From by guest on March 6, 2016. For personal use only. Influence of Cobalt, Sheep Erythropoietin and Hormones on Erythropoiesis in Bone Marrows Isolated Perfused Hind Limbs of Dogs By E W. JAMES RYTHROPOIESIS shown Cobalt ROH, CHARLES is known ACTH,12 stances. hormones,1’5 to hormone3 found to cobalt’s was bleeding directly and release bled, from rats. of the Some early isolated perfusion of perfusion fluid little of the if cobalt, erythropoietin and stimulate erythropoiesis in of the cobalt, was in compared the with Hind limb 12 for the were Kg. blood in carried moved through foam venous This the elements from the an in column was pressures An abstract ventricle monitored tvas clog 20 the that rats slim- hind concerning the limb. In limbs of in the the changes order ml. to in deter- by and these plasma. studied and A the All Grant at Fed. to a Proc. was re- perfusion the blood with Saran anti- The arterial Grass polygraph the from Develoinnent 25:666, 10 donors circulate system. A-2973(C4) Career blood heart-lung used of as procedures ml. oxygenator use used surgical Davol perfusion the Research publication Instruments was between were 1000 bubble in weighing Kg. studies. Actuator#{176} USPHS was also presented 1, 1963; accepted for International Medical growth sheep were dogs 15-25 Approximately with USPHS bovine from mongrel between Pulmo-Pak blood (4) limbs defibrinated. occasionally supported of this work female and Abbott oxygenate Diseares the shown METHODS throughout and An were through limbs. anesthesia. donor tb Metabolic Submitted May #{176}Obtained from system used hyoxia, et al.13 concerning with changes perfused weighing pentobarbital system. investigation Arthritis and GM-K3-5990-C2. in dogs perfusion single-ended the AND performed female anesthetized perfusion perfused perfused contralateral were and under OUt with pump male cobalt as have ) 3,5,3’-triiodothyronine, ( 6 ) purified erythropoietin nonperfused perfusions Both isolated rats. its were kidney when such erythropoiesis given in the MAmRIAIs and observed (3 or erythroid the and some of the hormonal agents mentioned the bone marrow directly, the isolated hind with normal blood and blood containing (1) perfused ) hydrocortisone, ( 5 ) testosterone (2 hormone, Changes dog been the kidneys release of co-workers12 of was marrow mine thyroid have or phenyihydrazine-treated information sub- and that when the been and marrows above limb has to stimulate exposed bone hormonal animals.1#{176} Stimuli Cordon bone NIGHTINGALE hormones classical experiments by Drinker dog hind limbs dealt primarily and morphology several reduced is through effect appear in the 0. intact or hypophysectomized to stimulate erythropoiesis7 nephrectomized low-pressure by are in either decades erythropoietin.11 erythropoiesis ulates W. thyrotrophic testosterone ferrikinetic in AND stimulated be significantly primary effect phenyihydrazine kidney of plasma slight a assayed COUCH steroids,34 and to stimulate erythropoiesis has been known for several ervthropoietin,8’#{176} be adrenocortical growth effects have been removed.8 Although the B. L. FIsmR, Several of and and Institute Award of Grant 1963. Aug. 14, 1963. Corp., Stoneham, Mass. 87 BLOOD, VOL. 23, No. 1 (JANUARY), 1964 From by guest on March 6, 2016. For personal use only. 88 ROH, FISHER, AND COUCH NIGHTINGALE -SCHEMATIC DIAGRAMOF DOG HIND LIMB PERFUSIONSYSTEM- AIR Fig. 1.-A Saran iliac 6 femoral 10 13 Statham in = pressure towels heat mesenteric transducers. at 37 saturated C. with 8 nutrient was warmed temperature physiologic saline to in water and D external femoral 9 femur; artery; hypogastric 12 nutrient vein artery. a bottom bath. warmed 2 deep vein; midsacral = filters; artery; 5 femoral = artery 14 nylon iliac vein; artery; blood a constant external = iliolumbar = C pressure; 1 artery; The in venous = reservoir; 7 inferior maintained B blood = artery; 4 = femoral artery; 11 = vein; hypogastric = to femur; E iliolumbar 3 deep vein; pressure; column; vein; = and arterial = antifoam LINE drain The throughout bottle limb hind the reservoir was wrapped experiment with a lamp. Figure 1 is artery and anterior in on the abdominal the following hypogastric femoral artery to vein. the mately 2-3 bone vein through marrow above initiated aorta and vena cava completely limb microscopic artery and isolate was of point with then vein branch. it from for The the and the upper shaft inserted deep at ligated heavy remainder of of