News, Pictures Fairly, dearly impartially Each Week v: VIII—NO. 6 Sweetness and Light ,FIISE GMGOM ; ,vv with which ,•>'. Education sur:> fiscal maniputho new Iselin > achieved through M has the same •, he Inman Avenue 3fnbepenbent - leabet Entered as fiw.onri Class Mnller »( the Posl omci>. WmclDrlder. N ,1, WOOUfUiUKiK. N .1, THURSDAY, MARCH 29, 1956 l-t Our Family of over 35,000 Readers is a Valuable Market for All Our Advertisers. Piibllshcri Kvfry Thursday IS Cirfcn Street. Woodhrtfim. N J. "' PRICE EIGHT CENTS fail Grand Jury to Get Findings Of Investigation by Prosecutor Into School Board Conduct Menlo Park School Plans Are Held Up; Audit Slated; Board Doesn't Yet Have Deed for Site Probe Centers forth the need -which exists for the school. Mr. Desmond said he has had several On Purchasing conferences with Abraham Traub, counsel tor TRENTON — Althomh the Woodbrldge Township Board of Education has submitted plans to the Stale Department or Education for a schottl to be located in Menlo Park Terrace, the Board has no deed to the site upon which it proposes to build, This fact developed today when Edward Kilpatrlck, Assistant Commissioner, was asked about the status of the application. He stated no action has been taken because he has not yet received an "endorsement certificate" from Andrew D. Desmond, board attorney. Mr, Desmond explained the situation In this way: Builders of the development, Sommern Bros,, granted to the Board of Education an 11-acre tract at no charge. The deed to the tract has not yet been received, despite continued effort to obtain it. Statement that the tract Is owned by the district must be contained In the endorsement certificate, which also sets cases, the Board the developers, and that several conditions to WOODBRIDOE - * There is no •miplete a firm barwhich both had agreed, had been discussed. question In my mind that ultiHowever, he said, the deed for the property •hc people. In the mately the flndtnus In the Woodhas thus far not been received. Iselin school there bridge Board of Education investiDelay in receiving the deed is not only -fill a shortage of gation will be presented to the holding up the Department of Education decision on the plans, but also the setting of a Grand Jury," Prosecutor Alex Eber between $15,000 date on which the Board can apply to the said today as the result of a pre-: «<o. and at Inman State Department of Local Government (or llminary investigation conducted permission to finance the school. The applican t was a deficit of j County Detective William. tion before Assistant Commissioner Kilpatrlck Bucko. Vi both occasions for approval of the plans was held on FebruMr, Bucko, who has interviewed ary 28, nearly a month ago. neglected, for purBoard members, employes And i Although the tract in question covers 11 .-..«> lefused to distractors, is the detective who w&f,acres, only five to six acres can be used for In charge of the Investigation isvulp" its failures THF. EASTKU Bl'NNY ARRIVES: For these two charming Township youiiRsters, drcssrd in their the school because of the existence of sewer charges of corporal punishment' Sprint; flurry. Kaslrr is the loveliest time of year, thr time of 1'ejoiriiiK even as the grown-ups relines and a branch of the Rahway River which •.»r.< and sought, inat the State Home for Boys joice In (lie KoMirmtion of Christ, For little Mary Alice, Fitzpalrlek, ?.'•• vears old, daushter uf runs through the property. Jamesburg. idc them through Mr. and Mrs. James Fitzpatrick, 111 Crestview Road. Fords and for six-year-old .Ion Shay, son of Mr. and Mrv Vinrent Shay. 652 Ridgedale Avenue, Wnodbridxe, standing in front of a bower of Mr. Eber said he had only a week-.'.Si ,.v in the current j Kastrr plants, in Walsheck's Flower Shop, holdine coveted toys, thr Easter bunny has already arrived. in which to "sample the evidencty!| s.iy these devices' And with little Mary Aliee and Jon, the officers and employes of the Woodbridee Publishing and statements obtained by Company wish you all a very happy and joyous Easter. Bucko" but that even a "prelimi- 1 •_.i! and. from a Shy$lH,0H9 for Imviin Avenue School Furniture, nary study Indicates presentation! •.-. M morality, rcpto the Grand Jury." 1 said before, and Deficit was Included in Current Budget It was .also learned on Rood, WOODBRIDGE — The memory •;t-y have destroyed WOODBRIDGE — Investigation by Tlis Independent-Leader authority today that the Prosecuand excellent police work of a this week revealed the fact that the Board of Education overexpended tor has engaged an independent v.r.dcnce in the adpatrolman, who was serving as the $400,000 appropriation for the Inman Avenue School by $13,089, auditor to go over the Board's . r; of our school afacting desk sergeant early Monbooks. hymn, "Jesus Christ is Risen"; day, resulted In the arrest of two and that the latter sum, needed for furniture, was then Included Mr. Eber mentioned that one ol WOODBRIUGE - "And the Trinity Church recessional hymn, "The Strife Is Avenel men for a holdup in Lin- in the capital outlay item in the 1955-56 budget, thus taxing the the matters to be presented to thtf , anijfl answered uncl said unto Three services are scheduled O'er, the Battle Done"; Post- den and proved the Innocence of taxpayers twice for the same thing. the women, F't'iir not ye: for I for Easter Sundny at the Trinity The same maneuver was tried in Grand Jury will be so-called "split lutie, "Jesus Christ, Our Lord another Avenellte whose car was know that ye seek Jesus, which Episcopal :.u.i were submitted vouchers" which are a device alRedeemer," this year's budget, to provide lor leged to have been used to evade was crucified. stolen while he slept and used in Church accordr.Torate and were "He Is not hen;-, for lie is At 9:30 A. M. there will be Holy the holdup. i n g to a n furniture lor new Iselin School public bidding. As an example of 1 authorising theii- risen, as he said. Come, sec the n o u n c e - Communion and Sunday School. The patrolman was Identified as 18 and was halted by the Town this practice, a contractor would,/, ments made by Music will be provided by the Joseph Oyenes by Police Chief submit two or three bills, fot,;. M the Iselin and In- place where the Lord lay. Committee as illegal. -Rev. William H. Junior Choir under the direction John R. Egan, who highly comslightly under $1,000 each, in oni" "And go quickly, and tell his tnue schools. The disciples thai he is risen from Contracts for the school in- month, The law calls for bidding • 'Schmaus, rec- of James Dale Ryer, choirmaster, mended the officer. eluding g e n e r a l construction, on work and equipment costing tor, and Alson and Daniel Demarest, organist. .'.-instructing, fur- the dead; und, behold, he gocth Arrested and turned over to the plumbing, heating and ventilat- $1,000 or more. Vs^Brandes, organbefore you Into Oalilef; there At 11:00 A. M. there will o e n authorities were Harry i U n d e s ._ and preparing the ing, steel and iron and electri,1st and choir - Holy Communion and sermon. ,Allfen> 2 2 a n d Albert Palasraa, U, shall yc sec lilm: lo, I have told Spending Viewed cal work amounted to $370,638. "master. '" r thr two schools was yOU." ' * " Trre-mter o* service is -as fol' TMe-trrrter fol- h ^ i Mercline Avdftue, AVeIncluded in ilia Furniture bids for the school lows: Prelude, "Blow, Gold At the eight nel. • : by the Board, as I evidence which will HO to the Mi<. As Holy Week draw? to a close. amounted to $15,574.66 and other 1 o'clock service Trumpets, Blow"; processional According to a report submitted bills were as follows: Hawkins, GtKtid Jury, probably the middle fi ! ..; dTheproptrJJrac- both Catholic -and Protestant hymn, "Come Ye Faithful, H o l y C o m to the chief by Oyenes, a call was Churches In the Township arc Dclafleld and Wood, bonding at- ofTieXt month, Is the fact that <-r«—i--^ Jrr these clrcum- making final preparations for munion will be served and music Raise the Strain": introit, received at 2:10 KM., fro© Linden 'torneys, $347.38; Eidependent- Board has spent funds for equip- ,; ' "Christ Our Passover"; gradual, will be ft.s follows: Prelude, •\ould have been for Good .Friday services tomorrow "Prelude to Parsifal"; proces- "Hosanna:" hymn, "Jesus Christ police stating that two young men Leacler, advertising, $6.72; Fords ment for new schools on other had attempted to hold up a servand special Easter services SunBeacon, advertising, $6.72; Se- Items and lifts then included money, .: i to disclose the day as they recall this Ktot;y of sional hymn. "Welcome Happy is Risen Today"; sermon, "The ice station on Route 1, there and curity Banknote Co., Philadelphia, for furnltlire a second time in the (Continued on Page Five) Morning"; gradual. "Hosanna"; were frightened away when a po» . : the shortage and the resurrection. printing of bonds, $102.30; J. Ed- capital otltlay account of current | lice car arrived. (Continued on Page Six) ward Schicrloh, auditors, $8.57. submission of anWhen last seen the holdup men Merchant Associates, archi: rendum to authorwere headed toward Woodbridge tects: March 25, 1953, $18,812.74; Merchants to Sponsor hi a 1955, two-tone Buick sedan, :.d;ture of the addiFebruary 11, 1954, $4,000; July 30, Acting Sergeant Gyenes detailed UP.IS. Many other 1954, professional services re: Annual Easter Egg Hunt Patrolmen Steven Tobak, Walter Venetian blinds for school, $78.26; Maijctnlak, Charles Nier and Na.:i-stricts hite found — The Wood- , LAUDED BY CHIEF: Patrol- July 30, balance due on seven zareth Barcellona In radio cars to YVOODBRIDGE — The base tax rate for 1956 per $100 assessed WOODBRIDGE — Mayor Hugh cover Route 1 into Woodbridge man Gyenes' memory and quick- per cent of $370,638 in contracts, bridge Buslness's Association / s in the same dlvaluation will be $11.47 instead of $11.72 as previously estimated, Quigley, in a communication proper, Route 1 and Avenel street thinking were responsible for the $3,131.92. J. H. Thaycr Martin, will spoijtor its Third annual out they didn't seek it WHS announced at the Township Budget hearing Tuesday night, B. to the Board of Education to- and Rahway Avenue leading off arrest of two holdup men, win- counsel, $382.05. Easter flgg hunt and fashion :t it by deceit Ours when the municipal budget was passed without objection. day, advised the latter body to parade at the Woodbrldge Drive- , ning for him the high commendThe 2f)-polnt reduction Is due to the $562,560 slashed from "purchase furniture for the new Put In Budget in Theatre Sunday at 3 P.M. utitm of Police Chief Egan. tin- Board of Education budget by the Town Committee, after the Iselin School 18 out of surplus," Meanwhile Gyenes received a The total bills paid for the There will be hundreds of teletype message that the gas staBoard's budget was defeated twice The mayor's communication tion attendant had jotted down DINNER COMMITTEE SESSION i 5 C h 0 0 ' amounted to $413,089.32, ..dollars Wd$h of valuable prizes. :obably would not by the voters. The rate would was such a list by Committee; reads as follows; "We realize that the license number of the getaway making a deficit of $13,089.32, awarded tjj the lucky children have bwn oven lower except that Peter Schmidt, chairman of considerable furore has 'been car and that the vehicle was regis- WOODBRIDGE — A meeting which was placed in the capital who flri^ the gaily decorated u discovered it now the Town committee underesti- man Public Works, Mr. Alt asked if aroused in the community, par- tered In the name of John Peter- of the committee in charge of the outlay account in the following Eqater tg|s. The children par'>* been for the Ttawn mated 'the County Tax rate by he could see It after the meeting. ticularly in the Iselin section over eon, Rahway Avenue, testimonial dinner for James Ca- year's budget. tlclPttUfaf will be divided into Mr. Alt inspected the list af- the prospect that the new school age groupB, so that the younser tano to be held April 26 at The Although the bids for the Intees review Qf the 45 points. Car Found Previously the Committee had ter the session and was li\ a hud- might not be furnished and ready children will have an equal op-, man Avenue School included site Pines will be held April 14 at Patrolmen Nier and Marcinlak midget alter It had estimated $2 10 for local pur- dle with Committeeman Schmidt for occupancy In September ow« checked the Peterson home and 7 P. M., at the Town Hall. All work, parents of children attend- portutllty lo win. '. Hd by the voters, pow; $7 56 for school purpose, for some time. Ing to the fact that we were coming the school complain that the An extra feature will be the (Continued on Page Six) ticket returns should be made as play areas have not been completpresentation of special prizes to ubsequent reduction and $2.06 for County, making a Af>ked by a reporter of this pelled to strike out the entire, soon as possible to Harry Burke at ed and the children come home the best-dressed mother and total of $11.72. The new rates es- newspaper If a list of streets to proposed capital outlay item •Mgefs total by $562,- tablished are as follows: $2.10 be repaired was available for pub- which Included the cost of such child. with shoes covered with mud. his office, 414 Amboy Avenue, ^ Town Committee for local purpose; $8.86 for school I Hcatlon. Mr. Schmidt replied, furnishing. a reduction of 70 "No." ""We assure you we were as| •'i that the Board purpose, points; and $2.51 for County. Mr. Schmidt has consistently much concerned with the results •nied in the budget Only one quest inn was put to contended that such a list if pub- as was the Board. Though we were <>f furnishing the the Committee during Tuesday's llshed. would only be used for compelled to submit a budget WOODBRIDGE — Funeral servcliool—When this!session and that was by William political purposes and has refused within a limited and inadequate ices for four-year-old Edwin M. Alt who asked if a road program to submit n[ list lor publica- prriod of time before we solved' A q u i l a i 2 n Sherry Street, son of had already had bw-n set up and if a list o( tions since he has been chair- the problem- of furnishing Vincent M., and Mary Mooney Iselin school without the possi- Aquila, 211 Sherry Street, who was In the refcr- streets to bo repaired wa.s avail-! man of Public Works. killed in an automoble accident HK best search I can able. When informed that there' j In Iselin Sunday afternoon in • < als not a single ' which his brother and sister and his aunt were critically injured niv member of the | were heldvyestei'dny at the Greltier Education that it Funeral Home. Rev. Harold Hlrsch pronounced tl\e Blessing. Burial •• that it had miswas in St. James Cemetery. " or that It intendThe little boy is also survived by •'ttempt Illegally to brother. Vincent and a sister. Juni'. both patients in Perth Am•i> the shortage by boy General Hospital, his maternal ••tuition. xi-Hiidmother, Mrs. Jennie Mooney and h U paternal grandfather, Jerome Aquila. , Is why the The aunt, Mrs. Helen B. Ford, i ni hundreds of dol50, 245 Rahway Avenue, Elizsibeth 11 driver of the car, has not regained peoples1 money in consciousness and the police have !ti 'i, desperate effort not been uble to determine exactly how the accident occured. ii>is phoney budget It IK known that the dead bov : had been thrashed was ridiiiK In the front seat with i he people, If the his aunt and the other two chlldmi were in the rear seat. The •'"le lost again, so accident occured on the Linroln ••'uki be lost all hope Highway between Iselin and Co. loula where the car rammed Into •invdy providing the a tree approximately 10 feet from l( » lurnlahlng the tin: shoulder of the road. '''•'in school -PI. money Mrs. Ford came to visit Mrs. Attulla,.her slater, and offered to •'•"I'll- atreadj had proI take the children for a ride to '"1('i' and for whose Iritlin where the father operates ram they had been u delicatessen store. After the 1 lll| they started homeward and iy unawwe, For- BOORS I OR HAKRON LIBIUBY: rresciiUug boukN as a slit from Troop 18. (ilrl Scouts, is visit, that is when the accident occured. lv la (ilubohU'k tiooy president, and recelvliie them in belwli «( Hie B»irou Library we Mrs. the people were re* The dead boy was thrown through WIN ESSAY AWAK1KS; Tlu-ee Woortbrldge Itixli School students are rtWffn tain* presented librarian »n«l her wwlhtenl. Mrs. William Butter*, othtn. lull l«. rifht. are the windshield. The Injured were awards by representatives oi t|ie Ladles' Auxiliary uf W'uodbrldi* Pout, VFW, ttk the best * '" U»<1 alert and also Otiruly « Hrununa.Beverly Toblw, MM /ah. Mlohele Kuchlyak, Mrs, Robert Clark, assistant Jroup taken to the hospital by the he> written uu (UtUeiiship. U'H tu rifht are Kay Wurman, Allan Cohen, Mr», R»b«)ti». Douus, Nnuvy Clark, Jewel Bniiiuu, Jo Ann Hunt and Mr*. William " ' tluiirnulii; Margaret l*sKu tuul M n . rlureuw CiivuUm u,U*UUr* l d l llii First Aid was KeiiUnjf was uuable tu be pniwat wtwn the iw Sharp Police Work Just an Old Board Custom! Nabs 2 in Holdup Christ's Betrayal and Resurrection Theme of Good Friday, Easter Services County Tax Up, But Saving Iselin Furniture On Board Budget Cuts Rate Solution Offered Tot Dies in Crash, Kin Still Critical •A*. . INDEPENDENT -T; WO Sclun>l Secretaries Isolin Man Assaulted, Says Reason is I nknown 1*1/111 Spring Workshop ,'r. - T h e N e w ISFTJN Police today are .warch• . Association of School Sec- iriK tun assailants who last ••.?. announces Its Spring niutit st'vcnly heat 22-year-old kihop April 14, at Monttiair l^ouls Pi'/za, (15 Wilton Avenue, after he left an Oak Tree Road i' Teachers College. IHS Bertha Ohlott, secretary nt restaurant Fe/za lold police he •)ul J l . Woodbridge. has been j HI Dtiti,/.c;l oru' of tlie men but n.ncA to represent Middlesex' could the attack to no n!v She will assist with renis- cause. iini iind serve as hostess foi F c « a t'tUI Patrolman Charles day. NICI, *h<j discovered him wan. Ki^derlck RoublnRer, com- (k-:in« partially dazed on Oak \-•:.<]• of education: Dr. Tree Roar! that after he left the i'l'iu r E. Hinrhey, superin- resiiununt he wus followed and V'lii of schools of Montclalr: then beaten He was admitted to Ml'arles P. Pierce, superlnten-j Perth Amboy General Hospital 1 ! of scliools of Ocean City, ant!' with pos^illi fractures of the nose, H'llicrt K. Jenkins, superinten- cheek boiic, i-h:-st bone and ribs. ; of .schools in Rldgewoori. will Nimiu at 71, says all war Is so.'ne of the partifcipants in groups School Schedules Capping Exercises Conniff Succeeds Sharp as Principal W00DBRIDOK - - James Con- j nlff. u teacher at Woodbridgi1 High School, was appointed principal of Fords School 7, succeeding Howard W. Sharp, who retires as principal today after beins a teacher u>c 47 years. The appointment WHS made nt an adjourned meeting last Thursday. Mr. Conniff has been a teacher . In the local system since 1948. He i is a resident of Avem'l. The new principal's .salary for the remainder of the school year itfttl be on the basis of $5,300 a year. Gunther Heyse 'was appointed high school • teacher to take Mr. Conniff's place, at 43,950 a year. Mr. Heyse has had five years' ex' perience and the equivalent of a Master's Depree. "Appointed teachers, effective in September at $3,400 a year were Joanna Artym. Elva Maasei, Doris Sohnle, Elaine Rothau.ter. Helen ,B. Gibbons was appointed at i $4,150 a year as she has a Master's ! Degre* and more than five years j experience and Mrs. Gladys S. Persiill will receive $3,950 as she has had more than five years' experience. ATTEND CONFERENCE ,,,,„.,.„ AMBOY - Capping , ' , ' , , f..r is pre-cllnlcal stud , , , ( , f the Perth Amboy General IVrih Amboy General NTRSF.S 1IOM) RAFFLE: Walter J. Krupa, ad „<••<"<"<"" ^ t ; " ' » ; l t n. KN. president of the 1 Hospital i * shown accepting book of raffle ticket; I in- raffled «ff J " 1 " 1 6 Nurses Alumna, of IVrth Amboy toml Hospital, before the dee on the new at -I P.M.. at the hospital. The pnttttdl will br applied l« < >'•S nn... . Residence. Tickets are on sale at the II<>M>H.II. , iil.,1 H:-l.n..l "f Nursing will be ,,,,, ,,. ,iu' Middlesex County Vol,1!,!!,;,,,! School in Woodbridge mvi Thursday at 8 P- M The exercises climax the first, by Miss Mercer, dicsix months of study by the first ing. Miss Ellzitbf-th >, '•indents and mark the be- coordinator, will ing of clinlc-al experience nt to the students \\, kos. clinical ins the hospital. sent t l ^ Florence Presiding at the ceremonies will from which the mur. ;, be Charles E. Gregory. Woodbrldgn will be lifhted f«n president of the hospital's board of being rappid M;i!^ ijovernors. , ^efemonies will lip \\ After the invoctalon by the Rev Oontero and M i... Joseph V. Kerr. pastor of Holy o l U i l c a l in••!] Members of tii" ci. Spirit Church, Perth Amboy. greet; will be extended to the group cia Griffin and B ! : i> i 1)V Wnlttr J. Krupa. admlnlstra- Avenel; Maniaiei i>, tive issistnnt of trie hospital, and ret: Sif\*% Mallov \ Forrest P. Dext«r of Union, Junior salle T).inbui'»'. Bevc:! College. Cranford. who will also Carol Ollvera. Raliwa present the annual scholastic kowiiik. South Am nw;u-d to the first year student «t- Oreene, Piinceton tiilnins! the highest average during Ondcr«oi,. Min-y \ the class's studies at the school. Claire Juplnk.i .Invi. Miss Helen Pickard. associate Sknnieczny. and <•;, Amboy director of nursing-art education, will present the clw tor capping WOODBRIDOE—Eunice Bloomfleld Society, Children of the Rev. Davis to Address American Revolution, was reprel«vi-ly split-lpvel home at :ill!i Ciilotiia Boulevard, C'olonla. sented at the annual State conCounty W.IV..S. Hanquet sold this week to Mr. and .Mrs. Hi-nr> I. I'olston for $18,400 ference at Princeton by Mrs, John ,\ the — Kreger, senior president and Miss WOODBRIDi >E — Rev. John F. Susan Bowers, junior president. FRANK BERGHOF Davis, vice-pr;sident of Seton ,They attended a luncheon at COLONIA — Frank Berghof. 83, H:;'l Uhiversii", will be guest Tel. WO-8-3550 I Nassau Tavern. ",'.lti Rahway Avenue, Woodbridge husband of the late Nettie Klpe WOODBRIDGE — A total of •speaker ut the annual banquet Berghof. died yesterday at the $3,060 was collected in the 1956 of the Middlesex County Federhome of his daughter, Miss Ade- March of Dimes in Woodbridge ation of Holy Name Societies to laide Bershof, Warwick Road. He proper, according to a report j be held April U at The Pines, Me' is also survived by a grandson, submitted by Adolph Gottstein, •uchen. He will discuss Seton Hall1; John S. Alden, Colonia; a grand- chairman. role in the field of medical edu daughter, Mrs. Erllng Gamble. ration. The sum was divided as follows: Richmond, Ind., and a brother ' Matthew Zaleski, president of Mother's March. $1,022 23; mail Philip B.. Philadelphia. the federation, will deliver the donations, $808.15; High School, Funeral services will be held welcoming address. Other speakSaturday morning at 10 o'clock at $308.08; School 1, $103.95; School ers Include Msgr. James A, Hardthe Warwick Road address. Burial 11, $71.24; St. James' School, ing, spiritual director of the Diowill be in Laurel Hill Park Ceme- $54.2£; Str/wberry Hill School, cesan Union of Holy Name Sotery, Philadelphia. A retired music $20; business establishments, $108; cieties; and Rev. Joseph J. Concoin collectors, 5237.32; sports, teacher, Mr. Berghof was a long$55.62; special events, $101.40; nolly, spiritual director of the time resident of Philadelphia. clubs and organizations, $52.50; county federation. The affair, which honors the Peanuts for Polio isold by High F.MANUEL INAC1O spiritual directors of the county' WOODBRIDGE — Funeral serv- School students, $117.26. ices for Emanuel Inacio, 9, 334 Mrs. Nell SUxtdard was chair- 52 Holy Name groups, is being ar Crampton Avenue, were held Tues- man for the Mother's March and ranged by J. Russel] Voorhees, day at St. James' Church with ner captains were Mrs. Michael Geoik'e Emery. Clifford HanderRev. Gustav Napoleon officiating Shannon, Mrs. Leon Gerity, Mrs. han, Anthony Majewski, Albert at the church and at St. James' Gerard Dalton, Mrs. Charles Fan1, Herrefhan and J. Harlan Gray. Cemetery. Pallbearers were Steven Jr., Mrs. Daniel Cosgrove, Mrs, Baranko, Jr., Manuel Martins, Robert Fitzpatiick, Mrs. Jacob Thomas Murtagh, Mrs. Herbert Manuel Correla and Antonio Fer- Schein, Mrs. Frank Russell, Mrs, Neilsen and Mrs. William Gadek reira. Joseph De Maio, Mrs. Stanley la- Assisting in special events were vorsky, Mrs. Joseph Murphy, Mrs Charles Nagy and Gene Fedor. MARGARET E. FINN WOODBRIDGE — Funeral servi c e s for Mrs. Margaret E. Finn, 18 I-Burlington Street, Carteret, formerly pi Woodbridge, were held yesterday morning f r o m the Greiner Funeral Home, 44 Green Street, and at St. Joseph's Church, Carteret. Pallbearers were Richard Dunigan, George Thullesen, Arnold and Michael Houser, George StanEaster Sunday dinner out! A treat for all . . . berry, Thorvald Rassmussen. OBITUARIES JOHN F. MANTON AGENCY $3,060 Raised In Polio Drive On this, our first Easter in Wood bridge, we can only say thank y<ui from the bottom of our hearU! Wo , \ tend our very warmest wishes to you and yours for a wonderful, happv Easter. We are looking forward to spend ing many more Easters in Woodbi id-< with all the wonderful friends we h.ivt made. Take The Family Out To Dinner a vacation for Mom! She'll enjoy the luxuries of our thoughtful service, restful surroundings, our savory cuisine. Make your reservations now. HOWARD JOHNSON'S U. S. ROUTE # 1 , WOODBRIDGE For Reservations Telephone 8-1700 MRS. LAURA BECK JENSEN ISBLIN — Mrs. Laura Beck Jensen died yesterday at her home after a lengthy illness. She| was a communicant of St. Steph-' en's Danish Lutheran Church, Perth Amboy. She is survived by her husband, John Beck Jensen, and a sister, Mrs. Marie A. Jensen, Westfield. Funeral services will be held Saturday at 2 P. M., from the Costello Funeral Home, Green Street and Cooper Avenue. Cremation will be at the Rosehill I Crematory, Linden. CASH GONK WOODBRIDOE . berles were mport'i ;i, lawn section, Satui(i.,v Graham, 16 Lotus ;•, Patrolmen Roberi T,, Charles Wydn thm j / , silver, was tak(>n fi,,.,. box in his house . ( ; 1;: Joseph, 86 [,atir-l r i ; , , that $5 In cash v>. ahis home. In both , , , rooms were ransiuk • Lou - Sal's HAIR STYLISTS Mr. Louis and Miss Sally 76 Main Street, Woodbridge Open Daily 9 A. M to 6 P. M. Friday 9 A M to 9 P. M CLOSED WEDNESDAY FOR RESERVATION CALL WO-8-1453 BABY CHICKS YKS. It THOl'SANI) COtikEUELS TO RE(;iVE!\ AWAY ABSOLUTELY FREE, AND WITHOUT OBLIGATION. Have your MORTGAGE LOAN made to measure, too B All we ask is that you bring your own container, preferably a shoebox. Don't miss this chance. Come early and be sure of getting yours. When you build or buy, we'll gladly help you arrange home financing that exactly fits your Individual needs. Clip Out This Coupon! Please fill in the coupon below for presentation at the door TUESDAY, APRIL 3rd, 1956 Doors Open Name TtPlCAL MOHTGAGE 1OAN8 25 LIMIT 12 TO A FAMILY. 1 Street W*H «*« 55.36 $33.00 39.60 46J0 Rt. No. Box No 1 9:00 A. M. [ Town I own 1 Dogs | 1 Chickens r ! Rabbits . *«WATS IOJH INTEREST AND MtlNCIMl M A I E5TATE TAX EXTIU ' 1 Good only on aboye date. ' No children unless accompanied by adults. 1 J 1 Tuesday, APRIL 3rd I 9M. Mfaj t AJIt • I rJk Safety for Swings Since 1869 CLOSED ALL DAY The PERTH AMBOY Good Friday Savings Institution NI1M AJMOT, tdW Jttflry s eed Co., Inc. Present OffOSt HHnAHd COVOMTON 87 YEARS Of SERVICE TO SAVERS - 1 8 6 9 - 1 9 5 6 • 279 NKW BRUNSWICK AVE. PERTH AMBOY, N. J- '•••••••••••••••••••••••••aBaaBaaMHIIBMIaBBllll — —•»;;••!, "-. W,f,,~. | N I)|,;NT LEADER THURSDAY, MARCH 29, 1956 PAOE THREE \f\ Presented New Play nowin Rehearsal Woman's Club At Circle Playhouse Here Newcomer Gets Coveted Role Teachers Outline Plans for Dinner WOODBRTDOE 'Through WOODRRUXIE The WoodWOODHRIDGR — Pityins the the Night." a mystery-comedy by Township Education Asso\<-M> of Marty Ooodwin in tl\c Florence Ryerson and Colin Cleciation will meet Thursday. April \d;illi I*n>H Marprs fnrtriromint ments, has been cast and rehearI?, at R P.M. i» Avrnel School, it production of "The Fifth Season" sals started March 23 at the Circle w;is :iniKnmeod by the president, «itl be a newcomer to the group. Playhouse. Mrs. K.iy Chalker. Rirhard Klslun, Prrth Amboy The Ruth Kaplan, who will direct olay will be put on »» thr Woo<iTim Kiiost speaker will be Sut. the play, has announced the cast tiridie Jrw»h Community Center Grorar Ellis of the Department, of BS follows: Roberts, the butler, on \;>nl 14. 15 and II. and Public Safety nf the State Ous Fisher, Woodbrldnc; Gregory iif NPW Jersry A social hour Will Mirty is the Iwn-aurd son of Stanton. Ray Gardner. L'.nden; be held utter the business meeting '»)<• partners in UM* drew, firm of By MRS. uiul program. ,,,,,,,;, fm the coming Kay, 'Rita Bush. Runway; Sayrc CrtKxlw:n-Plnew. Hr passes up an Holbrook, Marilynne Wodainskl, JOHN T. Mrs Bernard Jost. rhulrman of. ,, m iilrcl by the n o m i ovixirusnisy to p.ttend PrinN-ton Hopclawn; Mrs Alicia Kcefc. McDONNELL the association's nnnnnl dinner '.1Mtiff chairman, Mrs. for .i position In the family busiEileen Woodward. Rahway; Bunwhich will be held at Colonin ' t j,,,n The election will r.r->- Martv wts involved In an 15 Sixth Street ny, Dan Blumberi?. Elizabeth; Country Club Thursday, May 3, has . , i , . April meeting. .ill>ir with an "older woman." Port Reading Dwlght Holbrook, Mike Tansoy. announced the following chairmen . m : i r ic to attend F e d ahirh li.n « fortunate conclusion. Woodbrldgr; C a l v i n Driscoll, RECEIVES PROMOTION: William (i, MarDowrll. >nn of Mr. and of commiUePs: Mrs. Alfred Urffer ,,,,, R rams »t M a t a W0-8-U11-W Chuck Schlcker. Rahway: Smith. Mr Kislan is a student at St. Mrs. Roy F. MncDowrll. 141 Dunham Place. Wondbriclge. N. J.. MISS imitOTHY Ol'NN nnd Miss Thora Tfiit. tickets; Miss: .; u ,,,d park and t o Tony Provlruano, WoodbridRCI Mary's High School in Perth Am- TO WEI) l.O< \I. MAN: Mr. MBry McOoniglr and Mrs, John receives his warrant of promotion to Marine Private Kirst Class l n , , , l District Spring Bart Jeniip, Manny Ooldfarb, at the Marine Corps Recruit Depot. Parris Island. S. C. Mirine boy He has played Uie role of nnd Mrs. Hugh V. Dunn, 13 Feldman, Invitations; Miss Mary \.,, ii 17 In Bed Bartk. Officer Bartholomew LaRocca made the presentation M:».vh t. Woodbridge. Mr. Snow in the school's produc- Brrman K»;id, Old Brtdlt«. an- Mullen, publicity; Mrs Carl FlemMiss Pillo Given Showrr •Afi-t- also made t o Mr. LaRocca is the officer in charrr of the Parris Island Band, ion of "Carousel," arid Senator nounrr (lie rneaecmrnt of their ing and Miss Yolanda Nicorvo, Frances Schantz. Carteret. will A miscellaneous shower , !,iuve lunch a t the of which MarDowell is a member. Before entering the Marine Gullafther in "Call Me Madam' daiiKhtrr, Dorothy, to Andrrw decorations: Mrs. Ernest Link, reIi,,tc!. T i f n t o n and t h e be assistant director. Ted Zyla, was held in honor of Miss Julie Corps In June. 19S5, MacDoweli graduated from Richard entered the New Jersey Ran, Jr., son nf Mr. and Mrs. ception. High School. ii,,. Newark Museum Linden has been named stage Pillo. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. competition for high school stu- Andrew Ran. 35 Clairt Avenue, manager. The dinner is open to members Ralph Pillo, Fourth Street, at the dents in Humorous Interpretations Woodbridge. Miss Dunn attend- of the Association and guests, as The play will be staged in the voted to the ( III> and utter an arduous schedule was ed South River Hlrh School well as all members of the WoodLido Gardens, Perth Amboy. The ,,,,1 tiir Mt. Carmel round at the Circle Playhouse, awarded U * First Prtee. His and Is rmplojrrd by SUvId En- bridge Township school personnel. affair was given by her bridesMartin Terrace, sometime In May. •'.•I chRractcraaUon was Uiat of SaCo.. North Plalnflfld. maids-to-be, Misses Gloria Ster11 Hum, membership klni. the Okinawan inteipreUr of Mr. Raez is a graduate of Wood- HIT* CAPS CONE , ,,,,111]-cd that Mrs. dance. Announced the affair has phonc, Westfleld; Albtna D'Alesslo, the Broadway hit. 'The Teahouse bridge Hifih School and la cmWOODBRTDGE — Louis Weiss, , ,K| iipcn accepted been slated for April 21 at the Arlene Pillo, sister of the bride-toof The Auaust Moon. ployed by Public Service Gas 1 Center Circle, informed S(rt. AVENEL—Miss Shirley E. Hen-1 be, and Miss Pillo's mother, Mrs. Rarllan Yacht Club with music Frank Miller Tuesday that four As winner of the humorous pre- j Company. N«w Brunswick. H,,:n<l of Directors Ralph Pillo. all of Port Reading. ry. daughter of Mr. and Mrs.' . hub caps were stolen from his srntaUon contest, Richard has I, ii scheduled for to be furnished by Freddie Green Howard Henry. 53 Madison Ave-j I Sixty-five fruests from Woodcar while It was parked in front TO PLAN SOCIAL Bnd his orchestra. Mrs. Lester ; automatically been entered In the , ,' M at the home nue, became the bride of Abram'*' of his home. Two hub caps were I dramatic portion of the competl. Fun-, 621 Linden Stockel is co-chairman. Reserva- ! bridge, Carteret, Avenel, Perth Van Bramer, son of Mrs. Abram FORDS — The Ladies' Aid Soalso stolen off a car owned by Uon - which will take place in April. ciety of Our Redeemer Evangelical Mis Walter SU1I- tions are belnn taken by Mrs. j Amboy, Westflrld, White Plains, Va|i Bramer. 