Star Rating On the basis of Maximum marks from a chapter On the basis of Questions included every year from a chapter On the basis of Compulsory questions from a chapter 1 Nil Nil Nil Basics of Cost Audit This Chapter Includes : Nature and Scope of Cost Audit; Provisions Under Companies Act Relating to Maintenance of Cost Records and Cost Audit; Cost Auditor - Appointment, Rights and Responsibilities; Planning and Structuring the Cost Audit. Marks of Short Notes, Distinguish Between, Descriptive & Practical Questions S HORT N OTES 2011 - Dec [3] (b) Write a note on ‘social objectives’ of Cost Audit. Q&A-17.11 (5 marks) Q&A-17.12 O Solved Scanner CMA (CWA) Final Gr. IV Paper - 17 Answer : The social objectives of Cost Audit are enumerated below: (i) Facilitation in fixation of reasonable prices for goods and services produced by the enterprise. (ii) Improvement in productivity of human, physical and financial resources of the enterprise. (iii) Channelising of the enterprise resources to most optimum, productive and profitable areas. (iv) Availability of Audited Cost data as regards Contracts containing escalation clauses. (v) Facilitation in settlement of bills in the case of Cost-plus contracts entered into by the Government. (vi) Pinpointing areas of inefficiency and mis-management if any for the benefit of shareholders, consumers and society in large. (vii) Hospitalisation, schooling, roads and transportation facilities to own employees as well as neighbouring people & cost benefit analysis. D ESCRIPTIVE Q UESTIONS 2002 - Dec [3] (b) (iii) A person has been appointed as Cost Auditor for Twenty products manufactured in seven companies. He is again proposed for appointment as Cost Auditor for three more products manufactured by two other companies. Will this appointment be 'In Order'? (2 marks) (iv) A person is doing Internal Audit on one of the factories manufacturing 'Cement' in a company. He was proposed for appointment as Cost Auditor in another factory of the same company manufacturing cement for the same period. Is this appointment as Cost Auditor 'In Order'? (2 marks) Answer : (iii) A cost auditor can accept a maximum of twenty cost audits out of which not more than 10 cost audits shall have paid up capital of twenty five lakhs or more. The ceiling is on number of companies and not on number of products. Therefore in the given cost auditor can accept the new audits. (iv) Cost auditor is required to comment on internal auditors report also. Therefore it is quite obvious that a cost auditor shall not be appointed as internal auditor. 2002 - Dec [4] List the steps to be taken by a company from the time the Cost Audit is ordered for its product and the report is submitted by the Cost Auditor to the Government, specifying the time schedules and penalties for non-compliance. (15 marks) [Chapter # 1] Basics of Cost Audit O Q&A-17.13 Answer : The Central Government has powers to issue order under Section 233-B (1) of the Companies Act,1956 directing the company to get its cost records audited by a practicing Cost Accountant. The order may also indicate the products for which the order is issued and the time period for which cost audit is ordered. Cost audit once ordered is applicable for all subsequent years unless the order is revoked by the government. Once the order is received, the Board of Directors shall appoint a Cost Accountant/ Cost Accounting firm in practice and shall pass a resolution at the Board meeting for appointment of cost auditor. The appointment is subject to approval by the Central Government. More than one cost auditor can also be appointed for the same product under audit. The Board of Directors shall ensure that the cost accountant fulfills the following conditions: 1. The person/ firm proposed to be appointed is a qualified cost accountant within the meaning of the ICWA Act, 1959 and shall also hold a certificate of practice. 2. If a firm is appointed as cost auditor, then the BOD shall ensure that the firm is constituted as per Regulation 113 of the ICWA Act, 1959. 3. The cost accountant shall not be in whole time employment elsewhere as provided in Section 224 (1 B) of the Companies Act, 1956. 4. The firm or person shall not attract any disqualification as mentioned in Section 233 B (5) of the Companies Act 1956. 5. The appointment if accepted shall be within the ceiling limits as prescribed u/s 224 (1B). 6. The Secretary/ Director of the company should make the application (e- filing) within 45 days from the commencement of the accounting year to the Central Government in prescribed Form (23-C), along with prescribed fees, for approval of the appointment of Cost Auditor. 