Ms.Sastry, AP Biology Unit 7/Chp 43 Immune System 1 Chapter 43

Ms.Sastry, AP Biology
Unit 7/Chp 43 Immune System
Chapter 43-Immune system–in class follow along lecture notes
Central Questions: check to see if you can answer these!
1) How do the 3 lines of defense work in keeping invaders and maverick body cells under check?
2) Distinguish between specific and nonspecific defense as well as cytotoxic and humoral response.
1) What are the 3 lines of defense?
2) Why do we need an immune system?
3) Distinguish between innate and acquired immunity. Which is present at birth?
4) Describe the first line of defense and its components – where is the microbe?
5) Describe the second line of defense and its 4 main components – where is the microbe?
Ms.Sastry, AP Biology
Unit 7/Chp 43 Immune System
6) Label the second line of defense components – what is another name for what is happening in
this picture?
7) What are the cells in blood? Which ones are involved in 2nd/3rd line?
8) What is pus? (1st/2nd/3rd line?)
9) Why is fever protective in some ways?
10) Label the picture: during what line of defense is the lymphatic system recruited?
Ms.Sastry, AP Biology
Unit 7/Chp 43 Immune System
11) Examine the picture below: know it thoroughly – free response ques. favorite!
12) What is specific immunity? Describe the 2 main cells found in specific immunity - 3rd line of
defense. How are where are they formed from a stem cell?
13) What is lymph? How do lymph nodes contribute to
attacking microbes? Where are they found?
Ms.Sastry, AP Biology
Unit 7/Chp 43 Immune System
14) What is an antigen – which line of defense is it involved in?
15) How are antigens presented to the cells in the 3rd line of defense?
16) What is clonal selection – important.
17) a) Write an essay using the flow chart to describe the process of the 3rd line of defense b) what
are the differences between the humoral response and cytotoxic response – very important.
Ms.Sastry, AP Biology
Unit 7/Chp 43 Immune System
Continue essay here:
18) What is primary immune response – how is it different from the secondary immune response?
19) What is the role of the T Helper cell in the immune response? Also what happens in AIDS?
16) List the type of T cells and their function.
Ms.Sastry, AP Biology
Unit 7/Chp 43 Immune System
17) What is this picture showing?
18) How does the humoral response work?
19) What is the difference between acquired and passive immunity?
Ms.Sastry, AP Biology
Unit 7/Chp 43 Immune System
Ms.Sastry, AP Biology
Unit 7/Chp 43 Immune System