H10 I ~ 1 ~ @TecQuipment Ltd 1999 No part of this publication may be reproducedor transmittedin any form or by any means,electronicor mechanical,including photocopy, recording or any information storageand retrieval systemwithout the expresspermissionof TecQuipmentlimited. All due care has been taken to ensurethat the contentsof this manual are accurateand up to date. However,if any errorsare discoveredpleaseinform TecQuipmentso the problem may be rectified. A Packing Contents list is supplied with the equipment. Carefullycheckthe contentsof the package(s)againstthe list. If any items are missing or damaged, contact your local TecQuipmentagent or TecQuipmentltd immediately. [ [ [ [ [ Educational PRODUCTS CONTENTS J T r 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 2 DESCRIPTION OF THE APPARATUS Installation Preparation Routine Care and Maintenance 2-1 3 THEORY 3-1 4 EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE 4-1 5 RESULTS AND CALCULATIONS Calculations of Discharge Venturi Meter Orifice Meter Rotameter 5-1 5-1 5-1 5-1 5-2 5-3 5-3 5-3 5-3 5-4 5-4 5-4 5-5 Calculations of Head Loss Venturi Meter Orifice Meter Rotameter Wide-Angled Diffuser Right-Angled Bend Discussion of Meter Characteristics Conclusion r 2-1 2-2 2-2 SECTION 1 INTRODUCTION I Figure 1.1 TecQuipment flow measurement apparatus The TecQuipment 010 l'1ow Measurement apparatus is designed to familiarise students with the typical methods of measuring the discharge of an essentially incompressible fluid, whilst giving applications of the Steady-Aow Energy Equation and Bernoulli's Equation. The discharge is determined using a venturi meter, an orifice plate meter and a rotameter. Head losses associated with each meter are detennined and compared as well as those arising in a rapid enlargement and a 90° elbow. The unit is designed for use with the TecQuipment HI or HID Hydraulic Bench, which provides the necessary liquid service and evaluation of flow rate. SECTION 2 DESCRIPTION OF APPARATUS Rotameter outlet tube / The apparatusis shown in Figure 2.1. Water from the Hydraulic Benchentersthe equipmentthrough a venturi meter, which consists of a gradually-converging section, followed by a throat. and a long graduallydiverging section. After a change in cross-section through a rapidly diverging section.the flow continues along a settling length and through an orifice plate meter. This is manufactured in accordance with BSI042. from a plate with a hole of reduceddiameter through which the fluid flows. TecQuipmentFlow Measurement Following a further settling length and a right-angled bend, the flow enters the rotameter. This consistsof a transparenttube in which a float takesup an equilibrium position. The position of this float is a measureof the flow rate. After the rotameter the water returns via a control valve to the Hydraulic Bench, where the flow rate can be evaluated.The equipmenthas nine pressuretappings (A to I) as detailed in Figure 2.2, each of which is connectedto its own manometerfor immediatereadout. Installation SeaI~ clip R~meter outlet tube direct its free end into the bench measuringdevice. Before continuing, refer to the hydraulic bench manualto find the methodof flow evaluation. 2. With the air purge-valve closed, close the main valve fully then open it by approximately 1/3. Switch on the bench and slowly open the bench valve until water startsto flow. Allow the HIO to fill with water then openthe benchvalve fully, and then close the main HIO valve. Couple the handpump to the purge valve and pump down until alr the manometersread approximately 330 mm. Dislodge any entrappedair from the manometersby gentle tappingwith the fingers. Check that the water levels are constant.A steadyrise in levels will be seenif the purgevalve is leaking. 3. Check that the tube ferrulesand the top manifold are free from water blockage, which will suppressthe manometerlevel. Ferrules blockage can be cleared by a sharpburst of pressurefrom the hand pump. Routine Care and Maintenance Manometer tapping tube Do not allow water to stand in the apparatusfor long periods. After use fully drain the apparatusand dry externallywith a lint-free cloth. The control valve is a commercial gate valve. the internal detailsof which are shown in Figure 2.4. Slight gland leakagecan be rectified as follows: s..Ig '-, ---" , :, ~ I. Remove the handwheel retaining nut and the handwheel. 