EMERGENT SPIRITUALITY SOCIA& L TRANSFORMATION A Seminar Facilitated by Himayat Inayati, Th.D. September 30 – October 1, 2006 10 am – 5 pm Saturday; 10 am – 4 pm Sunday 70 Chestnut Hill Road, Wakefield, RI (one mile from URI) Do you long for a deeper integration of spirituality in your everyday life? Would you like to find ways to bring your spirituality into your social activism? Would you like to deepen your personal connection to the sacred, to humanity and all of life? S pirituality is an expression of human interaction with both the depth and the breadth of the field of life. As such it cannot be something separate from life. One might say it is the essence and fulfillment of life. It is emerges afresh each instant, evoked by the need of the moment and the longing of the future. Emergent Spirituality & Social Transformation is a two-day intensive that invites us to collaborate with others to awaken to the sacred in the greater field of life. It offers participants an orientation and tools to support the transformational process of individuals, organizations and communities. The dynamics of presence, vibration, creative imagination, mastering levels of consciousness, concentration, and manifestation will be explored. All are invited to plant their feet firmly on their chosen path, to open their hearts and minds, and to nurture personal and collective fulfillment. Himayat Inayati, M.S., Th.D., past international head of the Sufi Healing Order, has presented training on mysticism and healing in fourteen different countries. Besides representing the teaching of Hazrat Inayat Khan, Himayat has distilled the teachings of the ancient Sufis and updated them with modern research - making them truly accessible today. The Founder of The Raphaelite Work, Himayat is a catalyst for the transformational process in others. Himayat is the president of and an international spokesperson for Universal Awakening, a meta-movement that honors all paths to truth and celebrates our unity in the sacred web of life as well as our unique individual and collective contributions in its fulfillment. His teaching style is lucid, comprehensive, and humorous. Local Contact: Jurate Calise 401 714 5002 Information & Registration: 828.683.1219; office@universal-awakening.org Registration: $150 postmarked by 9/11/06, $175 after * Scholarships available. Name: Address: Phone: (Day) (Eve) E-mail: Occupation: [ [ ] Check enclosed. Please make checks payable to “Universal Awakening”. ] Credit Card. Please register with credit card prior to 9/01/06. [ [ ] I would like to make a donation to the UA Seminar Scholarship fund of: ______________ ] I would like to make a donation to Universal Awakening of: ______________ A 3% surcharge is added to all payments made by credit card. All credit cards will be processed by Light of the Mountains Bookstore. Mastercard/Visa#: ________________________ Signature: _____________________________ Exp. date: Phone or Fax registration to: 828.683.1219 Mail registration to: Universal Awakening, PO Box 17578, Asheville, NC 28816 PO Box 17578 Asheville, NC 28816 Universal Awakening (UA) seeks to build a truly inclusive, global community welcoming individuals from all backgrounds, cultures, genders, races, and religious traditions who believe that life is sacred and who wish to develop within themselves an ever-greater capacity for compassion, awareness, wisdom, leadership, and service. Emergent Spirituality & Social Transformation September 30 – October 1, 2006 Wakefield, Rhode Island