50+ Tips & Tricks for Penny Auctions Created by Guy Siverson of www.PainKickers.com where people find relief from pain naturally. Experience a life without headaches, back aches, arthritis pain, sunburn pain and more. Contact me at 800-589-1509 or 530-690-2391 today for more information and begin your journey into pain free living now. Why I Wrote This Easy Reference Guide To my knowledge there is not a single source that identifies in an easy to read format how to be successful with penny auctions. Instead you have articles that provide a very short review of some information or books take much longer to read. When I decided to become an active participant with Zeekler I chose to write this manual for several reasons. First, though I have been involved with penny auctions in the past I really did not consider myself experienced in the craft even a little bit. Thus compiling this information caused me to study what others have done for success and share it with you. It’s often been said that the best way to learn something is to help someone else gain there own knowledge within that subject. To that end, that is a key purpose of this report. Second, I desired to create a single source that people could access for their own purposes which was quick to read and easy to navigate. While this may sound similar to my first point the difference is found in the focus of the content itself. Third, I wanted a vehicle I could use to share with people my own favorite penny auction site of Zeekler which is connected with Zeek Rewards. If you travel in my circles you will have heard a ton of great thoughts about Zeek Rewards which is worth paying attention to. 90 days ago my friend and I joined two separate business opportunities. While I’m very happy with my own choice his success has led me to take a serious look at Zeek Rewards for myself. Given that he is not extremely computer savvy and I’ve been an online marketer since the 90’s it is quite a complement to him that I am now becoming part and parcel with his Zeek Rewards opportunity. Zeek only takes 5 minutes daily to work according to my friend. I’m going to be putting that to the test. If it’s true then that plus $10 puts me in what just might be the easiest business opportunity I’ve ever known about. For those that would be interested in joining my Zeek team I will also be pouring on the marketing power and you can actually join absolutely free. For those who would like free credits from me just eMail Guy@PainKickers.com and I’ll see if I have any currently available to share. No matter which camp you decide to be in be sure to read the main content of this report and enjoy your coming wins with penny auctions. Guy Siverson Guy@PainKickers.com Join our team: http://PainKickers.zeekrewards.com Receive retail savings:http://PainKickers.fscstore.com Enjoy penny auctions: http://PainKickers.zeekler.com Created by Guy Siverson of www.PainKickers.com where people find relief from pain naturally. Experience a life without headaches, back aches, arthritis pain, sunburn pain and more. Contact me at 800-589-1509 or 530-690-2391 today for more information and begin your journey into pain free living now. Important Disclosure The following material in no way guarantees that you will win or lose anything with penny auctions. Rather the points covered are simply meant to provide tips and tricks for you to test and try for yourselves. I would very much like to hear about success stories related to the following information. Please eMail me at Guy@PainKickers.com if you would like to share them with me. You may feel free to give this report away to anyone you like. All I ask is that you keep all contents as they are written including links to my Zeek program. I’m even okay with you taking snippets of the content as long as I receive credit for my work that you are sharing with others. The best way to provide proper credit is to send people to my Zeek link. ===> Thanks, and may all your auctions find you the winner. Guy Siverson Guy@PainKickers.com Join our team: http://PainKickers.zeekrewards.com Receive retail savings:http://PainKickers.fscstore.com Enjoy penny auctions: http://PainKickers.zeekler.com Created by Guy Siverson of www.PainKickers.com where people find relief from pain naturally. Experience a life without headaches, back aches, arthritis pain, sunburn pain and more. Contact me at 800-589-1509 or 530-690-2391 today for more information and begin your journey into pain free living now. Working With These Tips & Tricks I’ve played penny auctions and won big. I’ve also played penny auctions and lost a good sum of money. Simple truth is there are only 1 winner and multiple losers in each and every penny auction. What makes the difference between a winner and a loser in a penny auction? In most cases it is the way in which the auction was approached. You can enter into an auction haphazardly and hope for the best (not recommended). Or, you can do your due diligence in research and become a skillful player in the world of online auctions. Whichever path you decide to take is up to you. However, like with other disciplines, you are more likely to have good results if you take time to learn the craft before spending large sums of money into the process. To that end, while it may seem fun to “get on with it already” the bottom line truth is greater enjoyment of the process