7. If the appointment of cost auditor is approved by the government then the company shall issue a letter to the cost accountant confirming his appointment. 8. The company should make available all the cost accounting records maintained in accordance with Section 209 (1) (d) of the Companies Act to the cost auditor within 135 days from the end of the accounting year. The company shall also assist the auditor to carry out the audit. 9. The cost auditor shall complete the cost audit and submit his report to the CG within 180 days. If there is any contravention of the provisions of the Cost Audit Report Rules, then the company and every officer of the company who is in default shall be punishable with a fine upto ` 5,000 and if the contravention is a continuing one, then they are also liable for fine of up to ` 500/ day after the first day during which period such contravention continues. Q&A-17.14 O Solved Scanner CMA (CWA) Final Gr. IV Paper - 17 2003 - Dec [3] (b) It is said that "Cost Audit" is "Efficiency Audit". Explain this statement. What is the evidence from the Cost Audit Report that Cost Audit is "Efficiency Audit"? (7 marks) Answer : In efficiency audit auditor appraises the performance of the company. Auditor also determined whether the plan is properly and efficiently executed. The main purpose of efficiency audit is to ensure that: 1. The capital employed by the company gives optimum results. 2. The investment is properly designed and balanced between functions to maximize returns. However it can also be argued that cost audit is efficiency audit. Cost audit brings out many aspects of performance and efficiency of the company. There are many disclosures in audit report which focuses on financial position of the firm, production, wastage, expenses etc. these disclosures can be studied to reduce expenses and increase efficiency of the company. The following arguments prove that cost audit can also be termed as efficiency audit. 1. Rule 4 of Cost audit report Rules deals with installed capacity, licensed capacity, utilization of capacity etc. the rule helps to ensure that there is no under utilization of capacity by the company. If the capacity is properly utilized it will automatically increase the return on capital employed by the company. 2. Cost audit report also highlights the matter related to energy conservation and helps the firm to reduce the utilization of energy. Reduced utilization of energy automatically increases the return on capital employed by the company. 3. Cost audit also brings out cases of wastages and scrap. This report can be used as a tool to increase the profits of the company. 4. Cost auditor’s report also deals with slow and non moving inventory. This information can be effectively used to reduce the blockage in working capital. If the working capital is reduced then the capital saved can be invested in some other fruitful activity thereby increasing the overall returns of the company. 5. Cost Audit Report gives information related to abnormal costs. This information can be used to reduce the abnormal costs. Reduction in abnormal costs increases the return on capital employed by the company. 6. Cost auditor’s report also deals with various expenses related production. These expenses can be carefully studied and expenses can be reduced to increase the return on capital employed of the company. 7. Cost audit also gives a break up of expert and domestic sales. This information can be efficiently used by the company to boost sales. [Chapter # 1] Basics of Cost Audit O Q&A-17.15 2003 - Dec [6] What is the role of the Audit Committee as per SEBI guidelines and as stipulated in Section 292A of the Companies Act ? (15 marks) Answer : The following role is assigned to the Audit Committee as per Section 292A of the Companies Act, 1956: The Audit Committee shall discuss with the auditors on a periodical basis regarding 1. Internal control systems implemented by the company 2. The scope of audit 3. Observations of the auditors The audit committee shall review the half-yearly and annual financial statements before submission to the Board and also ensure compliance of internal control systems. Audit committee shall also investigate on matters prescribed the board of directors. The following role is assigned to the Audit Committee as per SEBI Guidelines: 1. To keep a watch on the company’s financial reporting process and disclosure of financial information. 2. Audit committee can recommend the remuneration of statutory auditor. They can also influence the appointment or removal of the external auditor. 3. Atleast 50% of the directors shall be independent directors. 