Variety Pass-Through: An Examination of the Ready-to-Eat Breakfast Cereal Market Timothy J. Richards and Stephen F. Hamilton∗ Arizona State University and California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo August 12, 2011 Abstract There has been much public concern regarding the linkage between commodity price changes and retail price inflation, particularly in the area of consumer food products. An important element that controls the degree in which commodity price changes pass-through into retail prices is the breadth of the marketing channels that connect wholesale products to multi-product retailers in downstream consumer markets. When wholesale prices rise in a product category, retailers have an incentive to reduce the length of their product lines, and this has the effect of softening price competition in retail markets. Moreover, because retailers endogenously choose which products to remove from their shelves, retailers may selectively trim product lines among relatively high-priced retail goods, censoring the data used to calculate price pass-through terms. In this paper, we control for “variety pass-through” effects by jointly estimating the extent to which wholesale price changes convey into the prices and product lines of multi-product retailers. We find wholesale price changes to be shifted substantially less than one-for-one into retail prices when not explictly controlling for product composition effects, but find evidence that wholesale prices are shifted more than 100 percent into retail prices when accounting for the endogeneity of product line decisions among multi-product retailers. JEL Classification: Keywords: differentiated products, discrete-continuous choice, distance metric, pass-through, retail competition. ∗ Richards is the Morrison Professor of Agribusiness, Allender is a Ph.D student, and Allender is an Assistant Professor in the Morrison School of Agribusiness and Resource Management, W. P. Carey School of Business, Arizona State University. Hamilton is Professor in the Department of Economics, Orfalea College of Business, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, CA. Contact author: Richards. Address: 7171 E. Sonoran Arroyo Mall, Mesa, AZ. 85212. Ph. (480) 7271488, Fax: (480) 727-1961, email: Support from the Economic Research Service of the USDA is gratefully acknowledged. Copyright 2010. Please do not cite or quote without permission. 1 Introduction Prices for many key production inputs rose at historical rates over the period 2006-2010, raising the spectre of retail price inflation in the popular press (Wall Street Journal, 2010). Yet, consistent with a large body of empirical work that documents incomplete pass-through of commodity price changes to retail price changes (Borenstein, Cameron and Gilbert 1997; Peltzman 2000; Nakamura and Zerom 2010), only a small fraction of the rise in commodity prices appears to have translated into higher prices in consumer goods markets. In the case of consumer food products, for example, farm commodity prices rose at a 17.4 percent annualized rate over the period 2006-8008, while consumer food and beverage prices rose by only 4.6 percent over the same period (BLS). This trend is consistent with the stylized fact that the movement of manufactured products from upstream commodity markets to downstream consumer markets appears to dampen the effect of retail price inflation in the economy. Understanding why this is so, and in particular understanding the relationship between wholesale price changes and retail price changes in multi-product production channels that convert commodity inputs into a wide array of finished consumer products, is essential to predicting how retail prices will respond to contemporaneous demand and supply shocks. The relationship between wholesale and retail prices is important for predicting the effect of exchange rate movements on traded wholesale goods, for assessing the burden of government taxation, for understanding how manufacturer price discounts on a particular subset of products affects consumer markets, and for establishing better forecasts of how changes in commodity prices influence the overall rate of price inflation in industrial economies. In many cases, the trade of wholesale products is mediated by multi-product retailers. Unlike singleproduct retailers, multi-product retailers are able to respond to changes in wholesale prices both by adjusting retail prices and by changing the composition of retail product lines. Following an increase in wholesale prices, multi-product retailers can respond not only by raising consumer prices in the affected category but also by trimming products from the retail case. To the extent that retailers respond to changes in wholesale prices by adjusting the length of their product lines, an important issue in estimating pass-through rates from wholesale prices to retail prices is that changes in wholesale prices alter the dimension of product lines in which multi-product retailers compete. This paper contributes to the pass-through literature by accounting for endogenous product line adjustments by multi-product retailers in estimating pass-through rates from wholesale prices to retail prices. We frame our observations around retailer decisions on product lines and prices for ready-to-eat breakfast cereal at Los Angeles supermarkets. The breakfast cereal category is ideal for studying the joint product 1 line and price effects of wholesale price changes for three reasons: () supermarkets provide a considerably wide array of breakfast cereal products; () supermarkets tend to make frequent changes to their breakfast cereal product lines (and do so in our Los Angeles sample); and () farm commodity prices supporting the production of manufactured cereal products rose at unprecedented rates in 2008 and then decreased markedly in 2009, creating substantial variation in wholesale cereal prices over the period 2007-2010 that encompasses our data. Much of the previous empirical research on pass-through effects has focused on the transfer of commodity price changes into retail prices. In models estimating exchange-rate pass-through, Goldberg and Hellerstein (2007), Hellerstein (2008), and Nakamura and Zerom (2010) empirically document the effects of imperfect competition, local cost conditions, and price rigidity in determining pass-through rates. Nakamura and Zerom (2010) use wholesale price data to separate commodity and wholesale pass-through effects in the coffee market and find that approximately 1/3 of the change in coffee commodity prices is reflected in each of the wholesale and retail prices, with the remaining 1/3 of the change in commodity prices absorbed by agents in the distribution channel. While it is important to understand the pass-through of commodity prices through both wholesale and retail levels into consumer prices, our present purpose of decoupling input price changes into variety pass-through and price pass-through effects is served most clearly by focusing our attention on wholesale pass-through effects. Estimating commodity-price pass-through rates into retail prices would otherwise require developing a vertical pricing model to encompass both wholesale and retail pass-through terms. Structural models of this type have been recently estimated by Hellerstein (2008), Nakamura (2008), and Nakamura and Zerom (2010), although not in a framework that accounts for product line adjustments by multi-product retailers. It is well-known from models of single-product retailers that the response of retail prices to changes in costs depends both on market structure and the curvature of demand (Bulow and Pfleiderer, 1983; Dornbusch, 1987; Bergin and Feenstra, 2001; Atkeson and Burstein, 2008). Under oligopoly, retailers can “over-shift” changes in unit cost, or shift cost changes more than one-for-one into retail prices when consumer demand functions are sufficiently concave (Seade, 1987).1 Recently, Hamilton (2009) considers changes in tax rates among multi-product retailers and finds that over-shifting is more likely to occur across products carried by multi-product retailers than in the single-product case. The reason is that multi-product retailers adjust to a change in wholesale cost that affects a category of retail goods by reducing the length of product lines, and 1 Over-shifting of cost changes into prices occurs in the tax literature, for example, when the elasticity of the slope of demand (“Seade’s ”) satisfies 1 (Delipalla and Keen, 1992; Hamilton, 1999; Anderson, de Palma and Kreider, 2001). 