Wayne Sandholtz - USC Dana and David Dornsife College of

Wayne Sandholtz
28 October 2015
John A. McCone Chair in International Relations
School of International Relations and Gould School of Law
University of Southern California
Los Angeles, CA 90089-0043
Professional experience
2012 2002-2012
John A. McCone Chair in International Relations; Professor of International Relations and
Law; University of Southern California
Professor, Department of Political Science, University of California, Irvine
Director, Center for Global Peace and Conflict Studies, University of California, Irvine (on
leave 2000-2002)
Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, University of California, Irvine
Assistant Professor, Department of Politics and Society, University of California, Irvine
Assistant Professor of Political Science, Scripps College, Claremont, CA
Post-doctoral Fellow, Berkeley Roundtable on the International Economy, Berkeley, CA
Research Fellow, Berkeley Roundtable on the International Economy, Berkeley, CA
Visiting Researcher, Institut Français des Relations Internationales, Paris
University of California, Berkeley; Department of Political Science, May 1989
University of California, Berkeley; Department of Political Science, June 1983
Brigham Young University; Political Science, April 1981;
Summa Cum Laude and High Honors
International Norms and Cycles of Change. New York: Oxford University Press. Coauthored with Kendall Stiles.
Prohibiting Plunder: How Norms Change. New York: Oxford University Press.
The Institutionalization of Europe. Oxford: Oxford University Press; co-edited with Alec
Stone Sweet and Neil Fligstein.
European Integration and Supranational Governance. Oxford: Oxford University Press;
co-edited with Alec Stone Sweet.
High-Tech Europe: The Politics of International Cooperation. Berkeley: University of
California Press.
The Highest Stakes: The Economic Foundations of the Next Security System. New York:
Oxford University Press; co-authored with John Zysman, Michael Borrus, et al.
Sandholtz, p. 2
Articles and chapters
“Domestic Law and Human Rights Treaty Commitments: The Convention against Torture.”
Journal of Human Rights.
“How Domestic Courts Use International Law.” Fordham International Law Journal 38(2):
595 – 637.
“Treaties, Constitutions, Courts, and Human Rights.” In Charles Anthony Smith, ed.,
Globalizing Human Rights: Emerging Issues and Approaches. New York: Routledge. (An
earlier version appeared in the Journal of Human Rights, 2012.)
“Treaties, Constitutions, and Courts: The Critical Combination.” In Alison Brysk, ed., The
Politics of the Globalization of Law. 29 – 46. New York: Routledge.
“Neo-functionalism and Supranational Governance.” In Erik Jones, Anand Menon, and
Stephen Weatherill, eds., The Oxford Handbook of the European Union. 18 – 33. Oxford:
Oxford University Press; co-authored with Alec Stone Sweet.
“Treaties, Constitutions, Courts, and Human Rights,” Journal of Human Rights 11(1): 17 – 32.
“European Integration, Nationalism, and European Identity,” Journal of Common Market
Studies, 50th Anniversary Edition 50(S1): 106 – 22; co-authored with Neil Fligstein and Alina
“Patterns of Death Penalty Abolition, 1960-2005: Domestic and International Factors,”
International Studies Quarterly 56: 275 – 89; co-authored with Anthony McGann.
“Plunder, Restitution, and International Law,” International Journal of Cultural Property
17(2): 147-76.
“Closing Off the Torture Option.” Southern California Interdisciplinary Law Journal 18(3):
589 – 601.
“The Iraq War and International Law.” In David Armstrong, ed., Routledge Handbook of
International Law. 222 – 38. London: Routledge.
“Europe, the United States, and the International Criminal Court,” Politique Étrangère
2009(1): 117 – 30.
“Dynamics of International Norm Change: Rules against Wartime Plunder.” European
Journal of International Relations 14(1): 101-131.
“Creating Authority: The International Tribunals.” In Bruce Cronin and Ian Hurd, eds., The
Institution of International Authority: Law, Politics, and the U.N. Security Council, 131-53.
London: Routledge.
“Women and Globalization: A Study of 180 Countries, 1975-2000.” International
Organization 60(2): 293-333; co-authored with Mark M. Gray and Miki Caul Kittilson.