will be realized by taking your time. To that end following are 50+ tips and tricks designed to increase your success with penny auctions. These 50+ tips and tricks are broken down into 5 categories all designed to increase your success with penny auctions. • • • • • Personality Research Buying Bidding Winning Personality and Penny Auctions Understanding the different nuances of people you are competing against can help you to success in the world of penny auctions for two main reasons among others. First, you come to appreciate your own specific style and where you are comfortable at. Knowing this information can help you to remain at ease while navigating through the course of an auction. Second, realizing that everyone has a different style helps you identify where others are coming from which can help you understand when you are over your head in a particular auction verses moving in for a major win. Read the tips and tricks in this section to understand how to compete against others Created by Guy Siverson of www.PainKickers.com where people find relief from pain naturally. Experience a life without headaches, back aches, arthritis pain, sunburn pain and more. Contact me at 800-589-1509 or 530-690-2391 today for more information and begin your journey into pain free living now. Research and Penny Auctions Knowing the personality of the people you are competing against is only part of the equation. It is also important to research the particulars of each site you are involved with because not all penny auction sites are created equal. Having a clear understanding of the fundamentals of each penny auction you are considering participating in can also help to increase your chances of winning. One great way of knowing the particulars of a specific penny auction site is to read the FAQ and “about us” options of the site. Read these tips and tricks to understand the particulars of different penny auction sites Buying and Penny Auctions With a healthy amount of research completed it is now time to purchase bids for the coming penny auction you are preparing to participate in. Knowing key secrets in the buying process will help you to glean the best results from your efforts. How auctions are handled as well as how much each individual bid costs are both important factors you want to be aware of before investing in bids. Other points you will want to know about related to actually purchasing bids are covered in this section of the report. Read these tips and tricks before buying bids for your coming auction Bidding and Penny Auctions This section of tips and tricks provides strategies that you can use during the auction process. There are plenty of things you can do to succeed with the actual penny auction process itself. Knowing about the particulars of “buy-it-now” as well as possible tips provided by the penny auction you are participating in can lead to successful wins within your penny auction. Read these secrets to know how to proceed successfully during a penny auction Winning and Penny Auctions The auction is over and you are the winner, or though not desired, loser. Now what? Believe it or not there are still plenty of tips and tricks to consider at this point of the equation. For example, did you know you don’t actually have to pay for your auction that you win? That’s right. You’ll find out why in this section as well as the reason you will likely never want to take advantage of that option. Read the tips and tricks here for what to do after a penny auction has ended Created by Guy Siverson of www.PainKickers.com where people find relief from pain naturally. Experience a life without headaches, back aches, arthritis pain, sunburn pain and more. Contact me at 800-589-1509 or 530-690-2391 today for more information and begin your journey into pain free living now. As you can see we have done our best to expose all the tips and tricks for penny auctions that we could think of. Likely there are one’s that we have missed and we would like to include them in the next release of this material. Please eMail Guy@PainKickers.com with this information and I’ll be very interested in reading it. Personality and Penny Auctions 1. Consider the strengths and weaknesses of your opponents 2. Understand you’re bidding strategy. There are several different types of strategies including ranging from conservative to insistent. Having an understanding of different temperaments within the auction (especially yours) will result in a more successful auction for you because you understand more clearly what you are up against. 3. Insistent bidders simply don’t give up easily. They have decided that they will win the auction at all costs. If 2 or 3 of these types of bidders become involved within a single auction the results can be intimidating. Being able to identify this type of bidder early on in your auction can help you to decide what level of involvement you will have within the auction in question. 4. Since insistent bidders don’t give up they gain a formidable reputation within the auction site. Others that see them show up quickly decide if they will participate within the auction or not based on other auctions they have been involved with or watched this particular bidder take part within. 