MORNiisra LOUISVILLE LOUISVILLE Special jS"otices. NASHVILU AND -A- Ixxbssb Amount or ScrrKKiso Relieved bt TAiijta McLean! Stresothisiso Caring ewes hTe been reported eared: 105 persona hire been eared of General Debility. 63 persona hare been eared of Nerrous Debility. 23 persons have been cored of diseases of the Kilnejs. 183 persons who hate been afflicted with Tarious coaeplfcints, Feter, Chronic Diar rhea, Dysentery, LiTer Complaint, Night Sweats, Dyspepiy. and Weakness of the Dige6tiYe Organs, have been cared, besides a large number from whom wo hare not yet heard. Cordial and McLean's Strengthening Zuood Purifier is a remedy required by etery one in the Western and Southern country, It is very pleasant and agreeable to take, an I it can be taken by man, woman, or chill. As a diuretic, it will cure any disease of the Kidneys or 15 udder, and as an alt era-tiit will purify the blood, and remove all pimples, aores, or blotches from the ekm. Try it one drachm is sufficient (o convince the most sceptical of its wonderful strengthening and invigorating properties. See the advertisement in another column. re, d&vrlm t"More precious than rubies" is health, but if we believe the advertising columns of the papers no one need be without that great desideratum; the remedies are almost as numerous as the diseases themselves, each one of the former better than its compeers. Weight's Rejcyenatmg Elixir is a itar of great magnitude among the myriad; it scarcely can be classed as a medicine, for it is pleaeant to the tatte, exhilarating and bracing in its action, and both harmless and effective in its operation upon the nervous, ne debilitated, weak or victim of bad health and worse treatment. Throw away docurs stuff and try this mighty euVstitute. Sold by all respectable druggists throughout the United States and Canada. J. & CO., sole proprietors. New WRIGHT Orleans, Louisiana. See advertisement. woe-bego- )u dAwim . .. Kr, August FTth 1853. Da. 8nAU.i9BKB.aiR. Dear Sirt I have to state that your Fever and Ague Antidote daily growing Into favor, and needs no puffing to recommend it, as its own merits are sufficient, wherever a trial has been made. I believe it has never failed where the administration has been proceeded with in accordance with the directions. It is a pleasure to sell medicines that meet the expectation of purchasers and give satifaction, and as each I am proud to roommend your Pills. HorurtfYiLLl, BUCK. Physician apt dlmAwAAweowlm. Drusrg-iit- . and B. D. KNOW THYSELF! STOKES, naif.!, OK IMPOKTEK AND DEALER IN Coach and S add! or y Hardware IS A REGULARLY KDUOATXD and detects to a certainty tha trns condition and locality of Diseases by the pnlse, and their peculi mm, ar! wiuiiwi aaaiua; aur queauona. mseaaes OI 1 11 Throat and Lanas traatad by Medicated Inhalation and oountltntlonal treatment. Rheumatism and Neuralgia, ecieiuia. oeuima TvvaauoBs in snon. an cnraDia iia eafisa ( long standing, cured la the shortest possible Dlscasen, Female Bnppremions. Irregularities, RHILBOAD LINE! iz FIFTEEN YEARS' 11. v M. i WHTIRB without rik or exposure, vis: eyphtj-i- s. Gonorrhea, Gleet, Etrlctures, Ulcers, Tumors, Cancers. Secondary and Constitutional Syphilis. Dines of the Kidfeys, etc. bemiMai Weak-neNervous Debility, 4c, cured In a short t me. Patients livtnj at a distance ran be cured at home by sending a description of thulr disease aud iuclotint: a stamp. Medicine sent to any address. .Ofl!ce No. 114 JeCerum street, between First and second. Uluce open from 7 A at. to P. at. e)4 diw U HALL. V. D-- Leave Arrive at Arrive at Arrive at Tae T: iWN. ,, Barutown.. Kltxalibtown . A. M. 4:50 P. M P. M P. M Lebanon 11:J0 A. M. :14 P. M A. M. Train from Loalnvuie cunnects at Leb anca aiui btus fur frpriusbtild, Danville and points Lbe interior ut Kentucky. KISTCRNlNa: C:40 A.M. .. LefV Lebanon.. EiizaiNttiitown A. M. UfW Brd.-to-A. M. Louu-vill9:0)1 A.M. ... Anleat Traiiia frviu Mtmpnli and NaahvUia arrive vlUa at 1:.W P. M. and II S) P. M. The ILuO nuon Train from Louisville will ran dallv. The IfcoO flight Tram wlU leave LoulnvlUs on Sunday talK'tt, but will not ran on Saorday night, tjw Procure lbrouh Tickets at tbe Dwpot, corner ol on do .Mniu ana uruaawav. ana at u. 7U auurUi aiui i&a aauonai uoteu apU'ctf JOHN B. ANDETl?ON, Fnrt. LOUISVILLE & FEABFORT AND LEXINGTON & FRANKFORT RAILROADS. AND MONDAY. ArRIL mo. isn rtN yj train will ArriCS leave LcuUvUle daily (Sunday except' a ., stopplnf at aU PtaUoci a. except yalrOrociuia, Race Coarse, Brown-bor- o wha riaeed, and BeUevlcw; connecting at Eminence with atagi for Xswcatdie: at Frankfort for Lawrencebarp, llarrcxls. bait and Danvlllo; at Midway for Vurealllca, at Payne't etaaon tor ueorcetown; and at Lexington la KaliroaO an stage for Nicbobuvtlle. Danville, Lancaster, Crat Orchard, Somerset, lilchmoud, ML Sterling aud all Interior towns. eCOOND TRAIN MO p. if., stopping at all Et&tlou when flagged, except Fair Grounds. Point, Race Coarse. Orcwky's, Browns boro, Buckner and North Benon,' conaectmc vy iaee at eminence for Aswcaetie; and a Favn-'for r r?tiwTi. THIRD TRAIN AooomionATiow Laavea at K, rtoppln? at all Btallonn; and retnrnlnr;, wlil leave at ( 33 A stopping tt all Statlo&i. and arrive at Lotilbrllie at &i a. at. Trains arrive In Louisville ss follows: First train at aecona tnla at t K r. io au a. Lacranxe Accom modation at & lit a. n. Freight trains leave LonUTllle dally (Bundays except ui a: o.xj a.a in LSimnon at 4:30 r. at. Freight received a&a dUckarged from 7.30 a. at. to . M. Tickets for Danville, narrodsbnrft, Crat ircjiara, Domerset, vergaujos, ueorjretown, and all fur on can te naa at tba Depot In LooJUVTU eorner oi rfeuorson ana srook streeu. 8AMTEL GILL, nom itt Bapn L. A F. and L. A F. R?IL TRAIN-6.- IsgntAHni Compant op im Fbakkuit Louisvilu, April 1. 