DEPARTMENT OF T HE NAVY COMMANDER, NAVAL AIR FORCE PACIFIC BOX 357051 SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92135-7051 and COMMANDER, NAVAL AIR FORCE ATLANTIC 1279 FRANKLIN ST. NORFOLK VA 23511-2494 COMNAVAIRPAC/COMNAVAIRLANTINST 7310.2 NOlF 09 MAR 2015 COMNAVAIRPAC/COMNAVAIRLANT INSTRUCTION 7310 . 2 From: Commander, Naval Air Force, Pacific Commander, Naval Ai r Force, Atlantic Subj: ADMINISTRATIVE AND ACCOUNTING PROCEDURES FOR FLIGHT ADMINISTRATIVE FUNDS (OFC-01-7F) Ref: (a) (b) ( c) (d) ( e) ( f) (g) (h) ( i) (j ) (k) (1) (m) (n) ( 0) (p) ( q) ( r) ( s) Encl: (1) (2) (3) (4) NAVSO P-3013-2 NAVSUP P-485 OPNAVINST 7310.lF NAVAIR 00-35QH-2 COMNAVAIRPACINST 7310.4A COMNAVAIRFORINST 1650.2G NAVSUPINST 4200.99 NAVSUPINST 4200.97 NAVPERS 156651 OPNAVINST 10126.4C BUPERSINST 1710.llC OPNAVINST 1750.lG MILPERSMAN 1070-180 NAVSUPINST 4200.99 PCPN 6 COMNAVAIRFORINST 6000.2 NAVADMIN 184/14 Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Act OMB A- 123, Appendix A COMNAVAIRLANTINST 4641.1 Table of Contents Funding Matrix for OFC - 01-7F Unauthorized expenditures of OFC-01 - 7F Funds Sample OFC-01-7F OPTAR Authorization Notification/Distribution Message 1 . Purpose. To provide instructions and procedures to Commander, Naval Air Force, Pacific (COMNAVAIRPAC) and Commander, Naval Air Force, Atlantic (COMNAVAIRLANT) Fleet squadrons, ships, air stations, Type and Carrier Air Wing Commanders, Fleet Marine Force Pacific squadrons and units for procurement of necessary administrative materials and services and to establish accounting and administrative reporting requirements per references (a ) through (s) and enclosures (1) through (4) . This is a complete revision and should be reviewed in its entirety. COMNAVAIRPAC/COMNAVAIRLANTINST 7310.2 09 MAR 2015 2. Cancellation. COMNAVAIRPACINST 7310.2A and COMNAVAIRLANTINST 7310.lW. 3. Scope. Applies to all activities holding Operating Target (OPTAR) Functional Categories (OFC-01) funds granted by COMNAVAIRPAC/COMNAVAIRLANT for the operation of aircraft and related purposes. ;P·;'7 ~/?G. C. HUFFMAN Chief of Staff l.4i~ Chief of Staff Distribution: CNAP Portal 2 COMNAVAIRP~C/COMNAVAIRLANTINST 7310.2 09 MAR 2015 TABLE OF CONTENTS ADMINISTRATION AND ACCOUNTING PROCEDURES FOR OFC-01-7F 1000 BACKGROUND 1001 POLICY 2000 PROCEDURES 2001 GENERAL 2002 DIRECT SQUADRON AND STATION AIRCRAFT FUNDING 2003 AIR WING FUNDING (CVW AND TYPE WING) 2004 FLIGHT GEAR 2005 DUTY IN A FLYING STATUS INVOLVING OPERATIONAL (DIFOPS) AVIATORS 3000 ACCOUNTING INFORMATION 3001 TRANSFER OF FUNDS 3002 FLIGHT PACKETS 4000 BUDGET OPTAR REPORT (BOR) 5000 AUGMENT REQUEST 6000 ANNUAL BUDGET SUBMISSION 7000 FINANCIAL IMPROVEMENT AND AUDIT READINESS (FIAR) Enclosure (1) COMNAVAIRPAC/COMNAVAIRLANTINST 7310.2 09 MAR 2015 1000. BACKGROUND. COMNAVAIRPAC and COMNAVAIRLANT receive fund limitations under the Operation and Maintenance, Navy Appropriation from Commander, U.S. Pacific Fleet (COMPACFLT) and United States Fleet Forces Command (USFFC) respectively. Authority to obligate funds against these expense limitations for the procurement of necessary operational and administrative material and services for aviation units of COMNAVAIRPAC and COMNAVAIRLANT is delegated to Commanding Officers by means of an OPTAR under reference (a) procedures. Although COMNAVAIRPAC and COMNAVAIRLANT retain complete legal responsibility for all obligations incurred, Commanding Officers are responsible to COMNAVAIRPAC or COMNAVAIRLANT for the effective and efficient use of funds. This responsibility includes establishing and maintaining fiscal records and control procedures per references (a) through (c) and as further supplemented by instructions contained herein. 