5. Insistent bidders carry a “bid till death” strategy while a conservative bidder aims to be the last one left based on attrition alone. Another strategy is one where you strike early in the auction and hope for the best. 6. Conservative bidders place there bids at the very last while allowing their competition to waste valuable resources as the bid cycle climbs. You will often not see a sign of a conservative bidder being present until the clock goes to the point of almost running out of time. 7. Some auctions end much sooner than expected which is what a hopeful bidding strategy targets. There focus on placing the bid fast Created by Guy Siverson of www.PainKickers.com where people find relief from pain naturally. Experience a life without headaches, back aches, arthritis pain, sunburn pain and more. Contact me at 800-589-1509 or 530-690-2391 today for more information and begin your journey into pain free living now. with the hope that attention will not be great for the bid they are interested in winning. 8. The rush of winning or even almost winning gives the recipient the same adrenalin rush as that of gambling. Be aware of this and the expense involved before ramping up your energies and expenses within the world of penny auctions. 9. Take part in multiple penny auctions because people change from one auction site to another and you might find that while one site doesn’t produce profitable results for you another one does. 10. Power bidders are those with lots of cash to spend. The first few auctions might be costly but once your reputation is known others will stay away from you more likely which gives you a better chance of winning the auctions you enter. Research and Penny Auctions 11. Take time to understand the penny auction site you will be working with before making a serious amount of bids so that you increase the odds of spending less while winning more. 12. Understand how much traffic your penny auction site generates as well as where that traffic may be coming from. This will help you assess your chances of winning the auction you are interested in winning. 13. Take notes and know your competition. 14. Penny auction sites most always have peek and off peek times within the traffic that takes part on their site. Knowing when fewer people are available as competition can help you increase the chances of scoring the auction win you are looking for. 15. Finding out whom the “formidable foes” are early on is an excellent way of saving your bids for auctions where you have more of a chance of winning. Penny auction sites often have profiles of their members that can give you this type of information. In such cases where that is not available simply watch and learn the techniques of key opponents before getting seriously involved in any 1 auction. Created by Guy Siverson of www.PainKickers.com where people find relief from pain naturally. Experience a life without headaches, back aches, arthritis pain, sunburn pain and more. Contact me at 800-589-1509 or 530-690-2391 today for more information and begin your journey into pain free living now. 16. Record auctions with Jing or CamStudio so that you can study them and understand how to increase your skill and winnings with online auctions. 17. Penny auction sites often have their auctions which are easier and harder to win on their particular site. Take time to understand which is which before throwing your hard earned resources into the wind. 18. Take time to read the FAQ’s and tutorials of the site so that you can be sure you understand exactly what they are offering. Buying and Penny Auctions 19. The larger the pack of bids you buy the more you save within the purchase of your bid packs. However, understand how much you are planning to use a particular penny auction site before purchasing larger quantities of bid packs. 20. Start small and build as you become more familiar with how things work on the penny auction site you select. 21. Understand the difference between “buy-it-now” and 100% “buy-it-now” plans within penny auctions. A “buy-it-now” option may cost you more than you thought depending on the terms given on a particular site. Know the details. 22. Consider “buy seats” auctions where you don’t “pay-per-bid” but rather an entry fee and the final auction price. 23. Look for special deals penny auctions offer as promotions to get people to buy bids in their programs. The less you pay for your win the higher your resulting earnings. Created by Guy Siverson of www.PainKickers.com where people find relief from pain naturally. Experience a life without headaches, back aches, arthritis pain, sunburn pain and more. Contact me at 800-589-1509 or 530-690-2391 today for more information and begin your journey into pain free living now. 24. Some auction sites offer a “bid-blind” option where you don’t see who you are bidding against and neither do they. Blind bids could increase your winnings but they also are a tad more risky too. 25. Keep enough bids available to make it through an auction or lose an auction while buying bids to continue the auction you are attempting to win. Bidding and Penny Auctions 26. Avoid crowds. 27. If a site gives you free bids do not use them by themselves because very few people win bids with just free bids though it does happen on occasion. 28. Buy enough bid packs to be able to win the auction you are going after before starting your bids. 29. An excellent item to bid on would be one that you were planning to pay full retail price for anyway. Some auctions can go above the retail cost but in general you will find savings delivered when approaching auctions with this type of strategy. 