A METHOD FOR AUTOMATICALLY BIRDS ON RADAR BY RONALD P. LARKIN AND LAWRENCE DETECTING EISENBERG INTRODUCTION Radar,sinceit canhavea greatrangeand doesnot depend• special conditions tobeuseful, isthemost versatile means wehave or'studying migratorybehavior(Alerstam,1972).Asidefrom trackingradar, which is presentlyusedto followindividualbirdsor sometimes compactflocks, other radar types are used to estimatethe densityof bird migration, provideinformationon the altitudesof flight, and estimatethe direction of flight of bird targets. In radar studies,birdsappearassmalldotsor brightareason a display screen.The imageson the screenare photographedor visuallydescribedby techniquesreviewedbelow, and estimatesof the number of dotspresentare recordedby hand.The writtenrecordis necessarily of a statisticalnature, being almostalwaysa descriptionof the migration of many speciesand subjectto many uncertainties.Often the investigatorturnsto the useof digitalcomputersto analyzethe writtenrecord, transferringit onto punchedcardsor other computermedia.Thus most contemporarytechniquesstart with an electronicsignalin the radar representinga bird target or targetsand end with an electronicsignal in a digitalcomputer,but interposeseveraltediousand often subjective stepsbetween. In the presentreport we describea way of improving this clearly unsatisfactory stateof affairs,a techniquethat allowsechoesfrom bird targetsto be recordeddirectlyby a computer or microprocessor, permitting the biologistto studythe spatialand temporalpatternsof bird movementswith increasedaccuracyand objectivity.We review present methodsof collectingornithologicaldata from radar displaysand discusssomereasonsfor the unsophisticated natureof the techniques used. Then we list somemethodsdevelopedby othersto processradar signals automaticallyand describea devicewe have built that allowsgreat flexibility of operationat a reasonablecost. METHODS OF ESTIMATING OR BIRD DENSITY VISUALLY PHOTOGRAPHICALLY Immense numbers of birds in the sky and our almost universalinability to distinguishwith certaintybetweentaxa of birds from their radar echoesmakedescriptivestatistics an importantpart of radar studiesof bird migration.A basicdatumin manysuchstudiesis the number of birds in a certain altitude stratum,at a certain place,or at a certain time of day or night. Givenan accuraterepresentationof the amplitude of the signalpresentat the receiverof a radar and a knowledgeof the calibratedcharacteristics of the radar, in many casesone shouldbe able to make an accurate estimation of the numbers and size distribution of targetswithin the spacesurveyedby the radar. Yet, unlesscomplicated 172 Vol.49,No.2 Detecting BirdEchoes [ 173 proceduresare followedto compareradar and visualmethods(Nisbet, 1963; Gauthreaux, 1970), reliable absolute estimates of bird densities are not often obtainedusingradar alone. As a result, many studiesof bird migrationreport onlyrelativenumbersof birds,oftenon an ordinal scale,or give estimatesthat are basedon unjustifiedassumptions. Somecausesfor thissituationare inherent in propertiesof sometypes of radar: anomalouspropagation(bendingof the radar beam), insufficientrangeresolution,insufficientangularresolutiondue to the shape of the radar beam, and insufficientsensitivityat the rangesof interest. Other causes,however,are avoidableif quantitativeinformation isavailable on the intensities of bird echoes and the characteristics of the radar. These include: lack of absolutecalibrationof the radar on known spher- ical reflectors,lack of accurateknowledgeof the shapeof the radar beamor the settingsand electroniccharacteristics of the radar, and lack of sufficientdynamicrange in the radar display.We expect that the latter classof avoidabledifficultiescan be minimized by taking advantage of the numericaltechniquesafforded by direct computerinput of the radar video signal.The devicedescribedhere can be programmed to aid in calibratingand measuringthe performanceof a radar aswell as in collectingdata. Techniquesused to estimatebird densitiesfrom radar displayshave variedin precisionand tediousness of applicationbut are basicallyvisual estimations(Eastwood,1967). Severalstudieshave useda pencil beam in combinationwith an A-scope(a radar displayof echo intensityas a function of slant