2 this softens price competition among retailers for the remaining products. We develop a multi-product retail model along these lines that jointly accommodates price and product line length adjustments in response to wholesale price changes and rely on this framework to estimate a structural model of wholesale pass-through. Our method is capable of isolating the pass-through effects of wholesale price movements into retail prices and product variety. We compare the outcome of our model that controls for variety pass-through to a specification that does not account for endogenous retailer decisions on product line length. We find that controlling for retailer product line adjustments significantly increases the extent to which wholesale prices are passed along into retail prices. Absent our control for changes in product line length on retail prices, our findings echo those of previous studies that document incomplete pass-through of wholesale price changes into retail prices; however, when controlling for the effect of product line adjustments on retail prices, we find retailers shift wholesale price changes approximately one-for-one into retail prices, and indeed slightly overshift them. The main contributions of our paper can be summarized as follows. First, we extend the empirical literature on pass-through to multi-product environments by accounting for the endogeneity of product line decisions and controlling for the effect of variety pass-through on retail pricing behavior. Second, we empirically calculate variety pass-through effects among multi-product retailers in response to changes in wholesale prices, an outcome of independent importance in understanding the welfare implications of wholesale price changes in consumer markets. Third, we contribute to the body of empirical evidence on price pass-through by documenting substantially higher pass-through effects from wholesale prices to retail prices when controlling for product line adjustments by multi-product retailers. This finding suggests the potential for a substantial portion of wholesale price changes to pass-through to retail prices, particularly in product categories with relatively long product lines. The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. In the next section, we describe our econometric framework. In Section 3, we document our data sources, provide a preliminary analysis of the underlying variability in the data that permits identification of our key variables, and construct a benchmark passthrough model against which our structural model of retail price and variety adjustment can be compared. In Section 4 we present our estimation results and discuss the implications of our findings for the calculation of pass-through effects. We conclude in Section 5 by detailing some limitations of our research and offer suggestions for future research. 3 2 Variety Effects on Store Competition It is well understood that the rate of pass-through depends upon the curvature of demand, the structure of costs, and the degree of market competition. Our aim is to jointly consider price and variety pass- through by endogenizing choices of supermarket retailers on product line length in response to wholesale price changes. We do so by modeling supermarket price and variety choices as conditional on wholesale prices and consumer demand conditions across a range of products in a category. As in Hamilton (2009) and Hamilton and Richards (2009), retailers determine the product lines in a multi-product oligopoly market that incorporates spatial competition between retailers for store traffic. For analytic tractability, we consider variety choices to be conditional on wholesale prices, and then choose retail prices based on the realization of the variety game in a two-stage game structure.2 Wholesale price changes influence product line length decisions (“variety pass-through”) in the first stage of the game, which then determine equilibrium retail prices both through cost-considerations in the wholesale market and according to the extent to which variety pass-through effects influence subsequent pricing behavior in the multi-product retail environment. We then recover pass-through rates into retail prices by allowing for wholesale price changes to be mediated through retailer adjustments in retail prices and product lines. Each component of the model is estimated using scanner data that encompass 33 months of sales among 6 major supermarket chains in the Los Angeles market. In the remainder of this section, we describe each part of the empirical model in detail. 2.1 Consumer Demand We consider a hierarchical demand model in which variation in retail prices and product variety ranges affects both consumers’ store choice and selection of products once in the store. Specifically, we represent consumer demand by a random utility model in which consumers make a discrete choice of one product from among those represented by our sample of retail data, or else purchases a product from an alternative retail outlet, which we define to be the outside option. Because consumers can buy cereal from sources other than those captured by our scanner data, we model the hierarchical nature of a consumer’s choice process: consumers first choose whether to buy from the traditional supermarkets described by our data, or another source, and then the specific brand. Consequently, we adopt a Generalized Extreme Value (GEV) model of consumer demand (McFadden, 1978). With the GEV assumption, we allow for differing degrees of substitution among products within each group: supermarket purchases and others. Without 2 Discussions with managers at three national supermarket chains suggest that this is a reasonable assumption as stocking decisions are made monthly and on the basis of longer-term performance criteria than the weekly pricing decisions. 4 further modification, the GEV model still exhibits the independence of irrelevant alternatives (IIA) property within each group, which is known to imply an unrealistic pattern of substitution. Therefore, we allow the product-specific preference term, the marginal utility of income, and the variety-effect to vary randomly over individuals (Berry, Levinsohn and Pakes, 1995; Nevo, 2001; McFadden and Train, 2000). The resulting correlation between unobserved heterogeneity and attributes of each product generates demand curvature that, in turn, creates a general pattern of substitution among products. The random-parameters GEV model is well-understood in the literature, so we provide only the essential elements of our application relating to product variety. In terms of a formal utility model, the utility consumer obtains from consuming product in store during month ( ) is a function of the product’s price in each store, , product- and store-specific preferences, , and the number of products sold in the store, ( ), where () is concave, and a set of product attributes ( ) such that: = + + ( ) + X =1 + + + (1 − ) ∀ ∈ ∈ (1) for the set of products and stores , where is the GEV scale parameter, is an iid error term that reflects attributes of the product that may be important to utility, but are unobserved by the econometrician such as location on the shelf, unmeasured advertising, perceived quality or package characteristics or of the store such as location, cleanliness or the number of services offered, is an iid error term that reflects unobserved consumer heterogeneity, and is an error component that is distributed so that the entire error + (1 − ) remains extreme-value distributed (Cardell, 1997). Utility associated with the choice of the outside good is 00 = 00 . In this setting, the parameter can be interpreted as a measure of the degree of substitutability among groups, such that = 1 implies perfect substitution among stores, thereby collapsing the model to a standard logit model among products and stores. The product attributes included in the vector x are a binary product discount variable ( ) that assumes a value of 1 if the product is reduced in price by at least 10% from one month to the next and then returned to its previous value in the following month, an interaction term between the discount variable and price ( ) and a set of store and brand binary variables.3 Equation (1) explicitly incorporates consumers utility from product variety. Our specification encompasses cases in which consumer utility rises in product variety, for instance when longer product lines facilitate better matches between consumers and brands, and can also accommodate cases in which utility decreases in product variety, as may be the case when longer product lines increase the cost of consumer search. 