What’s NEW for 2016 page 1 Professional Responsibilities Grade 9 Assessment of Mathematics ADMINISTRATION GUIDE 2016 page 3 Principal’s Steps IMPORTANT DATES pages 4–5 Teachers’ Steps page 6 Assessment Day Instructions for Teachers pages 7–8 Administration Day: What Happens If…? pages 9–10 Impacts on Reporting: What Happens If…? W I N T ER S PR I N G SDC Phase 1: Enter or confirm information using SDC system (order special versions). Monday, November 23 to Friday, December 4 Monday, April 25 to Monday, May 9 Receive assessment materials at school. Wednesday, January 6 to Friday, January 8 Friday, May 27 to Tuesday, May 31 SDC Phase 2: Verify, using SDC system, that all student information is up to date and accurate. Monday, December 14 to Friday, January 29 Monday, May 16 to Thursday, June 23 Verify, using SDC system, that all materials have arrived. Wednesday, January 6 to Friday, January 8 Friday, May 27 to Tuesday, May 31 Download assistive technology and MP3 audio versions. Available January 7 Available May 30 JANUARY 11–22 JUNE 1–JUNE 16 Prepare assessment materials for return to EQAO, and delete MP3 audio files. Immediately after administration or no later than Monday, January 25 Immediately after administration or no later than Friday, June 17 Delete electronic versions of students’ work. Friday, September 30 Friday, September 30 ADMINISTER GRADE 9 ASSESSMENT page 11 E Q A O I n f o r m a t i o n C e n t r e : 1 - 8 8 8 - 3 2 7 - 7 3 7 7 What’s NEW for 2016 Students are no longer required to have an Individual Education Plan (IEP), or a special provision, to have the questions read to them. Only students who request it should have the questions read to them. Readers are not permitted to define, translate, explain or review any terms. ■ ■ The following electronic formats will be available this year: Word (.doc), accessible Word, PDF, accessible PDF and MP3 audio. Remember… ✓ ALL school staff involved in the administration must read and adhere to the “Professional Responsibilities for the Administration of the Grade 9 Assessment” in this guide. ✓ All provisions outlined in the administration and accommodation guides must be adhered to whether the student is taking the assessment in a paper or an electronic format. No instructional materials, including electronic instructional applications, that facilitate responses to questions can be used. We rely on the professional judgment of educators to administer the assessments in accordance with EQAO guidelines and to ensure the security and validity of the assessments. ✓ Ensure all students record all of their answers—both multiple-choice and open response—in the appropriate Answer Booklet. ✓ All resources listed in this guide are available in the “Educators” section of EQAO’s Web site, www.eqao.com, unless otherwise noted. ✓ There is a “Student Materials Order Checklist” in the Guide for Accommodations and Special Provisions. Schools are invited to make copies of this checklist in order to identify special orders prior to entering them into the Student Data Collection (SDC) system. ✓ Identify students who will write in an alternative location, and, at least six weeks in advance (if possible), request permission from EQAO for them to do so. ✓ All students working toward a credit in Grade 9 applied or academic mathematics must write the assessment. This includes adult students and English language learners. ✓ Assessment materials should not be copied in any way or for any reason. ✓ The use of cellphones, audio- or video-recording devices, digital music players or e-mail or text-messaging devices during the assessment is prohibited. Administration Guide: Grade 9 Assessment of Mathematics—2016 1 The Assessment at a Glance ACT I V I T Y E ST I M ATED T I ME ALLOT T ED T I ME Booklet 1 (Question and Answer) ■ seven multiple-choice questions ■ four open-response items ■ seven multiple-choice questions 40 minutes 60 minutes Booklet 2 (Question and Answer) ■ seven multiple-choice questions ■ four open-response items ■ seven multiple-choice questions 40 minutes 60 minutes Questionnaire (Answer Booklet 2) 10 minutes 10–15 minutes (approximately) The Other Guides The Guide for Accommodations and Special Provisions is a companion document that provides information about and outlines the required documentation for special provisions for English language learners and accommodations for students with special education needs and special circumstances. The Guide for Principals Preparing for the Administration of EQAO Tests is available on the secure section of EQAO’s Web site (www.eqao.com) under “Student Data Collection System—Resources.” Participation All students working toward an academic or applied Grade 9 mathematics