Edition No. 5
Adding years to your life
& life to your years
A directory of social activities for
those over 50 (but not exclusively)
across the Borough of Great Yarmouth
Charity No. 1095214
Light gardening is a great way to relax
and de-stress so why not create your own
Mini Garden? With the help of one of our
volunteers you can start to grow your own
fresh fruit, vegetables or herbs in your
own home! Certain conditions apply.
‘Whoops a Daisy’
Whoops a Daisy is part of the HAPPI Project, which stands for
Healthier Active People and Promoting Independence. HAPPI helps to support
people across the Borough of Great Yarmouth, who may not be able to go out
or meet people on their own.
If you like the look of one of the activities in this directory, but need some help
or some company to get there, just call us. HAPPI may be able to help.
Call: Joleen Dawson, HAPPI Coordinator: 01493 743000
or email: HAPPI@gyctrust.co.uk.
Great Yarmouth Community Trust: Charity No. 1095214
Once again I have great pleasure in writing the
introduction to this, the FIFTH Ageless Opportunities
Directory. When Great Yarmouth Older People’s
Network realized, in 2006, that a resource was needed
for people to know what activities were available for
them in the Borough, we did not envisage the demand
would be so great! The first year saw 86 groups
included in the Directory and 5,000 copies were printed. This year
7,000 copies will be available and over 100 groups are listed. Whilst it
was initially seen as a resource for people over 50 the information is
pertinent to younger people too. It’s popular with all age groups who
want to get out there, get active and involved.
We are pleased that Working Neighbourhoods Funding (WNF) has
enabled this very useful Directory to be published again this year. It also
funded some outreach work through Great Yarmouth Community Trust
to enable long term unemployed people to benefit from The Directory.
Finally, my sincere thanks are offered to Kate as our Development
Coordinator, the steering group and Great Yarmouth Community Trust
for their excellent work.
Keep fit and healthy
Best wishes
Ian Southam
Chair, Ageless Opportunities, January 2011
For further information about Ageless Opportunities please contact:
Rachael Hardie at the Priory Centre, Priory Plain, Great Yarmouth.
Tel: 01493 743000. Email: rachael-hardie@gyctrust.co.uk
Key to accessibility symbols used in this Directory
(please check as this information may not be exhaustive)
Accessible venue
Hearing loop available
Disabled parking near door
Information available in large
Ageless Opportunities
Ageless Opportunities
Ageless Opportunities Disclaimer
Edition No. 5
Adding years to your life
& life to your years
A directory of social activities for
those over 50 (but not exclusively)
across the Borough of Great Yarmouth
Charity No. 1095214
The information contained in this
publication was correct at the time
of going to press. However, please
check with individual contacts to
ensure details are up to date.
Ageless Opportunities cannot accept
responsibility for activities you
participate in.
Please check with your doctor or
nurse if you have any doubts about
participating in any activity.
Accessing websites and
email addresses
Where there are IT references to
email addresses or websites, if
you do not have a computer there
is a terminal in the Priory Centre
reception for everybody to use - or
your local library staff will be happy
to help you use their computers.
Do you have a skill you would like to share?
Could you run a group? If you are interested in setting up a new
activity group in the Borough please contact:
Rachael Hardie, Ageless Opportunities
Priory Centre, Priory Plain, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, NR30 1NW
Tel: 01493 743000. Email: rachael-hardie@gyctrust.co.uk
Ageless Opportunities
Activity Type - ARTS
Shrublands Art Group
Name of contact person - John Madeley
Telephone number - 07788 776351
E-mail address - madimations@netscape.net
What is the activity - Drawing and painting
Where does it take place - Shrublands Youth & Adult Centre,
Magdalen Way, Gorleston, NR31 7BP
When - Tuesdays 1-3.45pm
How much does it cost - £6.50 per session
Target group - Age 18+
Parking or transport - Parking available. Bus 2, 6 or 7
Ageless Opportunities
Activity Type - ARTS
‘Quill’ Creative Writing Group
Name of contact person - Sue Ellis
Telephone number - 01493 857956
E-mail address - susan.ellis93@virgin.net
What is the activity - Creative writing, poetry, prose
Where does it take place - Newtown Methodist Church Hall,
Northgate Street, Great Yarmouth
When - Monthly: 2nd Wed, 1.30-3.30pm
How much does it cost - 50p sub per meeting & £5 annual
Target group - Ages 18-90 years
Parking or transport - Parking nearby. Bus 7 or 8
Gt Yarmouth and District Photographic Society
Name of contact person - Maurice Hood
Telephone number - 01493 669305
E-mail address - gyps@eafphotoclubs.co.uk
What is the activity - Amateur photography
Where does it take place - Gorleston Library, Lowestoft Rd, Gorleston
When - Wednesdays 7.30pm, Sept to April & on location May-Aug
How much does it cost - £20. Covers Sept 2010 - Aug 2011
Target group - All ages; anyone interested in photography, digital and
traditional. Young people must be accompanied by a responsible
Parking or transport - Parking on street. Bus stop nearby
Ageless Opportunities
Activity Type - ARTS
Priory Art Group
Name of contact person - Jim Knope
Telephone number - 01493 300064
E-mail address - serendipity4853@ntlworld.com
What is the activity - Mixed media art/ craft group
Where does it take place - The Buttery, Priory Centre, Priory Plain,
Great Yarmouth
When - Wednesdays and Fridays 1-4pm
How much does it cost - £3 per session
Target group - All ages
Parking or transport - Pay & Display on Fullers Hill. Buses at Market
Caister Art Group
Name of contact person - Lynnette Hall
Telephone number - 01493 720005
E-mail address - N/A
What is the activity - Drawing & painting in all mediums. No tutor
- just sitting with like minded people to enjoy their art. Summer
workshops included
Where does it take place - Caister Community Centre, Beach Road,
When - Tuesdays 9am-12.30pm (currently there is a waiting list.
Please contact Lynnette at the number above to add your name)
How much does it cost - £4 per session
Target group - Ages 18+
Parking or transport - Parking available outside & across road. Regular
buses (every 15 mins) from Great Yarmouth to Caister
Ageless Opportunities
Activity Type - CRAFTS
Hawkins Close OAPs Hobbies Club
Name of contact person - Mrs Connie Firkins
Telephone number - 01493 855691
E-mail address - N/A
What is the activity - Hobbies of all kinds, including knitting, sewing,
painting, toy making, patchwork etc.
Where does it take place - Hawkins Close Community Centre,
Caister Road, Great Yarmouth
When - Thursday mornings
How much does it cost - £1
Target group - Over 60
Parking or transport - Parking available. Bus stop Caister Road &
Beresford Road
Ageless Opportunities
Activity Type - CRAFTS
Crafty Clubbers
Name of contact person - Paul Cooper
Telephone number - 01493 844169
E-mail address - N/A
What is the activity - Craft activities
Where does it take place - Newtown Methodist Church Hall,
Northgate Street, Great Yarmouth
When - Thursdays 2-4.30pm
How much does it cost - 50p per session
Target group - All ages
Parking or transport - Yes. Bus 1A, 8 or 8A
Intro to Floral Art
Name of contact person - John McDonald
Telephone number - 01493 743023
E-mail address - john-mcdonald@gyctrust.co.uk
What is the activity - 1) 10-week course covering creative craft skills.
2) 30-week course
Where does it take place - Priory Centre, Priory Plain, Great Yarmouth
When - 1) Thursdays 9.45-11.45am. Starts April 2011.
2) Thursdays 12-2.45pm. Starts Sept 2011
How much does it cost - Free to unemployed, BUT must buy own
Target group - Age 19+
Parking or transport - Car parks nearby. Bus station a few mins’ walk
Ageless Opportunities
Activity Type - CRAFTS
Broadland Woodturners
Name of contact person - Mike Roberts
Telephone number - 01493 740220
E-mail address - N/A
What is the activity - Wood turning
Where does it take place - Martham Village Hall
When - 2nd Monday of the month 7.30pm
How much does it cost - £25 per annum. Includes subscription to
‘National Woodturning Magazine’. First two visits FREE. £1 at door for
tea & biscuits
Target group - All ages
Parking or transport - Parking available. Bus stop on Martham green
Gorleston Flower Club
Name of contact person - Mrs Brenda Fuller
Telephone number - 01493 661530
E-mail address - brendajfuller@googlemail.com
What is the activity - Flower arranging demonstrations
Where does it take place - Gorleston Library, Lowestoft Rd, Gorleston
When - Last Thursday of the month 7.30pm
How much does it cost - £26 year’s subscription, £4 per night
Target group - All ages
Parking or transport - Parking available on roadside or at Morrison’s
Supermarket. Bus stop outside Boots the Chemist, Gorleston High St.
Ageless Opportunities
Activity Type - DANCE
Young at Heart
Name of contact person - Shirley Brooks
Telephone number - 01493 652199
E-mail address - N/A
What is the activity - Sequence dancing
Where does it take place - Cliff Park High School, Gorleston
When - Friday 7.30-9.30pm and 2nd Saturday in month 7.30-10pm.
