BIO 103 ADAM & Vernier Laboratory Supplement

BIO 203
Laboratory Supplement
Spring 2013
Prepared by Associate Professor Wendy M. Rappazzo and Dr. Scott Schaeffer
ADAM Packets created by Wendy M. Rappazzo
Spring 2013
Practical Exam #1 Identification List
Anatomical Position
Body Landmarks (pgs. 2-3 lab manual)
Body Direction:
Superior/inferior, anterior/posterior/ medial/lateral, dorsal/ventral,
Proximal/distal, superficial/deep
Body Planes:
Sagittal, midsagittal, frontal (coronal), transverse (cross sections).
Body Cavities:
Dorsal and ventral (and all subcavities) - see list on next page (page 7 lab manual)
Abdominal Regions:
Page 8 lab manual (9 regions)
Human Body Systems and Organs Associated with Each – see list on next page (page 16 lab manual)
Membranes: Serous (visceral and parietal) – pericardium, pleura, peritoneum
Integumentary model: Layers of epidermis & dermis, sebaceous gland, merocrine (eccrine) sweat gland,
arrector pili, Pacinian (lamellated) corpuscle, Meissner corpuscle, free nerve endings,
Histology Slides
Epithelial: (Basement membrane/Apical surface)
Simple Squamous
Simple Cuboidal
Simple Columnar (goblet cells)
Stratified Squamous
Pseudostratified Ciliated Columnar (cilia)
Areolar (collagen fibers, elastic fibers, fibroblasts, mast cells)
Dense Regular (collagen fibers, fibroblasts)
Dense Irregular (collagen fibers, fibroblasts)
Hyaline Cartilage (lacunae, chondrocytes)
Elastic Cartilage (lacunae, chondrocytes, elastic fibers)
Fibro(ous) Cartilage (lacunae, chondrocytes, collagen fibers)
Compact Bone (lacunae, osteocytes, lamellae, canaliculi)
Skeletal Muscle
Cardiac Muscle (intercalated discs)
Smooth Muscle
Neuron (cell body, nucleus)
Epidermis (stratified squamous)
Dermis (dense irregular)
Hypodermis (adipose)
Spring 2013
Find the following on the torso and “little man” models:
*You must indicate Right or Left, if applicable.
Organs & Structures
Pulmonary Veins
Nasal Cavity
Adrenal (suprarenal)
Ascending colon
Oral Cavity
Thyroid Gland
Urinary Bladder
Sigmoid colon
Greater Omentum
Superior Vena Cava
Vermiform appendix
Inferior Vena Cava
Small Intestine
Uterine Tube
Pulmonary Arteries
Large Intestine
Body Cavities: Know the appropriate visceral and parietal membranes and their locations
Dorsal: Cranial & Vertebral (Spinal)
o Thoracic: Pleural, Mediastinum, Pericardial
o Abdominal
o Pelvic
Spring 2013
Bone Identification List for Practical Exam #2
Axial Skeleton:
Occipital (1): Occipital condyles, external occipital protuberance (inion), foramen magnum
hypoglossal canal
Parietal (2):
Sutures: coronal, squamous, sagittal, lambdoidal
Frontal (1):
Frontal sinuses, supraorbital margin
Temporal (2): Squamous region: zygomatic arch, zygomatic process, mandibular fossa
Tympanic region: external auditory (acoustic) canal (meatus) & styloid process
Mastoid region: mastoid process, stylomastoid foramen
Petrous region: jugular foramen, carotid canal, internal auditory (acoustic) canal (meatus)
Sphenoid (1): Sella turcica, hypophyseal fossa, lesser wings, greater wings, sinuses, optic canal,
superior orbital fissure, foramen rotundum, foramen ovale, foramen spinosum
Ethmoid (1):
Cribriform plate, crista galli, middle & inferior nasal concha(e), perpendicular plate, sinuses
Nasal (2), Vomer (1) note nasal septum = vomer + perpendicular plate of ethmoid
Lacrimal (2), Zygomatic (2)
Maxilla(e) (2): Sinuses, palatine process (hard palate), infraorbital foramen, inferior orbital fissure
Palatine Bone (2)
Mandible (1): Mandibular angle, mandibular ramus, mandibular notch, coronoid process,
head of mandible (mandibular condyle), mental foramen
Anterior/Posterior (1 each), sphenoidal (2), mastoidal (2)
Vertebra (typical): Body (centrum), vertebral foramen, intervertebral foramen, transverse process (2)
spinous process (1), pedicle (2), lamina (2), superior & inferior articular
facets or processes (2 each)
Atlas (C1): Lateral mass, anterior/posterior arch
Axis; (C2): Dens or odontoid process
Characteristics of each: Cervical (7) & transverse foramen, Thoracic (12) & costal facets, Lumbar (5)
Sacrum (1): Median sacral crest and sacral foramen (foramina)
Coccyx (1):
Hyoid Bone (1)
Sternum: manubrium, jugular notch, body, xiphoid process
Ribs (12 pairs):
Anatomy of a rib: head, neck, tubercle, & angle
Rib Classifications: True (vertebrosternal), False (vertebrochondral), and Floating ribs (vertebral):
Which bones (and features) does a rib articulate with anteriorly and posteriorly?