credit are required to participate. All students eligible for the assessment, including English language learners, students with special education needs and adult students, must be accounted for. Do NOT include ■ students enrolled in a locally developed Grade 9 mathematics course or a mathematics credit recovery program OR students enrolled in a co-op course associated with Grade 9 mathematics who have previously passed the Grade 9 academic or applied mathematics course. ■ 2 Administration Guide: Grade 9 Assessment of Mathematics—2016 Professional Responsibilities for the Administration of the Grade 9 Assessment All staff (including scribes and prompters) must read and adhere to the following. Note: For more detail, please see the full document, also called “Professional Responsibilities for the Administration of the Grade 9 Assessment of Mathematics,” posted on EQAO’s Web site (www.eqao.com). Principals will ensure that ■ all eligible students (including those requiring accommodations or special provisions) are accounted for; ■ complete and accurate information on the students is provided to EQAO; ■ appropriate assessment materials have been ordered for all students; ■ all staff involved in the administration have been trained and have read this page; ■ scribes and prompters are aware of their roles and responsibilities; ■ all assessment materials have been received and are kept secure and confidential; ■ ■ access to assessment materials occurs only on the morning of the day of administration, except in the case of staff preparing materials for assistive technology and MP3 audio versions, who may have access to the electronic versions two days before the assessment period begins; and any suspected security breach related to the administration of the assessment is reported to EQAO immediately. Teachers and principals will ensure that ■ no student or teacher assessment packages are opened prior to the start of the first administration session; ■ each student has sufficient writing room to work independently of every other student; ■ scribes and prompters have access to the assessment materials only during the administration; ■ assessment materials are not copied or removed from the assessment room during the administration; ■ all instructional materials related to mathematics in the assessment room are removed or covered; ■ students are supervised at all times during the administration; ■ ■ Booklet 1 is completed in one continuous session, as is Booklet 2; ■ during the assessment, students do not receive – instruction on any question from the assessment once the assessment materials have been opened; – explanations, definitions, translation or examples of mathematics terminology or – encouragement or influence to alter or revise their responses; ■ during and after the assessment, student booklets are not copied, darkened or corrected in any way; ■ ■ no cellphones, audio- or video-recording devices, digital music players or e-mail or text-messaging devices are used during the assessment; the student booklets are not read or reviewed after the assessment is completed, unless they are being marked in order to contribute to class marks; and all circumstances that may affect the scoring of a student’s work are documented and reported to EQAO on the Issues Envelope. Administration Guide: Grade 9 Assessment of Mathematics—2016 3 Principal’s Steps I Before Administration STEP 1 ✓ ❑ I T EM ❑ Security ❑ Administration Schedule ❑ Alternative Location ❑ Accommodations and Special Provisions ❑ 2 ❑ Student Data Collection (SDC) Meeting with Staff Assessment Materials D E TAI L S ■ Enter or confirm information using SDC system. ■ Identify secure location for assessment materials. ■ ■ ■ R ES OU R CES Secure Web site: SDC system, A Guide for Principals Preparing for the Administration of EQAO Tests and “Accounting and Reporting EQAO Results for Students with Unique or Special Circumstances” etermine administration schedule. D Determine schedule for students receiving additional time through accommodation or special provision. Guide for Accommodations and Special Provisions and “The Assessment at a Glance” section of this guide Identify students who will write in an alternative location and, at least six weeks in advance (if possible), request permission from EQAO for them to do so. Secure Web site: “Request for Approval to Administer the Assessment at an Alternative Location” form Identify support and make arrangements for students receiving accommodations and/or special provisions. ■ Send letters to adult students or parents of students receiving accommodations and/or special provisions. Guide for Accommodations and Special Provisions etermine whether some or all components