4. Audit committee will be formed by atleast three members who are independent executives. 5. Audit committee shall meet atleast thrice a year. 6. Remuneration of non executive directors shall be fixed by BOD. 7. Defaults made in repayment to creditors and lenders. 8. Details of appointment of new directors shall be disclosed. 9. To highlight the corporate governance report as a separate section in annual report. 10. A certificate from the statutory auditor that the company has complied with principles of corporate governance. 11. The audit committee shall review the half-yearly and annual financial statements before submission to the Board with particular references being made for related party transactions, statutory compliances, journal entries, internal controls etc. 12. To ensure that the internal audit report is properly dealt with i.e. the audit committee shall verify the actions taken on the basis of internal auditor’s report, the points highlighted by the internal auditor which are important and which require due consideration etc. 2003 - Dec [8] (a) List the tasks that can be performed by a Cost Accountant in practice in the following areas: (i) Direct Tax Laws. (ii) Central Excise. (iii) Banks and Financial Institutions. (3×3 = 9 marks) Q&A-17.16 O Solved Scanner CMA (CWA) Final Gr. IV Paper - 17 Answer : Role of cost auditor under Direct Tax Laws 1. Cost auditor can act as a legal representative of the assessee for assessment purposes. He can also appear on behalf of the assessee in case of appellate proceeding before the appellate tribunal (CIT & ITAT) 2. Under wealth tax act he can also act as a valuation expert of shares, stock and debentures etc. Role of cost auditor under Central Excise Laws 1. Cost auditor can act as a legal representative of the assessee for assessment purposes. He can also appear on behalf of the assessee in case of appellate proceeding before the appellate tribunal (CIT & ITAT) 2. Cost auditor can certify the quantity of goods which are captively consumed by the concern. 3. He can guide the company for valuation of the goods in accordance with CAS-4 4. Can calculate the assessable value of goods. Role of cost auditor when dealing with banks and financial institutions: 1. He can act as an concurrent auditor. 2. He can also be nominated as a consultant in the panel of consultants for banks and financial institutions. 2004 - Dec [2] (b) What is the relevance of Cost Audit in India? (7 marks) Answer : 1. The main reason for introduction of cost audit in the initial years was to help government for regulating price in important industries like cement, steel pipes and tubes etc which are very important for growth of the economy. Government used these reports for regulating price of such important products. 2. However due to massive industrialization and rapid growth of economy due to liberalization and globalization cost data and cost audit has gained more importance than ever. Because of the importance of the cost data there are frequent amendments in the cost audit reports which are required to be prepared for the purpose of submission to government or management. The changes in cost audit reports are made keeping in mind the important requirements of the industry. Cost audit report is an effecptive tool which can be used to set competitive prices in the highly competitive markets. Competition can be taken care of by undertaking proper study of the cost audit report which highlights important issues like efficiency, wastage, costs etc. 3. The Competition Law prohibits selling goods below cost to ward of competition. To calculate the cost of production, cost audit report is an important tool. The cost audit report can be used by the Regulatory and Enforcement Authority of the competition law in India. [Chapter # 1] Basics of Cost Audit O Q&A-17.17 4. Due to free foreign trade policy many foreign countries like China dump their products at very low prices. Such dumping of products affects the local domestic market. Cost audit reports can be used for levying anti dumping duties on products imported from China. It can also be used if there is an allegation from foreign country that goods are dumped by India at substantially low prices. 5. In case of export sales there is an important principle of arms length price… ALP is often calculated by the Transfer Pricing Officer. Cost audit report serves as an important source of cost information for calculating transfer price. 6. Cost audit report can also be used by customs and excise authority for levying duty on products. 