How much does it cost - £2.50, with tea and biscuits
Target group - Ages 18+
Parking or transport - Parking available. Bus stop at James Paget
Ageless Opportunities
Activity Type - DANCE
Dead Easy Dance Group
Name of contact person - Ronald Burton
Telephone number - 01493 655685
E-mail address - N/A
What is the activity - Sequence dancing
Where does it take place - Shrublands Youth & Adult Centre,
Magdalen Way, Gorleston
When - Wednesdays, 7-9.30pm
How much does it cost - £2 per person, including refreshments
Target group - Retired people
Parking or transport - Parking available. Bus outside Centre
Dancing for Pleasure
Name of contact person - Pat Sharp
Telephone number - 01508 518471
E-mail address - patriciamsharp@talktalk.net
What is the activity - 1) Line dancing 2) Ballroom dancing
Where does it take place - St Mary’s Church Hall, Southtown Road,
Great Yarmouth
When - 1) Friday 10am-12 noon 2) Friday 6.30-7.30pm beginners;
7.45-9.45pm improvers
How much does it cost - 1) £4 2) £5
Target group - All ages
Parking or transport - Parking available. Bus stop nearby
Ageless Opportunities
Activity Type - DANCE
Social Sequence/Ballroom Dancing
Name of contact person - Mike or Jackie Loads
Telephone number - 01692 403591
E-mail address - mark2mike@gmail.com
What is the activity - Dancing
Where does it take place - Northgate Hospital Social Club, Northgate
Street, Great Yarmouth
When - Tuesdays 2-4.15pm; 3rd Saturday monthly 7.30-10.30pm
How much does it cost - £2.50 including refreshments
Target group - Adults
Parking or transport - Parking available. Bus 8 or 8A
Ageless Opportunities
Activity Type - DANCE
Hemsby Sequence Dance Club
Name of contact person - Richard or Pat Wrigley
Postal address - 01603 270709
E-mail address - richard.wrigley709@btinternet.com
What is the activity - Sequence dancing
Where does it take place - Hemsby Village Hall
When - Tuesdays 7.30-10pm (doors open 7pm)
How much does it cost - £2
Target group - Ages 50+
Parking or transport - Parking available
Bracecamp Dance Club
Name of contact person - Mr P Warr
Telephone number - 01493 722511
E-mail address - warrp@btinternet.com
What is the activity - Ballroom Latin & popular sequence dancing
Where does it take place - Bracecamp Parish Hall,
Ormesby St Margaret
When - 1) 1st & 3rd Wednesday of each month 2-4.30pm (tea
dances) 2) 1st Saturday each month 7.30-10.30pm
How much does it cost - 1) Tea dances £1.50 2) Evening dance £2
Target group - Over 50s
Parking or transport - Parking available. Limited hourly bus service bus no. 1: Market Gates to Ormesby (Royal Oak)
Ageless Opportunities
Activity Type - DANCE
Yaresiders Folk Dance Club
Name of contact person - Gillian or Gordon Johnstone
Telephone number - 01493 843099
E-mail address - gillianijohnstone@talktalk.net
What is the activity - Folk dancing
Where does it take place - Unitarian Hall, ground floor room,
Yarmouth Way, Great Yarmouth
When - Thursdays 7.30-10pm (ring to check first). NOT August
How much does it cost - £2
Target group - Anyone wanting to keep active. Children of school age
must be accompanied by an adult and finish dancing at 9pm
Parking or transport - Free evening parking at rear of building.
Buses at Market Gates
Circle Dance Group
Name of contact person - Pam Redwood
Telephone number - 01493 748830
E-mail address - broadland.cd@tiscali.co.uk
What is the activity - Multi cultural folk dances for people who enjoy
Where does it take place - Mike Larwood Room, Bracecamp Parish
Hall, Yarmouth Road, Ormesby St Margaret
When - Monthly on a Wednesday, 7.45-9.15pm. Please ring for dates
How much does it cost - £3, concs £2.50
Target group - Adults - no need to bring a partner
Parking or transport - Parking available
Ageless Opportunities
Activity Type - DANCE
Name of contact person - Vienna and Steve
Telephone number - 07716 062364/ 07710 205557
E-mail address - salsaalegria@tiscali.co.uk
What is the activity - Salsa dancing
Where does it take place - Various venues in Norfolk & Suffolk
When - Every weekday evening
How much does it cost - Depends on class
Target group - 15-70
Parking or transport - Parking available, some buses
Crazy Legs Line Dance Club
Name of contact person - Paul Wilkinson
Telephone number - 01493 669155
E-mail address What is the activity - Line dancing
Where does it take place - 1) St Peter’s Church Hall, Gorleston
2) Northgate Social Club, Northgate Street, Great Yarmouth
When - 1) Mondays 10am-12 noon 2) Wednesdays 10am-12 noon
How much does it cost - £4
Target group - All ages
Parking or transport - Parking available. Both venues on bus routes.
Bus no. 8
Ageless Opportunities
Activity Type - DANCE
Hit the Floor Line Dancers
Name of contact person - Lorna Ross
Telephone number - 01493 669582 or 07795 102094
E-mail address - Lornaross@talktalk.net
What is the activity - Line dancing & regular socials & visits to other
clubs & events
Where does it take place - 1) Seacroft, Hemsby 2) Seacroft, Hemsby
3) Shrublands Centre, Gorleston
When - 1) Tuesdays 7.30pm (experienced)
2) Wednesdays 7pm (beginners); 8pm (improvers)
3) Thursdays 7pm (beginners); 8pm (improvers)
How much does it cost - £4
Target group - All ages
Parking or transport - Parking available. Bus no. 8, Gorleston
Isis Egyptian Dance
Name of contact person - Julie Long
Telephone number - 01493 601579
E-mail address - long@tesco.net
What is the activity - Egyptian dance
Where does it take place - 1) Unitarian Church, Yarmouth Way, Great
Yarmouth 2) Methodist Church, Magdalen Way, Gorleston
When - 1) Mondays 7.15-8.45pm 2) Thursdays 10-11.30am
How much does it cost - 1) £5 2) £4.50
Target group - All ages
Parking or transport - Parking available. 1) Town Hall bus stop.
2) Bus no. 8
Ageless Opportunities
Activity Type - DISABILITY
VIP User Group
Name of contact person - Penny Cox (Secretary)
Telephone number - 01493 721167
E-mail address - pennycox24@tiscali.co.uk
What is the activity - Pro-active access group trying to improve the
lives of all visually impaired people
Where does it take place - Wherry Way Communal Rooms,
Wherry Way, Great Yarmouth
When - Bi-monthly last Mon in month 2-4.30pm
How much does it cost - No charge, but voluntary contributions
towards refreshments appreciated
Target group - All visually impaired people. No age restriction
Parking or transport - Parking available. Transport can be arranged if
required. Buses that use Caister Road, eg. 1, 1A, 8, 8A etc.
Ageless Opportunities
Activity Type - DISABILITY
Great Yarmouth Disability Forum
Name of contact person - John Watt
Telephone number - 07722 621733
E-mail address - jcwatt27@msn.com
What is the activity - Regular meetings with regard to disability issues.
We are committed to raising the profile and involvement of people with
disabilities in the Borough
Where does it take place - Cobholm & Lichfield Health & Resource
Centre, Pasteur Road, Southtown, Great Yarmouth
When - 2-4.30pm 2nd Tues Feb/Apr/Jun/Aug/Oct/Dec
How much does it cost - No charge, free hot drink
Target group - Anybody covered by the Disability Discrimination Act
Parking or transport - Parking available
Waveney Sailability
Name of contact person - Kevin Taylor
Telephone number - 01502 475228
E-mail address - waveneysailability2@gmail.com
What is the activity - Sailing for people with disabilities
Where does it take place - Waveney & Oulton Broad Yacht Club
When - Tuesdays 1-6pm (April to end of October)
How much does it cost - 2 taster sessions free, then £60 membership
for year. Includes all safety equipment and protective clothing
Target group - Anyone unable to sail a normal dinghy because of
Parking or transport - Yes
Ageless Opportunities
Activity Type - DISABILITY
Centre 81
Name of contact person - Julie Charles
Telephone number - 01493 852573
E-mail address - julie.charles@centre81.com
What is the activity - Skills day centre
Where does it take place - Centre 81, Tar Works Road, Great
When - Mon-Fri
How much does it cost - Individual, per person
Target group - Physically & sensory impaired people aged 18+
Parking or transport - Door to door transport
Gorleston Friday Club
Name of contact person - Barbara Smith
Telephone number - 01493 669998
E-mail address - N/A
What is the activity - Social gathering
Where does it take place - Lowestoft Road Methodist Church Hall,
When - Fridays 6-9pm
How much does it cost - 70p per session, plus cost of raffle tickets
Target group - People aged 18+ with learning disabilities
Parking or transport - Parking available at rear. Bus stop on main road.
Local transport provided if required
Ageless Opportunities
Activity Type - DISABILITY
Flegg District Disabled
Name of contact person - Pam Pegge
Telephone number - 01493 728716
E-mail address - pampegge@btinternet.com
What is the activity - Crafts
Where does it take place - Caister Youth Centre, Yarmouth Road,
When - Tuesdays 2-4pm
How much does it cost - 50p, which includes tea, biscuit & draw
Target group - Ages 16-65 years
Parking or transport - Parking available. Nearby bus stop (Tesco’s)
is a free service offering information and advice to
disabled people and their carers on all aspects of daily living. Anyone
who faces social barriers due to illness or impairment can access our
service. Services offered include advice on:
Benefits, including Disability Living Allowance and completion of benefit forms, Finance including
Money and debt advice, Local holidays, Leisure information, Sport activities, Local welfare,
Support groups for specific impairments,Voluntary associations, Disability Awareness workshops
From early 2011 we will also be able to undertake appeals on behalf of our clients for both disability Living
Allowance and Employment Support claims. e Disability Awareness workshops will be open to everyone
including schools and local businesses.
e D.I.A.L. Charity Shop at 26 Broad Row, Great Yarmouth, raises funds to aid the continuation of our
service. We welcome good quality donations - and willing volunteers.
D.I.A.L. Great Yarmouth is a confidential service and can be contacted by telephone, letter, or personal visit.