3 Nutritional attributes performed poorly in this model so were excluded from the attribute list. 5 Specifically, we consider utility to be a quadratic function of line length, ( ) = 1 + 12 2 2 , which allows for a trade-off between matching effects and consumer search costs of product line expansion when the parameters 1 and 2 take different signs. Unobserved consumer heterogeneity is an important determinant of brand choice in empirical models of supermarket retailing (Hellerstein, 2007; Nakamura and Zerom, 2010). Therefore, we assume the marginal utility of income (price-response) is normally distributed and a function of consumer attributes, so that = 0 + X + ˜ (0 1) (2) =1 where 0 is the mean price response across all consumers, is the effect of consumer attribute on price sensitivity, is a vector of attributes for consumer , and is the random, consumer-specific variation with parameter Product-specific preferences also depend on individual attributes, which we specify as = 0 + X + ˜ (0 1) (3) =1 where 0 is the mean preference for product in store , is a vector of individual attribute effects, and is the random consumer-specific effect on product and store preferences. Finally, we allow the marginal utility parameters for the variety effect to be random so that 1 = 10 + X 1 + 1 ˜ (0 1) (4) =1 and similarly for 0 , where 10 is the mean of the linear term in the preference for variety over all stores, 1 is a vector of individual attribute effects on variety, and is the random component consumer derives from shopping in stores with greater variety. We aggregate over the distribution of consumers to arrive at an expression for the share of each product variant in the entire market. Because the random-parameter logit model introduces a large number of parameters relative to a standard logit model, we follow Nevo (2001), among others, and write the indirect utility function in the general case in terms of two sets of variables — those that are assumed to be random and those that are not— as follows: = ( ; ) + ( ) + 6 (5) where is the mean level of utility that varies over products and stores, but not consumers, and is the idiosyncratic part that varies by consumer and product. We define the densities of , and as (), () and (), respectively, so that the market share of product in store can be obtained by integrating over the distributions that characterize consumer heterogeneity as = Z Z Z exp( + )(1−) X (1−) ()()() ( ) (6) ∈ where = X exp( + )(1−) . Expression (6) is then estimated with the simulated maximum likeli- ∈ hood (SML) algorithms of Train (2003) using the control-function method introduced by Petrin and Train (2010) to account for the obvious endogeneity of prices in the mean utility specification. We describe this method in more detail below. 2.2 Price and Variety Choice We structure the game between multi-product oligopoly retailers as follows. In the first stage, retailers make product line length (“variety”) decisions conditional on observed wholesale prices. In the second stage, retailers compete in prices based on wholesale prices and their product variety decisions, and in the third and final stage, consumers select among the retailers and the products carried by retailers based on the outcomes for prices and product variety. We analytically derive pass-through rates within this game structure by totally differentiating the first order conditions for price and product line length with respect to wholesale prices, and then estimate both price- and variety-pass-through using a generalized method of moments (GMM) estimator. This approach allows us to test our core hypotheses directly without relying on simulation methods and indirect tests.4 Retailers maximize profit by choosing prices and the length of their product lines. The profit equation for retailer is written as (dropping the time subscript for clarity): = X ∈ ( − − ) − ( ) (7) where is the wholesale price paid by retailer for product , is the size of the aggregate market for all products, and ( ) reflects the cost of adding products to the retailer’s line. For tractability, we consider the cost of maintaining a product line to be linear in the number of products stocked, ( ) = 0 + 1 , 4 Structural models of retail pass-through are typically implemented by simultaneous estimation of demand and a retail margin equation, and then simulating the impact of changes in cost in order to determine the rate of cost-pass-through (Goldberg and Hellerstein, 2007; Kim and Cotterill, 2008). 7 which ensures equilibrium under circumstances where utility is concave in variety. Retailing costs, which are assumed to be separable from wholesale purchases, are specified as linear functions of input prices. This results in the following expression for retailing costs: (v ) = XX 0 + ∈ ∈ X + (8) ∈ where v is a vector of retail prices, 0 are brand- and store-specific fixed-effects, and is an iid error term. Retailing costs are estimated after substituting equation (8) into the first-order conditions and pass-through equations derived below. Conditional on the product variety decisions of the retailers in stage one, retailer ’s first order condition for the price of product is given by X = + ( − − ) = 0 ∀ ∈ ∈ (9) ∈ Notice that equation (9) implies that each retailer internalizes all cross-sectional pricing externalities across products within the category, but does not take into account the effect of his pricing on the sales of products sold by other retailers. Stacking the first-order conditions across retailers and introduce an ownership matrix, Ω, with element = 1 if product is sold by retailer (and zero otherwise), we write the first-order condition as p = c + w − (ΩS )−1 s (10) where bold notation indicates a vector (or matrix), and S is the matrix of share-derivatives with element The specific form of these derivatives for the random-coefficient nested logit model are provided in the technical appendix. Retailers’ variety choices take into account the effect of a longer product line on cannibalizing sales from other products in the line and also the effect of providing a longer product line on the prices set by rival retailers. Rival retailers, who can no longer extend their own product lines once the product lines of rival retailers are revealed in the pricing stage, respond to a longer product line of a rival by more aggressively discounting prices to acquire store traffic in the subsequent pricing stage. The first-order conditions for retailers’ variety choices are given by 8 X X XX = + ( − − ) + ( − − ) − = 0 ∀ ∈ (11) ∈ ∈ ∈ ∈ The optimal variety choice of retailer in equation (11) depends on the relative strength of: () the own category price-effect (first term), () the business-stealing effect of variety from rival retailers (second term), () the effect of variety choices on market share through induced changes in the prices charged by other retailers in the subsequent pricing stage (third term), and () the cost of stocking a longer product line (fourth term). We solve thes equations for the optimal line length for each retailer, which gives (in matrix notation), N =(11 )(Ms0 P +M(p − c − w)0 S + M(p − c − w)0 S P ) (12) where P is a vector of price-derivatives in variety, S is a vector of share-derivatives in variety and the other variables are as defined above. At this point, we can estimate (11) and (12) simultaneously to recover the parameters of the retailing cost function and the cost-of-variety function using only information from the demand side and the game structure. We can then simulate the solution for optimal