600 Ford Avenue, John F. Dalton. 608 Lexington N. Y.. and Port Reading attended. and the late Mr. Van Bramer. Lutheran Church will meet April 11 '.S David Black and Mrs. John SwalAvenue, C r a n l o r d , yesterday, well as a straight dramatic role. Miss Pillo will be married April Sunday afternoon at the First at 2 P. M. in the church hall , : i •, nvll. music chairwhile the vehicle was parked In AVENEL — Annual department Hck, Jr. Mrs. Vincent Is in charge It is interesting to note that the Pians will be completed for a socta 28 at noon, in St. Anthony's Presbyterian Church. Woodbridge. ,, (i those Interested the rear of St. Cecelia's Church, • ,!i» Music Festival of entertainment. Church. Port Readln;!, to George Rev. Earl Hannum Devanny, min- reports were given by all chair- finals of the contest will be held to be held April 12. Isclin. the afternoon of April 21. after ,, ivrth Amboy at the meetins included Dwyer, son of Mr. and Mrs. ister, performed the double-ring Woman's Club of Avenel held at which Mr. Kislan will appc&r as Dwycr, Manhattan Ave- ceremony. : ii iimy make ar- Mrs. Paul Jandemp and Mrs. J. Temptation CAKE-APRON SALE The bride. Riven In marriage the home of Miss Rosalie Paul- Marty in the "Fifth Season" that Scott Jessen, Woodbridxe and Mrs. nue, Avenel. • ;,.ii.:li her. Taxes eat up so large a par WOODBRIDGE — A cake and by her father, wore a white gown auskas. 51 Inverness Terrace, evening. AMOUKII reported Bernard Qulgley, Metuchen. Mrs. Annual Breakfast of the rich man's estate when apron sale will be held by the Fords, with Miss Louis Paulauskas with the bodice made of lace over Daniel Coserove and Mrs. Rea,i.,' made for the Prior to the Palm Sunday he dies that he is tempted to Ladles' Auxiliary of Woodbridge as co-hostess. ,, .nst:il!;itioii dinner sincer were In charge of hospitality breakfast sponsored by Port Read- satin and the skirt of lace and to represent the 17 clubs in the go on living just for spite. —IPost VFW, at Martin Cleaners, tulle over stain. The fingertipThe Third District Spring Tea. • i,,. coloiiia Country assisted by Mrs. Eugene Leahy, Third District at the annual con- Chicago Daily News. Ing Fire Company I. the firemen, April 7 from 10 A. M., to 3 P. M. length sleeves were of lace. Her H i i r y Reaslnger Mr?. Paul Kelt. Mrs. Melvln Melanexempt firemen, Holy Name So- veil was attached to a pillbox March 17 at New Brunswick, was vention of General Federation of sprtng son. Mrs. Stockrl and Mrs. Farr. ciety. Altar and Rosary Society. headpiece trimmed with seedj attended by Mrs. Hans Nielsen, Woman's Clubs, In Atlantic City Ladles' Auxiliary and fire commis- pearls. She carried a traditional president; Miss Mary Lou G«li- in May. sioners all received communion In bridal bouquet. Mrs. William sin, Mrs. Carl Glosfcey. Miss Tentative plans were made for a body at the 7:30 o'clock mass Hoepful. Elizabeth, as matron ot Wilma Froelich, Mrs. Martin Gu- the annual Installation and mo• CHILDREN'S and ADULTS BOOKS • in St. Anthony's Church. Sabby honor, wore a pale pink taffeta towski. and the club's two ad- ther-daughter banquet April 24 -0 RELIGIOUS BOOKS • BIBLES • Martlno and Rlnaldo Lombard! dress, matchins accessories, and J visors. Mrs. Georne Leonard and at 82 Green Street, Woodbridgc. • COOK BOOKS • DICTIONARIES • served as altar boys. ALBUMS • DIARIES • GAMES carried a bouquet of old-fashioned Mrs. Daniel Levy. Mrs. Levy is The next meetinR will be the AUTOGRAPH and TRIP ROOKS • ATIJVSES Breakfast was served after the flowers, The bridesmaids. Mrs. also the Third District Advisor. election of officers at the home WRITING PAPER • NOTE BOOKS Mass In the church hall. Charles William Van Bramer, Woodbridge, At the tea it was announced by of Mrs. James Mulligan. 152 InMcGfettlgan. president of the fire and MLss Shirley Mundy of Eliza- Mrs. Levy, that Mrs. Gloskey of man Avenue, with Mrs. Gloskey LARGE SELECTION OF EASTER CARDS company, was toastmastcr. Rev. beth, wore similar gowns in light the Avenel Club, had been chosen i as co-hostess. Stanislaus Mllos gave the Invoca- blue, and also carried old-fashtion. Guest speaker was Edward, loned flowers. Joseph Novinski, Kcasbey. served SPARE TIME INCOME A. KolodzleJ, Sayrovillc, who spoke DOLLS • EASTER CARTS • MUSICAL EGGS on 'The Meaning of Prayer." as best man, and William Van $400.00 to $500.00 MONTHLY POSSIBLE — we will select a MUSICAL, SLEEPING AND TWISTY BUNNIKS Other speakers were Chief Ste- Bramer, Woodbridge, and Warren reliable man or woman from this area to refill and collect money SWANS • DUCKS • 1JIMBS • EDUCATIONAL phen Lazar; Richard Zaccaro, Van Bramer, Fords, ushered. from our New Automatic Merchandisinc Machines. No selling. TOYS • MUSICAL PULL TOYS For traveling, the bride wore a first assistant chief; Mrs. Alvin To qualify applicant must have car. reference and $600.00 to Shaffer, president of the Altar black and white costume. After a $1,200.00 working capital which is secured by Inventory. Devoting and Rosary Society; Mrs. Michael tour of southern states Mr. and 3 to 10 hours per week may net from $400,000 to $500.00 monthly Soleekl, president of the Auxiliary. Mrs. Van Bramer will make their' 79 SMITH STREET VA-6-0665 PERTH AMBOY with an excellent opportunity top taking over tq)fy^g& . ^j[e.jtill Jnmc* Clardlcllo, president of the; home at 350 Ford Avenue. Fontor OPPOSITK STRAND TtlKATKK allow the person we select liberal financial assistance for expanBoard of Flic Commissioners, and where they will be at home to their ''ping means hig savings at your sion. For interview, write giving full particulars, name, address, friends after April 7. William Conncll, Scwaren. Siigir Sewing Center. HOW age and phone number to MAINLINE SALES CORP., 2138 Lev \>"i can own the wonderful Breakfast was prepared by the STORE ROBBED Road. Cleveland Heights, Ohio. Sneer round bobbin portable L.idics* Auxiliary, under the direcDcpt. NJ196 ISELIN — Mary Aleckna, ownrt^iiiurly sold at SI 19.95 fot tion of Chief Stephen Lazar and er of Mary's Dress Shop, 1421 jWt$Y''.'>0 . . . A savins oj $20. Mrs. Patsy LaRusso, chairmen, Oak Tree Road, reported to Sgt. A SinniT Portable for I w than assisted by Mrs. Nicholas Pelle- Albert Martin and Patrolman I huikircd dollars! JIIITTODAY. Kiinn, Mrs. Sabby Martlno. Mrs. Edward Preputnik. Tuesday, that Alvin Shaffer, Mrs. John Surlk, her store had be«n entered and $ Mrs Stephen Lazar, Mrs. Mabel $6 stolen from the cash register MRS. It BARKER. Mcr, i Solecki. Mrs. Michael Sasso, Mrs. and $10 from a draw in a sewTUESDAY and THURSDAY EVENINGS, 8:30 to 9:30 i \ M. Frank Barbato, Mrs. Sam DcMa- ing machine. ! rino and Mrs. Andrew Declbus. Auxiliary Activities JOINT MEETING -The Ladles' Auxiliary of Port AVENEL — A joint meetiir. of Reading Fire Company 1 will hold the Brotherhood and Sisterhood a card party April 25. • of the Congregation Sons of Jacob, Mrs. James Ciardiello, chair- will be held tonight at 8:30 o'clock man, would like her committee to at the Center. All members are meet at her home, 240 Fourth urged to attend this meeting as NEW CLASSES FORMING APRIL 3 AND 5 U:«d in the telephon* book unto SINGH SWING MACHINE COMPANY Street, Wednesday evening, April important business will be dis-j 124-Hour cussed. 4, at 8:00 o'clock. Telephone Service) .|,, (i K " A playlet. „,, fintlth," was ,,„, (irnma depart' Woman's Club of , , mrotlne held in Vlub Mrs. Robert ,. finrrtnr and the M l , Gerard Dftlton. N,rivMi, Mrs. Joseph I A ,,d Poulsen and Port Reading Personals Miss Shirley Henry Bride Of Van Bramer, of Fords Annual BOOKS as EASTER GIFTS - EASTER TOYS - FAMOUS SINGER CORNER BOOK SHOP ROUND BOBBIN PORTABLE PERTH AMBOY BUSINESS COLLEGE NOW YOUW FOR4S i i m i 4S I " PLUS the WEE SINGER SHOKTHAND - TYPEWRITING ACCOUNTING - ENGLISH COMPTOMETHY - SPELLING SINGER SEWING CENTER I.,, ' PFRTM AMRAV vrilr Open Thurs. * Fri. Like quiek service? Promises kept? Shown what you want to to sell? It's those little things that count and keep our customers happy. BAUMANN'S PLANTS 1 (Cor Smith and State) OPEN ALL YEAR ROUND i )L0 Perth Amboy • NOTHING TO BUY • MO OBLIGATION Just come in and ask for your free DUTCH BOY To go with your Easter Outfit! Lovely BLOUSES 7 OFFKR GOOD NOW THROUGH APRIL 30 Just bring this ad into our store MODERN LIVING SBBB5S 118 Main Street, WoodbridciIMmnr WO-8-2S45 Open Daily 7 A. M. to 7 P. M. — Friday 'Til 9 P. M. from {5 Knjoy stepping out in fashion [or * Easter, with some of the finest In plant* «c feature Manly lint* Bushes, in bloom. Hydrangeas. Tulips, Hyacinths. Beiionias, Cinerarias and mtmy others. r^CUT FLOWERSIn cut Lowers. Easier lilies. StapdraBono. Tulips. Sweet Peas, Carnations. Gladioli. Stock. Anemones, Kwiuuculu*, Scotch Heatlicr and others.. CORSAGES SUITS, and TOPCOATS in America: " B O T A N Y 5 0 0 " Tailored by DABOFF "TIMELY" CLOTHES HOSIERY "M1DD1SHADE" CLOTHES By Ballet - llancs - Hummingbird "ALLIGATOR" COATS "BRIEGS.BUILT" CLOTHES $40.75 to $85.00 A corsage, (or your Mother, Wife, or Sweetheart arranged in Ihe Baumanns style of Orchids, Gardenias, Swcetpeas and Roses, etc, For your far-away friends PERTH AMBOY BUSINESS COLLEGE 306 State St. get your FREE FLOWE \%\)§ Call VA 6-3433 169 SMITH STREET Flower Lovers - Clip This Ad and send flow el<s , !r D C L t l i h our F.T.D. service. ORDER EARLY!! RA 7-0711 or 0712 Just Say: "CHARGE IT" On your HANDl-CHABGE ACCOUNT! NO EXTRA COST! Shop Thursday and Friday 'til 9 p.m. It's the Fabulous PINELLI "CLASSIC" Flat Crown HAT $Q95 NOW ONLY tsrMfSHSo me L.BRIEGS & SONS IMITV AT r.m . BAUMANN, Ine, t SLIPS • SKIRTS t BRAS t ^LOVES t SWEATERS •GIRDLES m, - PJRTB AM»<nr. M.J. FREE PARKING IN REAR OF STORK Open Friday Evening Till 9 O'clock •Ml!J,,,!l'fTffT' \ f-'4°. oLin 27G Madison Avenue, Perth Amboy (OlHi. AU^wtk Theatre) Friday "Til 8 P. M. — Convenient Uy-Awajr PUn 1 8S8 FLORIDA (UtOVG" ROAD PKR'LH AIWBOV i I In I'.ril MIIH and I'wu Ym»l Open Friday "111 !l P. M. - VAlley ti-t8»7 AMPLE IllEE PARRIN(i KPACE ALWAVS'. (Jut ot Uw Ui«k lUul DUlrkI •m SUPER-RIGHT" AND OTHERJOT-GRADE SMOKED HAMS Customers' Cornei M-.i* Shank Id. ^ F ^ B // ITS Oil! . . . that's tlie reaction In A&P's basketful of bmljiet values'. And mind you , . . long slier the Easter parade has inarched by, A&l''» pnrarie of low prices will be going strong! Vfrlien you take your place on the lavings-aidelines (do it *oon!), you'll see why millions have joined A&P'i swing to eavingn! Our bottom-rung prices on top-drawer quality foods will have you tosFing \ottr hut into the air, too , . , new Easter clupeau or no! ume see save I onie see .. ,, ,, you'll you'll save 35c IVORY SNOW r 30< SWEET PEAS I9« COLGATE'S FAB 2 X 57c KETCHUP 2SV.41< 43c S.O.S.-«PADS BAKED BEANS ••» 2 WRAP 14(1. bat. 16 oi. Tun^ Cifk Au lmn ium Foil Chicken of the Sea I Ufld rlSn White meat Star-Kist Tuna Fish - Bon OliveOil 7 oi. sSSL E * wwichcr«m, Pkg Burry's Cookies Hydrox Cookies 21c 23c SANI-FLUSH n'••• Spf 37' Cranberry Sauce ° - " 2 1™ 35' Ct can 35' Junket Rennet Powder " " fc/ ° 25 It. roll 12" width KClllvLlI) Prwninmc NibiK0 - *) l6ci 4^c riCIIIIUMIb PUin or Salted Apkqi. 13 ^ p Portion ' n r Either ik H,H•- Fail eit ' V ^ 29c " • » 455 While *Eltktr M Rill - futt C.t Q * to*** TURKEYS 17oi. out Dcviini I K I^^E. READY-TO-COOK - Super Right Quality - U . 8 C o m e s e e . . . you'" s a v e at A&P Del Monte *^K Ready-to-Eat Hams A&l1 Food Stores, 420 Lptin^lon Avenue, New York 17. N. Y, or libby't Portion Portion C.rSTOMKR RELATIONS DEPARTMENT Del Monte •• Sites 4 to 12 lbs. 53 lk netd . . . Jane Parker Sirloin Steaks " • *59« StuffingYou'llBread L ' ^ l Z i ' i« Pcrterhouse Steaks • 65< Stuffing Mix «•-•»-•••'"• ' Ribs ofBeef r ^ ' - ^ RihVwifhonc D'L t D««* 10" |b Me 7" |b COC |\|D 1601 UlOpS KMUCK MeaKS;ororRoast noasi PotRoast — ' 5 BonelessVealRoast —*• p i L| an ,i,r|, OOSS k., 1 cu l -i»...i.ib.79< lk 4J ^ U J X K ^ TopRoundRoastorSteak -73; ^ ^ ^ Bonwlen It. 3? Tos»», Thrifty Fli* Krispy Crackers *£%u 1X' If ^ ^ m Cake Mixes Green Lima Beans ^ b ™ J2 c'.:39 " '""" Heinz Soups Brill's Spaghetti S a u c e d 1 " " " " canJ Morton's Salt ^«^«i Cream of Green ?t», Fancy Halibut Steaks . . »lk Fresh Codfish Steaks . . 33' Fresh Smelts 3C 27 All varieties ...r..r.. DOUBLE YOUR MONEY BACK IP YOU ARE NOT COMPLETELY SATISFIED I'M EVERY WAY! Juit chooM from AtH't wi<i<- tehtd ion of "Supf^Rijin" in**ti . . . [wtjllry (nil setfomt. 3f )uiir tlioice ^loom'l mt»suff up iu iny »»*, A&\' Mill fitt you Double' tour Mom, Hack'. " Vegetable or Vegetarian REFRESHING BEVERAGES! A&P's EASTER CANDIES! Yukon Club ^1]%Z 2b2^ 2TC Jelly Eggs V H I D j Q U a White Rock - plut dep. *• bottles " 3 Canada Dry, Hoffman's, *i large AJTt White Rock — plus dep. •• bottles ' « Ginger Ale, Root Beer, O 12 oi. QQ, ,Grape — no deposit v cans • • Cream, Blackberry, Lemon, *% I6ot. Cola, Ginger Ate — no dep. *" bottles Krueger's Root B e e Op 6 ;7: ; . Nedick's Orange Drink d :;6b ;,;,, 37 Wotu - \ " Multi lored Marshmallow Eggs " Marshmallow Eggs Easter Gum Eggs A< Cream Eggs >««***«» Marshmallow Rabbits. 6 t:Y25 c Danish Blue Cheese ' ^ lb75c Muenster Cheese ^™£L *•& k d c Sliced Natural Swiss td ,: X37 Sharp Cheddar Cheese : ; C b 6 3 c Borden's Heavy Cream . c *£& Borden's Milk H - 2 : r f l 2 1 4 5 c Color '*m for Easier... , / or serve for Eoster Breakfast Wildm«re Brand-brown and White Large Eggs' 57c Sunnybrook Brand—Larg* Whitelggs 63< Freth Grade A-From Nearby Earmi FROZEN FOOD VALUES! top taste with I rim i o ' ~ A&P DAIRY CENTER VALUES! l ^r BAKERY PRODUCTS LOW w — . . - :;:' Cocoanut Layer Cake ^ Strawberry Pie V " ;*-! A&P'i U-. Cap'nJohn'i • A W * brand , P '• 10 oi. CCC Breaded Shrimp C P ' - J ^ > k ^ a ICI CRWW String Beans Fresh Broccoli Fresh Carrots » Spinach ello I *Bananas AMtmCA'S FOREMOST FOOD ItTAItiH . • . SI NCI l l » Super {{arkets Bor*e»'i — J ApplesR #lp^-w.,1 "ascalCelerv " mtdui m V 7 Ir.rul ,«,« 1HE CltAi AIlANIiC « fACIMC I U COMPANY Pri<M trftctWt rhi«ugh S«t«r4iy, Mtitlt 11M, In iuper Mirktti <nd ScH S«r>k« Meru Mtly. Btieh-Nut Baby Food Jtrtln.d Chopptd 5-49* 6« Swift's Meat$ for Bablw 21.««• Heinz Sweet QheriilM Ohina Beiuiy Chow Meln D i m r i Kraft's Doluxo SIICM CtiUUn — tripl* pack Amwicin, f imtnto. SWIM pi.591 Fallal Vmm Prat** Chtat* lM Kraft's Vtlvtata Oheese Spread Kritt'i MayaiialM - p SwaaM TolM Tlsaua Boa Ami Olianiir v •;•'•'.: . ^ ' X - LlfihMj Milk Amplifier LEADER \ , ! • ! - ' THTJTC3DA7, M/.TtClI 23. TAOE Del nival and Resurrection enter and leave on the hour or choir; Sanctus, solo, Mrs. Walter under the chsirmansWp of Mrs. can. Mr; H"rman Kamback. Mr* In Patskanick; benedlctus, solo, Mr. half-hour; 8 P. M., Litany. Vincent Buonoeor* TVItets for lh« Charles Pef». Mrs .1 Armour. Mrs. , | n i m paKP One) party has been scheduled for the EaHter services, 8 A. M., Holy aottxteln; Agnus Dei. choir; recenEaster Sunday the A»«n*iiTo Receive Communion Mothen' D»T " cooMMnton break- Krnen RkUey Mrs Oorce Patio , "Ye Sons and Daughters of 11,••• H r h m i u w ; o f - children of the Church School In Communion; 9:45 A. M., Church Church has scheduled four serv-i — fast may be purchased at Uvbawl Mnv Thomas Rnox. School Service niter which an ihe Lord;" Alleluia. "Let the Holy , ,„' -As it Betran the church. Easter Sunday: There will be Enster eRg hunt will Be held. Par- Anthems Rise," choir. Members Ices. The first wUl be the Sun- j AVWEL — Th* Rosary 8orirty meeiinf. Re* Amadtp Uoretto r ,, ml inininn hymn, * rise Service at 6:00 oelcck. sport-;of Si Andrew's Church will retwo services In the sanctuary. At nts are welcome. U A, M,, Choral of the choir are Mr. and MrR. I!,,,!, Frust We ;<*ive Holy Conununlon In a group will answer question* from the sored by the Mr. and Mrs Club. MtW Julius 3abo, Mrs. J. Hughes, Mrs. MtinttWH'K tl>< I t r M R U L , 11 hymn, "He is to A. M. there will be a children's Holy Communion and Sermon. The 8:45. 9:45 and 11:00 A-M | next Sunday morning »t U * J question box. An RftsWr hat social t e n r«iip snraoL Mwnrrt MeKenna. Mrs. Wiilter wvlee conducted by the yourm St. JamttT Church poslhide, will be held with prises to be 1M I Patskanick, Mvs. Rnymond Som- services will DP preaclied by Rev. o clock ma.*. The **tety will hold ^'aT^ "£ <£' uamtei. ~m«t Ntit • net. Mutt** people in the church school. At Woodbridge Dr. Charles S. MarKeniie. pastor, Uie 11 o'clock service Rev, Fagern Church In keeplim with the efforts of ers. Miss Irene Ina::io, Miss Mar- on "And The Foundations Trem- Us regular ratting Monday nt a i original »nd th* prettiest hats. Duiui, Miss Anna Rose Artw Attest SlPfTl. •«>• Bncortck P.M in tlte church hall, at which Mi.< Edwurd Bolcw. hcmplUlity Din*, pastor Of buri> will preach on "The Most Pope Plus in restorliiR the Sacred bled." Dr. MatKemie has relumed r*n mt»M i n n iniiiil C h u r c h , Wonderful Thins Has Happened." Liturgy of Holy Week to its oritt- way, Robert McDonnell, John Hum in* twu-mumii «mr ui UK- time plans will bf eompletrd for i'hitiim«n will be Asci.ttrd by Mrs. \ from his two-month tour of the |,,|. i.h(> r i ' m a l n - Miss .liickson will sing Mozart's Innl position nncl expression In the Ooltsleln, Robert Powers, J. Kin- | Middle East. The Crusader Clwir thf «pa«hi>U) nipper April K, Robert Brrnrtan Mrs jowp" Dun-il •'Alleluia" and the Junior Choir Catholic Church, Rt. Rev. Msur. nelly and John OToole. will sing "Ye Sons and Daughters.' ; follows: will sing Uie anthem, "Awake, Charles a . McCoiTlstin lin.s an.i traditional hymn, at Uw I 45 ( iv' Thursday, 8 First Presbyterian Church worship service. The 9:45 A l l . Womlbrldge ill In' i ] special Christ Is Rlnen." The Chancel nounced changes in the Mnsses service will be accotnpanlKl by the • :ni"i.uiivy with a Choir will shi!!, "With a Voice of The rrour of the Mass for Holy On Euster Sunday there will be and the SinifliiK." CoiiKrenutlonol hymns Thursday hits been chiinued to Chancel Choir, presenting "In Die two services, at 9:30 A.M., and at i',,iv communion, Will include. "Christ the Lord la supper time, for it was at the Lost End of the Sabbath" with Mr*. 11 A.M. Rev. Ear) Hfinnum De^ mi will '-infr t h e Risen Today," "The Strife Ls O'er' Supper, the Passover Seder,, thnt Dale Scott, featured soloist, unit vanny. minister will preach on the Instituted the Blessed • •Wen- V o u T h e r p and "Come Ye Faithful Raise the Christ Handel's WorUiy Ls the Lamb topic, 'Dust find DesUn." Donald from tlw Messiah. The Otemb ifi,Hl M y L o r d ? ' Strain." Mrs. Oeorse H. Rhodes Eucharist and the Holy Priesthood. Peck, organist, will piny the pre- Choir will sing Vulplus' "Ye Sons •-iib.ioct, l o r C o m - will play DuBois1 "Easter Halle- The Good Friday services have u. ill b e lujah" urn! "Mmc'li of Triumph" seen changed to late afternoon lude, "Toccata" by DuBois and and Daughters" at 11:00 o'clock 1 . MIII.II i' " for It was In the afternoon thnt lie postUide. "Hosanna" by Han and Uie Chancel Choir will again us the prelude and postlmlr Jhrlnt died on the cross. The falth- lei. The offertory will be the present Handel's "Worthy is U»e St. John's Church K P. M, ft'Special ul will now receive Communion 'Easter Alleluia" by Maryott. Lamb" from the Messiah. (EftfarnpsiF) In the snntTtie Junior Ciioir is scheduled to n Good Friday. Holy Saturday The Church will be Open all day Ill nr"iir.h I or(l» 111 be a day of deep mourning sing "In Joseph's Lovely Oarden" omorrow Good Priday. for medl Services ut s i . John's Church, by Dickinson and Warwick A. Del- ution und prayer. • " \\ Kl"> leeordltiK to Rev. W H. Payne ind Saturday night at 11 o'clock there will be the -Easter Nisrhl ton will sin", us II solo. "Open the .11 l''ar Awnv." vlciir, will be us follows: ates" by Knott. Watch followed by the sublime will sing the pood Friday. 10 A. M., morning Mass of tile Resurrection lit MidFirst Presbyterian Church Loved the j prayer and d ante-Communion: night. | noon to 3 P. M., Service of the The Mnundy Thursday CommuTherefore the order of services M tin Easter Passion. Worshippers are asked to and Masses at St. James' Church nion service will be held tonight in the First Presbyterian Church will be ns follows; Holy Thursday, Mass to he cele- of Avenel sit 7:45 o'clock. Mem Junior and Dad . . . Sister and Moni WOODBRIDQE - An Easter brated this afternoon at 5 o'clock bers of the Church who ordinarily program highlighted the meeting look their very best in fine apparel Good Friday, services at 5 P. M worship at the 9:45 Sunday morn Easter Services, Saturday at 11 ing service are urged to attend this of the White Church Guild of values selected easily, conveniently P.M., followed by Midnight Mass Communion service, while those he First Presbyterian Churth here. Yes, come in with the whole held Monday at the Manse with sung by the Seventh and Eighth who ordinarily worship at the 11.00 family and relax . . . you can shop for Grade girls of St. James School o'clock Sunday morning services Mrs. Victor Thompson presiding. The devotions were lead by Mrs under the direction of Sister Mary are urped to attend tin Identical complete Easter ensembles for everyIra McCabe and the prayer by Daniel. Communion S e r v i c e tomorrow Mrs. James Sandahl. Dorothy one in the family, right here in one Easter Sunday morning, 8:45 night, Good Friday, at 7:45 o'clock. Sanger sang "Old Rugged Cross" convenient place . . . all top quality, o'clock Mass, Enster carols sung by This is suKRested to avoid eicssive accompanied by Mrs. Edward Kil!Children's choir; 11 A.M., Higl crowding at either service. Dr. J. newest styles and at budget-pleasing mer. The latter also read an exMaw sung by Senior Choir under Christy Wilson, Dean of Flel cerpt of writings by Dr. Peter value prices. . . . Come in early. direction of P. H. Fen ton, organist, Service at Princeton Seminary Marshall. To complete Uie proI ,,,1,1 M i n \ ONLY Mower Shop as follows: solo, "Hosanna," Mari- will preside at both services. gram an egg decorating contest lyn Sabo, Mass In E Flat, Wiegand; was held and prties were won by Don Mnson, minister of music. Mrs. Leroy Bowen, Mrs. Edward Kyrle Elelson, solo, Christe Eleison, John Gottstein; Gloria in Excelsls, announces that the Chancel Choir Yelle. Mrs. Albert Bowers. solo, Irene Innclo; Credo, Genitum will sins "Surely He Has Borne Mrs. Kenneth Pheasey displayed Slivrl non Fftctum. solo, William Kinnel- Our Griefs" by Lottl at tonight finished doll clothes which are to ly; Et Tncarnatus Eat, solo. Mrs. observance of The Lord's Suppei be sold at the Fall baiaar. Tel. LI-8-1393 Sabo; Et In Spirltum, Robert Mc- Tomorrow night the Westmlnste: Mrs. Victor Thompson was Donnell; offertory, Reglna Coell, Choir will present "Were Yoi named chairman of a tea to be held after cornerstone laying ceremonies Sunday afternoon. Her committee consists of Mrs. Leonard Lloyd, Mrs. Yelle and Mrs. Edward Simonsen. Mrs Bowen was welcomed as a new member. Hostesses were Mrs. John Molnar and Mrs. Pheasey. ! ? i CHRISTENSEN'S "THE FMEMLY S U M " EASTER Easter Program Held by Guild Phone In Your Order Now! Iselin Flower Shop •• FOR WOMEN - - LINGERIE 6y Barbizmu Lnxto, S«impr«/<' GIRDLES & BRAS by J«nla«i, Form fit Warner Playtex, Maiden Form HOSIERY by Gotham, Cold Stripe, Berkshire^ Mendtcell, Hones GLOVES bv Shalimar - Nylon and Cotton Iselin IF3I^^ BETTER LAWNS and GARDENS BEGIN at AMBOY FEED-GARDEN SHOP 5& man what e mower! what o pricef DON'T GAMBLE WITH YOUR LAWN PQTTtO £ASTS(l For Eitstor Ciftinx Make the Easter season even lovelier (or yourself and those dear to you with our beautifully wrapped Easter plants. Choose from: only t LILIES AWN-BOY '!' it have io miny won'li'.urs Lrtii packed into :>;* inimi lawn muwtr, IMIY iivci you ). • AZALEAS • HYDRANGEAS All in Radiant Kloom! Available in All Sizes. Wv IH'livcr WONDERLAWN h*4 J » 0 «J »»• ' • ' •"'» **•" IT WON'T tURN Dross Shirts KVERY SATURDAY ON WBCA-TV CHANNEL 4, 1:00 TO 1:30 P. M. ON RADIO \VRCA EVERY SATURDAY AT 12:35 P. M. With Ruth and Phil Alampi ATTENTION!! GARDEN PLUBS - PTA GROUPS - ROTARY ETAAA GARDEN CLUBS, PTA GROUPS, ROTARY, K1WANIS, LIONS, INDUSTRIAL GROUPS, ETC. More mothers their children Borders Milk than ony other brand! New Brunswick Avenue Youths' Dress Shirts 1.98 • 2.98 2.98 Ne«k siws uj u I«H Cwnpkle line «f tone Md short sleeve s»wt skirts fcj LARGE SELECTION OF SPORT COATS (UI 9.98 -. 10.98 SLACKS Prep Sites Huskies Jr-s, « U 14 from 12.98 18.98 - • u U15.98 2.98 to 5.98 All tht New Slttto u 4 Includim the ropobr Chan«U 4uit 2t (• M Waist 2.98 to 7.98 5 . 9 8 tO 9.98 from 5.49 STORE HOURS: FREE DELIVERY DAfeY ITOI * «* ««•*> Perth Amboy ^jgtobegood! THURSDAY an« FRIDAY JAMTOJr.M. (X06SD n'EUMB9AYS CLO8EO GOOD FRIDAY FROM NOON TO 3 P. M. - OPEN pAILY g A. TO *f CLOSED WEDNESDAYS AT U NOON from 2 . 9 8 By *«jnee - Sim S U 14 Jr. Cuhanline Suits Wash Suits We will sponsor FREE showings of a munificent new hilf-hour tardcnlnc fUm "HOW GREEN IS YOUR GARDEN." Juat call III-2-13S0 and we wlU be glad to arrunge to show tin' film free of charge to yuur groun. (;E()R(;E WALSH, President from 8 . 9 8 from 5 . 9 8 FOR BOYS - - - AMBOY FEED - GARDEN SHOP '">NF in-2-1350 3.98 to 8.98 w DRESS SHIRTS ((WfciU 2.*)5 • 3.95 U n a u i rntVtl) TIM Vat, B m u i l SPORT SHIRTS | L u | ShMt % 1.95 - 4.95 TIES ,u™«. 1.50-2.50 n*Uftj) 5.95 -14.95 SLACKS BELTS <Hkinto 1.50-2.50 , 50c .1.00 SOCKS 1.00 -1.50 HANDKERCHIEFS Ftaia «r laitixl, t u •» Ikrc* 19.95 SPORT COATS AU «* •*•! *»<•-* kcMUtwl setorU**) 6 . 9 5 t() 9 . 9 5 SPORT JACKETS Junior Sixes 1> Z98 to 7.98 FOR MEN - - "HOME GARDENERS SHOW" ^ 100% Permanent Seed Mixture Ntwf WONOfWAWN LAWN FOOD Tumi lawm Gr««n . . . K«pi lowm Oronf by Joseph Law Be Sure to See and Hear Wonderful Unvn and Garden Tips On Our GRASS SEED For Lawns of Permanent Beauty" Wonderlawn Utility: 5 Ib. Cinlstir only $4.95 Spring Coats and Toppers Easter Suits and Separates shrubs, flowers, houae plants, too . . . It's best for everything you. growl In b a g s . . . never baled. '•t to see (and try) it to believe It -^t step up to a lAWN'BOY 5.98 FOR GIRLS - - Spring Coats • Suits • Slips • Panties Blouses - Skirts • Dresses • Gloves Hats and Bags • Anklets - Nylon Hosiery work, u s e MICHIGAN FEAT o n III 2-1350 BALANCE-BLENDED WOR 71ft KC. 1:45 P. M. Sanday 12.98 to 25.00 SWEATERS by OM Colony Top-dress old lawns, rebuild new ones with Bactl-Vated MICHIGAN I-EAT. They'll grow richer, greener than ever I MICHIGAN PUT is 98% organic... improves ail soils. And It's ready to use...saves time and Phono in Your Order •, Hlbi. LOVELY EASTER SUITS by Sitortshire, Socony, Hampton DRESSES and SUITS by {fotty Rdirltiy, Modern BLOUSES by Rluula Lee and Wouwmaker MICHIGAN PEAT Flower Pots and Stands ! ljv>n you've ever had ; i l r « fdurt. Practicaltr -umnirr i^ort ol cultinf HOW CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HEALS SO III. HANDBAGS-COSTUME JEWELRY FLOWERS. HANKIES - KERCHIEFS GET BEST RESULTS WITH BACTI-VATED* • the HEAR •TULIPS • HYACINTHS new 18" economy LIST SCHEDULE AVENEL—Miss Jane Campbell, of the Junior High Fellowship of the First Presbyterian Church of Avenel, announces the schedule of activities for the n*xt few days as follows: The choir will meet tomorrow at 1:30 P. M. instead of tonieht, because of the Communion Service at the church. Those planHifis to intend the twirling party at the Bowl-Mor in Woodbridge on Saturday are urged to contact Pat Moote, Billy Colton of Joan Peier-£ sun as soon as possible. Cars will leave the church on Saturday at 1:30 P. M. The regular meeting of the Fellowship Sunday will feature an Easter program entitled •What Would You Do,,",under the direction of Mr. and 'Srs. Harold Pitchell. | ..t* INDEPENDKNT THURSDAY. MARCH 25 PAGE SIX Pitrchatr of 2 Hornet ! In Township Recorded, Isclin Furniture Avenue school which was op(Continued from Ptie One) ened in the Spring of last of le*al attack, we comThis inquiry revealed S U to devote our attention and the Board overspent by ihouthts to ihls matter and arrivri 9 t a solution which I have ($13,000 the amount author- been directed to communicate to ized in the referendum andj that this shortage was liqui- • According to the. report of our auditor there should be a «urdated bv the same device , pi u s m 1W5-S6 budget of approxl, to Aid Family for Easter wlll have on ham of the present ,s<than will be nec? the school In nuc may be ready fm ber, 1958. "The USP of ih the stated purpo opinion obvintr n l«g*l attack by ai;\ group who art Ml in the umltton reported thst he had WdODBRIDOE — Mr awl Mr< I eral times that the a»* In his car he «*<• Hmn. 1 Polstan. have puithMtd [mm the Rlmko Realty Investment i AVFNEL -- Plan* mere com- had been used up a f t " he had d t t m « Company, an I-room frame spilt- • pleted t.< *i\* »n Stster food )u«t filled It and that his radio dial' u he s lrvf 1 house with attached f a m e at baskr; to a needy family at a WM not set a* he left It In his report the officer stated: 309 Colon!* Bftuerard Col"i1« ' m-etiiu Monday of the Youni Mr and Mrs. PolsUw b m t h n t Ladies SodaMty o4 Si Andrew's '• 'The description of the two hold- ihe Chief » : d h*s * previous a t t e m p t e d this y e a r | m . t c l y , , 0 0 . 0 0 0 . ^ ^ t h o u g h we. up men fitted two men in AwieL itee r»v«d He »diwtted children Mr Polston U president Church m the church hal both ot whom I have seen eterr other Jo»* » Unton w of the PoWon ConntructJon Cor- Mary Ann Sevchuck. prefect, is Hetftmd There: now and then while patroIMni the »td ?te <i>s »3*w pnraiion ot Woodbrtdte. Frede(Continued f ' Mr. »nrt Vi> Ernest Bur:\>»v nrk M Adanu was counael for ch»r;e Avenel brat, and I usually JWW Alien al*» S»M be US« Funds AMured Approxtmntrly i the current budget. I p Old r^ssrv beads and crosses Franc* Avrnur Woodburi**. !'*»' all parties both of them l>» the early hours ot wn car 35 w w «• '•* I we better look carefully into -Whether the amount be »100,- present at tlio \ mun»r<i from \ 9'.*:-. tup •" I** Mr ond Mrs W-nton Frey. «pre rolK-tcri by the members to the mornlns. I also recalled seein* <w»hr.! ;: *fci> the 4 or less, we » « convinced be- partment head be donated to :>e Maryknoll SisAnsrlr* »r.d a to;:y of Southern Wondbrldee Avenue. Avenel. hire 1 one of the young men driving the slept »nd tJ-wi vo\mt it the practices which have lt per-adventure, that you the Township. ttrs, who repair them and donate California Mrs Burro*^ s.ns the mid to Mr. and Mrs Oeorte C. two-toned about a month ajo the o r * * - before t.Vy miW miv been followed in the conthem to mtslonary priests Clean early irt the morning As I studied it r>r^d from SO to to ithrte a flvr room bunitalo* with 1st ruction of the new high iht lime they »rrc. »w»y — detached garage at Ml Summit "while material* were collected. the teletype message. »nd tried to Warts nhi'c ir? hud two w o * ATenue, Sewaren, The Ihrii* are MIKS Dawn PMfmon. moving here from Ridgewood. New Storms i*<eo». ,we are going to b holdup were Harry Allen and Al*»uthtn of Mr and Mrs. Earl York Mr Ihrlt is a commodity Huh School, for Sodality Tickets for the ' meet any deficits on this bert Palaaa. both of whom reside \ _•"„ 3 ; . _ ^ ,, > 45 Wfdsrwood Axrnuf. bookkeeper with Fahnestock and at the P , U « « home on M m t f w t T h e i r S U ^ C i o n s were wellis vnrttionine over Co., New York Ctty J*rob H dance to be hold at the hayp o n the of Peace Church, Forts Avmue. Avenel. OJticer stMik?; founded a s t h e Town C o m - . p r o j " 1 U>f U>f E » s f r o m the Trapha- Bernstein was attorney for the •KM^ .Ourney <who w«s actins Patrol 1 ' ' two. '"" tm Scjwol of Pillion, where she I* sellers and Mr. Adanu represented were distributed to ihe numbers i dis^vtries now bear last ' w o s U r s i Driven felt the same u I did studying w t u m c deslen and lilus- the purchasers.. The brokers were who ar? also I for the prosram. 'about It." traUmt. Our circulation man*- | Stern & Drarowt. ] John WranlU and Charles ier. Bd?ar V Kreuttberg. is ch»irGyenes then dispatched Officers,-——^wj _ , , „ .,,„ o ^ u u a i.