2. Slacken the nut and remove. The gland packing ferrule will now be exposed.The headof the ferrule should be about 2 mm clear of the thread. If this is not the case, the leak may be rectified by refitting and tightening nut. Figure 2.3 Rotameter connection diagram Figure 2.3 showsthe layout of the rotameterassembly. To fit the rotameter and float, push one of the short piecesof hoseover the elbow outlet and drop over two hose clips. Push the rotameterinto the hose, and then carefully drop the float into the rotameter.Pusha short piece of hose over the top of the rotameter and drop over two hoseclips. Then pushthe outlet pipe assembly into the top of this hose. Tighten all four pipe clips ensuringthat the hoseis securedto the elbow, rotameter and outlet tube. Finally attach the clear outlet tube, securing with the pipe clip, and manometer tapping tube,securingwith a cabletie. Preparation Connectthe supplyhosefrom the hydraulic benchto the inlet of the venturi meter and securewith a hose clip. Connecta hose to the control valve outlet and If the ferrule is flush with the thread,then the gland requiresrepacking.To do this: TecQuipment Flow Measurement 1. Remove the existing packingand repackwith either replacementnylon '0' rings or asbestoscord. 2. Refit the gland ferrule and nut, ensuring that the gland ferrule has sufficient clearanceto tighten the packing when the nut is refitted. If the plastic manometertubes becomediscoloured a stain and deposit remover is availablefor usewithin the benchsupply. ~ T r SECTION 3 THEORY ~ The head loss MI2 may be assumedto arise as a consequenceof vorticity in the stream. Becausethe flow is viscousa wall shearstressexists and a pressure force must be applied to overcomeit. The consequent increasein flow work appearsas an increasein internal energy, and becausethe flow is viscous, the velocity profile at any sectionis non-uniform. The kinetic energy per unit massat any section is then greater than y2/2g and Bernoulli's Equation incorrectly assessesthis term. The fluid mechanics entailed in all but the very simplest internal flow problemsare too complex to permit the headloss M to be determinedby any other meansthan experimental. Sincea contractionof streamboundariescan be shown (with incompressiblefluids) to increaseflow uniformity and a divergencecorrespondinglydecreasesit, M is typically negligibly small between the ends of a contracting duct but is normally significant when the duct walls diverge. Figure 3. 1 The steady-flow energy equation (3-1) r r r SECTION 4 EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE When the equipment has been set up as in Section 2, measurementscan be takenin the following manner: Open the apparatusvalve until the rotametershows a reading of approximately 10 mrn. When a steady flow is maintained measure the flow with the Hydraulic Bench as outlined in its manual. During r Test number 1 1: :Manometric levels .. D ~ G " Rotameter Water, W Time, T Mass flow rate in (kg/S) (cm) (kg) (..~) Venturi (8) Orifice (11) Rotameter Wel~ tank Venturi (13) DH/ Inlet kinetic head Or~ (14) Rotameter O~ser (16) Elbow J:!!)J Table 4.1 Form of results 2 3 this period.recordthe readingsof the manometersin Table 4.1. 2. Repeatthis procedurefor a number of equidistant valuesof rotameterreadingsup to the point in which the maximumpressuresvaluescan be recordedfrom the manometer. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 SECTION 5 RESULTS AND CALCULATIONS Calculations of Discharge r r The venturi meter, the orifice plate meter and the rotameterare all dependentupon Bernoulli's Equation for their principle of operation. The following have been preparedfrom a typical set of results to show the form of the calculations. Venturi Meter Since LlHI2 is negligibly small betweenthe ends of a contracting duct it, along with the Z tenns, can be omitted from Equation (3-1) betweenstations (A) and (B). Orifice Meter Between tappings (E) and (F) ~12 in Equation (3-1) is by no means negligible. Rewriting the equation with the appropriate symbols: -2 -2 VF VE-I ~-2";l' h..