price and variety choices under various assumptions regarding changes in the wholesale price to calculate empirical pass-through rates as in Kim and Cotterill (2008); however, in our case, a more direct alternative is available by making use of data on observed wholesale prices. Totally differentiating the first-order conditions in (11) and (12) with respect to the wholesale price, we obtain analytic solutions for both the price- and variety-pass through rates. This allows a more direct test of the primary hypothesis of our study that wholesale prices are negatively related to retailers’ variety choices, leading to higher retail pass-through rates when controlling for the impact of variety competition on retail price competition. Totally differentiating first-order condition (11) and collecting terms gives à X X X X 2 + ( − − ) + ∈ à X ∈ + XX ∈ ∈ ∈ ∈ ∈ X 2 ( − − ) + ∈ ! ! + = ∀ ∈ ∈ where is the retail price pass-through term and is the “variety pass-through” term.5 5 The full set of first- and second-order share- and price-derivatives are provided in the appendix 9 (13) Our notion of variety pass-through merits some elaboration. In a multi-product retail environment, changes in wholesale prices among a category of goods, for instance breakfast cereals derived from corn, are projected into the consumer market jointly through changes in the length of the product line and retail prices. In response to an increase in wholesale prices, retailer margins narrow in the product category, and retailers respond by trimming from their product lines. Because it is costly for retailers to maintain long product lines, rising wholesale prices that pinch retail margins cause retailers to reduce the length of their product lines. The resulting decline in product variety reduces consumer utility, and the extent to which wholesale price changes manifest in price pass-through or variety pass-through effects depends on the relative degree to which consumer demand in the category responds to changes in prices and changes in product lines. To the extent that product variety increases consumer utility from purchases in the product category, say by facilitating better matches between consumers and brands, when retailers respond to cost increases by reducing product lines, this in turn softens price competition by de-emphasizing the role of retail prices in the product category to generate store traffic. Totally differentiating first-order condition (12) yields ⎛ ⎜ ⎜ ⎝ X XX ( − − ) + ( − − ) − ∈ ∈ ∈ XX ∈ ∈ ⎛ ⎜ ⎜ ⎝ = + + XX ∈ ∈ ) XX 2 ( − − ) + ( − − ) + ∈ ∈ ∈ XX 2 ( − − ) 2 + ¶ 2 ( − − ) 2 + (14) XX ∈ µ ( − − 2 ∈ ∈ ∀ ∈ ⎞ ⎟ ⎟ ⎠ where the restriction 2 2 = 0 is imposed to ensure a tractable solution.6 Each element of (13) and (14) is derived from parameters estimated from the demand model, except for the price- and variety pass-through terms, which we estimate as unobserved parameters. Assuming the pass-through rates are constant over all observations, we express these two equations in estimable form by writing the demand-side information as variables, and adding an econometric error term gives an expression for the price-pass-through model: 6 Each of the derivatives presented here is derived in the appendix. 10 ⎞ ⎟ ⎟ ⎠ + = + + (15) and for the variety-pass-through model: = + + (16) where is the vector of share-derivatives in price on the right-side of (13), is the matrix of sharederivatives in the first line of (13), is the matrix of share-derivatives in the second line of (13), is the vector of share-derivatives in variety on the right-side of (14), is the matrix of share-derivatives in the second line of (14), is the matrix of share-derivatives in the first line of (14), and and are iid error terms. We estimate the entire empirical model in two stages: first estimating the demand model in (6), and then using the implied share derivatives in price and variety to estimate equations (15) and (16) after substituting in the cost equation (8). As explained in detail below, we estimate the entire system of pricing and variety equations using generalized method of moments (GMM) to account for the endogeneity of prices and market share terms in the model. 3 Data and Estimation Methods 3.1 Data Our empirical application considers the ready-to-eat breakfast cereal market. Breakfast cereal is one of the most scrutinized product categories in the empirical industrial organization and marketing literatures (see, e.g., Schmalensee, 1986; Cotterill, 1986; Nevo, 2001; Nevo and Wolfram, 2002). It is ideal for the purposes at hand because: () breakfast cereals are widely purchased by consumers across all income strata, () the supply-side of the market is dominated by two major manufacturers (Kellogg and General Mills), which intensifies price and non-price competition at the wholesale level, () supermarket retailers offer similar breakfast cereal assortments, and () cereal is derived from agricultural commodity inputs that exhibit marked price fluctuation over the period encompassed by our data. Our data describes 33 months (June 2007 - March 2010) of supermarket chain-level retail sales of readyto-eat breakfast cereal in the Los Angeles retail market. We acquire our data from IRI InfoScan for the top six supermarkets in Los Angeles: Albertsons, Food 4 Less, Ralphs, Safeway, Stater Brothers, Vons and Vons Pavilions and include all branded UPCs, both private labels and national brands, in the breakfast cereal 11 category.7 We focus our analysis on the 19 top brands (by volume share) and subsume all other brands in the outside option. Our set of top brands is selected based on market share ranking among the six stores in our sample, subject to the constraint that each brand is sold in all stores. We define the outside option broadly in a manner consistent with Berry, Levinsohn and Pakes (1995). Namely, we define the total market as the population of Los Angeles and use per capita consumption data (USDA, ERS) to impute a total-market consumption level.8 The outside option is then calculated as the total market less the cereal sales captured in our data. In this way, the outside option captures not only the brands excluded from our sample, but cereal purchased through retailers that do not participate in the IRI InfoScan data syndication system, for instance Wal*Mart, Sam’s Club and Costco, as well as through foodservice, convenience and institutional outlets. It is important to note that an important limitation of syndicated scanner data is the absence of data from mass merchandisers. An advantage of framing our empirical study in the Los Angeles retail market is that Wal*Mart maintains a small presence in Los Angeles relative to other major U.S. markets, which minimizes the effect of the “Wal*Mart gap” noted in other studies.9 Accordingly, IRI’s market coverage is relatively high ( 70%) in the Los Angeles market. Table 1 documents the extent of the variation in prices and product line length among our sample stores. Notice that the stores in our sample differ considerably in their overall price level, line length and promotion frequency. Take for example the contrast between Albertsons and Food 4 Less. Albertsons selects breakfast cereal prices at roughly the sample average across supermarkets ($0.226/oz), but stocks 27.6% more brands than the sample mean and promotes 9.4% more frequently; Food 4 Less sets prices 7.4% below the sample average, but stocks 27% fewer brands than the average store and promotes infrequently. In terms of the relationship between prices and product line length, the correlation among our sample stores is 47.3%, suggesting that stores that choose to provide a larger range of product variety also tend to charge higher prices. High-price stores also promote more frequently, as the correlation between price and promotion frequency is 79.6%. Table 2 depicts the composition of sales between supermarkets in terms of prices and market share. Notice that the variation in price and market share is specific to each brand across stores. For Cheerios, 7 We include Vons and Vons Pavilions as separate chains because Pavilions stores are managed independent of Vons, and maintain a fundamentally different variety/pricing strategy. According to a company spokesman, Pavilions sells a greater variety of organic foods, wine, produce and specialty items. 