Chehalis Watershed Cooperative SWOT – Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats o Match the strengths to opportunities. o Develop strategies (actions) that convert weaknesses or threats into strengths or opportunities. If this is not possible try to minimize or avoid them. Internal Strengths – what are the CWC’s internal Weaknesses – what are the CWC’s internal strengths over other organizations? weaknesses over other organizations? 1. Small organization quick to take action 2. Chehalis Tribes’ participation 3. Current membership covers most of the basin that floods. 4. High level of trust among members. 5. Members have common goals. 6. High level of collaboration. 7. Members share similar approaches to flood damage reduction . 8. Good technical resources, e.g. staff and GIS 9. Member jurisdictions experience similar flooding conditions. External Opportunities – what external opportunities are there that will help CWC meet its objectives? 1. Create an advisory committee representing a broad range of interests. 2. Leveraging of individual members work for the good of the CWC. 3. Coordinating flood related projects among the members. 4. Identify projects that benefit the region. 5. Working upstream from the mouth of the river. 6. Initiate and complete projects in a timely manner. 7. Use public meetings and other events to showcase CWC’s successes. 8. Meet with legislators as needed with a common message. 1. Lack of basin wide community participation 2. Lack of funding 3. Lack of recognition by federal and state governments. Threats – what external elements could cause trouble in meeting the CWC objectives? 1. Perception the CWC is a splinter group and competing for the resources of the Flood Authority. 2. Confusion by the public of roles and purposes of the various organizations including the Flood Authority, CWC, CBP, etc. 3. Philosophical differences in flood damage reduction projects and strategies between the upper and lower basin. 4. Continued practices by jurisdictions in the upper basin may impede flood mitigation successes in the lower basin. 1 Chehalis Watershed Cooperative The Strategic Plan Vision - A Vision statement outlines what the organization wants to be. The vision of the Chehalis Watershed Cooperative is to address the impacts of and solutions to flood damage by taking into consideration the broad range of interests within the Cooperative’s boundaries. Mission - A Mission statement tells you the fundamental purpose of the organization. We are a multi-jurisdiction cooperative working together to identify solutions that reduce flood damage throughout the region while considering ecosystems and communities. Goals: Goals to work toward the mission • A goal of the CWC is to assure that actions that reduce flood damage take into consideration the protection of public health, safety, economics and ecosystem of the communities. • A goal of the CWC is to consider impacts of solutions on local communities and industries. • A goal is to include the communities and interest groups within the basin in achieving the CWC Mission. Objectives: Objectives are clearer statements of the specific activities required to achieve the goals. • An objective of the CWC is to identify incentives to reduce flood damage. • An objective of the CWC is to have all Chehalis basin communities participate in the National Flood Insurance Program’s Community Rating System program and become at least a Class 5. • An objective is to look for projects that increase floodplain storage. • An objective is to reduce localized flooding caused by manmade obstructions such as undersized culverts, road elevations, private and public dikes, bridges, etc. • An objective is to create an Advisory Committee for the purpose of promoting the participation of counties, cities, towns and other interests within the CWC boundaries. • An objective is to increase ecosystem services that reduce flood damages. Actions: –Actions are specific tasks or projects that achieve the objectives • Grays Harbor County and the Tribe assess whether to enroll in the CRS program and evaluate the advantages of becoming a CRS Class 5 community. • Identify manmade obstructions and analyze the impacts of their modification or removal. • Assist the Office of Financial Management in achieving the requirements in the 2011 Capital Budget proviso (ESHB 2020, Section 1033 especially subsection (2)(d)) identify “alternatives that could provide flood relief and protection in the basin, such as: 2 Replacement of highway bridges that constrain flood waters Flood easements on agricultural lands Livestock evacuation facilities and routes Small-scale water diversion and retention Use of riparian habitat and environmental restoration projects to mitigate damages from flood waters, and o Other projects or programs” o o o o o • Identify incentives and funding sources for flood damage reduction projects such as raising homes, providing flood easements, livestock evacuation, etc. • Build off and coordinate efforts in implementing watershed plans and salmon recovery strategy. • Develop a Capital Improvement and Program Plan that includes the approximate cost, financing, sequencing and lead organization in implementing the alternatives that could provide flood relief and protection within the Watershed Cooperative’s boundaries. • Identify the resources and steps necessary to create and support an Advisory Committee as identified in Article 9 of the Interlocal Agreement. • Develop a federal government, legislature and state agency outreach plan. • Develop a tri-fold handout describing who and what the CWC is for distribution to the public, legislators and congressional members. 3