-v-i - -|Prycc of the Holy Name Society. ,er and Ma.iniak to the * ^ | J 3 T S Z mumet in notion of the effect this conman of the Circulation CUnr to N aue.sf, at the meetinc spoke on t* home -u. brin* in Pata*». be sponsored by the New Je'rwy duc1 Will ha^e the nrwly-formcd Legion of Mary the ssme ftime. John Kube. W. the !W hjch it found itSClf brOKC Hue Press Association at Rutjters Vni; State which must determine P r O g r a m S L i s t e d and "distributed prayer versiiy. April 20 y leaflets to gas station attendant walked into • o n headquarters and he said he c o u l d ; those, who signed for this aposJottingsx Additional identifv the bandits. Choose now /rom WOODBRTDQE — Viewers of t o ! i c otraniution , It mauer, little to me that;tem. or upon.the peoplewho Warren Thur'.ow. AssUixnt Asri- \ television 'programs in thu »rt>a members were ilsned up and all our fabulous" cultural Agent of Middlesex have new opportunity to see a members will be on a three| A M | I a f ISELTN, Pi. J. the $21500 which was left'must entrust it. Both. I am selection of the County, will speak to »nd advise i series of prosrams on Christian month probation period. IOC.LIIM U-S-M It after paving construction | sure, will apply to their ,udgU-t-MM scason-s smartest Miss Janet Chapman leave a toMnr ownprs on soil culture, Science healing. This wrtes. sec" ind i t W f c t s ' "fecsiment (1) the th hidden hdden ovevov styles! shrubbery, flowers, bulbs. April 1 ond one to be presented, appears report on the life of St. Mary SAT. THlTtS. THRU ?wnt f«"«Sii«tis, scwre. I expenditures on School 17; at the Col^nU Public library. » 3 0 Tuesday night at 9 P. M. on Chan- Grotti. F.M Heit's » chant*, to discuss nel IS. and each lasts for fifteen Plans for the May Crowninp i . _ . „ . - _ . ^ *i(2) the hidden overexpendi-; et cetera, et cetera and net your cardrn problems with an ex- minutes. Each program presents will be discussed at the next meet(3) the! pert New telephone names— a documented instance of the: in?. cetera. tures on School 18; w r u . I am am only impressed impressed|u Clark Gable - U n » T W » « T Mercury 4 and 6— will replace the isolution of a problem of a char-! •with the fact that not a JS562.500 fat which the Town Ofetlnrllve present Woodbridge f—exchange) icter, business or health through I Al-SO 4es>it7t*!ion when modern dial reliance solely on God's help. De- \ | single member of the Board | Committee sliced from the HANDBAGS telephone serrkt is introduced in script ions of the problem and its " Board's B r d ' s 1956-1957 19561957 budget budget af-, afiContinued from Page One' of Education had the self••Tailored' for Sprln» • To m a i n . i<m, this area in the summer of 1957. solution of a problem of charwith Robert Tayter . . Second U John F. Davis. 2S. women who actually had the ex- budsets, thus taxing the people respecting instinct to dis- ter the Board was so deter-1 OPEN THURSDAY and FRIDAY EVENINdS III son of Mr and Mrs. Wilson S. perience, and a moderator also twice for the same thing. close the true filcls as they mined in insisting the fat •This investigation has been slow Morris. Ridge Lane. Colonia. re- gives brief comment of inspirawasn't there. and tedious." the Prosecutor said, existed. cently was graduated from the tional nature. "but it should be completed shortArmy's Transportation School at The second series Is being ly." Fnrt Eustts. Va He completed the Woodhriik II was because of this ex- We need to do some som92 MAIN STREET The Prosecutor was asked to schools transportation o f f i c e r presented as the result of a naour tionwide demand for religious j start the investigation February perience that I looked into j ber thinking about basic course tor men <rho recently meivwl their commissions. U . tetecatts following the presenta- 16 by the Citizens for Classrooms AND the finances of the Inman! school system, bub. Davis l« a 1951 Graduate of Wood- tion of the first series, which i who charsed the Board with started last September. This first f a i l u r t , to advertise fOr bids acVidse High School.. . series appeared on over 160 sta- > coding to law and as advocated by Chapter 10 of Uons, Both the first and second j ^ p s t a U > DcparUncnt of Educa"THE LOST PLANET" serles consist of thirteen weekly j t j o n 5 — CARTOONS — 5 M lease, 232 Bloom- programs, and all are presented A WALTER READi: Till MRI fleW Avenue, Isclin. a sophomore under the supervision of the TV SUN. THRU WED. at Montclair Slate Teachers Col- staff of The First. Church of Jrie. ha.", been appointed co-chair- Christ. Scientist, in Boston. Mass. Danny Kaye In (Continued from Page One) man in rlmrce ot decornUons of Among the real-life incidents rethe annual alUCollege Carnival to corded are permanent heatings found the motor of the car in the be held May 4 and 5. A 1954 pradu through prayer of asthma, cancer, garage was still warm. They ate of Woodbridee High School broken bones, deafness, goiter, tu- aroused the household and found ICoUr) Miss Lease is a fine arts major berculosis, appendicitis, and an- that Mr. Peterson was in bed. PLUS When Mr. Peterson came to Active in extra-curricular activl gina pectoris. These and other 1 ties, she is a member of the New actual experiences are cited to il- headquarters. A c t i n g Sergeant man Club and Ihe Citizenship lustrate the healing and regen- Gyenes saw immediately that the Committee. She is th» daughter erating results of the applica- description of the bandits did no of Mr, and Mrs. Stanley E. Lease. tion of Bible teachings. . . . Mr, rnd Mrs Alan Launtsen, •M School Sheet, are Uic parents "A Walter Rude Thntn" oS a son born at Monmouth Memorial Hospital Friday. Mrs. Avenue Lauritsen is the former Margaret Ptrlh Woodbridge. V J. Matthews. Fords. . .listed on the ¥nm ! P. M. iUilr WED. THRl" SAT. Dean's list at Jackson College, Tod«y it M0. «:1S. C:IS ind V)t TODAY THRU SAT. the. woman's branch of Tufts ColFriday Nitr is Ut(h School Mt* NOW P1AYING Icse Is Gloria A. Vine*. 7S0 Kirnr Janr Wyman-Rotk Hudson In George Road. Ford*. Daughter of with Van Johnson and Josrph Mr. and Mrs. John Vine*, she is Cotten a freshman at the collese. While PLUS " S IMBA" at Woodbndite Hi$h she was a Steve Allen - l>onna Reed Sterling Hajtden - WUlUm with Dick Bogardy member of the National Honor (ASK OF KMN WU.I, KK HELD Gene Krupa - H*rr\' James You llan Bishop in Society. Glee Club, feature writer Saturday Afternoon — Extra THK KOKLOWIM, SIM)AY on the A"J-Hi-Newv member of STARTING SATl'RDAY Obtain \our TOP G U N ' Cartoons and Comedy the Studer.t Council and Junior Our Big Easter Celebration SUN. THRU TUKS. Sl'N. THRU TIES. He<i Cross and was active in draShow Robert Taylor-Stewart Grander matics. . . . John Wayne - Susan llayward Counl Christian Science j IKYTONK" Grand Jurv "Bttlf THE KID" LEE'S HAT BA Giant S a t Matinee "IT CAME FROM BENEATH THE SEA" "BILLY THE KID" Sharp Police "The Court Jester" SUNDAY AFTERNOON - 3:00 P. M. PRIZES!! PRIZES • • 3rd ANNUAL GIANT TEEN-AGE CRIME WAVE MAJESTIC - FORDS- -STATE- PLAYHOUSE THEATRE 'BOHOM of the BOTTLE' "The BENNY GOODMAN STORY" Last But \ot Least; Bom at Perth Amboy General Hospital; from Woodbridge, a son to Mr and Mrs. Matthew Golubjcski. 205 Freeman Street; a daushter to Dr. and Mrs. Thomas L. TaiVon. 13S Green Street: daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Caslmcr Mulowski. 227 Fulton Street: a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Charnecki. 139 Strawberry Hill: a son to Mr. and Mrs. George Retgcr. 182 Rowland Place: n son to Mr. and Mrs. John Demchak, 62 WiUry Street . . . Prom AVCMI a son to Mr, and Mrs Wulei Bobko. 60 Monica Court: a dau^hter to Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Brown, 433 Hudson Boulevard. . . . From Fords, a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. John Weir, 58 Lawrence Street; * son to Mr. and Mrs. Thomus NoUn. 995 Amboy Avenue: H son to Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Adametz. 1)9 Lawrence Street: a son to Mr. and Mrs Stephen Yelcncsics. 304 First Avenue. . . From Iselin. u daughter to Mr and Mrs. William *9 Harrison Avenue: 11 to Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Giftoi-d. H Adit ins S t r e e t . . . . Also a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Batasic. 39 Florida Grove Road, Kwsbey; » daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gabtick, 181 Midfteld Road, Colonia. . . . STURNsllOMK WOODBRIDGE-Jolm Hill, son Af Mr. and Mrs. Tiiomai Hill. 19 fleetwood Ro«d. formerly of Dart' mouth Avenue. Avenel, has rchimrd t« rivitiau life nfUi two ye«rs in the Armj*. We Got 'Em IVY CAPS "THE CONQUEROR" COMING SOON "PICNIC" Kim Novak - William Itoldcn Rosalind Russell STRAND from ', P. M. Saturda] from I P. M. Sunda> (torn 1 V. M.) (\V«kdi> 'All That Heavei Allows' ADMISSION TICKETS at STORES DISPLAYING -WOODBRIDGE BUSINESSMEN'S ASSOCIATION" 'HELEN OF TROY" with Rosalia Podcsta aod Jack Senuvs "SUDDEN DANGER" with BUI ElioU and. Beverly Garland Sat. & Sun. Starts at i P. M. WEDNESDAY. APRIL 4 HUNGARIAN SHOW" From 2 P. M. Continuous "THE LAST HUNT" STARTIM; WKI)M:SI>AV "ON THE THRESHOLD OF SPACE" Guy Madison • John llodiak ALSO "URANIUM BOOM" Dennis Morgan-Patricia Mrdlnn COBUNG SOON "COMMANCHE" Dana Andrews • Kent Smith Al-SO "THE KILLER IS LOOSE" TO THE BEST DRESSED BOY and (.IK1, "SONG OF THE SOUTH" "Bladk Jack KetchunT SPECIAL 1 WARDS (Cinemascope* PU'S John LuQ4-WUHam Btntfii !• "BATTLE STATIONS" WED. THRU SAT. Susan Ha)-ward-Rkh»H tonli In •TLL CRY TOMORROW" Now Pl»>inc Thurs. Thni Tur>. A Walt lXsno Kraturr in Color ALSO EGG HUNT andEASTER PARADE FIFTH ANNUAL EASTER SUNRISE SERVICE At the WOODBRIDGE DRIVE-IN A WALTER READE THfcATItH EASTER SUNDAY 6:00A. M. 'HUNDREDS OF DOLLARS" in 2-5 Years 6-9 Years 10-14 Years PRIZES and GIFTS . . . ALSO MOTHER and CHILD . . . Sponsored by Sponsored By Ihc Vt COMBINED YOUTH OF THK PRO'ITiSTANT CHURCHES OF THE WOODBRIDGE AREA (liticst Speaker—Rev, Robert Wieman — Combined Youth Choir —' SHOP-RITE - VIVIKN'S KIDDY SHOP - MODERN MEN'S SHOP • BOOTSIH"1 SHORFS RKSTAl'RANT MAIN HARDWARE • SALLS JEWELERS SF.«\H ' HAlRDWARK - CIIOPERS I>EPT. STORE - WOODBRIDOK IIARDWAKI STOIM HORDKMS SURPRISE CENTER LEES HAT BAR • MARTIN CLKANKI^ PLATTS STATIONERY UNITED CIGARS - FRANTELL WOMEN'S SPORTSWI'-MJ PUBLIX PHARMACY • MODERNACJE DECORATORS - SPARKS AUTO STOlll BOBS RADIO & TV STORE ARMY & NAVY STORfc - TERRY SHOPS KI-" DINER • DOOLEY'S HOUSE OF TOYS . WOODBRIDGE MUSIC STORK UUID(iE LAUNDROMAT. All Stores Open Till 9:00 p. |t|. Thursday and Friday PUBLIC INVITED TO ATTEND NO CHARGE Of ANY KIND Joseph Cotten-Hhond* Klcminc Do Your Last Minute Shopping At Publh... - HEADQUARTERS FOR - ENDS TQNITE EASTER NOVELTIES OPEN EASTER SUNDAY T i l , 1 P. M. " R A I N S o f RANCHIPUR Co Hit "THE LIVING SWAMP IliU skrts • Kggci • TOYS • Ittniliios • (.arils OPEN EVKNINliS v i U 10 it ling Turner *• Richard Burton M'NUAV and MONUAY h Gene Tleriwj TONY PAT ERNES! iMfftr* mm HI <l«<wnr STARTS DKNI ARNEZ "FOREVER DARL SQUARE JUNGLE (InenwKcope anil ( " ||P| UO-IIH Tkuitdcrim A''1'"" (O HIT Juliu IV\iir I N MAIN 8TUCKT "'I'HE KOAI) TO DENVER" EXTRA i COLUR CARTOONS »U-HIT Till; HOWKItV I n Color BOVS "JAIL BUSTERS" U f FORT YUMA ISELIN Mepenbent - Icakr COLONIA PAGE NINE THURSDAY, MARCH 29, 1956 •KNDENT-LEADER Clubwomen Mark 25th Anniversary Knolls Civic Unit To Sponsor Pack COLONIA — John Stadnick, Jr.. on of Mr. and Mrs. John Stadnick, Committee Named For Art Exhibit ISEUN — The Sisterhood of longregation Beth Sholom of Ise- \cisity Women in1 Mrs. Rankin oloniu Man Completes Four Years with Navy isterhood to Hold Fashion Show April 4 ISELIN—The twenty-fifth anni* )f The Post Store, Colonla, has COLONIA — A meeting of the veranry and Federation Day were;5«| jeen separated from active serv- WoodbridRe Knolls Civic Associcelebrated by the Woman's Cltttrfj ice, completlng-a four year enlist- ation was held Thursday, at ment In the United States Navy. School 17. nf Ist'lln In ceremonies in the mretlnu rnnrti of the A fashion show will be featured Art Exhibit, May 12 and 13 at the He received Boot Training at Baln- The constitution was discussed, .•I m i : >ridge, Maryland. He then at- ratified and accepted, SponsorPresbyterian Chinch of Iselln ' Church Recreation Hall. This exHunkln, Colonlft, was s "Mrs. Suburbia." ended Airman school at Norman, ship of the cub scout park was Mis. John Cwiekalo presiding. ; A dance exhibition will be held hibit will be a Mother's Day i(1 .i(i Mrs. W. 0 . SeaOklahoma and Aviation Electronic approved. An executive board of Corsages were presented to thB and dessert supper will be served. tribute to Mary, Spiritual Mother ',. ;is president. Mrs. ;chool at Memphis, Tennessee. He six members was1 elected; for twn visiting club presidents and of Mankind. There will be dis ',,,,in will succeed Mrs! Hi'. tlsb completed a nine months years, Gene Blackman, Armand Two past presidents attending werei| played many famous and unusual 11 us secretary. Mrs, irulse through the Far East, Cicciu, Ionel Kahn, for one year, Mrs Clarence Bower of Iselln awt pictures and paintings. ,.',vi-. Woodbridge. was abroad the U. S. S. Hornet. His Mrs. Wesley Buckley (nee Hall) Miss Margaret Hlnes, Colonla principal duty station was Quonset Edward Monas. Daniel Potsdamn ,v thr board to till Mrs representing her mother, Mrii^ and Milton Wasserman. Was appointed chairman, Miss unexpired term ol John Hall of Laurence Harbor* olnt, Rhode Island. A door prize was donated by Sara Black, publicity chairman, Mr. Stadnick Is now affiliated Mrs. Hull was the first presidents Milton Warshawsky. After the and Mrs. Carmelta conzertlno, ; sails, who, with her with the IBM corporation, Eliza- meeting adjourned coffee and of the Iselln Club. Mrs. Wllllaitt'|j ISELIN—Pup Tent No. 13, Mili- honorary secretary. i the jewelry business ;i | Doe: past president of Woodbridg^ 1 cake was served. tary Order of Cooties and Lazy It is anticipated that many beth office. ,,;.. (jnvc a very InterI Woman's Club was also present' Mary Cootlettc Club No, 460, held THOMAS K. (IKAIIAM I.ORIN W. KEMP im diamonds. In addl1 a Joint installation of officers in people will respond In collecting Miss Odette Haddad played sev« , these pictures. It Is assumed that x skii historical review ;I eral piano selections. -^ Iselln V. F. W. post Headquarters National "Universities will partlcl : the significance o on Lincoln Highway. Miss Marquette De Souza, ex. pate In the exhibit. . :!,.• lifo of royalty, Mrs. Officers installed by the Pup change student from Brazil, Was •I.MI 'JH.000 tons of rock Tent were William Enoch, Alfred scheduled to speak, but due to (I in order to get 4'/2 Bruderer, George Klmball, Richard aminations at Douglass College ,i! imiinds, out Of which R. James, Joseph Oarbo, Steve was not present. However, Mrs., COLONIA —The monthly meet- ISELIN — The second annual uiily '.a carat of gem Anderola, Joseph Kazlauskns. JoLawrence Hart, Pan American pow-wow of the North Eastern ing of Cub Pack 130 was held it quite clear why ; seph Strasser and Harold Clifford day night at the Colonia Library. District of Raritan Council and ft PERTH AMBOY — Thomas K. they have three children—Penny Scholarship chairman, obligingly i ,:.' o expensive. Th Installing officers were Harold filled in and gave u very interest,'.'4^ Lynn. 15; Kt-ndru Sue, 12; and Robert Schultz, Field Representa- Blue and Gold Banquet was held Graham has been appointed mana••; mining the value of Lake, grand council of administraThomns Douglas, 7. He expects ing talk on Brazil and described > ger of the Raritan Copper Works Saturday. March 23 from 2 to 8:30 tive for Boy Scouts of America, ,,>• IUS color, clarity, cut tion member, and Joseph KazISELIN — Joseph Strasser wa; Rarltan Council, presented the P.M. at Middlesex County Girls of International Smelting and Re- his wife and children to join him Miss De Souza and stated that trie' lauskas, outgoing seam squirrel. elected commander of Iselln Pos charter to Charles Knudsen, presi- Vocational School in Woodbridge. fining Company, an Anaconda sub- after school closes in June. student was majafNig in English, evening were: t!i« Guests Included Peter Amarvsa, V. F. W., at Thursdays meeting Kemp Is retiring after 42 years The exchange student Is. being sidiary, it was announced today. Demonstrations were shown of dent of the sponsoring organizaAvenel, Mrs Grand Cootie Commander: Wil- Post headquarters. He succeedi He succeeds Lor in W. Kemp, who with Anaconda. Educated at the sponsored by the Federation oj.-., ',.• .,vski, Rahway. Mrs, liam Butler. Grand Senior Vice Joseph Kazlauskas as commande tion, the Colonla Parent-Teacher handcrafts, ceremonies and -games. ( Games were shown from 2 to 4 is retiring after twenty years as University of Nevada, he is a min- Women's Clubs. ..v.iid. Metuchen, Mrs, Commander: Alfred German, Past Joseph Garbo was elected as senio Association. ing engineer. He became associated Announcement was made thaW manaRer. o'clock under the supervision of Mrs. Schultz. also presented :,.: cuionia and Mr». W Grand Commander: Joseph Sc- vice commander: Edward Sherry with Chile Exploration Company, Mrs. John Cwiekalo would attend ,. Hazel Relght, Phyllis O'Rourke, mon and Joseph Wiedemeyer, Junior vice commander: Alfrec registration cards to the members Roger Kenny, James O'Rourke and Graham comes to Perth Amboy now an Anaconda subsidiary, in Federation Day at Highland Park, -S from ills position as general superGerman, post advocate; Mlcha of the Pack Committee, Cubmas•Tie: Mrs. John H Orand Deputy Inspectors. 1914 and spent 22 years in the Federation Pay at Matawan, April'.;^ Gulgan, chaplain; Joseph Dl Gan ter, Assistant Cubmasters, and Fred Reight of Cub Pack 148 spon- intendent of the Great Falls Re- South American operations. i. lien. Mrs. F r e d 16; the musical festival at First '.;$j sored by School 15 PTA. Officers installed by the Cootl- gi, surgeon. i n Mrs. G. W. Rogers, Den and Associate Den Mothers. A delicious banquet was served duction Works of Anaconda at He is a member of the Ameican Presbyterian Church, Perth Am« . 1 ettes were Mrs. Margaret Kreisel, '.: .) M. Casteru, CoWlllard McArgel, Cubmaster, by Pack 148 with Mrs. Charles Great Falls, Montana. Institute of Mining and Metallur- boy, April 3; the Spring Confer-,;^ Mrs. John F. Osthoff. Mrs. George San lord Luna was reelectet quartermaster; James Fayette wa presented Bobcat pins to all the Chrlstensen and Mrs. H«nry Wei- A veteran of 21 years service gical Engineers. American Society enee in Red Bank, April 17; and J Oassaway, Mrs. William Dangell, with Anaconda, Graham is 44 of Mecfianical Engineers, the Min-the State Convention In Atlantic Mrs. Ralph Ambrosn, Mrs. John elected three-year trustee and | eligible boys during a very 1m- man as cooks assisted by the den years of age. He began work with ing Club of New York and is a di- City in May. Mrs. Bower will ac^ Sj Domejka, Mrs. Harold Glfford. Raymond Hollingsworth as service pressive ceremony. Sitting around mothers, Mrs. Fred Reight, Mrs. the camp fire, with Akela, (Mr. Albert Kull. Mrs. Theodore Kris- The Anaconda Company immedi- rector of the First Bank and Trust company her to the convention. ' Mrs. Mary Thome, Mrs. John officer. McArgel) were the "Hunters" tensen, Mrs. James O'Rourke, and ately after his graduation from Company of Perth Amboy. He re- New members welcomed by the Luna. German, Garbo, KaslausBlaszka. Mrs. Thomas Taylor and kas and Strasser were named as (those boys receiving pins), They Mrs. Lester Jentis, The menu con- Massachusetts Institute of Tech- sides at Plainfield Road, Metuchen, group included Mrs. Charles EgMrs .Margaret Gorman. were Allan Deak, Richard Nlms, sisted of relish tray, vegetable nology in 1935. His first Job waswith Mrs. Kemp, the former Isa lauf, Mrs. William Tait, Mrs. HowInstalllnq officers were Mrs. delegates to the Woodbridge TownRandall Kluj, Richard KluJ, Ro- soup, roast beef, mashed potatoes, in the Research Department at bel Millar. ship Veteran's Alliance. ard Jeffreys, Mrs. Nassib Haddad Domejka and Mrs Lester Bahr. the Anaconda Reduction Works and Mrs. Frank Scriffignano. Kim^' new members Mrs. Patrick Nolan presented all A Joint meeting with the Ladies' bert Annunzlata, John Lysak, Wil- peas and carrots, rolls and butter, at Anaconda, Montana. mil •)'.' the Ladies'Aux- outRolws officers with gifts. Mrs. Auxiliary will be held tonight at Ham Shamsky, Don Geisheimer, Bavarian pudding and cake and Guests Included Mrs. Michael In 1936, he was transferred to ,i!i Past. V. F. W., at a Kreisel also presented gifts to Mrs. post headquarters to discuss plans hades Knudsen, Dennis Hyland, coffee. Cwiekalo, Iselin; Mrs. Arthur the Electrolytic Copper Refinery )onald McArgel, Peter Rostocny, for a Joint installation April 21, The invocation was given by Overgaard, third district vice • :d .if post headquarters, i Domejka. Mrs. Bahr and Mrs. The post bowling team will be onald Sammond. John Wiggins, William Wright, a Boy Scout ex- at Great Falls, and five years later president and Mrs. Nicholas Elko, urmbers introduced Nolan. entered in the Betsytown State V. •avid Ready and Stephen Selckel. ecutive; Jack Williams, Boy Scout was appointed general foreman. both of Fords; Mrs. C. A. Selch, Wiiliiiiii Roach, M r s . J o - Guests Included Mrs. Peter Am. lso included were, Peter Carle, F. W. bowling tournament April Master of Troop 15 sang several He has also served as assistant and' Mrs. Arthur Witt of Point (i.nii;!. Mrs. E. Jacobson crosa, Mrs. Irene Vonls, Mrs. Ade5 and' 19 and May 17 at the Betsy- 'aul Dunda, Garry Henderson, selections. Master of ceremonies superintendent of the Furnace ReCOLONIA — Richard Doo- Pleasant; Mrs. Wesley Buckley MiUiii-d Ferwerda. line Shaeffer, Mrs. Mary Palmer town Post Rooms, Elizabeth. Villlam Petty, Gary Smith, Wil- was Fred Sackett, vice president finery, assistant superintendent of chack Jr.. son of Mr. and Mrs,a^jd Mrs. William Wallis of Laur!iii-i'[iii'( of the post and «nd Mrs. Elizabeth Rafferty of lam DeFoe, Jerome Morning, Carl of Raritan Council and Marlin the Copper Reflnery, superintend- Richard Doochcck, Patricia Ave- ence Harbor; Mrs. Harold Wilson The Iselln post team, which • ill be held tonight when Cootlette Club No. 105, Elizabeth. bowls Friday evenings at Bowl Mor lerg, Paul Cedervall, Gregory De Dleg, assistant director of cub ent of the Zinc Electrolytic plant, nue, celebrated his seventh birth- Mrs. Andrew Galisln and Mrs. Wil. 'w >ci for a Joint lastal- Special prizes were awarded Mrs. alleys Is second in the Township oe, Jeffrey Gaydos, Richard Ha- scout service gave an address. and assistant general superintend- day at a party held at the CO' liam Kuzmiak, all of Avenel; Mrs. •:., "1 Mrs. Lllla Mae Ollle Foley, John Domejka and league standings. Team consists of mill, and Nils Peterson. The Pack ent of all operations at Great Falls Ionia Civic Club building Satur Walter Schultlse and Mrs. Giles v ill serve as Installing Richard James. Steve Skokan, Fred Snydcr, Blair iommlttee members and all the He married Evelyn MattmlUer day. Van Du Wayne of Highland Park; :.ii Mrs. Lester Bahr willi Svihira. David and Rocco Caruso parents wish to thank Mr. McArgel of Helena, Montana, in 1938 and Guests attending; were: •. Mrs.Mrs. Charjes Auer and Mrs. -;illni;: conductress. >hto ceremony .pngjtto **r*«akuig k .. ,-<•>,;>,iv-A u g u s tt DeVjwr••• D V j f l h "children, i l d n ert'"Ffe'rfuSori'"6T' 'Blast S l h A ni' discussed apd W long ffemember. "'** Sharon, Wayne, and August, Jr., and Mrs. Willam H. Doe of Wood<: the dinner May sYMrs. Hope Smith, chairman of the Edison; Mrs. Metnyck arid daugh- bridge. . _.. •ii;i^er. chRirmta, atstwt committee of Boy Scout Troop 45, ters, Vickie Lynn and Melanie, Mrs, Overgaard in addressing iiinner will be served from presented the following Den Chiefs Watchuns; Mrs. Soper and son,the club commended them on their i COLONIA—At a meeting of Boy with their cords; Den 1, Charles Gary and Ernest; Mrs. James many achievements and congratCOLONIA - The Ladies' Au::- made to the imith and Allen Hornyak, Den 2, Scout Troop 44, Thursday, a Court Black, Sr., and daughter, Karen; ulated them on winning the $25 atColonia First A W xilimy of tho of Honor and a charter presenta• ' 'MIi'li Fund und to the August Lavin, Den 3, Russell MorMrs. White and children, James Squad met Monday at the squad COLONIA — Boy Scout Troop and Linda; Mrs. Patrick Sira- tendance award at Hahne's Day in '•> l!<'il C r o s s . gon. Den 4, Robert Weis. Den 5 tion were held. Newark. A very appropriate slogan building with Mrs. Andrew Soyka, : 45 met Friday night at the AmerRobert Kendrick of the Board COLONIA — Members of the !»"ivs of Mrs. Harold docs not have a Den Chief as yet. cusa and children, Rickie and PaLadles Auxiliary of the Colonla It is hoped that one of the Scouts of Directors of the sponsoring in- ican Lfigion Hall and reservations tricia, Mark Franolich, Donald given by Mrs. Overgaard, "Never' 'I Mrs. Joan Hranak presiding, underestimate the power of a woMrs. P h i l l i p SingaleWitch. Volunteer Chemical Hook and Allied. Mrs. Joseph in the neighborhood wilt volunteer stitution, the New Dover Road were taken for Scouts who will Murray, Kathleen Doochack, and man." chairman of the recent rummage go to Camp Cowaw this summer. Methodist Church, presented the ler Company, District 12, met Terry Sharkey, all of Colonia. :i the special award. sale, stated the sale was a huge Monday at the fire house, Inman his services. Mrs. Cecil Bliss and Mrs. Eugen new charter to Scoutmaster Frede- Albert Hornyak, treasurer for ••in i! OtUasso, a member Mr. McArgel also presented den- rick T. Boyle. Mr. Kendrick consuccess. Ruckbiel were reported as being the Troop, showed slides dcscrlb- IN BOXING TOURNAMENT Avenue. Vice-president, Mrs. G.ners and assistant denneis with •aiKluis, was reported Plaas were furthered for a first DeSllva. presided in the absenc illgratulated the scouts and the | ing all the facilities and activities aid course for the members of the of the president, Mr6. James Tag their stripes. Raymond Smith, son leaders on their fine Troop. Oscar they could expect to find at camp. COLONIA —- A heavyweight Mrs. Anne Calvert was hospital' ;i!fM>nt at the meeting boxing tournament was held at of Mr, and Mrs. Hope Smith, reAuxiliary to bfgin April 10 and to ty chairman. The center piece Minn Schmidt, presi- be directed by Fred Rosenberg. gert. The meeting was opened wit ceived a silver arrowhead as an Vollmar, ^the Institutional Repre- Scouts will have ample opportu- the Marine Air Base, Iwakuni, Jawas a beautiful huge cake with the recitation of the Lord's Prayer, nity to advance in rank and receive sentative" was also present. awnrd. pan between Sgt. w. E. Hughes, N'Mik Police Post and The course will run for a period A donation for the Red Cross Mrs. Scoutmaster Boyle presented merit badges at camp if they wish son of Mr. and Mrs. Edmund ,wenty-Ilve orchid candles and •' Caffrey fourth dis- of nine weeks. Veronica McArgel. den was approved. The card party tenderfoot badges, mothers' pins, to apply themselves. Hushes, Savoy Place and R. N. yellow daffodils which was made •: •'«• piiisldent. A card party was planned for which was postponed on account mother of den 3 and Mrs. Gerda and neckerchiefs to the following: The Scouts were notmed that the Sullivan,' Boston, Mass. March by Mrs. Adolph Peterson. FortyAprl) 27 to be held at the Colonia of mourning in the flrehousc, wil Smith, for Den 4 were in charge William Adams, Ralph Detrick, Troop will participate in the 22nd, Sgt. Hughes won over his five persons attended the affair. of the skits. This month's theme Civic Club building with Mrs. Wil- be held Thursday, April. 19 George Foreman, Harold Hibell, Northeast District Camporee May opponent by a knockout in the '-• l\us<H-anHostess "The Bottom of the Sea" was liam ODonnell as chairman. An election of new officers wa acted out by the Cub Scouts in theRaymond Schubiger, Benjamin Su- 18. 19 and 20 at Roosevelt Park, second round. was awarded CANCEft UNIT MEETING I' I'ltrty for Friend held as follows: President, Mrs two dens. Dens 1 and 2 gave their kovich. Second Class Badges and Scout Area. a gold trophy, and a cash prize, COLONIA — The regular cancer TO COMPLETE BUILDING Mothers' pins were presented to Morrissey; vice-president, Mrs 1 COLONIA —• The members of James Staunton; scrgeant-at- den cheers and Den 5 recited. Nathaniel Holley, Ronald Schaffer, A "Greenbar" meeting was held Sgt. Hughes is expected to ar- dressing • meeting of the Colonla -A Mrs. Stephen Waafter the regular troop meeting. rive home soon. Club will be held on Monday at ii x was the rfuest of the Celonla First Aid Squad are arms, Mrs. Glaglola; auditor Handicrafts were displayed. and William Schubiger. All patrol leaders and assistant the Colonla Library at 8 PM. furthering plans for the comIt IK hoped that the present fund •' -stork shower held Mrs. William Price, Ml-s. Ro John Lease awarded Philip Boyle patrol leaders met with chairman TO NOMINATE SLATE Members are requested to bring raising campaign, selling bottles '••'• "f Mrs. NlckblM K o s - pletion of their building, which Huelsenbeck, Mrs. George Webe was begun last fall. Because of tne custodian. Mrs. Joseph Pastena. of vanilla, will be very successful, his second merit badge, "Citizen- of the Troop Committee, Hope COLONIA — The Woodbridge any white goods they may have. ; •'•' • iv R o a d . ship in the Home." Smith and Scoutmaster Sidney Township Police Reserve Associa-MC from MUlburn. East many trades being represented lr The anniversary dinner of the 'his is the first attempt that Pa«k The Scoutmaster p r e s e n t e d Frcund. Plans, were made for a tion will hold "nomination of of- United States colleges and unithe squad, the members have been 130 has made to raise money toBloomfield, Newark. Ladips' Auxiliary of the Colonia members of his Troop Committee day hike the troop will take during ficers at its monthly meeting versities have a record enrollment !'••""••>. Short H11K anddoing the work themselves. Work Volunteer Chemical Hook and ward the expenses of the coming with new registration c%rds: Easter Week. V Thursday, April 5, at Town Hall of three million. 'ear. All parents and friends are has started already. Ladder Company, will be held Charles Parks, committee chairirged to get behind the drive. Saturday April 14, at the Inman man; C. Clark Stover, treasurer: Avenue firehouse. Arrangements The next pack meeting will be John Lease, explorer adviser; Weseld the third Friday in April. will be made to have the Fire ley Burgess, and Mr. Theodore Auxiliary of the Defense CounWingender. The two assistant cil and the fire company's own scoutmasters are Frank Straulina exempt firemen present at the bounty Committee and George ScharTer. After tjhc celebration. The committee for meeting refreshments were servpd. Candidates Honored 1 Many Wonderful Friend^ tin dinner is as chairman, Mrs. Huel.snibcck; Mrs, Macky, Mrs, COLONIA — A dinner was held PRICES SUunton, Mrs. Flannagan, and it the home of Mrs. Anton Till, Prices still are edging up genMrs. Weber. 021 at. George's Avenue, in honor erally, accof-ding to Government I mi pared to till your family's of the candidates for county com- obscure the |rise. Price boosts have IIONOKKI) ON UIKTIIDAV mittee from districts 7, 10'and 15. occured in many basic industries ISELIN — Louise De Preiter, The affair was sponsored by the —coal, copper, lumber, fuel oil. daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Gustave Women's Republican,Club of Co- tin, rubber and rayon, among Do Preller. Ridgcley Avenue, "ob- lonia. Guests of honbr were from others. These increases are passed served her llth birthday recently he 15th district, Mrs. Fred Brause, on to consumers in one way or .i party given by her parents. Jr., 348 Colonia Boulevard and another. Guests included Helen Llsclnskl, Mr. J. H. McLsaac, 34 Plnetree Kilmi Fniton, Junet Grosskopf. From the 7th district, Mrs. John Judy McCarthy, Nanette Randaz- Drive. Muller, Jr., incumbent, 123 HtehFrom the 10th district, Mrs. o, Jerry and Dennis Luna, Adrian field Road and Mr. Linn, MapleRussell Briant, Momingside Road nd Karl Kllge, William McSwenEaster time is for flowers . . . wood Avenue. ' '• iey, Frunk De Preiter, Mrs, Carl and David Miller, 43 Wendy Road. to a woman the real beginning Mrs. Sanford Luna, Mrs of Spring. The lady in your life iuymond Klige, Mr. and Mrs. Rowill be most grateful for flowK-rt McSweeney, Mr. and Mrs ers on Easter, Choose a bouFrank Murmuth and Mr. and Mrs, quet of refreshing, early blooms iustnve De Preiter. SELECTION or a lovely plant, Choose a Cosmic ray Is culled no burrlcr charming corsage for her to STYLES! ,o space travel. • wear in the Easter parade. l:Lv| ' VALUES! Choose her flowers here—she'llbe doubly happy because ours OutflJ* lor Motheni-to-Be are doubly beautiful. 0>ir \ Tiie Colonla Branch lin will sponsor^ first paid up ISELIN—A committee has been Mfiiii Association of membership party April 4 at 8:30 appointed by Rev, Thomas H. w i unen met at the PJvI. at VFW Hall, Lincoln High- Raywood, assistant pastor of St. Cecelia's Church for the Madonna , , i y for the annual way. It: Two Units Induct Staffs at Iselin Pins Presented Scout Tow-Wow' At Pack Meeting Proves Successful Copper Works Names New Strasser Named Plant Head; Kemp Retires Post Commander 1 Adds New Members iiuliarv Colonia Boy, 7, Honored at Party Bov Scouts Hold Court of Honor Plans for Summer Camp areOutlined lary Plans Card Fete Mrs. Morrissey Heads Auxiliary ROBINSON'S LAST MINUTE EASTER OUTFIT NEEDS! INCOMETAX PREPARED "MATERNITY CORNER" Green St*mp« — Charge Aooounls — Lay-Away Ftan TEL, LI-8-404* 17 Days to File ' D O N ' T DELAY cost* so to phone anywhere Pittaburfh Baltimore tB iU Jim Dunne, Jr. OOe BBo 34 Green St., Woodbridge * For Delivery or Telegraph, Callt WO-8-163G Walshecks Flower Shop 305 Amboy Avenue Woodbridge :M iMlIn lWowibrld«« O»k« ••V? .^•>. - . i v ,*•,,'.... •Jn • ..' «-.' «• i i i ^ v • i •:-.••< ,,iii AN INDEPENDENT NKWSPAPKR The Leader-Journal The Woodbridfe U*der Wnodbrtdr* Independent Thf Iwlln Journal 11934) I1JO!