12a George Street, Great Yarmouth NR30 1HR - Mon-Fri from 10-am to 3.30pm
Tel: 01493 856900 Email: info@dial-greatyarmouth.org.uk,
or visit our website: www.dial-greatyarmouth.org,uk
Registered charity no. 299909
Ageless Opportunities
Activity Type - EXERCISE
Swimming - 50+ Sessions
Name of contact person Telephone number - 01493 664575
E-mail address - N/A
What is the activity - Swimming for the over 50s
Where does it take place - Phoenix Pool, Mallard Way,
Bradwell, NR31 8JU
When - Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday 4-5pm during school term
time. Mondays to Fridays 4-5pm during school holidays
How much does it cost - £2 or card for 10 swims £16
Target group - Ages 50+
Parking or transport - Free parking available. Bus stop approx. 200yds
Ageless Opportunities
Activity Type - EXERCISE
Chair Based Exercise
Name of contact person - Lewis Gook
Telephone number - 01493 652552
E-mail address - theactiveclinic@live.co.uk
What is the activity - Chair based exercises
Where does it take place - Active Sports Injury Clinic, Progress House,
Church Road, Gorleston
When - Fridays 2pm
How much does it cost - £3
Target group - No age limit
Parking or transport - Parking on street. Nearby bus stop
Seated Exercise
Name of contact person - Sally Dravnieks or Charles Allen
Telephone number - 07795 247602/ 07939 098969
Email address - sally.dravnieks@gmail.com/ charles.allen@nhs.net
What is the activity - Chair based exercise designed to build stamina
and strength, helps to improve mobility and circulation
Where does it take place - King’s Centre, Queen Anne’s Road,
Gorleston (opposite the Haven Vets)
When - Wednesdays 1.15pm. Finishes around 2.45pm
Cost - £1
Target group - Suitable for all adults who prefer to exercise sitting down
Parking or transport - Good car parking facilities close to entrance,
including 3 designated disabled bays. Bus nos. 8 or 8A stop just 5
minutes’ walk away. Ask for the stop closest to Queen Anne’s Road
Ageless Opportunities
Activity Type - EXERCISE
EXTEND Exercise Seated Class
Name of contact person - Pam Redwood
Telephone number - 01493 748830
E-mail address - beactive@tiscali.co.uk
What is the activity - Seated exercise to music
Where does it take place - 1) Bracecamp Parish Hall, Ormesby St
Margaret 2) Community Room, Parkland Drive, Bradwell
3) The Club Room, Main Road, Filby
When - 1) Most Wednesday mornings 2) Most Monday afternoons
3) Most Friday mornings
How much does it cost - Try your first class for £1, then £3 per class or
£10 for 4 classes
Target group - Over 60s, or less able people who prefer to exercise
sitting down
Parking or transport - Parking available. Buses stop nearby
Ageless Opportunities
Activity Type - EXERCISE
Muscle in Motion
Name of contact person - Lorrain Dawson
Telephone number - 07747 720139
E-mail address - dawsey@Link52.freeserve.co.uk
What is the activity - Fitness: 1) Bums, tums, legs
2) Yogalates 3) Zumba Fitness
Where does it take place - Newtown Methodist Church,
Northgate Street, Great Yarmouth
When - Thursdays: 1) Exercise 6.15pm 2) Yogalates 7.15pm
3) Zumba 8.15pm
How much does it cost - £4 per class
Target group - Any
Parking or transport - Parking available. Bus stop nearby
Sheila’s Keep Fit
Name of contact person - Sheila Stone
Telephone number - 01493 661237
E-mail address - N/A
What is the activity - Exercise
Where does it take place - 1) Great Yarmouth 2) Gorleston 3) Caister
When -1) Mon 2.30-3.30pm 2) Thurs 2.30-3.30pm 3) Wed 2-3pm
How much does it cost - £2
Target group - Ages 40+
Parking or transport - Parking available. Bus nearby no. 8
Ageless Opportunities
Activity Type - EXERCISE
Let’s Get Fit
Name of contact person - Irene Freeman
Telephone number - 07905 241677
E-mail address - N/A
What is the activity - Keeping mobile by seated, standing & dance
Where does it take place - St James Church Hall, Admiralty Road,
Great Yarmouth
When - Thursdays 3-4pm
How much does it cost - £1.50
Target group - Over 50s
Parking or transport - Parking available outside. All buses to Barracks
Estate, Nos. 2 & 4
Fitness for Fun
Name of contact person - Eva Howkins
Telephone number - 01493 442317
E-mail address - fitness.2000@btconnect.com
What is the activity - Fun fitness classes
Where does it take place - Fitness 2000, Southtown Road, Great
Yarmouth NR31 0JR
When - 1) Wed 9.30am 2) Thurs 1pm
How much does it cost - £3.50 per session
Target group - Over 50s, but open to everyone
Parking or transport - Parking on site and bus stop outside
Ageless Opportunities
Activity Type - EXERCISE
Keep Fit with Movement & Dance
Name of contact person - Mrs Jeanie Shiers
Telephone number - 01493 384097
E-mail address - N/A
What is the activity - Keeping fit with movement and dance
Where does it take place - Hemsby Village Hall, Waters Lane, Hemsby
When - Tuesdays 10-11.30am
How much does it cost - £3, plus £17 per annum membership of
Keep Fit Association
Target group - Adults aged 20+
Parking or transport - Parking available. Occasional bus service
Name of contact person - Lara Refalo
Telephone number - 01603 270310
E-mail address - norfolkpilates@gmail.com
What is the activity - Pilates strengthens and lengthens the body
Where does it take place - 1) Acle 2) Bracecamp Hall, Ormesby
When - 1) Mon 6-7pm or 7.15-8.15pm; Wed 6-7pm or 7.15-8.15pm
2) Thurs 5-6pm
How much does it cost - £6.60 for over 60s
Target group - All ages and fitness levels, people with pelvic floor
problems, back issues and those who want to increase their flexibility
and posture
Parking or transport - Parking available. Bus stops nearby
Ageless Opportunities
Activity Type - EXERCISE
T’ai Chi Qigong Class & Chinese Health Arts
Name of contact person - Carol Wrigley - Instructor
Telephone number - 01502 724818
E-mail address - carolwrigley3@btinternet.com
What is the activity - T’ai chi/ qigong/ Chinese health arts
Where does it take place - York Road Drill Hall, York Road,
Great Yarmouth
When - Tuesdays 10.30am-12 noon
How much does it cost - £5 per session
Target group - All ages
Parking or transport - Some parking. Buses to town centre, then 5-10
mins’ walk
T’ai Chi & Qigong Health Centre
Name of contact person - Colin Orr
Telephone number - 01493 789992
E-mail address - colin@taichi-qigong.net
What is the activity - Easy t’ai chi, qigong & relaxation
Where does it take place 1) Magdalen Methodist Church, Magdalen Way, Gorleston
2) Cliff Park Junior School, Gorleston
When - 1) Mon 10.30am-12.30pm 2) Wed 7-9pm
How much does it cost - Fees on request
Target group - All ages, 16+
Parking or transport - Parking available. Bus stop nearby
Ageless Opportunities
Activity Type - EXERCISE
Canework/Ki Exercise
Name of contact person - Kevin Garwood
Telephone number - 01493 656538
E-mail address - shihan@oyamaryu.com
What is the activity - 1) Ki exercise, qigong, yoga 2 & 3) Canework
Where does it take place 1) Gorleston Methodist Church, Lowestoft Road, Great Yarmouth
2) Lichfield Community Centre, Southtown, Great Yarmouth
3) Gorleston Methodist Church
When - 1) Fri 10-11am 2) Wed 10-11am 3) Tues 7-8pm
How much does it cost - 1) £2.75 per session 2) £3 per session
Target group - 50+ or those of any age with a disability
Parking or transport - Some parking available
50+ Exercise Class
Name of contact person - Kathy Buller
Telephone number - 07798 781099
E-mail address - kathy@polefusion.co.uk
What is the activity - 50+
Where does it take place - Mill Lane Community Centre, Mill Lane,
Bradwell, Great Yarmouth
When - Mondays 11am-12 noon
How much does it cost - £4
Target group - Ages 50+
Parking or transport - Parking available. Bus stop on Mill Lane - most
Bradwell routes go this way
Ageless Opportunities
Activity Type - LEARNING
Numeracy Level 1 & 2
Name of contact person - John McDonald
Telephone number - 01493 743054
E-mail address - john-mcdonald@gyctrust.co.uk
What is the activity - Numeracy Level 1 & 2 (GCSE equivalent)
Where does it take place - Priory Centre, Priory Plain, Great Yarmouth
When - Call for details
How much does it cost - Free to volunteers
Target group - Age 19+
Parking or transport - Car parks nearby. Bus station a few minutes’
Ageless Opportunities
Activity Type - LEARNING
Literacy Level 1 & 2
Name of contact person - John McDonald
Telephone number - 01493 743054
E-mail address - john-mcdonald@gyctrust.co.uk
What is the activity - Literacy Level 1 & 2
Where does it take place - Priory Centre, Priory Plain, Great Yarmouth
When - Various - please ask
How much does it cost - Free to volunteers
Target group - Age 19+
Parking or transport - Car parks nearby. Bus station a few mins’ walk
Ageless Opportunities
Learning Centre
There’s a course for everyone at the Priory Learning Centre
The Priory Learning Centre offers opportunities to boost your skills, the chance
to learn something completely new or a whole series of one day workshops to
help you through everyday life. Our short courses include beginners’ guides to
computing and our Spring workshops include exciting new activities such as
glass painting, digital photography or managing money!
Discover new talents through our Spring one day workshops!
Come in and see us at the Priory Centre and we can show you
the full list of our courses.