Reprinted in David A. Baldwin, ed., Key Concepts in the New Global Economy.
Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, 2012.
Reprinted in John Scott Masker, ed., Introduction to Global Politics: A Reader.
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012.
Sandholtz, p. 3
“The Iraqi National Museum and International Law: A Duty to Protect.” Columbia Journal of
Transnational Law 44(1): 185-240.
“Corruption, Culture, and Communism.” International Review of Sociology 15 (1): 109-31; coauthored with Rein Taagepera.
“International Determinants of National Corruption Levels.” In Transparency International,
Global Corruption Report 2005, 268-70. London: Pluto Press; co-authored with Mark Gray.
“Law, Politics, and International Governance.” In Christian Reus-Smit, ed., The Politics of
International Law, 238-71. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; co-authored with Alec
Stone Sweet.
“International Integration and National Corruption.” International Organization 57 (4): 761800; co-authored with Mark Gray.
Reprinted in David A. Deese, Globalization: Causes and Effects. Surrey, UK:
Ashgate, 2012.
“Humanitarian Intervention: Global Enforcement of Human Rights?” In Alison Brysk, ed.,
Globalization and Human Rights, 201-225. Berkeley: University of California Press.
“After Empire: National Identities and Post-Colonial Families of Nations.” European Journal
of International Relations 8: 267-305; co-authored with Alison Brysk and Craig Parsons.
“Dogfight over Asia: Airbus v. Boeing.” Business and Politics 3: 135-56; co-authored with
William Love.
“The Institutionalization of European Space.” In Alec Stone Sweet, Wayne Sandholtz, and
Neil Fligstein, eds., The Institutionalization of Europe, 1-28. Oxford: Oxford University Press;
co-authored with Alec Stone Sweet and Neil Fligstein.
“Policing and Immigration: The Creation of New Policy Spaces.” In Alec Stone Sweet,
Wayne Sandholtz, and Neil Fligstein, eds., The Institutionalization of Europe, 194-220.
Oxford: Oxford University Press; co-authored with Penelope Turnbull.
“David and Goliath: Airbus vs. Boeing in Asia.” In Vinod K. Aggarwal, ed., Winning in Asia,
European Style: Market and Nonmarket Strategies, 187-224. New York: Palgrave; coauthored with William Love.
“Accounting for Corruption: Economic Structure, Democracy, and Trade.” International
Studies Quarterly 44: 31-50; co-authored with William Koetzle.
“European Integration and Supranational Governance Revisited: Rejoinder to Branch and
Øhrgaard.” Journal of European Public Policy 6: 144-54; co-authored with Alec Stone Sweet.
“Globalization and the Evolution of Rules.” In Aseem Prakash and Jeffrey Hart, eds.,
Globalization and Governance, 77-102. London: Routledge.
Reprinted in Richard Little and Michael Smith, eds., Perspectives on World Politics,
3rd ed, 195-203. London: Routledge, 2006.
“L’union Monétaire: Une Route Semée D’embûches sans Espoir de Retour.” In Anne-Marie
Le Gloannec, ed., Entre Union et Nations: L=état en Europe, 191-226. Paris: Presses de
Sciences Po.
“Integration, Supranational Governance, and the Institutionalization of the European Polity.”
In Wayne Sandholtz and Alec Stone Sweet, eds., European Integration and Supranational
Governance, 1-26. Oxford: Oxford University Press; co-authored with Alec Stone Sweet.
Sandholtz, p. 4
“The Emergence of a Supranational Telecommunications Regime.” In Wayne Sandholtz and
Alec Stone Sweet, eds., European Integration and Supranational Governance, 134-63. Oxford:
Oxford University Press.
“European Integration and Supranational Governance.” Journal of European Public Policy 4:
297-317; co-authored with Alec Stone Sweet.
“Membership Matters: Limits of the Functional Approach to European Institutions.” Journal
of Common Market Studies 34: 404-29.
“Europe’s Monetary Malaise: International Institutions and Domestic Policy Commitments.”
Review of International Studies 22: 257-73.
“Institutions and Leadership: Germany, Maastricht, and the ERM Crisis.” In S. Mazey and C.