7. Cost audit report is also used by the tariff commission for fixation of price and for calculating subsidies that are required to be given to the industries for making their products competitive. Various incentives are given by the government to promote the local industries. Such incentives are calculated by the help of cost audit report. 8. Cost audit report is also used by the National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority for fixation of prices of various drugs. 9. Price of Certain products is regulated by the government in many cases. In case of such products cost audit report becomes an inevitable tool to be relied on. 10. Cost audit report can be used to set the prices of goods which government wants to procure from the local markets. 2004 - Dec [3] Your company has received an order from the Government of India directing your company to have the Cost Accounting records audited. List the actions to be taken by the company step by step from appointment of Cost Auditor till the submission of the Cost Audit Report specifying the time schedules. (15 marks) Answer : Please refer 2002 - Dec [4] on page no. 12 2005 - Dec [4] (b) What are the preliminary information you, as a Cost Auditor, will collect from the company which is subject to cost audit for the first time? (7 marks) Answer : As a cost auditor I will collect the following information before starting a cost audit for the first time: 1. A list of products manufactured by the company 2. A flowchart which indicates the entire manufacturing process of the company. 3. The list of raw materials required to manufacture the product 4. The expenses which are required to be incurred for the production of the product (wages, overheads, expenses) 5. The list of premises where the goods are manufactured and premises where the goods are stored Q&A-17.18 O Solved Scanner CMA (CWA) Final Gr. IV Paper - 17 6. A statement of last three years which highlights the: • Installed Manufacturing capacity • Capacity which is utilized for manufacture 7. Copies of licenses and certificate issued if any, by the regulating authority. 8. A statement which highlights the budgetary and actual performances of the company. 9. A statement indicating the standard cost and the actual costs of production. Such statement shall also highlight the variances and the reason for such variances. 10. Copies of returns filed with excise, customs and other officers to cross verify the production of goods. Since this is my first audit in the company I will also request for the following documents: 1. Statutory documents like MOA and AOA of the company. 2. Documents like previous year’s financial statements and returns filed by the company. 3. A brief history of background of the company and its promoters and the history of evolution of the company. 4. Organizational flow chart which indicates the authorities with whom communication is required to be made. 5. List of Joint ventures and associates if any. 6. A list indicating the system implemented by the company in: • Costing and accounting department. • Production and sales department . • Stores and manufacturing unit. • Computer information system. 2006 - June [2] (b) (iii) A person has been appointed as Cost Auditor for twenty products manufactured in seven companies. He is again proposed for appointment as a Cost Auditor for three more products manufactured by two other companies. Will this appointment be ‘in order’ ? (2 marks) (iv) A person is doing Internal Audit on one of the factories manufacturing ‘Cement’ in a company. He was proposed for appointment as Cost Auditor in another factory of the same company manufacturing cement for the same period. Is this appointment as Cost Auditor ‘in order’? (2 marks) Answer : (iii) A cost auditor can accept a maximum of twenty cost audits out of which not more than 10 cost audits shall have paid up capital of twenty five lakhs or more. The ceiling is on number of companies and not on number of products. Therefore, in the given cost auditor can accept the new audits. (iv) Cost auditor is required to comment on internal auditors report also. Therefore it is quite obvious that a cost auditor shall not be appointed as internal auditor. But cost auditor can very much accept audit of other factory as internal auditor. [Chapter # 1] Basics of Cost Audit O Q&A-17.19 2006 - June [3] List the steps to be taken by a company from the time the Cost Audit is ordered for its product and the Report is submitted by the Cost Auditor to the Government, specifying the time schedules and penalties for non-compliance. (15 marks) Answer : Please refer 2002 - Dec [4] on page no. 12 2007 - Dec [7] (a) Give an “Audit Programme” as a Cost Auditor after being