of D assessment will be counted for course grades. ■ Review – “Professional Responsibilities for the Administration of the Grade 9 Assessment,” and ensure that all staff, including scribes and prompters, are aware of their roles and responsibilities; – accommodations and special provisions and related arrangements; – school policy for late students and – assessment room requirements. Administration Guide and Guide for Accommodations and Special Provisions; “EQAO’s Video Guide to Key Test Administration Procedures” and “Administration Day: What Happens If...?” section of this guide ■ ■ ■ ■ nsure all required materials have been received. E Do not open individual student packages. Secure Web site: sample letters “Research” section of EQAO Web site: “Counting the EQAO Grade 9 Mathematics Assessment for Course Marks Makes a Difference in Student Results” Secure Web Site: Class Tracking Sheet (CTS) printed from SDC system Packing List (with delivery) 4 ❑ Additional Materials ❑ Secure Storage of Assessment Materials ❑ Guides ■ ■ ■ ■ pdate student information in SDC system. U Order additional materials using SDC system. tore assessment materials in secure location until S distribution to teachers on morning of assessment. Distribute this guide and Guide for Accommodations and Special Provisions to all teachers administering assessment. Administration Guide: Grade 9 Assessment of Mathematics—2016 Secure Web site: SDC system Principal’s Steps I Day of Assessment STEP 3 4 5 ✓ ❑ I T EM ❑ Receipt of Assessment Materials from Teachers ❑ Student Information Review ❑ School Files ■ ❑ MP3 Audio Files ■ ❑ Special Versions Envelope ❑ Issues Envelope ■ ❑ Checking of Materials ■ ❑ Packing and Sealing of Tote Boxes ❑ ❑ Return Labels ■ UPS Pickup ■ CTS and Assessment Packages to Teachers D E TAI L S R ES OU R CES rint up-to-date CTS for each assessment room. P Distribute assessment materials on morning of assessment. ■ Resolve package ID problems. Secure Web site: SDC system; “Administration Day: What Happens If…” section of this guide ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Use CTS to check that all materials, including all Question and Answer booklets, have been returned. Secure Web site: SDC system heck that student information is complete and accurate. C Update information. Secure Web site: SDC system Store for one year: – CTSs; – documentation for students with accommodations and/ or special provisions and – assessment room seating plans. ■ Delete electronic files of student work by date specified on front page of this guide. Delete all MP3 audio files. taple all student work to inside front cover of appropriate S Answer Booklet, and ensure last 12 digits of barcode are on each page. ■ Include only special version booklets containing responses typed on computer. Guide for Accommodations and Special Provisions: “How to Return Computer Responses to EQAO.” Include all materials that require EQAO’s attention (e.g., materials with student ID problems, booklets with missing pages, notes to EQAO). ■ Provide detailed explanation of each issue on outside of Issues Envelope. This guide ■ se packing list to ensure that quantities returned are U same as quantities received. Packing List (with delivery) Include Teacher Questionnaires, Special Versions Envelopes, Issues Envelopes, all Booklet 1s and Booklet 2s (i.e., both Question and Answer, used or unused, including those in teacher packages). ■ Ensure Answer Booklets are not inside Question Booklets. ■ ffix label, ensuring that ID number on label matches one A on tote box. UPS Return Shipping Instructions (with delivery) repare for pickup immediately upon completion of P assessment or no later than date stated under “Important Dates” on cover of this guide. ■ Call 1-800-742-5877 for pickup. ■ Record date and shipment tracking number. Administration Guide: Grade 9 Assessment of Mathematics—2016 5 Teachers’ Steps STEP ✓ I T EM D E TAI L S ❍ Guides ■ Staff Meeting ■ 1 ❍ 2 ❍ 3 ❍ 4 ❍ 5 ❍ 6 7 ❍ 8 ❍ 9 ❍ 10 ❍ 11 ❍ 12 ❍ 13 ❍ 6 Informing of Students Seating Plans ■ ■ ■ Preparation of Assessment Room Student Supplies Receipt of Assessment Materials Assessment Administration Teacher Questionnaire Collection of Materials and Deletion of MP3 Audio Files Issues Special Versions Return of Materials to Principal R ES OU R CES Read this guide and Guide for Accommodations and Special Provisions. eet with principal and other staff members administering M assessment to review roles and responsibilities, and plan for administration, in-school marking, accommodations and special provisions. “Marking the Assessment” in “Administration Day: What Happens If...?” section of this guide Inform students about assessment (e.g., length, date, time, layout). repare