Children’s liturgy – Third Sunday of Lent (Year C) – Sunday 28 February 2016 Preparation of the worship space Colour: purple Props: seeds, pots and soil to plant them in, figs Song suggestions: Blest are you, Lord (603, Laudate), Morning has broken (671, Laudate) Welcome: Today Jesus tells us a story about a tree that did not bear any fruit and all the things that the gardener planned to try to make it grow better. People are like trees, they need certain things to grow and be healthy, too. Let’s think a bit more about all this today. Opening prayer: Forgiving God, we thank you for the love and care that you show for us all. Help us to grow in your love, and to do all that we can to help each other to live free from poverty. Amen. First reading (optional): Exodus 3:1-8, 13-15 Psalm: Psalm 102:1-4, 6-8, 11 R. v.8 Gospel acclamation: Everyone stands and sings the acclamation together. For Lent we use an acclamation that doesn’t use the word ‘Alleluia’. We suggest ‘Change your lives and believe in him’ by Christopher Walker (OCP Publications). Gospel: Luke 13:1-9 Gospel reflection: What do you remember from today’s reading? Jesus tells us a parable. Does anyone know what a parable is? A parable is a story that teaches us something. Jesus likes to use stories to explain things that are complicated. The parable Jesus tells us today is about a fig tree. Has anyone tasted figs? What were they like? You could show the children some figs so that they know what they are. You could also let the children taste the figs (check about any allergies etc). The man who had planted the fig tree in his garden came out to pick some fruit, but there wasn’t any. How do you think the man felt? What did he decide to do? The man had been waiting for three years for the tree to give him some fruit. He was angry and disappointed. He asked his gardener to cut down the tree. But what did the gardener say? The gardener asks for one more year to look after the tree – to dig round it and give it some manure to help it grow. Plants and trees need the right conditions to grow and the gardener hopes that by doing this, the tree will grow fruit. Do you remember Guti in Uganda who we’ve been talking about during Lent? Now that Guti’s school has a water pipe it means the children have more time to be in school and learn. To learn they also need teachers to look after them, help and challenge them. Guti’s teacher is called Jesca. Jesca likes being a teacher and says, “Looking after the girls is a God-given opportunity. I was given the chance to nurture these girls.” Jesca helps the children to grow and develop, by looking after them, teaching them, and helping them think about how they treat one another and the world around them. How we treat other people can help them to grow and develop, or stop them from doing so. We all have a responsibility to look after one another: our friends at school, our family at home, and even the people we haven’t met, like Guti and Jesca in Uganda. When we are not generous to other people and share what we have with those who need it, we don’t allow them to grow. Just like plants and fig trees, humans need water in order to grow. We need water even more than we need food in order to survive. The fig tree in Jesus’ story is supposed to share its fruit with the man who planted it, but it is not doing what it is supposed to. Sometimes we are a bit like the fig tree. We do not share as well as we could. So, if the fig tree in Jesus’ story is a bit like us, who do you think the gardener is? The gardener is like Jesus. The gardener gives the fig tree another chance, and gives it all the things it needs to live. Jesus is always ready to forgive us when we have done something wrong. And Jesus shows us how we should live our lives. God gives us the chance to change, to share what we have and to do all that we can to make sure that all people have the things that they need to live. How does it make you feel to know this? How will you Make a Splash! this Lent and help change the lives of other people? Intercessions: As we try to change our lives and so the lives of others, we pray together: We pray for world leaders: that the Holy Spirit will inspire them to make real changes so that we may all have access to the clean water which God has given for us to share. Lord, in your mercy… We pray for the Church throughout the world: that like the gardener in the gospel story, she may continue to work to help people to change their lives for the better. Lord, in your mercy… We pray for our parish, family and friends: that through God’s grace, we may share what we have with others, and help make sure that all people have the chance to grow and live life to the full. Lord, in your mercy… Closing prayer: Creator God, you gave us a world full of wonderful things. May we share these fairly with each other so all people have the chance to grow and live well. Amen. Activity suggestions Ask the children to colour in the accompanying illustration and to write or draw on the leaves what they will do this Lent to Make a Splash! so all people may have clean water. Ask the children to write or draw on the back all the things that a plant needs to grow. And all the things that people need to live. How many of them are the same? Plant seeds with the children. Talk them through what a seed needs to grow. Ask them to take it home and keep a diary of how much light and water that they give it and see how long until it starts to grow. Ask the children to write a prayer asking for forgiveness for all the times they haven’t shared well with others. And to try in the coming week to share with others at home and at school. Ask the children to tell their family all that they have heard and thought about today. Ask them to remember Guti and Jesca in Uganda this week, and all those who don’t have access to water when they turn on the tap to brush their teeth. If they have written a prayer ask them to say it at home together during the week. For more activities and resources for children to support CAFOD this Lent visit