Part B – Action Plan This Action Plan sets out proposals for our community to manage waste in the District in a way that will achieve the vision, goals and targets as described in Part A of this draft WMMP. The proposals are intended to address the key issues that are set out in Part A, and to accommodate what we anticipate will happen in this District over the next ten years. A key issue in the District is disposal of residual waste. As discussed earlier, costs of residual waste disposal are likely to increase as a result of the waste levy and the ETS. Although Council investigated the true cost of providing the District landfill in 2006, many key factors have changed since that time. For Council to evaluate various waste management options and consider whether it is cost-effective to continue to offer services, or to introduce new services, it is essential that we understand in detail how much it is costing the District to operate the landfill. Therefore this is the first action that Council proposes to undertake, and many other actions are contingent on the outcome of this review. To ensure that Council is providing the most cost-effective services to the Wairoa District, careful consideration will be required of any new initiatives that may be more expensive that the option of landfill disposal. However Council is also aware of our responsibilities to follow the waste hierarchy in our waste management and minimisation, which requires us to reduce landfill disposal. Other actions will be considered that may enable us to reduce the cost of operating the landfill, such as arranging with neighbouring Councils and other potential customers to access our landfill; or diverting certain waste streams such as organic waste (food and garden) and instead establishing a low-cost processing facility at the landfill site. We also plan to focus on the rural householders and customers in the District, and work with local communities where possible to provide waste management and minimisation services that are still cost-effective. Illegal dumping is still an issue for the District, and while improvements in rural services are likely to help with this, we also plan to improve our waste by-law and enforcement activities in partnership with communities and the Regional Council. At present, there are few options for hazardous waste. The Council will consider the costs involved in providing a service for household hazardous wastes. There are many existing options for waste minimisation, such as home composting, and various community-led initiatives that will help us reduce the amount of waste we send to landfill, such as marae-focused waste management schemes. We will support these programmes and use communication and education campaigns to raise awareness of these options. Wairoa District Draft Waste Management and Minimisation Plan 2012 1 Funding Waste Management Activities Our options for funding this Action Plan are described in detail in Part C of this draft WMMP. The Action Plan signals which of these funding options we believe should apply to each individual Action. Actions have been divided in to overarching, general actions (A1 – A3) and specific waste stream actions (W1 – W5). Wairoa District Draft Waste Management and Minimisation Plan 2012 2 A1 Communication, Education and Consultation New or existing action? Specific Actions A1.1 Communication and Consultation Establish level of interest for participation in a community waste group(s), to enable additional direct consultation and communication regarding waste planning issues New A1.2 Educate Provide regular and detailed information about waste services, waste prevention and waste reduction, in partnership with community where possible Expansion of existing action Implementation timeframe and Responsibility Late 2012/early 2013 Council Immediate and ongoing Council and Contractor Cost and Funding Source Minimal – waste levy funding $12,500 (approximately $1.50 per capita on waste minimisation education in 2010/11) Waste levy funding A1.3 Regional Partnerships Work with the regional authority on issues such as agricultural chemicals, ewaste and hazardous waste; and work with other local authorities on longer term disposal and processing arrangements, particularly use of the Wairoa District Landfill. 