Spring 2013
Appendicular Skeleton:
Clavicle (2)
Scapula (2)
acromion & coracoid processes
spine of scapula
subscapular, infraspinous, & supraspinous fossas
glenoid (cavity), inferior angle
axillary (lateral) & vertebral (medial) borders
Humerus (2)
head, anatomical/surgical necks
greater/lesser tubercle
deltoid tuberosity
intertubercular sulcus (groove)
capitulum & trochlea
medial/lateral epicondyles
olecranon & coronoid fossas
Ulna (2)
olecranon process
coronoid process
trochlear notch
radial notch
styloid process
phalanges/phalanx (proximal, middle, distal)
metacarpals, metatarsals (1st - 5th)
Radius (2)
radial tuberosity
styloid process
The Pelvis: Coxal bones (2)
iliac crest
acetabulum & obturator foramen
greater sciatic notch
ischial spine
ischial tuberosity
lesser sciatic notch
superior/inferior rami (ramus)
pubic symphysis
Carpals (8)
Scaphoid, Lunate, Triquetral, Pisiform,
Trapezium, Trapezoid, Capitate, Hamate
Tarsals (7):
Calcaneus, Talus, Navicular, Cuboid
1st-3rd (medial, intermediate, lateral) Cuneiform
Femur (2)
greater/lesser trochanter
fovea capitis, head, neck
linea aspera
medial/lateral condyles
adductor tubercle
popliteal & patellar surface (fossa)
Patella (2) – sesamoid bone
Differences between male/female pelvis:
Tibia (2)
medial/lateral condyles
tibial tuberosity
medial malleolus
intercondylar eminence
fibular notch
Fibula (2)
lateral malleolus
Spring 2013
Knee joint Identification List for Practical Exam 2
Knee Joint:
• Femur (lateral & medial condyles)
• Tibia (lateral & medial condyles)
• Fibula
• Patella
• Patellar ligament
• Quadriceps (patellar) tendon
• Patellar retinaculae
• Popliteal ligaments
• Medial (tibial) collateral ligament (MCL)
• Lateral (fibular) collateral ligament (LCL)
• Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL)
• Posterior cruciate ligament (PCL)
• Lateral meniscus
• Medial meniscus
Spring 2013
Intervertebral joint Identification List for Practical Exam 2
Intervertebral Joint:
• Intervertebral disc: Anulus fibrosus
Nucleus pulposus
• Intervertebral foramen
• Spinal nerve
• Spinal cord
• Posterior longitudinal ligament
• Anterior longitudinal ligament
• Supraspinous ligament
• Interspinous ligament
• Ligamentum flavum
Spring 2013
Muscle ID List for Practical Exam #3
You are responsible for correctly identifying and spelling the structures listed below on both
muscle models as well as select ADAM & Lab book photos.
You must be able to provide muscle origins, insertions, and/or actions for select muscles.
Frontalis & Occipitalis
Orbicularis oculi
Orbicularis oris
Zygomaticus minor and major
Levator labii superioris
Depressor labii inferioris
Depressor anguli oris
Erector Spinae:
spinalis, longissimus & iliocostalis
Splenius capitis
External Intercostals
Internal Intercostals
Internal Oblique
External Oblique
Transverse Abdominis
Rectus Abdominis
Rhomboid(eus) Major
Rhomboid(eus) Minor
Levator Scapulae
Serratus Anterior
Pectoralis Minor
Upper Extremity
Pectoralis Major
Latissimus Dorsi
Teres Minor
Teres Major
Deltoid - anterior, medial,
posterior portions
Biceps Brachii – long &
short heads
Triceps Brachii – long,
lateral, and medial heads
Pronator Teres
Flexor Carpi Radialis
Flexor Carpi Ulnaris
Flexor Digitorum
Flexor Digitorum
Flexor Pollicis Longus
Extensor Carpi Radialis
Extensor Carpi Radialis
Extensor Carpi Ulnaris
Extensor Digitorum
Palmaris Longus
Other Structures
Linea Alba
Iliotibial Band (IT Band)
External & Internal Oblique
Patellar Ligament
Transverse Abdominis Aponeurosis Sciatic Nerve
Achille’s (Calcaneal Tendon)
Lower Extremity
psoas major & iliacus
Gluteus Maximus
Gluteus Medius
Gluteus Minimus
Tensor Fasciae Latae
Quadratus Femoris
Adductor Magnus
Adductor Longus
Adductor Brevis
Rectus Femoris
Vastus Lateralis
Vastus Medialis
Vastus Intermedius
Biceps Femoris – short & long
Tibialis Anterior
Tibialis Posterior
Peroneus (fibularis) Longus
Peroneus (fibularis) Brevis
Extensor digitorum longus
Extensor hallucis longus
Flexor digitorum longus
Flexor hallucis longus
Spring 2013
ADAM Dissection - Packet 1
The Muscular System: Muscles of the Head, Neck, Abdomen, Chest & Back
Refer to this packet while you complete the ADAM computer dissection. Make sure you answer all questions
asked and identify all structures listed. Once you have identified a structure in one view you should be able to
recognize it thereafter (even if its not in the list). You may have to scroll up/down in each view to identify
all muscles listed.
Dissection of the Head, Neck and Abdomen
1. Open ADAM Interactive Anatomy program.
2. Choose "Dissectible Anatomy" select the gender and the Anterior view. Then click "open".
3. Click on the depth bar until your reach layer 11. While looking at that view, identify the following:
• epicranius - frontalis
• orbicularis oculi
• orbicularis oris
• zygomaticus (minor & major)
• sternocleidomastoid
• levator labii superioris
(layer 11 ADAM Anatomy)
Answer the following question:
List one action of the orbicularis oris muscle
Spring 2013
4. Switch to a lateral view and then click on the depth bar until your reach layer 20. While looking at that
view, identify the following:
• epicranius – frontalis & occipitalis
• orbicularis oculi
• temporalis (under temporal fasciae)
• orbicularis oris
• masseter
• sternocleidomastoid
• levator labii superioris
• depressor labii inferioris
Answer the following question:
2. List the two muscles that close the jaw for chewing:
(layer 20 ADAM Anatomy)
5. Switch to an anterior view and remain at layer 20. While looking at that view, identify the following:
• external oblique
• linea alba
• serratus anterior
• external oblique aponeurosis
• pectoralis major
Answer the following question:
3. List two actions of the external oblique:
(layer 20 ADAM anatomy)
Spring 2013
6. Next, scroll deeper to layer 26. Watch the screen as you scroll. You are simulating dissection of the
superficial structures. Identify the following structures (you will probably have to scroll up/down to view all
• internal oblique
• internal oblique aponeurosis
• rectus abdominis
• serratus anterior
• external intercostals
(layer 26 ADAM anatomy)
Answer the following questions:
Which abdominal muscles cannot rotate the trunk?