of the the perfusion extemal exposed limb hind artery, inferior to bladder. deliver a portion the femur through external iliac femoral artery rate of 1 cm. carcass. marrow system nutrient and veins minute. above then At a per this smears, was by and approxi- The per- abdominal around the deep circula- artery vein point suspension tested The the The the an ligated mesenteric branch. placed point was of artery and 48 were the iliac through circulation cords bone right the a stroke The were mid-sacral approximately Three the branches of system. limb, to veins, into the alone preparation integrity perfusion perfused complete terminal where the circulation their blood were removed sections. the limb hind was and were the the arteries vein cannulae then left collateral and was to The iliolumbar fusion iliolumbar which artery steel cm. of limb, incision. and Stainless diagram right order: artery, lion a schematic vein femur where the the limb from the counts adding and a sus- From by guest on March 6, 2016. For personal use only. BONE MARROW pension of per was mg. helpful time could be twenty added for to for the at of Bone the the 60 mg. with N NaoH of the cobaltous supplied the plasma was the by in re- plasma remove cobalt out bone was the to for by of 16,491A), prepared the cobalt a modifica- the use for This of the upper rat fasted a bone end of of the opens to saw, preparation foramen artery a hemacytometer the shaft the Into bone marrow. on They for a chamber. these Giemsa of bone stain. marrow Five each smear. The were stained with qualitative Total hemacytometer 60 mg. with differential used from approximately stained decalcification. were counting calculated from and added further to the Sodium hundred bone marrow Giemsa comparison hexahydrate lead of 0.005 per stain between the ) by being 5 mixed A Upjohn of Co. plasma the Hormone method employing is equivalent, was in in effect, derived per blood. Section, lyophilized especially Growth unit 1 U.S.P. pH to the 3,5,3’-triiodothyronine 7310) dissolved unitsf Study batch gain One system. RM was from cobalt with Hematology al.17 the of USP weight approximately by adjusting added to the perfusion Coleman and Bell cent prepared activity NIH et body No. of dissolved 0.01 in system. Analytical Lot No. 332188) 0.85 per cent saline system. before day a potency dissolved perfusion Lot being ( Matheson, K 103-277A the #{176} having for protein The sheep was prepared these was diluted Standard hypophysectomized of was was Lot dissolved in which according sodium to succinate dissolved ( 1 unit/mg). using the (U- in No. 7254, prepared with 0.85 per cent female CoCL, phenyihydrazine- erythropoietin, studies, ( Upjohn Reference to 5 micromoles from mg. testosterone to the perfusion system. Hydrocortisone infusion) in 50 per cent ethyl alcohol with the used nutrient were to 9.0 before for White #{176}Equipotent be foramen. were marrow being a specific saline to the with Liothyronine adjusted ( Lot procedure added intravenous hours carried perfused and from each femur was removed, quantitatively diluted with 1 ml. of 2 per cent acetic acid, Smears sections perfusion with cent and 24 from nutrient counted and before chloride sheep was of studies, with marrow removed of fresh marrow were prepared a bone French impurity to per were removed sample analyzed was limbs was perfusion for being hind limbs. pH maximum 0.85 A was delivers marrow fixation The the homogenizer, plasma. as and and added limb. longitudinally, bone was and and dog after Erythropoietin 10 of NaoH Kline treated side of bone nonperfused Mill) (Smith, grade ml. split growth hormone ( NIH-GH-B6) was mixed in physiologic saline Bovine unit/mg. femur assay of mg. femur glass mounted. and with and the resin sample agents All units One hundred The papavthe perfusion studied were al.14 A sample diluted made being perfused a vise materials 400,000 hydrochloride. limb exchange in the ground enumerated were before hind the following sulfate, cannula. terminated plasma et the streptomycin erythropoietic Erythropoietin counts per mg. marrow smears 0.3 were ion Fried either of slightly, sections The of the of cannulation, contralateral some 60 sample a cell Bone with cells on shaft to mixed papavarine perfusion the Each length. 