8 Implicitly, we assume individuals in Los Angeles consume breakfast cereal at approximately the same rate as consumers in the U.S. as a whole. 9 Wal*Mart is represented in Nielsen’s HomeScan product; however, HomeScan is a household-level data set that is not well-suited to our purpose here. 12 for example, the coefficient of variation in price across stores is 3.8%, while the coefficient of variation in market share is over 30%; for Life cereal, the coefficient of variation in price across stores is 11.4% while the coefficient of variation in market share is 26.7% . [tables 1 and 2 here] We acquire wholesale cereal prices from the Price-Trak data service provided by Promodata, Inc. These data represent prices paid to grocery wholesalers by supermarket retailers and encompass nearly all the cereal brands sold by major manufacturers (including all brands in our sample). Price-Trak data reports prices charged by manufacturers prior to the application of allowances, markups of price over unit cost by wholesalers to retailers, the effective date of new case prices, “deal allowances” (off-invoice items offered to retailers by the wholesaler), the type of promotion suggested by the wholesaler to the retailer, and the allowance date. Of these variables, we define the wholesale price to be the price charged to the retailer net of allowances. A limitation of this data source is that it represents prices charged by wholesalers to only non self-distributing retailers. Because retailers in our sample generally self-distribute, we implicitly assume in making use of these data that wholesale prices are highly correlated across self-distributing and non self-distributing retailers, for instance due to pricing restrictions under the Robinson-Patman Act.10 To the extent that the prices our retailers pay differ from the wholesale prices in the dataset, our wholesale price may be measured with error. Nevertheless, we believe the use of these data represent a significant advancement over alternative approaches that rely on imputed wholesale prices. All retailer input-price data are from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS, 2010a). These data include average weekly earnings by workers in the grocery retailing industry, an index of healthcare costs paid by retailers, and an index of utility prices. We rely on primary BLS data on wages from the Current Employment Statistics (CES) survey (BLS, 2010b), which provides detailed industry data on employment, hours, and earnings of workers, and acquire utility prices from the market-specific indices provided in the BLS Consumer Price Index program (BLS, 2010a). Finally, we use the Bureau of Census (2010) mean and standard deviation for each socio-economic and demographic variable (age, household size and income) for the Los Angeles market to create random draws from the distribution of each variable in the random-coefficient nested logit model (Berry, Levinsohn and Pakes, 1995). We also rely on Census data for population figures for the Los Angeles metropolitan area, which we match with per-capita cereal consumption values from the Economic Research Service of the USDA (ERS). An alternative to estimating a fully structural model of retail pass-through is to estimate a reduced-form, 1 0 Nakamura and Zerom (2010) also use wholesale prices from Price-Trak to describe purchase costs for coffee retailers. 13 ordinary least squares regression of retail prices on wholesale prices, retailing input costs and market- and brand-fixed effects. Nakamura and Zerom (2010) use such a model to provide preliminary insight into whether there is any fundamental relationship between wholesale and retail prices in their coffee data. We adopt this approach to estimate a simple model of retail pricing in which retail and wholesale prices are assumed to be linearly related with the coefficient on wholesale prices representing the empirical pass-through rate. We also estimate a second reduced-form model in which retail variety depends on wholesale prices and a set of brand and store fixed effects. The results from both of these models are shown in Table 3. In our breakfast cereal data, we find that the reduced form pass-through rate, before accounting for demand curvature or variety feedback effects is 0.637 (t-ratio = 7.616), which implies that changes in wholesale prices pass through incompletely into retail prices, adjusting by less than $0.02/oz in response to a $0.03/oz change in wholesale prices. Wholesale price changes also alter variety provision. A $0.01/oz change in wholesale prices (on average 5% of the retail price) causes retailers to reduce the length of their product lines by slightly more than 3 stock-keeping-units (SKUs) (t-ratio = -7.594). These estimates are only preliminary, however; they account for neither the structure of demand nor the endogeneity of retail product variety. [table 3 here] 3.2 Estimation Methods and Identification We estimate our structural model of demand and pass-through in two stages. We first estimate the demand model using the control function method of Petrin and Train (2010), and then employ the Generalized Method of Moments estimator (Davidson and MacKinnon, 2004) for the second-stage pricing model. Retail prices are likely to be endogenous in aggregate, market-level scanner data, and we test for this possibility using a Hausman (1978) specification test. We select this approach based on the possibility that unobserved factors embodied in the error term of the estimated demand equation, for instance shelf-facing, the size of the display area, and magnitude of in-store promotions, may be highly correlated with the observed retail prices. If the estimator does not to take this into account, the resulting parameter estimates are biased and inconsistent. Addressing endogeneity using the simulated generalized method of moments (SGMM) approach has become a workhorse in the empirical industrial organization and marketing literatures; however, Berry, Linton and Pakes (2004) show that the contraction algorithm underlying this method, which matches predicted and observed market shares to impute a vector of mean utilities, is highly sensitive to sampling error, a feature that suggests the use of multiple markets and multiple stores in each market. Consequently, we adopt the “control function” approach developed by Petrin and Train (2010). 14 The “control function” method has its econometric basis in the sample-selection models of Heckman (1978) and Hausman (1978). With this approach, we control for the bias likely to arise from the endogeneity in prices using a two-stage estimation method. In the first stage, we estimate an instrumental variables (IV) regression in which we regress the endogenous prices on a set of variables likely to serve as valid instruments. We then use the residuals from this regression as explanatory variables in the mixed-logit demand equation, which is then estimated using simulated maximum likelihood (SML, Train, 2003). By introducing the IV residuals into the demand model, we account for unobservable factors that may be correlated with errors in the demand equation. To account for the error in the second-stage demand model associated with using the residuals as explanatory variables, we bootstrap the standard errors in the mixed logit model and use the bootstrap distribution to derive inference from the model (Cameron and Trivedi, 2005). Our identification strategy is conventional in the literature. The goal is to acquire instruments that are correlated with the endogenous prices in the model, but which are uncorrelated with unobserved variables in the demand equation. Unobservable factors that are likely to influence prices for breakfast cereal products include market-specific advertising, chain-level merchandising efforts, or variations in local tastes that are not accounted for in the demographic variables encompassed by the demand model. We employ a variety of instruments to control for these factors. First, because product-specific variation in costs will tend to be correlated with prices for the same product but uncorrelated with unobservable factors in the demand equation, we interact retail and production input prices with the set of binary