Rhodes, eds., The State of the European Community, Vol. 3, 245-65. Boulder, CO: Lynne
Rienner; co-authored with Michael Smith.
“Institutions and Collective Action: The New Telecommunications in Western Europe.” World
Politics 45: 242-70.
Reprinted in Neill Nugent, ed., The European Union II (Brookfield, VT: Ashgate,
“Choosing Union: Monetary Politics and Maastricht.” International Organization 47: 1-39.
Reprinted in Brent F. Nelsen and Alexander C-G. Stubb, eds., The European Union:
Readings on the Theory and Practice of European Integration (Boulder, CO: Lynne
Rienner, 1994).
Reprinted in Neill Nugent, ed., The European Union II (Brookfield, VT: Ashgate,
Reprinted in John J. Kirton, ed., International Finance, 489-528 (London: Ashgate,
“Monetary Bargains: The Treaty on EMU.” In Alan W. Cafruny and Glenda G. Rosenthal,
eds., The State of the European Community, Vol. 2, 125-42. Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner.
“1992: Recasting the European Bargain.” World Politics 42: 95-128; co-authored with John
Reprinted in: Nelsen, Brent F. and Alexander C-G. Stubb, eds. 1994. The European
Union: Readings on the Theory and Practice of European Integration. Boulder, CO:
Lynne Rienner.
Reprinted in: Neill Nugent, ed. 1997. The European Union II. Brookfield, VT:
Book Reviews
“Lost” Causes: Agenda Vetting in Global Issue Networks and the Shaping of Human Security,
by Charli Carpenter. Political Science Quarterly 130(2): 364-65.
Integrating Europe: Informal Politics and Institutional Change, by Jeffrey Stacy. West
European Politics 34(5): 1143-45.
Other publications
“Construction Sites.” In Ann Tickner, ed., (Re)Constructing Constructivist International
Relations Research, pp. 22-26. Center for International Studies Working Paper. University
of Southern California.
Sandholtz, p. 5
“Accounting for Corruption: Economic Structure, Democratic Norms, and Trade,”
Research Monograph No. 21, Center for the Study of Democracy, University of California,
“The Emergence of a Supranational Telecommunications Regime,” Working Paper 2.43,
Center for German and European Studies; University of California, Berkeley.
“Supranational Governance: The Institutionalization of the European Union,” Working
Paper 2.42, Center for German and European Studies; University of California, Berkeley;
with Alec Stone Sweet.
“European Electronics: From Crisis to Collaboration,” in Björn Wellenius, Arnold Miller,
and Carl J. Dahlman, eds., Developing the Electronics Industry (Washington, D.C.: World
“The EC and the East: Integration after the Revolutions of 1989,” Dialogue: a magazine
of international affairs 2.
Current projects
“Law, Politics, and Amnesties in the Inter-American Court of Human Rights”
“The Political Question Doctrine in Action: Court Access, Foreign Relations, and the Role of the
Judiciary in Constitutional Democracy,” with Christopher Whytock, UCI Law School.
“Implementing the International Criminal Court: Treaties and Domestic Legislation”
“Courts and the Globalization of Law,” aims to construct and analyze a cross-national database of
citations to foreign and international legal materials by national constitutional courts.
“U.S. Military Assistance and Human Rights,” assesses the relationship between U.S. military assistance
in the “war on terror” and the human rights performance of recipient countries.
National Science Foundation, “Courts and the Globalization of Law,” Principal Investigator,
SES-1122916, $299,000 (three years).
Center for Global Peace and Conflict Studies, UCI, Faculty Seed Grant, “Human Rights,
Legal Cultures, and the International Criminal Court,” $1,500.
Institute for Global Conflict and Cooperation, Block Grant Awarded to CGPACS, P.I.,
Institute for Global Conflict and Cooperation, Block Grant Awarded to CGPACS, P.I.,
National Science Foundation, SES-0094550, “Art and War: Dynamics of International Norm
Change,” Principal Investigator, $109,998.
Center for Global Peace and Conflict Studies, “Globalization and Women,” P.I., $5,000.
Center for Global Peace and Conflict Studies, “Ending Executions: The Transnational
Movement Against Capital Punishment,” P.I., $6,000.