5. a. Which abdominal muscle is most superficial?
b. Which abdominal muscle is the deepest?
Spring 2013
7. Continue on to layer 29 to view and identify the following muscles. You will have to scroll up to view all
muscles and may want to print that graphic.
• rectus abdominis
• internal oblique (cut)
• linea alba
• transverse abdominis
• external oblique (cut)
• external intercostals
• serratus anterior
(layer 29 ADAM Anatomy)
Answer the following questions:
Name the muscle responsible for breathing (quiet/resting)
7. The external intercostals assist with
Spring 2013
8. Drag the depth bar to layer 61 and identify the following muscles in this view.
• internal oblique
• rectus abdominis
• internal oblique aponeurosis
• external intercostals
• erector spinae (longissimus)
• serratus anterior
8. What is an action of the serratus anterior?
(layer 61 - lateral view ADAM Anatomy)
9. Next, drag the depth bar to layer 67 and identify the following muscles in this view
• transverse abdominis
• transverse abdominis aponeurosis
• rectus abdominis
• internal intercostals
• erector spinae (longissimus)
9. What are the three muscles of the erector spinae
muscle group?
(layer 67 ADAM anatomy)
Spring 2013
Dissection of the Chest and Back
Choose "Dissectible Anatomy" select the gender and the Anterior view. Then click "open"
Click on the depth bar until your reach layer 19. While looking at that view, identify the following:
• pectoralis major
• sternocleidomastoid
• external oblique
• serratus anterior
• trapezius (upper portion)
• deltoid (anterior/medial bellies - note: use your text or class notes to locate the parts of the deltoid
muscle – ADAM doesn’t differentiate between the bellies)
(layer 19 - ADAM Anatomy)
Answer the following questions:
10. Observe the two heads of the sternocleidomastoid. Based on this, what are the origins of this muscle?
Spring 2013
12. Next drag the depth bar to layer 54 to identify the pectoralis minor
Answer the following question:
11. What is the origin and insertion of the
pectoralis minor?
13. Next change the view to a posterior view. Drag the depth bar to layer 9 and identify the following
muscles in this view.
• trapezius
• splenius capitis
• latissimus dorsi
• teres major
(layer 9 ADAM anatomy)
Answer the following question:
12. List 4 actions of the trapezius:
Spring 2013
14. Next drag the depth bar to layer 11 and identify the following muscles in this view. Also scroll up to view
the epicranius – occipitalis.
• splenius capitis
• erector spinae – spinalis
• rhomboid major
• latissimus dorsi
• teres minor
• infraspinatus
• levator scapulae
• erector spinae – longissimus
• rhomboid minor
• teres major
• supraspinatus
Answer the following question:
13. List one action of the splenius capitis.
14. List one antagonist to the rhomboid major.
(layer 11ADAM anatomy)
15. Next drag the depth bar to layer 15 and identify the following muscles in this view. Also scroll up to view
the splenius capitis.
• erector spinae – spinalis
• erector spinae – longissimus
• erector spinae – iliocostalis
• rhomboid major
• rhomboid minor
Answer the following question:
15. Which muscles are the main
fixators of the scapula?
Spring 2013
ADAM Dissection - Packet 2
The Muscular System: Muscles of the Upper Extremity
Refer to this packet while you complete the ADAM computer dissection. Make sure you answer all questions
asked and identify all structures listed. Once you have identified a structure in one view you should be able to
recognize it thereafter (even if its not in the list).
1. Open ADAM Interactive Anatomy program.
2. Choose "Dissectible Anatomy" select the gender and the Lateral view. Then click "open"
3. Next switch to a lateral view and drag the depth bar to layer 8 and identify the following muscles in this
• pectoralis major
• infraspinatus
• latissimus dorsi
• sternocleidomastoid
• teres major
• serratus anterior
• trapezius
• supraspinatus
• external oblique
Answer the following questions:
1. What are the four muscles that form the rotator
cuff muscle group?
2. List 2 muscles that laterally rotate the shoulder
(layer 8 ADAM anatomy)
4. Switch to an anterior view and click on the depth bar until your reach layer 91. Observe the location of the
tendons of the latissimus dorsi, teres major and subscapularis muscles.
Answer the following question:
3. What action do all three muscles share?
Spring 2013
5. Click on the depth bar until your reach layer 19. While looking at that view, identify the following:
• deltoid (anterior/medial bellies)
• pectoralis major
• biceps brachii
• brachioradialis
Answer the following question:
4. List one antagonist to the pectoralis major:
(layer 19 ADAM anatomy)
6. Click on the depth bar until your reach layer 87. While looking at that view, identify the following:
• coracobrachialis
• brachialis
(layer 87 ADAM anatomy)
Spring 2013
7. Next change the view to posterior and scroll to layer 9 and identify these additional structures:
• deltoid (posterior/medial bellies)
• trapezius
• long/lateral heads of triceps brachii
• latissimus dorsi
• teres major
• infraspinatus
• teres minor
(layer 9 ADAM Anatomy)
Answer the following questions:
5. What is the insertion of the triceps brachii muscle?
6. The main action of the triceps brachii muscle is
However, the
head can also extend the shoulder.
7. What is the action of the deltoid muscle (when the entire muscle contracts)?
8. Which muscle is deep to the deltoid and abducts the shoulder?
8. Go to layer 55 to view the medial head of the triceps brachii with the lateral head removed. (no graphic has
been provided).