Or you can contact John McDonald:
T: 01493 743054. E: john-mcdonald@gyctrust.co.uk.
or visit our website: www.priorycentre.co.uk
Ageless Opportunities
Activity Type - SOCIAL
Royal British Legion
Name of contact person - Paul Williams
Telephone number - 01493 663025
E-mail address - piwilliams1@btinternet.com
What is the activity - Social and fundraising/ friendship for ex-forces
and their families
Where does it take place - Rumbold Arms, Southtown Road,
Great Yarmouth
When - 1st Tuesday of each month 7.30pm
How much does it cost - £11 per year to join
Target group - Any age over 16
Parking or transport - Parking available. Buses to Gorleston
Ageless Opportunities
Activity Type - SOCIAL
St John’s Luncheon Club
Name of contact person - Sue Littlewood or Frances Ash
Telephone number - 01493 850236/ 01493 331005
E-mail address - sue.littlewood@yahoo.com
What is the activity - Lunch club. Please ring to book
Where does it take place - St James Church Hall, Admiralty Road,
Great Yarmouth
When - Fridays 12-2.30pm
How much does it cost - £3.50
Target group - Over 60s, especially in South Yarmouth
Parking or transport - Parking available. Bus stop nearby
Stamp Club
Name of contact person - Gerry Mobbs (Secretary)
Telephone number - 01493 730619
E-mail address - gerrymobbs260@btinternet.com
What is the activity - Promoting stamp collecting as a hobby, including
postal history, postcards & much much more. Talks, displays,
information, social and friendship with other collectors
Where does it take place - Cobholm Community Centre, St Luke’s
Terrace, Cobholm, Great Yarmouth
When - Every other Monday 7-10pm
How much does it cost - £4 per year
Target group - All ages & abilities. Present age range 8-85 years
Parking or transport - Mainly roadside parking
Ageless Opportunities
Activity Type - SOCIAL
St Mary’s Thursday Club (Hemsby)
Name of contact person - Moira Kern
Telephone number - Call at Communal Room
E-mail address - N/A
What is the activity - Dominoes, cards
Where does it take place - St Mary’s Communal Room, Hemsby
When - Thursdays 2-4pm
How much does it cost - 50p
Target group - Over 50s
Parking or transport - Parking available. Bus stop nearby
Age Concern Great Yarmouth Pop-in
Name of contact person - Lydia Middleton
Telephone number - 01493 743052
E-mail address - ageconcern@gyctrust.co.uk
What is the activity - Coffee, chat, info, advice
Where does it take place - The Buttery, Priory Centre, Priory Plain,
Great Yarmouth
When - Wednesdays from 10am
How much does it cost - 50p for tea and biscuits
Target group - Over 50s
Parking or transport - Car parks on Fullers Hill. Bus station at Market
Gates is a few minutes’ level access walk from the Priory
Ageless Opportunities
Reg. Charity No. 270251
Our Mission Statement
Age Concern Great Yarmouth works for the well being of older
people throughout the borough of Great Yarmouth to help make
later life a more fulfilling and enjoyable experience.
Services provided
Help, information and support
Welfare Benefits
Advocacy Services
Support to Clubs & Groups
Weekly pop-In
Luncheon Clubs
There are also lots of interesting and varied volunteering
opportunities, so if you can spare an hour or two a week, or would
like more information on any of the above, contact Jackie or Lydia
Priory Centre, Priory Plain, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, NR30 1NW.
Tel: 01493 743052 Email: ageconcern@gyctrust.co.uk
Ageless Opportunities
Activity Type - SOCIAL
Park Friendship Centre
Name of contact person - Mr Brian Robinson
Telephone number - 01493 665022
E-mail address - brian.robinson@homecall.co.uk
What is the activity - Drop-in centre for free light refreshments, board
games, friendly chat, peaceful surroundings
Where does it take place - Park Baptist Church Hall, 14a Crown Road,
Great Yarmouth
When - Tuesdays 9.30am-12 noon and 7.30-9pm
How much does it cost - Free
Target group - Any age
Parking or transport - No parking. Buses stop at Market Gates
Is the venue accessible - Yes
Great Yarmouth Trefoil
Name of contact person - Pam Shaw
Telephone number - 01493 444558
E-mail address - pamshaw1@talktalk.net
What is the activity - Monthly meetings
Where does it take place - Blue Sky Community Centre, Bradwell
When - First Tuesday of the month
How much does it cost - £1.50 per meeting
Target group - Ages 18+, mainly ex-Guiders, but anyone can join
Parking or transport - Lifts can be offered
Ageless Opportunities
Activity Type - SOCIAL
Phoenix Social Club
Name of contact person - Betty Smith
Telephone number - 01493 722584
E-mail address - gwsmith20@yahoo.co.uk
What is the activity - Social club with speakers, outings, meals
Where does it take place - Community Centre, Beach Road, Caister
When - Last Wednesday of every month at 7.30pm
How much does it cost - £10 per year
Target group - Friendly social club, 60+
Parking or transport - Parking available. Bus on main road
Royal British Legion Women’s Section
Name of contact person - Mrs N Tungate
Telephone number - 01493 369457
E-mail address - N/A
What is the activity - Speakers/coffee mornings. Helping ex-service
men and women
Where does it take place - The Sports and Social Club, Martham
When - Last Wednesday of every month at 2.30pm (NOT July, Aug or
How much does it cost - £5 per year
Target group - All ages
Parking or transport - Parking available. Bus 1 or 1A. Stop at Martham
Post Office
Ageless Opportunities
Activity Type - SOCIAL
Village People Luncheon Club, Winterton
Name of contact person - Mrs Di Jones
Telephone number - 01493 393656
E-mail address - h.jones670@btinternet.com
What is the activity - Lunch, friendship, raffle - a get-together with
village people
Where does it take place - Winterton-on-Sea Village Hall
When - Alternate Thursdays, 11.30am-1.30pm
How much does it cost - £4.50 per session
Target group - Elderly, isolated or housebound people (transport can
be arranged)
Parking or transport - Parking available
Hemsby St Mary’s Afternoon Club
Name of contact person - Bertie Murrell
Telephone number - 01493 730149
E-mail address - N/A
What is the activity - Social gathering
Where does it take place - The Barn Room, The Street, Hemsby
When - 2nd and 4th Monday of each month, 2-4pm
How much does it cost - £1.50 per session
Target group - Ages 55+
Parking or transport - Parking available. Nearby bus stop
Ageless Opportunities
Activity Type - SOCIAL
Gospel Choir
Name of contact person - P Cooper
Telephone number - 01493 844169
E-mail address - N/A
What is the activity - Choir singing
Where does it take place - Newtown Methodist Church,
Northgate Street, Great Yarmouth
When - Monday 7-8.15pm
How much does it cost - 50p per week
Target group - All ages
Parking or transport - Parking. Bus 1A or 8
Happy Rollers over 55s (only for Rollesby
Name of contact person - Sheila Allen
Telephone number - 01493 740475
E-mail address - N/A
What is the activity - Social
Where does it take place - Rollesby Village Hall
When - Once a month, on a Tuesday
How much does it cost - £3 per year
Target group - Over 55s
Parking or transport - Parking available. No bus
Ageless Opportunities
Activity Type - SOCIAL
Great Yarmouth Naturalist’s Society
Name of contact person - Brian Wooden
Telephone number - 01502 740625
E-mail address - woodens@ivydene.fsnet.co.uk
What is the activity - Study of natural history through indoor talks in
the winter, field trips in summer
Where does it take place - Central Library, Great Yarmouth Oct-April,
then various venues April-Oct
When - Wednesday evenings, fortnightly October to April at 7.30pm
How much does it cost - £7.50 per year membership, £5 per year
concessions, £1 per meeting non-members
Target group - Over 18 years of age
Parking or transport - Parking nearby. Bus station at Market Gates
Coffee Morning
Name of contact person - P Cooper
Telephone number - 01493 844169
E-mail address - N/A
What is the activity - Tea/coffee, cake and a chat
Where does it take place - Newtown Methodist Church Hall,
Northgate Street, Great Yarmouth
When - Wednesday 10.15am-12 noon
How much does it cost - Tea/coffee 30p; cakes 30p
Target group - All ages
Parking or transport - Parking. Bus 8 or 8A
Ageless Opportunities
Activity Type - SOCIAL
Martham Old Folks Club
Name of contact person - Mrs M Alexander
Telephone number - 01493 740492
E-mail address - N/A
What is the activity - Meeting for the over 60s, playing cards,
dominoes etc. Also 6 summer outings and 2 annual parties (xmas and
anniversary of opening). Some bingo every 3 weeks
Where does it take place - Martham Village Hall, Martham
When - Thursdays 2-4pm
How much does it cost - £6 per year, plus 50p per week for
Target group - Over 60s
Parking or transport - Parking available. Will pick up anyone unable to
walk there
The Merry Mardlers
Name of contact person - Mrs Sally Mitchell
Telephone number - 01692 670521
E-mail address - sallymitchell@afiweb.net
What is the activity - Over 60s social group
Where does it take place - Village Hall, Repps-cum-Bastwick
When - 2nd Wednesday of every month, 2.30-4.30pm
How much does it cost - £1
Target group - Over 60s
Parking or transport - Parking available. NO nearby transport
Ageless Opportunities
Activity Type - SOCIAL
The Lawns Day Centre (By referral only)
Name of contact person - Joy Breeze
Telephone number - 01493 859589
E-mail address - the.lawns@norfolk.gov.uk
What is the activity - Day Centre (REFERRAL ONLY) to include many
different activities, table games, quizzes etc.