>) 11 ft! It 11929) Charlei E. Grrcorr Editor and Publisher Pttbttlktd Mmj Thursda; Bj The Woodbrtdgt Publishing Cnmpinj IS Kircii Street WO-t-ITll Wm«brldl», N*w Jfrwjr Charlw E. Gregory, President lAwrence F. Campion Vice President and Treasurer By carrier delivery, I tfrttj per rop> Subscription ratn by null. Including po<U«», on* y*»r, |5.«0; m monlhi, ll.M; thr« monthi, H rents; r\n%\* eoptet by mill, 10 rrnlt. *)l payable In tdrinrt. Passover and Easter lenges which Mr. Kemp always has been able to see—and to meet—in the discharge of his responsibilities. It has been pleasant through many of his years to see the application of a deep and sensitive nature, of a firm and gentle character, to the exciting requirements which arise in a large plant almost by the minute. For those of us who have watched, we have looked through eyes inspired with admiration for what we saw—because here was a thorough workman, a noble spirit, a kind word and a twinkling eye achieving the larger things which confound and escape us lesser mortals. This, indeed, has been an example rewarding to have encountered. *, M We wish for Mr. Kemp, now that he has laid down the accustomed toils of the day, many pleasant years of his heart's desires. 'FIELDER'S CHOICE' MICROSCOPE ON COMMUNISM Where did Stalin make his bis become ever xn n y , , . mistake? Now that the once "in- brrathiiv. spoil -i',,,, • vincible" Stalin Is being vilified gradually the p . nnd Russian history rewritten, the again until the limn .,,; Question becomes appropriate. Sta- are nppronrhod. n, , : lln's mistake did not He in his modern dietiUm c,,,, ;, treatment or mistreatment of the. Ing n popiilntinn s., ,i,. ; Russian people. Despite all the Ittoready to f»r,,,,,,,. suffering and police terror of the in the hands nf tin-,,,,.., Stalin era it is W>t the Soviet No, the rein dan••,.,• .,, masses who are turning against or memory of » m , lti ,, T* , does not come fmm Stalin'., mistake was the unavoidable mistake of id. dictator. \ For, In the very nature o r » l l t h f ( modern dictatorships les the seeds ^ * •• of its own destruction. ti It was was t h e y ,„ once belleve-and some believe end of a tyrant , , r f / f e t d s this still-that the u w c . m u . - w . - . . . p p, l vlUvf U fetds comes when he begins to press th the w h ( j ^ people beyond the point of human R i n lQ ^ endurance. It has been said that m m h ^ there come.s a point when the t h e r c m u | n | n ,,., : ; ; peopte have had enough-enouih h f l s a s of suffering, enough of war, and m m c o l l e c t . v p , ;; terror. The presumption has been p , Q t n ? a l n s l ( , u , that when the critical limit Is S o m e t l m i , s t h [ , v ( ' reached, the people arise and over- p f o p , e n s ~m ,;• throw the tyrant who has op-p o w ( , r p o H t l c s Snm|M ;; pressed them. the form 0 { a .. pill , ri I would challenge that proposlThat Is how ;m<i tion; and in doing so point out finally lost—evrn ;lni:i where Stalin made his fundamen- did not become nnn . tnl mistake. There are two princi- three years after |,: pal reasons why the great mass shall probnbiy nuci : . does not overthrow a dictator, how Stalin dird and > Given the most advanced methods stances surroundm•.; :i of propaganda, given perfected external clrcumstunc. techniques of secret police terror dicatlon, Stalin did in and modern weapons with which tural death. The spe,,; to nip open rebellion in the bud. W |th which the cum imass revolution is unlikely if not leadership" besnn hi i impossible. Qne can conceive of . . s t a u n m y t ) i ' l"s an inn revolution In an era of street bar- n o n e Of his lieutenant* ricades. In an age of tear gas, a l n l s ( u n e l a i , machine guns and tanks, revolu- s t a i j n m a d e the one » tion would be cruel fantasy. a dictator must mab CONVENTION — The State delegates, each of whom is enH-A second reason lies in the fact rounded himself-- ;u n of New Jersey will send 38 dele- titled to one vote. This is a that modern tyrants have maswith a small caste .>! gates to the Republican National tain of 117 delegates over 1952. This will also be the first Re- tered the art of cyclical terror and privileged men; men Convention next August when President Eisenhower will offi- publican National Convention abuse. The whole of the Stalinist proximity to Stalin—tiii cially get the party nod for an- held in San Francisco, or in the period is a perfect case in point, ful—only whet their .i; far west. Previous conventions Stalin stt a series of economic and The power struitjuother "term. The 1956 Republican Conven- have been held in Philadelphia, military goals. They were set so golns on in the Kremlin tion will be held at the Cow Chicago, Baltimore, Cincinnati, high that they required great sacrl- name of "collective l< Palace, San Francisco, on Mon- Minneapolis, St. Louis, Cleveland flees on the part of the people. The may someday be resolvi u. A a| people were pushed almost but not Stalin may take the pi; day, August 20. It will mark the and Kansas City. T h e official State-by-State quite to the limits of human en- old. The name would b one hundredth anniversary of the first GOP nominating con- apportionment was determined durance. Then, just short of the but the "law of dicLiin vention held in Philadelphia on by the Republican National breaking point, a relaxation of continue to work witii sacrifice is announced. The people tabiiity of the inevitab! iContinued on Page Thirteen) June 17, 1856. It will have 1.323 An American Ctist&m The days of this week are of deep spiriIt has long been recognized that Ameritual significance to Christian and Jew alike cans are a youthful people, full of vim —days in which tradition and history leave and vigor, and uninhibited, relatively, a fresh imprint on mind and heart. when compared with, say, Europeans; This For the Christians, this is Holy Week; is still true, today, for the United States for the Jews this is the Passover season, and its people are still a young nation. the time for commemorating the escape of One of he traits of youth is to know all their ancient ancestors from Egyptian the answers. We Americans, especially the bondage over thirty centuries ago. In our GI abroad in World Warl, World War II, synagogues and in our churches through- and the Korean War, certainly knew all out the community, men and women and the answer. We may not have been good children hold their faith high and observe, diplomats, as a result, but we knew the in their own way, the renewed glory of their answers and we let the other countries of heritage. For both, this is the time to re- the world, and their inhabitants, know joice in great victory. that the American way of life was best. The conduct of Americans abroad is an For both, the victory is in freedom. The Jews escaped physical hardship and perse- important factor in our foreign relations. cution, their history relates, and Passover Attention has been given to it in the miliis their festival of freedom these hundreds tary and by the State Department. The of years later. The Christians saw their idea is now to teach Americans not to ridiChrist crucified on a cross, sealed in a tomb cule everything "foreign," and not to aland then arisen—an assurance to them ways be a loud talker when among By J . Joseph Sribbins that life is eternal, that God's children are Europeans or Asians. promised freedom from the grave. So it This situation has a parallel in our everyMore convicts TRENTON comes that each of us has his own particu- day life in the United States. We are often are being put to work in New lar and inspiring reason for rejoicing, for too eager to criticize the fellow in another Jersey than ever before but there •reestablishing hope for attainment of the section of the country, because we don't Is no intention of reviving the old chain gang methods, John highest gifts within the reach of the understand the problem he faces. .worthy, for uttering gratitude for the There is a lesson to be learned in all this. W. Tramburg, State Commissioner of the Department of In'examples which can guide our lives in lofty The lesson is simple. Here it is: There is a stitutions and Agencies, has told purpose. majority of good people in every section of the Legislature. Last year more than a hunSo we must give pause in our observance, the country, who try to do what is right. No dred male Inmates of the State's to personal contemplation, that we can section, state or county has a monopoly penal and correctional institutions worked away from "home truly avoid mere superficial response from on virtue, brains or intelligence. in keeping with the philoIt would be well for us to always remem- base" the occasions we mark. Once again, we are sophy that rehabilitation can be called upon to explore our souls, to revalue ber that wo do not have the facility for acomplished through useful work Some Pertinent Data our ideals, to chart anew the course upon understanding everyone's problems, and at a saving to the taxpayer. Squads of trusted convicts which we have set ourselves. We can do no certainly we cannot expect to solve prob- from the State Reformatory at in the less than these things if we hope to gain lems about which we know little, or on Borderrtown, Trenton State Prison, Leesburg Prison Farm, Rahany real certainty of the validity of the which we are only half-informed. way Prison Farm and the State goals we pursue, of the truths we maintain, Reformatory at Annandale rendered a variety of valuable serof the principles we assert—for otherwise, Aid Crippled Children vices to other State institutions we will have deprived ourselves of the close Township today are direct deBy RUTH WOLK The sale of 1956 Easter Seals will pro- and to the Department of Conscendants of those who played a (A suggestion was made by communion with that Spirit which sepa- vide funds for many worthwhile services. servation and Economic Develpart in making our nation free. some of the residents of the opment. The work ranged from rate* grs* from evil, real from false, strong In addition to the helpful services to crip- preventive maintenance and various developments that this in 1664, Charles II, the English king, granted the land, now from weak. farm work to cutting trails and newspaper publish a history of pled children and adults, such as special the State of New Jersey, to his in State forests and the Township so that newThis, it seems to us, is the lesson of Easter clinics, hospitals, schools, camps, thera- underbrush brother, James, Duke of York, parks. comers may know of its hisand of Passover. peutists and medical consultants, it also ' The convicts commuted daily torical background and tradi- who later granted the land to Lord Berkeley and Sir Carteret. from their institutions to the tions. The only published hisprovides special centers for children. Still later, Lord Berkeley and Sir tory of Woodbridgr was Daily's work sites but In some instances The campaign, now underway, will close spent the Week on location and history and that gors only up Carteret transferred their holdUnderstanding — With Regret to various individuals who We must confess that we learned of the on April 10th and it is hoped that the were returned to the institutions to the Revolutionary War. ings ultimately forced the establishThere are only a few copies of on week-ends. Leesburg Prison total raised will exceed the funds obtained retirement plans of Lorin W. Kemp, manment of a Board of Proprietors Daily's in existence today. Farm supplies the greatest numager of the Raritan Copper Works of the in 1955. All the funds raised in New Jersey, ber of men, cleaning up the Leon E. McElroy has written for the purpose of governing New Jersey. at Ancora State Hospia history which he calls Anaconda, with more than a mere twinge except for 8.3 per cent, will be retained property Worthy of note is the fact that tal. Many are also sent to the "Woodbridge in the 19th Cenlocally. Less than one-twelfth goes to fi- State forests In South Jersey tury, but is not been pub- from the date <1664i upon which of regret. It is true, of course, that Mr. Kemp is nance the services of the national organiza- and their work is very satis- lished. This history is written KinK Charles II made the grant to the Duke of York, only five factory. from records obtained from entitled to the luxury of freedom from the tion in its education and research work. years elapsed until the charter the Township, County and Because of the success of the It is expected and hoped that the people venture of employing convicts, State, and from old news- for Woodbridee was granted in strenuous pressures of the day and from of i this municipality will give generously Tramnurg seeks the establish- papers in The Independent- 1669. the compelling drive which operation of ment of a prison farm at GreyLeader office, from records After the boundaries of Woodto the fund that offers hope to the crippled stone such a vast plant, necessitates. The many Park State Hospital so loaned to me by old-time resibridge was established — (or it years ih which he has been subject to both of our state and nation. Certainly, this is that convicts may be employed dents and from bits of infori Continued on Page Thirteen i around the clock raising farm mation fathered through the ' are an exhausting experience, particularly a drive to which all of us should respond, products. •••••!) past 25 years. I hope it will be when they contain the enormous chal- cheerfully and liberally. of interest to yon.) Convicts assigned to such de- Under the Capitol Dome ;]'•';• Competence Creates Confidence History of Woodbridgc Opinions of Others war for brotherhood and a hun- Canada is remarkable among THE GIRL WITH A VOICE "Poor little me. What can I dred other causes. Liberals noted , International conferences in the their crusade. The I public was total absence of an agenda and do?* So many Americans have said apethetic. In time, their fight of Issues hot enough to require an agenda. >' , that when a social problem has would have been won, but we 1 There will, of course, be some arisen, they don't want to lose imagine that It will be easier •Mends, to muddy up the waters, "to win now that a young girl-— things to talk about other than ' $o put even a modest fight for whose name we cannot even re- golf, which President Eisena 'change that In Christian de- member— has aroused the peo- hower and Prime Minister St. ple of Colorado to the necessity Laurent are knqwn to play pret*»ncy should be.made. They are men without voices. of acting like Christians—LH- ty well and which President Ruiz Cortlnes, a former baseball The first Amendment' is not tletton (Colo.) Independent. player, might not find too exactneeded for them because they ing. American Investments in never exercite their precious FRIENDS AT Canada have risen In a decade SX1LPUDK SPRINGS right of free speech. , Now and then we snap to at- A vast amount of acreage, from about* $2.3 billions to $6.7 tention when a courageous soul running all the way from the billion; some Canadians criticize inakes a simple gesture—takes Arctic Ocean to the Gulfs of plans for dumping American » non»conformlwj step. A few Tehauntepec and Honduras Is wheat into markets Canada , weeks ago. a girl at the Univer- represented by three gentlemen needs for her own huge' wheat sity of Colorado resigned from who will be checking in today, surplus; we put tariffs on some Mt sorority because she found with their credentials and ad- of C a n a d a ' s manufactured t h a t it had a rule against mem- visers but without protocol or goods, though we gladly take her of certain raow and rall- ceremony, at the big hotel a t raw materials. As'for Mexico, she i, Her action gained wide White Sulphur Springs, W. Va. rteeds more American captlal ilty In the campus paper Five thousand miles or BO of un- than the billion dollars she may and in t h e national p r e » as fortified boundary will be repre- now have, yet seme Mexicans sent ted, too. The frontiers are still remember American presreal enough, as any body who sures and privileges during the Trw-mtult is that a date has }ong reign of President Diaz, and been set for an optn. hearing tries to slip across them or car- want to keep as independent as ry goods over them without peron discrUntnatory practices on they can, economically as well / t h e Boulder campus. This date mission will find o u t There as politically. The temporary or ar« difference, also, of politic* is March 19. permanent drift of Mexican laTo be sure Regens H. Vance Mid culture. bor Into the United States is also But this m w t y w ^ f Frail- a problem. Austin and Kenneth A, Bundy have for more than a year (tent Elsenhower/of the United Vtmn tlw subject of this this battle against diai), tyifc they are growtt of Me^co, and *rtflw meetin* Was brought up in the tails are carefully screened. The bagus check cashiers, the confirmed alcoholics and those 'serving time for non-support and qther less serious crimes, are usually selected for such outside work. 'It's much better than leanIng against a wall or playing hand ball," says Commissioner Tramurg. With the iii.iny .w-nilled "b-ir;';ilns" btlns publicized In "• o'f AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE It Is more Important than >•• you tontitri your LOCAL Insurance ityency for compeU'ut :.<': ihls subject. When you |jlm» an liisiimnce policy to <•<>'•• rc>i>oi!-slt)lllty us a cur owner you do so wUli it Uesirt 10 in your tiisht riders, yourstlf us well us your re»ponslbiii!v ; driveri.. We cull he!|> you sfi up an AUTO INSUllANl'K I tlut will alve you Uie lype of protection to fully ITU1,. mitresis. Friendly Service—As Near As Your P\ STERN & DRAGOSfl J U A l ESTATE 1 The oldest original Township In the State of New Jersey, Woodbrldge is rich in history of the early days of our country and is steeped In tradition. In recent years it has been rightfully called a "Typical American Community" and we can proudly point to the fact that many families residing ih the GLAMOR GIRLS BANKING HOURS: Monday thru Friday 9 A. M. to I P. H. Friday Evenlngo 4 P. M. to 6 P. M. Nature awakens at the Easter season, a new life cqmes tofieW»»»d wooM May we hope that this year the stout* that block world friendliness may be lu •way, «o that we all may enjoy the •unlight of lasting peace. 2 % Pali on Savings Accounts 2 % % Pali on Savings Certificates Our New Bulldujg, Corner Moore Avenue and Berry Street lOpp, Town Hall) jnen awustomed to wagtoj tha Iflnlirter Louis Bt. pureni ' H i t bn't dignity. I starched his underwear by mistake." WOODBRIDGE NATIONAL BANK PAGE ELEVEN THURSDAY, MARCH 20, 1056 -. LEADER cinl award of a chocolate airplane Children Hold Model was made to Thomas Calola and Ptutover Seder Sunday Dennis Wrrte for having sold $80 worth of candy and the whole Pack was complimented for dis- AVENEL — A special children*! posing of over eleven hundred dol- model seder was held Sunday longrd bout with virus pneumonia. lars worth. For their cooperation morninR by the Congregation Sons AVENEL — Tentative plans George celebrated his twelfth with the candy sale the Denof Jacob a t the Avenel Jev/Uh Bj were made for the Joint tnstallabirthday on the 22nd, when his Mothers were presented scout hats, Community Center under the t u MRS. GEORGE ,lon of the Avenel Memorial V.F.W. guests were Mr. and Mrs. Anthony pervliion of Haskell Rosenbloora, By F. FERGUSON Popoliaio, Rocco Iacovelll and Miss neckerchief and den banner, also Please Mrs. Jack Brown]of Information compiled about Post 7164 and the Ladies Auxiliary a certificate of Appreciation from Hebrew teacher. Mr. Rosenbloom 93 Homes Park Mary Anne Albertus, all of Jersey the Boy Scouts of America, The explained the ceremonies and symGLADYS E. with all Girl Scout and Brownie Fleld Day, April 21, in Roosevelt at a meeting of the auxiliary held City. new, at Liberty 8-1916. Park? Have you had the elimina- Monday at Club Avenel. boys' gifts to the Mothers were bols of the Passover service, with Avenue SCANK —Residents of the Park are most American Beauty Elgin compacts. emphasis on the holiday foods and Olrl Scout Troop 52, under the tion contests In your troop to de- The aflalr will be held on Satur4<17 Lincoln Liberty 9-1473 sympathetic over the tragedy leadership of Mrs. David Tappan, termine who your entry In theday, April 21, at the Maple Tree —Lillian Wertz. Washington traditions. which has struck the Vincent Avenu», Deeded medical attention Highway was entertained In St. Peter's "big" races will be? We should all Farm, with Mrs. Robert SchneiThe blessings were given by Aquila home. Known as "Jimmy Parish House. The girls saw be very busy with those things, der and Mrs. George Gassaway as Monday for a sprained wrist suf- Wallace Schiller, Richard Weiss Tel. U-8-1879 "Molly Grows Up" and 9 picture plus—preparing for our Rally May co-chairman for the auxiliary. to one and all, it is pleasant to dofered when the School Bus made and Susan Jacobs, and the "Four —Mr. and Mrs. John Davidson 19 at the Woodbrldge High School Mrs. Ella Linn and Mrs. Joseph Elizabeth A v e n u e , entertained business with Mr. Aquila at hisa sudden stop. X-rays showed nO Questions" were asked by Jay about personal hygiene. shop on Green Street. We have dinner and a Joint found him so very cooperative In broken bones we are glad to re-Bllewelss. Brownies, from Mrs, Chris Auditorium, Each neighborhood Sullo, co-chairman of the house Sundayy The children were served' tradiChristensen's Troop 28, made group will be responsible for a 10- social held at Mrs. Linn's home, birthday for their children, Judith port. tray favors for the children In minute spot on the program. The Rldgedale Avenel. Woodbridge, re- and Barry, who were 6 and 2 years the efforts of both our Women's —Birthday greetings this week tional Passover food by Mrs. Ralph Club and Civic League. We send rally will last from 2 to 5. After irorsse, Jr., andRahway Hospital. These were ported that the affair was a suc- respectively. Guests were Barry's to Brian Workman, Homes Park Hess and Mrs, Edward Stem and Mr. and Mrs, Aquila our deepest Street, and Mr,made from small paper plates, In the program there will be a ba- cess. heir Committee. godparents. Mr. and Mrs. Pat sympathy on |,he death of their Avenue, who was two years old Hassett and one coiner there was a nest of zaar, Everyone will be requested Mrs. Rosenbloom, wtye of t h e . last Thursday; Gerald Somraers, Plans were made to attend the , Catena, and their children, Bob, son, Edwin, and our sincere wishes ll; m Wc-stbury Road, "straw" and Jelly beans; standing; to make a donation of something testimonial dinner to be held for GinRcr and Tommy; Miss Anne for the recovery of Vincent, J r . Bloomfield Avenue; Robert Moran, Hebrew teacher, attended as a < that can be sold that day. Bursts of Mr. guard are little Easter chicles. Washington Avenue, and Sandra uest. M^-8. Sherman Olson, national Traynor, all of Kearney; also Mr, arjd Jane. Alcllo, Jersey They made some for themselves, At the last meeting of Brpwnlc president of the Ladies Auxiliaries, Lee Shlfkovlt, Park Avenue, Mr. Mrs. William Qulnn and —A letter from the First Aid and Mrs. Shifkovltz celebrated a WEDD1NG ANNOUNCED ,,f Mrs. Severldge too, for their Easter party, April Troop'69, Iselin, the girls voted to who will make her "official state daughters Rita and Janet, Iselln. Sqund was delivered throughout 3. At their last meeting they prac- have a sewing project next on visit on April 14, at the Robert AVENEL — Announcement ha* jit.. —Dinner guests Sunday at thethe Park over the last week-end. wedding anniversary last Friday. been made of the marriage of ticed for Field Day and ths Rally. their agenda. Votes for ft cookirg Treat Hotel, Newark, —Mr. and Mrs. Robert Boufrank Taullarenl home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas MI... ri A meeting of the Woodbrldge session ran a close second so, upon At the next meeting, April 9, Calola, Woodruff Street, were Mr. As many of us have needed the ohoux, Staten Island, were guests Veronica Labonlch F e r n , 85 Avenctli and Frank, the home their son andnel Street, to Theodore Bonner, ,. palm Sunday neighborhood will be held at the completion of their sewing, that the nomination and election of and Mrs. J. Lombardo, Irvington, services of the Squad and know what splendid and sympathetic home Mrs. John daughter in law, Mr. and Mrs Sr., 117 Trinity Place, at a cereRuth iiiirpnl'.i parents. will be project number two. Thedelegates and alternates for theMiss Mildred Tulemlero and Peter j mony performed by the Rev. Karl work it does, make your donation Vincent Bouchoux, Sunday, Wednesday, ARTII 11. TheCoIonta- girls las TagHnrenl, V. F. W. Ladies Auxiliaries State practiced some Girl G l Marceli, Newark. Miss Tulemlero Nichol O. Klette, pastor of the Zlon LuthIselln neighborhood will meet songs. department encampment to be is leaving by plane for a n Easter as large as possible. If possible, —Am wondering how many eran Church, Carteret. donate to all three Items listed on members of the Woman's Club folMarch 28 at the home of Mr, and held in June at Asbury Park, will vacation In Florida. ytV, Stanley Clos- Mrs. Henry Dlckson. Guess the snow had you all tied the card enclosed with letters. On Mrs. Elizabeth Toppo and Tony —Sincere sympathy to Bill Sunday they were called for thelowed through with their promise Toppo of Carteret were attendants ,:,,,, Avenue, were up last week,, for this column Is take place. to donate blood at one of the lock Mrs. William Dragos was the Mrs. Elwood Harris, leader, and Scharff, Elizabeth Avenue, in the very short on news. Now that the ,\Mi: Kursls of Mr. for the couple. The newlyweds are Aquila accident and Monday they father, Alexander handled the m e of Charles Sal- hospital! Let me emphasize again, on a wedding trip to Florida, and ,;,.,,,::,. Youngman, Mrs. Fred Oaskell, asslsant, of spring thaw has set in let's her winner of the attendance award, oss of it Is not a painful operation and Brownie Troop 34, report that' from you! It Just takes a phone and hostesses for the social hour icharfl, Bloomfleld, who died of a dutti, Woodruff Street, who fell you'll never miss the blood. O: upon their return, will reside a t ,il,i<i quests were M r . their girls have the Easter spirit, call or a post card to Mrs. Jack were: Mrs. G. Gassaway, Mrs. Mar- ;eart attack last week. ,, i iinlmes. Piinwood. off his bicycle and cut his head, course, If you've ever had jaundice 117 Trinitly Place, Avenel. too. Baskets and marshmallow ..Ihnry Park Girl Scout News Joint Induction Chain o'Hills Park Reports Plans Outlined Brown, 120 Francis Street, Ise- gurlte Galler, and Mrs. Bernard —Congratulations to Mr. andrequiring hospital treatment. save yourselves the trip as they Mrs. Carl Ziesmer, Homes Park Un, to let us know what your Forslund. Shortage amid plenty plagues Avenue, who celebrated 14 years —Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Maurl- w\U not accept your blood. troop Is doing. If you are a new the coffee business. if marriage on the 21st. They and ello and their sons, Thomas and Troop call and we can becomeFARM PRICES better acquainted. Till next week, Farm product prices held steady, heir son, Carlie, went out for din- John, Elizabeth Avenue, have re- TAX CHEAT TIPS Happy Easter. on the average, between mid-Janu- ner. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Faul- turned from a three-week visit The Internal Revenue Service ary and mid-February, according haber, Elizabeth Avenue, were with Mrs. Mauriello's brother-in- paid out a total of $602,817 to 57i of her mother, " o n n a " ai> St. Cecelia's. Each to the Agriculture Department. married ten years last Saturday. law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Car- individuals who tipped off the Oov mil Brooklyn. t r o ° P member will brine a pre- Syfwgogue Croups Prices for hogs, potatoes, oranges, —Kathleen Duffy's party for her men Yorlano, Pnlmetta. Fla, While irnment about other people's ta: iit...--. - . school child. Peter Rabbit will be birthday on Tuesday had one of the boys was laid up delinquencies. The Informers wcr Plan Joint Meeting lettuce and cotton Increased' but seventh Mi Herbert Klvlat, | on hand to present each child to be cancelled as her brother with chicken-pox, Mr. and Mrs. not identified nor was the amount were offset by declines in prices 5;.,;ifi. entertained at with a basket. Mrs. Robert Voris, Tommy came down with chicken- Mauriello spent a week-end at collected as a result of their tips for eggs, strawberries, milk and AVENEL — A combined commit, r Monday w follows: leader, will bo In charge of games Miami. estimated. tee meeting of the Brotherhood cabbage. The farm price level in Julius Jordan, par- and refreshments. —At the monthly meeting of -Mr. and Mrs. John J. Foley, and Sisterhood of the Congrega- mid-February was 7.38 per cent Kivmt. and Mr. and Easter vaactlon is almost here tion Sons of Jacob will be held below that of a year earlier and Jr., Elizabeth Avenue, entertained Den 1, Cub Pack 149-A held in St. NOT FAIR ,1mdm. brother and and that means time for more tonight at 9 o'clock at the Avenel 27.8 per cent below the record last Friday for the first birthday of Cecelia's Church, presentation was Phoenix, Ariz. — The thieves „! Mrs Ktviat. The John J. III. Guests were Mr. and made of badges and bob-cat pins who recently broke into an office high set in February, 1951. fun. Troop 44 will take advantage Jewish Community Center. ;, hild as n farewell Mrs. W. Staub, Mr, and Mrs. John to the whole Den, consisting of here were not fair. The took the . I. HOUSING of this (weather permitting! and It lias been nnnounced that the 'MI--. Homy Jordan, J. Foley and Miss Mary Evers, all Thomas Agosta, Thomas Calola, manager's fountain pen from his In calling for an extension o! hike to Roosevelt Park April 3. regular Sunday School session, .m : in Auburn. Maine. of Newark; also Mr. and Mrs. H.Gerard Carlo, Gary Forziati, Ro- desk, replacing it with an inexthe World War II veteran's housThe (ilrls will leave St. Cecelia's and the Hebrew school scheduled ; Mis Seymour Derebert and Michael Hayzer, James pensive ball-point pen from the Zipfel, Iselin. .;:i Avenue, were hosts school grounds at 10:30 A.M. and for next Tuesday, will not be held, ing program, or a substitute fo —Sunday dinner guests of Mr.Ikuss, Robert Kupper and Dennis counter. They took his electric It. beyond the existing July 25 return at 3:00 P. M. This will be due to the Passover holiday. Mi .md Mrs. Seymour and Mrs. Gordon Playter, Park Wertz. In addition, Gary Forziati razor and left him a safety razor •;; ;,nd Mrs. Philip a dress rehearsal forfieldday. Mrs. Hyman Srelnlck, president 1957 cutoff date, Representative Avenue, were Mr. and Mrs. John was awarded the bear badge, one and three blades. practice running of the Sisterhood, has appointed Edmonson <S., Okla.) called at Mi iiiul Mrs. Harry The girls gold and one silver arrow; Thomas Stevens, Paramus. I,; Wrstbury Park and and Jumping. They will make Mrs. Edward Stern as chairman of tention to the fact that only about —Glad to report George Na- Caloia the same; Robert and Mi- Prison life in this country is 4,000,000 of the nearly 15,500,000 their selections of field day con:, p, tn Kravltz, Chain Retting to be more and more testants, and they hope It will put the committee for the annual in World War II veterans have used tusch, Jr., Elizabeth Avenue, is chael Hayzer the wolf badge, one revolting. — Savannah News. iik ' gold and two silver arrows. A spestallation .of officers which will back to school again after a protheir home-loan rights. all of them In good form for the ,:,,l M i \ . S h e l d o n relay races. Please remember, take place in June at the Center, Nr.vark. were Sunday Mrs, Stern, who has appointed her girls, you need a permission slip i..!.- <>l M r . a n d M r s . sinned by a parent—so don't for- assisting committee, will hold a ];,v.ii^ '122 Ellsworth meeting In the near future. get It. The Sisterhood will hold Its anThis troop would like to extend Mrs Al Bcrkowltz. its deepest sympathy to Maureen nual public party, Saturday, April •ni'st'i ul a Passover Loars and family In the loss of 7, at 8 P. M., at the center, under iv of Mr. and Mrs. the chairmanship of Mrs. Harry her brother last week. '.piivr. 170 Bedford Have you all received the list Schiller. , ;i!i Knrstano, Worth ,•,',! a b i r t h d a y party bunnies have been completed. They are now completing a surMindiiy. The guest prise Easter Rift for Mom. her nephew, John ',,,, n( Mr. and Mrs. April 2 is the date for Troop ,..,; .iniin was 11 years 44's annual Easter party: the time was a dinner | is from 1 to 4 P, M., In the recrea- WOODBRIDGE STORES OPEN THURSDAY and FRIDAY 'Til 9 P. M. ., - d a y cvetllns M a h i, ui .Mis. Irving K o r Mr I'liiltn Schwartz. J E R S E Y S C R A P B O O K *JOEMASICIC i ,i Klcpnt'i. Mrs. David a n d 'Mrs. Norman v dinner quests of Mr. lines Tooker. 209 Worth r Mr iind Mrs. Richard ; d iiehlers Colleen and ciition. The James MI -"Us. John and !i.c Kitsttr week end. • ' n u Easter Sunday. • .i luiii' home of Mrs. :>:; i-iit.-.. Mr. and Mrs. .. SeT->i(ie Heights. .'• Sunday dinner a t '•!:•• H.iivatore Santelli. • '!!