Spring 2013
9. Next, switch to an anterior view and scroll to layer 81. Identify the following muscles:
• short/long heads of biceps brachii
• brachioradialis
• biceps brachii (belly)
• flexor carpi radialis
• pronator teres
• flexor carpi ulnaris
(layer 81 ADAM anatomy)
Answer the following questions:
9. What is the insertion of the biceps brachii?
10. What are two actions of the biceps brachii?
(layer 81 ADAM anatomy)
Spring 2013
10. Continue on to layer 82 to view the:
• brachialis
• pronator teres
• flexor carpi radialis
• brachioradialis
• palmaris longus
• flexor carpi ulnaris
(layer 82 ADAM Anatomy)
Answer the following questions.
11. Which humeral condyle (medial or lateral) would the flexor carpi ulnaris originate on?
12. Why doesn’t the brachialis muscle supinate the forearm (think about its insertion and movement at the
13. List one antagonist to the flexor carpi radialis.
Spring 2013
11. Next scroll down to layer 108 to remove the brachioradialis, flexor carpi radialis and flexor carpi ulnaris and
identify the:
• flexor digitorum superficialis
• flexor pollicis longus
(layer 108 ADAM anatomy)
12. Next switch to a posterior view and scroll to layer 9 to view the muscles in the posterior compartment of
the forearm.
• extensor carpi radialis longus
• extensor carpi radialis brevis
• extensor digitorum
• extensor carpi ulnaris
Answer the following question.
14. The wrist extensors are located on the
the wrist and function to
surface of
Spring 2013
(layer 9 ADAM anatomy)
13. Next switch to the lateral arm view and scroll to layer 14 to identify the following:
• long/lateral heads of triceps brachii
• biceps brachii
• brachialis
• brachioradialis
• extensor carpi radialis longus
• extensor carpi radialis brevis
• extensor digitorum
• extensor carpi ulnaris
(layer 14 ADAM anatomy)
Spring 2013
14. Next change the view to a medial arm view. Drag the depth bar to layer 7& 8 and identify the following
muscles in this view. Then drag the depth bar to layer 50 to identify the medial head of the triceps brachii.
• long head of triceps brachii
• pectoralis major
• latissimus dorsi
• infraspinatus
• deltoid (anterior/medial/posterior bellies)
• biceps brachii
• coracobrachialis
• teres major
• teres minor
• supraspinatus
Answer the following questions:
15. List two actions of the deltoid:
(layer 7 ADAM Anatomy)
• brachioradialis
• pronator teres
• palmaris longus
• flexor carpi radialis
• flexor digitorum superficialis
• flexor carpi ulnaris
(layer 8 ADAM Anatomy)
Spring 2013
ADAM Dissection - Packet 3
The Muscular System: Muscles of the Lower Extremity
Refer to this packet while you complete the ADAM computer dissection. Make sure you answer all questions
asked and identify all structures listed. Once you have identified a structure in one view you should be able to
recognize it thereafter (even if its not in the list).
1. Open ADAM Interactive Anatomy .
2. Next go the "File" on the menu and drag to "open". Choose "Dissectible Anatomy" and an anterior
view. Click and drag the depth bar to layer 179 and scroll down to the thigh.
Identify the following muscles/structures:
• sartorius
• tensor fasciae latae
• iliotibial tract (IT band)
• vastus lateralis
• rectus femoris
• vastus medialis
• patellar ligament
• adductor longus
• adductor magnus
• gracilis
• pectineus
Scroll Down to View
•tibialis anterior
•peroneus longus
• extensor digitorum longus
(layer 179 ADAM Anatomy)
Answer the following questions.
1. What is the origin of the sartorius?
2. What are 3 actions of the sartorius?
Spring 2013
3. Next click and drag the depth bar to layer 280 to remove the rectus femoris and sartorius and find the
following: (note look at layer 266 to view the psoas major)
Identify the following muscles:
• psoas major
• tendon of rectus femoris (cut) (scroll down to view)
• vastus intermedius
• piriformis
• gracilis
• vastus lateralis
• vastus medialis
• adductor longus
• adductor brevis
• pectineus
(layer 280 ADAM Anatomy)
Answer the following questions.
3. What is the insertion of the quadriceps femoris muscle group?
4. What is the main action of the quadriceps femoris muscle group?
5. What is the action of the iliacus & psoas major muscles?
6. What are actions of the gracilis? 1)
Spring 2013
4. Next click and drag the depth bar to layer 300 to remove to find the following:
• vastus lateralis (cut)
• adductor magnus
• adductor longus
• adductor brevis
• pectineus
• piriformis
(layer 300 ADAM Anatomy)
Answer the following:
7. What are two actions of the pectineus?
8. List one action of the piriformis:
Spring 2013
5. Next change to a posterior view. Click and drag the depth bar to layer 81 and scroll down to the gluteal
Identify the following muscles:
• gluteus maximus
• gluteus medius (fascia)
• iliotibial tract (IT Band)
• biceps femoris (short & long heads)
• semitendinosus
• semimembranosus
• gracilis
• heads of gastrocnemius
• flexor digitorum longus
• flexor hallucis longus
Scroll Up to View
• spinalis
• longissimus
• iliocostalis
(layer 81 ADAM Anatomy)
Answer the following questions.
9. What is the insertion of biceps femoris?
10. What is the origin of both the semitendinosus &
11. What the nickname of the muscle group that
contains these 3 muscles?