1C1. MEETING OF STOCKHOLDERS. HELD THIS 4 T A. dav, to elect a President and twelve Directors to serve the present year, the following gentlemen were iniy eteciea: JAMES TRABUE, President. : James B. Wilder, Samuel L. Nock. W llliara Terry, Geo. W. Morris, W.Geo. Anderson, Joseph P. Torbltt. Auaaaax IllTt, SecreUry. The attention of merclutnts and stocktraders Is particularly Invited to this old established and successful Insurance Company, which continues to do a general Ore aud marine Insurance business on the most liberal terms., corner of Main and Bullitt street, over Oommerclal Bank. ABRAHAM 111 TIC, ap6 Secretary. i OT AUTHORIZED CAPITAL. turn. rnvi PAID IN AND SKCURAD 160,000 BEING NOW ORGANI8ED, WILL THI3 COMPANY. Insurance on Hulls of Steamboats, on Cargoes by same, by vessels at sea and by the UauaJ modes of Inland transportation, and also oa Bulldlccs, Ac., against idi v. nre. . bkmadicc, president. Secretary. i DIRECTORS. B. J. A (Jama, A. A. Gordon, E. Atkinson, Tuoa. H. Wlison. D. 8. Benedict. OfBce 8. w3- over store of D. Benedict A Son. JelS ROBERT ATWOOD, 1UTHRIE IftSURAl.CS TRUST COHPAHY. rne.rtered CapttaL aid la and - Kecnred.....JJ This company Is now imraj j EI&kCTOM vrgaiiiseu ana reaav 500.QOO. 00,000. vo en-- jp v ' 1 marine msuranca Auai ness on liberal terms. Office In Basement of Southern Bank, oorner of Main uiu juxuvi sireeu, Xjouisvuie, ay. ANDREW GRAHAM, President. W. A. Dnckwall, Dennis Long, J. P. Mar-- DmicToas. Oloanso of Tlmo. lOO.GUC O m.--PT. train for all points in boutheix Ccliina aeila the beet of coal at kis eEce, Third street, between Market and effer eon. Give him your orders. d:f t, See advertisement of Dr. S&nford's LIVES INVIGOSATOR, in another J. K. EMMII. -- col-nm- tf W. T. LEWIS J. B. EMMIT & CO. REOPEN AT THEIH OLD STAND. No. S07 side Fourth street, .Varket and on fcet'iri'ay morntnt:. May lltli, latil, WILL !twfii NEW AKD DESIRABLE GOODS At LOWER PRICfS have ever before been Otred In this cv FuK CAHI UN LY Onr ptxyii having been purchased since the war panic, tf n. LIGHTNINO KXPRES8 P.A8T Dally (Snn-day- s excepted; connecting at Seymour with Train on me uuio ana Mu.isiippi Katlroadtr Ciiictii'iatl w York. iVxiton. PLiiadelnhia. U&lt.l. Columbui. more, and all Katrn ClueM; and at fn'Manapollf with Jkilloloutalne line tor Cleveland, PittMborK Philadelphia, Baltimore, and aU the principal cities in the East; a so with Tmint. on the Terre Uante and La- Ifiyette itallroads tor Bt. Lou:.-,- , CWcuec, Rock I&iand, Culr.cer, llannihal, ft. Joseph, and all the other prin cipal ciues in iiib n esi auu iMoruiwetit. Daily (Patnrdays 130 a. M. NiaCT LXPhESh coiiiiectine at Seymour with traiug oa the Oiilo and Misi.islppi Kaiiroad for Cincinnati and all Kaattern cltl-- ; at Indianapolis with the liellefunljiine Line fur Toledo, Cleveland, Buiialo, New Tork, Boston, l'lilUtdeiphla, Baitiniore, and all points in the Ka-s-t: end with the Cincinnati an l Chicago Teirc Haute and Klchmoud and Lafayette Railroadf torChlcaKO. ti. Paul, t. Joseph, hu' Louis and all poiats In the Weal And Northwri. CLl.SiitN .'OIIN?0V, Agoat ap14 CKOTI1 KK.rt. A. npt. V. ! , at a great tacriricefor cash, an J a onr terms are EXCLUSIVELY CAcH. we cau and will Mil LNFRECK-DF.aIEBARGAINS. J. R. KMM7TT CO. nivil Notice! Notice! Notice! yGCR STATE TAX Full Isol IS NOW DUE. NEW TIME TABLE LOUIS ! 7ILLE, KEW ALBANY AND L. DlsrOkTH, Secretarj B. H. Wajrironer, DftTld U. oung, W m. E. Snoddr. John 8. Brannin, John T. Moor. . John A. Dttnlop, James Bridzefora. W. O. Hrent John R. Allen. W. C. flail. Al COMMERCIAL INSURANCE . C'AJTAT ' I ffll.tHhr IN A GENERAL Merchandise in tore, and other property, against fire, aud all Property on the ocean, Jakes, rivers and overland routes; aUo, on Itearuboat cr Vessel Hulls . Ornca Northwest corner of Main and Wall streets. BIS ACTOR". Wm. B. HamlUonS Warren MitcheU, Kami. H. Moody. THC8. J. MARTIN. President. P. B. Atwood. B.x.TrUry. , cmcAOo, Detroit, Point West and riorttTxrest, OL'PONPS To HAZARD'S GUNPOWDER. hops SALE. MAJLT A3TI Cash Paid for Barley til t 1861, SprlngStyles! 1861. EDWARD STOKES STREET E KY. I LOUIS Kentnokr. Mrs. J. A. BEATTIE ft ' Paris Millinery! TROISJOULEURS! L. S. E. DL Ii. B. LABY HIS uvuoow 60. BOTLa.. ZiT. ZkXULBOOXT Sc CO.. GEXiy STREET. BET. TB1SD XSV FOURTH A. OY MON UHKNT8 AND AU ZVXcSZLZDTJ, W FOLKS ALE AND EKTAIL DEALKV IN HARD FT A HE AXD CITLERY, anuraCTLKu of PLANES AXD MECHANICAL TOOLS, Ki 221 Thlr- - Street, lalartlle, Kr. PORTABLE EORGK8 FOB Mlmra, iuarrler! PjillroaJ Baud ere, ana au who want a compile poktablx evrrnauop. Alao.a irenerai aissortateDt Hardware. Cntlry aed itholeaale and farmers and retail at lowest casb prices by til Third at. g B MVTACTnRFD - LwartavUI, Kr & CO., New Aihaay, 1.4. ALSO Flat-Spl- ocl v.. it i1",,7 100 Extra iLK ... MM 1MPROVAD CULTIVATORS J. D. BONDURANT, North aide Main street, near Math. ir10FFEE.-3- S0 BAGS V and tor sale 1T Je:K) PRIM RIO COFFEE IN STUSX . LT.FN, MOORK OIL.-- 4I BttLS. .RECEIVED ON COSBIQN-nicntin store and lor sal by ALLEN. BIOORE A UADEN. RECKIYFD. ANOTUKR INVOI0 CIQAna-JU- ST Henry Olsv Cigars, svipenor flualttyi yq " i,000 Great Eastern do? do; For sale tow by A. BORIS. Chairs X Tin fiafeg, PATENT ' , - ONLY COMPLETE FTlTTTflV rvlVTlTvrvn addition to the authentic work, the Manual euoweu ior uie avniucsy oiaie uaani. Manual for Oolt's Revolver. Ac Fully Illustrated with alxty-nln- e riabes, an uiv juusio, au, mc. mytS dtf .iura sifeet, uaax j per per per per SOLDIERS. ATTENTION! SADDLES, HARNESS AND MIL- if V IX II iU f .ii kl.. v TT ord.r In the best and most au-A IVie , ' riLIHYIERS' TOOIsS. CCYTHI9. SNATH". CKADLKS, BICKLFS. RAKFS O Stones, Hoes, MattockAxe Wednes, hee barrows. Shovels, Spades, Forks, Ac , Ac. for sale low for cash by A. MoBRlDK, J'18 No. fctl Third sweet ' WALKER'S EXCHANGE, WOULD RESPECTFULLY CALL YOUR to our stock of LAMPS, AND LAMP FTXTURIS Of all kinds. It Is by far tbe lament, and ef Rreater than any heretofore offerel in this market. OUR we eusrtntee to be tbe best: It Is rKKK FROM OFFENSIVK ODOR, and wUl BURN LONGKR. an clve a BR1UUTJCR LIGHT, than any now selling- la tblictty. We sell only one kind ef Oil, and varchasers can always rely noon rettlnc a uniform aia ceod artlela. Wa solicit a share of your patronage. DAILY ALL DELICACIES Sole Agent for the Lena Greek fVa.) a27dUdp D1MKALL, Ooei OU Work. MiaSonlc Temple, 1 L0TJISV1LLE, KY. my24 BROTTirR. APRIL COMMKNCINO Itth. IaL Miami Little , AND at Last. Discovered ! & XENIA COLUMBUS AND CINGINTI, HAMILTON & DAYTON 1861 EAILEOAD S. ( CINCINNATI in hour. Philadelphia in 27 B's. . Sar"g Springs in 2i- - h'a, Buffalo In 1.1 N$ horns. Clewlaud in S hoara. Wheeling in IIS hours. CreiitltnH la t hours. hours, Sa&dusky In Detroit In FtOM g CHEROKEE REMEDY! UNFAILING SPECIFIC FOR ALL DISEASES THK URINARY ORGANS. AND A GEN r KAL ALTERATIVE AND BLOOD PURIFIER. AN JOffN CAWEIN A CO. St. Charles Restaurant! "Remedy" Cores when all other Preparations Ka!I.Et A3-T- TT IS ENTIRELY UNLIKE EYERY OTHER MEDI. Vi.ifasej. as it cotlains X cine prescribed for no Mineral ntwrm or luitnut if rugs, being prepared from Ji'Mitt, Birkt and Learnt, in the form of a pleasant ami aeitcurut isirup. It Is "nature's own remedy" for GONORRHEA (ClaDV GREEN 8EA GLEET. GRAVEL. STKUN'ITRK, and