Ch 12 Test Review

Chapter 12 Test Review: 29 multiple choice questions; 2 short answer questions
What is immunity?
Know what is meant by complement fixation
Be familiar with the role of interferons
Know how the immune system responds to an antigen
Know what it means to have immunocompetency
Know where T cells and B cells develop immunocompetence
Differentiate between passive and active immunity
Be familiar with Killer T cells/cytotoxic T cells, and their role
Understand how lymph is returned to the heart
Know the structures of the lymph node
Know the roles of the lymph nodes, spleen, thymus, and tonsils
Understand what it means to have adaptive (specific) defense
Know how membrane attack complexes (MAC) work
Know the function of interferons
Understand the humoral immune response
Understand the role of plasma cells with humoral immunity
Understand the consequence of the transfusion of a foreign blood type
Know the role of helper T cells
Differentiate between the major types of tissue grafts
Know the two ducts that collect lymph and return it to the heart
Know the body’s first, second, and third lines of defense
Know the important aspects of the adaptive defense
Know the structures that comprise MALT
Chapter 12 Test Review: 29 multiple choice questions; 2 short answer questions
What is immunity?
Know what is meant by complement fixation
Be familiar with the role of interferons
Know how the immune system responds to an antigen
Know what it means to have immunocompetency
Know where T cells and B cells develop immunocompetence
Differentiate between passive and active immunity
Be familiar with Killer T cells/cytotoxic T cells, and their role
Understand how lymph is returned to the heart
Know the structures of the lymph node
Know the roles of the lymph nodes, spleen, thymus, and tonsils
Understand what it means to have adaptive (specific) defense
Know how membrane attack complexes (MAC) work
Know the function of interferons
Understand the humoral immune response
Understand the role of plasma cells with humoral immunity
Understand the consequence of the transfusion of a foreign blood type
Know the role of helper T cells
Differentiate between the major types of tissue grafts
Know the two ducts that collect lymph and return it to the heart
Know the body’s first, second, and third lines of defense
Know the important aspects of the adaptive defense
Know the structures that comprise MALT