Rutland Senior Secondary School Thank goodness it’s June Student Year-End Handbook 2014-2015 Congratulations to the Grad Class of 2015! June 2 – 5 Monday, June 8 Tuesday, June 9 Wednesday, June 10 Thursday, June 11 Friday, June 12 Monday, June 15 Tuesday, June 16 Wednesday, June 17 Thursday, June 18 Friday-Monday June 19-24 Tuesday, June 23 Thursday, June 25 Friday, June 26 Interim Week Acting 12 Performance, 7 pm every evening in Voodoo Theatre Doors open at 6:45 and the show starts at 7:00 pm Tickets are $7.00 for adults and $5.00 for students Grad Ceremony tickets available in Room 1264 at 12:10 pm Gr. 11 Assembly, 11:30 am Grad Ceremony tickets available in Room 1264 at 12:10 pm Choir Concert, 7:30 pm Grad Ceremony tickets available in Room 1264 at 12:10 pm Band Concert, 7:30 pm Grad Ceremony tickets available in Room 1264 at 12:10 pm Athletic Banquet, 7:00 pm Extra Grad tickets available from Darryl at 8:00 am in main office Early lunch (11:15 am) for all grade 12 students. Mandatory rehearsal at Trinity Baptist Church – bus leaves at 11:45 from front of school. Grads attending Dry Grad must ride the bus to the ceremonies and be at RSS no later than 5:30 pm Commencement ceremonies at Trinity Baptist Church: doors open at 6:00 pm, ceremony at 7:00 pm Dry Grad starts at 10:30 pm Yearbook distribution in the gym at lunch Homeroom (9:00 – 9:15 am) 2015-2016 timetables, fee and overdue book statements distributed. Locker clean-out; please remove locks and contents from your locker. Return locks to homeroom teacher. In-school exams. Adjusted Bell Schedule – Day 1 (B/A) Math, English, Modern Language texts returned to room 2048 (across from Ms Sladen's room) Social Studies and Science texts returned to the library Voodoo Café now closed for remainder of year Counselors are not available for course changes In-school exams. Adjusted Bell Schedule – Day 2 (D/C) Textbooks returned if not needed Counsellors are available for course changes Provincial exams – See schedule included Last chance to make timetable changes for 2015-2016 Textbooks and library books are due Counsellors are available for course changes Counsellors are available for course changes Academic Awards Ceremony at Willow Park Church, 7:00 pm Homeroom from 9:00 -10:30 am Report cards 10:30 buses depart Students who owe for fees, missing library books or textbooks go to Forum to settle outstanding items before collecting report card. Counsellors are available for course changes School closes for summer break BELL SCHEDULE FOR INSCHOOL EXAMS IF CLASS DOES NOT HAVE FINAL EXAM, CLASS IS STILL IN SESSION Wednesday, June 17 School Exams – Day 1 (B/A) Please follow exam bell schedule Block B 9:00-9:30 Teachers deal with year-end administrative tasks/review Block A 9:30-9:45 BREAK 9:45-11:45 Sessional Exams or regular class 11:45-12:30 LUNCH 12:30-1:00 Teachers deal with year-end administrative tasks/review 1:00-1:15 BREAK 1:15 – 3:15 Sessional Exams or regular class Thursday, June 18 Last day of Semester 2 classes – Day 2 (D/C) School Exams – please follow exam bell schedule Block D 9:00-9:30 Teachers deal with year-end administrative tasks/review Block C 9:30-9:45 BREAK 9:45-11:45 Sessional Exams or regular class 11:45-12:30 LUNCH 12:30-1:00 Teachers deal with year-end administrative tasks/review 1:00-1:15 BREAK 1:15 – 3:15 Sessional Exams or regular class SUMMER AND SEPTEMBER CALENDAR Monday, August 31 School office re-opens 9:00 am – 4:00 pm Tuesday, Sept. 1 Counsellors are available 9:00 am – 2:00 pm Course changes – Grade 12 LINK Training for Gr. 11/12 Leaders Wednesday, Sept. 2 Counsellors are available 9:00 am – 3:00 pm Course changes – Grade 11 Grade 9 Orientation (9:00-3:00 pm with BBQ lunch) Thursday, Sept. 3 Counsellors available 9:00 am – 3:00 pm Course changes – Grade 10 Grade 10 Orientation (9:00 to 3:00 with BBQ lunch) Friday, Sept. 4 Counsellors available 9:00 – 3:00 pm Elective course changes – Grade 9 Tuesday, Sept. 8 First day of classes – Gr. 9 and 10's only, ABCD Day Early dismissal at 12:00 pm Buses at 12:05 pm Staff meeting in afternoon Wednesday, Sept. 9 All students attend – regular classes begin AB Day YEAR-END AND PROVINCIAL EXAM INFORMATION 1. The Provincial examination schedules are on the following page. All other exams will be written during class time. It is the student’s responsibility to know when their exams are scheduled and to be on time to write them. Students are expected to be sitting in the exam area 10 minutes before the exam begins. Don’t be late! 2. Provincial exams must be written as per examination schedule. The same applies for school exams, which are arranged by individual subject teachers. Please do not ask for advanced sitting for final examinations because of jobs or early vacations. The school cannot give permission for absences that are not medical in nature. Missed exams will count as zero unless there is an acceptable excuse. Government exams which are missed must be written at the next sitting of the exam (August, November or January). 