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Company’s Dun & Bradstreet (D&B) number. 169172421 Corporate office location. 27 *reens Rd. ) +oXston 7; 772 List the number of sales and services offices for states being bid in solicitation 492121977 S(R93RO oI %eaXPont 666144 S(R93RO 'isaster ReFoYer\ 7eaP 212191 S(R93RO oI .inJZood +XPEOe 962711 S(R93RO oI 7Ke :oodOands &onroe List the names of key contacts at each with title, address, phone and e-mail address ʀ SXsan 0eaFKaP OZner 27 *reens Road SXite ) +oXston 7; 772 21749 sPeaFKaP#serYpro974.FoP ʀ *ar\ SKoePaNe /arJe /oss %Xsiness 'eYeOopPent 27 *reens Road SXite ) +oXston 7; 772 212917 JsKoePaNe#serYpro974.FoP ʀ Rand\ 0eaFKaP 9iFe 3resident Operations 27 *reens Road SXite ) +oXston 7; 772 71466 rPeaFKaP#serYpro974.FoP ʀ -ason %reaX[ 3rodXFtion 0anaJer 42 :asKinJton %OYd. %eaXPont 7; 7777 492996429 MEreaX[#serYprooIEeaXPont.FoP ʀ %iOO\ 0aJJard 3rodXFtion 0anaJer 27 *reens Road SXite ) +oXston 7; 772 212191 EPaJJard#serYpro974.FoP Define your standard terms of payment 1et ZitK a 2 disFoXnt Ior EaOanFes paid ZitKin da\s oI inYoiFe. Who is your competition in the marketplace? %aOIoXr %OaFNPon 0oorinJ and &otton &oPPerFiaO What differentiates your company from competitors? S(R93RO +as deYeOoped it·s oZn (PerJenF\ R($'< 3roÀOe a start Xp approaFK tKat proYides FritiFaO inIorPation needed to EeJin PitiJation and reFoYer\ serYiFes. +as a FXstoP 4$ and FontroO proJraP starts ZitK oXr 'R7 3Oa\ %ooN ZKiFK is a Zritten PXOti paJe instrXFtion PanXaO tKat proYides direFtion to tKe 3roMeFt 0anaJePent 7eaP reJardinJ proFedXres to address s\stePs proFesses and Oessons Oearned. ,nYested in tKe (sporta FOeaninJ s\steP KoXsed at oXr IaFiOit\ to Neep soIt Fontent restoration in KoXse ZitK tKe Iastest tXrnaroXnd. 8tiOi]es FXstoPer YieZaEOe ZeEEased 7&0 estiPatinJ and Fost traFNinJ soItZare tKat proYides tKe FXstoPer and tKe insXranFe FoPpan\ ZitK tKe aEiOit\ to traFN tKe daiO\ MoE Fost oI FateJories XtiOi]ed on tKe Ooss sXFK as OaEor eTXipPent PateriaOs sXppOies FonsXOtantsand otKer MoE reOated Fosts. 7Ke estiPatinJ s\steP is Xpdated at tKe FonFOXsion oI eaFK da\ and tKe FXPXOatiYe Fost oI tKe Ooss is easiO\ traFNaEOe on a da\ to da\ Easis. Operates as a 1. EiOOion deEt Iree FoPpan\. &onsists oI 1 preTXaOiÀed nationZide 'isaster ReFoYer\ 7eaPs aroXnd tKe 8nited States 12 /arJe /oss Response 7eaPs and oYer 16 independentO\ oZned IranFKises read\ to respond to an\ si]ed ePerJenF\. See section 8 for more details. Describe how your company will market this contract if awarded SerYpro Kas a IXOO tiPe ReJionaO 'ireFtor oI &oPPerFiaO %Xsiness 'eYeOopPent tKat FontinXaOO\ pXrsXes reOationsKips ZitK deFisionPaNers ZitK entities· OiNe ,S'·s FoOOeJe and XniYersit\ s\stePs PXniFipaOities FoXnties states IederaO JoYernPent tKroXJK oXr *S$ FontraFt and Forporations. SerYpro XtiOi]es direFt EXsiness deYeOopPent teFKniTXes and tradeproIessionaO assoFiations to aFFoPpOisK identiI\inJ tarJet opportunities. Describe how you intend to introduce NCPA to your company SerYpro ZiOO set up an inKouse traininJ opportunit\ Ior 1&3$ to present tKe speFiÀF adYantaJes as a FontraFt KoOder Ior our PanaJePent adPinistratiYe and saOes ParNetinJ teaPs. :e ZiOO Fontinue to reinIorFe tKe opportunities tKat EeinJ an 1&3$ FontraFt KoOder proYides Ior SerYpro at eaFK PontKO\ saOesParNetinJ PeetinJ and at aOO trade e[po eYents. Describe your firm’s capabilities and functionality of your on-line catalog/ ordering website SerYpro does not KaYe an onOine FataOoJ oI serYiFes tKat inFOude priFinJ. Our 