1 cm. medial nucleated counts.16 In approximately homogenized and placed entire approximately transferred mg. Cr’ sacrificed system of Technic were weighing A second of Almond.15 procedure their posterior that assay. to mg. None The dog was then from the perfusion perfusion system every 20 minutes. blood vessels dilated in order that was Dowex-50 of the femurs throughout 8-9 against Marrow smears as perfusions. system. removed 500 60 arterial perfusion assay. technic to The same control Prior as 6 hours. of the erythropoietin according rat.14 and as long the several perfusate: heparin arm When 4 C. to the tion for side erythropoietin dialyzed prior fasted blood mg. extended treated moved the the 40 6 hours. marrow to the perfusion sample was glucose was added to the in keeping the hind limb through 4 in to penicillin-G, anne and liter cells to escape from A plasma assay added procaine red were found exsanguination. erythropoietin were 89 IN DOGS chromium-51-labeled labeled RBC by complete for STUDIES saline for saline Assayed by rats. the fasted rat assay. From by guest on March 6, 2016. For personal use only. 90 FISHER, ROH, COUCH NIGHTINGALE AND . (.24150T) ) L(N) The standard heavy error horizontal of the lines mean within from the CONTROLS (2MG) Fig. 2.-Influence of sheep erythropoietin, cobalt, alone on the nucleated ervthroid cells in the femoral limbs. The total height of each bar represents the limbs. MEAN - - - - (2MG) HYDROcORTISONE (.1 UNIT) . each bar contralateral several hormones and marrows of perfused mean value for the represent the nonperfused mean limb blood dog hind perfused value with the same from dog. Number enclosed at the bottom in that particular group. The vertical error of from the is the the and mean. nonperfused mean perfused of each bar represents the number of animals lines at the top of each bar indicate standard Two dots at the top of the bars indicate significantly different contralateral limbs at the 1 per cent level. The broken line value obtained added to determining by pooling the ervthroid cell counts from the 46 non- limbs. control the perfusion significant The system. differences technic of experimental between analysis of variance was used for groups.15 RESULTS 1. Effects Cell of Several Counts Figure Hormones, in the Bone 2 demonstrates femurs for 4-6 hours (0.24 units/ml. poietin (0.1 unit/ml. ), ml.) and testosterone (332 ± roid cell 32.5) counts Cobalt Marrow the with ), results blood cobalt of alone chloride (0.5 3,5,3’-triiodothyronine and sodium cobalt within and Sheep of Isolated succinate (252 ± 21) the femoral Erythropoietin Perfused perfusion or hind of the on Erythroid Limbs isolated itg./ml. ), hydrocortisone (0.2 mg./ml.). Both produced marrows hind blood containing sheep ( 1 smole/ml. ) , growth limb erythrohormone (0.2 mg./ erythropoietin significant increases in erythof the perfused limbs when From by guest on March 6, 2016. For personal use only. BONE MARROW 91 IN DOGS STUDIES 750 700 650 . 600 C,, 550 C-, _ 500 I _;- MEAN NONPERFUSED ----- 450 CONTROLS 400 ___a______JL____ CONTROL ERYTHROPOIET) N COBALT GROWTH HOR MONE Fig. 3.-Total nucleated cell counts within femoral marrows perfused with blood alone or blood containing sheep erythropoietin, cobalt or growth hormone. Top of each bar indicates mean values for each perfused limb. The heavy horizontal lines within each bar represent the mean values with standard errors of the mean for contralateral nonperfused limbs. Standard errors of the mean are represented by the vertical lines at the top of each bar. Two dots at the top of the bar representing the erythropoietin perfusions contralateral the pooled compared and with ± 19.8 ) pared with alone, or blood one did pared result their these substances counts in the or perfused change marrow value cell 42 growth hormone cells when cornof limbs in erythroid for ( 176 ± controls Perfusion Cobalt and Growth of Isoliited Perfused growth nonperfused mean with or counts blood testoster- when corn- controls. Hormone on Hind Limbs cell counts alone and hormone. a moderate bone . the is the 3,5,3’-triiodothyronine nonperfused produced ) 23.8 the total nucleated perfused with blood cobalt line nonperfused ( 194 ± in a significant from broken with blood containing increase in erythroid hydrocortisone, respective Figure 3 compares dog hind limbs different The contralateral of Erythropoietin, Counts in I%farrows erythropoietin, level. of femurs a moderate controls containing significantly cent respective Perfusion resulted in nonperfused not with 2. Influence ated Cell of their ± 15.4). 