3. The bell schedule will be altered on June 17 and 18 to create a long exam period during which in-class exams will be written (refer to schedule on previous page for times). Students must remain in classes throughout this time period to ensure that all students have a quiet environment in which to write their final exams. 4. Provincial Grade 10 - 12 exams will be written as per the schedule on the following page. All other final exams will be written in the regular classroom. Quiet in hallways is the order of the day during our year-end exams. 5. Students must bring identification, a pencil, eraser, and a pen for all exams. Any special equipment, such as calculators, rulers, protractors, etc. is also the responsibility of the student. 6. Students must bring all textbooks not previously returned to the examinations and return them to the cart as they enter the gym. 7. Regular bus service will run from June 19 to 24. On June 25, buses arrive at 8:45 am and depart school at 10:30 am. June 2015 Provincial Exam Schedule Students should arrive 10 – 15 minutes prior to their exam and come prepared with I.D., calculator, eraser, and at least one pen and pencil. All back packs, purses, cell phones will be left at the back of gym. Students must return textbooks no later than the exam date otherwise costs will be added to your student fees! Students must bring PHOTO identification with them to the exam. Exams are ordered by student LEGAL last name. DATE TIME EXAM FORMAT ROOM Paper Gym BC First Nations Studies 12 Friday June 19 Monday June 22 9:00 am – 12:00 pm Science 10 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm English12 Paper Gym 9:00 am – 12:00 pm Communications 12 Paper Gym Paper Gym Apprenticeship and Workplace Math 10 Tuesday June 23 9:00 am – 12:00 pm Wednesday June 24 9:00 am – 12:00 pm English 10 Paper Gym 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm Social Studies 11 Paper Gym Foundations of Math and Pre-Calculus 10 Students who do not write exams in June can register to write their exams on August 10-12, at Hollywood Road Education Services by going to: and clicking on the August Provincial Exam Registration link. TIMETABLE CHANGES FOR THE 2015-2016 SCHOOL YEAR Counsellors will be available in the week prior to school re-opening to do very limited timetable changes as timetables will be distributed June 16, and counsellors are available for course changes June 18 – 25. Students are expected to have solved any timetable changes or requests prior to September. Course changes will be allowed if there is a valid reason and if it will not overload another class. LOCKERS, LOCKS AND LOCKER CONTENTS Lockers are to be completely emptied and cleaned out by Tuesday, June 16, with locks returned to homeroom teachers. Clean-out includes removing photos and tape, erasing any writing in and on the lockers, and generally returning them to the state they were in when you arrived in September. Unnecessary items must be removed. Students who do not return the lock assigned to them will be assessed a $10.00 fee TEXTBOOKS Math, English, Modern Language texts returned to room 2048 (across from Ms Sladen's room). Social Studies and Science texts returned to the library Assessment for lost or damaged texts will take place on June 23 (with the exception of provincially examinable subjects). Parents should encourage their children to return all textbooks that have been issued by the school. The search for missing texts should begin now. Not only will they be needed for final studying, but their monetary value is surprisingly high. Please help us avoid charging you for textbooks that could have been located. Texts kept for studying right up to Provincial examinations may be returned to the cart in the gym, or the Math, English, Modern Language texts can be returned to room 2048 (across from Ms Sladen's room), and Social Studies and Science texts returned to the library OUTSTANDING FEES Do you owe money for past fees, project fees, or to the library for this year? Please