U tiptviaUy to ommrndai for FLUOR ALKL8 (Whites In Females). complaint it b invaluable. Potomac Shad, Spring- Chicken, rorAsthis a general Alterative and Blmt Purilfsr, it hs DC I?;La VKtMlNTV and don not fall to en re Jacksnipe, Blue -- wing- Ducks, ennal. ARY rYPHlLIS. ULANDULAR SH E; LISG8, MKR- uuiiiAL. ana aul tniji'liYi!. iiujagt curing Squabs, Frog- Legs, etc., them more speedily and permanently than any other AND SERVED CP IN meaicine mown, u onr (in oy jniryyxna una eiean RECFJYKD atDAILY the St. Charles. causing it to now in. an us oriKiuai puri ino vie otooa A fine Lunch, consisting of the above mentioned, will ty and vigor, thus removlne from the system ad impure be served Dally at 1UH o'clock. ana percicioua caures wnicn have lrunce i A fresh supply of Dayton A ie lust received. In all old cases of Gonorrhea and Olivt, that have bafC. C. RUFKlt, Proprietor. ap5 re ommenUed. In fled all medical skill. It to old cases it never falls, and recent ones it cur's from one to three dais. A frw doses positively itutovts all tcaiaino aeo. ctumua ana vain. It does not affect tha breath, or interfere with any Third St., bet Market and. Jefferson, class ot onsiness. a"s!sUnce from ether melli-tne- . It reunires no ALWAYS BS FOUND THE BEST or In the Countlng-Room- , It can lay op the foiiet-Tsar- e WHERE WILL Beer, and the finest Llouors, Clears, Ac , to wlthote ts ever belt suspected as a reme-lbefouni in the city. A RoodTen-pi-LL'NCti will be set every for ttrreaU diseases. n Alley Is one of the morning at 10 o'clock. My A Treatise en Venereal with full directions Table cannot be for their rjermanent cure, aceonicunles each bottle. best in the city, while my Pigeon-hol- e HUB PHILIP'S EXCHANGE, ..JtICK POMiA BHAW. "Round the Corner" Saloon and lleslaurant. For full particulars, get a Circular Jrtt from any drug slum In thu ITnite.! tA- - It is soid at ret!! fnf 2 per boille, or fire bot tles vt 8, by all respors'hle lru'elsts ant Bvalers to and at whole MilclDf thronwhont tha imied sale by all m hoiesale truggisti. Sl.l. SAINT Sold In Louisville son, I'eter A Co.: lu New ness, and by ail Druggists v no! J il.l ROOMS. T LOUIS. MO. by Ravmond k TvTer ai I WI1 Albany by Scrihner A Magin In the United States. O "XT. 1 "27 FORWARDING COHniSSION & Froprletors. AT ALL HOURS OF THE DAY AND NIGHT. MEALS Larder Is supplied with Fi-MeaU, Poultry, n 3ame and Oysters the best in th market. In onr are to be found Imported Wines, Liquors and liars of the choiceM brands. Sol Agents in Kentucky for J.J. Sands' celebrated Chicago and Milwaukee X, XX aud XXX Pale Cream and Stock Ale wholesale, In barrels and or bv the bottle. nol5 dtf MS" Call - ROUND THE CORNER." DIAII3 ARB IX NO. BETWEEN ALL KiXBS C? FEE3 ANB H330CI J'il FOURTH HTRliET, MAIN STREET AND TUS RIYSR. Lourtlle, Kr. A1Snecia1 attention given to the sale of every dexrip tlon of Produce Orders proiuptly filled at the lowest possible rates. a- - Liberal Cash Advances made ou coinngnuients. Iff feT LUMBER COAL HEW iMPGHTATIOMS COAL. COAL. fPHI UNDERSIGNED KEKP CONSTANTLY ON hand a choice lot of PllTsRCltU COAL, together with all other kinds kept In this market, to wlM-.-- they would Invite tbe attention of buyer?, llavln had lfn experience in the business, we leel conSdeut wo can We ass a give entire sati3'action in every particular. continuance of the patronage heretofore so liberally bestowed, a well as an lncioa--- e of new custoiaors. O'--r office Is on Market.between fixih and swveuth straets, and on Water and First streets. K0W?FR A FULTZ. den dtf A. J. N. COLLINS. OSUTOHEH Jiffrmi, nti Ky. Street, betvxnt Mtrkit and LauIsvUle, HcOHEADT, CI.ASSrAS.E, jejaj. jP H'30EKEEFBS WTO ARE CLEA5IN0 AND CHANGINO CARPETS Shenld not pot then down again w thout the PATENT CAEPET LINING! riTTSB.USO. PllACn ORCHARD, ZXAXlTrOKD CXSTsT. Coal. Coal. To te had on!y at apl dtf COAL COAL! .lurin. OL.31STEAD X O'COXXOU, (BUOOESSUKS TO JOS. ROBB), ua 1 From I ittie Miami Dep'it. connects Via Columbus, Cleveland, Dunkirk and liutfalo; via Columbus. Crestline and PilUburg; via Columbus, StennvtUe and FlUabnrg; and via Columbu, lirLair and tSeuweod. 9:25 A.M. EXPRESS MAIL RKlow- nf the PEi'TUNA CANNEL and PEACOCK POMEROY COAL, wnlch. for kitchen, parlor or chamber use, has no superior. mr Offices JM Third street, between Market and JeUerson, at Robb's old stand, and 302 southwest corner Q DIWi UU 3U1HI iuhw " tAttttt J. 0, CAUFBELL XairCrAcTrakM Woofl-Worki- BrXXS & CO., CM Machines ns AND lxAcnxsrisTS' tools. n ivrtnn i WD unrn. niDinmi in wivf si X INQ MACHINES, TEN NON MACUINES, Ac. would do well to give us a call before going North, as ws can Bt them cut on as good terms and In aa One style as any other manufactory. N. B. Coach makers' Twere Irons, of the most approvJyludtf ed kind, manufactured and for sale. REMOVAL! Brandeis & Crawford1 GRAIN DEALERS. REMOVED TO THE NEW WAREHOUSE ON HAVE bouthweet corner of Main and first streets. -We will pay the highest market price for ail kinds of ural n delivered at onr Store or at any good shipping point on tha Ohio I lvar. d8 dtf BRANDETH A CTO AWTORTt. SO BY EMANUEL LEWIS. I La jr ce t Sitters; Dr. Roback's Stcraach new aa deitghtfn! and CoiM!i. lor giv I A to- th Ioucompla!iitsn.--i.lef.itoth'- ' In S ton trie luevenUun of b'l k.nm.i an l Western cotinsrr. TtU. As a momin dr.nk. to a..-- i digestion and relieve d Try If. ii hart no ir ki jiJvr 11 is to oilier B!ir. Try It, The krmula m lurse 3:t.wrs,:M.w (laei) the f.ia property of Dr. Kobax-kwith on- or the oldest an l most eminent Practitioners ef tha West, and it la directly preoit.ated tie want.