1001. POLICY. A basic objective of COMNAVAIRPAC and COMNAVAIRLANT is to obtain and expend funds essential for the safe operation and maintenance of assigned aircraft. Unit Commanding Officers as OPTAR holders shall plan fund utilization in a manner that ensures an economic/equitable investment of funds to accomplish the day-to-day operation, maintenance and administrative requirements of the squadron. Over-obligation of OPTAR funds is prohibited, except in cases of extreme emergency. If, in case of an emergency, OPTARs are over-obligated, a message requesting to operate in the red shall be submitted that provides, as a minimum, the amount of the over-obligation and the causal circumstances. Commanding Officers are expected to exercise management control of OPTAR funds as vigorously as they would an allotment involving legal constraints and penalties. A high degree of planning and administrative control is required to ensure that material requirements are satisfied and that authorized OPTAR's are not exceeded. 2000. PROCEDURES 2001. GENERAL. COMNAVAIRPAC and COMNAVAIRLANT determines the initial Annual Planning Figure (APF) for each OPTAR Holder and provides the APF to Marine Corps Forces Pacific (MARFORPAC) and Commander, U.S. Marine Corps Forces Command (COMMARFORCOM) respectively, the cognizant Air Wings, Air Stations and squadrons (in the case of Fleet Replacement Squadron (FRS), Support and some Tactical Air (TACAIR) squadrons) . A quarterly OPTAR grant will be provided by naval message. Activities may not exceed their authorization without prior approval of 2 Enclosure (1) COMNAVAIRPAC/COMNAVAIRLANTINST 7310.2 09 MAR 2015 COMNAVAIRPAC or COMNAVAIRLANT. Caution should be exercised to ensure that quarterly grants are not exceeded unless justified as an operational necessity. Activities are expected to expend their funds as completely as possible without exceeding the OPTAR grants provided, or to return excess funds as soon as excess funds are identified. 2002. DIRECT SQUADRON AND STATION AIRCRAFT FUNDING. TACAIR squadrons, FRS, support squadrons and station aircraft will receive quarterly funding by message directly from COMNAVAIRPAC and COMNAVAIRLANT. Appropriate Type Wing Commanders will receive an informational copy. These squadrons are responsible to ensure funds are expended within the limitations of enclosure (1) and that obligations do not exceed OPTAR granted. If insufficient funds are held to meet legitimate emergent requirements as defined in enclosure (~),an augment request may be submitted by the squadron to their respective Type Wing. 2003. AIR WING FUNDING. Funding messages will be provided to Carrier Air Wing Commanders (CVW) and Type Wings. Enclosure (3) provides a detailed sample regarding OPTAR notification/distribution message. 2004. FLIGHT GEAR. FRS squadrons are tasked with ensuring graduating students have complete flight gear issue, prior to reporting to fleet squadrons per COMNAVAIRPAC and COMNAVAIRLANT policy. Any equipment missing upon student graduation should be provided to gaining squadron when it is received by the FRS. Flight gear not held by students which should have been properly issued by the training command should be billed back to appropriate student command. Flight gear issue and replacement should be managed per Index D of reference (d) and reference (j). Contact Type Wing Supply for billing procedures. 2005. DIFOPS AVIATOR. Aircrew on flight orders who are assigned to COMNAVAIRPAC and COMNAVAIRLANT Carriers are not considered Staff Aircrew nor are they allocated flight hours or 7F funds. Funds are not provided to support DIFOPS aviators assigned as ship's company with personal flight gear. Squadrons which fly unassigned DIFOPS aviators/aircrew are responsible to ensure individuals are ready for flight. Permanent issue personal gear would not be expected in such an instance. Carrier Air Group (CAG) is provided a separate OPTAR grant to support CAG Aircrew. In certain special circumstances, CAG may be provided with minimal funding of $500 if procurement of 3 Enclosure (1) COMNAVAIRPAC/COMNAVAIRLANTINST 7310.2 09 MAR 2015 flight gear was needed for unassigned DIFOPS aviator (CVN and CSG CO only) . 