• i were Mrs. Mary •: <i n n . Joseph a n d lH£ FIPST SCHOOil " n v Jersey City. '••"ii , Bnmton a n d WAS QP£H£D/HTH£ V/ULAGf iMi'in.i and Barbara, Of .^iic[ A n e Sunday • '; :iiul Mrs. Frank 1 ••• Richmond, Statcn rHARMONY ill I '••'::k P&O0 TO /P/3, £y//MAToA/ AUTO /vori +~i rue t£&4i j& i/wr roe uotoess riMril CHRISTIAN HOPE KUHN TPAhKJUIUTY GIANT HESSIAN WHO ceosseo AN OCEAN TO ! FIGHT AMERICAN WAS EVENTUALLY PENSIONED BY THE STATE OF NEW JEBSEY: He DESERTED THE HESSIANS. JOINED THff AMERICANS ««* WAS WOUNDED IN ACTION. I HOL1DAV SEDAN Somers' Flower House "The Living Gifts" ; GO FREEMAN STREET Woodbridge WO-8-8M0 II l.l 1 •", i n i l , u aingti, dancer ""'<••••., [iiuctlces her ballet "' Uiidun Him studio ""< i» currently lUrrUlf. lo Phone anywhere Easter Flowers From Our L a w Stuck of • POTTED PLANTS • PLANTERS • CUT FLOWERS • CORSAGES Yes, We'll Deliver or Telegraph Your Fluwers. Dual S-tabilixer Action doubles your riding comfort! SOLID . . . STEADY . . . STABLE! Thai's the feel of Oldsmobile's ride fur '50! The dual stabilizer action of Oldsuobile's Safely-Kidc Chaoais gives you a new scime of control and security . , ; doubles your riding pleasure! This is no "shock-aud-toU" ride! Stabilizer bars, both front and rear—part of OldgmobuVa sturdy hath front and rear—part ol Uiusmorjue a »iuruy i k " t F ' to tlie til-point suspension—keep you "rooted7' to the road, even ou the sharpest turna.The extra-heavy, extra-rjgid frame resists twisting tod bounce.This accounts for Oldsmohile's handling stability. And when you add the "muscles" of a host of power fcaturesf, you have the ultimate in motoring ease, RATE THE ROCKET ON THE ROAD I This ride's got plenty of "get-up-and-go", too. The 9.25 to 1 compression of its llocket Engine means swift, licet acceleration . , . power to spare. And Jetaway Hydra-Malic*, with two fluid couplings, provides a whole new measure of smoothness. ONE LOOK and you know , , . Oldemobile's styl• < • i p _. » » • . - „ . , „ _, • ing U as advanced as the mechanical features, Look, for example, at the "Intagrilie" front bumper. It's two bumpers in one for extra-depth protection and new beauty. We have an Olds ready for you—plenty willing . , , mighty able! See it! Drive it! At our showroom, today! Solid Foundation for That Smooth Rocket Ridel NEW lt'» built to hondla the Mflh houopowar, high torqut of SAFETY-RIDE t h , R«kat Engtol K«ot«<» CHASSIS from* hat on X-«hap«d center member and & avis _ memberi rlv»tid and • readability w , l d , d i(rto a ^j,, ^ i ii extra toil; Sajiry P/iuw Slurint iu«ljv<l M Svin JViiufr-£>«•!. d on Stria NtMty-Eiju; ujii»W al « ^ w i uU mktr leriw. I L. LDSMO ROCKIT 'ROUND THI (LOCK...AT YOUR OLDSMOBILl DIALER'S! WOODBRIDGE XUTO SALES Woodbridge, N.J. LMiwjdM&iii 475 Rahway Avenue WOocLbridge 8-01D0 U-' '- \REN VOTES 1 i. F*!«. r.ii, .:..-, Mix *" w fcul i t S M Sir- JT— :'.* Ji— - 1 it: 1 * ». r-r ur A s a 'tr •;-.* -KI*J;T#T « ^ £ J B i;* ¥ fc' :• T ' • • • ».-» r. *-'! ir.-m * - * "'1 ttl : U.T vamamt Aader*h Gi\fn ©va*ePartv l a taws** Skif r.t:: "h-jnrrz. vn it it: jr ' . - -_-r --j^- a '^a> .t--j >*•*" -•-' :.•'. £--, ar:. iCi---- at r,.v\ •;<••: T. -f '•": V i •-.•nc 1 • ' . i . .<• ..': '..Hi W.: ' ' a» • ~ . :-•" — • rt itrt t» :•: ^-« Ifcfta* C «M* - •- vi J la.'. jx i ? YL. tar: -JI JOI-^ « JJK I.^ >-• <- 'd,-; r->-| ?•-.. e » e « * « vter urn* '.rjz. T~...JJ» inr.'.r "-. -.!•:: tjei«r « i it -/•jr. < • ? / . . ? . , It i ».•.*- A-* : :.; ?.••.« , ' rt.t Csnerwr I J : - • aj; :r *» - "- i f -Mr *.--'. Mrt . jf,-t ?» K.«T»ft •••-TVI ro m o t }-- - . 7 jm*£- : t • ' x -•-4 [JERSEY SCRAPBOOK V A- • A T TUCK . . . Tiii 1MJ*T tort, CiCfmur k u B I I «,Lirt lu I s _ vWcft taa to *riuh«J u 4 m -.. i ... -..'.,, • :' '— ,-ji xi: .f. \ * « • «•» i *.., - •• j ..•* '.,.- . . . . • , £ * • - '• 'J.» . - . . . ... • . -.» j w .J' >-„,».- * • » / :^» -^ <**-' • ••=- - »- '*' ToU/tfdten V V II fine Printing fir Every Neil SOW i fifty*~tlArfe r Ko matter vbethcT you're oontempiating a tag AdrerUsing ranqwlgn or ordetiaf a new supply of letterheads, yoa cas depend an as to deliver a top-notch, carefully planned and executed printing Job promUy. and at low cost to yoa CJTlfcyl* \ WOODBKIDGE FUHL i i8 GKKRN eruErr Fm Estate co. Yes. eaD today . . . BO fe* for estimates. Well ruth a man to yon to help you plan, showing you mooeysaving short-tuts. likmt ta\ii $3 00 for a j CARTKRCTPRW8 ! EDiaON TOWHfiHJP-FORDS BEACOW j j To be wnt to: THE MIDDLESEX PRESS Unfortunately, people do! -rr, s i t t ^ p r ^ u r>j,vtr f o r g e { However, i t s a Well-known fact :: I*J • .--it i »tT .*. jjiys u.r buiir.ess man to keep on reminding people *'.*•:t !.+. u krai »f^.Vf.t bju ( o r j^jp g ^ place to do this reminding ^•4.-^ »aci *htr. thty ut planning to BUY someihing. That's in Xt.t « co-wam* of tn** newspapers, where most shopping starts. Ail of »( : ^ - - 4 YOC tiiit this might be a good Ume to talk to u». Just pkk up > isji. caii WO^-HIO or CA-1-5600. INDEPENDENT - LEADER 18 Oc-en Sired, Woodbrldgc EDISON TOWNSHIP.FORDS BEAK11 IB Green Street, Woodbridge 1HK WOODMIDGB niBUSONG COMPAXT f NAME ' CARTERETPRE^ WOOOBUDGL NEW t-ni* '•™<irfM*<MJi> . ,a '651 Roosevelt Avenue, Xm$wi PAGE photograph of an anti-proton to catch up wiCh the drunken appropriate a half million dol- Commissioner Holderman • • • ', And also for the tryall of all that was taken with an exposure driver. c.rimlnalls and causes of misdelars to launch a new three-year Lloyd B Wesicott.n Clinton time (amateur photographers meanor nnd to Indict such fines r |M| fn,m Editorial Page) "An Intoxicated tavern pat- survey of the Delaware River dairyman, ha* b" n named take special note* of one hun- ron is a potential drunken dri- by the United States Corp. of chairman of the Governor's Mtltc '" ,)„, towns of what we (not pxceedlnR the sum of ten ! dred sextllllonths of a second. Committee . . . After dark accipounds i and punishments as to ril .. ( .rct, Itahway. New ver or a potential highway killei Engineers We never were good at vulgar or victim," claims Davis. •'',,,' of Edison Township the Mnrrlt of the Cause shall (Including Colonia Proper and Colonia Village) During the early 193O's thr dents in New Jersey raised the year's traffic fatality toll fractions, let alone decimals. But , ' . vliat Is now Wood- require, ns by imprisonment, Jurisdiction of State ABC Army Engineers conducted their to 164 as comparrd with 138 here's a so at trying to write •, ; , . n s h i p - t h e charter Rtosklng, plllorlng, ducking, first broad-gauged study of the agents does not extend to prlvau deaths registered at the same be married May 13. Mr. Stadnick f.iat. ,,,, s(ii<l corporation or, whipping (not exceeding twenty cocktail patties and homes, but Delaware and prepared a report time In 1955 . . The fifth «n- , is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John stripes) and the like. Which Working on the left side of the , ,iilloci by the name or suggesting «n Inter-stcte agency By they are told to watch out for : SUdnick, proprietors of the Post decimal is easy. One hundred ?ales of alcoholic beverages to be created to supervise and coor- nual convention of the Young ,'j.,,.' shall consist of at court is to consist of a president, MRS. SIDNEY Store. Colonia. summons looks like this: 100,- persons actually or apparently dinate the dfvelopment of a ma- Democrats of New Jersey will '!,. finillips and as many •who is to be Justice of the FREUND —Welcome home to Douglas 000,000,000,000,000,000,000 — or Intoxicated. Specifically t h e y jor water supply and hydro- be held next June at one of the • ||l( . y shall think fltt Peace) rind of the Magistrates, State's shore resorts to be se•;,m,iii>s shall beaecount- or any two of them at least, a were told to warn local police electric power facilities In tin lected later . . . Thousands of 1!) Sandalwnod Preund who had his tonsils re- figure 1 plus 23 zeroes. Delaware Basin. moved this week at the Perth ',•.„, associates and free- Clarke and such other officers as But one hundred sextllllonths if an intoxicated patron has Lane American c i 11 z en s suffering I they shall appoint. Which said Amboy Hospital by Dr. Qoselln. At that flood control was not World War II property losses looks like this: ,00000000000000- driven his car to the licensed of 'the aforesaid corColonia Magistrates and Clarke are. to be —A pow-wow was held on Sat' Township which aftld rrpiarded as particularly Impor- will be burred from recoveries Fulton 8-296!) urday March 24 at the Girls Voca- 000000001 — or 22 zeros plus a premises, ! ' ,,i tiw major part of sworne In their offices, and the tant, but because of last Au1 with a dcmlcal point in front, tional School in Woodbridge, Co- of all ior should It be only 18 POLICE TRAINING:— Gov- gust's record floods, stream flow unless their claims are filed with ' , .Miiiiilly to divide the Clarke Is to be approved by the the Foreign Claims Settlement II lonia iCub leaders seen at the , i,;1ot of upland and Secretary of the Province, who Oovernor Robert B. Meyner will regulation promises to be 6nc Commission In Washington ! » - . —On Saturduy from 2 to 3:30 Ro^-'wcw were Mrs, Frsinrjs Tar- zcroes?i /tS to keep exact record of all ' ,' .,,.niiwt themselves by We don't thirifc there Is any soon push for his program de- of the chief objectives of the new fore September 30 . . The State P. M. the Sunday School of the survey. In addition, metropoli','• ',. diid and third lotts, or (actions that shall be brought in New Dover Methodist Church will •er, den mother, Den 2, .arid Mus.. likelihood soon of hearing any- signed to accomplish propei Kathryn Simonelli, Den mother one casually saying: "Wait a training of all local policemen tan New Jersey needs more wa- Department of Agriculture an- ; hhv.tryed in the said court, and ,, MIIHTWISC agree upon." nounces that residents are have an Easter egg hunt and party ter these days and the new sur- drinking approximately 2.8_ p e r / '''.'„ urn" is as It appears In to h an account thereof unto for all children in the nursery Den 8, both of Cub Pack 145 sexMlllonth of a second." But it before they assume their dutie From Cub Pack 130, Cubmaster vey ts expected to include this him" cent more milk but about three' through the 3rd grade. After the Wlllard McAruel. Assistant Cub- wasn't until the middle of World or after they have been ap phase of regulation. per cent less rream . . New Tie fiW County Court did not egs hunt, refreshments will be master Albert Ready and Mrs. War II that we measured the na- pointed for a probationary per m or religion and a The federal budget for the Jersey's workmen's compensational debt in hundreds of bil- lod and before their appointmention were also pro- come lntd> existence until June served. Roady, an assistant Den ' Mo- lions. —El Taso (Texas) Herald ment becomes permanent. | next fiscal year provides for the tions rates wil probably go upin t.he charter. Al- 19, 1683, at Pl.scataway. Three —Congratulations to Audrey ther, Den Mothers' Mrs. Carl The Governor has received expenditure " $100,000 for a this year . . . Every school oK • of the Justices resided in Wood- Jayne Preund, 10 Sandalwood Bf.i'R. Mrs. Willinrd McArgel, Mrs. l'nst i • c arly days t h : word from 262 municipalities survey of thi Delaware. Instead flcial In New Jersey hits been , , t ;M"d for ' T mnln- bridge and the other three In Lane, on her first birthday, which Hope Smith and Mrs. Howard they would welcome such train- of this, Oove'nor Robert B. Mey- urged to properly observe' the * FIIA AND THE WINDFALLS • :> 'ui'.'jh, thoy were Plscataway far the two commu- she is celebrating today. Smith. Mrs. Hope Smith along nities were the only two towns —Free X-rays will be given to with Mr. Harvey of South Am- ' Federal District Judge Albert ing program. As a result At- ner has suggested to the Pub- last Friday in April as Arbor m i i i to worship Gad V. Bryan has greatly strength- torney General Orover C. Rich- lic Works Sub-Commtttce of the , ..iw fit. One hundred of any size In those days. John residents of Colonia at the Co- boy instructed in ceremony, ened the hand of the Federal man, Jr., has drafted a bill to ac- Appropriations Committee In Day . - . . "Operation May Day," " a statewide Civil Defense and 1 ,i,..c laid out for school Pike, Jr., of Woodbridge, served lonia Library April 10 and 11 Among the things Cub Leader, Housing Administration in lte complish the program and the Washington that $500,000 be ap- Disaster Control test exercise and they are today as the first clerk. The first presi- between the hours of 1 to 5 P. M. learned were correct functioning prolonged fight to recover some Legislature now has It under propriated In 1957; $400,000 In will be held in New Jersey in the ,,, nee school lands ad- dent of the County Court was and 6 to 8 P. M. Women are of De.ns and Packs, games, handiconsideration. 1958 and $100,000 in 1959, when evening of May I . . . The Oar),<!! Samuell Dennis, who lived on asked to wear blouses and skirts craft, ceremony, pack adminis- $40 million in so-called windfall ,.',.,! by the Trustees of presumably the survey would be den State Parkway ushered in profits. This Is a necessary fight The proposed training pro- completed. :„,()! Lands, The fourth what Is now known as the tration. Mr. Sipgs who puts out. in the taxpayers' Interest that to facilitate examinations. Spring with an announcement Hill section of „': i he charter, establish- Strawberry —Douglas Healy, 38 Longfellow the Quarterly which Is indispen- should be carried to a satisfac- gram would be similar In na-' of plans for painting toll booths ture to that employed by the ,,iom of religion and pub- Woodbiidge. Mr. Dennis was a Drive, son of Mr, and Mrs, Kevin sible to Cubs made a speech about tory conclusion. The heart of JERSEY JIGSAW: — T h e with newpo»lors andthe planting weaver by trade. In 1671 he was Healy is recuperating nicely from cubbing in general. A blue and Judse Bryan's impressive ruling State Police. Each potential of-; . .mini, readrfas follows: New Jersey Division of Employ- of services areas with' Tiew trees. ,. :iny have power by the a member of the first Jury in the a tonsclllectomy, Douglas was sold dinner was held at the Is his finding that the distri- fleer would receive a thorough ment Security paid out $10,429,course with academic subjects , . of voices of the free- Woodbridge Township Court, operated on at the Rahway Me- school, bution of the windfall profits 632 In unemployment insurance clinical experience and physical .niil [reemen of t h e Said When Woodbrldse sought a min- morial Hospital, last week. from the Shirley Duke apartbenefits during February . . CAPITOL CAPERS: — I t V training predominating, .,11.111 to chuse their owne ister he was one of those chosen POLAR AIR DROP —A meeting of the Colonia ments in Alexandria and the Republican Senate Leader Al- always sound finance to have '; In his annual message to the ',; or Ministers for t h e to cut and make 1,000 pipe Unit of the Perth Amboy HospiThe U. S. 18th Air Force plans Beverly Manor project in Columbert M:Cay, Burlington, charges a surplus In the treasury. Govstaves to defray the expenses of tal Women's Guild will be held on to airdrop-an entire scientific base bus. Ohio, violated apartbents' Legislature, the Governor said 70 divisions and bureaus of the ernor Meyner insists. .. Author,,i (loci and the Admin ,.; His Holy Sacraments hiring one. When two other resi- Tuesday, April 3 at the Colonia at the South Pole. The base will corporate charters. His decision modern condltitons of travel and State Government spent $17,- ities such as the New Jersey so rhosen. Inducted dents were chosen to make the Public Library. onsist 485 tons of materials for arms the FHA with the neces- improvement in methods of 346.548 for materials and sup- Turnpike Authority and tn* : cd. all persons as well same amount of staves, it was -The following is an announcebuildings, radio towers, scientific sary power to proceed against criminal detection make the task plies last year, which is $565,545 State Highway Authority taK* ,;:ni; ::,rh:>kk'rs as others the Bamuell Dennis who was ap- ment made by the Police Depart- equipment and supplies to sustain other builders who realized fan- of local officers far more compli- more than appropriated for the away the authority of the State' ,,„:, ,i:i;l inhabitants admlt- pointed to sell them. However, ment of the Township of Wood- scientists at the polar station tastic unearned profits at the cated than It used to be. purpose . . . There will be no ad- Government, accordliiH to GOT""It seems to me unsound to ditional Daylight Saving time ernor Meyner . . . Inadequate* ••-, i i , said corporation or they could not be sold until bridge to the parents of children through January, 1950, for studies expense of the Government and give an man a badge, a club and Samuel Ed.snll paid "12 pounds In schools 2 and 16; Effective im- connected with the International of apartment dwellers. ;,.• .,:> s'! contribute a c this year in New Jersey . quarters in the State Depart*';• a gun and send him out for ;.:; tn their estates for hisof powder for them" and some mediately, it Is the request of the Geophysical Year. In both these cases—and in police duty unless he is properly Twenty-two thousand women ment of Health where premari:••' :-.i:r-c. towards which other means had to be found to police that all parents calling for some 200 others—builders ob- screened and trained," said the would receive an average in- tal blood testing cc:urs, could: ,||| . ,. [in :r shall be two hun- pay a minister. Prom 1688 toor delivering children to this crease of 25 cents an hour if a delay marriages, Dr. Daniel „ tained loans from F-HA in ex- Governor, l .,.•]• ••>- nf isood upland and 18!*2 he served as Town Clerk school drop them at the corner proposed $1 hourly minimum Bergsma, State Commissioner of? cess of the actual cost of con,.; n I.IKI out, to the use and as well as clerk of the Township of Colonia Boulevard and Outlook wage in the mercantile indus- Health, claims in his annual struction. Instead of returning (Continued from Editorial Page) DELAWARE RIVER: — Con try is approved by State Labor port. ,,.,;, df the snme minister, court. He was also an Overseer Avenge. The congestion which is the unused money to the govern,ni' hundred acres more for of the highways, a "rate maker" caused daily by parents attempt- press conference of March 8 ment they distributed it as wind- gress has been called upon to m.iincminre of a free schoole. for many years and for one year ing to make pick-ups and drop- President Eisenhower fall profit dividends. Such acoffs in front of the buildings that "the North American Con- tions made the Government's , i .ml Lund shall not be was ,i "tax gatherer." tinent is bound together b-, geduring assembly and dismissa in.ij.d but. shall remalne 1 liability greater than it should Whence Our Name? hours is a grave danger to the ography and you can't ge , away n line incumbent to another There .seems to be some dif- safety of their own children. It from it, and therefore v/e /have have been for the properties ini',!•:• Which said land t o volved and resulted in higher ;rence of opinion is suggested that the distance c o m m o n problems." Nobody h,: A.Hi t!ie land for the Woodbridge received its name from the corner to the building is thought that a profound re- rentals than would otherwise :,!i:r of a church, churchmark, but it did happen to be have been necessary. Since one Dally declares that the Township not too prohibitive for ai ,; .-.iioole-house, marketwas named for Rev. John Wood- who Ls ^11 enough to attend true. Since we do not wish to purpose of the FHA loan was ir .ma the like shall be fight our neighbors and have to provide rentals at reasonable bridite, Newbury, Mass., from school. mp;nl from paying of the given up whatever thoughts any rates, the builders who enwhich town most of the early •*; Heat of a halfe-penny per among us may have had to dom- gaged in such practices doubly settlers came to Woodbridge. —Also effective immediately or any other rate of taixe.s Leon E. McElroy, in his "Wood- summonses will be Issued to any- inate them, we must arrange to violated the spirit of their bargain with the government.— never for ever. Notwithbridge in tnc 19th Century," one who violates the law bylive side by side on equal terms. Washington Post. in • it shall and mnv be double parking at any place in the The Sulphur Springs meeting says that no record has ever been •I: for any of the said Freeought to be restful for all confound Rev. WoodbiidKe area near the school. ly and inhabitants aforecame to New Jersey and I have —Members of the 29 Plus Club cerned. Nobody there hates anyhat arc of n different Judg not been able to find such a took a Jour of the Proctor and body. Nobody is seriously tryn; in the matters of religion ing to out-trade anybody. Al i Oamhle vjujmm- plant yiajiL last inst week. ween. in.iDit.uiif any other Minister record. Mr. McElroy states that| _ H a l M c C a i n M no f M r a n d in all, this is a pleasant thing (Continued from Editorial Minsters at their own cosi many of the early settlers camei M r s K ,, n n e t l l McCain. North Hill to be thinking about for the* Committee in December, phL '•'afitflollowed the Hifes"adopted from Suffolk County, England. R o a d i w a s honored on his llth next two days — and all tin by the 1952 National Convention. I I • ii.n-'^s without being momore pleasant because of thi in which WoodhmUse .is located. I birthday, at the Cub Scout Den t' i Di- disturbed for t h eThomus Bloomfleld, who actrobules in .so many other parts The methods used by the various I qulmt n large tract uf land from meeting of Pack J45. Mrs. Pred- of the world. -The New York states to select delegates vary.| in ;rick Boyle, 110 West Hill Road Some are chosen in presidential !•> niifwyp- cinfwyp cmfwypff the Lords Proprietors in 1GU5,s the Den mother and members Times. Within the deep spiritual significance of primaries; some in Congressioncame liom Woodbrldjje, Eng- of the Den present were:'Andrew !ifcdom of Kellflon Easter lies Christendom's most cherished beal district or state conventions; t:n- .sixth article of the land, resided in Newbury, Mass, Boyle, Anton Auth, Walter Emery, 100 SEXTH.UONTHS and others, by the State Com'•'• the right to religious and then came to Woodbridge. lief—that life is everlasting. Donchevsky, Gerald Pelton, In this ase of multi-bilHor mittee. :um \ui.s further stated There may be some connection. Alfred ' Tortorella and Albert dollar budgets and multi-hun A total of C62 votes, a majori i! in matters of religion and It is in the beautiful symbolism of Easter's Settler:; in WoodbridKe had a Schmidt. Mrs. McCain assisted dred billion dollar nationa' ity vote of the 1,323 delegates, •m;i sif OiMi there is Liberty lireat deal of difficulty with Mrs. Boyle with the meeting and church services that new assurance comes, it is debts, man has slowly becom .Oiii-i-ii-nci' Kianted to all per wolves killing their stock and he party. Hal will graduate from accustomed to gigantic figures. is required for nomination of in the magnificent story of the triumph of the a presidential and vice presidenwcil to the freeholder! finally on iMarch 13, 1696, we Cub Scouts at the next Pack meetHe still has no real concept o tial candidate. ing on April 6th at the Colonia Son of God over death that hope is regenerated, I1 .ill that are or shall be ad find this entry In the minutes how big is a billion dollars, bu (i inhabitants within the of the Town meeting: "Voted Library and wlJJ receive his We- he accepts It as commonplace. DRUNKEN DRIVERS:—Barit is in the acceptance of the promise of eternity copulation or Township, that any person who shall kill a belo.s Badge. Our scientists, meanwhile tenders and tavern owners have that lives are patterned so as to be worthy. • if: ii1 or subscribing to the wolf within ye bounds of WoodRaymond Zirpolo, New Dover have been going in the other di been notified by William Howe '•I A l l i a n c e to the King, bridge between this and ye first Road, is the newest boy to enter rection—much further towar Voices are lifted in exultation, hearts are opened Davis, State Alcoholic Beverage K.'iaiity to the Lords Proof January next shall have 25 Boy Scout Troop 45. infinitesimally small quantities Director, It.Js their duty to join again for the. safe-keeping of a truth whose ac>••• And that no persor shillings payd to him by ye —A surprise party was held than the politicians have goni In the statewide drive to curtail ceptance has been enhanced by whole centuries. for John Morgan, 109 Longfellow "'•'••'•r shuil be molested, intown." auto fatalities by cooperating toward big ones. We predic Drive, to celebrate his 14th birth- that average man is going ": uuubled by his or he! with law enforcement agencies. The need for a blacksmith was rl '••''' in opinion in matter: great, and on September 26 day, Friday. Guests at the party have a lot more trouble get These, then, are^ the beauty and the glory Director Davis has also noti'•'•••' wn. Provided t h a t , thli 1698,'we find this entry. "Grant- were: Tod Swinton, Bob Wein- ting adjusted to some of the ne fied his investigative personnel of Eastertime and of Easter, which have endured ranted shall not extent ed to John Crandal. blacksmith stein, Bob Den Bleyker, Danny figures of the scientists. to warn persons working on lisince Gethsemane. Thai they may appear again Den Bleyker, David Hyland, :ousness nor to the dls censed premises that law en100 acres of upland, eastward Kenny Lease, George McCain, For example, the America: ItuMv of others and the pub in fullest splendor in this Year ojf Our Lord, forcement agencies are mobilized Irom John Btoomfleld, provided Howard Van Ness, Dennis Di Physical Society was told of he doth settle amongst us and Maico, Lois Ann Ping, Pat Walker, nineteen-hundred and fifty-six is the sincere ;<l«l for also in the char work at his trade for seven year: Sandy,.. Wainwright, Susan Di hope, of the Board of Directors, officers and per>•> the first court. It reac more to come, but if at ye end Maico, Carol Metzger, Lorraine sonnel of The First Bank and Trust Company. •'•>»'••>: "That the said Cor of seven years or any any time Atoskl, Eleanor Laideg and Cathy j n or Township have thi before ye Mr. Crandall Is moved Toma. to erect and ordalne to see that ye towne shall have —Miss Julia Ussia, fiancee of Just call WO-8-1710 and ask to have The Inde"f Judicature within the! ye refusal of the said land." John Stadnick, Jr., was honored .hii-Lscliction and the limi iContinued Next Week) pendent-Leader mailed to you. Only $3.00 for l! at a bridal shower given by her, for the tryall of « the entire year and you save almost 30"i over bridal attendants Saturday at the j The Republic of Indonesia wil! • actionable between th ; Sons of Italy Hall, Bound Brook. farm commocjitlei p j »>d party from whic buyy surplus the regular price. hi coun About sixty guests were present. be no appeale, under!worth $96,000,000 from this ir Miss Ussia and Mr. Stadnick will fi pounds sterling.II try. » off five ,.ll>ridgc History. Colonia Personals Opinions of Others THE Under Capitol Dome OF /FASTER WANT TO SAVE $1.16!! Most powerful 4-door hardtop in the medium price field! 255 hp DESOTO Here's the most powerful 4-door hardtop in the medium price field... the 255 horsepower De Soto 4-door Sportaman, This brilliant new De Soto out-powere, out-performs, out-handlw, every other ear in its class. You drive it jtfct once and you'll know why De Soto was selected as official pace car for the famous Indianapolis 500 Mile Race. Today, why don't you... Drive and Price a De Soto Before you Decide. TUN« IN OROUCHO MARK t V W V WMK ON N»C NAQ|Q ANH T O . W H W N fa,:. "The Bank with All the Services IRST BANK AND TRUST COMBkNY * FIWTH AMBOY, »J. Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Tin-RSDAY, MARCH 29, 1356 PAOE fOTRTEKK and Mrs. MllUm War-! BATTLEFIELD TA , a nd chUdxen. Albermaxte The Army ha were the dinner f w * t t development ot * brnnaa. Hewark. Monday of Mr and Mrs. Louts era and a tran.=—Kristin Reed, daughter at Mr Newark. can be carried band Mrs Alfred Reed. Federal b Village _ _Mr »nd Mrs. John Sabes- named the • e x Svreet. will mart hi» sccood btrth-, Dukes Estates, Canterbury Village, (Including Duke** tlnas!*Albemar!e Road « M ' ; portable cameri I day at the home of her grand-', ridge Knolls. Oak Ridge Heights) parents. Mr and Mrs William' Ind Mrs. Guidetti. Berkely pounds and thr • Woorlbri !>.::rc*j- party Sunday of; plete with bini<-:: Sr.fll Montc£a;r Saturday HeiehU. Saturday evening. COLOXIA - Boy Scouts of supply, weighs r dM r f _Pvt Kineslcy Whipple, who Catania rt*vf been Invited to parKenneth M o m *.-;•: M r s M<w MorckinTNewart I —*** »f from si::1 • j»orthea.<;t District __ tht By M R S . I y r V W BJ.cfc. ST.. Patnd» 14 stationed at Fort Dix. spent the hidden to son and daughters and Mrs by an electric seday with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph S'to'sky Jth'trm Street. Tenenbaum. Ethel Street, «**|cimpor*« »t Roosevelt Park. May C H A B L E S | Avenue duce automatical; Hinds. Claridge Pl«e. i n i :o Evan Ladaui. Bitoel Street dinner goest* of Mr and Mra.j 1 I U , 1 9 t h ^ M t h _ M r . and Mrs. O«rge L«Uko. and Mrs t n e d Mr _Mr and Mrs. John Sabcs- ord of everything The alms and purpose* of the | ia Avenue, entertained Mr A.Vr-. Oermann. so* of * . , * £ £ , G o M * r f - Jm* C l f f ' its lenses. t'nai Albermarle Road, were the Cajoporee this year are demon» - : M:* Albert Gennann. Isa Balrd. Dunellen. at dinner Br.«e CTub met at the Each unit (tupsts Saturday afternoon of Mrs. lU E h ^rations of Swut S t r w . . crtebrated crtebrated hii eighth Collucci. Newark. ed the christen • Wednesday Hi» iruests hamt of Mr? Raymond Gwetnpel. leader will stake out his unit's ?f R*m»r. Nol Uebel. Jefferson S:r*« Trnrreday Pres- campsite Sunday afternoon. May _Mr and Mrs Willie Wels and ^ p ^ ; Norbert and Oilber^ West »ere Mrt PMer MoOutic, Mrs S and on the following weekend ssons. o n s . Norbert * Mi?hael and Raymond ; : Street were the guests Sunday Sunday. Mr* Gordon may prepare the campsite A small | ViRnT:r.» Mtrhiel Shhedu and —The » J b Schneider. Schneider of Mr and Mrs. Jacob .' \r,<ire* and Kim Sidrray Today Ma lion U h . RusseU Sumens. Mrs. trading post will be operated by' —Mrs. G a % BullviiK. N. Y. Mr. and Mrs. S*a Explorer Ship 237 for the sale . A;be:: «.:; have asfc.i»?ueste Mrs ' Thoma* Sttton. Mri. Louta Syra-{ Road, has JUM is no* ;r. : Schneider are former residents of r L:;:.ia O r m a n a Mr and Mrs.! n » e . Mrs. Artfiur Hamcn^ Sir* ! 01 milk, ice cream and candy. A I from a visit witr l»ark Tc;:\mherst Avenue. Rebef: O r m s n n and children.: A J VtCurz; and Mrs. Warren j firs, >UJ's U ^ ! o j , w i ] ) ^ ^ u p w i t h jE d g e , spotswood Divid Cathcart p. imner ^esU Sunday of Mr. and It offenr..imner rs James Slaunton apd a qualified first aid man in. at- \ _ M : a n d Mrs. Robert Jor.w V s William Sinnott. Jerse> Ot>. Rober. and Kevin; Mr and Mrs { >;*i4 —Mrs. tieor«f i . Jerry and Wayne. West .-,-,- BHWS »ra! chiftren iftren Ear! and Bev-i B e v i - M r . »nd Mrs Bamet Weisman t «,dance at all times. and sons, Alan and Robe . d Mrs. Mrs Edmund sons. Please h--:v • . ; ? : : : : ar-d Avenue, and Mr a: were the dinner guests \ ' M l children Harda Brodice. David Ger-Mwl children. Marty and Harda. participate in the Ger Road, spent a few days at theHu r.eV. Savoy re the Street A ::l l uu nn ii uu w w ii U U participate in t A Savoy Pi Piace We neec r. ?.:ri .' r»*--_i .s •:::> •'?• J « * * 3e3 2 Saturday of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Karlsz and c » ; t d d t th h tritaUoru V;.;j~,-,^>: wrrt*::- ».? IC*IJE and Mr. and Mrs Chris • Etrt Street, dined at the home _ _ , l n j M m p flre, and will either home of Mrs Jones' parent. Mr. Sundiy afternoon ftoesU of Mr. Perth Amboy. -J • SUunton. Elizabeth. of Mrs W tt ii ii n u ii tt mother, lira. . ,pd Mrs. Charles Bilger. Meridan. of Mrs W n u mother l i r a , ^ Ritxer A l l Edward Rac*\tc}\ M:< V J and Mrs, John Quinn —Milton Warshawsky, Albe- Sunday e\-enir.i! .; Z i units will attend church services skuOT Mng Looby M/*~n Lyr.l-- Svsr. R:**r. ' - T h i s l eeks ^ m Conn. - M r and Mrs. Waller Ir.dyk marle Road, attended a.meeting Paul Skola, P<c: day. On Tuesday Uw —Mrs. L. W. Suit. West Street Sunday morning. Robert MCCAMJCT. G»::»» R*:*r XES c4 to Mr. and Mrs. Seymour i UIIIUL,,, children. Aileen and Valerie of the South Ward Boys Club, —Mr. and Mr ll'U family dined at the Avon Caterers and Mrs. Stella Esposito. Clark 1 Ted Jrowan. Mr. ir.c Mr' TLas Sinrthmore Terrace; Mr. Broadway Avenue, visited Mr andNewark at which time his biro- Vlrt and son M with their family circle "• Senate Majority Leader -Johnattended a flower show in New Btanton. Fr«5 Heirs Free J">'.