12. List two actions of the semitendinosus muscle:
______________ & _______
Spring 2013
6. Next click the depth bar once to get to layer 83 to identify the:
• gluteus medius
• piriformis
• quadratus femoris
• sciatic nerve
7. Then go to layer 108 to identify the gluteus minimus (in addition to the above muscles)
Answer the following question:
13. The gluteus medius causes
while the gluteus maximus contracts for
rotation of the hip,
rotation of the
Spring 2013
8. Now scroll deeper until you reach layer 113 and locate the following:
• vastus lateralis
• biceps femoris (short & long heads)
• semimembranosus
• semitendinosus
• gracilis
• adductor magnus
• quadratus femoris
•sciatic nerve
(layer 113 ADAM Anatomy)
Spring 2013
9. Next change to a lateral view. Click and drag the depth bar to layer 12 and locate the:
• gluteus maximus
• iliotibial band (IT band)
• tensor fasciae latae
• sartorius
• vastus lateralis
• rectus femoris
• biceps femoris
• gastrocnemius
• tibialis anterior
• soleus
(layer 12 ADAM Anatomy)
Spring 2013
10. Now, return to the File menu and click on open. Select Atlas Anatomy. Choose System and Muscular.
Then select Medial Thigh. Locate the following muscles.
• vastus medialis
• gracilis
• semimembranosus
• gluteus maximus
• rectus femoris
• adductor magnus
• gastrocnemius
• sartorius
• semitendinosus
• piriformis
Answer the following questions.
14. List 4 muscles of the medial compartment.
Spring 2013
11. Now return to the File menu and select Dissectible Anatomy. Choose the lateral view. Go to layer 87
and identify:
• gastrocnemius
• soleus
• tibialis anterior
• achille's (calcaneal) tendon
• peroneus brevis
• extensor digitorum longus
Answer the following questions:
15. List a pair of antagonists for plantar/dorsi flexion of the ankle.
12. Now switch to a medial view . Go to layer 29 and identify:
• flexor digitorum longus
• soleus
• flexor hallicus longus
• gastrocnemius
• tibialis anterior
Spring 2013
13. Now switch to an anterior view . Go to layer 87 and identify:
• extensor digitorum longus
• tibialis anterior
• peroneus longus
• soleus
• gastrocnemius
14. Next go to layer 187 and identify the extensor hallucis longus and extensor digitorum longus muscles.
15. Now switch to an posterior view . Go to layer 153 and identify:
• popliteus
• peroneus longus
• peroneus brevis
• soleus
• gastrocnemius
• tibialis posterior
Spring 2013
Identification List for Practical Exam #4
You are responsible for correctly identifying and spelling the structures listed below on both
laboratory models and select ADAM/Lab book photos.
Brain List
Septum Pellucidum
3rd ventricle (within thalamus)
Cerebral Aqueduct
Lateral ventricle
4th ventricle
Medulla Oblongata
-arbor vitae
Corpora quadrigemina
-superior colliculus
-inferior colliculus
Choroid Plexus (in epithalamus)
Pineal Gland
-intermediate mass
-optic chiasm(a)
- infundibulum
- pituitary gland
-mamillary bodies
- frontal, parietal, temporal, occipital lobes
-gyri, sulci
-corpus callosum
-precentral gyrus (primary motor area)
-postcentral gyrus (primary sensory area)
-parieto-occipital sulcus
- central sulcus
- lateral sulcus
- longitudinal fissure
- transverse fissure
Spring 2013
Spinal Cord List
Anterior Median Fissure
Ventral Horn
Dorsal Horn
Lateral Horn
Anterior/Lateral/Posterior Funiculus
Spinal Nerve
Dura Mater, Arachnoid, Pia Mater
Ventral & Dorsal Ramus (rami)
Posterior Median Sulcus
Ventral Root
Dorsal Root
Dorsal Root Ganglion
Central Canal
Gray commissure
White/Gray Ramus(i) Communicans
White Ramus Communicans
Gray Ramus Communicans
Neuron – model (# is on model)
1. axon hillock
2. nucleus
3. Nissl Bodies
5. axon terminal/synaptic knob/synaptic bulb
6 (and 10). axon
8. neurilemma
11. myelin (sheath)
12. endoneurium
14. dendrite
B. Schwann cell
Endocrine Histology:
Anterior Pituitary
Posterior Pituitary
Pancreas: Islet Cells vs. Acinar Cells
Adrenal Medulla
Adrenal Cortex: 3 zones
Thyroid: Follicular vs. Parafollicular (C) cells
Spring 2013
Macula Lutea
(External )Auditory
Canal (Meatus)
Tympanic membrane
Iris & Pupil
Fovea Centralis
Lacrimal gland
Anterior Chamber
(aqueous humor)
Ciliary body
(suspensory ligaments)
Semicircular canals
Posterior Chamber
Cochlear nerve
(vitreous humor)
Optic disc (blind spot) Vestibulocochlear
(Auditory) nerve
Optic nerve
Superior & Inferior
Superior Oblique
Medial & Lateral
Inferior Oblique
Eustachian (Auditory)
Vestibular nerve
(see page 365 of lab manual for muscle
Spring 2013
Vernier Human Physiology Experiments
Vernier Exercise 13 - Introduction to EMG
Vernier Exercise 16 – Grip Strength Comparison
Vernier Exercise 18 – EMG and Muscle Fatigue
Spring 2013
Exercise 13
Introduction to EMG
An electromyogram, or EMG, is a graphical recording of electrical activity within muscles. Activation of
muscles by nerves results in changes in ion flow across cell membranes, which generates electrical activity.
This can be measured using surface electrodes placed on the skin over the muscle of interest.
Electrical activity correlates with strength of muscle contraction, and is dependent on the quantity of nerve
impulses which are sent to the muscle. This is easily visible in large muscles such as the biceps muscle in the
arm and the quadriceps muscle in the leg, but can also be demonstrated in smaller, less visible muscles, such as
the masseter muscle in the jaw.