3000. ACCOUNTING INFORMATION. Accounting information contained in references (a) through (c) is applicable to squadron/station administrative funds as appropriate. 3001. TRANSFER OF FUNDS. Squadron administrative funds (OFCOl-7F) may not be used or reprogrammed for any use other than authorized herein. Likewise, funds pr9vided for other purposes such as fuel (OFC-01-7B), aircraft maintenance (OFC-50), ship supplies and equipage (OFC-20), may not be reprogrammed to be used as administrative funds. Units are authorized to realign OFC-01-7F between quarters. 3002. FLIGHT PACKETS. Procedures concerning use of squadron administrative funds with flight packets are addressed in detail in reference (b) chapter 3. 4000. BUDGET OPTAR REPORT (BOR). This report is to be submitted on a monthly basis. OPTAR holders of OFC-01-7F shall report obligations incurred for flight administrative funds by type equipment code on the monthly OFC~Ol Budget OPTAR Report (BOR) per chapter 9 of reference (b) . 5000. AUGMENT REQUEST. Augment requests should originate from the cognizant authority which receives funds from COMNAVAIRPAC or COMNAVAIRLANT; for example, Air Wing Commanders vice individual squadrons. In the case of directly funded squadrons, such requests originate from the squadron with information copy provided to appropriate Type Wing Commander. Additional information and concurrence from Type wing commander is recommended. 6000. ANNUAL BUDGET SUBMISSION. COMNAVAIRPAC and COMNAVAIRLANT will request an annual budget submissi9n from its subordinates during the final quarter of the fiscal year. Commands should take the initiative to provide pertinent information affecting the unit's budget requirements for the following fiscal year. Air Wing Commanders and other intermediate funding authorities compile information from subordinate commands into one conso~idated submission. Commands should note any unusual events which affected current year execution, as execution is the primary input to future years funding allocation. This submission is solely a careful screening of hard requirements and projected expenditures. 4 Enclosure (1) COMNAVAIRPAC/COMNAVAIRLANTINST 7310.2 09 MAR 2015 Expenditures are to be grouped into the following categories: a. Flight gear replacement and issue b. Administrative supplies and services c. Materials consumed in flight d. Training and Safety related supplies e. Miscellaneous/Other. As in the augment request, high cost items, one time requirements and unusual purchases should be itemized including associated costs.and source of supply. 7000. FIAR. Per reference (q) and reference (r) FIAR is a Department of Defense (DoD) initiative relating to financial accountability through review of auditable documents and records. a. Any DoD element conducting transactions involving any form of financial disbursement, such as issuing or receiving goods and supplies or fuel is subject to FIAR related random audits of financial documentation and records. b. In the past, retention and maintenance of such records was assigned specific time frames and limitation. Under FIAR, most financial documentation and records must be retained indefinitely or in accordance with the latest FIAR requirement. c. Sites may be required to provide FIAR related financial reports, respond to FIAR related data calls qr be subjected to full FIAR audits. 