- of Wisterui people. ThaMt Biters derive their stiraulus frora tv powerful tonic nature of tiie toou and Lr'i cf which t"e or ; sa ixiuiposcl aud as the' are, bv a;!ai'1r7 nnnn'"rl iw-tD- ii at the siomai b,'.ve r.i TftMPKR-ANCtne priaeul proyrieu.r believes tbat. In niakiog them wMtly known, ths pnh!!e welfare i smjs by al! of It. Roi..a-'nnm It will soon be ocs asents, a;el at hotels, Ac , the cjo- -i lu th meantime. orier will lm ui'.ea d'rect from Cincinnati Ii y quantity. ar,.l at wi lowest It Mpntoplil uierv. or. ra:i SATVR-AT- S EXCEPTED. ALL OTHER TRAISM BCX DAILY. SCX DAYS AU'C'AiTAi. VER IHViaORATOR, DJiHIUTATE-M- . OCM3, AMD rri8C0Mr0UNX!Er INTiRStYlvu.M lrr, used It, and hare kiown ant aprove-- l bv H U now rssortei tn wits j " c.jna lecoa la a.l tha dls-a- e orjaienJed. lor which it is rec j 1PAGGAG CHICKED EAcXEKN CITIES. T3 ALL THROUGH Passengers should bear la mind that the "CINCINNATI" Is tbe OLD and FAVORITE KuUTK. Con-cton.s are made promptly, the Koad4 are thoroughly BALLASIXD. and ail modern lmprveuienu adopted insuring tiieed. ouxfott and SAFaTY. TlxrougU Ticket Are sold at an the PRINCIPAL RAILROAD TTCXET-OFFlt'K-S In the Hb'f and oOLXIL Asa for Tickets via CINCINNATI. P. W. STRADER, Geoerai Ticket Aswtn, my7 C1ncinn-n- . S KA.TIIl.V BLOOD Finn St., bet. Marxet and Jefferson, (OPPOSITE COURTHOUSE). IiOUZSVIIiIiXf, KEEPS ON 1and tn aoanrtmect of all kinds of HATS, CAPS, Ac. which he ells at Eastern price. as- MILITARY CAPS of all descriptions made to order at the ibortest notice snd at - lowet prres. J7(!tf FILLS, FROM OOMPOLNXED Fur YegaUble Etractj,an ! put up In GV.V33 CAiffl . neep la any Air lii.t, and RTIC PILL U a gente Tha FAMILY CATIIvr hf- t- ate pmnrieUr U. but active Cath M 4hn twent years. tseJ tn h!3 pract JiCTi--imr demand from thosi-whThe cons-JtPUL3 and the aatisia-vhave - ftionwUlO1'10 7 The aTt ,.. ?.t their nhai tiierent - ,u.he-- (xrr), j .dl:Lj t. w. ui'td icioi ticiit;. wls'-lnto e.nd fcr tbeir frieads worn the old vbta n tickets irvm auy town ou a railway, IreUn:, or from the principal cities of Kn&an4 and Scotlan i al very Kw rats. Parties country in lor New York, arrlTlng by the Eoston Ploajners, will be forwarded to New Y.rk fre of charge. or passage or partner miortn ation appT u WM. H. n'lt'KHAM. At the office cf the Company oa tne wharf, foot ol Canal street. New York, or to JOdN DOYLE, corner ol rirtn anj ureen -, i onus OIL JlSD PCiE No. i Blood rzsZ.cs, HOLD CJJiDLM JfAJYT- - V.AKD tHl LA HO OiU ENGINE OiU RAILROAFOlls MACHlNSOiLj Rc:bIN OIL. tbjea gradear DECK (UL; an. UUBCf. BtRNlNU FLUID. Ky. fiHIFTINa-TO- : . SLIDE-SEA- T TROTTING ' A SULKIES, P ' BUGGIES BUGG1E3; BUGGIE3 ; fte.j'ie. ' ''. , . :' FINE ASSORTMENT FOR KALI CT11AP AT DIRR, U AIG OT A. 1Y HEELER'S OPPOSITE THE GALT HOUSE, 10C19VTLLB. BY. an dtf GAY'S CHINA PALACE, - : CORNIR OF FOUI17ZX AZXZ) OZIXZHT ST3.' NEW ErTiN.THE f China, Glass and Quecnswarc R U 8 1 JCi E H 811 T HAVE JUT OPENED, TJNPEX Till MA-a- x (totu 1 witA a very targe ana entirely new stock of very rich China, Ulase and Uneensware. rleh Bohemian Blartswaro. Table Cutlery ,Mlvai-Plate- d War Watten. Britannia H are. jOoklng-OlasReAlso, a Wooden and Wlllowware. arge and rtrmpirte stock vt HS Ftstnrei. CnattdeltenL Brackets, Portables, Pillar Lights, etc I ami reparej torn Oa aad team Pip, and to Regild an4 Brents war-aLampa an Ckaixlsliers, at aiaaU exponaa, s - and- them a goxxl as new. 1 am determined to keep such a stock and to efTer uch Induce meals aa wll) sectary a bbaral har of pub- QKOR'JI QY. f sell dtf C patronage. SABDZiZIZLV. . JAMES TREAS?. nARSEBBXDLAfV " ' SADDLES. COLLARA, - ' lltttt- OORNEK ICTIYBD R, RapA) Ac, wholesale aad mall, tTtt AND M .RKWP PT" f ttl.'lIL,f.w, jscotcl Ale, t' ' r '-' - K w. ; THIS BAY PER ArUtOAB-WOAAI- TS ft. Ann Keewerr and tor sal by Younger1 J. o BCUAOAliAvti m fi r ' FOUIVSEAT R0CKAWAT3 ' J,r. f ROCKAWAYS; T f II His ihe r COACHES! 8IX-SEA- SenovatorJ (Se. whlet precisely what '.ta a.ime to trie Ukie, it is revi l;j inj, rxhiiar- and trent,thi iir !; to the V'tai powersi an-- l . It ai renew ti.e- A revtviiiet. reiii-ta'K. bioo. in ail it.- ordinal p'trity, a:nl t!.u- - rexioreo 11 L an-- renders the s'teni 'Tiru.nerai. e to jttack.-- ., V ittatueoniy pr. puntii.ii everot-iul fer i to t't( worl.i so as to he a popular within tt. rcijh ct all. ochcn.ir3iay and skill- - J H fully coraitined as to be the niot powertu !ai,ud as ta aa L I P ttMiic, aod yet fO perlWuv M in vr?ct iccrjance tn! the i.iws nahtrf, jhocA. and lone (and tu iLn toe tli',-t'Va:ul a.iv a!- ik.rv:.n. or? and fther irritat' n. It is a.o perfeci.y exh't- - LJ aratlngin it lt-c. snl vet it ts never toi-i-" lowt-- J by of ifit.. It k coniposel tn!:re:y ol veeiat.h-- an- i 011IC and tborouhlv ein;tin:n? powerml soothliii prpertie.and conseUetitlv can nv-- cer injure, tluch a reuse ay ha been felt to in noli hy f bea lei.!eratnn tke in nn-,- : calworld, science, anii Utheliiorvu!;ly.-.t.l.ctleiM.!tv; fori have n!ier-.'It no me.l! al !i!ot knowledw ev-Cj seen.1. that debility iollon a.l attacks of Ci and lays the ungvarled svstem open to the lacks of many ot tae nvv-- t uanternua n. wh yta. 'poor humanity ta liable. Such. for tf uiu f LKCK, L.alavUI JOU. my II -- AND- ASllN WALL. Agents. north side Market st, Kat- F1oy4 and Predion t) and TJ n. a. Jt;!ersoa oC. bet. C:uy aiid ehelby, M Ao C;N8TANTLY ON HAND Sh mmm cobdial ixiuiBvtiio LAND HOW Z4H SPB.I3STGS THIS W UJUECE39 MANUFACTUHER, PURIFYING 4,l common floods. American and Belxian (lUuisware. Brit annla and SUvervlated Ware, common and Ivory Cut lary, Walters, Lamps, Girandoles, Ac. Ac., which we wui sen to tn, raoiine, uo'.eis, Bteamaoata. e- - at lower pncea than elsewhere in tnts city. A.JAEUKR A OO Vne. II and 111 Pourth utrrci MoxaH HalL TDYU CAP jl brtas another new and large slock of French T X China Tea. Dinner and To'.l- -t Ware: Bo- heuiiau Ulassa arere. of every Uescrlp- - 9f3f 3?"- - rjy va-LINE-STESTEAMSHIP BETWEIM ith anil America New York, Boston and Uatwy. i to U;.- Tha loli iwing new and insgnidcent paddlo-wheuxi, he inr s're-iPle'iui.-hip- s tae . eououu.isj ctiTu a t- - 4 coiupoar the above line: ji.k wn'.'B rr.-jafof tae ADUIATIC, 6,Df tuns J. Sack. ajmentary canal, ar---. a.e l n i an4 iArn in s oruienv iii me t.iiui LIQr . ' X-- e -j, where a tttharr'csn h a 11IBKRNIA, tuus burtber, Capt. N. PBOwra of tV " " SACil. S I, k I f CliLUMBlA, XI. l.UT.-H- . PALX IN !iA:';CAM)LilNjO " Thk: " " ANGLlA, 4,4io N1CUO1.40X. PA1.-riYENF-.-'- i Vt Tiik ANitl I'AOlrlC. 2JU " I. tMiia. W HuLK B'jDi . t Uiuh ireoneiit-ly- , :en ;'i:; 1KLNCK ALBERT. if neciecte. end 1n.a yj ' of Fever, " " 1. Wuin. 3Juw " Cra.-pCold Appetite, Loss a of ol ii One of the above snips wiU leave New vt Boston et i?eir.ilonor weightovstlu body, l.e-.sltemately every Tue;y f,rtntBt. for lialwsy, earry-lutha 1 ' j Worm iu the head, all the government miulu, tjuthing t rt. Johns, N. F. ImaUsLa. a gTat Pmlier The of thia hne hav ben coustructed with Children or A lalia, Knu of n t.t-jii govern traa la r.aa. the and Bloi the greatest care. unier liit? uperwisiou of the t. ment, have wurer-tlsh- t compirtmenta, and are utex-cal.e- heir, too euaierviti. 1 to A .t !t2 j ty any Meamer f.r couilort, aairtyi an.l ..p-Pr-e- . siloat. They are comina-- led by able aud expertence't T:ire iiiiicer, an. I every exerou wid be aiade to prumot.' i i fu'.-Th Liver Invl.jr.-.