--inc Mrs Norman Rosen, IsabeUe Mrs. L Zilka. Newark. Sunday. —Stan Iciand. son of Mr. andson has predicted that Congress York City. Monday ther David L Warner, president Plainfield. wer? aohn, William Kroner Mr: Ro&- Street: Mr and Mrs. Norman Sil—Gue-Us over the week-end of ning guests ol • Mrs William Iciand. McOuire would pass a "trood" law on lobby—Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Pi- Mr. and Mrs R. Moody. Broad- of the club, was presented with the rrt Murphy Moms Tarter B*ri. ber Mason Street. Stnwt. Till mark his sixth birth- ing, at a companion piece to the chalski and daughter. Debt*.? charter for the organisation. A George Lateko p,v BMe, Morrr Sm:;r: R.:rii::T-^f. : ; —Bnan KeUerman. ion of Mr. da; today when his guests Till be good election law he had already Bunns Lane. Woodbridge. visited way Avenue, we're Mr. and Mrs.?oal of 2,000 boys was set by Mr. —Mr. and M: p. Cipt Ancfr, De Masic '.V...:JCC m e Mrs Mac KeUerman, Allan.Bridge, and Mr and Robert Syracuse. David Malloo. Amherst Aveniir Fd Suiter. ""' Warner Mid t ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Broadway AveAWe& John Apc*». B B B»rT.« ix Street, marked hia tecond Linda Ouempel. Frank Carniglia. endorsed, in time for the cam-Mr and Mrs. Fred A paign Mr and Mrs. Milton War- Mr. and Mrs n fitdney Ban?:'. Edna B*<:ifr J J b;rthday We<ine«lay. wood Way. Warren Curun. Andrew Stdron. Oreer. South Car —Saturday ?uests of Mr. andnue Bennett. Anthony C a n n i n Eu—Birthday greetings to Mr*On Saturday Stan trill celebrate —Mrs. Frankel is spending the ithawsky and children. Albermarle vUit. Mrs. William Guellich. McKin- Passover holidays with her son-Road, were the dinner guests fene Cistrllar.o. Jotepr. Cu,l.?sir.. Ar.r-.ur Ladoux. Ethel Street, and Mrs Sam Strieker. Wall Street. IT. and Mrs E —Sunday dinrc A- J- Foley. Frank Bal"aJi> :o James McDonald. McOuire —The Terrace Club met Tues- ley Avenue, were Mrs Ehrie. Miss -in-'.aw and daughter. Mr. andMonday nf Mrs. Rose WarshawMr. and Mrs. Joseph La Russa. and Mrs. 'Jam^ <> Seorgf Demchak and Rooer. Rrz Street. Anna Ehrig and Ronald Johnson. Mr? Harry Schectel, Broadway sky. Newark day at the home of Mrs. Richard Miss Evelyn Weaver. New York, Ail trolnnwers rili carr? ;c»r.i;f.-' „ —Mr and Mrs. John O"Ma- Avenue, were M: Mrs Bernard Loebel Mrs. A. B Grant and son. Tommy: Powell. Swarthmore Terrace. Pres- all of Brookdale. Avenue. Cation. If by any y-^ ar* 4 n ( j hor.ey and children, Billie and ander Kosiarski ,,;,; —Guests last Tuesday of Mrs. tderal Street, were Mrs. Blanche Kipson and children. ent were Mrs. Michael Laraxaro. —Sunday evening guests of Mr. d*r. Jr.. Rahway Dot at home when they c&:; o n - ; dinner Mr. and Mrs. Abe Jacky. Jean. Becky and Rkrkie and Mrs. George Muller. Mrs. Stan- Benjamin Hill. McKinley Ave- and Mrs. George LaUko. Patricia Linda, Albermarle Road, were the —Mrs. Jack c : ley Gutowski. Mrs Angelo De Laweek-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. tribuUorj. may be mzi'.K d::ec;ly nue, were Mrs. Margaret Hunter Jersey City. Monday. Mrs. Hulda Smith. Avenue, were Mr. and Mrs. StephLouts. Mrs. Frank < to the Ise'un First Aid & —Mrs Kenneth MorrUon. Ethel —Birthday greetings to George renzo. Mrs. Vincent Foti and Mrs. Mrs. Effie Mitchell. Mrs. Joan en Kansz and daughter. Janice, Ak:ns. Brooklyn. N. Y —Mr. and Mrs Greenberit. son, Frank.. Mr? • TaEfjart. Mrs. Mat Halliday. Miss —The Meclo Park Terrace C:i x Street, entertained Mrs. _Barnet ] B v r n e Je fierson Street, and toGeorae Berger. Perth Amboy. Newark. Mr. and Mrs. Cauffman. and son. John, ar —Birthday greetings to Mrs. Elma Halliday. Miss Margie HunOrgajQiMtion a fr.deaTo:.:..-x> .et Weaman. Mrs. William Kroner. William Duerschetdt. of Ford Hudak. all of c-: : —Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Florence Basini. mother of Mrs ter, Miss Nancy MacMillan. Miss ,, v Single- LivinRSton, and Mr. and Mrs. up a commur.;iy project for jradej Mrs Jay Tenen and iirs. 8aul Avenue. ntch. and Pet«r Singaltwitch. all j Weiss. Plainfield. were the Sun-week-end in Jamv. Oscar Oughi. Stoneybrook Drive the dinner Doris Nielsen. Miss Jacqueline trees at the curb line to beaut Jy: Kritiman. —Mrs. James Pollard. Ethel; —Mr. and Mrs : —The McOuire Street Canasta MacMillan. all of Kearney, and of Irvinxton. were (he community A targe response) Visiting Mr. and Mrs. William Street will entertain at canasta guest? last Wednesday, of auests of Mr. and Mrs, Sey- were the week-end Club met at the home of Mrs mour Lieberman. Claridge Place. Miss Janey Clark. Lynhurst. is needed a& order* must be placed jUltna. McOuire Street, are Mrtomorrow when her guests will be and Mrs. Phillip Singalewitch. Jr., —Sunday super guests of Mr.and Mrs. Herbert P > —Mrs. Mrs. George Latzko. Pa»ithln the ner. three weeks. u l < 1 M r s s W e t T e r . M r . , n d M r s . Mrs. Joseph Skelting. Miss Jane SeorRe Lynn. McGulre Street Linda Avenue. Present were Mrs. Al Bentley. Mrs and Mrs. John Sabestinas. Alber- way Avenue. tricia Avenue, entertained Mr. and f Chinese h E l ! j o ^ h La There is a chwee of Elms.! La Russa aand Miss Evelyn Pollard. Miss Gale Pollard. Mrs. —Mr. and Mrs. William Alt and lohn McWhorten. Mrs. James Mrs. Alexander Kosiarski and marte Road, were Mr. and Mrs. —Mr. and Mrs p. Bernard Morrison and Mrs. RalNorway and Sliver Maples and; Weaver. New York, :arolan and Mrs. Thomas ..Fitz- son, Alexander. Jr., Rahway. last children. Bill and Claudia. Clar- Carroll and children. Joan. Marie, witch. Jr.. and c various other types of popular; _ M e n i ( > residents who at- eigh Morris. idge Place, visited Mr. and Mrs. gerald. Phyllis, and Pin::.;. Thursday. i and Diane. Union. ahade tree*. The sue of tr,e tree; M n ( W ^ C a n a C o n f e rence at —Edward Naughton. son of Mr. A. Russell Watts, Roseland, Saturnue, were the —Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wein—Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hinds. —Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lillie and the pnee they surt. a t | S t church Sunday were and Mrs. Martin Naughton. Atday evening. Claridge Place, entertained Mr day of Mr. and M: ,$2M If we receive orders for 40 j d f 40 lantic Street, will celebrate his berg and daughters, Bea and Bar- children, and Mrs. A. Iilli«. Iselin Uid M r s j l m e 5 D i n g W B H >M r . Mrs. Ralph Hincs. or more tree* we can have them lna M r s c , . ,A n d e r s c n g ^ M r seventh birthday Friday by dining bara. Jefferson Street, were din-] were the quests Sunday of Mr. and —Mr. and Place entertained Mr".' «nd Mrs. Richard R. Whipple and galewitch. lrvma-.o: guests of Mr. and Mrs. A.Mrs Harry Lillie. Edgewood Ave- c:a~_„. MrS ? d M n e y Whipple r a n , —Mr. Mr and Mr, Mrs. H Haney Whipple, all all of C Cran(taked at a nominal charse. 11 you , j , d M r s Martin Nanshton. in New York and attending the and Mrs. Harvey Whipple Jr.. and Wetnglass. Newark. Sunday. Broadway Avenue. wish to place an order call Nor- j _Birthday greeting* to Edward Howdy Doody show. ston. L. I.. Sunday nue. son. Harvey HI, Philadelphia, Pa . —Mr. and Mrs. Walter Brostow —Mrs. Robert Murphy, Mason man n a n Gareiner. Gardner Liberty 8-7377 87377 oorr;;AAhh r ) TTom M C b h f —Claudia and Bill Alt. Claridge their new son, Ro, -Birthday congratulations to M cCann. both of Sunday. —Mr. and Mr? any officer of the Mralo Park Ter- Atlantic Street. Wilbur Brpdine. Isabel Street, and Street, was hostess to her Canasta and children. Linda and Walter. -Mr.' and Mrs. Brad Monell Place, visited their grandparents, Mr and group, Tuesday, at » a ifarewell smut*, luuu.j, oi. n i o c u i Normandy nuriiutiiu? Road, ™«", visited ' « ' » » •••• -i , . . . _ D , O J ' Mr anri \tr<; William H Alt and children, Bru: race Civic Organization —Monday dinner guests of Mr. Edward Weber. Hudson Street. Charles. Jr., Phoc»—A speedy recovery »'^h to j and Mrs. Mac Kellenmann. Atlan—Mr. and Mrs. Wally Mitchel who is moving to Tennessee. the dinner guept.- ;: Charles Katz IsabeUe Street, who jU c s t m r t w e r c M Ng g _ and children. Mercer Street, atMrr ^ MMr r8 8N Present were Mrs. Robert Regan. tended the engagement of Mrs. U a patient at Perth Amboy Gen- t h a n Sonr.efeld and son. Barry; eral Hospital. {Albert Kellermann, Mrs. S. Fran- Mitchel's brother, Al Bluemen- Mrs. John Apoka. Mrs. Henry Fili—Lany Vance Fiihler. son ofjkel. New Vork; William Frankel, thal and his fiancee. Miss Sophie pelli. Mrs. William Hay den and Mr. and Mrs So! Fishier. Jefler-1 Hoboken; Mr. and Mrs. Monty Slausel. Parts, France, at the home Mrs. Ralph Barone. —Robin Jean Roscoc. infant son Street, marked hu fourth Mauler and Mrs. Mildred Massler of Mr. and Mrs. Bennet Bluemendaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert thai. Brooklyn, Monday. and sons, Pat and John. birthday Monday. His guests were —Robert Syracuse, son of Mr Roscoe. Jefferson Street, was Philip KuUenco and Mr and Mrs. —Birthday congratulations to christened Sunday at St. Cecelia's. Abe Lapldus and children. Linda James Stathis. Atlantic Street, and Mrs. Syracuse, of McOuire Her sponsors were Mr. and Mrs. and to William Turner, Mason Street, will be six years old Sat and Gary. ui'day. His guests will be Carol Charles Susino. Jefferson Street. —Mrs. Albert Fyankci. Ethel [Street —Mr. and Mrs. George Forster Street, tntertained tier canasta —Ronny Klein, son of Mr. andSurgens, Linda Guempel, Stan and sons, Marc and Bobby. Ethel group Tuesday. Present were Mrs.1, M : s N l c k K 'e'n. Jefferson Street, Iciand. David Mallon, Frank Car Street, and Miss Arlene Boerer Nortnan Gardner, Mrs. Seymour ]«''» celebrate his third birthday niglia. Warren Curtin and Andrew and Miss Carol Boerer. SwarihDeWitt, Mrs Bamet Wtisman at a party at which his playmates Sidrony. more Terrace, were dinner guesU —Birthday ^greetings to Don and Mrs. Edward Haiuslu. » ' n be guests. of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Boerer. —Mrs. Harold Boerer and —Mr, and Mrs. Seymour liss. Wiley and to Anthony Cava, bot" Elizabeth. daughters, Arlene and Carol. Swarthmore Terrace, were dinner of Atlantic Street. —John Vincent Cronin Duer—The Menlo Park Women euests of Mr. and Mrs. Louis LieSwarthmore Club met Tuesday at the home of scheidt, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernst Patella, Ethel Street. Mrs. William Duerscheldt, Ford Present were Mrs. Paul McDonald, Avenue, was christened Sunday at Mrs. Nicholas Space, Mrs. John St. Cecelia's Church, Iselin Jacobus.. Mrs. Joseph DiGerono- Sponsors were Mrs. Leo Lauer and' mlo, Mrs.' Praxik DaUavaUe andCharles Finer. Open house was held at the Duerscheidt home. Mrs. SUnley Bielecki. —A demonstration party was —Spending partW their Easter vacation with theiii grandparents held Tuesday at the home of Mrs. are Jeffery MitcheliCson of Mr.George Zimmerman. Ethel Street. and Mre. Wally Mitchel Mercer Present were Mrs. Robert Fulton, Street, and Eric Russell, son ofMrs. Larry Westcott, Mrs. George Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Russel, Rader, Mrs. James Vendola, Mrs. Richard Mohr, Mrs. Don Wiley, Atlantic Street. Mrs. Richard Derrevere and Mrs. —Birthday congratulations to William Duerscheidt. John Lyons, Federal Street, and Menlo Park Terrace Notes _Mr Colonia Scouts Inmaii Ave. Section Colonia Plan Camporee „ The World's Original andFinest Washer-Dryer All-in-One AH New 8ENDIX DUOMATIC '••y--<&*p. IT W A S H E S with the best, cleanest, most thorough and gentle action the world has ever known. BUYING or SELLING? LET MLS Round Up All The Prospects For You! THE MR. DISNEY tlO From iu amart center create ihape lo the very trim welt edge, thisfinehat holds great faahian promise for you this Spring. You'U be pleated at the more compact, neater tilhouette it of en yon. And you'll find it available in many rich Spring shade*tocomplement your new tuit or topcoat. Your die it now in stock. OPEN THURSDAY AND FRIDAY EVENINGS TILL House Hunting? House Selling? The largest selections of real estate buys are listed with MLS members. Everyone know that more and more people are consulting MLS members when they want to buy or sell their home. A member of MLS will help you select the type of home you want, in the type of neighborhood you want to live in . . . they* will handle all financing, and arrange a low down payment and monthly payments. Call or visit a member of the Realtors Multiple Listing System and ask him to show you listings of homes he has for sale. IT D R Y S quickly, completely, gently and safely with famous BENDIX FLUFF N' TUMBLE ACTION. WASHES AND DRYS in one continuous operation in one handsome, space-saving cabinet: with convenient, upfront controls and handy tip-top laundry instruction guide. Just place your clothes in . . . turn it on and WASH DAY IS OVER! Bendix Duomatic is the only Washer-Dryer combination in the world that hat been PROVEN by more than 27 million washingsl . JOIN 173 SMITH STREET OUR SUIT AMBOY Phone •ih d $2.00 A .WEEK Choice of FUEL • GAS or 5LECTRK" KONOMICMU YOUR LOCAL MLS. MEMBER IS LISTED IN THE CLASSIFIED SECTION OF THIS NEWSPAPER . . . U$T!N6 SYSTEM OF MIDDLESEX COUNTY Live* work tuid fduy in Mhldletex Comity % •INDII HOMI AfMIANCIf IIVIKOM rf AVCOMw|(Ktgrw Elizabethtown Consolidated Gas Co. 220 Market Street 111-2-3510 Perth Amboy 452 Mniti Street I N'DENT-LKADER THURSDAY, MARCH 29, 1956 FORDS PAGE FIFTEEN HOPELAWN KEASBEY Listed 7 Organizations Selling Woman's Qub Tickets for Band Concert Library Receives Many New Books ,-inilies School 14PTA Honors Principal pxecutirt board of FORDS — Mrs. Helen FalkenFORDS-The PTA of School 14 FORDS - Seven with the HopeUwn Fire Company dub of Ford* wtlJ Ttamship omniutions m»y p » r siim. librarian, announces thRt honored their past president and at Perth Amboy's 75th anniversary t ut the library at SriS honk.-, have been received by the former principal. Hownrd W. * c»p*cilT »udien<x for tl»e celebration September 29. will be made »o at- April »» concert hy the Fords VFW Appearances at Wlnfleld and Finds Public Library ns follows; 8harp, at It* 39th birthday meet, , , d District Sprtm Mllii*TT Bund *t WoodtHidge Cliiabeth have already been annmintrd by the Fords-Clnrn Mrs, Albert Gtrrtner, past presiRiirton Little LeSR'ie: "Teen-Aee ,. ,,: theN. J State Fed- H;th School. Kenneth Peterson, nounced. dent ot both thr N. J. State PTA storiM of the Diamond." "Bnse- \Vnmi*n s Clubs. ApirU (jckei ch«irm»n, h»s announced. Three other parade dates in and the local PTA, gave the adbnl] for Evaryone," "Stan Miwlal," n,nk Plans wlUbedls- Cwperaitn? wrji the tend, the May. July and September were dress, "Which Are You?" She an* •Hnlpli Klnor," donated by Mrs. ...,. May supper BMrtiWt toJkiTirvc wcM>U»ttons »re n o * also being negotiated. nounced an honor sift to the N. J . Oswald Ncbel; Holy Bible, Revised ,, The Pines May IT oflenn? iKkets to the public: State building fund was being Stfindnrd Version and "Webster's ,,v ur*ed to ronUft Fords VFW. Pords Woman's;Cl« Club, , m«de In Mr. Sharp's name. Mrs... Coiiw Dictionary. !! Fu'un. music ehalr- Wootfbridse Republican Club. Lafayette Livingston, president, , formation concemtn* Woodbrider White Church Chrisnomited by the Fords Lions reported a portrait ot Mr. Sharp club; "Large Webster's DictionMusic Festival »ian EnrimvoT. Avwiei Junior would be painted and hung In the ary" "Battle Lanterns." "Make jt the Presbyterian i it tne r r c w w r m i Woman's Club. Rosary Society of corridor of School 14 where he / i Wiiy for the Brave." "The Wilderth Amboy. April 3 Si Anthony's Church. Port Readness WHY,1 "Caddie Woodlawn," served as principal for over 30 ,, wish to obtain tick- ing, awj the Seraren History 9o"Door to the North," "Fair Advenyears. **' MISS KVKI.YN II. IVAN Fords V P. W. Band cieyr "Tickets may also be pur- FORDS—The Ladies' Auxiliary of Fords Memorial Post, 6090, turn." "Slave Mutiny," "Tim and t« held April 19 maychased from members of the Fords Mrs. Jens Jessen was appointed VFW. met in post headquarters the Purple Whistle," "Back to BKTROTHAI, TOLD: Mr. and . Oswald A Nebel 5« VTW Band chairman of the nominating com- ; and welcomed Mrs. Marie Watson Rchocil with Betsy," "Barney of the Mrs. John Ivan. R5 East William Approximate!? too tickets have The Library mittee, to be assisted by Mrs. Into membership. Mrs. Dorothy Street, Fords, have announced North." "Peach Blossom," "The ,< vill benefit from this. I been requested to date. If preWhitman Johnston, Mrs. Andrew Lund presided. the engagement of their daughSky is Blue," "Tomahawk and !!*- rhib Is stltinf tick- jCiinctTt sale of tickets by these Aaroe. Mrs. Robert Lehman and Trouble" "Many Moons." "Gen- ter, Evelyn Helen to Steve Topo: .-tlie-profitsbasli • orsanttaiions a successful, no Mrs. Emily Westlake, newly lanclk, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Sol Furla. Any member wisheral Baseball." "Pet Book tor Boys elected president, made the aping to attend the Central Con: in Home Department nickel* mi! be sold at the door and Girls." "The Boys' Book of George Topolanclk. 556 Colgate . Thursday afternoon on the evening of April 19, Mr pointments As follows: Mrs. Doroference at Far Hills Inn April 10 Avenue, Perth Amboy. Miss Ivan Motors, Engines and Turbines," thy Farrtngton. secretary; Mrs should contact Mrs. Livingston. •i the library to make I Peterson said. "Manners Made Easy," "Wonder of Is a graduate of Woodbridge .>xns Aprons are also! Joseph O l y t m u n t director ot Mildred Oallagher. Mrs. Lucille the Human Body," "Famous High School, class of 1953 and Mrs. Milton Lund, membership Lovasz. Mrs. Reglna O'Niel and , 7 r i* salr to be held in public relations, announced thai Signers of the Declaration,' "Las Is employed as the bookkeeper chairman, announced Mrs. FalMrs. Violet Hanley, color bearers; n used *htte material two other concert appearances for sic Come Home," "Secret of the at the Perth Amboy YMCA. Her kerutern's class had attained 100 Mrs. Mary Larson, historian; Mrs s mav be left at the thr band later in the year are Andes," "The Seventeen Reader," fiance, a rraduate of Perth Am- per cent membership. An InforBetty Lund, patriotic instructor; now being aramced and will be "King of the Wind," ' T h e Boys' boy High School, claw of 1950 mal reception was held In the girls' Mrs. Esther Sundqulst. musician announced ax agreements are ; Book of the Soa." "First Book of Is employed as a lab technician court. Mrs. Lillian Burke was electee reached Dinosaurs," "All About Birds.' at the E.I. duPont deNemours The attendance prize was wort senior vice president. Mr Zycwunt also stated the Ceremonies "All About the Atom," "All About Co.. Perth Amboy. A September by Mrs. Nelson Klstrup's third"/ Anyone interested in joining band will participate in parades our Changing Rocks," "All About wedding is planned. grade class. • livi for Xeh'da Son on Mar 11 at Carterefs SOth an- new special club may contact any Rockets and Jets," "Cochlseniversary celebration parade; as member of the. auxiliary. A hos Apache Wnrrior and Stateman." ] \ W N - Mr. and Mrs. host band tor the Springfield Fire Ital party at Lyons Hospital wa; Also, the Childhood of Famous Ntila 81 Pw\Mjrr«nta Department at its SOth annlrer- planned for April 10. mcrican series donated by the !ud their Infant son wrsary celebration June 23, and An Easter hat social was held 'ords Lions Club: -,, Timothy, at baptismal with prizes awarded to the folPaul Revere, Aleck Bell, Buffalo .old m Holy Spirit MP9. H. R. <rRI8CHBOWSKY owing: Mrs. Lorraine Lieman and Bill, Dan Beard, Daniel Boone. Dan •.•:th Anaboy. by Rev : Darid Paul Rllbill, 5 , Mrs. Dorothy Lund, prettiest; Mrs. Webster, David Farragut, George Sponsors wtre Robert Alice Domejka and Mrs. Helen FORDS — The Mothers' AuxlU Carver, Jim Bowie, John Paul FORDS—The Fords Lions Club Celebrates Birthday Zander, K ind Mrs Pauline Nefunniest; Mrs. Mary MaJones, John Sevler, John Wana- met in Lopes Restaurant with lary of the FordB-Clara Barton*,}; Amboy. PORDS — The fifth birthday of son, most original. The special Little League met In the basement M maker, Kit Carson, Lou GehrlR, Clifford Dunham presiding. Rubm. son of Mr. and prtie. donated by Mrs. O'NIcl, was It was announced the annual of Our Lidy of Peace Church." ^,• m Martha Washington, Merlweather won by Mrs. Hanley. ..- (or the sponsors and • ^ Rubin. 456 Crows Mill Robert Rellly, president of the * Lewis. Nancy Hanks, Oliver Ha- how was a financial success. Jo'.;<:••; GuesU were Mr I Road. »*s celebrated will* a party Hospitality was in charge of zard Peery, Peter Stuyvesant, Zack seph Dambach, paper drive chair- little League, Joseph Boknowskl, l.isc;);; NVhUa and chllMrs." Lovasz and Mrs. D. Lund. aylor, Robert Peary, Sam Hous- man, expressed the need for more James Pallon and Gordon Ko jat homr. FORDS - - Miss Nancy Adele by the Commonwealth Bank of >;•.. Hubert and Paulette: i Guests included Mrs. Sarah The next meeting will be April 9 ton, Teddy Roosevelt, Tom Edison, members to participate in the ler were guests. Plans for the com* aetuchen. The bridegroom attendI:. Robert Smith and Rubin. Mr and Mrs. Harry Rubin n post headquarters. Melson, daugliter of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Jefferson, U. 8. Grant, Will drives. Applications. for member- Ing season were discussed. -*, ; d Point Pleasant High School and Cynthia and Robert; and son. Ronald. Highland Park; Sinar Nelson, 154 Ford Avenue, be- erved two years in the U. S. Army Clark, Young Stonewall, Robert ship were submitted to the club. Mrs. Joseph Cough announced Adolph Quadt, district governor, siiNjii and Robert Nehi-» M t ^ M . , * i n l n K untreman and (ime the bride of Harold Ray ie Is now affiliated with his father Fulton, Zeb Pike. that the Fords iRadlo Store Is a •'; Inducted Donald Kerr as a new 3rlsi:hbowsky, son of Mr. and Mrs. sponsor for the Minor League" '• : ,i: y snyder; Robert Z*o- ; rtjm<htW- j u d i t h . ..Washington business. member. Forty-four members no Frank Orischbowsky, Laurelton, team. The auxiliary announced '"*'R"bt'''' ' jPark. Mrs.Harry Rubin, Los Ange.ere X-rayed before the meeting. that it is donating a Scoreboard Saturday afternoon. Wesley MethI '.es. Cal, Mrs. Dora Sandbcck >ucsts at the meeting were Anfor the stadium in Fords Park, idist Church, Perth Amboy, was Hot Dog Sale Planned JtmtK I.KAVE S SON ' Penh Amboy; Mr. and Mrs. Philip drew Katis, California Oil Co., The auxiliary Is selling "all occa-the setting for the double-ring |K M.'. and Mrs. Thomas. Shapiro and daughters, Meridlth Raymond Smltke, George Kayser, By Home-School Croit/ slon" cards to raise funds for the ,i;ii Amboy Avenue, an- thr'and Pamela. LilUc Silver; Mr. and HOPELAWN-The Ladies Aux- jcremony performed at 4 o'clock by of the Woodbridge Club, and Wilstadium. >i i son born in the Penh Mrs. Benjamin Sunshine and Mit-iliary of Hopelawn Memorial Posi Rev. W. Gilbert Bowering, pastor. HOPELAWN — The Hopelawn iam Walters, of the Dunellen 1352. VFW, met in post rooms anc New members were welcomed as The bride was Riven in marriage Home and School Association met U'.'ii>.';,<l Hospital. " cl.ell Rubin Fords. Club. elected the followinR officers; follows: Mrs, Helen Walsh and jy her father. She wore a gown in the school and appointed Mrs FORDS—Mr. and Mrs. Edward A film. "Fountain of Life," in Mrs. Frank Mlkusi, of the AthMrs. Margaret Pastor, presi if white embroidered nylon tulle Alex Sax chairman of a hot doc J. Kocsik, 265 New Brunswick dent; Mrs. Jeanne Bulvanoski wcr taffeta. The basque bodice sale to be held in April. Mrs. Ste Avenue, had their Infant daughter color and sound, was presented letics; Mrs. Malvin Prehodka, of by the California Oil Co. The story the Or|$es;.Mrs. Helen Harkay of senior Vice nre*ld£nt; Mrs. Hclci :ud H stand-up coU»r and' long phen Bchulack presided. christened Karen at services hel was based on the formation of the1 Brayee, and Mrs. Grace PeterFullerton. Junior vice president: ,'itteri sleeves and the bouffant In Our Lady of Peace Church The birthday 01 Mrs. Albcn water from the clouds. It showed saok, of the Tigers, Mrs. Betty Szllagyl. treasurer; skirt extended into a cathedra Rev. Alfred Smith officiated Illness Ovef - Bu>in<» Mrs. Louise St. Pierre, chaplain: -rain. The bride's fingertip veil of Schultz, a faculty member, waj Sponsors were Miss Eleanor Ko- how rain is measured by the tem- Mrs. Frank Varga will be in peratures that surround It. Mrs. Mildred Blltch, conductress; 'Huston fell from an open lace celebrated. William Rae, facult; csik and Edward Lubonskl. charge of the special project for Where rain is not plentiful!, Mrs. Bertha Kacsur. guard; Mrs ::loche embroidered with sequins member, was introduced. Mr A dinner followed at the home wells are being driven to thou- the April meeting. Hospitality was Dominick Russo was namei Hclmina Eskay. patriotic instrucof the maternal grandparents sands of feet below the surface. in charge of the Tigers. The uid seed pearls. She carried white chairman of a special project. tor; Mrs. Beverly Poyssick; hisMr. and Mrs. John Lubonskl, 18t In these areas regulations are very Giants and Pirates will be in uscn centered with a white orchid The attendance prize was award torian: Mrs. Helen Adamec. Mrs. Mrs. Janet ChristenEen, cousin ed to Mrs. Arnold Edward's fourtl Sherman Street, Perth Amboy strict to prevent the water sources charge of hospitality for the next Helen Yuhasx, Mrs. Terry Konar. if the bride,, Woodbridge. attend- grade. The dark-horse prize wai Guests were the paternal grand- from becoming extinct. The film meeting. Mi's. Helen Pcbar, color bearers; mother, Mrs. Mary Kocsik; Miss also showed how powerful water ed the bnde as matron of honor won by Mrs. Peter Pinelli. Mrs. Mary Thomas, three-year Eleanor Kocsik, Mr. and Mrs. Ed- furnishes electricity from power HAS FINE BIRTHDAY ••vhile Miss Audrey Meyers arid trustees. ward Lubonski, Mr. and Mrs. An- dams. Mrs, Rita Luty, Metuchen, and FORDS — The eighth birthday Mrs. Ellene Herman, Mrs, Helen Miss ArleHc Bowering, Perth Amthony Levendosky and daughters of Mary Rossettl, daughter of Mr. Fords Republicans Andrews and Mrs. Helenc Mali- boy, were bridesmaids. The flower Dorothy and Maryann, Mr. an and Mm. Charles Rossetti, 247 /VRRIVKS nevski were welcomed into mem- lirls were Sharon Nelson, sister 0 Elect Mrs. Larso Mrs. Michael Kocsik and daugh DAUGHTER First AvenUe, was celebrated at a' KEASBEY —Mr. *Vd Mrs. Albership. tcr, Carol Ann. Mic bride, and Dorothy Grlschbowbert Balaslc, 29 Florida Grove dinner In, New York and a tour TORDS—Mrs. Francis O'Mean iky. sister of the bridegroom. Road, are the parents of a daugh- of the Metropolitan Museum of was welcomed into membership of James Dowling, Jr., Point Pleas- the Fords Republican Club at a ter born in the Perth Amboy Gen- Art. Timothy Rossetti also alIWautiful Pott, cl Plant*, Colorful andolphs are Hosts ant, cousin of the bride, served a' meeting held in Frank's Hall. tended, eral Hospital. best man. The ushers were Paul At Family Dinner FeU The following were elected: Illooihs, Bouqurts ami Grccnbcri?. Brooklyn; Edward Mrs. Mary Larson, president; Mrs. FORDS—Mr. and Mrs. Gordoi Qrtehbowsky, brother of th Helen Adamlec, vice president; , 495 NEW BRUNSWICK AVE.. FORDS Vidrgroom. and Jack Bowering Mrs. Thelma French, secretary, Randolph, 28 Hornsby Street, en \<K YOUR ORDER RIGHT AWAY an tcr'tained at a family dinner part; PHONE VA-6-3306 From Routh Plckeit Bradley, Al- Perth Amboy. and Mrs. Marie Yackinous, trean honor of Mrs. Randolph's birth bloa, Idaho: When I was a little The newly weds will go to Miami surer.. lay. girl at the turn of the Century, back Fla.. for their wedding trip am JUUA M OB|UF.N Mrs. French was appointed Guests were John Masco, M in G»rl»nd, Texis. I went to the following will reside on Davos chairman for the installation nd Mrs. William Rexter am Baptist Church, where half the Street, Laurelton, where they will ceremonies. Engagement — Wedding — Birth and Social Announcements laughter, Mary Lee; Mr. an preient day congregation are com- be at home after April 12. For go/Irs. Anthony Horvath, Jr.. am posed ot my Pickett «nd Routh ins away the bride wore a powdci IMPORTED BAVARIAN CHINA hildren, Doreen and Anthony Relitives. blue suit with navy accessoriei CHRISTENING HELD On Sunday my grandfather had and a white orchid corsage.* FORDS—The infant son of Mr. Av. and Mrs. Anthony Mutilltl SHOWER AND WEDDING ACCESSORIES tils two well-curried bays out front A graduate of Woodbridge Hig and Mrs. John Wohlerjt, 405 Ford nd children, Eva, Thomas am hinged to the fring« topped «urrey. School, the bride was employe* Avenue, was' christened James Barbara Ann, Mrs;. Edward Sopo MERCHANMSE CLUBS L A Y - A W A Y TLAN He »nd my grandmother, in Sunday Phone \V<Ml-28W William'at services held In Our rowski and children, Mary Ann blick, tat up (rout and my aunts UtAAAMWWWWWMMWVtMtMMVWWWWWMMVWWVI* Kathleen and Edward. Savior's Lutheran Church, Perth MWMM inr1 I in the b*ek ie»t. In summer INFANT CHRISTENED Amboy. The pastor, Rev. John M. FORDS—The infant son of M Ness, officiated. Sponsors were w» wore iprlgg«d Uwn dresses and In winter wooltn dresses with high and Mi's. Joseph LaRocca, 19 Miss Betty Wohlert, Iselin; Richvelvet collar! and long ileeves, Jackson Avenue, was christen© ard Laurltsen and Warren SchimII church b»cam« dull, I amused David Paul In ceremonies held ti mel, Edison. mysell by looking at the hats. Little Our Lady of Peace Church, witl elderly Udies wore tiny black bon- Rev. John E. Grimes, pastor, offl nsti trimmed in lace and violets, elating. Sponsors were Mr. anc NEW DAUGHTER Adv«rll«lng with strings tied under th* chin. Mrs: George Bennett of Spots FORDS — Mr. and Mrs. Join My aunts and all th« younger set wood. A family dinner and opei Weir, 58 Lawrence Street, are the iik« (hitwer* bedecked in floppy leghorns house were held at the LaROcc parents of a daughter born in the with little spr.ig* of torget-me-noti home. Perth Amboy General Hospital. and ribboni on them. The middle- i aged Udies w«r« more circumspect and favored plain black itrawi with a slngla flow»r In front. My |rtndmoth«r wort tht lam* hat WILL M CLOSED ALL DAY mtny y«an with a terlts of red, yellow or blu* rosti itwtd on fr«ih TOMORROW •tch spring. F*lt hats tor ladies ware unknown in our town. But *om« of my City couslni trom Dallas cam* 'eat to visit and thty wor* daring beav•r oats In scoop ihovel style ov*r u tt>y la And 111 Ih* tall pompadoun. W« were slow to I'n|«aof >oui pick up such extreme styles. For for the Convenience of Depositors Book. on* thing, the minister often made remarks about "the vanity of women and huts which obstructed the view." T; Color Bearers Named by Unit V Story ofWater I League Auxiliary Told to Lions Gives Scoreboard Grischbowsky-Nelson Rites HeldinPerthAmboyChurch Officers Elected By VFW Auxiliary Kocsik Daughter Christened Karen To My Friends and Customers: IREMEEER" ranmann J Religious Easter Cards and i t s O'BRIEN'S FLOWERS i-0 Ualmav Avenue A vend THE FORDS NATIONAL BANK apd Boosts your business i THE WOODBRIDGE NATIONAL BANK THE BUILDER YOU WANT GREINER BUMIM Cw<nci»n sends cuotomer* 1 <> the Y«llOw iu look for you. GOOD FRIDAY flow in \Jur 52nd Vft. <Sen4 o.nlrlbulUnl t« lh|i | lalnrnn U Pra» Tt< 014 Tltm C IM, r n i k l t i thHtCmincMn (.•MM* Nrttt* Whemwr you w«nt -UOK YELLOW PAGES phon* rates are LOW Funeral Home The Fords National Bank" AUGUST F. GREINER, Director will be open for regular business 5:00 to 7:00 P. M. Thursday Afternoon, March 29 A new Home At The game Address • Completely. Remodeled • • 44 GREEN STREET, WOODBRIDQE PhbheV Woodbridge 8-0264 ' • and t _ . The Woodbridge National Will Be Open for Regular Business 4:00 to 6:00 P. M. Thursday Afternoou, 1', Bf THEUM -::ci> Woodbridge Oaks News ABOUT YOUR HOME Lafayette Estates '-••mini. Mr* 8e>- Br rUASif* DEIX If you an* getting rwaj to reActf.-B*n oS Oonetmur. pot rour h o w or yard plants. DAVIDSON re^ns-aed it Man by drunkiM them in water and T--w iKUitf them »oak for ten or fifteen minutes. Thus soaking will replare UWrty moisture that v a t removed from Jxr-n? -. •>.* wrond btrth- IM clay when it was b«>(«d ;?>3:*t.i--yr. of K«?hy M d > : T,jV. C * -J11". > : of Mr and Mr? Try tUrrtDe thrae or four lable--AarmmociMXii hat i>e*r. Ir-Dnir.:** * OoTicanooB Drrve spooofulft of plan; food ir, each • t.-!» pr.etts of Our Lacy o? ***: - .'.#." s: ar.dpamis. Mr. and v'.r C^a.'tc vtU htafe tat r. raves Mr .'.rr.K M-Dennett, uui Mr ed i t the amount of water !*.'< -Mf EsUtCS Of Cidti » :& . icews •j*•>-:(• wHhia t « a - i : : - * v i S prevent the poU from ;j d ir t « ; absorbug chemicals that plants motor <?d iti Visit *d M: Lorctixoa, Ai f>. Lorer.M and Wr* Di UrrtrMr abd Mrs Joaep.i ,...'j i . i c marked a weddin* •1*.:* *,-: KS-JTJSriSodilitv Makes Breakfast Plans , P. Sikorv anri Mr*. -f Place »'»s gw^t of honor: ••^y-frf-r. by (.is J»reni.« on | .ird Mrthday H i s g u « u i n - | - M r and Mr? B VlUnof'-ky Seiart. were Sand^v dmr*r r ^ 5 ' ; :uf Mr and Mrs. A! Grwr.. Plymouth Drive The Green? ar.rf <c:-; Stewart and Sandy »*r« Sun:_> t-veninjf » u e s t * o f M i jn*i V . - Fr-d Ban*: Ne«i!k. j-Mr jnd Mrs Kenr>' H:>P?r and crjldrfa Richard Her.ry ; Allan Gaiy and ;h<e twinAekf-r- »en- gwsu* Friday eveiiir.i of M: and -Mi> Henry Taavig. Kear.-; burs The HappeL; were Str«".. I Saturday, evening at tr.e : ? a »r*re they Mr ai.ii Mrs J»rrT P:12 >.'.!•= Harold Copi i and Mr- H^lm Ror..?? . *.«> visited Mr Cay Citujna and Mr ; — : j ; and Mr* T»ul G 'Bloomneld. were *eek mo Mis Vincent Amrni- (of Mr and'Mrs C P. Kei'.'n. WOODBRIDGB - ,„. D»*>nf B . :.