5 Enclosure (1) FUNDING MATRIX FOR OFC-01-7F In the text below, the term "Squadron" applies to any OFC-01-7F OPTAR Holder. All items listed in this enclosure apply to the management and expenditure of OFC-01-7F unless otherwise written. ITEM (1) Pilot/aircrew flight clothing, boots, equipment, and wet suits. AUTHORIZED USER/DIRECTIVE Pilots/aircrew assigned to CNAP/CNAL squadrons, air stations or CVW staff REMARKS Initial and replacement issue of authorized items listed in NAVAIR allowance list reference (d) NATOPS jacket of individual required to purchase any items listed in reference (d). For lost or missing items, replacement will be processed per survey procedures outlined in chapter 5 of reference (b) . ~ tD :i: %> ::::c - ~ t::) U "'\ (2) Full Flight deck uniform (Flight deck boots/Flight deck Vest/Cranial/Headset/Flight Deck jersey/Utility trouser/Eye protection for LSO only/Hydration device) Squadron (personnel directly involved in readiness, launch, and recovery of aircraft). Boots for Squadron maintenance personnel not deployed on CVN The name and rate of the individual will be typed on the DD 1348/6 part. Except for initial issue, shoes will be issued on a one for one exchange. Replacement of lost or stolen shoes will be the responsibility of the individual and/or shall be processed per chapter 5 of reference {b) . Molders shoes {LOX boots) for personnel directly involved in LOX/LIN servicing (reference {d) applies). () 0 3: z ::t=' <: ::t=' H ~ t-d ::t=' (') ............ () 0 3: z ::t=' ::t=' <: H ~ t-t ::t=' z ~ H z c:n ~ -.J w (3) Extreme Cold Weather Undergarments. 1---l Squadron 0 Extremely cold weather undergarments N NSN item only. Examples include: Thermal trousers, shirts, socks, gloves, and facemasks. (4) Materials consumed in flight, excluding fuel, lubricants, or maintenance equipment. Squadron OFC-01-7F liquid oxygen, nitrogen, chart paper, recording tapes. OFC01-9Q photographic production, service costs and film. Does not include visual information hardware procurement. (5) Forms and publications. Squadron lI cog forms and training documents/professional publications used to impact technical and professional knowledge (not made available by NAVPERS and/or not issued directly to individuals) for unit personnel). Includes aviation safety and survival bulletins. Newsletter such as Navytimes is authorized. Publications and newsletters should not exceed more than five copies per squadron. c::::» ~ :z :J> :::c ~ s c.i-i 0 0 ~ z ~ < ~ 1--1 ~ ~ ~ 0 ............ 0 0 z~ ~ ~ 1--1 ~ ~ ~ g ~ 0 ro c H ro (6) Consumable office supplies. Squadron Squadron administrative services. Includes binders, staplers, pens, paper but does not include computer program hardware/software accessories, office equipment or other exclusions cited in the ~List of Prohibited and Special Attention ~ z z w ~ 1-1 ~ ....J VJ 1--' C> rv Items Related to Purchase Card Buys" of reference (g), chapter 5, enclosure (1). ( 7) Awards. w Squadron Beneficial suggestion awards should not exceed 5,000 for each adopted suggestion. Awards exceeding 5,000 must receive approval per reference (f). Augments will not be granted solely or specifically for incentive awards. Per reference (p) plaques are authorized to be used as awards of excellence in officially established, announced competitions, e.g. Sailor of the Month/Quarter/Year, Safety Awards. Warf are pins and Plane Captain patch are authorized however, warfare patches must be purchased from service member's uniform allowance. Blanket awards to all activity personnel are not authorized. Athletic, recreational or other incentive type awards are specifically excluded from this authorization. Welfare and recreation funds are applicable in certain cases per reference (k). Individual award may be purchased from squadron funds. All obligation