198 ( 229 indicate limbs at the 1 per nonperfused controls. As to marked preparations. within blood previously increase Perfusion Total Nude- femoral containing noted in in marrows sheep figure 2, erythroid cell of marrows with From by guest on March 6, 2016. For personal use only. 92 ROH, FISHER, blood alone cell counts. in resulted Perfusion a significant in a slight of femurs increase in the contralateral limbs is almost equivalent, absolute increase blood containing were slightly but limbs has with in cell parable ratio. the marrows testosterone the rnyeloid: after respective of Erythroid order changing the cells change normoblasts and within no crease the increase erythropoietin erythroid in a corn- of the M : E total nude- the mean by a in counts and values of cell on Various cent ) in the the marked , the and basophilic other bone the their predominantly four basic of cell perfused in (68.5 a marked the into ( 120 cent) and per inabso- may suggest a more mature ( 68.5 cent ) basophilic demon- The pronormoblasts cell compartment a pronounced per As in compartment. to differentiate with of the marnormoblasts types. resulted orthochromatic stem in cell nude- Figure 4 shows polychrornatic marrow three marrow numbers stem increase indicate that the cycle. Cobalt resulted cent) ) cent were of the perfusions the would least per which made within in the within stimulates The was of the perfused limbs. basophilic normoblasts, occurred per types analysis erythropoietin types Hormone or growth hormone. Perfusion in a slight increase in basophilic ( 132 per increase without Marrows norrnoblasts polychromatic (75 slight 3,5,3’-triiodothyronine Growth Perfused an resulted cell precursor. certainly one cell after series, stimulates erythropoiesis Total nucleated cell from and particular cobalt 4, sheep ( 52 lute that the change in all four The perfusion, hydrocortisone, orthochromatic figure ratio. counts leukocytic has also resulted in a shift to significantly change the within the rnarrows in pronormoblasts, appreciable in cell in the hormone different perfusions, alone, erythropoietin, with blood alone strated blasts erythroid Cobalt to determine ated erythroid the per cent erythroid controls. Types during blood rows with Erythropoietin, Cell in change growth significantly nonperfused Effects In not with with which control suggest that this hormone than sheep erythropoietin. perfused were compared cells. Femoral marrows perfused had total nucleated cell counts than the mean value for the elevation change in the leukocytic series, The failure of growth hormone femoral when nucleated resulted ) counts to the a corresponding noted count may mechanism but in in total ± 38.1 ( 636.7 counts NIGHTINGALE increase in total nucleated of the counting procedure, limits erythroid ± 19.9) greater without a shift ated cell different 3. the Therefore, . decrease cell . within counts nucleated AND ± 48.4 ) The in nucleated cobalt (481.7 not significantly cobalt, resulted erythroid total (443.3 ± 17.8) (472.3 perfusion but non-significant with erythropoietin COUCH has increase per cent), normoblasts undergone in pronormo- polychromatic (35 at per cent) normoblasts, but very little change occurred in the orthochromatic normoblasts. An increase in the numbers of orthochromatic normoblasts may have occurred if the perfusion time could have been extended for a longer period of time. more mature pronormoblasts. erythropoiesis or the growth Growth nucleated This by hormone inducing of a more perfusions erythroid may indicate the mature stem produced cells but failed that growth cell erythroid to differentiate cell. a slight to cause hormone but increase in the an increase in the does not stimulate may effect mitosis From by guest on March 6, 2016. For personal use only. BONE MARROW IN STUDIES 93 DOGS c:::: PRONORMOBLASTS BASOPHILIC llii POLYCNROMAT)C - 240 (PR) NORMORLASTS)RN) ORThOONRONATC NORMOSLASTS (OR-N) 2t0 too (SO o ISO, (40 ISO - - (00 - -- - - CONTROL 10f11 CONTROL Fig. or blood of perfusing containing major broken for ERYTHROPOI(T)N 4.