&:• AVKNXL —T<: for a «i:d j held with the r.<i Pa tricia Fischer. 411 A ; * : Fw denck andi Society and Uw Parent-Teachers' Harold B i • r and Association on April 23 in the new sctooS cafeteria Sodalists wishing jnouittd thai n ;o :t':end should make reserva- ; Lester Stocks with th* prefect. ML« Mary ; first ward comm Ellen Grace a^ soon as possible. irlck Yorke. ra-Qi Miv Anne Hnat. chairman of ( Ward!^-: candidav ::.e Catholic Truth commitUe.-an- .Decibus. 1 nounced that the study club will commiuemari M at the home of ML^ Patricia {of hhtenunvf- p.. and The Sodality will spoiuor a CTKniiHti supper under the dtreeMrs. Alfred Cavallero o n , n f * member, -r lo be isfd for a pia&t The dark hor>* ru Tlck<u may be .it quired a m a t deal of cater. from t:w chairman. Miss Margaret, by Mr? R Fis -Mi »i? r.i'*-", bv M? aad Mrs The charaa; TUI keep the soil .Jose?.-. J....4.V, a: :hKr rwae a-. reeet and *ill retain water. Ji*:\K.k.»r. i Mr- and Mrv -art it ir.e home of Mrs. Saturday «reBtof. Mr. and —T:.c B^u?:^>ac o! Cscrreei- ' Bulb* Uiat you wish to force for I day on Saturday evening g;ven for Aldtero. all of Newark, were SaturMi and Mrs. WU- Mivs Oraldine KrLsak. program j ROCIAL ..«.,. ?. .i-asund BJTiboA De Orais* *..-jr. B * T . S v :x-as *•;".: .-ioic . u 'Eatter -such as hyaetoths. tulipc Mr* Ammiano'f. motner. Mrs. day evening guests at the Keith Cc' - piients. T '.;J.T. I_::".i. . Mif Lujiov had / j s : chairman, introduced the speakers j poRDS — A son *t entertained airs. B J T - Psid-^p memafrsr.ip party and and &arc)c»c ihooid be broutht \ George Amato T:.e affau *as held home The Galas and Mr. and Mr? r*-tj:r.^d :.<jme ilter surgery a'. of the evening, Missionary Si«t«r» , t tf ;HJ- parwiis. Mr. and Mrs. Jo- 'atriiori ^.VJW WeineKiay evenxne. I Jau> tbe house Unless thetr frowth' at tr* r/jrm of Mr and Mrs. Arof Our Lady of Africa. The Sisters CJub held at the r.o'rrPaul GutUU were Sunday cir.ner Bet:, ly.^ti Hospital HUiiiM; her tirother-in-".a« Apr^ U M e # VPW fsaU. Route ; B very dow. force them at fifty':hur pelos; L'n:or Gues-j included -ho«ed a film. If Thou Wilt," )n Sunday evening Mr.' 451 :.?»r. Mr. and Mra. Normal IT Iv«-:ui Ciotnw lor to* typical detrees—aot above sixty. {Mr* Anui',o"v -isters and brothers, picturing and explaining their life ras. s'jest of honor at a ! Even cronnes can be forced for (Children and dost friend*. The surprise birthday party. Guest* Bt;vv-;> aere Sunday guests of jnd vork in the African :x >. Irvington. and Mr ar.i Mrs Suburbu vJl be moielfd prize. tiwJoor biootn. Bowewr. t h e y i Amm:ar:o? s p e n t Palm Sunday inaiuded Mr and Mrs. Thomas M ^r.d Mrs Theodore Krtotenby :h« 7n«nt>fn o! tile S M - I » J Straus*. Woodbridge —PaMOTCT Seoers were hex5 a; Mrs S»m B^uer. Mrs _ str. 8 S«mel Avenue. i«ho«id be potted in the fall and »:«h Mr Ammianos parents, Mr. Pojero. Mrs Mary Castetlano. Mr. of Oak Tree Road, were Saturday Drfittrd *..-<- .-.-roes of the following: Mr | Snap:: o Mrs Ben Fr^icJi. stored at about forty degree* xm- \ and Mr,- Louis Ammiano, S r , and Mrs Anthony Pojaro. Mr ar.c - M r and Mrs. Jesse Gifford, rieM.< of Mr and Mrs. Louis Nit: r.i Mrs Sam BUter. Concacnon Scyrnou: Acsfrmar.. Mrs Mu; tJ earir January and forced a t ! Union 54 Adam Street, announce the Sc:unut and children. R*hway I Wit: Two Mrs Anthony GutiUa and children. '.]•.,,:- *:.ow guestt Included M:. fleti A cordial av:ut«m to allnot owr sixty dffreea. They will | _ M . ' and Mrs. William Cassi- Leu!.1*. Anthony, Jr ana Angelina, D.;'J. of i oaughier at Perth Amfcl :7f:'t, parentt. Mr. and M n . r**:d«Jt* of L«iayeiw bloom m February. 3cv Grr.e;ai Hospitai. dy <ind son. Thomas. Wood Avenue. all of Brooklyn: Mr. and Mrs. !r-> B.itier. New Tort; Mr. and —T J S-honeJd. Union, father j motoreQ :o Middletown. N. Y. Peter Gutilla and children Carol Milk ia beta* used as a v Joseph Barry, Barter Road; •/. M:' Waiter R;ed«r. 122 Piymj Sunday wh*re thty visited Mrs. and George Teaneck \\: Barry J! foBB, Mr and Mrsday ;.;. « r 5 Aiwa Broei. DeGraate for —Sunday dinner guests of Mr oiitr. D::ve y- a sonjica! patient at • ! Cassidy"s nxither. Mn. Elsa Klein. I; Herman, Philadelphia. At ifce Sweet. »iia>rai*v: .^er birth—Mr and Mrs. Howard Heulitt. and Mrs. Theodore Kmtensen. Ovtrlsok Haspital. Summit, havCorsages • I'lani. I::v;n? Marfcowitt home, &iyder day trj» -seek. 80 Wirren Street, attended the Semel Avenue, included Mr. and;n: t>eer. operated upon Thursfi'ji;. Ttre Mr». Sara Markowiu Michael VasMla. « » of M r and hov and why tpraymf with milk Moody Alumni Rally Friday eve- Mrs. Arthui Meyer and daughter day. H:.= progress to recovery is Cut Flower* • DjHh to help knock out the* virus. :- .; M: and Mrs. Ben Cohen and Mrv Carmine Va>toU. ArUmwe ning at Memorial Baptist Church Leigh, and Mr. and Mrs Robert sio-s- M.s Rieder is very grateful Bone A r o u n d t h e C o r n e r o r A r o u n d the u r | that U K alkaline re:. S'.*Ten Allan. Bronx. Mr. aod fcr the MT.IC*S oi the Woodbridge Meytr, all of East Orange the moMk of some of Brooklyn. A showing of the Larry SobeL Glenwcjod-Ter- (day. Ce>brat:ng w::h him were poh'-e She was marooned at her —Mr and Mrs. Herbert Kramer M: lates: film of Moody Bible Instifood. re Mr. and Mrs. 'Nia goimother. Mr*. E4e«a Whyu. S tut* of Chicago. Illinois, t u fea- and children, Donna and Leslie. mother'£ home due to the sudden Elizabeth. iWe« N«* York, and '.no* storm, over the weekend A lot of us are busy raking up tured The nlm was entitled "Facts Bender Avenue' atu-nded Passover FUlton 8-6110 ihn Vastola'. N«» At tr.* Seder at Mr. and Sirs leaves this time, of year. You can of Fate ' The rally was in charge Seder at the home of Mrs. Kra- They notified her of the critical B .T.,I.-J Epstein's *ere Mn. Bp- —M.r and Mr*. Cans Dafidorf, 105 LAKE AVENUE coi.os condition of her father. make your Jawn-raking easier by!of H e w n Lockyer. Jr.. executive mer's parents. Mr. and Airs. Leo - '•.:. parenu, Mr. and Mn. MoxRoad, entertained Mrs. Mi and Mis. Alex Cuthbertson Fox, Newark. Other guests were Flouers for all occ<m» watertn* the leaves U«hUy before j secretary of the Alumni Asaociani :_• P.irilt; Max Plant, Mx. and '<w start. I tion of the Moody Institute. Mrs.Mr. and Mrs. George Chernin and and children. Dickie and Maureen. :,!:. Dav« Katt, ali from Bay- Mrs Frank Perraxo, Jersey City, v..:,i-. wid Mr. and M n . Jack Thursday evening. —Mr and" Mrs ind EASTER FLOWERS] RONALD SCHOnaD • fi.w Never because you pay less... only because you get guest Mr. ••' :i:Ti*:. birthday. Union Together on Sunday they -•Mr. and Mrs. Milt SablaUky drove to Clifton to visit Mr. and r-.s.d Jamily. Arlington Drive, com- Mrs. Theodore Smitke. iw .Tio: atfrd Passover together with —We extend to ail our sincere*! '.'-..*• Hiblatsky Family Circle which greetings and best wishes for a .-'-,••; .u. s<xier ai the home of Mr. Happy Taster and hope that the a:iti Mrs Martin Diamond, Onion. Elite; bunny brings lota of Joy. —Mr. and Mrs. Nate Davidson peace and good health to all. and daughter, Marsha, Jonquil Circle, visited Mrs. Davidson's GOLD COINS VALUABLE 'irmly in Philadelphia during the Atlanta. Ga —Got a $50 (Old piece? I! you have, it's worth —Mr. and Mrs. Tobias Morgen about $900. according to the At* and daughter. Prances, Jonquil lanta Coin Club, which point* out Ciitlt. attended Passover services that almost any gold coin now ts in N'cv. York, while Mr. and Mrs. worth more than its face value. It Fr_*ri Lederman and family, Jon- U said aid $10 uuld uul pieces pices sell for $15 dq.l Circle, were In Brooklyn. b 19, fl to SIS $5 pieces for atbut —Mr. and Mrs. Nat Goodman pieces for about $4. and scarce riiti family, Arlington Drive, went Items such us $4 gold pieces bring to Brooklyn to be with Mrs, Good- up to S400. man's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Koplan. • Mr. and Mrs. George Gross iind family, Concannon Drive, ,])<-r,t Passover with Mrs. Gross's pJitnLs, Mr .and Mrs. David Littnan, Brooklyn. Simultaneously, Mrv. Gross celebrated her birthday. Boston . —Mr, and Mrs. H, Zedeibaum eoo and family, of Mildred, La., were Detroit 9OO with Mrs. Zederbaum's family at fren fio^nlnt i)tar I P U ui Lab-wood. all d»y S..i/l«y —Denise Green, daughter of Mr nlo, 101 and Mrs. Daniel Green, Arlington, surrounded by parents and .v.;urs, Katherine, Susan and more phone rates art LOW fj NlOOQOOD Mr. Property Owner— How much is YOUR dollar woi th tudiiy in term of your 1939 dollar' If you say "40 cents" you'd be about right. And yet the commission you pay when you sell your house has remained at 5 percent all these years. This bargain in brokerage can't continue any longer. The Realtors who serve you with their highly specialized skills have been caught in the pattern of rising costs too. Remember, every Realtor maintains his own office and devotes all his time and talents to serving you. It isn't the low price that makes Chevrolet the most popular car going. It's the lopb and quality-the ride and roadability-the cham-' pionship power and performance. Office expenses are higher. Salaries. Kent, Telephone. ..Maintenance. Supplies. Everything that goes Into conducting ! a business. ' It costs more today to advertise your property for sale; more to operate the cars that bring prospects to you; more to attend professional seminars and obtain professional publication! that help the Realtor serve you better, sell your property quicker, get you the top dollar in the market. Even the State's license fees imposed annually on brokers and salesmen have been doubled. Sore Chevrolet's low price u Important. It saves yoo plenty, when you consider what most other can cost «:.. • Your Kealton find it impossible »ny longer to conUnoe to live you expert 1>M service at 1039 rate*. Therefore, listing tcmlracU entered into after April 1. 1*56, will provide for • commission rate, it t percent. This is a move taken reluctantly, and yet one tnal^rait; in all fairness, will admit Is long overdue. Today's Realtor is trained to serve you competently in wary respect, Including advice on financing. Education and preparation have raised Reglicrlsm to the status of a profession — the better to serve you. - We appreciate your understanding of the factor* that make this step necessary, and look forward to many more'yean of .•service to the community. These are just two of the many things that go to make diving more satisfytag-and W«r-in a Chevy. Driven one yet? We'll be happy to arrange i t — 4 m m m m wan w m m THE D.SA n j m a m a r CONTEST, EKTER NOW-W YOURCHW»LET OEALES-S. Middlesex County, Board of Realtors Multiple Listing System of Middlesex County, Inc. , X - J>iJ., But even more important to you are the qualitfesyou get in a new Chevrolet like its record-breaking performance (up to 225 h p!) and nailed-down stability. JUNE CHEVROLET, Inc. N«w Bruntwtek Avt., VA 6-C722 \ PAGE SEVENTEEN THURSDAY, MARCH * 19SC f«»... *••] | AVENELPERSONALS' Q « M Hfe*Maafltv TfcW MNHB M I P. aatf iMMfil Ladies' Aid S^MKy. 3 f H> Fire Company, paid their rejpeets to the lute Mrs. Antonlnia Canninaro. Woodbrldec, last . Thursday evening at Ority'n Funeral Home. Woodbrldire, The Ciwirs: Chervos, deoeiwed WBS the mother of Mm. Crusaders. • : « : « M Peter Oreco, a member of the Swaday Hasan CkaaceL t.tSP.M auxiliary. and 11:W A. M Mr. Md Mrs. Caafc. tad ,K REFORMED WwMay )•*&•» M « ******* —The Holy Name Society of St. U;1S A. M., Communion SunawJ 4th Friday at •:«* p. M: School *nd James OfBcial Board— Third Wednes day, first Sunday of each month Kndrew's Church will hold a B * h „ WoodbrMje ay. t:00 P M father and mn Communion breakeach Twwtay «« WOODBRIDGE GOSKL Women's Association fast April 8, under the chairmanAvenel Fire Company will hold Sutwday •ther Wednesday. 141 p _ .1T ill eTrrcisps Monday at 1:30 P jhlp of Thomas ONelll. The xA. M ; Junior clety will receive Communion In l i t r n w r t Street. w< O K T Chib Third Tuestx>6 M in the firehousc. REFORMED rmic » : » A M: C. a group at the 8 A. M. Mass, and Batt. sr. ay. 1:00 P. M. The Democratic and Ctvte Qnatp. 1*1 P. M breakfast will be served at the Sigma Alpha Phi Sorority Club of E*st Avenel will *e«t Howard Johnson Restaurant, ' 3econd and Fourth Monday, 1:00 S:45 A. M, Sunday School »t 8 30 P. M.. at the \\f. ,linrpniii"= . COTRCB classes for all agesRoute 1. Clifford Dennery will be (» f*hiic Maple Tree Farm. ,, (i,vires and activities ~ M. U:M A. M, Worship Serric*. UM guest speaker. Tickets may be Young Married Couples—First -The Avenel Memorial V.F.W. ' lt 9 A. M.. Sunday C:N P. M. Town P w ^ ' i purchased from the ushers after Sunday. I N p. M Post. 7164. will meet Tuesday a ,,'. j.' szakacs, Supertn l i f t t u t II M TUkncship. eaoh Mass Sunday. > Hhe PUartai Fellowship — t P M. In Club Avenel. 7:45 P M Gospel s m i c e to A M . HOty Conminion. t Sunday. 3:M P. M —The Avenel WonwuVs Club —Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bobko, „ u/m-shlp Service In T . » P. M. I N A M . Sunday School ' Bt*orib «n4 «xwl| Chaar Rekmnah will meet next Wednesday at 8.1 M Monica Court, are the parents U •* A. M. Holy Conuwmioe « * i t» P. M. in the Avonel School audt of a son born on March 21 in Perth Worsihp Service In Chancel — Wednesday. 1:00 a 00 P M, Prayer meeting and O H U\»T V N M t O H M * *M sermon <ftr$t and third SUB- ' ) h * » « ^•w»s fr«a Mlh French torium. Frederick Hyde, a captain Amboy General Hospital. . M. • a y ; Morotttf Praytr and ser-;a»l Aam*-w dertjwers. Tlwy in the Woodbridge Township Police —Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Brown, •we. JWka «. Youth Fellowship— Carol — Friday SIS p. M Bible study. <<«MBd and fourth Sunday >. k«*9 t&wr *J<*?» and «*«r under Reserves, will be the gue«t speaker. 422 Hudson Boulevard, announce „,,,<,; Ernest Oerc and Junior — Friday, 3:45 P. M. NEW DOVER METHODIST A. M. *** l a w mjniH! ^MivMiiutu((i!> and Holy Day ttki U ** A. I* —A meeting of the Avenel Par- the birth of a daughter March 33, Youth — Friday. S o t P. M. CHURCH Trtnny Vestry, second Monday, are to> *» I N M in etwterier ta«h- ent Teachers Association anc in Perth Amboy General Hospital. «a« • MxsswSunday at 2:30 P. M Rakway L D . 1 M P. M. Stow »»d ««wlt*< <swt*s as iwil. open house, previously scheduled —Mr. and Mrs. Al BUeweiss and AM. i mcotinn -Mrs. Ida WOODBRIbGE METOOMST NwDmrfaal St. Agues' Unit, first Monday,' S*»«Mt«tt.. *Sp*c* and crepe for March 20. will be held on April ohlldren, 119 Avenel Street, -were CHVRCH Swtfay :J* P. M. i wtttxes are O»w« tn a bfcod ot 17. at 8:15 P. M. in the school Passover Seder guests of Mr. and T.W P M ^ . " ' ' a t 7:30 P. M K»T. OMMft.* m Church School. 9:45 A M.; Mrs. Samuel Temkln, Edgar MarCTret's Ohiv llrst Wtcb wrtwa a»d sSk The» WW tahrtes auditorium. Ciivle -Mrs. T. Slpos, Morning Worship, 11 A. M.: Male Choi* nftmaal « P Street, Wdbdbrldge. Monday eveM. act «taao$t as prtpalw tat men's IM P. Altar Rwair Sector —Members of the Ladles' Aux 'with Fellowship. 1 P. M. Monday alter ten Saaday «Jl • Trinity Altar Guild •*«*£ W»r*> vy uam. sport iliary of Avenel Fire Company ani ning. Ti,..-,ri.iy at 7:30 P. M Bible School » « A. M shirts awl spwtt wats wade of teriy. Monung Worship. 11 00 A. SI ISEUN ASSEMBLY OF GOD P. M. « w ! ragaMmd « * h the Bat? Nuac S»«rty. K M I Gtas Fritodly Society. ThursCHURCH -,!iipsd»y at 8 P. M. Youih Felhwahip. 1 P. M. Sfcm «*- fwawl In the day « « P. M. iin,>l Touchers' M e c t S U M Mwttat* Oanwr Berkeley Badkiari aai Trinity Acolyte Guild IPM Official Board, first Monday. I ftfevty PWi&r K the print fabric .it 7:30 P. M., Choii P M. an.MMlMirtiM. Trinity Choir. Thursdays. •:•• c Fortnifhtlr Guild. !»con<i and Sunday School 9:45 A M PTA « .,: !i p. M., Confirm* fourth Mondays. I P. M Sunday Morning WorshoVll-.M Of 1Mb aMMll M t P new effort with a aOtes print tn Triniiv Church School Faculty, « * h t? printed «n the Woman's 8orie«T of Christian o'clock. fotffth Fttday. t:M P. M. Sunday Evening Evangelistic threads of the Service, third Wednesday. I P . M tabtk (NOTE: For Insertions In this calendar, CONGREGATIONAL Service at 7.45. Boy Scout Troop 34. Friday. FIRST BAPTIST CHIVCR call Mrs. Andrew Sedlvy. foo Orant AveCIICRCH Wednesday. Bible Study and Sklwrtay tma 11 A. M MP. M. Matke) aM Hit* Str«tt Prayer MeeUns a P. M. Cab Scout Pack 134. fourth The Spkttitsh O«»wm»MH has t Ki t P V . u d nue. Fords, VAUey 6-5670, beiore noon ron mrt drove Aveniwt owMMKed • » per «eni national FerUi AaaUy Friday, Prayer Meeting at 1:45 $ r M. aod sewMaa* m days Monday, • P. M. Hood bridge on Tuesday of each week. Mrs. Bedlvy r»rv n««burj. Minliur w«ce intr«K» and declared its in• n . rrttt Kmakhaa, ruMr P. M beta* Holy Day* at <s (,rnrjf H. R*«l«, Is correspondent for Fords, Hopelawn KSKAEL STNAGOGVC to Imp prtws to i n * It DO A. M Mornint Worship. Saturday. Young People's MeetMmitirr of Mu»lr 9:45 A. M Sunday School, lium II. VoerhfMi it; and Keasbey.) ing 7 3 0 P. M. ST. tinirndrni «t Sunday Schools r»ntnt ( 1 5 P M. Baptivt Youth COtONtA fUVSPGL CHAPKI. M. regular Friday. * : » P. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN Sunday tMaaa AT«M» at W«st SaMiath services. 7:30 P M. Etvnini Gospel CHURCH OF ISCUN, N. J. ml .— 0:45 A, M. OaWiaia APRIL Service Rcr. Bwrj W . R u u n u . Tula* 9 4i A M. • . h i p - 11 A . M . fWST OF CHRIST. Sunday Sthwi and Bible Sa«4ay Servters II :W V M HKMttlK 5 -MeotiiiR of Ladies' Aid Society of Our Redeemer Evangeli9:00 A. M. - Family Church and wfT«w cal Lutheran Church. Sewaraa Gospel Sm-Jrt-, Sunday. I P M Service H IS ASI, CvwaawawB Son Sunday School. 9:30 A. M. 5—Meeting of American Home Department, In library at I Ouristtan Wonen\s Hom« Bible »:00 A M -Sunday School for day. PM Church Services. U:0» A. M Class, Tuesday, a P. M. childrrn J to I years of are Wednesday, Testimonial Mett- Yomas Pwnpte^s MeeUnc, 9—Meeting of Fowls Lions Club in Lopes Restaurant. Parents can attend Church at ST. t P. M. JftS, 8 P. M, 9—Meeting of Ladies' Auxiliary of Fords Memorial Post, 6090, ume ume ' Ttiursdays, Reading Room. Rxuiding Room, 2 to VFW, in post headquarters. 9:44 A. M -Sunday School with to 4 P classes for «1| from nursery to young people. 11:00 A. M. — Church Semee. 7:00 P. M—Youth Fellowship. Adequate fre« partint rear of church for those attendms ser vices. antt SwwMt U W A Ladies' Atd Society, fecaod and' fourth Monday, from I P M. j Youns Women's Guild, fourth May all the happiness of the RasTuesday 8:00 P. M* ter season surround you and your O»cers and Teachers ol Suitfamily. May you rejoice anew in day School, third Tuesc*} T:3* the miracle of spiritual rebirth. P M. May the glory of the Day shine Senior choir, every Thorsdw brightly in your heart throughout 1:00 P. M. the year to come. This % i our Eav Junior clwir. every Thursday7 00 P. M UT wish fur you. Youth Fellowship, rrery Sunday 7:00 P. M. Boy Scouts, every Friday 1M P. M. Session, first Sunday of monlh 13 noon. Trustees, second Thursday P. M. Deacons, second Monday P.M. Your Church Welcomes You FORDS, HOKUM n i KEASBEY CALENDAR OF COMING EVENTS IANY FRIENDS and CUSTOMERS ST. ANDREW'S CHtftXH Avwart to txprwts our sincere grtUUude to all those of Hojwkss C**s.. FUST Weekday Masses 7 JO P. M. cvram or AVESEL Sunday Masses: 7:00, 8:(».9:0«. Cl W»iOrt».i 10:00 and 11:00 A M. I K . OMttn. COLONIA CARVEL Our Sincere Wish To Our hny Friends and Customers FIRST FftKSBYTEBJAN CHV'RCH Rahiray Av*nae » B 4 Cart«rrt U'aadktUge DMUH r*rk, f W«rm*r* A. IHIw. ClMir DtnHw Mrv E«fn* Da***. *»••» * * • « Dinrlw Mr. Dse M**wv auustcr of Mr Manut of evaiteetKaa. Mr,Oitsm, O Hminister W*ferhh of church lin«. Somtan Pou and jchoot: minlsiets to Kaytext SUMS*? St<n««s; ttfco 9Md flmmt, Mrjrrnms, cards; placed congrutuUdory MfSMt^es in tht HfH«|Mt|HT or personally extended best wishes <af tkr fwrmti Opening of our new building last week. It rrrtwulv MWS gratifying to all of ris. Church School. » 4 * and 11 M A M S«n4a> Services Church Wenfc* * 44 *:45 and Morning Worship at ll'.OO. I1:M A. M,: Jw>wr and Senior Sunday School 9:30 A. M. Ht*h fV£sy»^^«s and Fireside Regular Me«ttega PelkHKhtp n w i w , 1M P. M First Monday session meeuns Monday: Oar! *nd B«y s « « t s in the church at 8:00 P. M. T.W P M T^ITCI Monday Second Monday, Board of Trus- Trust*** eaertw* *;«• P M, Extees. White Cliurvh GuUd. at theplorer!, 1 3 * P M Manse. To !*©$<» ttho hmw not as yet had the opportunity to vUk our ni>w officrs^ we extend a cordud invitation to do so •f ytnir tmt*nitnc*> In keeping with our policy of "keeping up veil* the liiMfS," M* noie offer to our patrons the most romplttr* modern bunking fucUilies available. The Officers and Directors of the M ; iilmi si; .^3ah^;i Uurden and Lillian Bergtr of BORDEN'S P»lUPRISE CENTER (omer of Main and School £i Woodbridge National Bank Moore Avenue and Berry Street Opposite Town Hall WOODBRIDGE LIQUOR STORE Fedend Deposit Imurance Corp Member Federul Reserve System •'Si n1! TIIT.mSDAT, MARHI 20, fA salt!and for each recipe used you will QUITE AIM'HOi'itivi, nnd senson with xt> ^ aporta-! San Qf T Th h ee H San Di a ^ Qf H Like spinach, dandelions cook CilU, Juflt l 8 teaspoon man's Fish & Oame Cookbook br down greatly so collect a fairly in 1/4 cup may$1 m cash. State preference.. l large sack full. Wash the Hives In pIcklriK dandelions for greens, carefully then boll IB mlnutps in onnaise. jPonr over dandelion triT'ens jusj us soon as hot. sriHit leaves of plants which have Hope So water. Drain thornol yet sent up blossom stems. .Send Jour fiivovltc fl* n n ( 1 Whilr the process Is rr*>ro lie conchidi'd, Hungry I Older Icnves HIT usually bitter. pamr u-iiix-s to The painful at least we're wearing be when n n ' To make mftyonnnlso sauce, mn i Take roots and all since the leaves Sportsman in en re of this paper ! a lift' lift' membership membership out popular SOUKS a,lot quicker. Many of hi:, will keep better this way until you 3 tablespoons butter in amm" Ymi'll i-i'fi'ivci si \ Arkansas Gazette. were In bi-d are ready to snip them off and boiler nnd blend in 3 tablespoon curd in the Wildlife Pnntry club Hour. Gradually «dd l cup mi,,. cook them better yet. served with mayonnaise •t CLASSIFIED :• RATES — INFORMATION TSe far 15 ward* I Deadline for ad»: Wcdimdaf II Se «Mb iMKIonal word V M. for (he tame wrek'i In advanee • publication. Telephone WO-8-1710 I FOR SALE • :* NO EOTHttENCE NECESSARY KELVINATOR, 9 cubic feet, lllte new. Call VA-6-0042. •to earn, good Income with Avon 3-29* Cosmetics. We will train you. Write P. O. Box 105. Plainfleld. 3-29 HOT POINT refrigerator, 1954 mc.l»l. 10 cubic feat, good conSOWING Machine Operator* Ex- dition, %\35.00. Call WO-8-099B-W. FEMALE HELP WANTED i RABBIT LfcGB BAKED IN C'RKAM SAIK'F. This recipe oalletl for the hind legs of 3 cottontails but since this was rather Impossible iour few remainliiK rabbits are frozen ehtotoi we tried it out with one animal instead and with good success I Cut the rabbit into serving pieces and dredxe in '? cup flour which has been seasoned with 1 teaspoon salt, 1/4 teaspoon pepper and 1 U-aspoon sage. Brown the pieces on both sides in bacon drippings. plac?m casserole, and on each lay a strip of bacon cut to KIM. Add cream sauce and bake in ihoderate oven <350 degrees) until meat K tender, about 2 hours. To make cream sauce, melt 3 tablespoons butter In sauce pan and blend in 3 tablespoons flour, !-i teaspoons salt and 1/8 teaspoon pepper. Slowly add 3 cups of hot half-and-half cream ihalf milk and half cream i, stirring constantly. When thickened, pour over rabbit. BUSINESS DIRECTORY Coal • t Horoscope Reading • t Moving and Trucking • 3-28 perienced on production work. goo4 conditions and environment. BOX TRAILER—Flat low or high health and welfare plus other sides, $50.00. Call WO8-0988-W benefit*. Day and night shifts. Thursday evening or week-ends. Lumuw4 Plastic Corp.. 292 Smith 3-29 Street, Woodbridge. 3-29 1955 CHEVROLET Station Wag• MAUt HELP WANTED • on, two doors, equipped, 8.000 miles. Best offer over $1,550. Call R0OTE 8AUESMEN for estab- WO-8-0998-W Thursday evening AUTOMATIC FUEL OTL lished retail coffee route. Plain- or week-ends. 3-29 fleld and vicinity. For interview DELIVERY call Elliott 6-1413 Thursday. ONE U3ED Tuna Outfit; 16/0 March M, 8:00-9.00 P. M. or Penn Reel. Tuna Rod arid harBUDGET PLAN write N, Gordon, 494 Harris Ave., ness. Trolling Rod; 9/0 Penn Reel, to pay for oil or coal Middlesex. K. J. 3-29 double built Bamboo Trolling Rod and harness. 1 5'/o horsepower YQUNQ MAN wanted, full time. outboard motor. Rudy's Sporting Heating Installations Delivery and drug cleric. Neat Goods, 256 Monroe Street, Rah- CASSEROLE OF PHEASANT Perhaps you're looking for a Bpiwarnnpe. Hours. 9*00-5:00 P. M. way. PU-7-3894. 3/1 - 3 2 9 recipe with which to prepare that Apply Colonla Druifs, Inmnn Aveniw, Colonia. 3-29 • REAL ESTATE FOR SALE • big cook pheasant in the freeaer, the spurs of which told you when BOY WANTED for part time work HOUSE FOR SALE—Woodbridge. you bagged him that he had surFour bedrooms, living room, fire vived two or three hunting seasons In newspaper store in Wood brldfe. Phone Rahway 7-1685 for place, dining room, kitchen, tile and thus was likely to be on the bath, large front porch and large tough, stringy side. Here Is one enclosed rear porch. Price $15,500. that fills the bill, regardless of 826 RAHWAY AVE., AVENEI, • POSITION WANTED Call Fulton 8-6400. Hayes and how old Mr. Ringneck was when 3-29 you pulled the trigger! EXPERIENCED secretary wishes Carragher Corp. Simmer the pheasant in water typing to do at home, Call U AVENEL—Vacant—18 Cozy Coi- to cover 2 hours, then pick meat 8-6343. 3-29' ner, eight-room house, five bed- from bones. Cook 3 cups noodles • BUSINESS OPPORTUNTY • rooms, five years old, lovely con- until tender and mix with pheasant dition, modern'$500.00 down, bal- meat along with 1 elght-oz. can ance like rent, Call Bigelow 8- ripe pitted olives cut in pieces, 2 MAN OR WOMAN 2767. John J. Shattls, 1140 Broad tablespoons minced onion, 1 sixBE YOUR OWN BOSS Avenel Pharmacy 3-29 inch rib of celery minced, Vi can $400 MONTHLY SPARE TIME Street. Newark. Refilling and collecting money 994 RAHWAY AVENUE pimento cut in pieces, \k teaspoon LOST AND FOUND from our five-cent High Grade salt, 1/8 teaspoon pepper, 1 cup of WOODBRIDGE 8-1914 Nut machines in this area. No LOST-^GIrl's glasses; light brown. the broth in which the pheasant Selling! To qualify for work you was cooked, 1 cup scaled milk and Lost in Woodbridge. Please call must have car, references, $640 1/4 cup melted butter, K. Carlson, WO-8-0563. cash, secured by Inventory. De• 3-ZB Place in shallow baking dish, WHITMANS CANDIES voting 6 hours a week to business, cover with buttered bread crumbs your end on percentage collecSERVICES Cosmetics • Film and bake 1 hour in moderate oven tions will net up to $400 monthly with very good possibilities of tak- HAVINO TROUBLE with your (350 degrees!, Greetlnt Cards sewerage? Electric Sewerooter ing over full time. Income increasing accordingly. For interview, in- removes roots, filth, sand and DANDELION GREENS: clude phone in application. Write stoppage from clogged pipes, MAYONNAISE SAUCE Spring means dandelion time in North American Nut Co., Inc., 27 drains and sewers. No digging, no William Street, New York 5, N. Y. damages—rapid and efficient. Call the homes of many sportsmen and 3-29* Tony's Plumbing and Heating, if you like the various greens such WO-8-8007. 3-1 - 3-29 as spinach, kale and so on, you will RAYMOND JACKSON enjoy dandelion greens simply WANT YOUR OWN BUSINESS AND SON 'IN MIDDLESEX COUNTY? HUNGARIAN Recipe Book, Eng- cooked, seasoned and buttered, or lish print, Price $1. Mrs. P. SoEDUCATIONAL ASSISTANCE d regl, 17G7 Prairie Avenue, South IF YOU?. DRINKINO has FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE Drugghts a problem, Alcoholics Andflf3/15 - 5/3 The best business opportu- Bend 14, Ind. mpus **n help you. Call Market nity offered anywhere! 3-7528 or write P. O. Box 253 MISCELLANEOUS 88 Main Street Experience unnecessary! Woodbridge. SUNOCO will assist men of FOR YOUR .plumbing and heatWoodbridge, N. J. 3-1 - 3-29 proven character if they accept Ing problem, call Tony's Plumbsix months on the job training BONGART SCHOOL OF' ing and Heating Service. WO-8Telephone 8-0554 and they have even as little as DRIVING 8007 3-1 - 3-29 $1,500 cash free and clear! LICENSED IN NEW JERSEY. 81 Why not earn $7,500 per year DAKAOO'8 Homes Park Avenue, Iselin. Liband up! AUTO DRIVING SCHOOL erty 8-0070. 3-1 - 3-29 , For particulars write Largest and Oldest in County SUN OIL COMPANY Hydramatic, FldkT and Standard PIANOS TUNED and Repaired; free estimates. Also will buy 280 McCkllan St., Perth Amboy Augusta and Rosewell Streets used pianos. Call VA-6-8818. J Call Hlllcrest 2-7365 South Amboy, N. J. BUY ON THE HIGHWAY 3-1 - 3-29 Slater. 3/1 - 3/29 3-29 COAL - FUEL OIL OIL BURNERS TRY OUR SERVICE DEPARTMENT MRS. RIANA Horoscope Reading Speaks POLISHand RUSSIAN 487 NEW BRUNSWICK AVENUE, FORDS EASTER SPECIAL Baby Chicks and Ducks on SALE—MARCH 14 (At Bus Slop) Jewelry Service • Fashion Credit Jewelers 589 ROOSEVELT AVENUE CARTERET CA-1-6308 • DIAMONDS t WATCHES t JEWELRY • GIF S ! Expert V.«.vl: and Jewelry Repair Liquor Stores PRESCRIPTIONS Telephone Woodbrldie 8-1889 Fins-Fur & Feathers on GIBSON GUITARS TRL'MPKT OUITAK ACCORDION • SAXOPHONE • PIANO TROMBONE YVO-8-1349-R 169 Avenel Street, Avenel WOODBRIDGE ALL TYPES OF SIDING Asbestos Siding, Insulbrick Siding, Wood Shingles, Clapboard, Novelty Siding. Taxi : repairs. Funeral Home 46 Atlantic Street Carteret, N. J. Since we carry the largest selection of (.mious-nuUe accordions In the lUrlUn Ilij art*, you »re assured of the bet! in quality at the lowetl possible prices. Telephone Carteret 1-5715 We carry * lull line of MuitcU WO 8 Radio Divpalclicd Ci| p. <> Distaiiri- SII 649 W. Grand Ave., Rahway No down payment — Up to 3 years to pay • , HOMES •A 91 t u n t Avenue Perth Amboy EDDIE'S MUSIC CENTER 557 Open 10 to 6 § Remodeling • New Installations • Gas and Oil Burners Call WO-8-3046, 01-2-1312 L. PUGLIESE - A. LJPO Tl.Vli: l'A\.ML\rs Call WO.-H-1211 SERMAYAN] UPHOLSTERY S FBTH AVKM'K. Complete Mortal J«h o«eau $25 s Bwmi f i s Rooms $30 « Hoonw M0 SLUT THRU THE WANT ADS Public Swvkt CLASSIFIED ADS BRING RESULTS Plumbing - Heating Electric Sewer Service Telephone: WoodbrUte M594 621 LINDEN AVENUE Woodbrldie, N. j . • Radio &TV Service AL'S RADIO & TELEVISION Eipert Tubei and lUtlerles NATION-WIUK MOVERS Rauwujr 1-JW4 41-SUU contributed totafCron fay Charlet Farr AOENT National v»» J4 AVENUE C4KT8KET, N. J. A. Kith, Jr., Frop, CA-1-5MI Yarns Anything ami Kwrytl CKOCIIKTINn NEED1.F. !*<n\T 1IOOKKI) KttiS EMBKOIDIKV Select Your BUTTONS Well Make Your Buttonholes Everything tor Your It's The SEWING 73 E. (lurrv St. RAHWAY "3 1073 SEWING NEEDS Just. The SEWING KIT Paragraph 73 E. Cherry St. RAHWAY 71673 Sporting Goods • GttThat REEL FIXED NOW! "Penn," St., ¥. A. VA-M290 Maying and Trucklig • SLIP-OVERS $491 ,'i-rinc S r t (lustoiti Made Sewing 547 AMBOY AVENUE Woodbridgf 8-3651 Instrument* u d Perth Amboy's Oldest Eslabllsntd Accoidlon Center II V*»rs At the Same Location KAS'l'F.K SIM'llAlj Service Stations "Ru Mer" Choose from tuch famous n u b accordion* a«; KXCE1.8IOR, TITANO. 1OKIO LANCE, ACME, HOHNKR, ACCORP1ANA, EXCEX8IOLA and LL Upholstering CONSTRUCTION CO. GALLARD'S PHOTO Plumbing & Heating PRIVATE LESSONS: Intoni»lional Modem and CUssiril — and Advanced. Jot this nuiiitx'r BABY PKTl'RES HOME or SHIUO WOODBRIDGE SVNOWIECK1 2-Mlonr and all type general WO-8-3540 Plumbing and Heating* • YEIJ.OW ( We're Specl»ll»U In • BEAR WHEEL ALIGNMENT AND BALANCE • BRAKE 8ERVICE Mon. and Fri. Nights to 8:JO Phone WOodbrldu 8-1577 443 PEAKL ST. GARAGES and DORMERS J. F, Gardner & Son OPEN DAILY 9 A. M. - 9 P. M. Fast and Hot Tar Rooflnf 493 RAHWAY AVENUE Woodbridge LEARN TO PLAY THE ACCORDION THE MODERN, EASY W A Y — NO ACCORDION TO BUY. . . WO 8-02( BOOFINO and SIDING For Information f i l l HI-2-6MB For Your Girl and Buy V. S. Highway No. 1 - t Avenei UXJSERVICll JUST lMl()\r STUDENT RENTAL PLAN MUSIC iMEANS WAYSIDE FURNITURE SHOP Telephone 8-1246 TOWNE GARAGE and Amplifiers \ DRUMS A LIFE TIME OF JOY DAY& ClHtii'r uf l':ilirit! MUSIC ind REPAIR SHOP 411 New Brunswick Avenue, Kurds Nationally Advertised Brands of Furniture 588 Alden Street Woodbridge, N. J. 15ah}'< weight dfi-iiies llii- price. Even If III" wriuli! !0 pounds, yon pay only Sl.Oft ioi i 5 i ; portrait— efiiihrly S4.1HI. AVENEL STUDIOS Taxi Cabs Furnace Work FREE ESTIMATES — Call FU-8-4300 or stop In at Music Instruction Prlnte Rooflnf Metal Cefllnn and JUST 5c A POl'NI) WOODBRIDGE, N. J. Lessoni Tlnnlni and Sheet Metal Wort All Work GUARANTEE! Men Fully Insured and Liquor* U-8-Klim & Son Photography S74 AMBOY AVENUE • Henry jamen PET SHOP JOS. ANDRASCIK, Prop. Complete Stock of Domestic and Imported Wines, Beers EDISON. \ x 18 MAIN ST., Opp. Town Hall WO-8-lfiOl Woodbridge Liquor Store • Roofing and Siding • Carteret's Little Zoo 80 Roosevelt Avenue, Carteret CA-1-4070 SELLING OUT Prices Cut Drastically on All Merchandise Birds - faces - Aquarium Supplies - Leather and Chain Goods - Etc. [,,„ I Insure Wiiat GUTH PET SHOP SAMMY RAY'S Featuring Funeral Directors Huy them l>y the- 100 or '•; I>o/.. Lots. Baby Fankeeti or Sinning Canaries for Kaster, Faster (Sift Flower* Flower Pottpr - A/aim (lardcnlas All in Inn) and lilnnm. Rcalt or Hnuf^ Calls Made 8 A. M. - 8 P. M, Joe and George Maiella Office and Warehouse 34 Atlantic Street, Carteret TEL. CA-1-5540 Pet Shops AGENCY 8G Washington Avenue Carteret Call CA-1-4978 Unclaimed Furniture of Evfry Description Daily 9 A. M.