-PL pg pg, (5-4) such that the effect of the head loss is to make the difference in manometricheight (hE - hF) less than it would otherwisebe. An alternativeexpressionis: From continuity: (5-5) pVAAA = pVsAB (5-1) The discharge, 2g Q = AsVB = ~ P..6.._fi -=(AB / AJ2 pg pg where the coefficient of discharge K is given by previous experience in B51042 (1943)1 for the particular geometry of the orifice meter. For the apparatusprovidedK is given as 0.601. Reducingthe expressionin exactly the sameway as for the venturi meter, (5-2) r Q = AF~ = kAc With the apparatusprovided, the bores of the meter at (A) and (B) are26 rom and 16 rom respectively,so: ~A = 0.38 andAB = (5-6) 2.01 x 10-4 m2 With the apparatusprovided, the bore at (E) is 51.9 mrn and at (F) is 20 mrn, then: AA Since g = 9.81 m/s2 and are the respective .&.,fi pg = Q pg heightsof the manometrictubesA and B in metres,we havefrom Equation(5-2): Q 9.62X IO-4(hA- hsf2 r o.962(hA - hs)l/2 kgjs hF=40mrn then = 0.58 and hB = IIOmrn m then = kg/S hE=372 mrn (hE- ~f2 hA = 375 mrn m3/s For exampleif For exampleif (hA - he)1/2 8.46X lO-4(~ - hFf2 m = O.846(~- hp)1/2 Taking the density of water as 1<XX> kg/m3, the mass flow will be: = = Thus m3/s (5-3) ni ; t:<'A;'i"A;Y. 2g 0.51 = 0.846x 0.58 = 0.49 kg/s (The correspondingHydraulic Flow Bench assessment was0.48 kg/s.) and ni = 0.962x 0.51 = 0.49kg/s (The correspondingHydraulic Flow Bench assessment was0.48 kg/s). t The value of C is given in the 1943 BS1042publication. Figures given in later editions may vary. TecQuipment Flow Measurement Rotameter Observationof the recordings for the pressure drop acrossthe rotameter(H) - (I) showsthat this difference is largeand virtually independentof discharge.There is a term which arisesbecauseof wall shearstressesand which is therefore velocity dependent,but since the rotameteris of largebore this term is small. Most of the observedpressuredifferenceis required to maintain the float in equilibrium and since the float is of constant weight. this pressure difference is independent of discharge. The causeof this pressuredifferenceis the headloss associatedwith the high velocity of water around the float periphery.Sincethis headloss is constantthen the peripheralvelocity is constant.To maintain a constant velocity with varying dischargerate, the cross-sectional areathrough which this high velocity occursmust vary. This variation of cross-sectionalarea will arise as the float movesup and down the taperedrotametertube. From Figure 5.1, if the float radius is Rf and the local bore of the rotametertube is 2Rtthen: Jt(Rt" R; art Discharge Constantperipheralvelocity ., = = 2xRlS = Cross-sectional ~,-~ Now 0 = Ie. where I is the distancefrom datum to the cross-sectionat which the local bore is Rt and e is the semi-angleof tube taper. Hence I is proportional to discharge. An approximately linear calibration characteristicwould be anticipatedfor the rotameter. Figure 5. 1 Principle of the rotameter Figure 5.2 Typical rotameter calibration curve TecQulDmentFlow Measurement ~ Calculations of Head Loss By referenceto Equation (3-1) the headloss associated with eachmetercan be evaluated. Venturi Meter Applying the equation betweenpressuretappings (A) and (C). pg i.e. hA Therefore: - hc = L\HAC AHEF This can be made dimensionlessby dividing it by the -2 inlet kinetic head ~. 2g Now, v.~. n7: 2g ~~ Orifice Meter Applying Equation (3-1) between (E) and (F) by substitutingkinetic and hydrostaticheadswould give an elevated value to the head loss for the meter. This is becauseat an obstructionsuchas an orifice plate, there is a small increasein pressureon the pipe wall due to part of the impact pressureon the plate being conveyed to the pipe wall. BS1042 (Section 1.1 1981) gives an approximateexpressionfor finding the head loss and generally this can be taken as 0.83 times the measured headdifference. (l:A.-.rk. kJ.'