Where does it take place - The Lawns Day Centre, Caister Road,
Great Yarmouth
When - Monday to Friday 9am-3pm
How much does it cost - Lunch & possible transport cost
Target group - Referral through social worker
Parking or transport - Very limited
Friendly Whist and Social Club
Name of contact person - Mrs Mather
Telephone number - 01493 332011
E-mail address - N/A
What is the activity - Whist, theatre and outings
Where does it take place - Newtown Methodist Church,
Northgate Street, Great Yarmouth
When - Friday 7-9pm (6.45 for whist)
How much does it cost - £5 per year membership or £1.50 per session
Target group - All adults
Parking or transport - Parking available across road. Bus stop nearby
Ageless Opportunities
Activity Type - SOCIAL
Hemsby and Martham Luncheon Club
Name of contact person - Gordon Craig
Telephone number - 01493 732460
E-mail address - gordoncraig6340@gmail.com
What is the activity - Lunches for the older person
Where does it take place - 1) St Mary’s Close, Hemsby
2) Grove Road, Martham
When - 1) Mondays and Wednesdays 12.30pm 2) Tuesdays and
Fridays 12 noon
How much does it cost - £3.75 per meal
Target group - Retired people
Parking or transport - Parking available on the street. Bus stops 10
mins’ walk
Great Yarmouth & District NHS Retirement
Name of contact person - Sheila Smith
Telephone number - 01493 665002
E-mail address - N/A
What is the activity - Social
Where does it take place - The Board Room, James Paget Hospital
When - 1st Friday of every month at 2.15pm
How much does it cost - £5 per year membership
Target group - Retired NHS/Social Services workers, WRVS members
and their partners
Parking or transport - Parking available. Bus stops on site
Ageless Opportunities
Activity Type - SOCIAL
St Mary’s Southtown Wednesday Club
Name of contact person - Mrs Pat Stringer
Telephone number - 01493 604082
E-mail address - pat.stringer1@sky.com
What is the activity - Friendship, bingo, scrabble, chat, tea
Where does it take place - St Mary’s Church Hall, St Mary’s Lane,
Southtown, Great Yarmouth
When - Wednesdays 1.45pm
How much does it cost - 50p includes tea and biscuits, plus cost of
bingo if played
Target group - Over 50s
Parking or transport - Parking on St Mary’s Lane. Nearest bus - Anson
Road or Matalan
Great Yarmouth Afternoon Townswomen’s
Name of contact person - Mrs M Cresswell
Telephone number - 01493 851640
E-mail address - N/A
What is the activity - Social afternoons, speakers, outings,
Where does it take place - Cobholm Room at Christchurch, King
Street, Great Yarmouth
When - 3rd Tues of each month. 1.30pm in winter, 2pm in summer
How much does it cost - £17.50 annual subscription
Target group - Over 50s
Parking or transport - No immediate parking. Buses to Market Gates
Ageless Opportunities
Activity Type - SOCIAL
U3A (University of the Third Age)
Name of contact person - Ann Levesley
Telephone number - 01493 732183
Varies with venue
E-mail address - N/A
What is the activity - To promote friendship and companionship
through passing on any skills acquired in life (drawing/rambling/
beginner’s art/local history etc.)
Where does it take place - 1) Central Library, Great Yarmouth
2) Various locations for activities/skills sharing
When - 1) 1st Thurs of each month at 2pm 2) Various
How much does it cost - £10 per year plus cost of activities
Target group - Over 50s
Parking or transport - Some parking nearby. Buses to town centre,
then a 5-minute walk
St Andrews Over 60s
Name of contact person - Jean Nicholls
Telephone number - 01493 780207
E-mail address - N/A
What is the activity - Whist
Where does it take place - St Andrews Church Chapter House,
When - Monday 2.15pm
How much does it cost - £2 to join, then £1.25 each week
Target group - Over 60s
Parking or transport - Parking available. Bus stop nearby
Ageless Opportunities
Activity Type - SOCIAL
Scratby and California Residents’ Club
Name of contact person - Mrs Beattie Courcha
Telephone number - 01493 730456
E-mail address - N/A
What is the activity - Social meeting to enjoy together - speakers,
occasional outing, quizzes, short bingo and chat
Where does it take place - Ormesby Village Centre, Station Road,
Ormesby St Margaret
When - Thursday 2-4pm
How much does it cost - Annual fee £5, plus £2 per week when
attending, with free raffle
Target group - All over 50s
Parking or transport - Limited parking. Hourly bus service
Great Yarmouth Recorded Music Circle
Name of contact person - John T Taylor
Telephone number - 01493 852747
E-mail address - N/A
What is the activity - Listening and information on recorded music
Where does it take place - Christchurch, King Street, Great Yarmouth
When - 2nd and 4th Mondays from Sept to May at 7.30pm
How much does it cost - £2 per evening or £20 per season of 18
Target group - Anyone who likes listening to classical music
Parking or transport - Parking on Deneside. Short walk from Bus
Ageless Opportunities
Activity Type - SOCIAL
‘Five-O’ Social and Sports Club
Varies with venue
Name of contact person - Joyce Whyld
Telephone number - 01493 780336
E-mail address - whyld25@aol.com
What is the activity - Social activities/sports/outings/lunches/bowls/
Where does it take place - Various, plus monthly Tuesday meeting at
Star Hotel, Great Yarmouth
When - Various
How much does it cost - £7.50 per annum membership; meetings £1
per session
Target group - Approaching and over 50s. There may be a waiting list
Parking or transport - Yes
‘Sunshine Club’ Ormesby St Margaret
Name of contact person - Mrs Audrey Bayliss (Secretary)
Telephone number - 01493 730429
E-mail address - N/A
What is the activity - Whist, bingo, dominoes, darts, monthly outings,
harvest tea, birthday tea, Christmas lunch
Where does it take place - Bracecamp Hall, Ormesby St Margaret
When - Mondays 2-4pm twice a month
How much does it cost - £5 per annum
Target group - Over 50s
Parking or transport - Parking available. Bus stop (Royal Oak), No. 1
Ageless Opportunities
Activity Type - SOCIAL
Ormesby Drop-in & Lunch Club
Name of contact person - Andrea Millward
Telephone number - 01493 731009
E-mail address - andrea.millward@googlemail.com
What is the activity - Drop in for coffee, chat and play games.
Followed by lunch if required (must book in advance)
Where does it take place - Light of Life Baptist Church, North Road,
When - Drop-in Tuesdays 10am-12 noon. Lunch 12-1.15pm
How much does it cost - 20p for a drink and biscuit. Lunch £4.50
Target group - Over 50s
Parking or transport - Parking on road outside. Bus stop nearby
NB: No disabled toilet at present (Feb 2011)
Women’s Institute
Name of contact person - Mrs Pauline Askew
Telephone number - 01502 733485
E-mail address - askgera@aol.com
What is the activity - Speakers, planting, outings and demonstrations
Where does it take place - Hopton Village Hall, Station Rd, Hopton
When - 2nd Friday monthly 2.30-4.30pm
How much does it cost - £30 per year
Target group - Women of all ages
Parking or transport - Parking available. On bus route
Ageless Opportunities
Activity Type - SOCIAL
Crow Hall Green Over 60s
Name of contact person - Mrs Hands
Telephone number - 01493 441307
E-mail address - N/A
What is the activity - Bingo
Where does it take place - Crow Hall Green Community Centre,
Gorleston NR31 7DZ
When - Bingo: Tues & Fri 2-4pm
How much does it cost - 50p-£2.20, depending on number of books
Target group - Over 60s
Parking or transport - Parking available. Bus stop Brasenose Avenue
Winterton Friendship Club
Name of contact person - Mrs Di Jones
Telephone number - 01493 393656
E-mail address - h.jones670@btinternet.com
What is the activity - Mostly bingo - bring & buys, outings monthly
Where does it take place - Winterton Village Hall
When - Alternate Thursdays 2-4pm
How much does it cost - £5 per year
Target group - Ages 55+
Parking or transport - Some parking. Nearest bus stop - end of line
Winmer Avenue, then a 5-minute walk
Ageless Opportunities
Activity Type - SOCIAL
Fleggburgh Happy Autumn Club
Name of contact person - Marianne Wright
Telephone number - 01493 368148
E-mail address - N/A
What is the activity - Fun afternoon meeting
Where does it take place - Fleggburgh Village Hall
When - Fortnightly on a Thurs, 1.30pm
How much does it cost - £25 per year, £1 per session
Target group - Older people
Parking or transport - Plenty of parking
Great Yarmouth Keyboard Music Club
Name of contact person - Geoff Harding
Telephone number - 01502 567427
E-mail address - geoffrey.harding@tiscali.co.uk
What is the activity - Monthly concert of entertainment
Where does it take place - Royal Assembly Rooms, Albert Square,
Great Yarmouth
When - 3rd Wed evening of each month (not Dec)
How much does it cost - £5 per meeting (members); £6 visitors
Target group - All ages
Parking or transport - Parking available. Nearby bus stop on Marine
Ageless Opportunities
Activity Type - SOCIAL
Coffee and Chat
Name of contact person - Pat Stringer
Telephone number - 01493 604082
E-mail address - pat.stringer1@sky.com
What is the activity - Coffee, chat and friendship
Where does it take place - St Mary’s Church, Southtown Road,
Great Yarmouth
When - Thursday 10.15am-12 noon
How much does it cost - Voluntary donation or 50p for coffee/tea and
cake or biscuits
Target group - All ages
Parking or transport - Parking available. Bus stop at Matalan or Anson
Martham and District Garden Club
Name of contact person - Mrs Sue Pickles
Telephone number - 01493 740960
E-mail address - N/A
What is the activity - Speakers, plant sales, visits
Where does it take place - Pearson Room, Martham Village Hall
When - 2nd Monday of each month (except August) 7.45pm
How much does it cost - £15 per annum; £2.50 per meeting for non
Target group - All ages
Parking or transport - Parking available. Local bus service
Ageless Opportunities
Activity Type - SOCIAL
Dumisani – African Drumming
Name of contact person - Maggie Prior
Telephone number - 01603 442161
Email address - maggieprior@ntlworld.com
What is the activity - Djembe drumming & African percussion
Where does it take place? Light of Life Baptist Church Hall,
North Road, Ormesby St Margaret
When - Thursdays 7.30-9.30pm (term time only)
How much does it cost - £3-5 per session
Target Group - All ages - under 14s must be accompanied by an adult
Parking and transport - Limited road side parking outside the building;
limited evening bus service
NB: Hoping to have disabled toilet facility later this year
St Paul’s Women’s Fellowship (WF)
Name of contact person - Beryl Finch
Telephone number - 01493 858962
E-mail address - N/A
What is the activity - Women’s meeting
Where does it take place - St Paul’s Church Hall, Salisbury Road,
Great Yarmouth
When - 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month Sept to July 2.30-4pm
(approx). Ring to check
How much does it cost - £5 per year, plus donation for tea & biscuits
Target group - Retired
Parking or transport - Parking available. Bus Salisbury Road, nos. 1, 8
Ageless Opportunities
Activity Type - SOCIAL
Caister Ladies Group
Name of contact person - Mrs F Shirley Dolan
Telephone number - 01493 722074
E-mail address - N/A
What is the activity - Social group, speakers, outings, fundraising
Where does it take place - Caister Community Centre, Beach Road
When - 2nd Wednesday of each month at 7.30pm
How much does it cost - £12 per annum or £2 per visit
Target group - Women of all ages
Parking or transport - Limited parking available. Any bus which passes
through Caister
Great Yarmouth Gilbert & Sullivan Society
Name of contact person - Kevin Jeckells
Telephone number - 01493 661976
E-mail address - kevin@thetheater.plus.com
What is the activity - Performing the works of Gilbert and Sullivan and
similar pieces
Where does it take place - St Peters Church,
Lowestoft Road, Gorleston
When - Tuesdays 7.30pm
How much does it cost - £20 per year
Target group - All. Anyone interested in learning and singing the music
Parking or transport - Parking nearby. Buses to Gorleston centre
Ageless Opportunities
Activity Type - SOCIAL
Caister Drop In Coffee Morning
Name of contact person - Malcolm Henderson
Telephone number - 07580 381674
E-mail address - malcolm.henderson@live.co.uk
What is the activity - Tea/coffee morning
Where does it take place - Caister Church Hall, High Street, Caister
When - Thursdays 9-11am
How much does it cost - Tea/coffee 25p per cup
Target group - All ages
Parking or transport - Limited parking available. Bus stop outside
police station (100 yards), nos. 1, 1A, 4, 8, 8A; Sanders No. 6
Is funded to work with diverse groups offering a range of employment advice and
education in Great Yarmouth and across Norfolk and Suffolk.
