The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton

The Outsiders
by S.E. Hinton
The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton
Based on novel's title and cover, predict the
theme of The Outsiders. Employ the following
model in your response.
After thorough analysis of the novel's title and
cover are, one can infer the theme of The
Outsiders by S.E. Hinton will prove
_________________ because
The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton
As we progress throughout the novel, ponder
the following question: Why is a group of
individuals classified as a gang?
Before we begin reading the text, analyze the
question above. Apply the following model in your
Clearly, a group of individuals remain a gang
when they execute the following activities:
___________, ____________, and __________.
The Outsiders Chapter 1 Discussion
Respond to each of the following questions in complete
sentences. In your answers, provide the author and book
title, restate the question, and cite evidence in order to
justify your answer.
1. Characterize Ponyboy.
2. Characterize Darry.
3. Characterize Sodapop.
4. Why is Danny so serious?
5. Do you ever act like Ponyboy, booksmart but failing to use
your head?
6. Determine the mood of Chapter 1. Why would the author
provide this mood?
7. Determine an internal conflict withing the novel. Why is this
conflict present?
The Outsiders Chapter 1 Discussion
Respond to each of the following questions in complete
sentences. In your answers, provide the author and book
title, restate the question, and cite evidence in order to
justify your answer.
8. Distinguish an internal conflict in the text. Why is this
conflict present?
9. Note the simile utilized to describe Darry's eyes. Why does
this simile portray is character?
10. Identify another simile in Ch. 1. Why was this simile used?
11. Why does the gang provide love and affection?
12. Answer Ponyboy's question: Why do the Socs hate us so
The Outsiders Chapter 1 Extension
Within the first chapter, the author provides vivid
descriptions of each main character as well as the two
rival gangs. Based on these depictions and
characterizations, compose a simile or a metaphor for
the each of the following roles or organizations. Employ
the following model in order to compose an exemplary
Clearly, a greaser (insert simile) as (note evidence from the
Clearly, a greaser endures like a snarling saffron lion, who is
content to remain lazy until provoked into a blistering rage as
when Ponyboy is being mugged, the entire gang surfaces to
his defense as a muscular, flaming-maned pride.
The Outsiders Chapter 1 Extension
Clearly, a Greaser (insert simile) as (note evidence from the
1. Greasers
2. Socs
3. Ponyboy
4. Johnny
5. Darry
6. Soda pop
7. Dally
8. Two-bit
9. Steve
10. A specific Soc
The Outsiders Chapter 2 Discussion
Respond to each of the following questions in complete
sentences. In your answers, provide the author and book
title, restate the question, and cite evidence in order to
justify your answer.
1. Characterize Dally.
2. Identify an internal conflict in the story. Why is this conflict
3. Distinguish an external conflict in the chapter. Why did the
author supply this external conflict?
4. Record the simile Cherry uses to describe Dally. Why is
this simile accurate?
5. Why does the gang choose not to defend Dally against Tim
The Outsiders Chapter 2 Discussion
Respond to each of the following questions in complete
sentences. In your answers, provide the author and book
title, restate the question, and cite evidence in order to
justify your answer.
6. Determine an example of imagery on page 31. Why does
this imagery serve as foreshadowing for Johnny's
7. Identify imagery used when the Socs jumped Johnny. Why
is this imagery effective?
8. Note the mood when Johnny is jumped. Why does the
author create this mood?
9. Identify the metaphor that describes Two-Bit's eyes on
page 32. Why did the author employ this metaphor?
10. List and example of hyperbole used on page 34. Why is
this hyperbole effective?
The Outsiders Chapter 2 Extension
Imagine Darry or Tim Shepard have commanded you to
compose a list of requirements for being a greaser. Trace
at least five mandates for enduring as a greaser, citing
pager numbers to support each rule. The entire list must
pull at least five pieces of evidence from the story.
If one desires evolve into a slanky, panther-like, greaser, one
must adhere to a strict series of guidelines. Fundamentally, a
greaser must possess lengthy, shaggy, greasy hair that flows
like that of a radiant lavender unicorn (3). Moreover, to truly
embrace the grease lifestyle, one must . . .
The Outsiders Chapter 3 Discussion
Respond to each of the following questions in complete
sentences. In your answers, provide the author and book
title, restate the question, and cite evidence in order to
justify your answer.
1. Predict a possible theme Cherry posits. Why is this theme
2. Note a flashback employed in the text. Why did the author
incorporate this flashback?
3. Why is the sunset imagery significant?
4. Why does the author supply the same simile to describe
Darry's eyes in chapter three as she does in chapter one?