Temporomandibular Disorders, TMD, result from problems in the temporomandibular (jaw) joint, and affect
jaw action (chewing of food, talking, playing the trumpet). In this experiment, you will examine the electrical
activity generated by chewing and see how food texture influences the strength of contraction in the masseter
Figure 1
muscle of the jaw (see Figure 1).
Important: Do not attempt this experiment if you suffer from pain in or around the jaw. Inform your instructor
of any possible health problems that might be exacerbated if you participate in this exercise.
In this experiment, you will
Obtain graphical representation of the electrical activity of a muscle.
 Associate amount of electrical activity with strength of muscle contraction.
 Compare masseter muscle function during different types of chewing activity.
Vernier computer interface
Logger Pro
Vernier EKG Sensor
electrode tabs
chewing gum
raw carrot
soap or rubbing alcohol
Spring 2013
Part I Conscious Clenching of the Jaw
Select one person from your lab group to be the subject.
1. Connect the EKG Sensor to the Vernier computer interface. Open the file
“13 Introduction to EMG” from the Human Physiology with Vernier folder.
2. Instruct the subject to be seated. Remove excess oil from the skin with soap and
water or alcohol to improve the adhesion of the electrode tabs to the skin. Position the
upper electrode tab facing the ear so that the electrode wire may be looped over the ear
(see Figure 2). Position the lower tab so it faces downward and the wire hangs down.
Attach the EKG electrodes to the tabs; in this experiment red and green leads are
interchangeable. Place a third electrode tab on some other area of the body, such as the
left or right forearm, and attach the black EKG electrode to this tab.
Figure 2
3. Have the student sit with his or her jaw relaxed.
to begin data collection. If your graph
has a stable baseline for 5 s (see Figure 3), click
and continue to
Step 4. If your graph has an unstable baseline, click
and try again
until you have a stable baseline for 5 s.
4. Click
. After recording 5 s of stable baseline with the jaw relaxed,
instruct the subject to clench his/her jaw for 5 s, then relax. Repeat this
process of clenching for 5 second and relaxing for 5 s to obtain several
events. Data collection will end after 30 s.
5. Click and drag to highlight the first period during which the subject’s jaw
was relaxed (approximately 0–5 s). Click the Statistics button, . Record
the minimum and maximum values in Table 1, rounding to the nearest 0.01
Figure 3
6. Move the Statistics brackets to frame the next 5 s interval (5–10 s), during which the subject was clenching
his/her jaw. Record the minimum and maximum values in Table 1, rounding to the nearest 0.01 mV. To
close the Statistics box, click the  in the corner of the box.
Part II Comparison of Muscle Action in the Chewing of Different Foods
7. Click
to begin data collection. If your graph has a stable baseline for 5 s (see Figure 3), click
and continue to Step 8. If your graph has an unstable baseline, click
and try again until you have a
stable baseline for 5 s.
8. Click
to begin data collection. After recording 5 s of stable baseline, instruct the subject to take a bite
of the marshmallow and chew for the next 15−20 s. After chewing and swallowing has been accomplished,
have the subject relax his/her jaw to return to baseline for the last 5−10 s of data collection.
Spring 2013
9. Click and drag to highlight the first period during which the subject’s jaw was relaxed (approximately 0–5
s). Click the Statistics button, . Record the minimum and maximum values in Table 1, rounding to the
nearest 0.01 mV.
10. Move the brackets to frame the data recorded during the chewing interval of Run 2, and record the
minimum and maximum values for this interval in Table 1, rounding to the nearest 0.01 mV. To close the
Statistics box, click the  in the corner of the box.
11. Repeat Steps 7–10 with the subject chewing on a raw carrot. If chewing and swallowing has not been
completed by 25 s, subject should cease chewing and relax the jaw to return to baseline for the final 5 s of
data collection. Be sure to select the correct run when you are obtaining statistics for the data.
12. Repeat Steps 7–10 with the subject chewing on a piece of gum. The subject should cease chewing and relax
the jaw to return to baseline for the final 5 s of data collection.
13. Calculate the difference between each minimum and maximum value and record this value in the data table
under the column marked ∆ mV.
Table 1
Minimum mV
Maximum mV
0–5 s
Jaw clenching
5–10 s
0–5 s
Chewing marshmallow
chewing interval
0–5 s
Chewing raw carrot
chewing interval
0–5 s
Chewing gum
chewing interval
Spring 2013
1. Rank, in order (from greatest to least), the amplitude of EMG electrical activity for each of the items tested:
carrot, marshmallow, chewing gum.
2. Compare the frequency of muscle activation during mastication (chewing) of the three food items tested. Is
there a significant difference in the number of similar spikes generated during a 5 s interval of data
collection for each of the items tested?
3. Compare rates of chewing within your lab group/class. Are there significant differences?
4. On the basis of the findings in this experiment what recommendation would you make to a friend with a
temporomandibular disorder (TMD) regarding his/her food choices?
5. Chronic headaches and temperomandibular disorders (TMD) may be the result of unconscious clenching of
the jaw. What are some ways to reduce/prevent jaw clenching?
Test other food items, such as beef jerky, gummi bears, pudding, various meats, various fruits, etc.
Spring 2013
Grip Strength Comparison
Exercise 16
The importance of hand strength and function is evident in all aspects of our daily living, from eating and
maintaining personal hygiene to keyboarding at the computer, performing brain surgery, or playing tennis or the
piano. People suffering from arthritis or hand injury quickly appreciate the difficulty of performing even the
most mundane tasks with reduced grip strength.
Testing of hand grip strength is used by orthopedic surgeons and physical therapists to evaluate the extent of an
injury and the progress of recovery. Grip strength can also be used to diagnose neuromuscular problems such as
stroke, herniated disks in the neck, carpal tunnel syndrome, and elbow tendonitis. Athletes are interested in grip
strength because it relates to performance in many sports, such as tennis, golf, baseball, football, gymnastics,
and rock climbing.