appointed for Cenvat Credit Audit. (7 marks) (b) Give an “Audit Programme” as an Internal Auditor of Wage Audit. (8 marks) Answer : (a) Audit programme includes the manner and the areas where auditor will perform audit procedures. The following areas will be considered in audit of CENVAT credit availed by the assessee. Name: Mahakali Limited MGM&Co Audit Team Leader: Kartik Cost Accountants Time allotted: 23 days Period covered: 1/04/10 to 31/3/11 Location: Mumbai Sr. no Area Total % Time documents Checked allotted in number 1 Manufacturing Process 2 Input and output 3 Material Yield Ratio & analysis 4 Bill of materials 5 Statutory details PLA, Challans, CCR availed, invoices & Challans 6 Correspondence authorities 7 Internal controls with NA 100 12,502 65% 6hrs Time taken Checked By 5.5 hrs Quntesh 15 days 18 days 8 days Champak NA 45% 6 days 13,672 30% 8 days 9.5 days Amar 132 100% 11/2 days 1 days Nicholas 8 100% 1 day 1 day Nicholas NA 65% 3 days 2 days Kartik Parimal Instructions: All queries will be forwarded to the accounting and finance department. The report shall be submitted to the General Manager along with areas that require special consideration. Q&A-17.20 O Solved Scanner CMA (CWA) Final Gr. IV Paper - 17 (b) Audit programme includes the manner and the areas where auditor will perform audit procedures. The following areas will be considered in audit of wages. Name: Mahakali Limited MGM&Co Audit Team Leader: Kartik Cost Accountants Time allotted: 23 days Period covered: 1/04/10 to 31/3/11 Location: Mumbai Sr. Area Total % Time Time Checked No. documents Checked allotted Taken by (audit in number team) 1 Statutory dues PF, ESI, 132 100% 11/2 1 days Nicholas Bonus, Gratuity, etc. days Challans, calculation & returns 2 Details of salary 54% 23 days 20 Champak Register, bank statedays ment & attendance sheet 3 Cross verification 3 4.5 Amar days days 4 Internal controls 65% 3 3 days Kartik policies and procedays dures for checking grade, incentive, bonus, allowances, reimburse-ments etc. Instructions : All queries will be forwarded to the accounting and finance department. The report shall be submitted to the General Manager along with areas that require special consideration. 2008 - Dec [2] (b) What are the duties of the Cost Auditor? (6 marks) Answer : The duties of cost auditor are similar to those of statutory auditor of the company. In addition to those duties certain additional duties are also cast on cost auditors which are as follows: 1. Cost auditor shall verify and ensure that proper books of accounts as required by Cost Accounting Records Rules have been kept by the company. He is also duty bound to verify the returns of those branches which are not visited by him. 2. Cost auditor shall ensure that the Cost Audit Report and the detailed cost statements are in the form prescribed by the Cost Audit Report Rules. [Chapter # 1] Basics of Cost Audit O 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Q&A-17.21 Cost auditor’s report shall be based on data which is verified by him. Cost auditor is duty bound to include observations in his report only after company has been given a chance of commenting on the same. Auditor is duty bound to ensure that the indirect expenses are properly allocated and are absorbed on a reasonable basis. To qualify report if there is any need and to give reasons for any qualification in his report. To forward the cost audit report within the prescribed time period. 2008 - Dec [3] (c) Can a Cost Accountant who is appointed as the concurrent auditor of a company accept appointment as Cost Auditor of the same company ? (2 marks) Answer : A concurrent auditor is a person holding an office of profit of the company and therefore he cannot be appointed as the cost auditor of the same company. 2008 - Dec [4] (c) What is the application fee along with form 23C payable to Govt. of India, Ministry of Corporate Affairs where the nominal share capital of the limited company is `10 crores and how payment is to be made? (2 marks) Answer : The fee payable along with form 23C is as follows Nominal Share Capital ` Fees Payable Less than ` 25 lacs ` 500 ` 25 lacs or more but less than ` 5 crores ` 1,000 ` 5 crores or more ` 2,000 2009 - June [3] (a) Under what circumstances will the appointment of Cost Auditor for conducting of cost audit be appointed in firm's name. Who will authenticate such. reports and how ? (4 marks) Answer : The appointment of cost auditor under a firm’s name will be subject to the following conditions: 1. All the partners of the firm are full time cost accounting practitioners within the meaning of Sections 6 and 7 of the Cost and Works Accountants Act, 1959. 