range) to count individual echoes(reviewedin Blok- poel, 1969;Brudererand Steidinger,1972;Blokpoeland Burton, 1975; Blokpoel,1976). Other investigators havecountedthe numbersof individualdotsappearingon the PPI display(Plan-PositionIndicator, the conventionalmap-like radar display; Nisbet, 1963) or measuredthe rangeat whichsaturationof the PPI displayoccurs(Gauthreaux,1974). Gauthreaux(1970) describes a methodof adjustingthe gain of a search radar sothat the PPI matchesa predeterminedstandarddensityof bird echoesat a givenrange.The attenuationnecessary to producea density match is recorded and converted into an estimate of bird density. A similar method is describedby Hunt (1973). Lesstedious,but alsoless accurateand lesseasilycalibrated,is the methodof establishing a graded ordinal seriesof dot-densitiesand matchingphotographsof the PPI displaywith one of the membersof the series.The resultingdot-density estimateis related to, but not necessarilya simple function of, the bird migrationdensity.The scalesusedhave employedthree (Williamset al., 1974),five (Gauthreaux,1970),six (Alerstam,1972), or nine (Blokpoel, 1969;Richardson,1972)categories. Severalreasonsare apparent for the presentlack of sophistication in radar ornithology:(1) Like weather radar (Smith et al., 1974) radar ornithologyhas developedas a "spinoff"from military, space,and airtraffic-controlapplications.Consequently, techniquesthat are now routine in other radar applicationsare untried in the studyof birds. (2) 174] R. P. LarkinandL. Eisenberg Bird-Banding Spring 1978 Except for a few installations,the radars used by ornithologistsare meant to monitor weather systemsor aircraft, and are used for ornithologyin slackperiodsor asan ancillaryproject.In fact, improvements in the designof radars for aircraft detectionhave often been suchas to reduceclutteron the screenssuppressing birds alongwith ground targetsand water droplets(Miller, 1975). Somedayit may be difficult to observebird movementson many radarsunlessthe specialcircuitsdesigned to suppressbird echoescan be bypassedand the "raw radar" (amplified video) signal displayedfor the ornithologist(Gauthreaux, 1977).(3) Studentsof birdsare primarilyinterestedin biologicalquestions and have neither the backgroundnor the funds to apply highly sophisticatedtechniques.(4) Even the conventionaltechniquesallowthe investigatorto collectan enormousamount of data in a shorttime. Then the sheerquantityof informationfilling one'sfile cabinetsdiscourages one from gatheringmore detaileddata by more sophisticated means. (5) Most importantly, the currently used techniquesare useful in that they continueto provide new insightsinto migration and other highaltitude flights of birds. METHODS OF DETECTING TARGETS ON RADAR AUTOMATICALLY Visual displayssuchasthe PPI scopediscardmuch of the information that is availablefrom the radar signal;for example,the amplituderange of a PPI dot is only about 6 dB. Since echoeson radar are electrical signals,it is desirableto substitutea deviceto processthesesignalselectrically, insteadof displayingthem visuallyand recording this visual representationon photographicfilm. To our knowledge,other techniquesfor dealingwith the radar video signalhave suffered from low resolution,high cost,or both. Many devicesgenerateonly target/notarget information (discussed in Hansen, 1974). Boardman (1970) and Smith et al. (1974) describea cloud "profiler" that recordsecho strengthson computer disk from range bins which are 1,280 m in length. The system,designedto map cloudsout to 111 km, usesa fixed bin length and cannotbe adapted for high resolutionwithout prohibitiveexpense.Glover (1972) describesa speciallybuilt devicethat achievesa 75 m rangebin length. Hunt (1975, 1977) deviseda bird-countingsystemfor aid in predictionof bird-aircraft collisions.It is hardwired and is designedto count numbersof birds in 305-m bins along the radar beam. A new "Moving Target Detector" (ARTS-3) designedfor air traffic control expresslysuppresses slow-movingtargetssuchasbirds,while recordingradar echoesto 100 m resolution(Anon., 1975). The Moving Target Detectormaintainsa "clutter map" similar to the idea describedbelow. Its productioncostis about$70,000.Similarly,a numberof computer-based targetdetectors on military equipmentare designedto