documents for awards must state the circumstance of the award and be -.J w 1-1 0 N signed by the Commanding Officer or his/her representative of the unit issuing award. (8) Attorney's fees. Squadron For attorney's fees in foreign countries, unit/squadron must coordinate with the servicing Region Legal Service Office (RLSO), region Designated Commanding Officer (DCO), and/or COMNAVAIRPAC/COMNAVAIRLANT Judge Advocate General (JAG) to determine appropriate authorization official for use funds. (9) Unit Identification Rockers patches. Squadron Unit identification rockers as an initial issue items to newly reported personnel. Aircrew patches, Plane Captain patches, Navy Working Uniform (NWU) command emblem patch (if authorized), and Unit Identification Rockers are authorized for NEWLY commissioned squadrons. Future requirements of these items are funded by "Other Funds" such as MWR, CPOA, FCPOA, or Officer's Association, once established. Squadron Charges for airfield ground services that do not exceed the simplified acquisition threshold of $100,000.00 as listed in reference (h), l:1l ::l () I-' oCJ) (10) Landing Fees. c 11 CD N ...J w 1--' 0 N paragraph 2, f thru j. Services for which overtime hours for civilian employees incurred during take offs and landings are not authorized. (11) OMBUDSMAN Program. Squadron Includes internet service, incidental expenses, administrative support, newsletter and expenses as outlined in reference (1), enclosure (6). Funding for other expenses shall be requested via the respective Type Wing Commander. (12) Commanding Officer presentation mementos. Squadron Command coin. Per reference (p) commands may expend APF to purchase command coins only as a means to recognize outstanding performance and as a component of the command's provision of official courtesies. Command coin provided in this context should bear the characteristics of other command awards. Coins should be limited to 25 each and inventoried by the Commanding Officer (CO) or his/her aide. Coins, are not personalized with the commander's name, call sign or be sold for any form of monetary profit. Refer to reference (n) for further guidance for the use of appropriated funds for recognition items and for recruitment or (..""::) () c..o 0 _...... ::s: ::D::;o !)::-1 I'.;! <! C:> .._,., z !)::-1 H ~ '1:1 !)::-1 () ............ () 0 ::s: z !)::-1 <! !)::-1 H ~ i:-i !)::-1 z 1-'.3 H z U'J 1-'.3 -.] w ~ 0 N retention purposes. Positive control and accountability of mementos is required. (13) Photograph development Squadron Sailor of the Year photograph submission required by Wing or higher echelon. Commercial sources authorized when government photography facility is not available on base. (14) Radios, or any two-way communication device. Squadron Hand held two way base radio, maintenance radio, Command Duty Officer radio and repair services. Upon receipt, material must be listed as minor property. Squadron Plaques only. Picture boards and framing to support plaque is not authorized. One command plaque and individual "Plank Owner" certificate is authorized for newly commissioned squadron only. (16) Liquid and gaseous oxygen consumed during flight by the aircrew. Squadron Liquid oxygen, nitrogen consumed during flight by both the aircrew and aircraft systems. Nitrogen used in aircraft and weapon system. (17) Aerial film, recording tape, and chart paper consumed in flight. Squadron Chart paper, recording tapes and other exceptions pertaining to aircraft landing fees. 9Q funds (15) Plaques ~or the CO and XO off ices only I\.) -...] w 1--1 0 I\.) photographic production, service cost and films. Does not include visual information hardware procurement. c::::> c..o ~ l> :::0 -.) - ~ c::::> U '1 (1 0 3: z ::t=' ;; H ~ tO ::t=' (1 ............ (1 0 3: z ::t=' ;; H ~ t'-i tr.1 ::s () I-' ~ 1-3 H z (/) 0 1-3 c -..] en H CD N w j-1 . 0 N COMNAVAIRPAC/COMNAVAIRLANTINST 7310.2 09 MAR 2015 . UNAUTHORIZED EXPENDITURES OF OFC-01-7F FUNDS (1) Housekeeping, cleaning supplies, Hazardous Material (HAZMAT), or habitability items, e.g. furniture, cabinets, vacuums, heaters, a/c units, televisions, telephones. Cognizant Type Air Wings have funding responsibility. (2) Services such as internet, telephone, television cable, satellite, facility maintenance or modification, and building materials (to include lumber). Commander, Naval Installations (CNI) has funding responsibility. COMNAVAIRLANT NG has funding responsibility for telephones for all COMNAVAIRLANT funding units. (3) Change of Command, other than what is authorized in reference (e) and Retirement Ceremony expenditures. (4) General station collateral equipment, including labor-saving devices which include but are not limited to: duplicating machines, televisions, telephones, shredders, facsimile machines, repairable office equipment, such as typewriters, and radios and other communication devices. Cognizant Type Wings have funding responsibility. COMNAVAIRLANT NG has funding responsibility for televisions, fax ma~hines and telephones for all COMNAVAIRLANT funded units. (5) Packing, crating or preservation for storage or off-station shipment. For example, packaging for on-station movement or storage of aircraft or repairables is funded by the cognizance Intermediate Maintenance Activity from either OFC-50-7L or other funding source, as appropriate. For shipping materials in support of squadron deployments, Transportation of Things (TOT/OFC-23) is the appropriate funding source. (6) Initial procurement or replacement of ADP hardware/software equipment, related accessories (including printer cartridges, blank media (floppy discs, CDs, flash drives) and all external plug in items not controlled by NMCI. ·The procurement of computer equipment and related accessories is centrally managed by COMNAVAIRPAC Code N62 and COMNAVAIRLANT Code N6. All requests must be forwarded to the appropriate Type Commander (TYCOM) N6 via Type Wing Commanders, who hold funds for procurement of such items. Deployed units are granted printer cartridge purchase exception when Type· Wing support is not available. Enclosure (3) COMNAVAIRPAC/COMNAVAIRLANTINST 7310.2 09 MAR 2015 COMNAVAIRLANT funded units are authorized to purchase printer cartridges wit~ 7F. (7) Clothing other than what is author~zed in enclosure (1) and uniform items (other than items listed in chapter 6, section 8 of reference (i) and reference (d) . Funding of foul weather jackets/rain gear and personal protective clothing (i.e disposable coverall, respirator) is provided utilizing Station OFC-50-7L or OFC-02 for squadron personnel after exhausting all available means (DRMO) . Carriers providing funding for IMA personnel afloat shall be purchased for only those who receive flight deck pay. Stations, Carriers and Wings shall establish local guidelines for procurement and management of such items. (8) Coffee makers, microwaves, refrigerators, and any other kitchen related accessories. Aircraft equipped with flight galleys may purchase equipment utilizipg OFC-50 funds to outfit galleys for use in flight; however it is not to include consumables related to food preparation. (9) Food or beverages of any kind, including in-flight rations and reenlistment cakes. In-flight rations are issued from the general mess and are chargeable to the Navy subsistence allotment supporting the general mess.