MOVEON east is experienced in supporting people with current or previous convictions
and other marginalised groups aged 16 years +.
For more information please visit our website
Head office: 15 St Martin at Palace Plain, Norwich, NR3 1RW. Tel: 01603 763555
Registered Charity 1080123 - Company Limited by Guarantee 3853380
Ageless Opportunities
Activity Type - SOCIAL
Tuesday Club
Name of contact person - Valerie Green
Telephone number - 01493 393544
E-mail address - N/A
What is the activity - Social afternoons with occasional speakers,
quizzes, beetle drives etc.
Where does it take place - Winterton Village Hall
When - 2nd Tuesday of each month, 2-4pm
How much does it cost - £5 per annum plus £1 for each meeting
Target group - All ages
Parking or transport - Limited parking outside village hall. Nearest bus
stop at end of line, Winmer Avenue - then a 5-minute walk
Broadland Villages Pensioners
Name of contact person - Mrs D Tungate
Telephone number - 01493 731211
E-mail address - N/A
What is the activity - Pensioners Campaigning Group. Speakers,
summer outings & Christmas lunch (NB: NO bingo or dominoes)
Where does it take place - The Barn Room, The Street, Hemsby
When - 3rd Wed of each month 2pm (not Aug or Dec)
How much does it cost - £5 per year subscription. 50p per meeting for
tea. Raffle 50p
Target group - Over 55s
Parking or transport - Parking available. Bus 1 & 1A short walk from
Ageless Opportunities
Activity Type - SOCIAL
Great Yarmouth Ladies Probus Club
Name of contact person - Helen Langstone (Secretary)
Telephone number - 01493 852733
E-mail address - N/A
What is the activity - Social club for ladies over 50
Where does it take place - Christchurch, King Street, Great Yarmouth
When - 2nd & 4th Tuesdays monthly 2.15pm
How much does it cost - £10 per annum (includes insurance). £1
entry each meeting, includes raffle
Target group - Over 50s
Parking or transport - Very limited parking. Buses - King Street &
Market Gates
Monday Club
Name of contact person - Mrs Doreen Johnson
Telephone number - 01493 658555
E-mail address - doreentjohnson@yahoo.co.uk
What is the activity - Social afternoon with bingo
Where does it take place - Cobholm Community Centre, St Luke’s
Terrace, Cobholm, Great Yarmouth
When - Mondays 2-4pm
How much does it cost - £1 to fund outings etc. (plus cost of bingo
books). Tea, coffee & cakes FREE
Target group - Over 50s
Parking or transport - Parking at back of centre. Bus stop Haven
Ageless Opportunities
Activity Type - SOCIAL
Play across the Borough
Varies with venue
Name of contact person - Geraldine Hough
Telephone number - 01493 846441
E-mail address - grh@great-yarmouth.gov.uk
What is the activity - Having fun with your grandchildren
Where does it take place - Playgrounds across the Borough
When - Every day
How much does it cost - No charge
Target group - Grandparents and other family members who could go
to playgrounds with children
Parking or transport - Parking available at some locations. Bus stops
close to some locations
The Merry Michaels
Name of contact person - Mrs Evelyn Lanham
Telephone number - 01493 730266
E-mail address What is the activity - Social club, speakers, games, bingo, outings
Where does it take place - Ormesby St Michael Village Hall
When - 2nd & 4th Tuesday monthly, 2-4pm
How much does it cost - £5 per 6 months
Target group - Over 50s
Parking or transport - Parking available. Neaby bus stop Eel’s Foot
Ageless Opportunities
Activity Type - SOCIAL
Great Yarmouth Probus Club
Name of contact person - Mr David Allen
Telephone number - 01493 851211
E-mail address - sands50@tiscali.co.uk
What is the activity - Speakers, demonstrators, outings, debates. Two
lunches annually (ladies & friends invited), one with professional
Where does it take place - Royal Assembly Rooms, Albert Square,
Great Yarmouth (opposite Wellington Pier)
When - Wednesdays, 10am-12 noon (Sept-May inc.)
How much does it cost - £55.00 per year. This includes tea/coffee
Target group - Retired & semi-retired gentlemen who are very
interested in Great Yarmouth
Parking or transport - Large car park within complex. Bus stops by
Wellington Pier
Winterton-on-Sea Women’s Institute
Name of contact person - Joyce Pitchford
Telephone number - 01493 393415
E-mail address - N/A
What is the activity - Women’s Institute evening meeting
Where does it take place - The Church Hall, Black Street, Winterton
When - 3rd Tuesday evening of each month.
How much does it cost - £29.50 per annum
Target group - All welcome
Parking or transport - Parking nearby
Ageless Opportunities
Activity Type - SOCIAL
Martham Ladies
Name of contact person - Georgina Nicholas-Jago
Telephone number - 01493 748522
E-mail address - enquiries@marthamladies.co.uk
What is the activity - Social evening for women with speaker or activity
evening, which could be a quiz, show and tell or fun evening (perhaps
games). Outings a couple of times per year. Tea & coffee. Opportunity
to socialise and make new friends
Where does it take place - Martham Village Hall
When - First Thursday of the month 7.30-9.30pm (excluding August)
How much does it cost - Membership £13 per year and no entry fee or £2 per evening. Tea or coffee with biscuits 30p
Target group - Any women aged 18+
Parking or transport - Parking available. Bus 1 or 1A to Martham
village green, then a 3-minute walk to village hall
Wednesday Group
Name of contact person - Stephen Sutton and Coral Hunt
Telephone number - 01493 740889
E-mail address - sjsa10@aol.com
What is the activity - Social
Where does it take place - Rollesby Village Hall (behind Horse &
Groom Hotel)
When - Wednesdays 1.30pm
How much does it cost - Tea/coffee & biscuits 50p (20p additional)
Target group - Ages 16+
Parking or transport - Parking available. Bus Sanders No. 6 from Great
Yarmouth to North Walsham (Horse & Groom bus stop)
Ageless Opportunities
Activity Type - SPORT
Great Yarmouth & Waveney NHS ‘Go Active’
Name of contact person - Charles Allen
Telephone number - 07939 098969
E-mail address - charles.allen@nhs.net
What is the activity - Friendly walking session, structured to help
improve stamina & circulation. Ideal for those wanting to become
more active through walking
Where does it take place - Meet on Gorleston promenade, in the
shelter opposite the boating pond
When - Thursday 9.45am for a 10am start. Please arrive a few mins
early for registration. Finishes around 10.45am
How much does it cost - Free session provided by GY & W NHS
Target group - Anyone can attend. Slow walkers & brisk walkers will
walk separately
Parking or transport - Large car park. Bus service available during
summer months
Ageless Opportunities
Activity Type - SPORT
‘Go Active’ Health Walks
Varies with venue
Name of contact person - Charles Allen
Telephone number - 07939 098969
E-mail address - charles.allen@nhs.net
What is the activity - A walking scheme which aims to get participants
more physically active through brisk walking. Walks are usually 2-5
miles in length, following mainly rural public or permissive footpaths
Where does it take place - Two walks per week in various locations
(phone or email for a programme)
When - Tuesday walk commences 1.30pm; Friday walk commences
at 10.30am
How much does it cost - Free session provided by GY & W NHS
Target group - Anyone welcome, but it is important to choose a walk of
suitable distance & surface for your ability.