3 Expansion of existing action Immediate and ongoing Council Minimal cost A2 Take Direct Action, Foster New Ideas Specific Actions New or existing action? Implementation timeframe (financial year) and Council’s role A2.1 Review of Disposal Cost Carry out a review of the landfill operation to identify the true cost of disposal, and provide a point of comparison for potential new initiatives or expansion of existing services such as provision of food/green waste processing at the landfill. Cost and Funding Source $7,500 New 2011/12 Expansion of existing Ongoing As per contract Council and contractor User charges 2012/13 Minimal Immediate and ongoing Variable cost depending on the scope of initiatives introduced Waste levy funding A2.2 Landfill Operation Manage the landfill asset as a centre for a range of waste minimisation activities (including reuse/recovery shop area described below as a separate action); discouraging landfill disposal through full cost-recovery pricing and provision of alternatives A2.3 Review Current Waste Management Contracts Council and their contractor will discuss various issues raised in the Waste Assessment and the WMMP, and identify ways that services or management of the services could be improved within the current contracts – such as reviewing the way user-pays charges are allocated across the District. Expansion of existing A2.4 Support Community-based Waste Management Work with communities, particularly in rural areas, to develop and support community-based waste management systems; including potential provision of a community-run reuse/recovery shop at the landfill site. Support and promote the Para Kore programme for marae and kohanga reo. Wairoa District Draft Waste Management and Minimisation Plan 2012 4 Expansion of existing Council Partial rates funding, part levy funding where new initiatives are included A3 Change the Rules, Monitor and Feedback Specific Actions New or existing action? Implementation timeframe (financial year) and Responsibility A3.1 Waste Bylaw Review the existing bylaw and update to ensure that it will support effective and efficient waste minimisation; addressing issues such as such as illegal dumping, tyre piles, litter, private waste collections, and community-based services among others. New 2012/13 Council Cost and Funding Source Estimate $10k to review bylaw General Rates funded A3.2 Review Waste Charges Review pricing for all services following the review of landfill disposal costs; to ensure true cost waste management is recovered, reuse/recycling is encouraged, and ensure that public funds do not subsidise private operations. This action overlaps with action A2.3. Existing A3.3 Enforcement Investigate options for effective enforcement of bylaw, such as delegating to community groups and/or contractor. Review performance of enforcement activity regularly and consult with community to identify key issues to focus enforcement. A3.4 Solid Waste Analysis Surveys Carry out regular surveys at the landfill to identify opportunities and monitor progress. New Expansion of existing A3.5 Monitor Waste Flows Continue to monitor kerbside collection and private collection volumes. Monitor potential health risks including tyre piles, illegal dumping, C&D and cleanfill disposal etc. 5 Existing 2011/12 Council and contractor 2012/13 following review of bylaw Council in consultation with community and contractors 2013/14 and then at least every three years following Council and contractor Ongoing Council and contractor Minimal cost Potential cost recovery through fines and licensing charges May require some general rate funding Part waste levy funds, partially rates funded e.g. $18k for an initial survey; $15k every three years following Minimal W1 Recyclable commodities Specific Actions New or existing action? Implementation timeframe (financial year) and Council’s role Cost and Funding Source W2.1. Review Recycling Systems Once landfill cost review has been completed, consider the most efficient way to provide recycling services to the District; such as i) Providing a kerbside collection to all areas; or ii) Providing a kerbside recycling collection only to urban centres, expanding and improving drop-off facilities for other areas working with community groups where possible; or iii) Cease provision of kerbside recycling in all areas; and/or iv) Investing into expanded and improved recycling opportunities at the Landfill site. 2012/13 New W2.3 Public Place Recycling Provide public place recycling facilities in busy visitor areas such as Mahia, and review with a view to ongoing provision if effective and efficient. Targeted Rate 2012/13 W2.2 Increase Recycling Opportunities Work with local businesses, community groups and the contractor to identify any other materials that could be included in recycling systems; such as working with farmers to encourage a shared Plasback collection Council, contractor and any community groups involved in local waste management Expansion of existing Expansion of existing Council, contractor, businesses, community, sector groups such as Federated Farmers Provide facilities in Mahia over 2012/13 summer, and monitor/review by end of that year Council, contractor and community Minimal Waste levy funding ($3k available 2012/13) W2.4 Commercial Recycling Collection Investigate the potential for a commercial recycling collection in urban parts of the District (for