brand-indicators. Second, we include a set of lagged share values in order to pick up any state dependence in demand that may arise from habit formation, learning or inertia. From the perspective of current-period demand, lagged share values are pre-determined, and we accordingly employ lagged share values as our instruments. Third, we include brand-specific binary variables to account for idiosyncratic supply factors or quality levels that may be important in determining retail prices. First-stage instrumental variables regressions results show that this set of instruments explains over 60% of the variation in our endogenous price variables (F-statistic is 39.79) and hence are not “weak” in the sense of Staiger and Stock (1997). On the supply-side of the model, retail markups on products and the depth of product assortments are also likely to be endogenous. For this reason, we estimate the price- and variety-pass-through equations using GMM. In the same sense that variables that independently vary in supply can be used to identify the demand-side parameters, instruments on the supply-side must similarly reflect variation in demand that is independent of unobservable variables in the pricing equation. We accordingly capture brand-specific variation in demand by including demographic variables such as income, age, and average household size 15 and interacting these variables with brand-specific dummies. as proxies for current-period margins. Second, we include lagged margin values As in the case of the demand model, the pricing instruments also include a set of product-specific binary variables to capture brand-specific preferences that are otherwise not accounted for in the continuous instruments. We evaluate the appropriateness of our instruments on the basis of two tests: a test of the goodness-of-fit of the instruments in explaining variation in the endogenous variables and a test of the overidentifying restrictions implied by the GMM estimator. For the latter purpose, we conduct a J-test (Davidson and MacKinnon, 2004) with degrees of freedom equal to the number of overidentifying restrictions. For the price- and variety-pass-through system, the J-test statistic is 265.368 (critical value is 69.832), which suggests the set of instruments is not ideal; however, a first-stage regression of the instruments on endogenous retail prices provides an 2 value of 0.598 (F = 69.03) and on retail assortments gives an 2 value of 0.541 (F = 209.55), suggesting that our instruments are not weak. 4 Results and Discussion In this section, we present and interpret the results obtained by estimating the structural model of priceand variety-pass-through rates. We first present the demand-side estimates and then the pass-through model. Compared to the reduced-form model presented above, this model controls for the curvature of demand in both prices and varieties, the feedback effects from choosing varieties endogenously and both retailing costs and the costs of additional assortment. When presenting the pass-through model results, we compare estimates from a model in which we do not control for the endogeneity of prices or variety (nonlinear seemingly unrelated regressions) to those obtained from the GMM model. In this way, we compare the pass-through rate estimates between a more conventional model and one in which both variables are endogenous. Our demand model differs from a simple logit model in three ways: () we allow for hierarchical choice among stores using a GEV specification, () we allow for unobserved consumer heterogeneity by treating the constant term, the marginal utility of income and variety terms as random functions of age and income, and () we estimate the demand model using the control function method of Petrin and Train (2010) as described above. To evaluate the performance of our model in relation to the simpler logit framework, we conduct specification tests to assess the appropriateness of each of these modeling elements. Specifically, we test the GEV specification by conducting a t-test on the GEV scale parameter (), we test the random coefficients specification both by implementing t-tests of each element of the random-parameter function and 16 by conducting a likelihood ratio (LR) test of the model relative to the fixed-coefficient alternative, and we test the control function method both by evaluating of the parameters associated with the control function and by a LR test. Table 4 presents the results of these specification tests. Evidence from the GEV scale parameter (t = 216.743) suggests that the GEV model outperforms the simple logit specification. The entries in Table 4 also suggests the random coefficients model as our preferred specification, as the t-ratios for each element of the random coefficient model (including the means and standard deviations of the parameters as well as the components of the random parameter functions) is significantly different from zero and the LR test statistic comparing the random coefficient model with the fixed coefficient alternative yields a chi-square value of 1,077.322 (with 16 degrees of freedom), which easily rejects the fixed-coefficient model. Use of the control function approach is appropriate, as both and are significantly different from zero. Moreover, the LR test statistic comparing the random coefficient nested logit model estimated with the control function method to one that is not results in a LR statistic value of 20.124 (with 2 degrees of freedom), which again rejects the simpler alternative in favor of the more complete model. As a result of these tests, we adopt the random coefficients nested logit model and use the estimated coefficients to calculate elasticity values and to use as inputs in the second-stage pass-through model. [table 4 here] A number of findings are of interest in our demand estimates. First, we find that a temporary price reduction leads to an outward shift and negative (counterclockwise) rotation of demand. This finding suggests that consumer demand becomes more elastic during periods associated with retailer price-promotions, which may indicate a degree of anticipation among consumers for promoted items that a “better deal” may come along. Second, we find that the mean utility from shopping at Albertsons and Vons Pavilions is significantly lower than at Vons (our excluded category), while Food 4 Less is the most preferred chain. Third, among cereal brands we find that Special K has the highest mean utility of the 19 top-selling brands in our sample and, based on the data in Table 2, it is also among the most expensive cereals.11 Other cereals with high marginal preference parameters, most notably Frosted Flakes and Frosted Mini-Wheats, have higher average market share, but sell for lower prices. Not surprisingly, the correlation between mean utility, market share and sugar content is very high in our sample. Finally, with respect to product variety we find that the quadratic specification of product line length in utility is supported by the data, and implies an optimal line length of 428 products in the cereal category. Given that the store with the longest product line in our 1 1 Special K comes in a number of variants: Red Berries, Almonds, Blueberries and Chocolate. variants as they are all managed under the Special K brand. 