Institute for Global Conflict and Cooperation, Block Grant Awarded to GPACS, P.I.,
Institute for Global Conflict and Cooperation, grant for the UCI International Relations
Workshop, P.I., $3,880.
Center for German and European Studies, “The Institutionalization of European Space,”
Collaborative Research Project. Project co-director with Alec Stone Sweet, $51,000.
Sandholtz, p. 6
1994 - 95
Institute for Global Conflict and Cooperation, Block Grant awarded to Global Peace and
Conflict Studies, $12,500.
Institute for Global Conflict and Cooperation, Grant for the GPACS Faculty-Student
Research Program, $2,000.
Institute for Global Conflict and Cooperation, Grant for the GPACS Colloquium Series on
International Society and Institutions, $3,000.
Global Peace and Conflict Studies, grant to establish a Center for the Study of Regional
Integration. Project co-director with Alec Stone Sweet, $8,000.
Center for Global Peace and Conflict Studies, “Culture and Corruption: The International
Diffusion of Democratic Norms,” P.I., $6,000.
Center for Global Peace and Conflict Studies, “Trade Taboos: The Emergence of Ethical
Rules in International Society,” P.I., $7,000.
Committee for Instructional Development, UCI, “Nationalism and World Politics,” P.I.,
Center for German and European Studies (Berkeley), “European Integration and Domestic
Politics,” Co-P.I. with Alec Stone Sweet, $40,915.
Global Peace and Conflict Studies Faculty Research Grant, “European Integration and
Domestic Politics,” Co-P.I. with Russell Dalton and Alec Stone Sweet, $8,500.
Office of Research and Graduate Studies, UCI, Conference Research Support, “European
Integration and Domestic Politics,” P.I., $2,000.
Center for German and European Studies (Berkeley), Research Assistantship in European
Studies, P.I., $3,139.
Institute on Global Conflict and Cooperation Research Grant, “In Search of Union: The
Politics of Monetary Integration in Europe,” P.I., $15,000.
Center for German and European Studies (Berkeley), Research Assistantship in European
Studies, P.I., $3,139.
Center for German and European Studies, University of California, Berkeley, Junior Faculty
Travel Grant, “The Politics of European Monetary Integration,” P.I., $5,000.
German Marshall Fund of the United States Research Fellowship, “Choosing Union: The
Politics of European Monetary Integration,” P.I., $32,000.
Haynes Foundation Faculty Research Fellowship, “To Stem or Ride the Tide: Political
Responses to Foreign Direct Investment,” P.I., $6,000.
Stevenson Faculty Development Grant, Scripps College.
Research projects directed
2011 – present
2004 – 2008
1997 – 1999
1994 – 1997
Courts and the Globalization of Law
Dynamics of International Norm Change (co-director with Kendall Stiles)
The Institutionalization of European Space (co-director with Alec Stone Sweet)
European Integration and Domestic Politics (co-director with Alec Stone Sweet)
Invited presentations
“Stepping into the Gap: Innovation and Contestation in International Law,” International Workshop,
Practices of International Law: Contesting Norms, Negotiating Ambiguity, Cluster of Excellence
Formation of Normative Orders, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main, 3 – 4 July 2015.
Sandholtz, p. 7
“Law and Politics in a Trustee Court: Amnesty Laws and the Inter-American System,” Law and
Globalization Seminar, Yale Law School, 10 March 2015.
Keynote speaker, Global Justice Summit, University of California, Irvine School of Law, 30 January
“Law and Politics in a Trustee Court: Amnesty Laws and the Inter-American System,” Department of
Political Science, UCLA, 21 November 2014.
“Law, Politics, and Amnesties in the Inter-American System of Human Rights,” Center for the Study of
Democracy, University of California, Irvine, 20 October 2014.
Moderator, The Arab Uprisings: Crisis and Conflict in Egypt, Syria and Beyond, panel event, 19
September 2013. http://dornsife.usc.edu/news/stories/1498/bread-freedom-and-dignity.
“International Law in Domestic Courts,” International Law Society, UCI Law School, Irvine, CA, 15
April 2013.