· Personnel drawing commuted rations will pay for their rations as prescribed by Navy regulations. (10) Bunk curtains, berthing and/or rack light bulbs, power fuses, and related bedding aboard ships. These items are to be provided by the ship at no cost to the.embarked units. (11) Flags (Navy or foreign) other than American for individuals retiring (QTY 1), ball caps, and other items of intrinsic value, or any item which does not serve the sole function of displaying bestowed honor. Purchase of mementos in conjunction with hosting events for foreign dignitaries or governments. (12) Travel accommodations such as transportation services, toll roads, government or civilian lodging. Vehicle rental, repairs and gasoline. Cognizant Type Air Wings have funding responsibility. COMNAVAIRLANT Hampton Roads units requiring EZ Pass shall comply with reference (s) . Enclosure (3) 2 COMNAVAIRPAC/COMNAVAIRLANTINST 7310.2 09 MAR 2015 (13) Auxiliary support equipment (SE), initial issue or replacement. These items are charged to IMRL funds. (14) Officer record photograph. Reference (m) clearly states how funding procedure for photographs. SF1164 Claim for Reimbursement Form will be used to reimburse Officers for incurred expenses. Form may be routed through Admin or appropriate office. (15) Appropriated Bottled Water. No Appropriated Funds shall be used for bottled water without prior approval from higher authority. Bottled water generally does not materially contribute to an agency's mission accomplishment. It is therefore generally a personal expense. (16) Unless explicitly requested and approved by TYCOM per COMNAVAIRPACINST 6000.2, Replenishments of Authorized Medical Allowance List (AMAL) kits are not authorized." Enclosure (3) 3 COMNAVAIRPAC/COMNAVAIRLANTINST 7310.2 09 MAR 2015 SAMPLE OFC-01-7F OPTAR AUTHORIZATION NOTIFICATION/DISTRIBUTION . MESSAGE RTTUZYUW RUWFEAAOOOO 3002000-UUUU--RHMCSUU. ZNR UUUUU R 262057Z OCT 12 ZYB FM COMNAVAIRPAC SAN DIEGO CA TO COMCARAIRWING ELEVEN INFO COMNAVAIRFOR SAN DIEGO CA// COMNAVAIRPAC SAN DIEGO CA// COMNAVAIRLANT NORFOLK VA// COMCARSTRKGRU ELEVEN USS NIMITZ HELSEACOMBATRON SIX HELMARSTRIKERON SEVEN FIVE VAQRON ONE FOUR TWO CARAEWRON ONE ONE SEVEN STRKFITRON ONE FOUR SIX STRKFITRON ONE FOUR SEVEN STRKFITRON ONE FIVE FOUR BT UNCLAS//N07300// MSGID/GENADMIN,USMTF,2009/COMNAVAIRPAC SAN DIEGO CA// SUBJ/FY13 Ql CVW-11 OFC-01 FUNDING// REF/A/MSGID:DOC/CNAPINST 7310.1A/06JAN1986// REF/B/MSGID:DOC/CNAPINST 7310.2A/26NOV1991// REF/C/MSGID:DOC/COMNAVAIRPAC SAN DIEGO CA/250657ZOCT2012// REF/D/MSGID:DOC/COMNAVAIRPAC SAN DIEGO CA/250757ZOCT2012// REF/E/MSGID:DOC/COMNAVAIRPAC SAN DIEGO CA/250857ZOCT2012// REF/F/MSGID:DOC/COMNAVAIRPAC SAN DIEGO CA/250957ZOCT2012// NARR/REF/A/PROVIDES ADMINISTRATIVE AND ACCOUNTING PROCEDURES FOR OFC-01-7B FUNDS. REF/B/PROVIDES ADMINISTRATIVE AND ACCOUNTING PROCEDURES FOR OFC-01-7F FUNDS. REF/C/IS FY13 FINANCIAL GUIDANCE REPORTING FOR OFCOl OPTAR HOLDERS. REF/D/IS FY13 FLIGHT HOUR AND 7B OPTAR POLICY CHANGES. REF/E/IS FY13 BOR FORMAT UPDATE AND FUEL VARIANCE REPORTING REQUIREMENT. REF/F/FY13 REIMBURSABLE AND SPECIAL INTEREST REPORTING GUIDANCE FOR OFC-01 OPTAR HOLDERS. POC/WAGGONER, D. R. CDR/N407/UNIT:COMNAVAIRLANT/NAME:NORFOLK, VA TEL:DSN 262-3321/COMM 757-322-3321/EMAIL:DALE.WAGGONER@NAVY.MIL GENTEXT/REMARKS/1. FLYING HOUR PROGRAM AUTHORIZATIONS DETAILED BELOW. Enclosure {4) COMNAVAIRPA~/COMNAVAIRLANTINST 7310.2B 09 MAR 2015 A. FLIGHT HRS Ql HRS UNIT 806.0 HSC 6 1342.0 HSM 75 277.0 VAQ 142 373.0 VAW 117 786.0 VFA 146 983.0 VFA 147 983.0 VFA 154 B. OFC-01 ( 7B) : Ql $K UNIT 418.3 HSC 6 696.5 HSM 75 VAQ 142 1083.4 555.2 VAW 117 VFA 146 3193.1 VFA 147 4433.2 VFA 154 4601.8 c. OFC-01 ( 7F) : UNIT Ql $K 38.8 HSC 6 38.1 HSM 75 VAQ 142 31.8 VAW 117 23.0 VFA 146 31. 6 VFA 147 31.6 VFA 154 38.1 APF $K 155.2 152.4 127.2 92.0 126.4 126.4 152.4 2. HS-6 7F GRANT INCLUDES $7,900 ISO CVW STAFF. 3. BT ENSURE REF C THRO FARE THOROUGHLY REVIEWED AND UNDERSTOOD. NNNN Enclosure (4) 2