The Tragedy of Julius Caesar Vocabulary Assignments of Choice

The Tragedy of Julius Caesar Vocabulary Assignments of Choice
Vocabulary words for the text will be chosen by the class (with teacher agreement) as the play
is read aloud (approximately six new words per day). Students will choose three of the below
options to fulfill the three vocabulary assignments for the unit. Assignment options cannot be
repeated. *Options with an asterisk must be “publically” presented to the class; if no asterisk,
presenting is optional.
1. Write a sonnet using four vocabulary words correctly. Sonnet needs: 14 lines,
ABABCDCDEFEFGG rhyme scheme, and iambic pentameter rhythm.
2. *Present a 30-40 second speech on a topic of your choice related to the play.
Speech needs: an outline including topic sentence, main points, and a concluding
sentence, public speaking techniques (eye contact, hand gestures, etc.), and four
vocabulary words used correctly.
3. Rewrite the lyrics of a song to discuss a topic related to the play using five
vocabulary words correctly. Original song and lyrics need to be attached.
4. *Research a related aspect (ex: Italy, Roman leadership, ill omens, Shakespeare,
etc.) and share your findings with the class. Report needs: MLA-style work citation,
paragraph or list of information found utilizing three vocabulary words correctly.
5. Create a five (or more) panel comic strip featuring characters from Julius Caesar
demonstrating five vocabulary words in an understandable way.
6. *Create a six question quiz regarding Julius Caesar using five vocabulary words
correctly. Quiz needs: questions focusing on the play rather than on vocabulary
definitions, to be presented aloud for students to answer.
7. Compare and contrast yourself to a character in the play, writing in paragraph form and
using five vocabulary words correctly. Needs to be 1-1½ pages in length.
8. *Present a short skit (less than 60 seconds) with a partner concerning the
characters of Julius Caesar and including six vocabulary words used correctly.
Partners will both receive credit. Memorization not required, but a script IS.
9. Write a 1½-2 page journal entry for one of the characters of the play using five
vocabulary words correctly.
10 *Create an interpretative dance to demonstrate the accurate meanings of four
vocabulary words and present the dance to the class. Must be accompanied by a written
description of the dance to be performed.
11. Design/draw the costumes for two characters in the play and describe/write your
reasons for the creations using four vocabulary words correctly. Drawings must be:
colorful, meaningful, and accompanied by a written explanation.
12. Analyze a character in the play. Analysis must be written in paragraph form and use
five vocabulary words correctly. Should be between ¾ to 1 page in length.
13. Draw/paint/sculpt/etc. a piece of artwork concerning Julius Caesar. Explain the
artwork using four vocabulary words correctly. Artwork must: demonstrate effort,
relate to the play, be accompanied by a written explanation.
14. *Rewrite a scene or part of a scene to place the characters in a completely different
setting and situation (ex: pirate world, McDonalds, China, etc.). Script must: use
adapted language, use four vocabulary words correctly, be read aloud or acted for
the class.
15. *Create and present a cheer for some character(s) in Julius Caesar using four
vocabulary words correctly. Cheer must have memorized words and planned
movements as described on a written copy.
16.*Identify a modern song that relates to Julius Caesar. Play 20 seconds or so of the song for
the class, then read your written explanation aloud (includes five correctly used vocab words).