30. Pay attention to the auction as it works its way to the finish line else you miss an important moment and find yourself out of the auction altogether no matter how much money you may have bid into it. 31. Use free bids given by the site in conjunction with your bid packs for best results within a new penny auctions site you are involved with. 32. Stick to a budget. Created by Guy Siverson of www.PainKickers.com where people find relief from pain naturally. Experience a life without headaches, back aches, arthritis pain, sunburn pain and more. Contact me at 800-589-1509 or 530-690-2391 today for more information and begin your journey into pain free living now. 33. Though it may be tempting to do so, do not spend more than you can risk losing. Bidding can become addictive causing you to spend more than you originally had intended to spend. 34. Only participate in auctions when you really have the time to do so. Auctions can at times take much longer to finish than what you might expect. 35. Bid on penny auction items that you really need so that the cost of the bids will not hurt as much. 36. When available use “buy it now” options. 37. Wait till there are only a few minutes left on an auction unless you are willing to simply throw away your bids without an excellent possibility of desired results. Bidding while several hours remain is not recommended. 38. Pace yourself. 39. Do not base your bids on the amount of people that appear to be participating within an auction. There are always silent watchers waiting for the right time to place there bid which may or may not become apparent as the bidding wars escalate. 40. Understand the real value of the item you are bidding on (especially bid packs) before you start bidding. 41. Select an item and stick with it through the entire process. Jumping from item to item in hopes of winning a specific item is not likely to result in a great deal of success within your bidding strategies. Winning and Penny Auctions 42. Become an expert by getting a few wins under your belt. 43. Increase your chances of winning by watching how other people do with their auctions before getting fully involved. Created by Guy Siverson of www.PainKickers.com where people find relief from pain naturally. Experience a life without headaches, back aches, arthritis pain, sunburn pain and more. Contact me at 800-589-1509 or 530-690-2391 today for more information and begin your journey into pain free living now. 44. Only one person wins an auction at a time and that one person might be you. However, expecting that to be the case can cost you plenty if you do not set your boundaries and limits before starting the auction you have decided to participate within. 45. Keep track of your expenses as your winnings begin to climb. You really are spending money with this online auctions. 46. Going after the win with items that have a lower cost will increase your chances of winning. While this may be true there are times when fighting for the higher cost item simply makes sense. Decide what is best for you before starting to participate. 47. Consider your timing carefully. The Web is open to all time zones. If it’s midnight where you are its morning some place else. Better bet is to find out when most people are not on a given site and plan your strategy accordingly. 48. Keep in mind that with every winner there are numerous other losers and proceed accordingly. 49. Winners do not have to pay to receive their items but they also will lose all the bids they invested in a particular auction if they proceed in this manner. Thus it makes sense for winners to pay for what they have won within an online auction. 50. Make sure your information is correct before winning a bid or what you have won might end up some place else at no fault of the penny auction. 51. Never get into an auction you do not intend to win; it will destroy any psychological edge against the other players. Created by Guy Siverson of www.PainKickers.com where people find relief from pain naturally. Experience a life without headaches, back aches, arthritis pain, sunburn pain and more. Contact me at 800-589-1509 or 530-690-2391 today for more information and begin your journey into pain free living now. Summing Up Penny Auctions Thanks for taking time to read my report about penny auctions and how to succeed with them. I hope you have found the information of value and look forward to hearing about your results. Please eMail me at Guy@PainKickers.com and let me know what helped or what didn’t. In the process feel free to share with me your own tips and tricks which I’ll be glad to add to this report while providing credits back to your own Web work. Thanks again, and may all your penny auctions find you the winner. Guy Siverson Guy@PainKickers.com Join our team: http://PainKickers.zeekrewards.com Receive retail savings:http://PainKickers.fscstore.com Enjoy penny auctions: http://PainKickers.zeekler.com Created by Guy Siverson of www.PainKickers.com where people find relief from pain naturally. Experience a life without headaches, back aches, arthritis pain, sunburn pain and more. Contact me at 800-589-1509 or 530-690-2391 today for more information and begin your journey into pain free living now.