Conduct Code for the SSC IMA Chapter 1. I shall take my leadership responsibilities seriously and shall follow them through to completion. By doing this, I shall fulfill my responsibilities in an effective, efficient, and timely manner. 2. I place as a priority continued academic excellence. 3. I am committed to maintaining an environment which recognizes the dignity of each individual member and encourages appreciation of diverse backgrounds, opinions and goals in life. 4. I am committed to honesty and integrity in personal, social, and academic endeavors. 5. I recognize that a successful chapter requires a team effort, and I pledge to work together to promote the IMA’s Mission. 6. I shall work with the Chapter Advisor and the IMA’s leaders in the same spirit of cooperation I display in my dealings with others. 7. I shall respond promptly, courteously, and positively to the concerns and requests of the Chapter Advisor and other members of IMA. 8. I shall conduct myself in a manner which is respectful of others and worthy of respect from others. 9. I shall dress appropriately for any and all chapter occasions. 10. I shall not engage in any conduct which may bring shame or disrepute to myself or diminish the reputation of my Chapter, Region, or National IMA. 1 11. I shall not engage in any illegal activity or violate any stated policies of the Chapter, Region, or National IMA. 12. I shall not consume and shall discourage the consumption of alcohol at “SSC” IMA functions. 13. I shall not possess nor tolerate the use of or possession of illegal controlled substances. 14. I acknowledge that it is my responsibility to keep a written log of completed projects and to report them at monthly chapter meetings to receive credit for our ‘GOLD’ level of achievement in the IMA National Competition for 2 yr Colleges. 15. I acknowledge that I am required to maintain a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.0 and failure to do so will result in a “member not in good standing” status. 16. I acknowledge that I am required to maintain high moral and ethical character and violation of Stark State College’s Student Conduct Code may result in a “member not in good standing” status and possible dismissal from IMA activities. Violation of school regulations or criminal law can result in dismissal from IMA Chapter membership. 17. I agree to follow the Conflict Resolution Required Steps as outlined in the By-laws. 18. I acknowledge that any communications sent using Stark State College computers belong to Stark State College and any communications sent out using any Stark State media must be IMA related and be approved by the faculty advisor. 19. I acknowledge that to be eligible for scholarships I must be an Accounting, Corporate Finance, or Financial Services degree seeking major. ( 1 yr certificates are excluded) 20. I will respect the Advisor, Department Chair, Dean and all faculty and staff at SSC. 21. I acknowledge that in the event of dismissal, due process chain of command shall be followed. Signature _______________________________________ Date _____________________ 2