-Influence sheep each cell type 4. Effects in group Table 1 shows the nonperfused represents Samples in RBC by the addition of L1 the incorporation saline controls. containing the dialyzed in RBC that lating All which As their of the plasma represented respective erythropoiesis enclosed perfused System slightly but by X-time the four number to in each group. on Radioactive values Iron were assayed were not controls. except for to values, of Therefore, to have greater z\2 testosterone, sam- prior found significantly and plasma of the erythropoietic differences are mdi- with the exception in significantly greater 0 time fasted that substances studied, in the The in RBC samples agents, resulted substances alone the marrow compartment. The line for the values obtained system prior to addition of the perfusion. The were blood on Rat erythropoietic the erythropofetic cobalt sample, than all values. various values Perfusion with hormone of limbs Fe5#{176} incorporation pies removed from the perfusion stimulant and at the termination cated the Fasted HORMONE dog growth controls. the number from of the mean or of the within the bone taken as the base respective of bars GROWTh limb cobalt precursors cent value the of Plasma Incorporation hind erythropoietin, nucleated erythroid line is the 100 per the left of each COBALT the isolated the Fe59 than all the plasmas testosterone Fe59 incorporation it are seems capable and apparent of stimu- animal. DIsCUSSION The are the present capable femoral utilizing study indicates of stimulating marrow of absolute direct stimulatory anemic hypoxia counts effect when that the the of nucleated of blood such erythropoietin, bone isolated blood marrow hind from cobalt directly limb of erythroid donor is perfused cells, animals through and growth hormone when perfused the dog. Kuna have demonstrated subjected the through et al.,’9 to hypoxic isolated of the rat. Gordon et al.2#{176} have also shown that a human urinary factor produces an absolute increase in nucleated red cells hind limb preparations. Our studies, which show that a more hind a or limb erythropoietic in perfused rat highly purified From by guest on March 6, 2016. For personal use only. 94 FISHER, Table Fe’9 Control plasma Cobalt Sheep Incorporation AND NIGHTINGALE System on in RBC X Time 0 Time Saline COUCH from Hind Limb Perfusion in RBC of the Fasted Rat 1.-influence of Plasinas Fe5#{176} incorporation Treatment ROH, j.2 5.50 ± .22 8.26 ± .82 2.76 8.40 ± 1.42 8.10 ± 1.17 2.60 10.90 ± 1.30 17.74 ± 1.95#{176} ND .14 D 9.64 2.80 erythro- poietin Growth honnone Hydrocortisone 6.67 ± .61 1.17 11.90 ± 2.25* 5.23 8.03 ± .79 2.53 12.54 ± .92#{176} 4.51 6.62 ± 1.12 11.67 ± 1.75#{176} 5.05 4.81 15.88 ± 1.08#{176} 5.57 ± .99 .72 3,5,3’-Triiodothyronine Plasma 9.49 samples erythropoietic were substance taming the plasma sample. 4-6 ± 1.01 ± 1.63 10.31 Testosterone test 3.99 removed from (0 and time) substances, and Numbers of the at assayed dog perfusion system the termination the fasted in plasmas 9.70 of rat. assayed prior the Five may be .21 to the perfusion rats (X were found in of addition used time) to figure 2. before assay by the termination the con- assay each time was dialyzing at X hours. difference from the saline controls. difference between the 0 time and D = cobalt was removed from a portion 4 C. against Dowex-50 ion exchange. ND = plasma samples containing cobalt fusion experiment without dialysis. L’ = 2 = ± standard = error of the #{176}In&cates significantly control samples. of the were plasma assayed at of the per- mean. different at the 5 per cent level from the respective 0 time plasma. extracted erythropoietin the X time numbers of the from of erythroid dog, indicate sheep plasma precursors that produces in the erythropoietin an isolated stimulates absolute perfused the increase femoral bone marrow in marrow by a direct action. This on is apparently in the lion, stimulates by this organ.8’9 bating bone concluded either the kidney Barron et However, directly or cobalt. In addition, lion which does synthesis in vitro. view poietin of the have bone marrow directly, one Our first report marrow of a direct elements. Warren et in in an inhibition on the bone al.22 were respiration in shown cultures would that vitro findings to with stimulate in vitro. expect to cobalt that unable to marrow Therefore, see some stimulates cobalt. heme the Plasmas if cobalt change in the bone the use mitotic erythrorates25 stimulates erythropoiesis bone marrow cultures marrow of in a concentradepresses heme with cobalt in containing and and anoxic a depression, with cobalt, actually our results synthesis24 respiration, by an produce that in addi- erythropoietin added to incu- was of cell marrow of cobalt cobalt, of of Laforet et al.23 demonstrated not influence cellular respiration, It is very difficult to interpret been influence clear directly to increase production al.2’ found that when cobalt indirectly, above finding