CONCRETE LABORATORY This laboratory is an integral part of the Structural Division in the Department of Civil Engineering, U.E.T, Lahore. Along with academics, the laboratory is extensively utilized in concrete research at under-graduate, post-graduate and doctorate levels. The laboratory also provides testing and consultancy services in the field of reinforced concrete construction. COURSES Under-graduate Level 1. Engineering Material. 2. Plain and Reinforced Concrete-I. 3. Plain and Reinforced Concrete-II. Post-graduate Level 1. Advanced Concrete Technology. 2. Advanced Reinforced Concrete. TESTING SERVICES 1. Compression Test a. Bricks b. Concrete Cubes c. Concrete Cylinder 2. Field Test a. Rebound Hammer. b. Rebar locator. c. Core extraction. d. PUNDIT Ultra-sonic Pulse velocity test 1 CONCRETE LABORATORY, C.E.D, U.E.T, LAHORE. EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE DANNISON COMPRESSION TESTING MACHINE No. of Scales = 4 Capacity = 300 Ton MACROSS COMPRESSION MACHINE TESTING No. of Scales = 1 Capacity = 100 Ton 2 CONCRETE LABORATORY, C.E.D, U.E.T, LAHORE. ETNA ACCELEROGRAM It measures the ground acceleration during earthquake in all the three directions. A computer is attached with this device to readout the data from the recorder. MUFFLE FURNACE ELECTRIC Capacity = 1100 ºC Volume = 15 Liter It is a very smart computerized controlled electric furnace which gives number of options regarding the control of the temperature. 3 CONCRETE LABORATORY, C.E.D, U.E.T, LAHORE. FRESH CONCRETE MIXER PAN TYPE Capacity = 2 cubic feet VIBE’S COMPACTING FACTOR APPARATUS It is used to determine the compacting factor for fresh concrete. 4 CONCRETE LABORATORY, C.E.D, U.E.T, LAHORE. FRESH CONCRETE MIXER PAN TYPE Capacity = 1.0 cubic feet VIBRATING TABLE It is used for compaction of fresh concrete. 5 CONCRETE LABORATORY, C.E.D, U.E.T, LAHORE. CONCRETE PERMEABILITY APPARATUS It is used for permeability determination of concrete cylinders. CONCRETE MACHINE(OPEN) CUTTER It is used to cut the concrete cubes and cores for various other tests. 6 CONCRETE LABORATORY, C.E.D, U.E.T, LAHORE. SEPARTOR It is used for grading of coarse aggregates. SEPARTOR It is used for grading of fine aggregates. 7