5. According yobpage 243, why is the greaser gang unified?
6. Why does setting play an important role in the novel? Why
will Cherry not be able to greet Ponyboy at school?
The Outsiders Chapter 3 Discussion
Respond to each of the following questions in complete
sentences. In your answers, provide the author and book
title, restate the question, and cite evidence in order to
justify your answer.
7. Extrapolate (remove) the imagery on page 47. Why does
the author include this imagey?
8. Respond to Ponyboy's rhetorical scenario: what is it like
inside a burning ember? Employ vivid verbs and
adjectives in order to capture the essence if this image in
your writing.
9. Why is a country setting inviting to Ponyboy?
10. Analyze the mood when Darry hits Ponyboy. Why does
the author supply this mood?
The Outsiders Chapter 3 Discussion
Respond to each of the following questions in complete
sentences. In your answers, provide the author and book
title, restate the question, and cite evidence in order to
justify your answer.
11. Identify an example of foreshadowing provided at the end
of the chapter. Predict the scenario this statement
The Outsiders Chapter 3 Extension
Employing the CERCA method, compose and defend a
claim based upon the following question: Why do both
gangs don masks?
Note: The mask prove to be symbolic rather than literal.
Clearly, in The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton, both gangs don
masks in order to (assert your claim). For example, (record a
piece of specific evidence). Moreover, judging by this
evidence, one can infer (restate your claim). Although some
may disagree, overwhelmingly, (employ a different
vocabulary, assert your claim once more). Conclusively, due
to a preponderance of evidence, (rephrase your main idea).
The Outsiders Chapter 4 Discussion
Respond to each of the following questions in complete
sentences. In your answers, provide the author and book
title, restate the question, and cite evidence in order to
justify your answer.
1. Describe the setting. Why is setting significant at the
beginning of this chapter?
2. List the simile employed to describe Johnny on page fifty
four. Why is this simile effective?
3. Determine the mood of this chapter. Why does the author
fabricate this mood?
4. Why is external conflict potent within this chapter?
5. Record the simile Ponyboy thinks to himself on page fiftyeight. Why does he use this simile?
The Outsiders Chapter 4 Discussion
Respond to each of the following questions in complete
sentences. In your answers, provide the author and book
title, restate the question, and cite evidence in order to
justify your answer.
6. On page fifty-nine, why does Ponyboy infer that Cherry
might actually be infatuated with Dally? (Hint: Analyze
Dally's characterization.)
7. Why has Dally's character proven to be very beneficial to
Pony and Johnny?
8. Why is the country an important symbol in this chapter?
9. Why does Ponyboy and Johnny's style prove troublesome?
10. Sleeping and dreaming remain important symbols within
the chapter. Why does the author utilize them?
The Outsiders Chapter 4 Extension
Throughout the story, certain Soc symbols are repeated.
For example, Hinton supplies the imagery of Bob's rings
throughout the novel. Employing the CERCA method,
compose a paragraph responding to the following
question: Why are Bob's rings significant?
Clearly, in The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton, Bob's rings prove
significant because (note your claim). For example, (list a
specific piece of evidence). Moreover, (link your evidence to
your claim by providing reasoning). Although some may
disagree, overwhelmingly, (restate your claim). Conclusively,
upon analysis, one can infer (rephrase your claim once
The Outsiders Chapter 5 Discussion
Respond to each of the following questions in complete
sentences. In your answers, provide the author and book
title, restate the question, and cite evidence in order to
justify your answer.
1. Identify an example of imagery on page sixty nine. Why
does this imagery serve as foreshadowing?
2. Distinguish a hyperbole Ponyboy posits. Why does the
author employ this hyperbole?
3. Why is hair such a strong symbol to Ponyboy and the
4. Determine an internal conflict in the chapter. Why does the
author utilize this internal conflict?
5. On page seventy-three, note a simile posited by Ponyboy.
Why is the simile effective?
The Outsiders Chapter 5 Discussion
Respond to each of the following questions in complete
sentences. In your answers, provide the author and book
title, restate the question, and cite evidence in order to
justify your answer.
6. Why are Soda, Two-Bit, and Darry symbols for Ponyboy?
7. Examine the imagery supplied on page seventy-seven.
Why is this imagery significant?
8. Why does gold become a symbol within the novel?
9. Note the mood when Dally arrives at the church. Why is
this mood evident?
10. Analyze Dally's character. Why has Pony's impression of
Dally shifter throughout the novel?