-o- r Cathartic Pt"Jam the comfort, of awDjen. ;-. by Dr-;- -i rela'.;.l aat An eii riencvd Surgon attached to each ship, tha iraUe lar.e tuwcv or P4SSAOI. s. HAN;itD nt. rx, Firt1a-s- . from N. Y. or Bostou to Oalaf or Livell tlW Scend-cla- s 1 Pronret t, 7i JlaEK'st'i'-tn . " 14 " ) Broadway. to Si KirsKlsea. or Fa:tn it. Tiiiru-clas- s 3-- a? M U L.alvta oy W ilson. Pet r A Co, R. A toUa!., tjL-aSO erptAil or anv town In Ireland, on y, Co A Tl i: r. an 1 Ly a.l Hru RoiuMa Tlilrl-clas- s are liberally with pro- - gloa., l the beil ijuailty. cookej aud sdrved by UiS servants ot the Cum p.u.y. j3 w. ' SIIX WATTS TN THS M"0TT WITH THE XOblUjtit. ANi SV. ALLO-par 2otta. Prxe Ou IRISH NEW STOCK OF WILD EKQUTERF.D AND PICTURESQUE resoi t. three miles from the Ohio rWer, of Invalids and vlsftors.' The Petrolenm water is par ticularly benencial in lung and cnestaiseases; tke Mag nesia water is a certain remedy in dyspepya; the lybeate, the Alumina, the Blue and white Su'phur Three are world wide known for their medical virtue. In close proximity of each other, tesae irom the base ot au amphitheater of massive ton one hundred feet high. The taverns and cottaeea are contiguous to the springs, In a primeval oasis of forest and green lawn of Arabian pkciurequenraivu rarauisiacai gratoeur. Fare plenty, uch as It Is, and very good wait there per Is or tt. erice, kAmusemenw of U kindW.a D. MATH ALL. Pro r. Refer to Marshall Halbert, Capt. Owathmey, and Dr. Caspar!, Louisville, E.j Orsen V. Tawsley.and Capt. nomrnn, new Ainanv. inn. nyri ll " It has Trains ran by Columbus time, which la 7 minutes faster than Cincinnati time. Dressed Poplar Flooring, alttl, tit . 1 iaiuikyor. TBE X7GHT EJTTIIESJS XCX3 DAILY. Poplar, at Manufactured of thoroughly-reasoneper thousand. lvVD South side Fulton bet. !!nk sjid Flovd anl8 dt JOS. MARTIN. llAnuii a rTi c'jr'ls per thousand. PREPARED TO DO GLAtINQ IN THE VERY best manner and at tha lowest rates possible. In soliciting ordrs, 1 refer to my past reputation and exGROCER, PRODUCE DKALER, AND perience as a workman, and believe that it will prove a WHOLESALE AND FORWARDINO MER sufficient guarantee for the future. Orders left at Me- CHANT, Market street, south side, bet wej First and gan A Escott'a wul receive prompt attention. Ky. . streets, Second Loui1H. OC1Z Agent for tbe sale of Floor and Copper Whisky. A yances made on Consignments. anil dl ' WHITE FIS- H- ' MACKEREL AND OIL. AN ASSORTMENT Kit THE CHOICEST and 3 Mackerel; .. . " sale by s ' " J OLIVE Oils Jus received andT.forLANHAM ," 10 White FisUi COL. J. In store and for sale by Importers of Tea. Ac, Third atrtat. mr39 W. ltBimHARIT.tl7UielU mjl AM nt rlfl. 10 P.M. NIGHT EXPRESS TEE TAE AND WHITE SULPHUR KENTUCKY MACHINE WORKS. ! 1.9. UnlfflHTI. arr 5:15 P.iNL EXPRESS & QTJEENSWARX Pittsburg and Fey tona Cannel Coal, CHINA.JUSTGLASS RECEIVED FROM EUROPE, AMU liirnc cured thonsasds! within the lat two years ioj-- s fi relict, aa tha fho had given uy aii.u From Litt e Mimul lepoi., connects via Columbus, Hell-aunsolicited certt- - C cx'es tn my possosalou aud Pittsburg; via Columhu. Creatine and Pitt lil snow. burg; and via Columbus. Cleveland, Dunkirk anl Bnflalo. i d to the temperasient of The dose must be ad-vid Uim-- i In such qua&U-uiLT tke Individual t Jiiag it.! ton and Dayton Depot, connects via Toledo, Detroit and as to act gently cn the iiowtls. 5 Canada. Let the dlcUt-- i cf y :.rrr.ent gr' Ieyoo la th as of the LI V till 1N-- I -- r t Mo;t '! It wti I ,.L i m' cure LIVHH C 0 BiLiluO tK..v;r? DIAKRHKA. rom Cincinnati, Uinitlion ana Datou Deuot.cvnnecu ATTACS3. DISPK!'! H l ; SUMHfcitCoMr-LAi.ST.vta'Jolninhun, Meuheuvlllle and DK.f-via (.Columbus, Crestline and Pittsburg; via Columbus, Cleveland, LR BtoMACIl. ilA'l V .JTUAl, OJ'ffl'lVKNE.. lmuklrk and bnnal.i. via Cdumbua, Hrllair and U 11 u L, . t 1. CUOUlvJ, bHA MOKB15. CHOLk-iI.tFANfiJM and via Columbus, Beilair and Pittsburg. "LATULENCE. JACN-DlC- ai. FEMALE WKAS-ik iSS. and MODERN SLEEPING CA&d ON THU TltAIN. as MiIUNARY ied FAMILY MEDICINE, ltwlll ii'K HKDCH3 fa PASSkNGERS FOR LAKE STE AMERS WILL TAKE thouanf!9 can tti:"vl IN r1 ) KNTY V IN TTk?, TUS MORNING TRAIN. TWO OB. TUKiE TEA-;u- 9 r'NIULo AitE TAi-E- N at commencement o THE 5:13 P. M EXPRESS S ATUllDA Y3 FOB TOLEDO .tcS. ffSLX. ALLWUOBiSIXASi', ilYLSO ttett tasttmonF fLAJtD SHINGLSS. t! Poplar Shingles, at DtallM n Sole Agents for the ?omeioy Coal. FOR ANY OP THE ABO'S COALS rRDERS J spectfully sot'clted and prompuy Oiled at tn. est msrtt p'ices. Constantly on hand, a good snpply Lv lrr mutt A.M. CIN'ATI EXPRESS 7 U HYANUFACTURED WITH IMFHOVED MACHIN ITA.ery oat of the boat quailbT of poplar Timber. and sou taem. No. At 6:15 A.M. EXPRESS LT SKS: apllfcn LATHS I COAL!!! MURPHY KEEPS CONSTANTLY ON HAND a larse supply ot the test Fltishurg ana iouku- loKhenr Coal. Also, the "Hartford City Coal," none Miter for steam or cooking purposes; usoa ty many tumiiles In the city, who prououuv It nearly equal to Pittshurg, aud superior to any otner now in use ior sieam auu tauiuy an ac a iuii nit vi i., muu warrant It win ki ve satlsraction. Sold wholesale and retail at the lowest eenh prices. jHrofflco. east wide fourth st. below Main. myiadtf FlbLf are lruonao tfconsaoUj of living wluieae. ao.ia letter-- , :atica! work,anJ rnr wo'd of moura. pr'cla!:n tnem Ut epa!lttn?l et Iw'he verv e kind oiVrel to the broken-'low- a victims of I.l nca'tit. Thev Sunt Jtseuse thniuiih every avenge a l crgan of the aruiw arid esoel it ttoron;i'y aa't per.-ii:.r. one 1ag No one can doubt tSt-'.- r 8npro.-"a c- -! !fal. They sr-Nf.'er, ta tact, apsr than azv oth- - P'iv. fr- - it toea a m ncrabT et of to orodure a better Price of the rrarKlinav'sn Vegetable B'ooJ Punier 1 per bcttle, or A half dosen. Ol the Blood PUis,; cetta per Nji. cr rsra!:e boxes for tl. Dr. Roback's 3pdal Not'cea and Certicafea. RaI putUaiiei in a couruicuoas part oi this paer uoia tlxua to time. Dr. Roback's Medical Almanaa an.l Famllv Aivlaer. eon'tming a great var'ety ot biteretii'g and vainabia medical lnfonuation. can hod graU Ol any of AiA Asr'mtM throughout the conntrr. Ia dimruit or eonipilcaityl cases. Dr. may i renoojuly oi by .eutr. lckmu sta.r.Q tor the rep. A NEW ARTICLE. S East Foiirtll jEarPyucal Cfflce an-street t'ilrJ bu!' iin from Ma'n street, Ciiunimatl, O. Laboratory No. 33 Hacniocd itrret. In by Je;!eron ala cocntv Kavrnend 1 Tvier, For OotticLa: A Co.. lsisvPU; f. L. cearce, F1h-erUe; J. U. Newtirk. Jrr'HTon; and ty an.l ilercaanM generally throiotit the Cniu:d states, the cilice and vijes of tae C ir. tifti. an'ii n12 dAwiyeottitrAeora. ton ana Dayton Depot, connects via Toledo, Dstroit and Uanauo. AND AT XlUt LOWJCgT M. L. UK ECKET?vi;3rv rv (if ad pmpi aaln'stered bdwrwtaw vr-- y eitaiirfof e 'ha eerd n- rs ponu'ss ttt-- i jtt? va iei ) near in nivr.