pay attention to the updated fee statement that will be distributed in Homerooms. Outstanding fee invoices will prevent students from picking up their report cards on June 25 at 9:00 am. GRADE 11 STUDENTS Grade 11 students who have a job confirmed for the summer months can sign up for Work Experience 12 in the Career/Counseling Center until the end of June. Those students who have already signed up at the Career Centre do not need to sign up again. REPORT CARDS Report cards will be issued to students during our last day of school on Thursday, June 25 from 9:00 – 10:30 am. If students do not pick them up at this time, the report cards can be picked up at the office during the first week of July and the last week of August. Unclaimed report cards will not be mailed home. LIBRARY BOOKS The value of any library books NOT returned by Tuesday, June 23 will be added to the student’s fee statement. YEARBOOKS Yearbooks will be distributed in the gym during lunch on June 15 unless there are outstanding fees. Please take care of your balance at the office. Please be careful about what you write in other students' yearbooks. This is a memory book you will keep for many years to come. GRADUATION All Grade 12 students need to complete the online Post-Secondary Institutions (PSI) Selections Form at Even if a student is currently not interested in attending post-secondary, they should still choose to forward their transcript to all BC Electronic PSI’s. The School Board Office receives significant requests in summer for transcripts from students who did not complete the PSI form and have now decided to attend post-secondary. Please ensure that your Grade 12 student’s address is correct. At the end of July, the Ministry of Education will mail Grade 12 Transcripts to the student’s address provided by the school. If you move during the summer, you will need to submit your address change directly to the Ministry via email or fax (250) 356-9460. Include student’s full legal name and Personal Education Number (PEN). Please review your report card thoroughly when you receive it on June 25. If a letter grade does not appear in the ”Final Mark” column of your report card beside all Grade 10 - 12 courses, which are not provincially examinable, you will not receive credit for that course by the Ministry of Education. Please immediately bring these omissions to the attention of Mrs. Neid in the office. A missing mark could prevent you from officially graduating in August. RESULTS Your statement of examination results and transcript of grades will be electronically available to you on the Ministry website:, 6 weeks after the exam is written. You will need your “Student PEN” number, which is listed on your report card, in order to view exam results. FIXING TRANSCRIPT PROBLEMS If you find a problem on your transcript, please contact the school in September. Diplomas can be picked up in the office in September. PASSPORT TO EDUCATION All Passports to Education will be determined at the end of August once all provincial results are received. Grade 12 students will be contacted by mail to collect their Passports to Education during the first two weeks of September. This is the last year for Passports. GRADE 12 RE-READS OF PROVINCIAL EXAMS As determined and outlined by the Ministry of Education, re-reads of provincial exams can occur, but you should be aware that the number of reported changes from re-reads is minimal. A re-read might be an option when an exam result has a great impact on a student’s standing. The procedure is as follows: 1. A paper is re-read for a fee of $50. Cheques payable to the Ministry of Finance. 2. Students apply in writing by filling out a Re-Read Request Form (available from our office) and sending it to the Data Management and Student Certification Branch of the Ministry. 3. Requests for re-reads must be postmarked by mid-October. RE-WRITES OF ALL PROVINCIAL EXAMS Re-writes must be completed within one year of the initial examination attempt. The best examination percentage combined with your school percentage will be used to calculate your final mark. The August, November, January, April, and June examination schedules are possible re-write times for students writing Grade 10-12 Provincial Exams this June. AUGUST EXAMS Students who do not write exams in June can register to write their exams from August 10-12, at Hollywood Road Education Services. In order to register, go to: and click on the August Provincial Exam Registration link. Have a safe and happy summer!