stimulatory It seems marrow in vitro, it resulted that cobalt acted directly mechanism. vitro. the erythropoiesis directly in the in in hind From by guest on March 6, 2016. For personal use only. BONE MARROW limb perfusion other factors STUDIES IN system in 95 DOGS may plasma be related used in upon erythropoietin itself or upon erythropoiesis directly. It would erythropoiesis plasma in cofactors that cobalt erythropoietin the isolated are absent. merely seems clear is well documented, that cobalt A second action, on erythroid effect Growth sectomized with addition isolated the hind that growth the isolated that has been found but does not of the for the in body that This growth the production. maturation metabolic action onset may which is its direct stimula- in the peripheral hypophyanemia also of these hormones and as a result necessary is necessary for growth intake thyroid hormone isolated mediated Another through is that their their activities and on to stimulate substrate testosterone to limb may blood detected that help indicate organ in the they to ever, it is interesting of action previously by action other blasts. marrows poietin The mature to suggest of the other than substances workers,28 an effect from found our data to be erythropoietin on the differentiation several active may in our induce explain formation in such have of stem one cells or more in counts, mechaHowas As into the is slow short-term possibilities system. inbone signifi- may perfusion experiments. Very few definite conclusions may be drawn from erythroid cell such as those used in our hind limb perfusion system, concerning the nism and sites of action of erythropoietin, cobalt and growth hormone. sites to hypothesis growth hormone in the perfused alterations in hormone the more hind which be counts other intermediary of these hormones the influence cannot growth hormone that in finding a pre-existing support perfused possibility increase cell provides found the Our that for not food an erythroid indicates on the kidney or some production. The action be rate.5’27 in dogs does in the act increase in in marrows. It seems more likely of red cell precursors erythropoiesis substances erythropoietin animal action, erythropoietin. resulted perfused finding increase stimulate rat is not hyperplasia. cantly the studies co-workers2#{176} have also being perfused through the normal as hypophysectomy, by direct stimulation. failure of hydrocortisone, intact and such first report, and blood within of limb marrows The in cells a slight red cell rate of that these to enhance The erythropoiesis eliminate the hypophysectomized red produces or from to elaborate present Gordon hormone to hind an increase erythropoietin show actions. to stimulate appear to hormone erythropoiesis depend sensitive to a titer of plasma erythroid hyperplasia. It kidney in the or may in order to stimulate if cobalt stimulates when to more produce the perfused such limb possible erythropoietin Cobalt cofactor to know well-defined is described hypophysectomy. of growth erythroid material creases two it stimulates of nucleated deficiency, induce be of system. tissue. limb numbers presence hind may the bone marrow not otherwise has which hormone rat’26’27 associated that the perfused is that tory the perfusion some plasma be interesting It renders would that to the to the outlined sites of pronormo- increase seen in the absolute numbers of pronormoblasts in femoral in our hind limbs perfused with erythropoietin indicates that erythrostimulates the stem cell to differentiate. The increase seen in the more erythroid precursors within a 4-6-hour perfusion time may also mdi- From by guest on March 6, 2016. For personal use only. 96 FISHER, cate that erythropoietin from the stage of possibly on through of more precise directly on all growth may be ing four finding and basophilic cobalt seen cell to differentiate cobalt, than on maturation effect in the numbers hormone with the primarily only but after elements. 