seating plans. P Ensure students have sufficient room to write independently of others. emove all instructional materials about mathematics. R Set up room to ensure students will work independently. ■ Post “Key Words” and “Formula Sheets” (both available at www.eqao.com) if desired. ■ ■ nsure each student has pencil, eraser, ruler and scientific or E graphing calculator with or without computer algebra systems. Students using programmable calculators must delete all programs before and after assessment. ■ Ensure manipulatives are available. During assessment, students may choose ones they would like to use. ■ nting Refer to the “Cou 9 e ad Gr AO EQ e th ssment se As Mathematics Makes ks ar M for Co urse ent ud St in ce en er a Diff e th in Results” bulletin the of ion ct “Research” se e. sit eb EQAO W ■ o not open individual student or teacher packages. D Check that number of student packages matches number of students listed on CTS. ■ Check that you have received teacher’s package (first one listed on CTS). “Administration Day: What Happens If...?” section of this guide ollow “Assessment Day Instructions for Teachers.” F Circulate, and continuously monitor students. ■ Ensure students do not use electronic devices other than calculators (e.g., cellphones) during the assessment. “Assessment Day Instructions for Teachers” and “Impacts on Reporting: What Happens If...?” section of this guide ■ ■ ■ omplete questionnaire. C If you are teaching both applied and academic courses, complete only one questionnaire for type of course that includes majority of your students. ■ For confidentiality, completed questionnaires may be placed in sealed envelope labelled “Teacher Questionnaire.” ■ ■ Collect all student Question and Answer booklets and unused student packages. ■ Ensure Answer Booklets are not inside Question Booklets. ■ Delete all MP3 audio files. ■ ■ rovide principal with written explanation of any issues (e.g., P missing pages, student package ID problems, notes to EQAO and booklets involved). taple all student work to inside front cover of appropriate S Answer Booklet. ■ Provide principal with all special version booklets containing responses typed on computer. ■ ■ Return all materials to principal (CTS, all Question and Answer booklets, Teacher Questionnaires, all teacher booklets, all unused assessment materials and all special versions and issues). Administration Guide: Grade 9 Assessment of Mathematics—2016 Guide for Accommodations and Special Provisions: “How to Return Computer Responses to EQAO.” ✂ Assessment Day Instructions for Teachers B OOK L ET 1 (Day 1) ✓ ❑ IT EM Use CTS to distribute packages to students D E TAI L S ■ R ES OU R CES nsure final 12 digits of package ID match those E on CTS. mident Ask students to check materials in their package ❑ Read script to students 09 01 50 grade class student Ensure package contains Question Booklet 1, Question Booklet 2, Answer Booklet 1, Answer Booklet 2 and Formula Sheet. ■ Ask students to check that final 12 digits match in each booklet. ■ Script: Put Question Booklet 2 and Answer Booklet 2 in the envelope. Follow along as I read the instructions and directions for both Booklet 1s. [Teacher: From your copies of the Question and Answer booklets, read the instructions and the “Directions”] Use a pencil to complete the whole assessment. Once the assessment begins, I will not be able to answer your questions. You have 60 minutes to complete Booklet 1. ✂ Start Booklet 1. ❑ Announce the end of assessment time ❑ Collection of materials Page 9 of this guide Do not change the barcode or digits on this document. 821 11201 00 555555 ❑ T I PS ■ Page 9 of this guide ns work If a student begi ckage, pa ct re in the incor continue ld ou sh t en the stud fo e r using the packag ment. ss the entire asse l to ipa inc pr Notify the stem sy C SD e th update ment. after the assess students French Im mersion ics in at studying mathem e th ite French will wr shgli En r fo assessment English. in , ts en ud st e languag ench/ Fr d English/French an of s ie ar English gloss s will mathematics term . ed id ov be pr llphones, Ensure that no ce ecording au dio - or video -r sic mu l devices, dig ita or textil ma eplayers or are used messag ing devices nt. me during the assess ents Remind the stud is left. s te nu mi 15 when Ensure stu dents are recording all of their answers in . After 60 minutes, announce end of assessment time. ollect all Booklet 1s (both Question and Answer). C Have students place Formula Sheet in envelope with Booklet 2s. ■ Collect envelopes for redistribution on Day 2. ■ ■ Administration Guide: Grade 9 Assessment of Mathematics—2016 7 ✂ Assessment Day Instructions for Teachers (continued) B OOK L