2. The firm must have been constituted with the previous approval of CG or of the Central Council of ICWAI as per amended regulation 113 of the Cost and Works Accountants Act, 1959. The Cost Audit Report shall be signed by 1. Any one of the partners of the firm responsible for the conduct of the cost audit in his own hand for and on behalf of the firm; 2. A proprietary firm can also be appointed as Cost Auditor and in such cases the report shall be signed by the proprietor himself. Q&A-17.22 O Solved Scanner CMA (CWA) Final Gr. IV Paper - 17 2009 - June [4] (b) Define Cost Audit and state its purposes. (4 marks) Answer : Cost audit means audit of cost accounting records. According to CIMA London, cost audit is “the verification of the correctness of cost accounts and of the adherence to the cost accounting plan”. The ICWAI on the other hand, defines cost audit as “a system of audit introduced by the Government of India for the review, examination and appraisal of the cost accounting records and attendant information, required to be maintained by specified industries.” The purpose of cost audit can be understood by the definition itself. In India cost audit is more specific and lays emphasis on the evaluation of the efficiency of operations and the propriety of management actions. 2009 - Dec [2] (a) What are the Social objectives of Cost Audit ? (6 marks) (b) What review should be made by a Cost Auditor of Cost Accounting Records? (8 marks) Answer : (a) The following are the social objectives of cost audit: 1. It helps in improvement in productivity of all resources of the enterprise. 2. It helps in using the resources in most beneficial manner as all the areas are studied by the company. 3. It helps in fixation of reasonable prices of goods and services produced by the concern. 4. It helps in highlighting areas of inefficiency and mismanagement and thus increases the overall profits of the company. 5. It helps in contract costing particularly where the price is subject to escalation due to inflation. 6. It helps in cost plus contracts where records of cost play a very important role. 7. It also helps the government in setting prices for regulated goods. (b) The cost auditor during the course of audit reviews the Cost Accounting Records of the company. Such review may include: 1. The manner in which cost centers are identified and established. 2. The accounting procedures followed for raw materials, packing materials, and spares, etc. 3. Method of accounting of wastes, rejections and defectives. 4. Methods of costing used by the company – batch, job, process etc. 5. The accounting system for recording of wages, salaries and overtime and their allocation. 6. The manner in which overheads are allocated/ apportioned of utilities and service departments. [Chapter # 1] Basics of Cost Audit O Q&A-17.23 7. The Method of accounting for depreciation, sales & purchases and charging depreciation to cost centeres. 8. The basis for reapportioning of service department expenses to production departments. 9. Internal audit system implemented by the management. 10. The procedure of stock-taking. 11. The method of valuation of inventories and WIP. 2010 - Dec [2] (a) State with reasons whether a person can be appointed as Cost Auditor in the following cases: (i) A person has been appointed as Cost Auditor for 20 products manufactured in seven companies. He is again proposed for appointment as Cost Auditor, for three more products, manufactured by two other companies. (ii) A person is doing internal audit on one of the factories manufacturing ‘Textile’ located at Ahmedabad. He was proposed for appointment as Cost Auditor in another factory of same company of manufacturing ‘Textile’ for the same period located at Gwalior. (2×2=4 marks) Answer : (i) A cost auditor can accept a maximum of twenty cost audits out of which not more than 10 cost audits shall have paid up capital of twenty five lakhs or more. The ceiling is on number of companies and not on number of products. Therefore in the given cost auditor can accept the new audits. (ii) Cost auditor is required to comment on internal auditor’s report also. Therefore it is quite obvious that a cost auditor shall not be appointed as internal auditor. Therefore it will be in the best interest of the internal auditor that they does not accept cost audit also simultaneously. 2010 - Dec [4] (b) Which number of Form is to be used for application for appointment of Cost Auditor(s)? (1 mark) Answer : For appointment of Cost Auditor(s) Form 23C is required to be submitted by the company. 