Pinch strength is a way for occupational therapists to measure loss of fine-motor strength in the thumb, fingers,
and forearm. It is useful for analyzing the extent of an injury and the outcome from surgery or therapy.
In Part I of this experiment, you will measure and compare grip strength in your right and left hands. You will
also correlate grip strength with gender, handedness, and height. In Part II you will analyze the pinch strength of
each of your four fingers.
Important: Do not attempt this exercise if you have arthritis, carpal tunnel syndrome, or any ailment that might
be exacerbated by using the muscles of your arm and hand.
Figure 1
In this experiment, you will
Measure and compare grip strength of your right and left hands.
 Correlate grip strength with gender and certain physical characteristics.
 Compare the pinch strengths of the individual fingers of the dominant hand.
Spring 2013
Vernier computer interface
Logger Pro
Vernier Hand Dynamometer
Each person in the group will take turns being subject and tester.
Hand Grip Strength
1. Connect the Hand Dynamometer to the Vernier computer interface. Open the file
“16a Compare Grip Strength” from the Human Physiology with Vernier folder.
2. Zero the readings for the Hand Dynamometer.
a. Hold the Hand Dynamometer along the sides, in an upright position (see Figure 2). Do not put any force
on the pads of the Hand Dynamometer.
b. Click the Zero button,
3. Have the subject sit with his or her back straight and feet flat on the floor. The Hand Dynamometer should
be held in the right hand. The elbow should be at a 90° angle, with the arm unsupported (see Figure 1).
4. Have the subject close his or her eyes, or avert them from the screen.
5. Click
to begin data collection. After collecting 2 s of baseline data, instruct the subject to grip the
sensor with full strength for the next 8 s. Data will be collected for 10 s.
6. Store this run by choosing Store Latest Run from the Experiment menu.
7. Repeat Step 2−5 with the left hand.
8. Determine the maximum and mean force exerted by your hands during a portion of the data collection
Place the cursor over your graph at 4 s and click and drag to highlight both runs from 4 s to 8 s.
Click the Statistics button, , to see the Statistics box.
Check the boxes in front of Run 1 and Latest and click
Record the maximum and mean force for each run in Table 1.
Close the Statistics box by clicking the  in the corner of the box.
9. Work with your classmates to complete Tables 2−4. Note: In Table 4, round height to the nearest inch.
Spring 2013
Figure 4
Table 1−Individual Grip Strength Data
Maximum force (N)
Mean force (N)
Right hand grip strength
Left hand grip strength
Table 2−Class Grip Strength Data
Average mean force (N)
Males (dominant hand grip strength)
Females (dominant hand grip strength)
Table 3−Class Grip Strength Data
Average mean force (N)
Right hand
Left hand
Right-handed individuals
Left-handed individuals
Table 4−Class Grip Strength Data
Height (rounded to nearest inch)
Average mean grip strength of dominant hand
1.52 m (5’) or below
1.55−1.63 m (5’1”−5’4”)
1.65–1.73 m (5’5”−5’8”)
1.75–1.83 m (5’9”−6’)
1.85 m (6’1”) and above
Spring 2013
1. Is there a difference in grip strength in your dominant and non-dominant hands? Are you surprised by the
2. Examining the data in Table 3, does there appear to be a correlation between “handedness” and grip
strength? Are the results similar for right-handed and left-handed people?
3. Is there a difference between the grip strengths in the different categories of height for which data was
collected in Table 4? What conclusion can you draw about the relationship between height and grip
4. Does gender play a more significant role in grip strength than height? than “handedness?”
1. Plot a graph of the maximum and average grip strengths for each participant in each category. Do the results
correspond with what you would expect in a human population?
2. Perform daily hand-strengthening exercises to increase your grip and/or pinch strength (such as squeezing a
rubber ball). Measure your grip and/or pinch strength after two weeks and after four weeks. Compare the
results with your original data.
Spring 2013
EMG and Muscle Fatigue
Exercise 18
Voluntary muscle contraction is the result of communication between the brain and individual muscle fibers of
the musculoskeletal system. A thought is transformed into electrical impulses which travel down motor neurons
(in the spine and peripheral nerves) to the neuromuscular junctions that form a motor unit (see Figure 1).
The individual muscle fibers within each motor unit contract with an “all or none” response when stimulated,
meaning the muscle fiber contracts to its maximum potential or not at all. The strength of contraction of a whole
muscle depends on how many individual fibers are activated, and can be correlated with electrical activity
measured over the muscle with an EMG sensor.
Regular exercise is important for maintaining muscle strength and conditioning. The most common form of
non-aerobic exercise is isotonic (weight training). In isotonic exercise, the muscle changes length against a
constant force. In isometric exercise the length of the muscle remains the same as greater demand is placed on
it. An example of this is holding a barbell (or suitcase) in one position for an extended period of time. Muscle
fatigue occurs with both forms of exercise.
In this experiment, you will use a Vernier Hand Dynamometer to measure maximum grip strength and correlate
this with electrical activity of the muscles involved as measured using the Vernier EKG Sensor. You will see if
electrical activity changes as a muscle fatigues during continuous maximal effort. Finally, you will observe the
results of a conscious effort to overcome fatigue in the muscles being tested.
Figure 1
Important: Do not attempt this experiment if you suffer from arthritis, or other conditions of the hand, wrist,
forearm, or elbow. Inform your instructor of any possible health problems that might be exacerbated if you
participate in this exercise.
Spring 2013
In this experiment, you will
Obtain graphical representation of the electrical activity of a muscle.
 Correlate grip strength measurements with electrical activity data.
 Correlate measurements of grip strength and electrical activity with muscle fatigue.
 Observe the effect on grip strength of a conscious effort to overcome fatigue.
