Learner Support Assessment Policy

Author:Learning Support
Valid Until: December 2016
Category: Student
Learner Support Assessment Policy
AIM: To provide a reasonable assessment service for full-time and parttime learners and to provide learning support, where appropriate,
to enable the learner to achieve their primary learning goal.
Learner Support Assessment Policy
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Pre-Entry ............................................................................. 3
Learners with Learning Difficulties and / or Disabilities ................... 3
Full-Time Learners ............................................................... 3
Part-Time Learners .............................................................. 3
Collection of Data and Further Assessment ..................................... 5
On Course ............................................................................ 5
Consultation ......................................................................... 6
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Learners with Learning Difficulties and / or Disabilities
Students with learning difficulties and disabilities will be identified
prior to the commencement of their course. Detailed information
and assessment records are received from school and any external
agencies involved. This information is processed and recorded on
the ALS Spreadsheet and used to inform the provision of appropriate
Where specific care needs are identified external agencies may be
involved in providing training, development, equipment, personal
care and advice on the structure of day.
Students with specific learning difficulties will be provided with
appropriate screening materials and support where it is required.
Where Sensory Inclusion Services are involved with students with
visual or hearing impairments, they conduct the appropriate
assessments including risk assessments and provide advice and
guidance to the Learning Support Team.
Full-Time Learners
All full-time students will undertake the BKSBLive Initial Screening
assessment on starting college. The Learning Support Manager will
liaise with Heads of School and Programme Managers over the
screening results in order to identify learning support needs as early
as possible. Special arrangements may be made to accommodate
students with visual, hearing or physical impairments during this
assessment process.
Part-Time Learners
Part-time learners on courses of more than 6 hours per week,
lasting for more than 10 weeks, will be given the Initial Screening
assessment where appropriate and in discussion with the Head of
School. This will be administered via written or computerised
assessment. Students requiring special arrangements will need to
be identified prior to the assessment. The assessment will be
carried out during the induction period of the course.
Learners enrolled on Modern Apprenticeships will be asked to
complete an Initial Screening Test (paper based). Where
apprentices identify additional learning needs, advice is sought from
the Learning Support Manager.
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All other part-time and Community Education learners will be issued
with a comprehensive self-assessment checklist which they will be
asked to complete to identify support issues.
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Collection of Data and Further Assessment
Learning support data is captured on full-time and part-time
enrolment forms.
Additional information relating to full-time learners regarding
learning support and medical needs is collected at interview, from
schools and external agencies and is recorded on Pro Solutions
under and Pro Monitor.
Where a learner has an EHCP or a Statement of Special Educational
Needs copies of SEN paperwork and Moving Forward Plans
paperwork is also received from schools and the Future Focus Teams
working as part of the local authority. This information will be
shared with Heads of School, and teaching staff using Pro Solutions ,
in full consultation with the learner. All this confidential
information is stored securely in the Learner Centre Plus.
Where the initial screening assessment gives cause for concern,
further assessment can be provided. This may be requested by the
learner or tutor where they have concerns about a student’s
performance or progress.
On Course
Support will be provided following an analysis of need, type of
course and course assessment criteria, in consultation with Heads of
Assessments for exam arrangements are undertaken by Specialist
Assessors based in the Learner Centre Plus. Learners requiring exam
arrangements are identified as part of the application and
enrolment process. Where learners have not previously had exam
arrangements they can request screening and assessment. Tutors
may refer learners who have not previously been identified as
having an Additional Learning Need for assessment. Priority is given
to assessments for exam arrangements.
Diagnostic assessment will be available via the Bridge Centre for
those students identified and accessing the Bridge Centre.
The information gathered through Learning Support reviews and
Learning Support records will be used to assess support levels and
the impact of support. This will inform feedback to Heads of School
and curriculum areas.
Learning Support needs will be monitored and reviewed termly
through the Inclusive Learning Networks.
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Learners will be informed of the outcome of all assessments and
provided with feedback.
The results of the Initial Screening Assessment will be used to
inform appropriate support for learners in consultation with Heads
of School.
Learners are given the opportunity of a confidential interview to
discuss their needs.
Learners borrowing and using learning support equipment/software
will be asked to provide feedback and the loan will be monitored
and reviewed termly.
For High Needs learners the annual and termly reviews will be used
to monitor support to ensure learner needs are being met and to
ascertain whether support should be extended or reduced.
Where specific support in the Bridge Centre is identified and
negotiated with the learner, it will become part of the learning
entitlement and hence obligatory for the student to attend.
The views of learners will be recorded and used to monitor and
review support provision as part of the Learner voice and cross
college Learner Involvement Strategy.
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