\~"'+ ' = 0.83 (hE - hF) mm =0.83 (372 - 40) mm = 275 mm The orifice plate diameter (51.9 mm) is approximately twice the venturi inlet diameter(26 mm), thereforethe orifice inlet kinetic head is approximately 1/16 that of the venturi, thus: r ' 44.26 = 276 16 1-(As/AA)2 Ptf1awP8 and Therefore. -2 VA = VB (AB/A~ )2 Head loss = ifs -2 = 99.6 inlet kinetic 276 thus Rotameter With the apparatusprovided (Ao/AA) ( =0.38. therefore the inlet kinetic headis: '\72 ~ ? (r-g . = 0.144 x 116 EA._.&. pg pg. = O.167(hA-~) For exampleif: hA = 375 rom hB = 110rom hc = 350 mm then: AHAC = hA-hc = 25 mm -2 VA :f'd1'67(~A -hB) = 0.167)(26-' 2g = 44.26mm Therefore, Headloss = ~ 2S = 0.565inlet kinetic heads Figure 5.3 Rotameter head loss heads TecQuipment Flow Measurement For this meter, applicationof Equation(3-1) gives: .!!l+zJ) f&~ P8 t:i!I) = Right-Angled Bend The inlet to the bend is at (G) where the pipe bore is 51.9 mIn and outlet is at (H) where the bore is 40 mIn. Applying Equation(3-1): AHHI pg -2 Then as illustrated in Figure 5.3: "ti:"2 .P.Q.+-Y9--=.P1i.+-1L+L\HGH pg hH - hI = AHHI Inspection of the table of experimentalresults shows that this head loss is virtually independentof discharge and has a constant value of approximately100rom of water. As has already been shown, this is a characteristic property of the rotameter. For comparativepurposesit could be expressedin terms of the inlet kinetic head. However, when the velocity is very low the head loss remains the same and so becomesmany, many times the kinetic head. It is instructive to compare the head losses associatedwith the three meters with those associated with the rapidly diverging section, or wide-angled diffuser, and with the right-angled bend or elbow. The sameprocedureis adoptedto evaluatetheselosses. Wide-Angled Diffuser The inlet to the diffuser may be consideredto be at (C) and the outlet at (D). Applying Equation(3-1): -2 Sincethe arearatio, inlet to outlet, of the diffuser is 1:4, the outlet kinetic headis 1/16of the inlet kinetic head. For exampleif: hA = 375 rnm hB= Il0rnm hc = 350 rnm hD = 360 rnm then Inlet kinetic head = 44.26mrn 44.26 - 28 mm -16 and Mm = (350-360)+(44.26-28) = 3 L46 mm of water Therefore, Headloss is i~L46 4275 = 0.71 inlet kinetic heads pg The 2$". :J The outlet kinetic headis now 2.8 timesthe inlet kinetic head.For exampleif: hA = hB = hG = hH = 375 mm 110 mm 98 mm 88mm and Inlet kinetic head = 2.76 mrn Outlet kinetic head = 7.73 mrn then MlGH = (98-88) + (21'f!'it73) = 5.03mID of water Therefore, Headloss = 103 276 -2 E£.+~=.E!2.+.YP.-+AHCD pg 2g pg 2g (See venturi meter head loss calculations). correspondingoutlet kinetic headis: 2g = 182inlet kinetic heads Discussion of the Meter Characteristics There is little to choose in the accuracyof discharge measurementbetween the venturi meter, the orifice meter and the rotameter- all are dependentupon the sameprinciple. Dischargecoefficientsand the rotameter calibration are largely dependenton the way the streain from a 'vena contracta'or actualthroat of smallercrosssectional area than that of the containing tube. This effect is negligibly small where a controlled contraction takes place in a venturi meter but is significant in the orifice meter. The orifice meter dischargecoefficient is also dependenton the precise location of the pressure tappings (E) and (F). Such data is given in BSI042 which also emphasisesthe dependenceof the meters behaviour on the uniformity of the flow upstreamand downstreamof the meter. In order to keep the apparatus as compact as possible the dimensions of the equipment in the neighbourhoodof the orifice meter have been reduced to their limit, consequently some inaccuracy in the assumedvalue of its dischargemay be anticipated. The considerabledifference in head loss between the orifice meter and the venturi meter should be noted. The orifice meter is much simpler to make and use, for it is comparatively easy to manufacture a suitable orifice plate and insert it between two existing pipe flanges which have been appropriatelypressure-tapped for the purpose. In contrast the venturi meter is large, comparatively difficult to manufactureand complicated to fit into an existing flow system.But the low headloss TecQuiomentFlow Measurement r r associatedwith the controlled expansionoccurring in the