Vernier computer interface
Logger Pro
Vernier Hand Dynamometer
Vernier EKG Sensor
electrode tabs
Select one person from your lab group to be the subject.
Part I Grip Strength without Visual Feedback
1. Connect the Hand Dynamometer and the EKG Sensor to the Vernier computer interface. Open the file “18
EMG and Muscle Fatigue” from the Human Physiology with Vernier folder.
2. Zero the readings for the Hand Dynamometer.
a. Click the Zero button,
b. Hold the Hand Dynamometer along the sides, in an upright position (see Figure 2). Do
not put any force on the pads of the Hand Dynamometer.
c. Click the box in front of Hand Dynamometer to select it and click
3. Attach three electrode tabs to on of your arms, as shown in Figure 3.
Two tabs should be placed on the ventral forearm, 5 cm and 10 cm
from the medial epicondyle along an imaginary line connecting the
epicondyle and the middle finger.
Figure 2
4. Attach the green and red leads to the tabs on ventral forearm. For this
activity, the green and red leads are interchangeable. Attach the black
lead to the upper arm.
5. Have the subject sit with his/her back straight and feet flat on the
floor. The elbow should be at a 90° angle, with the arm unsupported.
Figure 3
6. Have the subject close his/her eyes, or avert them from the screen.
7. Instruct the subject to grip the sensor with full strength and click
to begin data collection. The
subject should exert maximum effort throughout the data-collection period.
8. Record statistical information about the grip strength data.
a. Position the cursor at 0 s on the Grip Strength graph (the top graph). Click and drag to highlight 0–20 s
on the graph. Click the Statistics button, . Record the mean force during that interval in Table 1,
rounding to the nearest 0.1 N.
b. Move the statistics brackets to highlight the time interval between 60 and 80 s on the same graph. Record
the mean force during that interval in Table 1 (round to the nearest 0.1 N).
c. Move the statistics brackets to highlight the time interval between 80 and 100 s. Record the mean force
during that interval in Table 1, rounding to the nearest 0.1 N.
Spring 2013
Part II Grip Strength with Visual Feedback
11. Have the subject sit with his/her back straight and feet flat on the floor. The Hand Dynamometer should be
held in the same hand used in Part I of this experiment. Instruct the subject to position his/her elbow at a
90° angle, with the arm unsupported, and to close his/her eyes, or avert them from the screen.
12. Instruct the subject to grip the sensor with full strength and click
to begin data collection. The
subject should exert near maximum effort throughout the duration of the experiment.
13. At 80 s, instruct the subject to watch the screen, and attempt to match his/her beginning grip strength (the
level achieved in the first few seconds of the experiment) and to maintain this grip for the duration of the
experiment. Data will be collected for 100 s.
14. Record statistical information about the grip strength data.
a. Position the cursor at 0 s on the Grip Strength graph (the top graph). Click and drag to highlight 0–20 s
on the graph. Click on the Statistics button, . Record the mean force during that interval in Table 2,
rounding to the nearest 0.1 N.
b. Move the statistics brackets to highlight the time interval between 60 and 80 s on the same graph. Record
the mean force during that interval in Table 2, rounding to the nearest 0.1 N.
c. Move the statistics brackets to highlight the time interval between 80 and 100 s on the same graph.
Record the mean force during that interval in Table 2, rounding to the nearest 0.1 N.
Part III Grip Strength with Coaching
11. Have the subject sit with his/her back straight and feet flat on the floor. The Hand Dynamometer should be
held in the same hand used in Part I of this experiment. Instruct the subject to position his/her elbow at a
90° angle, with the arm unsupported, and to close his/her eyes, or avert them from the screen.
12. Instruct the subject to grip the sensor with full strength and click
to begin data collection. The
subject should exert near maximum effort throughout the duration of the experiment. You will be the
“coach” for your lab partner. Yell, motivate, try to coach your lab partner through the experiment,
encouraging the best/strongest grip during the time.
13. Record statistical information about the grip strength data.
a. Position the cursor at 0 s on the Grip Strength graph (the top graph). Click and drag to highlight 0–20 s
on the graph. Click on the Statistics button, . Record the mean force during that interval in Table 2,
rounding to the nearest 0.1 N.
b. Move the statistics brackets to highlight the time interval between 60 and 80 s on the same graph. Record
the mean force during that interval in Table 2, rounding to the nearest 0.1 N.
c. Move the statistics brackets to highlight the time interval between 80 and 100 s on the same graph.
Record the mean force during that interval in Table 2, rounding to the nearest 0.1 N
Table 1–Continuous Grip Strength without Visual Feedback
Time Interval
Mean grip strength
EMG Data
Max (mV)
Min (mV)
0–20 s
Spring 2013
60–80 s
80–100 s
Table 2–Continuous Grip Strength with Visual Feedback
Time Interval
Mean grip strength
EMG data
Max (mV)
Min (mV)
0–20 s
60–80 s
80–100 s
Table 3–Continuous Grip Strength with Coaching
Time interval
Mean grip strength
EMG data
Max (mV)
Min (mV)
0–20 s
60–80 s
80–100 s
1. Use the data in Table 1 to calculate the percent loss of grip strength that occurs between the 0–20 s and 60–
80 s intervals. Describe a situation in which such a loss of grip strength is noticeable in your day-to-day life.
2. Compare mean grip strengths and ∆mV for the 0–20 s and 80–100 s in Table 1. Do your findings support or
refute the practice of “coaching from the sidelines” at sporting events?
3. Use the graphs and your data from Table 1 to explain how our neuromuscular systems attempt to overcome
fatigue during heavy work or exercise. How might fatigue increase the risk of musculoskeletal injury?
4. Compare the data in Tables 1 and 2. Explain any differences seen in the 80-100 s time intervals between the
two tables. What does this tell you about the brain’s role in fatigue?
Spring 2013