7&0 priFinJ is aYaiOaEOe to an\ 1&3$ FOient upon reTuest. Our ZeE site does inFOude FoPpOete desFriptions oI our suite oI serYiFes. Describe your company’s Customer Service Department (hours of operation, number of service centers, etc.) SerYpo·s adPinistrationFustoPer serYiFe departPent in +ouston is staIIed E\ a teaP oI 7 indiYiduaOs ZKo ansZer serYiFe FaOOs direFtO\ dispatFK serYiFe FreZs Paintain FritiFaO onJoinJ MoE inIorPation untiO MoE FoPpOetion and proYide aOO FustoPer serYiFe tasN IroP $0 to 30 ZeeNda\s. $dditionaOO\ our +ouston operation operates an aIterKours FaOO Fenter tKat is aYaiOaEOe IroP 30 to 7 $0 durinJ tKe ZeeN da\ and 24 Kours on ZeeNends and +oOida\s. SerYpro operates a 24 Kour FaOO Fenter in *aOOatin 71 tKat is aYaiOaEOe Yia our toOO Iree nuPEer 24 Kours daiO\ inFOudinJ ZeeNends and KoOida\s. SerYpro Kas 14 serYiFe Fenters OoFated aFross tKe nation. Green Initiatives As our business grows, we want to make sure we minimize our impacts on the Earth’s climate. We are taking every step we can to implement innovative and responsible environmental practices throughout NCPA to reduce our carbon footprint., reduce waste, energy conservation, ensure efficient computing and much more. To that effort we ask respondents to provide their companies environmental policy and/ or green initiative. S(R93RO Kas a FoPPitPent to reduFe tKe Zaste resuOtinJ IroP disasters. ,tePs are FareIuOO\ assessed and a deterPination is Pade as to ZKetKer tKe iteP is restoraEOe or Pust Ee disFarded. Our trained teFKniFians proYide a paFN out serYiFe tKat FataOoJs eYer\ sinJOe iteP and traFNs tKe proJress Pade in tKe restoration proFess. :e KaYe aOso inYested in tKe (sporta :asK s\steP 7Ke (sporta :asK S\steP iI used ZitKin a reasonaEOe aPount oI tiPe aIter a Ooss Fan reFoYer appro[iPateO\ oI tKe sPoNe soot and Zater daPaJed Joods tKat ZouOd otKerZise Ee Fonsidered nonrestoraEOe. SoIt Joods IroP aOO FateJories oI Zater Oosses Fan Ee suFFessIuOO\ restored usinJ tKe (sporta :asK S\steP. S(R93RO is a PePEer FoPpan\ oI tKe (3$·s 'esiJn Ior tKe (nYironPent ')(. 7Kis PePEersKip Jrants us aFFess to tKe OistinJ NnoZn IorPaOO\ as &Oean*rendients. )roP tKe OistinJ a IorPuOation Fan Ee deriYed tKat inForporate ´Jreenµ FKePistr\. 0an\ oI our FOeaners are p+ neutraO Fontain no d\es or IraJranFes and is IorPuOated ZitK FoPponents tKat Peet or e[Feed *reen SeaO and tKe (nYironPentaO 3roteFtion $JenF\ 'esiJn Ior tKe (nYironPent JuideOines. $OO FoPponents are saIe nonto[iF pKospKate Iree 9oOatiOe OrJaniF &oPpound FoPpOiant and rapidO\ EiodeJradaEOe. Vendor Certifications Provide a copy of all current licenses, registrations and certifications issued by federal, state and local agencies, and any other licenses, registrations or certifications from any other governmental entity with jurisdiction, allowing respondent to perform the covered services including, but not limited to, licenses, registrations, or certifications. Certifications can include M/WBE, HUB, and manufacturer certifications for sales and service. S & R Operations, Inc. dba Servpro of The Woodlands/Conroe 05/31/2013 249205 NAICS Codes: 236118, 236220, 561740, 561790, 562119, 562910, 624230, 213112, 238990, 541620, 561720, 562219 UNSPSC Codes: 93131802, 72100000, 72101500, 72101504, 72102900, 72111001, 72111005, 72121103, 72154052, 81112004 Vendor Registration Vendor Information Business Name Contact Address Phone Fax Email Servpro of The Woodlands/Conroe Susan Meacham 2700 Greens Road, F 300 281 219-8180 servpro8842@comcast.net Registration Information Certifying Agency Womens Business Enterprise Alliance (WBEA) Certification Type N/A Certification Date Expiration Date 5/31/2013 The above named business enterprise has met the requirements of a registered Minority or Women Business Enterprise as established by the Houston Independent School District Submitted by: SERVPRO® Disaster Recovery Team 2700 Greens Rd. F300 Houston, TX 77032 www.servprothewoodlandsconroe.com 281-219-8180 @ ♦ -*)((.