AP ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE STUDENT DISCLOSURE East High School Mr. Rob Durham Robert.Durham@slcschools.org The Course: This is a full year course and is one of three science courses required for graduation. This is an AP course. The topics we will discuss are determined by the College Board. AP curriculum information: http://apcentral.collegeboard.com/apc/public/courses/teachers_corner/2128.html The Content: You will learn about, examine, and investigate information that is extremely relevant to you as a citizen of the world. In this class, we will learn about the Earth’s natural process and how humans are altering these processes. We will also learn about what can be done to help solve or mitigate the extent of environmental problems and damage caused by humans. Since this is an AP course, there will be a heavy emphasis on analytical thinking and writing. AP Test It will be highly recommended that all students take the APES test at the end of the year. The test is expensive, costing approximately $85. The cost for a fee waiver is about $15. Format and Procedures The students will receive credit over the course of the year by engaging in a variety of class assignments and activities. These may include: warm-ups, class notes, labs, activities, question sheets, quizzes, tests, projects and videos (one rated PG-13). For labs and activities, along with receiving an assignment score, students will often receive a participation score for the quality of their participation. Supplies: Students will be required to have the following items in class daily: Pen, pencil, highlighter, and East High 3 ring binder. Approximately 900 flash cards will be required. The student can purchase their own, use ones I provide, or download Quizlet (free) and make flashcards on phone/computer. Certain art supplies like colored pencils are recommended but not required. Students are required to pay a $20 lab fee for the course. (Covered by fee waivers) Textbook: Each student will be assigned the following textbook: Environmental Science for AP* ISBN: 071673849X. This textbook will be the student’s responsibility. You will be required to bring your book to each class. Labs: In class, labs may encompass a variety of activities, including laboratory experiments, hands on activities, diagramming and drawing exercises, etc… Students can expect to complete multiple labs per term throughout the year. Safety: Safety will be a critical concern this year because APES is a lab science. Each student will be trained in proper safety procedures for the lab. Students that do not follow safety guidelines and place the safety of another person at risk will not be allowed to participate in class labs. The National Science Teachers Association recommends that laboratory science classes have 24 or fewer students for safety reasons. There are inherent risks that make it critical for students to always be safety minded. Expectations: Students are expected to come to class on time and prepared. Students are expected to give their best effort during the class time and should be ready to participate on a daily basis. Classroom expectations will be posted in the classroom: Follow directions from the teacher Come to class on time and prepared and sit in your assigned seat Be respectful of the teacher, other students, and property No bullying insulting other students No electronic devices (cell phones, ipods, etc…) or headphones and ear buds *All school rules and policies apply in class. (for example: dress code)* Salt Lake City School District does not discriminate on the basis of age, color, disability, national origin, pregnancy, race, religion, or sex. Late work: Late work will only be accepted for 50% credit. Work is considered late if it is not in the class when the bell rings. Late work for a specific chapter will only be accepted until the test is taken for that chapter. Late work and make-up work will be updated in Power School each Monday. Absence: Students will be able to make up work for full credit only if they have an excused absence. Excusal notes will only be accepted for one week after the absence. Students who are absent from class will be responsible for finding out what was missed during their absence and should plan on meeting with me before or after school. Students with excused absences will have one week to make up the work without penalty. Students will only receive 50% credit for work missed due to an unexcused absence, this includes tests and quizzes. Homework: Homework and class work will be assigned weekly. Assignments will be checked regularly and students are expected to complete each assignment on time. Electronic Devices: Electronic devices like cell phones and i-pods cannot be used during class, unless use is part of an assignment. If devices are being used inappropriately, I will ask for the device to be put away. The same applies for headphones and ear buds. If the devices becomes a regular problem, other measures will be taken. This may include taking the devices and contacting parents. Student may also lose classroom participation points, if device is being used during a lab or activity. These devices may never be used on a test or quiz. Honor Code: Students are expected to complete their own work. Copying any portion of an assignment from another student, or allowing another student to copy any portion of your assignment is considered cheating. This applies to classwork, homework, labs, quizzes, tests, and projects. Students will not be given credit for work when cheating is involved. Grade percentages: A student’s term grade will be calculated based on the following category percentages: 20%--Class work and homework 40% --Quizzes and labs 40 % --Tests and projects Many of the assignments will be graded in class but the scores will never be made public. Grades will be updated on a weekly basis. Parents are encouraged to check PowerSchool to monitor student progress. Term grades: All assignments must be handed in by the Wednesday prior to term end. End of term grades are final except for rare circumstances (prolonged illness) and any changes to end of term grades must be made within a week of term end. Grading Scale: This class will be using a four point grading scale. Please see the attached letter for additional information. 4=Highly proficient, 3=Proficient, 2=Near proficient, 1=Not proficient 3.7-4.0 =A 2.7-3.0= B 1.7-2.0= C 0.7-1.0= D 3.4-3.6=A2.4-2.6= B1.4-1.6= C0.4-0.7= D3.1-3.3=B+ 2.1-2.3= C+ 1.1-1.3= D+ 0-0.3 = F Please have the student and parent or guardian sign and date the following page and return it to your teacher. Please file this copy away for your own personal records. Thank you, Mr. Durham Salt Lake City School District does not discriminate on the basis of age, color, disability, national origin, pregnancy, race, religion, or sex.