detectlarge, fast-movingtargets at great range, and to reject birds as "clutter." Two constraintsmake radar signalsof smalltargetslike birds somewhat difficult to capture by conventionalmeans in digital form at a Vol.49,No.2 Detecting BirdEchoes [ 175 reasonableprice. First, the analog-to-digital(A/D) converterthat samplesthe radar signalmustbe very fast comparedto the onesnormally availablein laboratorycomputers,and secondlythe memoryunit that receivesthe radar data mustbe equallyfast to copewith the output of the A/D converter. As an illustration of the cost of such devices, an A/ D converterthat can sample8 bits every 33 nseccurrentlycostsabout $6,000 and a transientrecorderwith computer-compatible output,operatingevery 50 nsec,costsabout$5,600. THE VIDEO SAMPLING UNIT By usinga samplingprocedureinsteadof a fastconversion,we have constructed a relativelyinexpensivedevicewhichallowsthe information containedin the radar videosignalto be transferreddirectlyto a computer or microprocessor, permittingaccurate,detailed,and quantitative analysisof numbers,sizedistributions,and spatialdistributionsof bird echoes.The device,whichwe havecalleda Video SamplingUnit (VSU), is simplein principle.It is containedon a singleprintedcircuitboard and functionsas a peripheraldeviceto a PDP 8/E minicomputer,although it could easilybe adapted to work with many typesof digital machinesincludingthe inexpensiveand rapidly developingmicroprocessors. The prototypewas constructedin the RockefellerUniversity ElectronicsLaboratoryand costlessthan $2,000 includinginstallation and modifications,but not including the costof the minicomputer.(A circuitdiagramand other detailsare availablefrom the authors.) The VSU canbe adaptedto any pulsedradar. It hasbeendesigned to be usedwith an AN/MPQ-29 pencil-beamtrackerwith a 4 kHz nominal pulserepetitionfrequency(PRF), and 0.25 /.•secpulsewidth (further described in Larkin and Sutherland, 1977). A simplifiedblock diagramof the VSU is shownin Figure 1. Its operationis similarto sweepsamplingunits whichare soldas accessories to somesophisticated oscilloscope systems (alsocalled"serialsampling"; Findlay and Ornstein, 1975). It convertsthe radar echoamplitude into a digitalform by collectingone sample,at a narrowand specifiedrange, for each pulse transmittedby the radar. The VSU differs from the conventional sweep-sampling devicebecausethe rangeof eachsample is determinedby the computerprogram.It canbe programmedto sample eachrange'bin' in turn, producingthe informationcontainedin an A-scopedisplayor, with antennapositioninformationavailableto the computer,that in a PPI or Range-Heightdisplay.Or it can be pro- grammedto sampleoneor a few rangebins,generating dataidealfor wingbeator target "signature"analysis. The initiationof a sampleis precededby transferringan 8-bit number, correspondingto the complementof a number representinga rangeof 0-255 units,from the computerto a fast8-bitcounterin the VSU. When the next radar trigger occurs,an enablingflip-flopis set that servesto gatea 20 MHz crystaloscillatorinto the counter.The counter counts down until it reaches zero at which time three events are 176] RADAR R. P. LarkinandL. Eisenberg Bird-Banding Spring 1978 VSU COMPUTER A/D Video Converter I i• ' T I] 20MH•, Clock Pulse ' BI! Trigger FIGURE1. A block diagram of the principal elementsin the VSU interface.The path alongthe top (radar video,amplifier,S/H, A/D converter)carriesthe analogsignal, whereasthe rest of the circuitis basicallydigital. Abbreviations:S/H = sample-andhold,A/D = analog-to-digital, O.S. = one-shot,F.F. = flip-flop. initiated:(1) the enablingflip-flopis resetstoppingthe clockentry into the counter; (2) a fast sampleand hold unit is triggered and put into a samplemodefor a periodof 50 nsec(7.5 m) by meansof a 50 nseconeshot;(:3)the A/D converterof the computeris alsotriggered,initiating a conversionand settingthe computerinterrupt requestline when the conversionis complete.As a result, the VSU collectsa very fast sample of the radar video signalat a specifiedtime followingthe radar pulse and presentsit to the computer'sA/D converter.The A/D converter, whichis the standardmodelsoldby the computermanufacturer,takes up to 30/zsecto perform the conversion.The computercan then transfer a new 8-bit value