The Outsiders Chapter 5 Extension
In the form of a short poem, compose a tribute to greaser
hair, inspired by evidence from the novel. Within the
poem, incorporate a simile, an example of
personification, and at least one example of imagery. Cite
page numbers to authenticate your evidence.
Like the mane of a saffron lion,
a greaser's slick tresses
gleam in the sunlight.
Glimmering, greasy hair
shines as it mugs Socs.
Within the pearly walls of a courtroom,
slippery tufts of greasy mane
flutter to an emerald floor (71).
The Outsiders Chapter 6 Discussion
Respond to each of the following questions in complete
sentences. In your answers, provide the author and book
title, restate the question, and cite evidence in order to
justify your answer.
1. On page eighty-six, Pony thinks of Cherry the Soc as
Cherry the dreamer who watched sunsets. Why is this
2. Why is the evolution in Ponyboy and Johnny's physical
characterization significant?
3. Examine the symbolism inherent in Johnny on page eightseven. Why is this symbolism effective?
4. Characterize Johnny on page eighty-eighty. Why is this
character trait significant within the novel?
5. Analyze the mood on pages eighty-nine and ninety. Why
does this mood germinate (begin)?
The Outsiders Chapter 6 Discussion
Respond to each of the following questions in complete
sentences. In your answers, provide the author and book
title, restate the question, and cite evidence in order to
justify your answer.
6. Record an example of imagery from the church fire. Why
does the author utilize this imagery?
7. In chapter six, Hinton provides the image of a burning
ember again. Why is this repetition significant to Ponyboy?
8. Characterize Johnny on page ninety-two. Why does
Johnny's character here differ from his character
throughout the rest of the novel?
9. When Dally knocks him unconscious, why does Ponyboy
refer to it as a “peaceful darkness”?
10. Jerry asks if the boys have been sent from heaven. Why
is this image ironic (contradictory, containing opposites)?
The Outsiders Chapter 6 Discussion
Respond to each of the following questions in complete
sentences. In your answers, provide the author and book
title, restate the question, and cite evidence in order to
justify your answer.
11. Determine the mood on page ninety-eight. Why is that
mood significant?
The Outsiders Chapter 6 Extension
As the novel unfolds, Johnny's character evolves into a
multifaceted jewel. Employing the CERCA method,
analyze the following question: Why has Johnny's
character changed over the course of the novel?
Clearly, in The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton, Johnny's
character has changed throughout the novel because (note
your claim). For example, (list a specific piece of evidence).
Moreover, (link your evidence to your claim by providing
reasoning). Although some may disagree, overwhelmingly,
(restate your claim). Conclusively, upon analysis, one can
infer (rephrase your claim once more).
The Outsiders Chapter 7 Discussion
Respond to each of the following questions in complete
sentences. In your answers, provide the author and book
title, restate the question, and cite evidence in order to
justify your answer.
1. Determine the metaphor Ponyboy asserts to describe
Sodapop on page 101. Why does the author include this
2. Why is the dream motif repeated on page 101?
3. List an example of imagery found on page 102. Why does
this imagery reinforce the chapter's grim mood?
4. Why would the greasers look younger when they sleep?
5. Darry drinks black coffee. Why is this symbolic of his
The Outsiders Chapter 7 Discussion
Respond to each of the following questions in complete
sentences. In your answers, provide the author and book
title, restate the question, and cite evidence in order to
justify your answer.
6. Identify a flashback within the chapter. Why did the author
supply the flashback?
7. Once more, dreams remain prominent. Why is Ponyboy's
dream significant?
8. Note an example of imagery on page 112. Why does the
author supply this imagery?
9. Why does the blue Mustang continuously supply
10. Based on pages 116 and 117, analyze Randy's character.
Why does his character contrast with the information
presented on Socs thus far?
The Outsiders Chapter 7 Discussion
Respond to each of the following questions in complete
sentences. In your answers, provide the author and book
title, restate the question, and cite evidence in order to
justify your answer.
11. After analyze the information presented thus far in the
novel, predict a possible theme for the text. Why does the
author posit this theme?
The Outsiders Chapter 7 Discussion
Compose a journal entry for Randy which depicts his
reflections upon the novel's main conflict. Cite at least
five pieces of evidence within your reflection.
We made a mistake. Clearly, Bob could be an atrocious
person at times; however, he remained my best friend
throughout my entire life (116). These days, his mother weeps
continually (116). The thought of scrapping with the greasers
churns my stomach. Clenching fists, flicking blades, these
actions only result in death and pain (116) . . .
The Outsiders Chapter 8 Discussion
Respond to each of the following questions in complete
sentences. In your answers, provide the author and book
title, restate the question, and cite evidence in order to
justify your answer.