businesses, schools, etc). This may mean services are offered by community/private sector, or Council may provide services directly, or a combination of the two. Council should also investigate potential to encourage recycling through by-law mechanisms. Wairoa District Draft Waste Management and Minimisation Plan 2012 6 2015 New Council, Contractor, and Refuse Businesses User Charges New or existing action? Specific Actions Implementation timeframe (financial year) and Council’s role Cost and Funding Source Glass and paper/card are priority materials W2.5 Transport Existing Continue to transport recyclables to processing/markets Ongoing Contractor on community’s behalf Targeted Rate W2 Food and Garden Waste New or existing action? Specific Actions W2.1 Food Waste Collection Implementation timeframe and Council’s role 2012/13 for review Assess the cost-effectiveness of providing a food waste collection to urban areas (householders and commercial), following the review of landfill disposal costs. New Any new services to be introduced 2013/14 Expansion of existing 2012/13 Cost and Funding Source Targeted rate (and potentially reduced costs in other service areas); User Charges for non-household customers W2.2 Garden Waste Expand the provision of green waste services at the landfill to improve access by the public and processing. W2.3 Processing Council and contractor User Charges 2013/14 Following the review of landfill disposal costs, investigate the potential to introduce food/green waste composting and/or vermicomposting at the Landfill site. 7 New Council, contractor and Regional Council Minimal (to investigate) W3 Inorganic/C&D/Litter New or existing action? Specific Actions Implementation timeframe and Council’s role W3.1 C&D Waste Recycling 2012/13 Following completion of the landfill cost review, investigate the cost-effectiveness and health and safety implications of providing C&D sorting and recovery facilities at the Landfill site. New W3.2 Inorganic Waste Following completion of the landfill cost review, consider the cost-effectiveness of providing a reuse/recovery shop at the Landfill site. W3.3 Litter Bins and Collection New W3.4 Illegal Dumping Continue to provide a collection service for illegal dumping. Collect information to quantify waste and monitor locations/waste types to identify priority areas for action. Take measures to enforce bylaw and prosecute offenders User Charges, cost recovery 2012/13 Existing Continue existing litter bin and loose litter clearance Council, contractor and construction industry Cost and Funding Source Expansion of existing Council, contractor and community Ongoing Council and contractor Ongoing Council Cost recovery General Rate General Rate W4 Hazardous/liquid/gaseous wastes Specific Actions New or existing action? W4.1 Biosolids Continue to consider the implications of wastewater management and potential disposal of biosolids on solid waste management Wairoa District Draft Waste Management and Minimisation Plan 2012 8 Existing Implementation timeframe and Council’s role Ongoing Council Cost and Funding Source NA New or existing action? Specific Actions Implementation timeframe and Council’s role Cost and Funding Source Hazmobile: $20k for one, with potential for some funding from the Regional Council. W4.3 Hazardous Waste Provide an annual household hazardous waste collection at the Landfill site, by either hosting a Hazmobile collection, or by providing trained staff and processing/recycling waste independently. New Council and contractor Own service: Possibly slightly cheaper once set up, but would need to discuss support funding with RC. General rates funded W5 Residual Waste Specific Actions New or existing action? Implementation timeframe and Council’s role Cost and Funding Source W5.1 Residual Waste Collection Review participation in residual waste collections and current philosophy for provision of service (e.g. no cross-subsidising between urban and rural services; full cost recovery) and consider alternatives such as: i) subsidise rural collections (and urban to a lesser extent) to increase participation; and/or ii) support rural communities in managing own waste systems; and/or iii) provide subsidised disposal at the Landfill for rural customers and cease provision of a kerbside collection service; and/or iv) cease to provide a kerbside collection service except in urban centres, and encourage majority of householders to use the Landfill for waste management services. W5.2 Alter Residual Waste Collections 2012/13 New New Implement changes as agreed above. Council and particularly Elected Members Minimal 2012 – 2014 Targeted Rate/User Council, contractor and 9 Specific Actions New or existing action? Implementation timeframe and Council’s role community Wairoa District Draft Waste Management and Minimisation Plan 2012 10 Cost and Funding Source Charges