FRAME THE LESSON Student Expectations Bundled in Lesson Noun=Underline Verb=Italicize TEACHER: LESSON DATE: M T W TH F Teaching Points & Activities Engage: 7.14B) The student is expected to compare the results of uniform or diverse offspring from sexual reproduction or asexual reproduction. Explore: 7.14A) The student is expected to define heredity as the passage of genetic instructions from one generation to the next generation. Resources/Materials: Pearson lesson 4.4 flipped vide Sexual vs Asexual: Flipped Video Sexual vs Asexual: Pearson Lesson 4.1 Flipped Video and graphic organizer Heredity: Pearson 4.1 Virtual Lab Students determine if some observable traits are shared by classmates and recognize when genetic material is passed from one generation to the next by genes which are stored within chromosomes in the nucleus STEMscopes Pearson Interactive Science Explain: Elaborate: Interactive Science Texbook chapter 4. Pearson Lesson 4.1 What is Heredity PowerPoint Students elaborate on the differences of sexual vs asexual. Objective/Key Understanding: Evaluate: We will be able to define heredity as the passage of genetic instructions from one generation to the next generation. We will compare the results of uniform or diverse offspring from sexual reproduction or asexual reproduction. Stop & Check for Understanding—High Level Questions How many chromosomes do humans have? How many chromosomes does the offspring get from each parent? What would happen if there were only one parent instead of two? Small Group Purposeful Talk Question Stems: Closing Product/ Question/ Informal Assessment: Critical Writing Prompt: Stemscopes (Evaluate) Heredity: Look at the following picture. Think about the similarities and differences between a parent and their offspring. Explain how characteristics are transmitted from parents to their offspring. Give examples of some internal or external traits that you received from your mom and/or dad. Rigor & Relevance: (Real World Connection) Brainpop: Heredity Vocabulary: Heredity, DNA, Chromosome, Genes, Genotype, Phenotype, Trait, Dominant, Recessive. ce/cellularlifeandgenetics/heredi ty/