-"&&*, ),'(*,)0#."-*,)/.-(?),-,0#-/(,.".,'-) ."#!,'(.9"-/**&#,-"&&--#-.."(/-,1#."'%#(!.,'#(.#)() ."#,#(#0#/& (-9 ♦ " )&&)1#(!#-&#-.) -/!!-.A/.().&#'#..)B#,(.,'!-.),.#)( ,0#-.!),#-9#-.&&.!),#-&)(!1#."'(/ ./,,.".3)/,,-*)(#(!1#."8 #,6')%()). .,')0& .,/./,&(#(! )),#4.#)( )#-./,)(.,)&5"/'## #.#)( )&#.#!.#)(('#.#)( )(.'#(.#)( .-.,)*"#.),'-*)(- )0/.-(.),! )(.(.--.),.#)( &.,)(#-(+/#*'(. )/'(.5#.&),-)0,3?-.),.#)( )(.(.-&#' (0(.),3,0# 4&37130%JTBTUFS3FDPWFSZ5FBNIBOEMFTBMMPGUIFBCPWFTFSWJDFTJOIPVTF @ ♦ (&/(3#.#)(&*,)/.-(?),-,0#-0#&&.".0(),/,,(.&3*, ),'-#(."#, (),'&)/,-) /-#(--.".#-().#(&/#(."-)*) ."-)&##..#)(.".3)/."#(%1#&& ("((0&/.)."#-)(.,. ),!#)(HK(&&*,.##*.#(!(.#.#-9 (PHUJHQF\5($'<3URÀOH S(R93RO Kas deveOoped it·s oZn (merJenc\ R($'< 3roÀOe, a start up approacK tKat provides criticaO inIormation needed to EeJin mitiJation and recover\ services. 7Ke (merJenc\ R($'< 3roÀOe ZiOO minimi]e Eusiness interruption E\ KavinJ an immediate pOan oI action. ,t is desiJned to serve as a TuicN reIerence oI important EuiOdinJ and contact inIormation. %\ ZorNinJ ZitK S(R93RO·s (merJenc\ R($'< 3roÀOe, \our Eusiness ZiOO receive tKe EeneÀt oI over 4 \ears oI e[perience in reducinJ tKe impact oI an\ naturaO or manmade disaster. .noZinJ ZKat to do, ZKo to caOO and ZKat to e[pect in advance is tKe Ne\ to timeO\ mitiJation and can KeOp minimi]e tKe aIIects Zater and Àre damaJe can Kave on \our Eusiness. 3reparation is a Ne\ component Ior maNinJ it tKrouJK an\ si]e disaster, ZKetKer it·s a smaOO Zater OeaN, a OarJe Àre or an area Áood. 7Ke Eest time Ior pOanninJ Ior sucK events is not ZKen tKe event Kappens, Eut ZeOO EeIore it Kappens. 7KH6(59352(PHUJHQF\5($'<3URÀOH$GYDQWDJH $ no cost assessment oI \our IaciOit\. ² 7Kis means tKere is no need to aOOocate Iunds, JivinJ \ou a Jreat vaOue at no cost. $ concise 3roÀOe 'ocument tKat contains onO\ tKe criticaO inIormation needed in tKe event oI an emerJenc\. ² ,t ZiOO onO\ taNe a OittOe time to compOete and ZiOO not taNe \ou aZa\ Irom current proMects. %ut it ZiOO save a Oot oI time iI ever needed. $ Juide to KeOp \ou Jet EacN into \our EuiOdinJ IoOOoZinJ a disaster. ² 7Kis can KeOp minimi]e tKe amount oI time \our Eusiness is inactive E\ KavinJ an immediate pOan oI action. (staEOisKes \our OocaO S(R93RO )rancKise 3roIessionaO as \our disaster mitiJation and restoration provider. ² <ou Kave a provider tKat is recoJni]ed as an industr\ Oeader and cOose E\. ,dentiÀcation oI tKe Oine oI command Ior autKori]inJ ZorN to EeJin. ² 7Kis saves time so Ze can EeJin tKe ZorN oI mitiJatinJ tKe damaJe ZKicK can save \ou time and mone\. 3rovides IaciOit\ detaiOs sucK as sKutoII vaOve Oocations, priorit\ areas and priorit\ contact inIormation. ² +avinJ a TuicN reIerence oI ZKat to do, KoZ to do it and ZKo to caOO provides soOutions in advance oI an emerJenc\ so tKat durinJ tKe emerJenc\ \ou are ´Read\ Ior ZKatever Kappens.