“International Norms and Domestic Courts: the Distinctiveness of Law,” Workshop on What Makes
Legal Norms Distinctive, Catalytic Workshop, International Studies Association Annual
Convention, San Francisco, CA, 2 April 2013.
“Constitutions and Human Rights Treaties,” Faculty Workshop, USC Gould School of Law, 18 January
“Constitutions and Human Rights Treaty Commitments,” Northern California International Law Scholars
Conference, UC Berkeley School of Law, 7 September 2012.
“The 'War on Terror,' U.S. Military Assistance, and Human Rights,” Department of Political Science,
Brigham Young University, 15 December 2011.
“Prohibiting Plunder,” Lewis and Clark College, 25 February 2011.
“U.S. Military Assistance and Human Rights,” UC Research on International Conflict and Cooperation,
IGCC Southern California Symposium, UC Irvine, 14 January 2011.
“The Historical Development of the Crime of Pillage,” Conference on Corporate Liability for Pillaging
Natural Resources, Peace Palace, The Hague, 29 October 2010.
“Patterns of Death Penalty Abolition, 1960 – 2005,” International Comparative Sociology Workshop, UC
Irvine, 26 April 2010; with Anthony McGann.
“Human Rights, Legal Cultures, and the International Criminal Court,” School of Law, UC Irvine, 10
September 2008.
Panel chair and discussant, “Democracy and its Development,” 4th Annual Center for the Study of
Democracy Graduate Student Conference, 1 March 2008, UC Irvine.
“The Evolution of Cultural Property Protection in International Law,” opening speaker at the Spoils of
War v. Cultural Heritage conference, 8 – 9 February 2008, Harvard Law School.
“Human Rights, Legal Cultures, and the International Criminal Court,” Faculty Expert Series, Center for
Global Peace and Conflict Studies, 15 April 2008, UC Irvine.
Discussant, Improving Humanitarian Action: Comparing Human Rights and Human Security
Conference, University of California, Irvine, 2-3 February 2007.
“Women and Globalization,” paper presented at Yale Law School, 16 October 2006.
“Updating Spillover and Neo-functionalism,” Conference on the Political Economy of Regional
Integration, European Union Center of California, Claremont, CA, 18 November 2005.
“Europe, the United States, and the International Criminal Court,” Trans-Atlantic Relations Workshop,
Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs, Princeton University, 11-12
Sandholtz, p. 8
November 2005.
“The International Criminal Tribunals: Creating Authority,” Critical Legalities Symposium:
International Tribunals, Center in Law, Society and Culture and the Center for Global Peace and
Conflict Studies, UC Irvine, 11 October 2005.
“Creating Authority: The International Criminal Tribunals,” Conference on Virtual Governance: The
U.N. Security Council and the Legitimacy of International Authority, Northwestern University, 6
June 2005.
Panel Chair, “Sovereignty, the State, and Multilateral Institutions in International Human Rights,”
International Law Confronts the Global Economy Conference, Chapman University School of
Law, 24 February 2005, Orange, California.
“International Law and the Iraqi National Museum: A Duty to Protect?”, International Law Weekend
West, American Branch of the International Law Association, Whittier Law School, Costa Mesa,
CA, 5 February 2005.
Panelist, “The Judicial Construction of Europe,” symposium at the Yale Center for International and Area
Studies, Yale University, 15 November 2004.
Organizer and Panel Chair, “International Governance and Trans-boundary Resource Problems,” part of
the conference on Challenges of a Transboundary World, University of California, Irvine, 29
October 2004.
“Who Are the Europeans?”, Institute of International Studies, University of California, Berkeley, April 7,
“Globalization and Women,” Department of Political Science, Brigham Young University, 13 November
“Dynamics of International Norm Change,” Department of Political Science, George Washington
University, 17 October 2003.
“Construction Sites,” paper presented at the workshop on “(Re)Constructing Constructivism,” Center for
International Studies, University of Southern California, 6 October 2001.
“International Norms and National Corruption,” International Relations Colloquium, University of
California, Berkeley, 25 April 2001.
“International Norms and National Corruption,” Political Economy Group, Nuffield College, Oxford, 8
February 2001.