ET 2 (Day 2) ✓ IT EM ❑ Read script to students D E TAI L S R ES OU R CES T I PS Script: Remove Question Booklet 2, Answer Booklet 2 and the Formula Sheet from your envelope. Follow along as I read the instructions and directions for Booklet 2. [Teacher: From your copies of the Question and Answer booklets, read the instructions and the “Directions”] ents when Remind the stud t. lef is s 15 minute Once the assessment begins, I will not be able to answer your questions. You have 60 minutes to complete Booklet 2. This does not include time for the Student Questionnaire at the end of Answer Booklet 2. I will tell you when to start the questionnaire. ls Place all materia attention s ’ AO EQ ng iri requ lope. ve in the Issues En Start Booklet 2. ❑ Announce the end of assessment time Complete Student Questionnaire ❑ Update seating plan ❑ Verify collection of all student materials ❑ Marking of assessment 8 ■ After 60 minutes, announce end of assessment time. ses type d Place only respon the Special on a co mputer in e. Versions Envelop ave students complete questionnaire if H time permits, or allow students to complete questionnaire next day. ■ Upon completion, collect both Booklet 2s (both Question and Answer). ■ ■ ts are Ensure all studen eir th of l al recording in s answer . Provide final seating plan to principal. Use CTS to ensure that all four booklets for each student (used or unused) have been collected. ■ Formula Sheets do not need to be returned to EQAO. ■ E nsure Answer Booklets are not inside Question Booklets. ■ If all or some components of assessment will be marked, store materials in secure place in school and return them to principal as soon as marking is completed and prior to end of administration period. ■ Provide all assessment materials to principal, including all teacher booklets. ■ Administration Guide: Grade 9 Assessment of Mathematics—2016 Review Guide for Accommodations and Special Provisions g the Refer to “Markin dministration Assessment” in “A s If...?” en pp Day: What Ha e. id gu is th section of ✂ ❑ Administration Day: What Happens If…? CATEG O RY I S SUE S O LU T I ON R ESO URCE S Missing Package or New Student no materials Order using SDC system or call EQAO (1-888-327-7377) if urgent. Do not photocopy another student’s package. Secure Web site: SDC System Absence student is absent Have student complete assessment upon his or her return if possible during the administration period and while all assessment booklets are in school. “Policies and Procedures” student will be away from the school due to extenuating circumstances (e.g., national tournament) Six weeks prior to assessment (if possible), request permission using form “Request for Approval to Administer the Assessment at an Alternative Location,” available on secure Web site. teacher is absent Another teacher, supervised by principal, may administer assessment. This teacher must be familiar with administration procedures and must follow them. student is late Have student begin when he or she arrives. If possible, allow late student the full time allotted to write each booklet. Lateness Package ID Number Issues Do not change the barcode or digits on this document. 821 11201 00 555555 mident 09 01 50 grade class student all materials in student’s package do not have same final 12 digits Continue to use package and place all of student’s work in Issues Envelope. On outside of envelope, document issue. booklets not distributed according to CTS (students received wrong packages) Have students continue working in package they received. If students have begun test, do not switch packages and do not change barcodes or digits on any document. Instead, do following: – If mix-up involves one or more pairs of students, use “Switch Packages” task button in SDC system to switch package IDs between students. Do not include packages with IDs corrected in this manner in Issues Envelope. – If mix-up involves many students, print CTS, write by hand final 12 digits of ID of package each student actually used, call EQAO to communicate changes that need to be made, fax CTS to 416-325-6622, and place all student materials and copy of faxed CTS in Issues Envelope. Secure Web site: SDC system and A Guide for Principals Preparing for the Administration of EQAO Tests Note: Review Preliminary Student Summary during posting period. Administration Guide: Grade 9 Assessment of Mathematics—2016 9 Administration Day: What Happens If…? (continued) CATEG O RY I S SUE S O LU T I ON R ESO URCE S Booklet Issues student package is incomplete Use package of absent student and update SDC system using “Switch Packages” task button, or contact EQAO to describe problem and request materials. Secure Web site: SDC system