. HG3691-HG3769 Teaching Research 134 International Finance HG3810 - HG4000 Teaching Research 671 Business Finance HG4001-HG4285 Teaching Research 585 Insurance HG8011-HG9999 Teaching Research 275 Subject bibliographies/Reference Works There is no current subject bibliography for Finance. Journals Subject Level Collection Statement 2 The Library has current subscriptions to all the top Finance 20 H index journals by Scimago and all the top Finance journals by Google Scholar Metrics. Most of all, the Library has current subscriptions to all the major finance journals, including: Journal of finance [electronic resource]. Journal of financial economics [electronic resource]. Review of financial studies [electronic resource]. Review of Finance Journal of Financial Intermediation Journal of financial and quantitative analysis [electronic resource]. Journal of banking & finance [electronic resource]. Journal of international money and finance [electronic resource]. Journal of empirical finance [electronic resource]. Mathematical finance [electronic resource]. Financial management [electronic resource]. Financial analysts journal [electronic resource]. Journal of corporate finance [electronic resource]. Accounting and Finance Journal of Portfolio Management Review of Asset Pricing Studies Review of Corporate Finance Studies Collections of printed economic & finance working papers have largely been replaced with electronic access, but the Macmillan Brown Library may retain some older titles in print. The UC Department of Economics and Finance Working Papers Series are all included in the UC Research Repository. Abstracting and indexing databases Secondary literature and full-text access is supported by databases such as Business Source Complete, Academic Search Complete, Emerald, Passport, Springer, ScienceDirect, JSTOR (for older issues) and standard journal packages such as Oxford Journals Online, Cambridge Journals Online, Taylor & Francis, Wiley, Scopus, Web of Science etc. Specialized databases or electronic resources The University has current subscription to the following specialist finance databases: Bloomberg CRSP US stock database DataStream Advance ORBIS SIRCA SNL financials ZEPHYR In addition, the Library has current subscriptions to statistical products include OECDiLibrary, International Monetary Statistics (IMF), and the EconData suite of time series databases. Statistics New Zealand and Reserve Bank data is freely available on the Web. Relevance to Māori The Library purchases all material published in New Zealand, with older material stored in the Macmillan Brown Library. There are over 100 titles in the library catalogue on Māori and financial matters such as loans, banking, funding and housing. The university has a special relationship with Ngai Tahu. Subject Level Collection Statement 3 Donation exceptions Copies of current textbooks may be accepted by the library. Duplication statement - textbooks and course readings The formula for purchasing multiple copies is one copy per 40 students. Selection criteria There is a GOBI alert for Economics & Finance books. Oxford, Cambridge, Harvard, MIT, Princeton, Yale, Columbia, Chicago, and Stanford university presses are given preference. Non-standard time series data package/s can be purchased by request and will be considered on a case by case basis. This document was agreed by Name of Liaison Librarian: Cuiying MU Signature of Liaison Librarian Name of Library Liaison Officer - Glenn Boyle Signature of Library Liaison Officer ____ Date agreed __4/8/14 Date for next review _ 4/8/2016 Subject Level Collection Statement 4