“European Integration and Supranational Governance,” Columbia University, New York, 8 February
“European Integration and Supranational Governance,” Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlantic
Political Economy Seminar, Atlanta, GA, 8 December 1997.
“Supranational Telecommunications Reform in Europe,” University of San Diego, 16 June 1997.
“European Integration and Supranational Governance,” paper presented at a conference organized by the
Institute on Global Conflict and Cooperation, UC San Diego, May 1997.
“Supranational Governance” and “The Emergence of a Supranational Telecommunications Regime,”
papers presented at seminars sponsored by the Department of Political Science and the Center for
West European Studies, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, April 1997.
“Rules, Reasons, and International Institutions,” Indiana University and Purdue University, Indianapolis,
October 1996.
“Membership Matters: The Limits of the Functional Approach to European Integration,” Robert
Schuman Centre, European University Institute, Fiesole, May 1996.
Sandholtz, p. 9
“Membership Matters: The Limits of the Functional Approach to International Institutions,” International
Relations Seminar, Department of Political Science, University of Washington, February 1995.
“Monetary Union: Tough Road Ahead, But No Road Behind,” Cenre d'Etudes et de Recherches
Internationales, Paris, September 1994.
“Monetary Meltdown: Explaining the European Exchange-Rate Crisis,” International Political Economy
Seminar, Cornell University, April 1994.
“Monetary Breakdown: Explaining the 1992-93 Crisis in Europe,” European Community Study Group,
University of California, Berkeley, March 1994
“Choosing Union: The Politics of European Monetary Integration,” presented at the Political Economy
Seminar of the Claremont Colleges, March 1992.
“The Dilemmas of Technological Competition in Comparative Perspective: Is it Guns vs. Butter?”
Berkeley Roundtable on the International Economy, April 1988.
Conference participation
Discussant, Northern California International Law Scholars, University of California, Davis School of
Law, 28 August 2015.
Paper presenter, “Law and Politics in a Trustee Court: Amnesty Laws and the Inter-American System,”
Law and Society Association Annual Conference, 28 May 2015, Seattle, WA.
Discussant, International Studies Association West Annual Conference, panel on “Development and the
Environment,” Pasadena, CA, 26 September 2014.
Paper presenter, “Implementing the International Criminal Court,” Annual Meetings of the American
Political Science Association, 29 August 2014, Washington, DC.
Paper presenter, “Juggling Rights, Juggling Politics: Amnesty Laws and the Inter-American Court,”
Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales – International Studies Association Joint
International Conference, 25 July 2014, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Paper presenter, “How Domestic Courts Use International Law,” Law and Society Association Annual
Conference, 29 May 2014, Minneapolis, MN.
Convener, Southern California International Law Scholars, Gould School of Law, University of Southern
California, 21 February 2014.
Paper presenter, “Implementing the International Criminal Court,” Southern California International Law
Scholars Workshop, Gould School of Law, University of Southern California, 21 February 2014.
Paper presenter, “The ‘War on Terror,’ U.S. Military Assistance, and Human Rights,” Midwest Political
Science Association Annual Conference, Chicago, IL, 14 April 2013.
Paper presenter, “Implementing the International Criminal Court,” World Congress of the International
Political Science Association, Madrid, 10 July 2012.
Paper presenter, “Treaties, Constitutions, Courts, and Human Rights,” American Society of International
Law, International Law in Domestic Courts Interest Group, BYU Law School, 16 December
Paper presenter, “Treaties, Constitutions, Courts, and Human Rights,” Research Committee on
Comparative Judicial Studies of the International Political Science Association, UC Irvine, 22
July 2011.
Paper presenter, “Creating Authority: The International Criminal Tribunals,” International Studies
Association Annual Convention, San Diego, CA, 24 March 2006.
Paper presenter, “Patterns of Death Penalty Abolition, 1960-2005: Domestic and International Factors,”
Sandholtz, p. 10
International Studies Association Annual Convention, San Diego, CA, 24 March 2006.
“Women and Globalization,” paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Political Science
Association, Chicago, IL, 5 September 2004.
“International Integration and National Corruption,” paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the
American Political Science Association, San Francisco, CA, 1 September 2001.
Discussant, panel on “European Union and the Process of European Integration,” meetings of the Western
Political Science Association, Los Angeles, CA, 20 March 1998.