-9 P. M. Drugs AND SAVE llD»ard V»n I.IIIM TELEVISION and RADIO SERVICE CRATING • PACKING SHIPPING No Appointment Necessary AVENEL Furniture Loral anil l.'inR instance Moving and Slorngt NAT1ON-WIDK S1I1PPKRS »f Huuwhold »nd Office mrnllure AiithorlJed Aitent m -J&G- A. W. Hall and Son grparulp Rooms for 8tor»l» WDGE. 8-1400 COAL & OIL CO. • Radio & TV Service t •Real Estate - \ ' A i m " and "Cent»uie" Service Station REEL REPAIRS A SPECIALTY Reel Checked, Cleaned, Polished, Greased and f Adjusted, for Onlf .. iPlusFirti, If Ntedri) •Hom« of R M I farU" 'I* We HKVI, In stock • TROUT WORMp • MAINE-MADK MOOCA8INS LOAFERS and SUPPERS • WILDLIFE PICTURES (framed)' • HUNTING AND FISHING LICENSES ISSUED A»k How You Can Win One of Out *rqf U M Pleasant l'i'>-l Thi'rc's ii D; s t o i f fur a b>] '• Die heat wii' : ' Washiniston }'«••'• Impoverl-vhitl ^' Some moioii^i •• they c a n hardly •.:<• chassis togeihii lOhlot Sun. , The Kilti"' 1 T h e optinuM •-••" is half full; i ' " . i " h i s Is half t'mi'i> Post Dispatch He Kim" Our heuri •-"'•• New Yorker wh.> i" census taker's ;,U!HV ing his trolt r're« P l.lial 1 The Ideal wi' ' grows dearer all "' of o Illllf will SPORTING GOOQB W Mpiroi BkMt, Rahway IT PAYS TO USC T The life Loulavillf <'• N o t * on !• •Mil what b«l -f J1! AMR flections Announced for All-Township Basketball Team 4- Wins Series NO. 2 OR BETTER? By Alan Mover (illi J Reo Diner Keglers Toppled in Sweep By Dixie Belles Season's Best on Local Courts Jigg's, Dangell's Represented Twice Seyglinski Named WOODBRrDQE—The 1956 Independent-Leader All Township basW L ketball team Is for the first time Plulnfleld Recreation..,. 61 20 without a tall man, but whatever RatiUn Oil Company 54 27 the star-studded quintet lacks In 40 35 Dixie Belle height, it more than makes up for 41 40 Rro Dlnerettes it with speed and scoring power. Catalln Corporation 35'i 45'i Angelo Armando. Dick Clement," 31 47 New Brass Rail Leo SeyHlinski. Jack Bachkosky 291;. 51 1 .. The Pines and Bill Kukulya comprise the Viel's Accordion School 27 54 selected club, while Joe Per Ik was | voted the outstanding conch. '.| HOPELAWN — The Dbtie Belie Selections for the first, second ;j, of Fords showed some real power \<jt third All-Township teams | while flumping the Woodbridge . ; iiic annual playwere made from the Recreation | Reo Dlnerettes In three straight ,. ,,i 4 ,,, hy a 07-48 Senior League, w'hich is the cus- a games, 875-716, 846-802 and 863• • y Ui'o tn:i torn each year. League officials J? 761 in a Central Jersey Women'.* ,.,,, i,.i -k in tlw second and scorers who took part in the ® Major League match at the Ma,',', ,i|) the series. During voting were Mike Krajkovich, Joe >: jectlc Lanes. ,,[ the recent season McLaushlin. Charlie Fitzpatrick. i* Sally Carpenter was Dixie ,,1,,,1,'d an Impressive Bobby Jardot. John Egan, Percy Belle's outstanding bowler with in victories against five Wukovets, Frank Rakosi smd games of 171, 232 and 161 for a i-,i!'in- competition. Einle Dubay. 564 set, while her teammate, Ann ..iinc time Jiggs was The present handpicked club Is Nascak, hit a 552 after collecting ..,.-i,ntP to walk oft with nique, due to the fact that there ' marks of 200, 160 and 192. Reo •..unship due to the fact not one reppater on the first Diner's best In the one-sided live Fords players mm from last your. The 1955 match was Ann Smith, who hit a ;,,!• the decisive game, .roup included Stu Rutan, Pat . 211 before winding up with a 538 , however, (ailed to rtarglotto. Bill Oyer, Jolinny Do- , total. , rii,imp.s' efTectlveness bos. Mike Krajkovich iind Don , ,. n: (in to win without It may be a little late In the Furdock. Mansiotto and Oyer were j season, but the Raritan Oil Com, ,,•• thumbed out of the •opped to the second and third pany proved it can be done by :,,iis it was close :eams, respectively, while KraJending the league-leading Plaln•:i Andy Sharlck, Leo mPTV .ovlch and Furdock did not par- , fleld Recreation down to defeat In , [ johnny Yuhas car,lcipate in the senior circuit durtwo out of three. The Oilers :, i :K- fourth period. CHICAGO WHITE \ ing the past season. copped the first and third clashes, MART/ WHL me TolBMN ::, ki was one of the The selections were exceptionally • . $QK MANAGER, KNACK OF BBAVM 785-762. 842-745, but dropped the •„ Fords victory— difficult this year beenuse of the second, 825402, mO HOPE1? 70 IMPROVE TOO. IH1955 7H£ 1AHKZ AMP ; iiiimpinn 2J point* IHP/fiM 9TOOP /9-3H//T//THM, wealth of material in both the OH LA<?T YEAR'S Emma Mayer, Irene Zupko and , •.,io|)\ he was a tower American and National Divisions wxweze OHLYa-io. Tillie Zalari paced Raritan Oil ,:;,!n- ihc backboards, $HP PLACE F05H. of the Senior Lesiime. Final tabulawith three-game marks of 499, 495 numerous rebounds. g Taiwnt Ipdicoli tions di.sclo.sed that a scant 10 and 492. The veteran Maiie Rowe ..:...,:,• Tillman Lauback, points separated three second put together games of 170, 193 and MI iv.-ly with 17 counteam members from the first, and 82 for a 545 total to lead Plainonly one player, Angelo Armando, field, while Clair Miller trailed Mi.ifk Surprise was a unanimous choice by all the with a 515 mark. u.i'.nl a well balanced DICK CLEMF.NT BH,1, KIIKULYA JOE FERIK voters. Viel's Accordion School made a .: / opening frame to Below is a resume of the playfine start against The Pines by in surprise and send ers on the All Township five. winning the first game, 798-742, .. n - 9 . Andy Sharlck NEW BRUNSWICK - St. Ce-they took over the topside of the ANGELO ARMANDO :n.m fur the Boys Club celia's of Iselin bowed in the Sa- score, 27-26, with two and one- but went down to defeat, 7.69-740 A school teacher from Isellri round with cred Heart Girls Invitation Bas- half minutes remaining in the and 825-817, in the next two. who Is 5-10 and weighs 155 pounds Posts 509 Set Angelo Ar- ketball Tournament against the game. Dolores Galasso hit with 1955 ALL TOWNSHIP FIRST TEAM and dislikes admitting Ills age of Marie Halvick was The Pines' • • / Kriusbey from being Kennedy School of New York and an outside set shot and followed 28. Before moving into the townDON FURDOCK—Fords Wild- JOHNNY DOBOS—St. James ,. connecting for six came out on top, 30-29. In a re- it up with an accurate free toss best with a 207 game and 509 set ship to take over his assignment STUART RUTAN—Alibani's while Mary Winklehofer contrib cats turn to the semi-final later the to send Iselin ahead. 30-28. at the Port Reading Grammar MIKE KRAJKOVICH—Wooduted a 496 three-game mark BILL OVER—Dangells • • IIIHI period saw same day, the Isellnltes were elim- With less than a minute reSchool, Armando attended St. Mibridge Tankers PAT MARGIOTTO — Alibani's : .mi tlie shock of being inated by the Visitation School, maining, the Kennedy School Betty Ugi and Lillian Valent, chael's High School in Jersey City i:: -•(! ;ii the first session also of New York, by a 33-12 tally, tossed in three points to close it shared honors for Viel's aftei HEIGHT AGE WEIGHT TOWN TEAM and Seton Hall University. He NAME chalking up sets of 529 and 525 ;, • ,i total of 25 counters, Coach Vince Grogan's quintet up, 30-29. Nancy Hopkins had a The New Brass Rail of Pert played basketball at both schools, 155 lbs. 28 5-10 Jiggs Tavern .i ,-.• them a 34-24 edge at ran Into some hard luck before the chance to ice the game for the Angela Armando Iselin but had his collegiate cfirew cut 18 5-11 185 Woudbrldfre Fords B. C, uiiiimr intermiscion. Ar- start of the tournament by draw- Saints, but her shot rolled in and Amboy displayed some unexpected Leo Seyf linski short by an injury incurred during power by tripping the Fords Cata23 6-0 185 Fort Reading Ji»s Tavern BUI Kukulya •'.I.; .lilts' big gun once ing the powerful Kennedy School out of the hoop. At this point, his freshman year. lin Corporation in two out 17 6-0 165 Iselin Dangellii Jack Bachosky A.!!: Ki points for an opening opponent. The New New York took possession and During the past season, Angelo 21 5-0 150 Fords Dangells Dick Clements K'M.--tx'y club dismantled York tvmb was tabbed the tourney with a chance of victory,, Joyce three. The Amboyans lost the played with Jigg's Tavern in the 'l.'iw 1 m the third q u w - favorites before the s^ft .of the Bryant puniQej^Ju&Qt " f U1* I** middle contest, 811-801, but tooH TEAM: American Dlvi.sion and averaged SECOND TEAM: "m>- unknown reason, n u t playoff because of their spotless In basket and when It failed to The others, 8iS"-i28" and 800-^48 Two reasons for the New Braa 18.8 points per game. He reached Richie Kurdish, Sewaren A. A. nthers » they could do wtth an record. EdOlsen, Avenel 80 through the nets, Galasso Rail's conquest were the stead; his peak in the championship playDick Peterson, Fords B, C, art Reading B. C. ., t.ik was rack Up eight Bob Wyskowski, The Kennedy School looked real picked it off the backboard. The bowling of Jerry McQuarrie an. offs last week against the Fords Gary Messick, Knlfht of Columbus i Anile Fords collected 16 sharp in the first quarter, rolling Pat Margiotto, J l k s Tavern game ended two seconds later. team captain Ann Leltner, wh Boys Club by scoring 26 points, B1U Oyer, Dangells ;> JisiHs' udvantage to a up a sizeable 10-4 lead o\fer Isetin Bernie Peterson, ttvenel Panthers wound up with Ihree-game total Ga lasso Hith Scorer but his performance was not Lee Jordan, St. James, Herb Reese. Knignt of Columbus who were unable to cope with the Galasso. St. Cecelia's high-scor- of 503 and 501. Fbtd^' most con enough since Jiggs lost, 60-58. .,!• (hips down In the visitors' offense. It was the same forward, walked off with the sistent pin splasher" Was Rose LEO SEGYLINSKI <r..n-itT. both Jiggs and .hroughout the second period with game's individual scoring honors Arias wtth games of 182, 185 an The name is not new to sports ;•'... veil ihc way they should the New Yorkers outshooting the after flipping five Held goals and 164 for a 531 set. fans since Segylinski was the Bar• :.:uii!'tiout the g a m e . Isellnltes, 12-6, to take over at the two fouls through the cords for 12 ions' All County end in 1954, At ::. iMJinU on a high pitch. half by a comfortable 22-10 score. points. Her teammate, June Hopthe present he stands 5-11, weighs >; ';•,(• Boys Club proved The average coach and his play- kins, came through with 10. The 185 pounds and has reached his )': ii heir to the throne ers would be about ready to call New Yorkers' most accurate shooteigtheentlibirthdaf Before gradu: i i:n" minutes when they t quits, being outplayed and down ers were Rose Strickney and Joyce anley's Diner 10 20 C R A F T S M E N HOUSE ISELIN—Kenny Guzzo won theating last June, he won letters in • : hots count to come 12 points at the half, but Orogan Bryant with totals of 11 and 9. ozycki iS»Racina 8 H> 21'A W L football, basketball and track. • :••; .uul take Jiggs 20-14 and his carets decided to do some;asket Shooting Contest conduct- Leo plans to enter college next fall E. Snyder 182-220-223—625; J. Returning to the gymnasium .... 63M> 20 '/2 Plaza Barbers '< -'-.I. f l a m e . [asabrook 221, F. Nagy 220, J. thing about the situation to pave with less than an hour's rest, the 26 among members of the Iselin to continue his education nnd par58 Almasl Tavern .. Armando Spectacular iban 217, J. Elek 214-205, J. Reap unior League this week after ticipate in sports. the way for their first tournament St. Cecelia's Girls were no match WOODBRIDGE — Little LeagUe t. <fc S. Trucking 55 % 28'A • Ai mando. Jiggs' talented victory. They changed their style for the Visitation School in the 11, J. Notchey 207, F. (Janer 205, 37 Craftsmen Club 47 verpowering.his closest opposition Segylinski was one of the big ••.wd .i spectacular perfor- of play at the start of the third semi-finals, ts they went down to aseball teams decided to follow . Czick 203. 42 ab 42 reasons for the Fords Boys Club rith a whirlwind finish. i the footsteps of the majors yes- 5 ? ! ^ &I:M? a losing cause by period to counter the New York- a one-sided 33-12 defeat. Three-game winners: Guy's 51 Blue Bar 33 The competition started March winning the Recreation Senior lii fu-ui yoals and six fouls ers' strength. •rday and play more games in the llectric over Swift lice Cream. 51 The Visitation School, which Hill Tops 33 and continued through March League Championship. He aver-''j I'-imt total. Two-game winners: Middlesex 16. The contest consisted of 12 aged 18,3 points per game, but of 80 It took a few minutes before the went on to win the tournament, venings. Mayers Tavern 4 '••iinii averages of the Saints' renovated attack began to handled the Iselinltes easily by High team game: Craftsmen 'elevision over Pozycki & Racina; loor shots from various distances more importance was his aggresOnly for the little fellows, there :'.••!: nip Ford* club are as function properly, but once it outshooting> them, 12-5, in the first Club, 1002—R. Demerest 201, J. luby's Box Lunch over Ravens; tnd at different angV? and five siveness under the backboard*. 111 be a curfew of 9:30 P. M. I-'-D SeyKlinskl 18.3, Andy started, the Kennedy School felt quarter, 12-3 in, the second, 3-2 in OOUgeon, 152, G. McCullagh 179, tfuska's Funeral Home over Stan- !oul shots. Each shot had a varied Leo at the present is playing with Tillman Lauback the effects, and before the con- the third', and 6-2 in the fourth. 'he first annual Little League ey's Diner. H. Fisher 246, R. Deter.224. mlue placed on .It according to its Benny's Tavern in the Perth Am- Vo,,. go. John Yuhas clusion of the third frame, they Irene Hickey paced the Visita- Baseball Congress approved a L. Genovese 205-197'-2i6—618; ocation. Bonus points were also boy Gold Medal Tournament and resolution which will allow more '•I-"'• Duffalo 5.0 .SATURDAY NITE MIXED saw their mai-uln cut to a 25-20 tion quintet with 16 markers, S. Kara 202-183-222—607; S. warded for baskets made con- will see action tonight. tight games. But It said no Inning ''"•<ls B. C. !<•) W L count. while Jane Blerne collected nine. Simon 210-192-202—604; H. Fisher BILL KtiKULYA secutively. :an start after 9:30. G 29 P Keep At It The Saints' best were June Hop160-196-246—602; R. Demerest ag'.s Sporting Goods 46 Another product of Woodbridge Guzzo, who sank four shots dauro Motors 43 32 l St. Cecelia's kept pecking away kins with eight, and Dolores Ga- The Little Leaguers also passed 207-192-201—600. rom the floor and three fouls High School, Kukulya is the tallf resolutions which would allow for 33 4114 33'^ earlier in the contest, made a big est man on the club at an,.even six 1 at the New Yorkers' lead unti lasso with three. B. Jost 201. S. Sepa 225, T. Fer- Petrlck's Florist multiple management of the same 8 Amboy Service 38 37 4 raro 204, O. MacKay 234, M. Alomeback Monday night when he feet. After a tour of Army service, personnel oner two and three Witty's Liquor Store .. 34 41 2. \6 masi-213, G. Silva 236, E. Szeles hit five out of six tosses accurately he weighs 185 pounds and is 23 eagues, provided it was approved Specilaty Food ..' 33 42 by the district director and the 202, H. Deter 206, J. Szurko 208, J Rahway Watch ...., 32 & 42V o record 750 points. His closest years old. Bill is a native of Port Mandy 245, J. Schubert 208. competitor was Tommy Hoffman Reading and played four years of rules committee. IS 24 60 Norwood Dist .-.. 32 43 Recreation basketball before signwith a^495 total. Another rule provided that not (Ml Mil Palmquist 210-214, Ray KaWOODBRIDGE SERVICE Next week Iselin Junior League ing up with Jiggs Tavern for the more than six 12-year-olds and O F T W L tninsky 213, Steve Sefczek 212. officials, scorers and timers ^ 1956 season. He was a tremendous •>•[•> f not leas than four 10-year-olds, or 5 0 0 24 9 Three-game winners: Mauro scheduled to cast their ballots to asset to his team due to his reWOODBRIDGE — On t h e pounds, press—160; snatch—165; younger players, could" be on a Saturday Niters 2 S 2 22 11 Motors over Rahway Watch. clean and jerk—215-540. O'Brien Little League team of 15 players Plaza Barbers determine the league's most bounding ability. At the present I 2 strength of Charlie Bare's record0 as also awarded the Sportsman Bob's T-V 20 13 Two-game winners: Specialty valuable player. (Continued on Page Twenty1 breaking performance, the KeasLeagues were also given permis2 « 2 ovef Witty's; Jag's over Amboy irophy. 19 14 sion 'to expand their number of First Aid 10 • 28 bey Eagles retained the New JerOak Tree Drugs 17 16 Service; Norwood over Petrick's, Will ..Prezza, ..Joe ..Comunale teams from four to nve and six. 2 4 8 sey State Welterweight weightCooper's Dairy A 13 . 20 \uyie Scutti, Jim Toth and Steve 0 0 WOODBRIDGE* 'TOWNSHIP lifting championship at the local 'erefenko all assisted the Keas- Population was also revamped Amer. Cyanarald ,.... 10 23 in Little League boundaries so the W L high school gym before a capacity bey triumph by chipping: in with number of teams could tie based Wdbge. Conf'y .'.... 7 f IT'S -"MIDDLESEX'S FINEST" 23 14 58 57% 29 V. High team game: Plaza Barbers, V. F. W. 4410 crowd. three points apiece. The Eagle: on grade school population inperiods 57 30 911—S. Stawickl 171, J. Amacal V. F, W. 2636 .., Bare, a 17-year-old North copped the state title with 28 stead of the general populatiqn. 17 16 20-«0 35 52 Platofield High School senior points, while their closest rivals Before the current rule changes, 139, A. Molchan 200, J. -Toth 178 College Inn 8 18-A8 37 Iselin Taxi 50 A. Lesko 223. ,,,[i)(if: Chariiploni he R e c r e a t i o n , ,,ti,;,]i [jeaBUe h a v e ,'„„,,mis thrills In r e th' 1 r e c e n t clash h.,ii ,, |,,,|.(|.s Boys Club a n d •..„ f 0 , t h e 1956 title ..„,„! nil. T h e game, t h e ,.•,,.,1, was like a "yo-yo" .','„,. miiing u p a n d down [••,,1-ils Boys Club pulled !„,i in t h e final q u a r • CO-58. Team Standings in MARI0N i St. Cecelia's Girls Court Team Stars in N. F. Tourney Independent - Leader ft STRIKES andSPARES* Guzzo Leads Field n Basket Shooting More Night Games For Little L^agae n Bare Shatters 3 Lift Marks As Keasbey Retains Title FOR 'ROUND THE CLOCK BOWLING shattered three state records and were the Bates Barbell team o Little League headquarters in Marsh & Ryan 43 Vi 43',! Williamsport, Pa., ordered the M. Sisko 203, A. Lesko 223, T Brave», wcord tied another before concluding one Paterson with 13. 53 1 / Fltz Contractors 33'/i Obidzlnskl 222, B. Buckin 202, A The Eagles continue their quest Woodbridge organization to disin attendance, jhowslffiu of the most -brilliant performances 56'/ White House Tavern .. 10Vi v will BO right on filling ever staged locally. He set new or additional honors Saturday band its two six-team leagues and Molchan 200, 205. American Legion 24 63 marks in the snatch, 265 and 333 form three four-team circuits. when they travel to Schenectedy, indium thU year, When Honor roll: Sisko 222, Ptisko 209 FIREMEN WOODBRIDGE pounds and clean and jerked for The transition was completed reN. Y., to compete tn the Eastern ' the '"'• h B r a v e s oopening pening 206, E. Snyder 206. W a total of 870 pounds. The Union States Weightliftlng Champion cently. ' "•' Hie season, agaln&t MM Three-game winn»rs: Mars County strongman later tied the P. B. A ? • 27 111 A "' wii n . were put on ships. & Ryan over White, House. ltlll| press record of 270 better be' 21 1 y a record number In 90 years of baseball, Rutgers Shell Two-game • winners: V. F.. W 111 Iselin No. 1 20 .. 1 About 1,000 (ana were ing awarded the Best Lifter's Rutgers baseball and lacrosi has a .463 winning percentage Wdbge. First Aid 19 1 4410 over Iselin Taxi; V. F. W ' ll the u ticket windows trophy. teams both open.their 1956 sea-with 372 win* and nln» ti*s in Ity3 3636 .over College Inn; Fltz Con111 A Contributing five important Iselin Chiefs 17 1 M. and the number son against new opponents. The games. tractors over American Legion. . 12 • : ;"l(lt ll when sales tagan tw» points which led to the Eagles' Scarlet will meet Maine on th Rutgers 1956 football co-cap- Avenel No. l team trophy were Charlie Benson Aveujel No. 2 9 I diamond for the first time April tains present a "Mutt and Jeff WHITE BIRCH MEN'S CLUB In the 123-pound class; press— 2, and Cornell in lacrosse for the appearance. Tackle Art Robinson Avenel First Aid 7 : W L 185 snatch—130; clean and Jerk OI ^ritual values of Rldgewood is 8-2, 210 pounds. Hiith team game: Avenel No. first time March 31. Ethel ., 44 34 -165-420; and Harry QBrten, 132 urged. Fullback Jack Laverty of Dover B82-J. Easlg 140, W. Dwyer 248 McQulre' 4,0 38 R. Oreco 214, J. MoClue 191, W Jefferson 40 38 Russell 171Hudaon 32 46 W Dwyer 188-246-193—627. BUI Thomsa 214-316-189-619; Slhugo Green, Duquesne's great S. Pocheclt 225-203-210-638: H perfornfer joined the Collage AU- Deter i0a-22»-187—623; R. Heller Tom Gibson 158-185-183—506; Al Canavari 199-193-170—562. Americans who will meet th» Har* km Globetrotter*, in the open- 225, O. Husman 222, C. Aronson Two-gante dinners: Ethel over 2J5h B, Osborae 202, S/Gresh 221, ing games of the "World 8«rle« McGuire; J«fferson over Hudson. of Basketball," in Madison Square. 8. Mlteak 283, E. Stawtisen 214. BOWL-MOR THURSDAY NITE Garden, Sunday afternoon and BOWL M O T H O U S E WOMEN'S evening. W L W L Middlesex Televtskpn .. 23'4 8 ^ Durllh« F a » M 64'/* 26 Vt O«r*8 BtfKstark: 18V* U% Did you know ttwt Lou made four errors a$ sltwtttop lor Muska's F u n e r a l Home l i t y WVi E. & B. Mill Supply . 53 28 44 3T 14M: 15'/i Lucas Market the Chicago Cut* i bi» fjatfe m** Ruby's Box Lunch (Continued on Page Twenty) Swift lea Cream . 13',i 16 V* jor Uague game, Apr!) 18, 1941 is 5-7, weighs only 158. MINIMUM SERVICE CALL LeVs Go Bowling! — Join Our — SUMMER LEAGUES Teams and Mixed Teams AUTOMATIC FIN SPOTTKKJ FRANK'S RADIO & TELEVISION 463 NEW BRUNSWICK AVE Call W O - 8 - 9 B ar fttop l»~At FORDS BOWL-MOR LANES PHONE •153 AMBOy AVENUE, WOODBRIDGE $2-95 1U-MV67 MAJESTIC LANES •SUMMER LEAGUES NOW FORMING BOWL IN AIR-CONDITIONED COMFORT 24—AUTOMATIC PIN SPOTTERS—24 Majestic Cocktail Lounge $• CONTINUOUS^ ENTERTAINMENT \ /FRIDAY and SATURDAY NIGHTS% Featuring Dancing To WALTER BOWNK and his VAGABOND TRIO Plus Danny Flmianf At the Baby Grand Piano Evcrytjiing Under One Roof—Come Ewly, Stay Late Route 9 and Peauayimla Ave., Nopitiwi, N. J. O M MU0|»ooi I VA-«-Wl «r THURSDAY MAR'.'H 2r> 195«! PAGE TWESTY -..- - v uoc»; nrpiuse buiWirif hoes; o! be.r, 4mfrftv Hoipitm I nit 'v:/S, j ! : n | a-d n*&ar Graham Installs To Hnr GOP Club Slate : ^ « ^ : - - ^ DKI H".?P-'^- BUT utK A r> (LEJfENT natisUcs V.3 «t i*«use r; ;- _ ; \ a : J , „ , -nmrted »* our ofthroughout :;•• ; f ' K . - : ; : p j . . maker* ta Ihe AKhou*r. - - . >& :• *"-r!'r- account* lor hi* low 20 yean, he „; o! I J p!»wn and ; -cor.:: from St t h « "»5* f • where h* n recertly v - . F:*c-*:/f: M Ac»ff.< =•?:-•*•: j - pt;*-=.;.:;.=• Mr.5 rreif.ic^ ^ - , r t r : p » » d "^ basfcei basketball an* J i ««* «_* * * i; ^•->-y 3 - 3 «;••*: Y - - . ; M:_< H x « : - K « " - • '= ; - a c t . .v the prwrnt » senior at A:::-r.:;y -. :.. Pa.; M: '"" o: Mr« •'.:.-;tn'.it '.r*r i..:.v: 'X-:z ..^ Q-^-* T^-ir? »'. ' ? >!# , _ \ .-_. ^ j , , monU-J he !«Hi* \-\IITT.- ~i>:r/*^o! Mr Ada"-1 *»- .... ;j.;*r.: O-iil; :•:.<• ••'.•:.' ?H--.r.3: -Sr.-e= Si-^r.- * : "' H De .^""; ? p<r..t :r. the Mid Cour.ty league ^ ' ' W . K.'Vr.T -.: - < H M ? . U : " J ^ ] _ , a ^ , . ?h , h i«h«t vnrcr ar. turnis!-.'<i bv :-> IJ T'"'•v'i\iS. ^ ^ - r ^ - ' ' i::.'^ 1 ::-'*'-=•• '..'e i.'-.-?:=:'y ^ V J [ <)»< r?:T,Uy md'jct«l Into •..-.?• . = t\,.,r»,e~.: • ^" Tf " x? , T._t . ^ t j j ; g: a :arsa ; i- ? » ; , „ belore he eouW Jmiih « jin,! • •.'-:;;:-. *: *^.:cr. a .;*"*. '-JX- v - f ; - . tr:n Danjrllv *ho tost •f = -'ril>-d '"jy '>'' G'i's^". ._.. .4 ofcar.-rn^ir.5, ' • : * pre«r." «; * pl^y'.ffi mithout hS WKsisteKt 'Cor,t:r/j»d ; •• d n ' ' •*';-=- •:.» ;--r.'.:r-ky T.rr.'.or.w?. s;.^-;-^ i"- f Kfnite is It years.McCarthy's - ;f: .- H=.r.':d 1<. Birr -'*' • •-,< r.c.;^'-r.; su:« is ar. t'U - n;-; stands 5-11. arxtupe the sea:e» Bowl-Mox ? 4: * "' v ; - E ? nr.r.'v"c; Tfxa.'.' s r.-if. , ; ••(•, ^ c i He r a j one of tr»e Retoaxbf r < '.;.. p..;;,- M-.rar.da '•*"*• . ~>',:"3r."T.i ::".ar. '^apfc *" •"•-' •*"• '.fH'S ~- ir.oct taler.t*d playws Jue Grten "•"*'• j.- - t;-.c"jtpd l>s."£ ".Brot.vr t.".*r» -^ ; ;; ji; j;ojnd sbLitl .S3bc & R: • r . ••-:•• G:fU' -»-?r ^ : ' > T •. i.-.; i'.o'.e '.'r.y. :*T. V*\'.:* «Er.'":» xakfm£ tiie jump icto D ' y - r '" Tfxji -.he -crj;o: ie«gT». Jack played «itk E- MiktK i:»".:s:. ~""" r* ?•. C?ceiu Boyf *.^o won \r,: Shepherd I?;-:?:' V-rr.or. Jrts-. :955 t.UrsieGUite t;i> He :s 5Uvnr.or.c AiSRIST IS HAM 'HOOT In th» »b<«* photo arr rannbm <A !!-,» WoodbrKlKf lions ( l a b and m*n of the \ationil 'mard lut* vfca wcfi" htUnnnrilil in cmdortini the "ham »bm»t sp n^Trd bj 1hf l*tal cm* otran'Xitian *unda> FJ«p'.'* bitter wralhrT. tbr Lwn* m*na*'d u> ir% in efchl round* of Uuwtint ar.d a liVt number of hun* were awarded. Tht third and final shoot will b? b*<* this Haturdai aiunMon at Police Pistot E w e r , ontrr Main *trr»t. Knrriint in the front raw. left to rirht arr: Edward Vrin, HU-pbrn OlivnkT and John Afniia. In th* rear row urn- ordrr ar»: ftr Sun or 1 Btrnstoin, Eari KwnLj Frank N'mak. PHcr Greco. U n n i t U f n u i i C lurlti Muifion*. Next to Mr Mansion? i» (biff Warrant Officer Rartoood V. Sawo. and on h h ri(ht b fttneeant Clwundo Zurra/w. of the Woodbridt* Police. tb» rante offi'er Otbw tnerabrn of the National Guard in the photo M*: ' iferceaot First C U * J'»hn Wrifbt. Frt* LeBoeni. Robert Claftor. Erk White. Go* an4 Cbarlet Btndrwald. Ham winners in Soniar't tboot wnt Dr. fAtxri Norak. W. Voren, P. Ciwuen, W. Lannhardt. SKvt Cehsnky. Marr R w h l w . E. Vrltre and Hani Stotktl. Jersey City, ro a Buoda} and Monday ;u«st 0! her bon ft faniiiy. —Mr and Mr* Edward GaiiiKbr. Elmhurft Aver.ue, v/ere Saturday guesU ol their son-mi»7 Uncoln and damjfcter. Mr. ar.d Mrs. ; a* Hi(hwi7 Raymond Asquilh. Sayrevilie. —Mr. and Mrs. Harry 1. Hubs?. Tel. U-S-1RI Milltown. were hoii* Sunday to their wn-tn-law and daughter. GLADYS E. SC'A.S'K ; Iv"-,.:. C-j -\H* '• •58S Kveu V) Mr anc Mrs ; as a ffiW.Jig p'.sr*. j A l t e r th? inftaliation Mr. ! Graham •.jrr.ed t ^ meeiiRj over to th» rvevr preaderiV. Enwr'a:nnv?nt was fumisfied by Mr* .Star's. Geor?< Lud»ie. W.'.!iam Seiby arid Wii;i*m Be:r.i'.r avCompani^i on t.'p piftro b> | Gwr«e Albrecht Mu.1;? for da:.rHELPFUL DOG | in; was pr.ovidfd oy rte Pjie= Y.* Batt'.e Creek. Mjch. — Lassie, j chestra r Ithe s^ver and Kray German shep-! Mrs. V. Johnson, chairnfer. f the affair *a;, a,s$iit«d by ?.':' 1 ; herd belonging to the Max Hougft-, Robert FwcfcT. Mrs. S:ark ar.d l u i m a . believes in being helpful to [Mrs. CUfl&rd Lanse jthe famijy. The sale of her 211 1 pups furnished the cash for the ,ADDITION TO FAMILY down pajrment on the-tfloughtal-'' FORDS—Mr. and M.T Ruco:?r.! ' in? home, and recently L a « « s Ada.T.tu. 123 Street ar-: bark* awakened and warned the'; the parenU. o; a son aorr. :n '.i.c; family of fire in their home. • Perti-i Amboy Gen"ra! ISELIN PERSONALS By Gr.Dti: WANT TO SAVE $1.16!! Mr. and Mrs. Jame^ O'RO^T'HP, and School children Dennis and Oary, Auth 148, ->r dec Avenue. PTA (!em —WUliam and Richard Sira.sser. »Kd pact -;n:u ;na at •.•* Pow-tirin KKii of Mr. and Mrs. Jofteph. Ihip of R by '..".? Raritafl Elmhurat Avenue, *ere honored on their first birthday at a dinner Cour/ Boy party. Guesti inclined their mato *.ii grandmother. Mrs Henri'.'.T'r.p aSa;r heW » Middlesex ta Waiz. Mr. and Mrf. John County O;.'u> V<.:j''. r.\ in and children, Lea and John. Jr. Westoury Park; Mr. and Mr.v WilUam Slonilca ami chtdren, Mari- M r ; Haro'.c L 34 of 22 lyn, Arlene and Paul. Mr. and Mrs. Grw '.' Av»r. .'• *a> Edward Sherry an^ children. Ma; MI an icy ly »:i(-r. -icr a: 'x deline and Edward, Jr and ?vlr. spot or. O i e ;- Rvad Mrs Lake and Mrs. Joseph Godfrey aii ol Tree wa* i.-avtlx Road wLfr. —A regular ir.tetin^ of Star - ^j]* The U w :<**•" %i£ ac«;<5*n! > « : r, A. 11 •/ I«l;n Circle. Lady ForeAterii of Vmerica wa* hfld Monday at ichoo! 15. Mrs. Theresa McGhef.:;• .T.v.her va* awarded the special piize and V;. ;r.- '/.' 100 Of M.i Mrs Raymond McCrory. was win-, January (xport- JJit i p « cent Chain w.-: «iir v-r hi tiie Eaater ham. Mrs. H I - ' above yeai-a«o level. whorr. an Krawiec and Mrs ASHPS Gas- \ •— ..".tidily, i* ,kv.yor\ were appointed dek-gat-j w . b i [ ! . c ! ,, ;j,iLhtcr at /crth Am:::. r:o in'.£,] in her 'he Slate Convention to be held i ^ G'-r.'ia! Huspital. June* in May and Mrs. Philomena Mas-1 L A 3 c Robert W. KreuVl, son ,'rangelo and Mrs. John PinUk: o ( M l s Mar-ha Kreudl, 59 Loretta 1 Scank —M: !s t r c e l i s training at a telephone Lincoln were selected as alternates. and c i —Mr. and Mrs. William Clark. 49 | repair specialist at FTancis E. Wara Spring Hi«i;*a>. >;U: a; banquet Sai'Jttfiay <-venir.?. spon- Harrinuton Avenue, announce the rtn Air Force Base. Wyoming. sored oy Peoplfe of Colonu> Chapei a: -JJ- Chapel. Inman Avenue, Coloiiia. k,r parenus and friend*. An :iM:;nunji flltn entitled "Navajo Indiar.s" was a feature o{ the evening, —A Burprisfc stork shower was Riven on Thursday night at the home of FU-/ Hiid Mrs. Alton Richardson. Berkeley Boulevard, for Mis M E IVniictt. Iwlin. and Mrs M E Cauecy, Port Guests included Mrs. W Woodbri'Jat; Mis. Russell SwarU, Mrs, PcU-r Bartorillli ;ind Mrs. Jouflpli Barloiiili). CarUrrrt; Mrs Uhlman and Mr.-,. C. Wilson. Oak Tree; Mrs, Andrew Palumbo. Mrs PfU'r Tcde»c>, Mrs. Geoi>'e Maxwell and dauKhter, Kathleen, Irene Bibby, Mr«. Richard Workman and Mrs. Jamu Schultz, all of laelln. , Selected —Mr. and Mrs, Marvin Crainc and children. Martha, Donald and from Our Jainca, Juliet Street, have moved to their new home, Fort, LauderLarge da|c, Fla. —Mr. and Mrs. George PapaStock inarcu«. Brooklyn, were week end Kue»tH of their win-in-law and d«Ui!hter, Mr. and Mm. Peter Haytko, Wright Street. —Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton BillliigM, Jr., Wnsht street and Mr. To Order by Pbohe and Mn>. Birharri Billing. Avenel. via|trrf llitic KiJ|(ii Billtflgs, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs Richard BIU Ings, who it a patient at Temple University Hospital, Philadelphia gunduy. —Mr. und Mrs. Edward Hollowell AZALEAS • ROKK BUKHEH f C1NEUAHIAS • HYDRANGEAS and children, Ciimlcb and Vera TUUPH • OKKANIUM8 • BKGOMA8 • GARDENIAS Jean, Wright Street, were week CASTKB ULlt(J • A8SOBTKD DE(JORATEU BOXES <, end gue«ts ot Mr. anu Mrs. Charles Share Your Joy... Just call WO-8-1710'and ask to have The Independent-Leader mailed to you. Only $3.00 for the entire year and you save almost 30'' over the regular price. t d l " --•-•.,:e C s: Peters H ^ h C&rthy"s o.c ••;•-. l o E R: f ™ O-i'i-d* ' r.»-•' '*i: •* uwQ-e oeca'^se ne is s< •a'.', rj r.oDc-i- • •'"••-• .sac!", to have trw distinct SJppiy o v « D_: ^ • ' ' " . T ' I E V / ' V ^ by"'.J!»*N^.- Vr. and Mrs. (,ubriel Hmm Imite you to the - GRAND OPENING of their TREAT SHOPPE 613 RAHWAV AVENVE (Opp. White Church) TODAY, THURSDAY, MARCH 29tii (ALL SOl'VEMR GUTS FOR ALL \ ! Featuring • Delicato-i-n and Home Made Salad • Soda Fou'ntain • Fresh Bakery Good- Open Daily 7 A. M. to 1 0 : 3 0 P. M. Sunday Includni Send Flowers FOR EASTER Call WO-8-1222 BLOOMING PLAINTS Deetley, Jt-rscy city. Mrs. Vera # costs so little # to phone • anywhere # 0 PitUbiirKli Baltimore tk ^ l/ram (IIJ»DU - I >IUl 4 i'M »"4 ill d«> «uu'l«y i >I!D. •ttliot 1 8OO 5So A ralw, I ''. *•"! ui notlarl'xtni. CUT FLOWERS . . . CABNATIONh • SNAPDRAGONS t 1UIS • JONQUIL 8WKKT PEAK • GLADIOLI • BOSK8 — In nwny talon »nd item kntllw • AH«oaTKO SWING KLOWIKS CORSAGES . . . GAEPENIAM • OJWHIDB • VIOLKTK * COMBINATION ABBANGKMENTS " We Telegraph «nd Deliver lAJoodbridae OUR OWN GBKENUOU8KH MO-546 RAH WAV AVENUE 5 big reasons why the really new Plymouth gives you more for your money than any other low-price car 1 You 9»t «»elu*iv Puih-Butlon Driving Touch s button and oft you go! This positive mechanical control i» llie »a(e»t and wai est selector ever devised. Foolproof! Only Plymouth ha* it aiuung low-price can. 2 You g»t lh« biggttt car You gal >h« only really in the lpw*pri<« lhr«« You got the grootott new styling of th« ye&r orroy of tofoty ftoturtt liipide and outside, I'Umiiull) is llie '"big boy" in iu lieM. This 17-fuot beauly outiueav ure» the "older twu" in every important dimensiun, Moie room for every WOODBRUXiE 3 You H ' l h t I dtoU-round I>o»'t lei other tow pike m s I lie "uihcr two" can't inatth I'l) mouth'»leid i>> ^'< J""l )ou Hith H«nneil-o\i>r I'hniuuth v»heti it conies to tent Mb* Muring, ••" ^*nioI|» o | '53, '>4 ami '.',"> safely. Only PI)mouth oflen de«ler» to Get the tar lluf-, wipers and '56 Plymouth. PLYMOUTH costs less l )ou Safely Rim whock, decIroul brakes. .&, JOHN ( HCHW ARZ. Prvp. r yeu'U ku oa • it U,to own » '"'