17 We aggregated over these data is Albertsons with 420, on average across stores, this outcome suggests that stores in our sample are effectively space-constrained in the cereal aisle. Using the parameters from the random coefficient function, optimal assortment depth falls with both age and income, a finding that is consistent with more habitual purchasing patterns among older and higher income shoppers. Table 5 presents the matrix of own- and cross-price elasticities derived from the estimates in Table 4 for a single store in our sample. The elasticity matrices for all the other stores reveal slightly different patterns of substitution, which justifies our use of the GEV specification.12 Allowing for a flexible pattern of substitution both among brands and among stores is important for our primary objective of examining equilibrium rates of price and variety pass-through. [table 5 here] Table 6 shows the results obtained by estimating the pass-through system. The entries in Table 6 compare the estimated outcomes from our preferred instrumental variables estimator (GMM) with one that does not control for retailer variety adjustments in response to changes in wholesale prices (NLSUR). Based on the chi-square statistics comparing their explanatory abilities to a null alternative, both the NLSUR and GMM estimators provide acceptable fits to the data; however, a Hausman (1978) test yields a test statistic value of 78.453, rejecting the non-IV estimator out of hand.13 Nevertheless, it is helpful to compare the pass-through estimates of the two models to better understand the role of retailer product line adjustments in jointly determining pass-through rates of wholesale price changes into retail prices and product variety. We interpret the coefficient on the wholesale price as the “direct pass-through rate”, as it reflects only the direct effect of wholesale price variation on the retail price and we interpret the coefficient on , which takes into account the optimizing behavior of the retailers, as the “total pass-through rate”. The total pass-through rate accounts for the effect of joint retailer competition in variety and prices on the retailers’ ability to pass wholesale price increases into consumer prices.14 In terms of the specific parameter estimates, we find that assortment costs rise in the number of SKUs, as expected, which ensures an equilibrium assortment level with concave utility. Notice that the variety pass-through rate () is negative and significant in both models, suggesting that retailers indeed reduce the length of their product lines in response to an increase in wholesale prices. The intuition is straightforward: in response to rising wholesale prices, ceteris paribus, retailers are faced with lower margins to recover the fixed costs of maintaining their product lines and accordingly reduce 1 2 Elasticity 1 3 Our matrices from all stores in the sample are available from the authors. Hausman (1978) test statistic is chi-square distributed with 11 degrees of freedom, which implies a critical value of 19.675. 1 4 For expedience, we do not break out estimates for each equation in Table 6. Most parameters are shared across the two equations due to the cross-equation restrictions implied by the structural derivation. 18 line length. The implication of retail product line adjustment for price pass-through is apparent from a comparsion of the estimates. When failing to account for the endogeneity of retailer product line decisions, we find evidence of incomplete price pass-through (0.730), an outcome broadly consistent with previous research (Hellerstein, 2008; Nakamura and Zerom, 2010); however, accounting for the endogeneity of retailer product line decisions reveals moderate degree of over-shifting (significant at the 10% level) of wholesale prices into retail prices. Our estimates suggest that product line adjustments by retailers are capable of preserving retailer margins, as retail prices at the sample mean adjust nearly in lock-step with changes in wholesale cereal prices. Our empirical application focuses on sales of breakfast cereals among supermarket retailers, but the implications of this finding are much broader. Retailers are generally defined by the fact that they sell various types of products, many of which are related in demand. For this reason, virtually any category of product sold by multi-product retailers can be subject to the same type of product line adjustments we find here. In an environment of rapidly-rising wholesale prices, the implications for more general price inflation are clear. While the results of previous research on price pass-through among retailers with fixed product lines implies that retailers serve to absorb a portion of wholesale price increases, our findings suggest that this may not be the case in a multi-product framework with endogenous product line adjustments. Rather than dampening the effects of rising wholesale prices with imperfect pass-through into retail prices, retailers may instead respond by trimming their product lines, leading to higher pass-through rates, and potential over-shifting of cost changes into consumer prices. 5 Conclusions and Implications In this study, we investigate the extent to which wholesale price changes are passed into retail markets jointly through price and product composition effects among multi-product retailers. While the literature contains many examples of research that documents incomplete pass-through of cost changes into retail prices in a fixed category of products, our method controls for the endogenous product line length decisions of multiproduct retailers and results in estimated pass-through effects slightly in excess of 100% of wholesale price changes. Correcting for product line adjustments by retailers is essential for understanding the degree to which changes in input costs are passed along to consumers, and we find evidence that retailers respond to increased procurement costs for wholesale goods by trimming the length of product lines in the category. This reduction in product line length softens price competition among rival retailers, allowing retailer margins 19 to be preserved in the category. Our findings in this sense echo those of Hamilton (2009), who shows that excise taxes are more likely to be over-shifted into consumer prices when levied on multi-product retailers than on single-product retailers due to product line adjustments. Our observations are based on evidence from a structural model of the grocery retailing market for ready-to-eat breakfast cereals, a product category that has experienced rapid wholesale price increases (and subsequent reductions) in recent years. We employ a random-coefficient nested logit model of demand at the brand-level for six retailers in the Los Angeles market and derive structural equations for retailprice and retail-variety pass-through from a general framework of oligopoly competition in retail prices and product variety. By relying on observed wholesale prices, we are able to estimate direct and indirect passthrough rates that account for the simultaneous price and product line decisions of competitive supermarkets. We find that wholesale price increases are associated with reductions in the length of retail product lines both using estimation techniques that account for the endogeneity of price and variety choices and using a seemingly unrelated regression framework that does not explicitly control for variety decisions in retailer pricing behavior. When the endogeneity of product lines is not controlled for in the estimation process, we find wholesale-price pass-through rates significantly less than 100%; however, when instrumenting for the endogeneity of prices and product lines in a GMM framework, we find evidence of nearly 1-to-1 shifting of wholesale price changes into retail prices. Our findings have significant implications for assessing the degree to which cost changes are passed along to consumers. Apparel retailers, toy stores, liquor vendors and even banks experience wholesale-price variation similar to the supermarkets described in this paper. When wholesale prices rise, retailers are faced with a choice of passing the cost increase on to consumers at the expense of sales levels, absorbing some of the price increase, or preserving margins in the product category by making product line adjustments. In this research, we show that when the choice among retailer is to reduce product variety, the resulting cost increase passed through to consumers is magnified by strategic considerations. The phenomenon we identify here of product line adjustment in response to cost changes is likely to be observed in any multi-product retail environment. Future research is needed to test this prediction in other product categories. In addition to the examples cited above, computer retailers, auto vendors, and healthcare insurance companies all offer multiple products that may be subject to the same market forces described here. Future research is needed to consider a broader set of markets and products. Further, it is well known that empirical models of price pass-through are particularly sensitive to assumptions regarding functional form. We maintain a random coefficients nested logit model as a reasonable and flexible alternative, but 20 future innovations in technique may be capable of addressing the inherent multiple-discrete nature of cereal purchases more explicitly. 