“European Integration and Supranational Governance,” paper presented at the Fifth Biennial Conference
of the European Community Studies Association, Seattle, WA, 29 May - 1 June 1997.
Discussant, panel on “Telecommunications Reform in the EU,” Fifth Biennial Conference of the
European Community Studies Association, Seattle, WA, 29 May - 1 June 1997.
Discussant, “State and Sovereignty in the World Economy,” conference organized by the Focused
Research Program in State Studies, University of California, Irvine, February 1997.
“Supranational Governance” and “The Emergence of a Supranational Telecommunications Regime,”
papers presented at a conference sponsored by the Center for German and European Studies,
University of California, Berkeley, November 1996.
Discussant, “Quo Vadis Europa 2000?” conference sponsored by the UCLA Center for European and
Russian Studies, March 1995.
“International Institutional Theories and European Integration,” paper presented at the meetings of the
International Political Science Association, Berlin, August 1994.
“Membership Matters: The European Community and State Preferences,” paper presented at the Annual
Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Washington, DC, September 1993.
“Bargaining in the EC: The Case of Monetary Union,” paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the
Western Political Science Association, Pasadena, California, March 1993.
“The Politics of Monetary Union: Interests and Ideas,” paper presented at the conference of the European
Community Studies Association, George Mason University, May 1991.
“New Europe, New Telecommunications,” paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American
Political Science Association, San Francisco, August 30 - September 2, 1990.
“High-tech Europe: Adaptation and Cooperation,” paper presented at the Annual Meetings of the
American Political Science Association, Atlanta, Georgia, September 1989.
“Telematics Collaboration in Europe: A Case for Neo-liberal Analysis,” paper presented at the
Conference of the International Studies Association, London, March 1989.
Other presentations
Speaker, “Finding Solutions to Global Problems,” LIFT Conference (youth leadership), Soka University,
18 July 2008
“Lessons Learned in the Looting and Destruction of Artifacts of the Iraqi National Musuem: What were
the U.S. Obligations and What are the Ramifications?”, Orange County Bar Association,
International Law Section, Newport Beach, California, 18 July 2005.
“International Abolition of the Death Penalty,” panel hosted by Amnesty International UCI, Deadline:
Can We Abolish the Death Penalty?, University of California, Irvine, 3 November 2004.
“Europe, America, and International Law,” Academy for Lifelong Learning, Irvine, CA, February 4, 2004
“Economic and Monetary Integration in Europe,” World Affairs Council of San Diego, 10 April 1995
“The Troubled Construction of Europe,” Center for Global Peace and Conflict Studies Forum, June 1994
Sandholtz, p. 11
Outstanding Faculty Mentor Award, Pi Omicron Chapter (UCI) of Pi Sigma Alpha
Excellence in Teaching, Division of Undergraduate Education, Committee on Teaching
Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Research (awarded to UCI faculty who
most actively promote the involvement of undergraduate students in research)
Faculty Achievement Award in Research, Scripps College
Other professional activities
Editorial Board, Journal of European Public Policy (1997-2004)
Editorial Board, International Studies Quarterly (1995-1998)
Referee (last five years):
Acta Politica
American Journal of Political Science
American Journal of Sociology
American Political Science Review
British Journal of Political Science
Business and Society
Canadian Journal of Political Science
Comparative European Politics
Comparative Political Studies
Cornell University Press
Economics of Governance
Edward Elgar
European Journal of International Relations
European Journal of Political Research
European Political Science Review
Global Governance
International Interactions
International Journal of Comparative Sociology
International Journal of Cultural Property
International Organization
International Studies Quarterly
International Theory
Journal of Common Market Studies
Journal of Conflict Resolution
Journal of Development Studies
Journal of Economics and Statistics
Journal of Law and Courts
Journal of Politics
Journal of Public Policy
Law and Society Review
Lynne Rienner Publishers
Oxford University Press
Perspectives on Politics
Political Parties
Political Studies
Review of International Organizations
Review of International Political Economy
Social Problems
Social Science Journal
Social Science Quarterly
Social Science Research
Studies in Comparative Political Development
World Politics