venturi meter gives it an obvious superiority in applicationswhere power to overcomeflow lossesmay be limiting. Rotametersand other flow measuringinstruments which dependon the displacementof floats in tapered tubes may be selected from a very wide range of specifications.They are unlikely to be comparablewith the venturi meter from the standpointof head loss but, provided the dischargerangeis not extreme,the easeof reading the instrument may well compensatefor the somewhathigher headloss associatedwith it. The head losses associatedwith the wide-angled diffuser and the right-angled bend are not untypical. Both could be reducedif it were desirableto do so. The diffuser head loss would be minimised if the total expansion angle of about 50 degreeswere reduced to about 10 degrees.The right-angledbend loss would be substantially reduced if the channel, through which water flows, was shapedin the arc of a circle having a large radius compared with the bore of the tube containingthe fluid. Large lossesin internal flow systemsare associated with uncontrollableexpansionof the stream.Attention should always be paid to increasesin cross-sectional area and changesof direction of the stream as these r r parts of the system are most responsive,in tenns of associatedheadloss, to small improvementin design. Discussion of Results If the massflow results are plotted against massflow ratesfrom the weighing tank methodthe accuracyof the variousmethodscan be compared.Since all arederived from Equation (1) similar results would be expected from the three methods. The differential mass flow measurement(mmeter - mweightank)could be plotted againstthe weighing tank massflow resultsfor a better appraisalof accuracy. Some overestimation in the venturi meter termination can be anticipated because its vena contracta has been assumedto be negligibly small. Similarly, the rotameter determination may well be sensitive to the proximity of the elbow and the associatedinlet velocity distribution. The orifice meter is likely to be sensitive to the inlet flow which is associatedwith the separationinducedin the wide-angle diffuser upstreamof it. Thus both the rotameterand the orifice metercalibrationswould be likely to changeif a longer length of straight pipe were introducedupstream of them. Inlet kinetic head: scale B . (J ~ ii ~ 0( "'i ~ . -c . ."c" : ~ u ~ . c ~ ~ .c ~ = ~ ~ ~ '" :E i :5 r Inlet kinetic head: scale D (mm) Figure 5.4 Typical head loss graph TecQulpment Flow Measurement In the calculationsthe head lossesassociatedwith the various meters and flow componentshave been made dimensionless by dividing by the appropriate inlet kinetic heads.The advantageof the venturi meter over the orifice meterand rotameteris evident althoughover a considerablerange of inlet kinetic heads the loss associatedwith the rotameter is sufficiently small to considerthat it would be more thancompensatedby the relative ease in evaluation of mass flow from this instrument. It should also be noted from Figure 5.1 that the dimensionlesshead lossesof the venturi meter and the orifice meter are Reynolds number dependent.This effect is also noticeable with the dimensionlesshead loss of the elbow. Conclusions The most direct measurementof fluid dischargeis by the weightank principle. In installations where this is impracticable(e.g. on account of size of installation or gaseousfluid flow), one of the three dischargemeters describedmay be usedinstead. The venturi meteroffers the bestcontrol to the fluid. Its dischargecoefficient is little different from unity and the head loss it offers is minimal. But it is relatively expensive to manufacture and could be difficult to install in existingpipework. The orifice meter is easiest to install between existing pipe flanges and provided it is manufactured and erected in accordancewith BS1042, will give accuratemeasurement. The head loss associatedwith it is very largecomparedwith that of the venturi meter. The rotameter gives the easiest derivation of discharge,dependentonly on sighting the float and reading a calibration curve. It needs to be chosen judiciously, however,so that the associatedheadloss is not excessive.