21 References [1] Anderson, S. P., A. de Palma, and B. Kreider. 2001. “Tax Incidence in Differentiated Product Oligopoly.” Journal of Public Economics 81: 173-192. [2] Atkeson, A. and A. Burstein. 2007. "Pricing-to-Market in a Ricardian Model of International Trade." American Economic Review 97: 362-367. [3] Benabou, R., and R. Gertner. 1993. “Search with Learning from Prices: Does Increased Inflationary Uncertainty Lead to Higher Markups?” Review of Economic Studies 60: 69-94. [4] Bergin, P. R. and R. C. Feenstra. 2001. "Pricing-to-Market, Staggered Contracts and Real Exchange Rate Persistence." 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Derivative of market share in price: = µ 1− ¶ (1 − | − (1 − ) ) = (17) ¶ (18) and: =− µ 1− (−| − (1 − ) ) 6= where | is the conditional share of product in the total sales of store , and is the marginal share (of the total market) of product in store . 2. Derivative of market share in variety: = ( 1 + 2 ) (1 − | ) = (19) = ( 1 + 2 ) | 6= (20) and: where | is the conditional share of product in store 3. Second derivative of share in variety: 2 ( 1 + 2 )2 2 2 = ( + ) (1 − ) − | (1 − | ) | 1 2 2 1− (21) 2 ( 1 + 2 )2 2 = ( + ) (1 − ) − 2| | | 1 2 2 1− (22) if = , and: if 6= . 4. Second derivative of share in price and variety: 1 5 Villas-Boas and Zhao (2005) provide a similar derivation for a Box-Cox nested logit model without variety effects. 26 2 µ ¶ ( 1 + 2 ) (1 − | )(1 − | − (1 − ) ) + 1− ¶ µ ¶µ ( + 2 ) −( 1 + 2 ) (1 − | ) + 1 | (1 − | ) 1− = (23) if = , and: 2 = µ ¶ ( 1 + 2 ) | (−| − (1 − ) ) + 1− ¶ µ ¶µ ( + 2 ) −( 1 + 2 ) | + 1 | | 1− (24) if 6= . 5. Second derivative of share in price: 2 = 2 µ 1− ¶ (1 − | − (1 − ) ) + µ 1− ¶ (− | − (1 − ) ) (25) (1 − | ) if = , and | = − 1− | | for 6= , and: where | = | 1− 2 = µ 1− ¶ (1 − | − (1 − ) ) + µ 1− ¶ (− ) | | − (1 − ) 1− (26) ((1 − ) | + (1 − | )) 1 − | (27) ) | | + (1 − ) 1− (28) and: 2 =− 2 µ 1− ¶ (| + (1 − ) ) − µ 1− ¶ and: 2 =− µ 1− ¶ (| − (1 − ) ) − µ 1− ¶ (− if 6= , 6= and 6= . 6. Derivative of price in variety. Using the implicit function theorem and the first-order condition for optimal pricing, we find: 2 + + ( − − ) = 0 (29) which we then solve for for all products, and retailers, , by substituting in the appropriate matrices above. 27 Table 1: Price, Variety and Discount Variation by Retailer Store Measure Units Mean Std. Dev Min Max Albertsons Price $/oz 0.226 0.085 0.070 0.518 Variety # 420.424 34.475 0.367 0.464 Discount % 0.276 0.447 0.000 1.000 Food 4 Less Price $/oz 0.210 0.057 0.080 0.350 Variety # 243.879 17.700 0.221 0.279 Discount % 0.209 0.407 0.000 1.000 Ralphs Price $/oz 0.234 0.066 0.080 0.434 Variety # 372.273 27.098 0.333 0.420 Discount % 0.279 0.449 0.000 1.000 Stater Brothers Price $/oz 0.238 0.074 0.083 0.522 Variety # 309.364 13.704 0.287 0.330 Discount % 0.258 0.438 0.000 1.000 Vons Pavilion Price $/oz 0.228 0.055 0.130 0.412 Variety # 306.061 17.845 0.285 0.356 Discount % 0.249 0.433 0.000 1.000 Vons Price $/oz 0.222 0.056 0.121 0.384 Variety # 325.242 18.595 0.304 0.374 Discount % 0.242 0.429 0.000 1.000 N 627 627 627 627 627 627 627 627 627 627 627 627 627 627 627 627 627 627 Note: All data are for breakfast cereal sold by retailers in Los Angeles market, June 2007 March 2010. 28 Table 2: Table 2. Price and Share Varia Brand Cheerios Cinnamon Toast Crunch Lucky Charms Corn Flakes Frosted Flakes Raisin Bran Special K Frosted Mini Wheats Rice Krispies Cap’n Crunch 29 All-Bran Honeycomb Honey Bunches of Oats Kashi Kix Life Albertsons Price Share 0.262 0.039 0.182 0.098 0.249 0.025 0.156 0.082 0.121 0.183 0.153 0.127 0.264 0.085 0.171 0.116 0.209 0.054 0.172 0.073 0.236 0.009 0.196 0.020 0.256 0.012 0.257 0.009 0.267 0.019 0.199 0.033 Food 4 Less Price Share 0.248 0.017 0.183 0.116 0.235 0.044 0.195 0.094 0.126 0.323 0.159 0.052 0.250 0.061 0.182 0.067 0.226 0.025 0.127 0.150 0.243 0.002 0.171 0.036 0.276 0.003 0.225 0.002 0.266 0.024 0.153 0.029 Pric 0.26 0.21 0.29 0.18 0.15 0.17 0.28 0.16 0.23 0.18 0.25 0.22 0.26 0.24 0.30 0.21 Table 3: Reduced-Form Pass-Through Model. Retail Price Retail Variety Pass-Through Pass-Through Variable Estimate t-ratio. Estimate t-ratio. Wages -0.073 -0.882 Health Care -0.500* -3.303 Utilities 0.308* 2.175 Wholesale Price 0.637* 7.616 -0.313* -7.594 Cheerios 0.040* 8.845 0.002 1.020 Cinnamon Toast Crunch -0.009* -1.978 -0.003 -1.412 Lucky Charms 0.036* 7.159 0.008* 3.047 Corn Flakes -0.005 -1.063 -0.006* -2.371 Frosted Flakes -0.042* -8.614 -0.007* -2.822 Raisin Bran -0.026* -4.925 -0.010* -3.805 Special K 0.053* 11.573 0.002 1.024 Frosted Mini Wheats -0.022* -4.519 -0.006* -2.601 Rice Krispies 0.015* 3.292 0.002 0.782 Cap’n Crunch -0.026* -5.592 -0.004 -1.512 All-Bran 0.039* 7.562 -0.009* -3.612 Honeycomb 0.001 0.168 -0.003 -1.292 Honey Bunches of Oats 0.055* 12.070 0.001 0.427 Kashi 0.045* 9.639 -0.005 -1.942 Kix 0.066* 14.615 0.000 0.072 Life 0.002 0.449 -0.008* -3.185 Nature’s Path 0.147* 32.235 0.002 1.078 Oatmeal Squares 0.042* 9.111 -0.003 -1.208 Albertsons 0.330* 7.570 0.456* 93.969 Food 4 Less 0.315* 7.208 0.278* 58.104 Ralphs 0.338* 7.745 0.407* 84.208 Stater Bros. 0.344* 7.884 0.343* 71.076 Vons Pavilion 0.333* 7.620 0.340* 69.926 Vons 0.327* 7.492 0.360* 73.976 R2 0.563 0.863 * Indicates significance at the 95% level. Model is estimated using ordinary least squares. 30 Table 4: Random Coefficient Nested Logit Demand Model: - March 2010. Non-Random Parameters Variable Estimate t-ratio. Discount 0.219* 9.256 Discount*Price -0.853* -7.226 Albertsons -0.579* -26.534 Food 4 Less 0.691* 28.889 Ralphs 0.285* 20.099 Stater Bros. 0.326* 27.908 Vons Pavilion -1.377* -112.989 Cheerios 0.131* 3.776 Cinnamon Toast Crunch 0.223* 5.989 Lucky Charms 0.100* 2.408 Corn Flakes 0.154* 3.208 Frosted Flakes 0.234* 5.119 Raisin Bran 0.195* 4.989 Special K 0.390* 8.660 Frosted Mini Wheats 0.235* 4.955 Rice Krispies 0.136* 3.056 Cap’n Crunch 0.128* 2.942 All-Bran -0.128* -3.987 Honeycomb -0.124* -2.658 Honey Bunches of Oats -0.072 -1.696 Kashi -0.119* -3.211 Kix 0.048 1.260 Life 0.020 0.393 Nature’s Path 0.203* 4.440 Oatmeal Squares -0.056 -1.053 Quarter 1 0.154* 29.775 Quarter 2 -0.010* -2.343 Quarter 3 -0.028* -5.302 1 0.608* 2.593 1 0.000* -2.793 0.768* 216.473 LLF 1,181.03 Chi-Square 2,362.06 RTE Breakfast Cereals, Los Angeles, June 2007 Random Parameters Variable Estimate t-ratio. Means of Random Parameters Price -2.800* -11.110 Variety 25.918* 17.022 Variety2 -30.259* -13.964 Constant -11.671* -42.433 Std. Deviations of Random Parameters Price 0.964* 39.047 Variety 0.412* 32.245 Variety2 0.592* 19.586 Constant 0.050* 16.527 Rand. Para. Functions: Age and Income Price(Age) 0.004* 2.264 Price(Income) 0.043* 6.048 Variety(Age) -0.090* -3.221 Variety(Income) -0.760* -8.426 Variety2(Age) 0.144* 3.524 Variety2(Income) 1.095* 8.468 Constant(Age) 0.013* 2.890 Constant(Income) 0.120* 7.794 Estimate of Std. Deviation Std. Dev. 0.170* 148.213 * Indicates significance at the 95% level. Model is estimated using simulaed maximum likelihood. 31 Table 5: Price Elasticities of Demand: RTE Breakfast Brand Cheerios Cinnamon Toast Crunch Lucky Charms Corn Flakes 32 Frosted Flakes Raisin Bran Special K Frosted Mini Wheats Rice Krispies Brand -2.984 0.127 0.075 0.099 0.143 0.127 0.153 0.131 0.086 0.098 Cheerios 0.127 -2.165 0.121 0.145 0.189 0.173 0.199 0.177 0.132 0.144 Cinn. Toast Crunch 0.075 0.121 -3.076 0.093 0.137 0.121 0.147 0.125 0.080 0.092 Lucky Charms 0.099 0.145 0.093 -2.196 0.161 0.145 0.171 0.149 0.104 0.116 Top Ten Brands: Elasticity of Row Brand with respect to Price Change in Col Table 6: Price and Variety Pass-Through Model: NLSUR and GMM. NLSUR GMM Estimate t-ratio Estimate t-ratio Constant 0.737* 60.316 0.849* 3.834 Wages -0.458* -30.243 -0.574* -2.458 Health Care -0.952* -30.146 -1.946* -4.671 Utilities -0.029 -0.541 1.855 1.759 Wholesale Price 1.968* 308.294 2.184* 25.639 0.730* 664.310 1.010* 164.498 -8.125* -160.216 -9.655* -53.922 2 -0.016* -51.638 -0.022* -11.299 LLF 3567.663 265.368 Chi-square * Indicates significance at the 5% level. is the indirect price-pass-through rate, and is the variety-pass-through rate. 33