to the VSU, arming it for another conversionat the next radar trigger pulse. The accuracyand resolution of the VSU were determined more by convenience and economics rather than by whatis possiblewith modern electronics.The 20-MHz clockhasa stabilityof 5 x 10-5 over the range of 0 to 50øC. The 50-nsecinterval between counts results in a range uncertaintyof ___7.5 m, plusa negligibleuncertaintydue to jitter in the radar trigger pulse.The 8-bit counterprovidesa total range intervalof 7.5 x 256 or 1,920 m, of which the first 180 m is currently uselesssince it precedesthe outgoingradar pulsein time. A completesequentialscan of the 1,920-m range takes 64 msec (256 samples/4,000PRF). If usedwith a radar with longer range and longer pulselength, different trade-offsof theseparametersmight be chosenwithout an increasein cost.Ten-bit amplitude resolution,determined by the A/D converter, Vol.49,No.2 Detecting BirdEchoes [ 177 provides a measure of echo strength that is far more accurate than needed. The temporal resolution of the VSU is also sufficient for studying birds in the radar beam. As mentioned above,the VSU can generatea completesequentialscaneach64 msec.Sincethe maximumspeedof a bird might be about 40 m/sec,the bird would move a maximum of only about 2.6 m or V3of a range bin width, between one sweepand the next. It is only when movingthe radar beam at high angular velocities that a completesequentialscanmight provideinsufficientdata ratesfor detectingand locatingbird targets.In this case,programmingsolutions to concentrateon certain areasof the beam would be easyto implement. Trials using a rotating antenna show that 2-8 recognizableblips, or "hits"are attainedon singledistantbird targets,evenwhen conducting completesequentialscanswhile rotating the antennaat 10-20 degrees/ sec. In practice,we have found that the digitized radar signalis nearly as useful as the actual radar video signal even for purposesof visually observingmigratingbirds on radar. A singlecompletesequentialscan during a night of fall migration is shownin Figure 2. The displayis a FIGURE2. A photographof a digital reconstruction of the A-scopedisplay,storedby a singleVSU scan.Eachdot represents the signalstrengthat one 50 nsecintervalfrom the radar pulsetrigger correspondingto approximately7.5 m range.The displayis 1,920m in total range.(a), The outgoingradar pulse,or "mainbang,"definingrange zero. (b), A peakrepresenting groundclutterat shortrange.(c) and (d), Two bird targetsat more distant ranges. 178] R. P. LarkinandL. Eisenberg Bird-Banding Spring 1978 digital versionof the conventionalA-scopedisplayof echostrengthas a functionof slantrange. Sincethe trigger precedesthe outgoingradar pulse ("main bang") in time, the values at the extreme left contain no echoes.Becauseadjacentsamplesare taken only 250 txsecapart, the shapeof the bird echoesis not distortedby the samplingtechnique.The displayshownin Figure2 is generatedin real time and the operatorcan compareit to the A-scopedisplayon the radar to verify that the VSU is operating correctly. QUANTITATIVE RECORDS OF BIRD MIGRATION Potentially,all the information availablefrom the conventionalradar displays,locationof targetsin range,target echostrength,rangevelocity, and echo signature,is availablefrom the video samplingunit as accuratenumerical quantities.These data can then be processedimmediatelyby a computer or microprocessorto provide information which is more meaningfulthan is availablefrom a PPI or A-scopedisplay analyzedby hand. As an exampleof what is possibleafter a modestamountof processing is performed on the raw VSU data, Figure 3 illustratesthe passageof two birds through a stationaryconicalradar beam on a night of heavy fall migration, 11 November 1976. Severalsimpleoperationswere performed to produceFigure 3. On the day previous,a recordof several VSU scanshad been taken, averaged,and stored for later use. This stored record provided a sampleof the radar noiseand clutter at the radar site.Then similarrecordswere taken during the period of nocturnal passefinemigration and the noise record was subtractedfrom each,providinga distribution-free(Vogel et al., 1975) meansof identifying the bird targets.The data were then scaledto arbitrary values 0-9 in order to constructthe printed imageof target height