2011 - June [2] (a) List the duties to be performed by a Cost Auditor. (6 marks) Answer : The duties of the cost auditor are also similar to those of the (financial) auditor of the company has under sub-Section (1) of Section 227 (Section 223B(4)).The duties of the cost auditor inter-alia include: (a) To ensure that the proper books of accounts as required by Cost Accounting Records Rules have been kept by the company so far as it appears from the examination of those books and proper returns for the purpose of his audit have been received from branches not visited by him; Q&A-17.24 O Solved Scanner CMA (CWA) Final Gr. IV Paper - 17 (b) To ensure that the Cost Audit Report and the detailed cost statements are in the form prescribed by the Cost Audit Report Rules by following sound professional practices i.e. the report should be based on verified data and observations may be framed after the company has been afforded an opportunity to comment on them; (c) The underline assumptions and basis for allocation and absorption of indirect expenses are reasonable and are as per the established accounting principles; (d) If the auditor is not satisfied in any of the aforesaid matters, he may give a qualified report along with the reasons for the same; (e) Sending the Report to the Cost Audit Branch within 180 days from the end of the financial year with one copy to the company; (f) Sending his replies to any clarification, that may be sought by the Cost Audit Branch on his report. Sending such replies within 30 days from the date of receipt of communication calling for such clarification. 2012 - Dec [4] (a) Enumerate the duties to be performed by a Cost Auditor. (6 marks) Answer: The duties of cost auditor are similar to those of statutory auditor of the company. In addition to those duties certain additional duties are also cast on cost auditors which are as follows: 1. Cost auditor shall verify and ensure that proper books of accounts as required by Cost Accounting Records Rules have been kept by the company. He is also duty bound to verify the returns of those branches which are not visited by him. 2. Cost auditor shall ensure that the Cost Audit Report and the detailed cost statements are in the form prescribed by the Cost Audit Report Rules. 3. Cost auditor’s report shall be based on data which is verified by him. 4. Cost auditor is duty bound to include observations in his report only after company has been given a chance of commenting on the same. 5. Auditor is duty bound to ensure that the indirect expenses are properly allocated and are absorbed on a reasonable basis. 6. To qualify report if there is any need and to give reasons for any qualification in his report. 7. To forward the cost audit report within the prescribed time period. P RACTICAL Q UESTIONS 2003 - June [8] A multidivisional company manufactures a number of products, one of which is subject to cost audit. The company takes the stand that the cost auditor cannot have access to the records of other divisions as they are not subject to Cost Audit. [Chapter # 1] Basics of Cost Audit O Q&A-17.25 Prepare a note to the company making out a case w hy the Cost Auditor is entitled to scrutinise the records of the other divisions and the limits, if any, on exercising that right. (15 marks) Answer : Cost auditor has the same rights as that of a statutory auditor of the company. In a sense his right cannot be restricted if it is related to books of accounts. Further he has right to obtain all cost records within 135 days from the end of financial year. U/s 227 cost auditor has the right to access books of accounts and vouchers of the company, at all times (normal business hours) whether kept at the head office of the company or elsewhere. In view of the above statutory provision the right of the cost auditor cannot be restricted by the company. He has a statutory right to verify the books of accounts maintained at branch as well as Head office. It is quite clear from that the rights of the cost auditor for verification of books of accounts of company are unrestricted. He can verify books both at HO as well as branches or departments. If there is any restriction on his scope he may qualify his report if the matter is material. Further he can also verify the records of the divisions when company has any: 1. Manufacturing process which is inter related amongst the divisions. 2. Interdepartmental sale or Interdepartmental rendition of services. 3. Facility by which common resources are shared or common services are provided by the concern. 4. Apportionment of overheads amongst divisions. 