24 hours Maximum to explain after rapid why a slight an the increase erythroid may be the bone explained creted by marrow in erythroid the rats elements fact that this removed can very erythropoietin of the is being time and not that growth effect with on erythro- after injection, the erythroid It is difficult in the dog limbs The more of the dog recirculated being its change little seen of cobalt little containing erythropoietmn. in the isolated hind limb period from be of indicate 12 hours in to have injected in erythropoiesis with blood erythropoietin during or otherwise hypertransfused increase effect very with an stem of action seems may rate an an with observation has the onset was noted which involved all of activity was observed at 48 hours. increase 4-6 hours perfusion onset of action of see of may abso- cobalt causes hormone maturation increase to precursors This to accelerate showed in polychromat- that a lack Growth erythroid of pronormoblasts. acts or intermediate normoblasts, tissue. The of a slower cell, cells. mature rate of stem cell differentiation. Stohiman et al.29 reported that poietin stem of erythroid cells. pronormoblasts which failure result acted a shorten- or more indicates tissue The the of erythroid more growth, increase cobalt erythroid be on rate on the has enhancement of one a moderate on may erythropoietin, apparent change in orthochromatic of cobalt on the erythroid pronormoblasts. normoblasts greatest produces secondary, into orthochromatic the and or erythroid cells normoblast and studies with the use erythropoietin This omission NIGHTINGALE of the of non-mitotic the in pronormoblasts direct that AND mitosis in the more mature increases the numbers of with very little the site of action either reveal types. times, COUCH in growth orthochromatic Further acceleration additional markedly normoblasts increase action, of an an may cell generation or ic normoblasts, help to explain lute tools result that acceleration to the erythrocyte. erythroid the divisions, The causes an pronormoblast to the mature erythrokinetic of intermitotic mitotic the the ROH, through inactivated, ex- system. SUMMARY A technic dog by has been perfusing marrows were containing developed the perfused sheep for erythroid taming bone marrows sion system. cobalt in the and bone 4-6 counts erythropoietin from It may growth marrow and limbs be hormone directly. are disveloppate un technica femoral the donor growth cobalt. growth capable was of stimulating INTERLINGUA pro studiar le seen with also in nudeblood con- noted in the added to the that erythropoietin, erythroid medulla bone alone and blood hydrocortisone, was experiments of the method, were increase IN marrow this perfused hormone these bone of increases marrows A slight from use dog blood hormone, Significant femoral in which concluded the With hours with cobalt, within SUMMA.RIO Esseva studying limb. or testosterone. cell sheep hind erythropoietin, 3,5,3’-triiodothyronine ated for isolated del perfu- hyperplasia osso femoral From by guest on March 6, 2016. For personal use only. BONE MARROW del can per methodo, IN DOGS perfusionar medullas guine de ovin, 0 STUDIES osso canin hormon testosterona. intra al posterior. durante o con augmentos femoral perfusion. A de erythroide le iste san- numerationes sanguine a contento esseva etiam de crescentia iste de in le essite il pote crescentia es le medulla in de notate habeva experimentos e hormon directemente de con erythropoietina in con augmento hormon base uso 3,5,3’-tri-iodothyronina, significative cobalt, le continente perfusionate Un leve in que erythropoietina, hyperplasia sanguine Con 4 a 6 horas hydrocortisona, constatate de que tal crescentia, ovin o cobalt. ab extremitates systema stimular extremitate perfusionate le medullas erythropoietina medullas ossee concludite isolate esseva sol de Esseva erythroidee addite le de donatores cobalt, 97 esser capace a ossee. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The Mr. authors Dan supply gratefully Knight. of We are for 3,5,3’-triiodothyronine; the form bovine the indebted extracted Section soluble also erythropoietin for the acknowledge from growth of testosterone D. A. A. succinate assistance USPHS F. to the Siele, Mrs. Judy Study USPHS Smith, Shepherd, and of Hematology plasma; to Dr. sodium the sheep hormone; and technical to and for Endocrinology Kline The Parker Section and Upjohn Co., the Study French Labs., the aqueous for hydrocortisone. REFERENCES 1. Van Dyke, D. C. : The pituitary poietic factor. Ann. New Sc. 77:543-550, 1959. 2. Garcia, J. F., Van Dyke, D. L., Elmlinger, Increase in time of mized rats ACTH. Proc. Fnihman, Fisher, cell in of between ages of & Med. after and various Soc. 13. J. Pringle, Klin. C., Gordon, and E., and Plzak, Jacobson, L. L. F.: 0., Studies S., Ann. iron incorpora- L. F. : Role E., Fried, of kidney Nature, London J., Dornfest, Winkert, C. 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