-- l t;iat lts Kl.NUN AVIAN VW.ETA-BL- ' i WILS2NS', West aide Fourth at., bet. Main and Market, CRITTENDEN A GANTT, Wott side Third near Main. w BiJ)D OF to wbieh thev do not airis tide Coal. THE BEST QUALITY AfPrices for sale by I Britannia and Plated Ca.tors, WLittg CUuMet anl Lannu Kruit Jars. aU o terns Waver Coolers, Toilet tv-iwiitchwll! beofl'erM Cin be fonnd vi an7 4 th ioarVt. COAL CAN EE E UP PLIED AT PER30N8 DESIRING by calling at the tbo'-- place, and with the best article in the market, at the lowest cash price. 1!S dtf Heai Klve him your orders. Coal. & dtf At No. 577 Main st tlireo doors belsw Louisville Hot I RE NOW RJiCKlVINO LAUGH ADriTIONi TO iA. tneir nacz of Ltln and yueeusware. Ou band and assortment of arriving lare aDd nai"l-in- AgeLt and Coal Herchant, rfr4 i OR OBSTRUCTION LMPURITirs FttfVM AB4S1NQ "JU PR0DDCE, GENERAL ' LOUISVILLE, KY. XI., 31: New York Tn 31 hsur Baltlatoro la It haara. Albany In tt hocra. Dnnkirk In 1 honyj. Pittsburg In 134 nouri. Sieuoeuvilie In 11 bonis. Zanesville in 7 hocra. Toledo in houra, U hoars. Tsicsaa TiAiit LiAti eiieiHATt Proprietors P0ITXH ib XKRWIX.Sole Corner Sixth St. and Court Place, OPPOSITE THE ua . Fotomao Cucumbers, and Tomatoes. " tt VIA ! m.arratw lespon-.iK- bt Family Serving Macljines. xo. "J BLOCD . , OF THE SHELL OYSTERS Fresh, Fat and Luscious, forty hours from their bed. JSla.ic3., Bnlpe, Duck. Pi over. Woodcock. GHH1T1 SEA TUHTLE, Crabs, Cauliflower, .Families supplied. apu . AQHNIS FOR WHEELER & WILSOH'S 1SG1 WI r. . 3Qj Fourth street Louisville. Ky. . TRANSPORTATION. THE L0HO SOUGHT FOB THIRD ST., BET. MAIN AND MARKET, R feCEIVK season. - WM. SUMNER & CO., . Glad News for tbe Unfortunate Attention, Consumers ! GLAZING VERY CHEAP TT. A LS TL AVyluli.rta.fej' Fastest Lttnc East: MT i Persons In want of anything In my line will please give THIRD DOOR FROM MAIN ON THIRD STREKT. myftdSm JOHN ritO-- v cV X. to be Withoat One CII 4S. T. DARnEH, Afcnt, WAIMNQ8, JAILS VaVSATTDAS STAIR, of INClSstliiif F RESTAURANTS. PRICS Sinple Copy per Fipresa. Single Copy pet Mail. Doxen Copies. Hundred Copies. J. W. TOMPKINS A CO.. Sou theart corner Third and Market at. $2 fO 2 11 '8 00 125 00 COAL-OI- L. HADITN.' 3 TACTICS! .,Hir Afford have langutsaod u operation; aader tn v( u l r" retuovej by their Jiw " ? Dlt"1 peofertle tnat they reef!T 'th aorsed; that alrect tendency us nfe an l t. u it enlovahle- - tbat oieral-li.- g ne-jtha ?; i. - ..!,. they au so.-- n u jaai an I uisc!,ars;e from the t.ysteia everv taint of to.n a. wnether oere--tror otberw! tha fity roertMt tu de'j'r.uteii, and that ere t to di cf tne S'onh itnd r'ow,.' Ia?t tha System, the eirln. Gjijxis er Hacliinc "f LA ROE STOCK OF SILK TWIST, MAE? HALL M Co .'a Patent: Linen ThrenJ- - ibt M Uirnuuhi'i anl G'orgo A. Clark's oesf Spool Couoa aiwya on aand,at w uuicoaio ana j mrli LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY, 8AFCS, IR(N BURQLAR-PROO- IvtOd' rPlIl X In ZZeav7 Gunnies. R15CEIVID PER PTEAMER Adam and lor sale at reduced price, by B. 3 CRAWFORD, m w- "RAXWJW 4.. ami ftrot KtroJ.1 HACKS MIXED AND WHITE CORN IN pORN.-9- 00 V store and f jt sale by ANDREW ROCIIANAN A CO., Owner of rWwnt and Wachtngtnn eta. J29 pORN MKAL sO BOPIIELS FLOSSEK A CO.'B v steam dried and bolted Corn Meal In store and for sale by W. A H. BUR K HA ROT. 41T MarkM at. ania p BT JOES R. CAHKOS avr Adjoining the Louisville Journal Office, where persom desiring to purchase the pure artlcie will be sura u uad it. As 1 warrvot llmyOoods to be genulne.1 have affli 10 every article whlchl have for sale. t1" win mently visit France for new Goods ue will take commissions fa and other cities! Prsae. Orders may be lelt at 'Paris the store. ao28 dlusU m28 CANE AND DOUBLE SEAT I Green Street, Ko. 820, C CULTIVATORS. y for aale by A. MeRRIDE. r.r Uw PATE5T HARDEE'S FIXE LIQUORS For fashionable Parties or Soirees. I take pleasure In Informing the public that nst opened a Store on Ialsrllle. Kr. 3SI ANUTACTTJRFK8 J. fl luantlty of - - c MANUFAOTURCRJ Yanlts.Fire-Proo- t bank Doors, WORK for Publloor Private Buildings. ORN AMENf AL tems-T- ery salMtantlal and cheap. Also. a!l work In the HOoeadif Ulllii Una do'Vat thi lice, and at prices as low as the lewesL Persons will find it to their advar ts to rive us a call hfor ft FAMILY FLOUR. Union IMarble Work OF fix sr. louis, &c. ii.iiii 8eUees Safet of IRON KAILLX6 WORKS I & MEAD BROTliER, E 8 STREET, OPPOSITE THE CUSTOM H O USE SHAW & POSTER Tbomas Quielr, Thomas IL Hunt, B. A. Qarauor. Broadway Mills lTJ t Flrc-Pro- SIDE, THIRD DOOR EAST OF NEW TOSTOFFIC .t300,DC4 i AU IH AMD IS NOW ENti AOKD THIS COMPANY business on BolldUncs, SLSBlTKllt.lg Good, Combs aad rtT5 as;t3 OF louzsviiLn,UI3 sr. LOUISVILLE. KY, JANUARY Tth, I860. AVTFOiUUD CArrTAL.... OLOTHIH&I I R L nil Fonrft. Sosps 0 CO., Morris l Hogg, Brashes, BTBEET, SOUTH Ac' MAYTyH MOLDINGS rpHB 8UP.SCRIE73 WOULD KESPKCTi'ULLY TENDER ay ACKNOWLFrXitMFNTS TOv--- 4 A the citizens of Louisville and his patrons abroad for the liberal eiiconragejuefit ao-- l adapted machinery, he is enabled and prepared to do work of every deicripii,;! ii ceoi. fiSS5ia33 aiij o.uyi liuiu- - cr,wiiimi ill 111 HUB oily r lie UOpeS, by tlof IDpilCatwU lo Ilia UUal prices, to deserve the fanner imtruntiita of a Seiierou-- . t nhlir. wATiin.J ulr meii f v .w, v ivr uu pjiuu purposes, uia-i- vt orcer at. snort uoUc unaxjw, IIOLSK S.nirHlNU uuut;. oiwiiinu loiiuuiiiiik au laieM, paiMsriis oi manuisxt Jixd by n.e. and a priateo. llt ot be had atmy establishment, and will be sent frae by mail to any j etvon abroad de'Jriua I hem. pncecaii 1 have also eraged an A No. 1 Patternotaker, aud am WORla WARRANTklD.. therefore to suit patrons tn matinu to order any pattern of JtiianK. Ac. to suii their Uates. and I woui.l e.pcli.y tall the alien, tlon ol architects and bmlders to this f ut. lylolnKt 10. T. HAW-MIAND TWO HUN- - rf" AFTFAtt AND rSVKTY ACKt.s OF IMPRuVAD LAND, situated on tbe Jeneronviiie Kaii-r- -i JL joi wi'i 1, nineteen ' IVuui Jelleisouvillu, cal! at the ihM8's Oltiee. 1a the known as tae sirs east eel of the Court and settle the Kine "oWnind Mill." I will be fovK'l there at al! hoars of the day. The Mill Is a new one, or nearly so, having been run &U .1. W. IAVI, g. J. C. (Signed) fjvjrilml but about two ears. The machinery ano eim-'nare all in excellent repa'r and runtiiui; Tnire Is TJu Grtat Witm and Xorfi-xesfeShcrtrUn'. Bouti r.oui enouh in the Mill to attich any orler. klii4 of machinthe parties would wish to eniiaits in, with sufficient 1830. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. 186L ery power t run it. There Is already atuched one of Hor-'r- t 403 M&In Street, 3d house below A Wright's superior f, lios DiHy Trains to SL Louis, Cincinnati tmd Outotfs caoole of crin iing 25 busheU of corn per hour. The Mill U we?! Huuplied AND ArrZU "WEDNKgDAY. with saws and tools sufficient to run a DEO. 10?. lfe0 FINE WKLL-MAsawON Trs'r.s wul le&y New Albany (opposiU mill, wiib six gooi yolv of caitle.ox wa;o.-iS,lochalnr., ax fo:low : Ac, Ac. lhe- - are lour jfood dwpUins on the place, a. Jt. 81.. Lccii and Culcaso Express Mall, diJlj s'.tnat"l convenient to the ilill, not over sav from 100 to ex-rt 2W yards About, ta'rty acres of the Laud coul I Snndsys. EHOULDEE-SEAS- I . be cleared rea-1for cultivation in one season; the balAit p. at. Through AeoommodaUon, dally axcept SHIS.TS, ance is al! well Umpired with lumber and crois-tl- e Ail siies, la stock and made to order; timber, with salo or all the cross-tie- s IftlS . M. Ni?ht Exprem. for EL Loals, Cairo, CincSn-natand wood Pittsburg, Cleveland. BuSaio, Baltimore, Phlladoi to tae Jeitlirsjn ille Railroad as a.t they can hi IAD IB 8 AND GENTLEMEN'S gut out. anl after the timber is all off, the Land lies wel put, aew i on ana cotsun. XHirnisMiig; Two Train (except Baniay for Et. Louis al lor cultivation. Wa will sell the 31:11 sepirate from tae Land, or the Kkil A. U. ajd lirlS r. M. Two Trains ilalU lexcept Bandars) for Cairo at 10.L' Land beparste: ron the Mill, or any way to ult 10:15 P. M. A. K. an Terms would be made easy to the purchaser, daily Two iYaius (except Sondayx) for SlempUte ai lor particulars, apply to 10:11 a. K. and KrlJP. a. GJCO. R PATTON. 120 Fourth street, bet ween Main and River, or to Two Trams ds'ly ecer Snn.iavF) for New Orleana-- St Jog dtf C. B. rATTOX. same p'ace. t. a. aud 1):1S e. M. Two Tr&'us diiiy (except nndaT3) for Chicago at 10:U a. x. and 10:1(1 P.m. AMD Swo Trains daily (except Sundays) for Detroit t AM VOW MART NO THE BET QUA LIand 10:15 P.M. ty of FA MIL FLOUR, and offer it at daily (except BnndayB) for Jefferson City ow price- - at it can be Diaje for. Ah who ? Byi&cuse,Trains ft. Joteph, Hannibal, Vulncy, Bloominicton wart eooi anl rneap flour will five me a Bprtncr.eid, JacksonviDe, Peoria, Darlington, csi! heiore buyvg elsewhere. owa Oty. aud all points West and Northwest. ben. f. CAvrrnov. Oua Tt.i1u on riuulsy evening at 10:1a p. m. TTTK DAVB ON HAND A FULL STOCK OF DU' Time to tit. Louis, 13jJ botirs; to Jeuerfon Olty, SI POM'S and HAZARD'S B.IFLB and BLASTING rour; to Pt. Jcsepfc, 44 hours; to Cairo, 15 hours; tc POWDKR, which we continue to sell at the Uiwest marMemphis, i hours; to New Orleans, 49 Lours. ket rates. KOH Only one chanice of cars tn Hi. LouU, Cincinnati ot n The reputation and superiority of ont Chicago. Easat-- shocked through, aud all transiei Powder prohibits the necessity of our sitb it to per r e. tien to obtain their certincates. Vi Trains laave Et. IoaU at 6:40 A. M. and 4:45 p. K.t eon rnarantee all the Powder we sell to be SUPERIOR AT THE nectui closely at Mitchell with Trains South, and ar- 10 any ethrr3n?ig manufactured In the Uotte-- I Htatea. riving in Louisville at 7:00 a. m. and (CJo p. u. CFFIC OF CITY POWDER MAGAZINJL AU Trains connect closeiv w 1th ail Passenger Tralnj No. 477 Main Etuit . n 1 on the Onie and Mlsslestppl Railrvad, and wait Indefinite V tinntr onvnwr OO ly far O. J1L Trains, when they are delaved, therebj insuring to reHable Danseuifers Mitchell connections at SOUTH SIDE MARKET STREET, to or from fit. Louis or CtoclnnttL BETWEEN KIXTll AND ? EVEN Til. WTPaeserurtrs and BaRace taken to and from am of the city and the cars, Faes orCRAaoc. myti itAS CW. JOHN KNGELN Both through Trains connect closely at OreeneastH with the Torre Haute and Richmond Railroad, we' for Terre Haute and 8t. Louis, and east for Indianapolis At Lafayette with the Toledo and Westorn iUllway: ai Mich Lean ckiuthern crosslne with the Mlchlean Hr.nth 100 FOURTH ICO Railroad for Toledo and Intermediate Ktatlons; also at CORNER BIAIJI AND FIFTH STREETS err Michigan City with the MlcLlyan Central Railroad for V L L Chicago aud all points west and northwest. Also, fbi Lxrciiavillw tau an oini eaeu TKP9HTER0F AND DEALKR IN EADDLFRT HARD twuifc Tiiaouoh Tiocirs and further Information oar A ware, liarae MoantluB, Trunk a, and Coach Trim beAST obtained at their Railroad Titktt OJRc. N. 101 I am now receiving my ?aH Ftock, which will be southwest corner of Haiti and Third streets, Louisville ta bandnoniwt and txxit alected atcck of Gooda In Hiy RSPECTFULLY INP0RM3 THK PUBUCTH AT TTalns are run by Louisville time Ub that bt ever belore been Imported tn tbl market. ( v she la now In receipt of a complete assortment of R. K. RIC&JUt, Buperlntandent. 1 woo id Invite my oid customers, and the trade generB. B. Pa Ilia, Agent ally, to eail and examine my stork. delft hlcb I am deter mined to aeil at prtc tbat cannot tall to iwicara ma the beet trade that cornea to tne market. Aly aiock the followinx articles; AUX Km, admr all articles appertainlmt to the trade, Paddle Trees; BMrttng; whlc I she will sell low for ennh. IWdia LaaUient Morocco Eiisai Harnans 4o; A4 LADIL3' DRESS HATS made to order. Patent d C. & BofBklna; BUrraps; Mrs. A. BEiTTIK, Malibls Iron e. AQENT1 Also, keeps eonstanUy an band a aeneral aaaortroent mrlT diwtf 100 FOURTH STREET. f baddl, Brtdlea, Uarnees aud Trunk. YTAVB JU8T RETORNKD FROM FRANOB M. B. AU ardera promptly' attended to at the nhorteet 1 1 with a One awortment of X OUUNIAO BRANDY. Lj ARM AON AO arid DU LANGUEDuC AS of which are of the very best Qualities. Also, au, ae, Sfeir" weaknew, and wTa great '"9iea rapid ty No FamilY Sanl Vaults, Doors, w.tsr,- EVTDKNrr rv I)f TTT n ri ek. whk-- is at aU times atiwuoia to the pnbitc, tabasheo ths foi'sWn tuts: . rv. 1 am xoat in. rimvI nm-- m wns Proved by analysis to contain bo mtnwai; tiatmA they eura ae aiaaeet aulveeat Dv,rie?sy. wlu asw-JTy- v. and la a vry aoort" CLoux taak, after ail tnev riieva U' .ZZLL ."""'""'w nave proved ; WORKS. Setting can MANUFAOXCRZR Robick'i ScanfUnanxa Sfttierilei! ca!la;t. Iron Ralllny, Ycrandns Balconies, Iron Jails, 347 GREEN 7 pharmacyA Dr. ' F . LOTJISVILLS. KY. BUNDS. rASH, WINDOW AND DfR FRAMXA. ex elle.i. My friends will please take notice and govern themselves accordlnaiv. niyia I'lllUP BRACKHEIMEg. Prop'r. DLRXOTORS. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR CITY PROPERTY. RAILROAD, CHICAGO . 0t. CILEBBATID H0I3XLES3 TENTH BTBEET, BETWEEN WALNUT AND CHESTNUT AND Jacob L. Smyser, William Masse'lman, yA a time when there is great fear that JLFFERSQHVILLE RAILROAD! H.u. v.Hutchison, my ainsiy nen. p. i. ivevi. pen, r. Avery Che stock of dry lumber, sash, doors, blinds, MUTUAL to amount will INSURANCE. vast fall owing the short, 4c, of improvements in Loalsrlllc, it will be inPEOPLE S INSURANCE COMPANY NKWOOMB'S BUILDING, OGRNKR teresting to the public to knew that Alex- rpiAI.N8 WILL LIAVK JKFFXRBONTILLX. OP OFFICJB-I- N Bullitt streets entrance oa Bullitt street. pvftibe iociaviiia, at Chartered tiajiltai...., 00,fXK. ander, Ellia & Co., nave enlarged their facPaid Kepnnvl., in and Ci30 A. Pt., UJ30 P. M., AKD 1S.-JP. Mj tory and have now oa h&ai several million Bisks taken on shipments by steamboats, by vessels al s, and by the usual modes of inland transports tlonj 3Ca. LOUIS AXD CINCINNATI EXPRESS of dry lumber. Call at tkeir cGce cn Main and on boUdimre and gooda against loss or damage by at vniour for Vlncennes, ItvaiiHvtlie, street, nearly oproeii the Gait House, or at OoanecUCairo, St. Louis, 8t. Jobepli, ami all points in Sxe. R. BUROK, President. their factory on Fulton,above Preston street. O. Q. ARMSTRONG, Floe FreaL iHtcting with local t&gJ. N. : LOUISVILLE A Wimani Oarvin, William Gay, William Huitbes, James S. Llthgow, John W. Anderson, Warren iiewcomb, GROVER & BAKER'S J. W. FRXDSLS m Itt is FILLS A17D FUEIFIXA BLOOD AL?LT I TO FXAKTV1 Ml STOCB if made la person. )ee dtf ..H. J. UW1&, .Tniiiin Pi Franklin Insurance Company. Oitici or rnm WITHIN REACH OFJ ' Union Insurance Co. of Louisville fo'lowB: F1K8T INSURANCE. MEDICAL. SItyOTT, LEWIS & CO., a' LOUISVILLE I TITS PLAN OF THJ5 EOSPHA1 DK3 TENER1EN8, PARIS, TH09B AFFLICTED form of Private Dis-- ttl ft aTOffiTiyj NOW . SIXTH, AND ut - 1ON0TX. B- ON OONDUCTKD :) FIFTH Louisville. Kv. AJTO MANTJFAOTTJRSRS WOULD FIND TT TO TTIaUR INTKISST Af 'A 1l59nANTH making their purchasea. and orders from a distance will be attended av f. MEDICAL INFIRMARY tOUISTILLB. NIOHT .liOO NOON. at Cve Citv...... . 8:i r. M. 3:51 A. M. Ar-6uV) A. M. at Jtowlinfrifoen . 6:3(1 P. M Aitita at Nashville.. A. M. P. hi. Arnva at ClarkavtUe P. M. Sil A. M. 4- -J A. M- 4:30 P. M. Arrta at Humboldt Artfve at V:30 A. M. :00 P. M. Tia, LoQinvulc to MeoiphU, Jl hours. OCSNECTINQ AT UCMJBOLDT FOR NSW ORLXANg LetTe IlumboMt 4:S5 A. M. P. M Ar.1 :15 A. M. 6:15 P. M at Jackson, TriiB... ,. 7:15 P. M. 7:16 A.M Armaat Canton. li !W A. fi:15 :15 at i". Orleans L A'.iva Tirue. Lbuigviile ta New Orleanb. 12 boors. FOB BAHDSTOWN. LEB 4 NON AND ELIZABETH WAREHOUSE). with nea'tnesa and Jlrrpatch LOUISVILLS LSATl SADDLERY 124 tLLEf STREET, BETAFEE TVf ASOTAOTORT OF DOORS, ClarkBYille. COSXEXCINO APRIL 1 i, 1861, TRAINS WILL RUN AS POLL 0 WS : . mouann, EXFEKL&Ktjr, J. apil atr ( Wo. 1S61. SEWING MACHINES. tfocas), CatHxanos FREE Completion of the KempMt, Tille find Louisville Railroad, Lag a Direct all-ra- il Line from Lou Lttilla to Hemphii and Sew Orle&n H. VV. &Cm Such as Whltea, Falling of the Womb, Tumors, all Urinary Diseases, NnrvousDa DUity. or iuncnit aientiirnation. Harrenneas. Ac, will be speedily cured without the use of poisonous drugs. Injurious or nnpalatabls medicines of any kind. The afflicted are cordially Invited to call and satisfy taemseivea. CONSULTATIONS AND EXAMINATIONS OF CHARGE ! AD communications strictly conlldentiaL Letters ad Clarkt-- dieted to our tare, Uiclonlng a sUiap, will receive attention. form Drormt (XQce street, on First wjw second door abov Market, Louisville, ity. Aaoress Since the 17th of August, the follow jy2 M1SCELLANE0TJ&- - McCANN DR. MD- Mjemphis and Louisville SgThe following; complimentary notice i tsken from the Missouri Democrat: dial MEDICAL. TRANSPORTATION. txaatm DEMOCRAT, JUXiY .9, 1 bun. H ffaue. lvipepy, Lo rvi Appe-ch:tbf Indh.-esfltae, aluuies rvous LrriiaitLiiv. NeMraiKia,. Palpitation 01 the Heart, MeUn. h.y. tlypo-- i anc 3igniaweacs LjutniTj r liconana, iail that claaa of case, so itjr'uny taul if unat-fs- i Wtaientssrs, UMitieil to ia tnuo, caileU Livsr lierariemenu-Pi ami IrrtniiijTitirs. AsComplaints. or Ti'rpiuity, and Liver IlesMS 01 O ,the KatMieys. cc.iin or Iucontint-jicol the! .trine jr any geaeral d"nu)ecient ot the lr-- j .aary Organ. Piia la the Lack, pule, and bebreI;suo-.iiltitween tha aaou-.leu S.lf hi iCoiiia, Il and CoiitinceU Couh. EmacLs-,Uon, DiicUity of Breathing, and Indeed we 1 1 many more t;i but wehavc M jniUht euuuu-ratIstace oniy to say. It iii not only cure the Je-- U ibultf following Cn"l aa l Fever, but prevent) iail attacks art;ng from .Miasmatic Induence, . 'and sure the disease at once, if attack- - U fjl ed. And as It acta directly ant persistently w Ms upon tne biliary system, arouiimg Uis Liver to-a. :action, promoll'ig. In fact, aU the eacretious M McrtCona of ilia will IniaJibiyi w delcterioi cone eminences Shiow- - m P'aad apoa any chango of ciimato and water; hence PI sbou'al hav a buttle with them, l and all should take a at leant twi As It praveata ccwUveaea.l a O ortreng-keii-eating. the aigeaUv orana. It snouai b iln the h amis ot ad pernatna 01 sedentary haoiiaj m1n!ters, literary mn. And all la-- LJ Ulaa aot acOitotiMMl tipaca out-doercle J shoukl always Um tt. It they will, they wii f ef IV fly against tUuae 111 tnelr U rub ihew Uk j r l.twaiuy; in beauiy cannot eaist aiUiout hejanh, iaritw cotiunae. Then, iu, tha Coruuu w a LJ perfect Mother's Reuel. Tasea a Doaia or two X jbefore the knal trial sno wui the tlreadrul and sa.aty. I Aers vr I peri ad with jtrtec t ea mutual tnmt , tnts is tul w dasim MMkrs. trp tti And to you we appeal to 4lect UiS uluasauT dttcniM not uily 01 your jitauh,t-rbeiora 4 l too lila, tut also rour f tsooaid hBsoand; ftr wkila the ivrciar, aaljo 4Jiccy, oitra K lowa to a pretHatuf r i ih lvc. fl rlJ p with in tuna, the latter are MUa o mixed tha oxclteuieal o ustoa that if tt war not ror you they to woast travel ia awth, Oowoward taeir utll too lata to arreot 4atal tali. But taa viciAar tsa. wa vMiuaot. aoa ta voa w conadaauy aptwat nr we arelt aiiectioa will uuerriogly tsar ycxar never-ta- l aouat Ton to rnti. ool s H4unnin- - uoruial aad Dlood ksauvator aa tlio vavdy whlca. ' .MwnM bo aiways an haad ra I; ma m uevd. O. New I.l. WWII, Prrprvesvr, 44 M. Louie. York, and lit Market firM-ta- . and so 1,1 by ail good Druggista. Price hj Dol . aai OA vly lar pa !.. lotu.