Parking or transport - Varies according to location
Great Yarmouth Ju Jitsu Club
Name of contact person - Dick Garman
Telephone number - 01603 269704 (work hours)
E-mail address - dick.garman@msi-dsl.com
What is the activity - Martial arts training in ju jitsu
Where does it take place - 1) Newtown Methodist Church Hall, Caister
Road, Great Yarmouth 2) Endeavour Rangers Hall, Gorleston
When - 1) Mondays 2) Fridays. Juniors 7.30-8.30pm; seniors 8.3010pm
How much does it cost - £1 per session juniors ; £1.50 seniors
Target group - Juniors: aged 6-15; seniors: aged 16+
Parking or transport - Parking. Buses 1A or 8 (Caister)
Ageless Opportunities
Activity Type - SPORT
Table Tennis Club
Name of contact person - Nick Cowan
Telephone number - 01493 442861
E-mail address - office@kings-church.net
What is the activity - Table tennis (also badminton & short tennis at
other times. Call to book court, £6 per hour)
Where does it take place - King’s Centre, Queen Anne’s Road,
Great Yarmouth
When - Thursday 7.30-10pm
How much does it cost - £2.50 donation adults; £2 juniors
Target group - Table tennis players aged 13-90 who like competitive
play, with a view to keeping fit
Parking or transport - Parking available. 5 minutes’ walk from bus stop
on Southtown Road
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Ageless Opportunities
Activity Type - SPORT
Saturday Morning Club
Name of contact person - John M Sargent
Telephone number - 01493 601985
E-mail address - johnmalcolmsargent@yahoo.co.uk
What is the activity - Chess, table tennis, backgammon & draughts
Where does it take place - Mill Lane Community Centre, Mill Lane,
When - Saturday 10.15am-12.45pm
How much does it cost - Under 16s: £1 per session; over 16s: £2.
Includes refreshments
Target group - All
Parking or transport - Parking available at Centre. Bus no. 7
Lincoln Green Group
Name of contact person - Tom Andrews
Telephone number - 01493 728245
E-mail address - tom.andrews@rjt.co.uk
What is the activity - Archery
Where does it take place - Ring for details
When - Sunday mornings & Tuesday evenings (summer). Ring for
How much does it cost - £25 per year
Target group - Age 12+ years
Parking or transport - Parking available. No bus route nearby
Ageless Opportunities
Activity Type - SPORT
Sports Club 88
Name of contact person - Lyn Hudson
Telephone number - 01493 668482
E-mail address - N/A
What is the activity - Badminton, short tennis, table tennis - social, for
Where does it take place - Drill Hall, York Road, Great Yarmouth
When - Wednesday and Thursday 9.30-11.30am
How much does it cost - Annual fee £50
Target group - Over 50s
Parking or transport - Some parking on street. Market Gates buses
Name of contact person - Norman Harlow
Telephone number - 01493 652183
E-mail address - normanjharlow@hotmail.com
What is the activity - Cycling - social and racing
Where does it take place - Local area
When - Sunday mornings
How much does it cost - Individual membership: £15; retired,
unemployed or under 18s: £7.50. Plus a £20 joining fee (this includes
Endura club jersey)
Target group - Open to all aged over 14 years
Parking or transport - N/A
Ageless Opportunities
Activity Type - BOWLS
Caister Short Mat Bowls Club
Name of contact person - Mrs Shirley Smith
Telephone number - 01493 377384
E-mail address - shirleyj_smith@yahoo.co.uk
What is the activity - Short mat bowls
Where does it take place - Council Hall, Yarmouth Road, Caister
When - Wednesday 9.15am
How much does it cost - £1.50 per session, including tea and biscuits.
£10 annual subscription
Target group - Ages 18+
Parking or transport - Parking on street nearby. Bus stop outside - nos.
1 or 8
Ageless Opportunities
Activity Type - BOWLS
Short Mat Bowls at Shrublands
Name of contact person - D Bryenton
Telephone number - 01493 600771
E-mail address - N/A
What is the activity - Short mat bowls
Where does it take place - Shrublands Youth & Adult Centre,
Magdalen Way, Gorleston
When - Wednesday 2-4pm Thursday 10am-12 noon
How much does it cost - £1 per session, plus tea & biscuits
Target group - Ages 50+
Parking or transport - Parking available. Bus no. 8
Bradwell Short Mat Bowls
Name of contact person - Mr J M Sargent
Telephone number - 01493 601985
E-mail address - johnmalcolmsargent@yahoo.co.uk
What is the activity - Short mat bowls
Where does it take place - Mill Lane Community Centre (in park), Mill
Lane, Bradwell
When - Monday 7.30-9.45pm Tuesday 2-4.45pm
How much does it cost - £2 per session, includes refreshments
Target group - All ages
Parking or transport - Parking available at centre. Bus no. 7, frequently
Ageless Opportunities
Activity Type - BOWLS
Fleggburgh Bowls
Name of contact person - Mr Frank Brown
Telephone number - 01493 368247
E-mail address - N/A
What is the activity - Outdoor bowls
Where does it take place - Fleggburgh Private Bowls Club
When - Two evenings and two afternoons per week from mid May
How much does it cost - £2 per session. Club members free
Target group - All adults
Parking or transport - Parking available. No bus route nearby
Great Yarmouth Indoor Bowls Club
Name of contact person - Beryl Payne
Telephone number - 01493 652303
E-mail address - batz182@ntlworld.com
What is the activity - Long mat bowling
Where does it take place - Marina Centre, Great Yarmouth
When - Every day
How much does it cost - Adults: membership £25. Sessions £2.75 for
2 hours. Juniors: membership £12.50. Sessions £2 for 2 hours.
Coaching sessions available: £1 for 2 hours
Target group - 50+, but all ages welcome
Parking or transport - Parking available on street. No bus route in
Ageless Opportunities
Activity Type - BOWLS
Hemsby Bowls Club
Name of contact person - Mrs Pam Finch (Secretary)
Telephone number - 01493 730368
E-mail address - N/A
What is the activity - Bowls, short mat and outdoors
Where does it take place - Hemsby Village Hall
When - 1) Indoor bowls: Mon 1pm (year round); Thurs 7pm (Oct-Apr).
2) Outdoor bowls (May-Aug): Sun 2pm; Thurs 7pm
How much does it cost - Membership: £10. £2 per session
Target group - Age 18+ years
Parking or transport - Parking available. Bus no. 11A short walk from
Hemsby Post Office
Great Ormesby Bowls Club
Name of contact person - Mrs Margaret Hunt
Telephone number - 01493 730112
E-mail address - N/A
What is the activity - Outdoor bowls
Where does it take place - Bowls Club, Station Road, Ormesby
When - Roll-ups Thurs & Sat 2-4.30pm. Matches as arranged
How much does it cost - Membership £22. Roll-ups £1 members; £2
Target group - All ages
Parking or transport - Parking available. Bus to village centre or
Wheelstop Diner.
Ageless Opportunities
Activity Type - BOWLS
Fleggburgh Short Mat Bowls
Name of contact person - Pearl Clark
Telephone number - 01493 754196
E-mail address - N/A
What is the activity - Short mat bowls
Where does it take place - Fleggburgh Village Hall
When - Tuesday 9am-12 noon Friday 1-4pm. All year round
How much does it cost - £1.50 to play. £2 membership
Target group - All ages
Parking or transport - Parking available. No bus route nearby
Also running:
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5.00pm - 6.00pm: ages 12 - 14
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Ageless Opportunities
6.00pm - 7.00pm: ages 15 - 18
6.00pm - 7.00pm: ages 15 - 18
6.00pm - 7.00pm: ages 15 - 18
Lynn Grove High School
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Lynn Grove High School
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Goalkeeping Soccer Centres
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Lynn Grove High School
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10 weeks for £30
Every Thursday,
10.00am - 12.00pm
at the Great Yarmouth
Marina Centre
For further information about any of
the above courses or to book, visit
org.uk or call 01603 761122.
14/1/11 16:03:11
Activity Type - SUPPORT
Martham Carers Support Group
Name of contact person - Chris Sheppard
Telephone number - 01493 740752
E-mail address - chris.sheppard48@btinternet.com
What is the activity - Information, support and advice for carers.
Where does it take place - Martham Health Centre
When - 1st Tues in month 10.30am-12.30pm
How much does it cost - No charge
Target group - Adult carers
Parking or transport - Parking available
Ageless Opportunities
Activity Type - SUPPORT
Alzheimers Support Groups: ‘Revive’
Name of contact person - Amelia Richardson
Telephone number - 01493 655989
E-mail address - amelia.richardson@alzheimers.org.uk
What is the activity - Revive is a support group for people
experiencing dementia, either personally or as a carer
Where does it take place - 1) The Arches, Beccles Road, Bradwell
2) Doggers Plaice, Ormesby Road, Caister-on-Sea
When - 1) 1st Thurs of each month 12 noon - 2pm
2) 4th Monday of each month 12 noon - 2pm
How much does it cost - Free. A cup of tea or coffee is provided.
Lunch can be bought if required
Target group - All ages
Parking or transport - Parking available. Bus stop nearby
Dementia Information Point
Name of contact person - Amelia Richardson
Telephone number - 01493 655989
E-mail address - amelia.richardson@alzheimers.org.uk
What is the activity - Drop-in facility to access information & support
Where does it take place - 31 The Rows, Great Yarmouth
When - 1st Friday monthly, 10.30am-12.30pm
How much does it cost - No charge (donations welcome)
Target Group - People with dementia and their carers. All ages
Parking or transport - Nearest car park Market Place
Ageless Opportunities
Activity Type - SUPPORT
Crossroads Care North &
East Norfolk Wednesday Club
Name of contact person - Lorraine Hutchison
Telephone number - 01493 441222
E-mail address - greatyarmouth.district@crossroads.org.uk
What is the activity - Social support group. Activities, information &
lunch for individuals with dementia & their carers
Where does it take place - Northgate Hospital Social Club,
Northgate Street, Great Yarmouth
When - Wednesday 11am-2pm
How much does it cost - £2
Target group - Adults/elderly people
Parking or transport - Parking available. Bus stop Northgate Street.