1. Determine the simile used to describe Johnny on page
120. Why did the author employ this simile?
2. Infer the mood on page 121. Why is this mood evident?
3. Based on the information provided on page 123,
characterize Johnny's mother. Why is this characterization
4. Identify an example of foreshadowing on page 125. Why
might Dally request the switchblade?
5. Cherry mentions Bob's rings once more. Why do Bob's
rings become a symbol within the book?
The Outsiders Chapter 8 Discussion
Respond to each of the following questions in complete
sentences. In your answers, provide the author and book
title, restate the question, and cite evidence in order to
justify your answer.
6. Note an example of imagery on page 130. Why is this
imagery significant?
7. Near the end of the chapter, why does setting prove
paramount (important)?
8. Record an internal conflict Ponyboy experiences. Why
does the author supply this conflict?
9. Based on the information provided on page 123,
characterize Ponyboy's mother. Why does Hinton provide
this characterization?
10. On the hospital bed, why does Johnny request a copy of
Gone with the Wind? Why is the novel symbolic?
The Outsiders Chapter 8 Extension
Fabricate the news paper article concerning the church
fire. Focus on one of the following characters: Ponyboy,
Johnny, or Dally. Incorporate substantive evidence
concerning each character's background and their role in
the rescue. Cite at least five pieces of evidence in your
Recently, local hoodlum Johnny Cade engaged in an
extremely heroic gesture: soaring into an inferno order to
rescue several small children (92). Splintering a rickety
window, Johnny began tossing the children out to safety (92).
Sweat flowing down his face, embers flickering within his
sable eyes, Johnny remained firm (92).
The Outsiders Chapter 9 Discussion
Respond to each of the following questions in complete
sentences. In your answers, provide the author and book
title, restate the question, and cite evidence in order to
justify your answer.
1. Why do Darry, Soda, and Ponyboy spruce themselves up
before a rumble?
2. Analyze the imagery on page 132. Why does the author
supply this imagery?
3. Infer the mood on page 136. Why would the author supply
this sort of mood before a fight?
4. Why does Pony question the greasers concerning why
they fight?
5. Characterize Tim Shepard.
6. Why does the author contrast Darry and Tim Shepard?
The Outsiders Chapter 9 Discussion
Respond to each of the following questions in complete
sentences. In your answers, provide the author and book
title, restate the question, and cite evidence in order to
justify your answer.
7. Why does Darry evolve into a symbol for Ponyboy?
8. Distinguish the metaphor Ponyboy utilized to describe Tim.
Why does Pony employ this metaphor?
9. Analyze the imagery on page 140. Why does the author
supply this imagery?
10. Analyze Ponyboy's internal conflict on page 140. Why is
Ponyboy troubled?
11. Hinton toys with appearance versus reality throughout the
book, noting items are not as they appear. Why does
Ponyboy analyze appearance versus reality on page 141?
The Outsiders Chapter 9 Discussion
Respond to each of the following questions in complete
sentences. In your answers, provide the author and book
title, restate the question, and cite evidence in order to
justify your answer.
12. Analyze Johnny's definition of happiness on page 148.
List the two options Dally presents; why does Dally select
one over the other?
13. Why is gold symbolic?
The Outsiders Chapter 9 Extension
Record a sports commentary detailing the rumble. In
your response, cite specific evidence from the text.
Incorporate at least six pieces of textual evidence in your
Ladies and gentlemen, the rumble flashes into action as
Paul slugs Darry with a cheap blow when his back was turned
(143). Ponyboy leaps onto the nearest Soc and begins
pummeling incessantly (143). Unfortunately, the Soc pins
Ponyboy and beats the child without remorse (144).
Thankfully, Darry sprints to assist Pony, bashing his assailant
with an authoritative blow (144) . . .
The Outsiders Chapter 10
Discussion Questions
Respond to each of the following questions in complete
sentences. In your answers, provide the author and book
title, restate the question, and cite evidence in order to
justify your answer.
1. Record an example of hyperbole on page 150. Why does
Ponyboy employ this hyperbole?
2. Why was Johnny a symbol for Dally?
3. Why does Dally possess a look of grim triumph as he is
4. Determine Ponyboy's tone on page 154. Why does the
author provide this tone?
5. Characterize Darry on page 157. Why can one assert
Darry has evolved?
6. Identify an example of imagery provided on page 160. Why
does Hinton supply this imagery?