some students’ questions are different Have student complete all work in his or her booklet. “EQAO Policies and Procedures” booklet and assistive technology versions do not match for student Ensure package and material type provided to student match CTS. If student has already begun test and required assistive technology version was not ordered, have student continue using booklets. Ensure final 12 digits of package ID are included on each page of computer-printed responses. Place all student materials in Issues Envelope. Emergency fire alarm or other school emergency Tell students to leave assessment materials on their desk and to exit immediately according to the school’s emergency exit plan. When students return, instruct them to return to assessment. Monitor students at all times. Student Responses student responds in language other than English Portion of response not in English will not be scored. French Immersion students studying mathematics in French will write assessment for English-language students, in English. English/French and French/English glossaries of mathematics terms will be provided. student uses offensive language Pages with offensive language may not be scored. Principal will be notified. Marking the Assessment school plans to count components of assessment as part of students’ final class marks in mathematics All or some of components of assessment may be marked on completion of assessment and prior to return of the materials to EQAO. ■ Marks may be used only according to Ministry of Education guidelines. ■ Marking methodology is school or board decision. ■ Assessment booklets must not be removed from school. ■ Marks must not be made on students’ work. ■ Student work must not be copied. ■ All materials in teacher package must be returned to EQAO with rest of assessment material. ■ Any materials generated during marking that include references to content of questions must be returned to EQAO. Computer Problem student responses not saved “Policies and Procedures” Contact your IT department. Ask students to save their work frequently. ■ Place student materials in Issues Envelope. Guide for Accommodations and Special Provisions Print one page at a time. Cut and paste student responses into word processor. ■ Request support from your IT department. IT department ■ ■ print issues (font size, overprinting, etc.) 10 Note: There are different versions of assessment, as field-test items are embedded in booklets. The field-test questions are not included in students’ scores. ■ ■ Administration Guide: Grade 9 Assessment of Mathematics—2016 Impacts on Reporting: What Happens If…? TH E I S S U E P OS SI B L E I M PACT ACT I ON T O B E TAK EN Booklets not distributed according to Class Tracking Sheet Scores will be reported according to distribution on CTS. If students have begun test, do not switch packages and do not change barcodes or digits on any document. If mix-up involves one or more pairs of students, use “Switch Packages” task button in SDC system to switch package IDs between students. Do not include packages with IDs corrected in this manner in Issues Envelope. (students received wrong booklet) Package ID numbers on barcode have been changed Barcode will override handwritten number change. If mix-up involves many students, print CTS, write by hand final 12 digits of ID of package each student actually used, call EQAO to communicate changes that need to be made, fax CTS to 416-325-6622, and place all student materials and copy of faxed CTS in the Issues Envelope. Note: Review Preliminary Student Summary during posting period. Computer printouts not stapled into booklet Work may be scored incomplete or may not receive any score. Staple pages to inside front cover of appropriate booklet, and place booklets in Special Versions Envelope. Administration steps not followed Scores may be withheld. EQAO may request information from school or school board as part of decision making. Place all booklets in Issues Envelope, and note issue on front of envelope. Scribe or prompter does not follow instructions and/or provides hints to students Scribe does not write down exact words of student Student uses dictionary Student uses cellphone or other electronic device Students copy from one another Student’s work includes offensive content Scores may be withheld. Information about offensive content will be sent to attention of school principal. Student responds in language other than English Portion of response not in English will not be scored. Administration Guide: Grade 9 Assessment of Mathematics—2016 11 2 Carlton Street, Suite 1200, Toronto ON M5B 2M9 Telephone: 1-888-327-7377 Web site: www.eqao.com © 2016 Queen’s Printer for Ontario Sadg_9e_0116