Bus no. 8
Parkinsons Disease Support Group
Name of contact person - Mrs Elizabeth Getliff
Telephone number - 01493 855144
E-mail address - N/A
What is the activity - Parkinsons Disease Support Group
Where does it take place - Cobholm & Lichfield Health & Resource
Centre, Pasteur Road, Southtown, Great Yarmouth
When - 2nd Wed of each month, 3pm (not December)
How much does it cost - Free - occasional raffle
Target group - Those with Parkinsons Disease & their carers, all ages
Parking or transport - Parking available. Nearest bus stop at junction
of Southtown Road and Haven Bridge
Ageless Opportunities
Activity Type - SUPPORT
Communication Support Group
Name of contact person - Bridget Lowe
Telephone number - 01493 657817
E-mail address - bridget.lowe@stroke.org.uk
What is the activity - Communication support for people who have
suffered a stroke
Where does it take place - Central Library, Tollhouse Street,
Great Yarmouth
When - Thursday 2-4pm
How much does it cost - £2.50 if transport provided, 70p if not
Target group - Adults who have suffered a stroke and are left with a
communication problem
Parking or transport - Limited parking available at back of library. Bus
stop at Town Hall
FST Support Group
Name of contact person - Linda Clemmit
Telephone number - 01493 661389
E-mail address - linda.clemmit@ntlworld.com
What is the activity - Support for people with auto-immune conditions
Where does it take place - Communal Room, The Close,
off Parkland Drive, Bradwell
When - 1st Wednesday of each month, 2-4pm
How much does it cost - £1
Target group - All ages
Parking or transport - Parking available. Bus no. 2
Ageless Opportunities
Activity Type - SUPPORT
SHOP (Stroke Health Opportunity Programme)
Name of contact person - Jackie Soards
Telephone number - 01493 663837
E-mail address - jackie-soards@tiscali.co.uk
What is the activity - 1) Information and advice for stroke survivors &
their carers. 2) Also monthly support group lunch
Where does it take place - 1) Cranbrook Centre, Northgate Hospital,
Northgate Street, Great Yarmouth 2) Various venues
When - 1) Information sessions Weds 1.30-3pm every quarter
2) Lunch - 3rd Tues monthly, 12 noon-2pm
How much does it cost - Lunch approx. £9, other activities are free
Target group - Any stroke survivor and carer
Parking or transport - Parking available. Bus stop nearby
Crossroads Care North & East
Norfolk Friendly Hearts Club
Name of contact person - Michelle Kirk
Telephone number - 01493 441222
E-mail address - greatyarmouth.district@crossroads.org.uk
What is the activity - Social support group with activities, information
& lunch
Where does it take place - Northgate Hospital Social Club,
Northgate Street, Great Yarmouth
When - Thursday 10am-1.30pm
How much does it cost - £2 per person
Target group - People with heart problems/stroke and their carers
Parking or transport - Parking available. Bus stop Northgate Street
Ageless Opportunities
Activity Type - SUPPORT
Sunrise Bereavement
Name of contact person - Janis Turner or Christine Bull
1) No
2) Yes
Telephone number - 01493 842129
E-mail address - janis@gywmind.org.uk
What is the activity - Social, support and therapies
Where does it take place - 1) Christchurch, Kings Street, Great
Yarmouth 2) Aspire Centre, Denes High School, Lowestoft
When - 1) 3rd Wed monthly, 2-4pm 2) 1st Mon monthly, 2-4pm
How much does it cost - No charge
Target group - Ages 18+
Parking or transport - 1) Car park at back of King Street. Bus stops
at Market Gates. 2) Denes High School car park. Bus stops at Denes
High School
Ageless Opportunities
Activity Type - SUPPORT
St Andrew’s Memory Club & Magdalen
Memory Club
Name of contact person - 1) Mel Thomas 2) Carol Gibbs
Telephone number - 1) 01493 600040 2) 01493 601603
E-mail address - N/A
What is the activity - Memory stimulation & therapy (ie.
reminiscence, music, sensory, social stimulation)
Where does it take place - 1) St Andrew’s Chapter House, Church
Road, Gorleston 2) Methodist Church, Magdalen Way
When - 1) Tuesday 10am-2pm 2) Wednesday 10am-2pm
How much does it cost - £3, includes lunch and refreshments
Target Group - Those who are isolated and/or suffer memory loss
Parking or transport - Parking available at both venues. Nearby bus
services. Transport can be provided: enquire for cost
Young Stroke Survivors Group
Name of contact person - Mike Cotton
Telephone number - 01493 722341
E-mail address - mike@mikecotton.com
What is the activity - Social self help group (informal coffee morning)
Where does it take place - Burrage Centre, James Paget Hospital,
When - 1st Thurs monthly
How much does it cost - Voluntary £2 contribution per meeting
Target group - 65 and under - stroke survivors
Parking or transport - Parking available. Bus stops at James Paget
Ageless Opportunities
Activity Type - SUPPORT
Care Circle
Name of contact person - Amelia Richardson
Telephone number - 01493 655989
E-mail address - amelia.richardson@alzheimers.org.uk
What is the activity - Support group for people with dementia and
those who care for them. Carers may join in or attend a carers’
meeting within the King’s Centre
Where does it take place - The King’s Centre, Queen Anne’s Road,
Great Yarmouth
When - 2nd Thursday monthly, 1.30-3.30pm
How much does it cost - No charge (donations welcome)
Target Group - People with dementia and their carers. All ages
Parking or transport - Parking available. Bus stop 5-minute walk (ask
for stop closest to Queen Anne’s Road). Bus 8 or 8A
Chatterbox Carers
Name of contact person - Marilyn Attwaters or Frederick White
Telephone number - 01493 300464/ 667036
E-mail address - marilyn.attwaters@hotmail.co.uk
What is the activity - Various arts & crafts. Occasional trips
Where does it take place - Caister Youth & Community Centre
When - 1st Tuesday monthly, 10am-1pm
How much does it cost - 50p donation for tea or coffee
Target Group - For carers only, aged 18+
Parking or transport - Parking available. Nearest bus stop: Tesco
Ageless Opportunities
Activity Type - SUPPORT
Music Makers
Name of contact person - Amelia Richardson
Telephone number - 01493 655989
E-mail address - amelia.richardson@alzheimers.org.uk
What is the activity - Musical activities for people with dementia.
Carers may join in or attend a carers’ meeting within the King’s Centre
Where does it take place - The King’s Centre, Queen Anne’s Road,
Great Yarmouth, NR31 0LE
When - 4th Thursday monthly, 1.30-3.30pm
How much does it cost - No charge (donations welcome)
Target Group - People with dementia and their carers. All ages
Parking or transport - Parking available. Bus stop 5-minute walk (ask
for stop closest to Queen Anne’s Road). Bus 8 or 8A
Arthritis Support Club
Name of contact person - Sonia or David
Telephone number - 01493 657514/ 309715
E-mail address - soniapeart@msn.com
What is the activity - To help arthritis sufferers & give support.
Speakers, trips
Where does it take place - Cobholm & Lichfield Health & Resource
Centre, Pasteur Road, Great Yarmouth
When - 2nd Tuesday morning of every month
How much does it cost - Free (£10 per year optional membership).
50p for tea/coffee
Target group - All, carers welcome
Parking or transport - Parking available. Bus stop nearby
Ageless Opportunities
Activity Type - TRANSPORT
Door to Door Transport
Name of contact person - Diana Staines
Telephone number - 01493 332253
E-mail address - transport@centre81.com
What is the activity - Door to door transport for elderly & disabled - for
shopping or visiting friends & family
Where does it take place - Great Yarmouth and surrounding areas
When - Mon-Fri 9am-5pm
How much does it cost - £5 annual membership, then varies according
to mileage travelled
Target Group - Disabled and over 60s
Parking or transport - Members are collected from their homes and
taken directly to their activity venue
Centre 81
Door – to – Door Service
For Great Yarmouth Borough Residents
Are you over 18?
Do you have a substantial and permanent disability?
Are you entitled to receive a concessionary bus pass?
Are you over 60 and unable to access ordinary buses?
Door – to – Door operates Monday to Friday. 09:00 – 16:30.
Contact us for a membership form & more details
Company House: 3027092
01493 332253
Ageless Opportunities
Charities Commission: 1045514
Activity Type - VOLUNTEERING
Voluntary Norfolk
Name of contact person - Eileen Mascoll, Centre Coordinator
Postal address - Great Yarmouth Volunteer Centre, 143 King Street,
Great Yarmouth
Telephone number - 01493 845926
Email address - 1) gtyarmouthvc@voluntarynorfolk.org.uk
2) vsc@voluntarynorfolk.org.uk
What is the activity - Volunteering: 1) Many different opportunities:
contact Eileen Mascoll 2) Matched volunteering, befriending: contact
Corinne Anderson, Volunteer Coordinator
Where does it take place - Within Great Yarmouth Borough
When - 1) All year round 2) Volunteers visit clients regularly, as
arranged between them
How much does it cost - No cost - volunteer’s expenses are covered
Target group - Any age over 18
Parking or transport - Varies according to project/situation
To find out more about the many
opportunities to participate in Sport &
Physical Activity within the Borough
telephone 01493 846354 or email
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Priory Centre, Priory Plain, Great Yarmouth, NR30 1NW
Contact: Rachael Hardie
Tel: 01493 743000 Email: rachael-hardie@gyctrust.co.uk
© Great Yarmouth Community Trust 2011. All rights reserved. Not to be
reproduced in whole or in part without the permission of the copyright owner.
Produced by Ageless Opportunities with Priory Marketing.