and range as a function of time in Figure 3. (Figure 2 is a record of one scan occurringabout second6 in Figure 3.) Ground clutter is presentat extremelycloserangeseven after the noisesubtractionoperation;nearby vegetationprobablybecamemore reflectiveat night becauseof dew formation. Two birds appear and disappeargraduallyasthey fly through the verticalbeam,not changing in range sincethey are presumablyflying nearly level. The closerbird is either a much smaller target than the farther bird or is passing through the edge of the beam rather than its center. By taking advantageof the flexibilityafforded by the computercontrol overthe VSU, it will be possibleto gathercompletelydifferent kinds of data than thoseillustratedin Figures2 and 3. For example,the VSU canbe usedwith a trackingradar in a signatureanalysismodeto gather dataon the wingbeatsof bird targetsand analyzethem usingfrequencydomaintechniques,withoutthe phaselags,filtering,and nonlinearities usuallyinherent in data taken from automaticgain control circuits.In this mode, the computercan conducta sequentialscanof all or part of the beam,locatingone or severaltargetsof interest.It can then sample Vol.40,No.2 Detecting BirdEchoes _ [ 179 1221 111 111 Ground clutter 11 111 / 11 Birds 1111 _ 111 • 121 121 221 2321 1432 13431 234421 23432 23321 11121 11121 4- I0- 11111 11111 1111 1212 11221 • I00 121 1121 13441 12421 13552 13542 145521 245531 124&521 245521 1231 111 2442 2321 12431 13442 13431 122 1231 11 11 11 11111 11121 11111 1211 1111 11221 11111 21111 8- • 11 11 21 I 131 12232 11232 111132 6- • 1 357741 1457741 1357741 134542 24642 2331 1321 2452 12452 122 1 11 1 • 200 i 300 i 400 i 500 Range (rn) i 600 1. 700 I 800 • F•OURE 3. A printed recordof two birds passingthrough a stationaryradar beam.The VSU, running continuously,obtaineda scanapproximatelyevery qt6sec.Each tbur consecutive scanswere averagedtogetherto generatea line approximatelyevery ¬ sec,starting at the top of the figure. On the horizontal axis, each two adjacentrange bins were averagedtogetherso that a characterrepresents15 m range. Where the radar video signalwasbelow the averagenoise(measuredpreviouslyat each range intervalby the VSU), the record is blank. Signalsabovethis thresholdare indicated by a number correspondingto the echo height in arbitrary linear units 1-9. at high rates (up to the PRF) near each target, recording amplitude fluctuationsas a function of time. Since the data stored represent absoluteecho strengths,the task of correlatingtarget sizewith wingbeat characteristics would becomemanageableinsteadof extremelylaborious. The use of devicessuch as the VSU will allow significantimprovementsin radar ornithology.Large amountsof precisedata can be gathered and analyzedquickly, insteadof requiring monthsof tediouscatalogingand scoringof photographs.In order to gainsuchimprovements, 180] R. P. LarkinandL. Eisenberg Bird-Banding Spring 1978 the investigatormustinvestin someelectronichardware(minicomputer or microcomputerplus VSU) and must further investtime in program- mingthe computerto controlthe VSU in conjunctionwith a givenradar unit. But the continuingincreasein popularityand decreasein priceof small computerswill make the initial investmenteasier in the future. SUMMARY Mostof the presentlyavailablemethodsfor takingornithologicaldata from radar displaysare time-consuming and only partly quantitative.A deviceis describedthat costsunder $2,000 and allowsthe videosignal from any pulsedradar to be transferreddirectly to a computeror microprocessor.All the information available from conventional radar A-scopedisplaysmay be derivedfrom the device,termed a Video Sampling Unit, as accurate numerical quantities. With appropriate programming,distributions of bird altitudesand sizes,wingbeatanalysis and other informationrelevantto bird migrationmay be obtained. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The constructionof the VSU wassupportedby a grant from the Mary Flagler Cary Trust of Millbrook, NY. We thank William Kocsisfor technical assistance and Donald R. Griffin for commentson the manuscript. LITERATURE CITED ALERSTA•,T. 1972. Nocturnalbird migrationin Skane,Swedenasrecordedby radar in autumn 1971. Ornis Scandinavia, 3: 141-151. 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