5. Where the capital pool is common and the company is financed from common capital pool. 2003 - Dec [2] The following is the abridged Balance Sheet of Powerpack Batteries Ltd: (` in lakh) 31.3.2003 31.3.2002 Liabilities: Share Capital 300 300 Debenture Redemption Reserve 25 30 Capital subsidy from State Government 30 30 Revaluation Reserve 125 140 General Reserve 160 120 Balance in Profit & Loss A/c. 48 32 Secured Loans 275 295 Unsecured Loans 123 117 1,086 1,064 Q&A-17.26 O Solved Scanner CMA (CWA) Final Gr. IV Paper - 17 Assets: Gross Block 725 680 Accumulated Depreciation (315) (290) Capital Work-in-Progress 43 37 Investments 15 15 Current Assets: Inventories 417 441 Sundry Debtors 182 195 Advances for Capital Equipment 24 17 Other Loans & Advances 144 137 Cash & Bank Balances 21 19 Current Liabilities: Sundry Creditors For Capital Expenses (17) (21) For Others (185) (197) Provision for Taxes (64) (71) Miscellaneous Expenses 96 102 Total 1,086 1,064 Notes: (a) Fixed Assets include Goodwill and Patents ` 122 lakhs (Previous year ` 137 lakhs). (b) Term Loans due for repayment within 12 months are ` 96 lakhs (Previous year `84 lakhs). Calculate the following for the company as a whole:(a) Capital Employed for the year ended 31.3.2003. (b) Net Worth as on 31.3.2003 & 31.3.2002. (c) Debt-Equity Ratio as on 31.3.2003. (5×3 = 15 marks) Answer : STATEMENT SHOWING CALCULATION OF AVERAGE CAPITAL EMPLOYED Details of Assets 31.03.03 31.03.02 Gross Block 725 680 Less; Depreciation 315 290 Net Block 410 390 Less: Intangible asstes 122 137 Net fixed assets (A) 288 253 Details of Current Assets Inventories Sundry debtors loans and advances Cash and Bank (a) 31.03.03 417 182 144 21 764 31.03.02 441 195 137 19 792 [Chapter # 1] Basics of Cost Audit O Details of Current Liabilities Creditors Provision for Tax Loans due (<12 months) 31.03.03 185 64 96 345 419 (b) Working Capital B= (a)-(b) Capital Employed Average capital employed (A+B) Q&A-17.27 31.03.02 197 71 84 352 440 707 707+693 2 = 700 Lakhs STATEMENT SHOWING CALCULATION OF NET WORTH Share Capital Debenture Redemption Reserve Capital subsidy from State Government Revaluation Reserve General Reserve Balance in Profit & Loss A/c. Less Intangible assets miscellaneous expenditure 693 = 300 25 30 300 30 30 160 48 563 120 32 512 137 137 218 102 239 345 273 STATEMENT SHOWING CALCULATION OF DEBT EQUITY RATIO Secured Debt Less: Loans due (<12 months) Total Long term debts Debt Equity Ratio 122 96 398 96 302 302:563 0.54:1 412 84 328 328:512 0.64:1 2003 - Dec [8] (b) The following transactions are extracted from Stores Bin Card relating to a component during the year 2002-03: Date Receipt (units) Issues (units) Balance (units) 1.4.2002 200 – 200 18,4,2002 – 100 100 10.1.2003 – 50 50 Q&A-17.28 O Solved Scanner CMA (CWA) Final Gr. IV Paper - 17 16.3.2003 200 – 23.3.2003 – 250 Total consumption 400 Calculate the Inventory Turn-over Ratio. Answer : Statement Showing calculation of Inventory turnover ratio A B Stock (units) No. of days 200 17 100 267 50 65 250 15 0 1 365 Average Stock = 37100/365 = 101.64 units Inventory turnover ratio = Average consumption/ Average Stock = 400/101.64 = 3.94 250 – (6 marks) AxB Total Stock held 3,400 26,700 3,250 3,750 0 37,100 2005 - Dec [3] (a) As a cost auditor, how would you deal with the following? (ii) A company has not maintained cost accounting records though having the obligation under Section 209(1)(d) of the Companies Act, 1956. The management is of the opinion that necessary steps could be taken after the cost audit order is received from the Government. Are the directors of the company absolved of the obligation to maintain cost accounting records? (2 marks) Answer : As per Section 209(1)(d) every company which pertains to a prescribed class of companies and is engaged in production, processing, manufacturing or mining has to maintain cost accounting records as per Cost Accounting Record Rules. Therefore management is responsible to maintain cost accounting records even if no order if passed by central Government for cost audit. Repeatedly Asked Questions No. Question 1 (iii) A person has been appointed as Cost Auditor for twenty products manufactured in seven companies. He is again proposed for appointment as a Cost Auditor for three more products manufactured by two other companies. Will this appointment be ‘in order’ ? Frequency [Chapter # 1] Basics of Cost Audit O (iv) A person is doing Internal Audit on one of the factories manufacturing ‘Cement’ in a company. He was proposed for appointment as Cost Auditor in another factory of the same company manufacturing cement for the same period. Is this appointment as Cost Auditor ‘in order’ ? 02 - Dec [3] (b) (iii), (iv), 06 - June [2] (b) (iii), (iv) Q&A-17.29 2 Times