The Outsiders Chapter 10
Discussion Questions
Respond to each of the following questions in complete
sentences. In your answers, provide the author and book
title, restate the question, and cite evidence in order to
justify your answer.
7. Note the metaphor Ponyboy asserts on page 155. Why
does the author employ this metaphor?
8. Infer an example of flashback provided within the chapter.
Why is this flashback significant?
9. Why does Johnny's passing affect each greaser so
10. Record an external conflict present in the chapter. Why is
this conflict significant?
The Outsiders Chapter 10 Extension
Reflect upon Dally's death. Applying the CERCA method,
analyze the following question: Why is his death less
significant to the town than Johnny's?
Clearly, in The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton, Johnny's
character has changed throughout the novel because (note
your claim). For example, (list a specific piece of evidence).
Moreover, (link your evidence to your claim by providing
reasoning). Although some may disagree, overwhelmingly,
(restate your claim). Conclusively, upon analysis, one can
infer (rephrase your claim once more).
The Outsiders Chapter 11
Discussion Questions
Respond to each of the following questions in complete
sentences. In your answers, provide the author and book
title, restate the question, and cite evidence in order to
justify your answer.
1. Why is the house setting significant on page 163?
2. Note an example of imagery on page 164. Why is this
imagery significant?
3. Characterize Ponyboy based on the information provided
on page 165.
4. Why is the term “little buddy” significant for Ponyboy?
5. Record the mood at the end of the chapter. Why does the
author supply this mood?
6. Characterize Randy in this chapter.
7. Characterize Bob based on the information provided within
this chapter.
The Outsiders Chapter 11
Discussion Questions
Respond to each of the following questions in complete
sentences. In your answers, provide the author and book
title, restate the question, and cite evidence in order to
justify your answer.
8. Note an external conflict within this chapter. Why is this
conflict significant?
9. Record an internal conflict within this chapter. Why is this
conflict significant.
10. Analyze the symbolism of the books strewn throughout
Ponyboy's room.
11. Discern an instance of hyberbole within the chapter. Why
does the author employ this hyperbole?
12. Expound (explain) the symbolism of Randy's feelings
throughout the chapter.
The Outsiders Chapter 11 Extension
Narrate the events of Bob's murder from Ponyboy's
current state of mind. Note how Ponyboy's recollection
differs from the events provided for the reader earlier in
the text. Cite evidence from the text to support your
Cool, autumn air tickled my nostrils. Fear crept through my
veins as glacial ice. Suddenly, a Soc gripped Johnny and
flung his face into the frigid fountain. Arms flailing, Johnny
struggled to escape. Deliberately, Bob approached me, a
silverly blade glimmering beside his precious rings . . . (57,
The Outsiders Chapter 12
Discussion Questions
Respond to each of the following questions in complete
sentences. In your answers, provide the author and book
title, restate the question, and cite evidence in order to
justify your answer.
1. Note the mood on page 168. Why is this mood evident?
2. Record an instance of foreshadowing on page 170. Why
does the author provide this foreshadowing?
3. Characterize Ponyboy on page 171. Why has Ponyboy's
character shifted over the course of the novel?
4. Determine the metaphor Soda employs on page 175. Why
does he utilize this metaphor?
5. On page 176, characterize Sodapop.
6. Why does Soda possess the deepest understanding out of
all the brothers?
The Outsiders Chapter 12
Discussion Questions
Respond to each of the following questions in complete
sentences. In your answers, provide the author and book
title, restate the question, and cite evidence in order to
justify your answer.
7. List an instance of imagery found on page 177. Why is this
imagery paramount (extremely important)?
8. On page 178, why does Two-Bit's switchblade prove
9. Why does Johnny believe gold is an important symbol?
10. Likewise, why is green a significant symbol?
The Outsiders Chapter 12 Extension
Compose a paragraph which echoes Ponyboy's theme assignment
at the end of the novel. Analyze an important event in your life, and
record it in vivid detail. Additionally, if you do not possess an
extravagant memory, you may slightly alter a memory of your own
as many of us will not remember events as tragic as those
presented in The Outsiders.
Chestnut leaves flickered in a lonely autumn wind as I scuffled across
the silvery sidewalk. I had never been one to be really emotional, but
something about Dayna affected me, like a gear grinding in a glinty Rolex
watch, ticking without keeping time. With a stuttering beat, my heart
clicked, but it measured the fleeting seconds as minutes, minutes as
hours. Swirling grains of coffee grounds, my reality shifted; my world
When we said goodbye, tears slipped down her cheeks, droplets of
water sliding along the glassy surface of a December icicle. I can't stand
watching girls cry, so I glanced away.