µ Education 0r. *ar\ SKoemaNe is reJistered ZitK tKe 7e[as 'epartment oI ,nsurance as a &ontinuinJ (ducation &ourse 3rovider ,nstructor and perIorms &( cOasses EotK inKouse and privateO\ numerous times eacK montK providinJ tecKnicaO e[pertise in Àre, Zater, smoNe, odor, moOd mitiJation and EioKa]ard cOean up. :e aOso Kave a OiErar\ oI inIormation avaiOaEOe Ior distriEution in EotK Kard cop\ and eOectronic Iorm. S(R93RO oI 7Ke :oodOands &onroe provides an eOectronic neZsOetter ZitK tips on ZKat to do untiO KeOp arrives, tips on minimi]inJ damaJe as ZeOO as steps to taNe to prepare Ior an\ Nind oI emerJenc\ or disaster. On-site Esporta State-of-the-art contents cleaning 7Ke most eIIective cOeaner oI te[tiOes soIt contents in tKe restoration industr\. Recovers ´soIt contentsµ Irom Àre and Zater disasters. 'isinIects, deodori]es, and ZasKes 16 OEs. oI Oaundr\, sKoes, and otKer EuON\ Joods tKat miJKt Kave survived Àre andor Zater disaster. (Oiminates tKe need Ior o]one E\ compOeteO\ removinJ tKe smoNe, soot, Eacteria, moOd, and otKer contaminants 8ses K\drauOic pressure to Iorce tKese contaminants out oI tKe contents Thermal Imaging Technology $OOoZs us see inside \our ZaOOs to detect Zater damaJe or Kot spots ZitKout e[tra damaJe or repairs. DRT Large Loss Playbook Servpro·s 4$ and controO proJram starts ZitK our 'R7 3Oa\ %ooN ZKicK is a Zritten muOti paJe instruction manuaO tKat provides direction to tKe 3roMect 0anaJement 7eam reJardinJ procedures to address s\stems, processes and Oessons Oearned. 7Kis manuaO Zas Zritten ZitK tKe intent oI JivinJ a detaiOed overvieZ and Juide to KandOinJ OarJe commerciaO Oosses. ,t is a JuideOine Ior tKe proper impOementation oI 3roduction orJani]ation, Standard 7ime and 0ateriaOs ,nvoicinJ, and proper documentation procedures. 7Ke process and procedures outOined Kere are timetested and JeneraOO\ accepted industr\ practices. )oOOoZinJ tKe standard operatinJ procedures ZiOO promote consistenc\ ZitKin tKe s\stem Ior EotK production and invoicinJ documentation and orJani]ation. SERVPRO’s Contents Claim Inventory Service :e use $ssured 3acNOut ([press Ior i3ad tKe most advanced Za\ to record Oists, taNe pictures and Earcode scan. 7Ke i3ad taNes pKotos and Earcode scans &ontains MoE inIormation address, Earcode OaEeO numEers, room and item descriptions Reduces time spend ZitK inventor\ Reduces repOacement Iraud 7racN ZKo KandOes tKe item at eacK step 3rovides updates, Oocations and status oI items ,temi]es cKarJes Document Recovery Our 'ocument Restoration Services· capaEiOities ranJe Irom document Iree]e dr\inJ, cop\inJ and ÀOe IoOder repOacements to moOd spore removaO. :e Kave tKe most advanced Iree]e dr\inJ capaEiOities and our team is eTuipped and trained to KandOeprocess an\ MoE ZitK tKe utmost urJenc\ and care. Our services are ,SO 9128 &ertiÀed and +,3$$ compOiant. ,n tKe event tKe customer is in need oI an\ oI tKeir records durinJ processinJ, Ze Kave tKe capaEiOit\ to retrieve, scan and emaiO individuaO ÀOes upon customer reTuest. Services: Restoration of: Capture and assess damage 0edicaO and dentaO ÀOes 3rovide cKamEer and Iree]e /egaO and accounting EooNs /iErar\ and scKooO EooNs dr\ing (ngineering and arcKitecturaO Restoration cOeaning and treatments draZings )iOe cop\ing and reEuiOding ;ra\s and microÀcKe (Oectronic media Industrial Equipment Re-building Data Recovery Our team of KigKO\ trained (OectricaO, SoftZare and 0ecKanicaO (ngineers possess tKe engineering sNiOOs necessar\ to restore, redesign and reEuiOd an\ piece of industriaO eTuipment incOuding automated process controOs of eOectricaO and mecKanicaO functionaOit\. On average, our restoration services can Ee compOeted for /(SS 7+A1 8 of repOacement cost. :e offer a Zarrant\ on aOO eTuipment serviced. 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