Glossary Page 1 of 24 Collection of terms, symbols, equations, and explanations of common pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic parameters and some statistical functions Version: 16 Februar 2004 Authors: AGAH working group PHARMACOKINETICS ...\PK-glossary_PK_working_group_2004.pdf Glossary Page 2 of 24 Collection of terms, symbols, equations, and explanations of common pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic parameters and some statistical functions TABLE OF CONTENTS Page TABLE OF CONTENTS .................................................................................................................2 1 Pharmacokinetic Parameters from noncompartmental analysis (NCA) ...............................3 1.1 Parameters obtained from concentrations in plasma or serum...........................................3 1.1.1 Parameters after single dosing..................................................................................3 1.1.2 Parameters after multiple dosing (at steady state)....................................................6 1.2 Parameters obtained from urine ..........................................................................................7 2 Pharmacokinetic parameters obtained from compartmental modeling................................8 2.1 Calculation of concentration-time curves.............................................................................9 2.2 Pharmacokinetic Equations - Collection of Equations for Compartmental Analysis .........10 3 Pharmacodynamic GLOSSARY ................................................................................................20 3.1 Definitions ..........................................................................................................................20 3.2 Equations: PK/PD Models..................................................................................................21 4 Statistical parameters................................................................................................................22 4.1 Definitions ..........................................................................................................................22 4.2 Characterisation of log-normally distributed data ..............................................................23 ...\PK-glossary_PK_working_group_2004.pdf AGAH Working group PK/PD modelling 1 Page 3 of 24 PHARMACOKINETIC PARAMETERS FROM NONCOMPARTMENTAL ANALYSIS (NCA) 1.1 Parameters obtained from concentrations in plasma or serum 1.1.1 Parameters after single dosing Symbol Unit / Dimensio n/ Definition Calculation Dimension AUC AUC(0-∞) Amount·time/ Area under the concentration-time volume curve from zero up to ∞ with extrapolation of the terminal phase Cz AUC=AUC (0 - t z ) + λz , Cz may be measured (Cz,obs) or calculated (Cz,calc) AUC(0-t), AUCt Amount·time/ Area under the concentration-time According to the linear trapezoidal rule: volume curve from zero up to a definite time t n- 1 AUC (0 - t) = ∑ AUC (t i -t i +1 ) wit i= 1 h t1=0 and tn=t, Concentrations Ci measured at times ti, i=1,…,n. AUC (t i − t i +1 ) = 12 ⋅ (C i + C i+1 ) ⋅ (t i+1 − t i ) or according to the log-linear trapezoidal rule: AUC(t i − t i +1 ) = (C i − C i +1 ) ⋅ (t i +1 − t i ) (ln C i − ln C i +1 ) (the logarithmic trapezoidal rule is used for the descending part of the concentration-time curve, i.e. if Ci>1.001*Ci+1>0) AUC(0-tz) AUCextrap % AUMC AUMC(0-t) Amount·time/ Area under the concentration-time volume curve from zero up to the last % Amount· 2 (time) / volume Amount· 2 (time) / volume concentration ≥LOQ (Cz) Area under the concentration-time curve extrapolated from tz to ∞ in % of the total AUC Area under the first moment of the concentration-time curve from zero up to ∞ with extrapolation of the terminal phase Area under the first moment of the concentration-time curve from zero up to a definite time t n- 1 AUMC(0 - t) = ∑ AUMC(t i -t i +1 ) i= 1 with t1=0 and tn=t. Concentrations Ci measured at times ti, i=1,…,n. See AUC(0-t) AUC extrap % = AUC-AUC (0-t z ) ⋅ 100 AUC AUMC = AUMC (0 - tz ) + t z ⋅ Cz λz + Cz 2 λz , Cz may be measured (Cz,obs) or calculated (Cz,calc) AUMC (t i = 1 6 − t i +1 ) (t i+1 − t i )(t i +1 (C i + 2C i+1 ) + t i (2C i + C i +1 )) (linear trapezoidal rule) = C i t i − C i +1t i +1 C i − C i +1 ln C i − ln C i +1 + with B = B t i +1 − t i B2 (log-linear trapezoidal rule) AUMC(0-tz) AUMCextrap % Amount· 2 (time) / volume % See AUMC(0-t) Area under the first moment of the concentration-time curve from zero to the last quantifiable concentration Area under the first moment of the AUMC-AUMC concentration-time curve AUMC extrap % = AUMC extrapolated from tz to ∞ in % of the total AUMC ...\PK-glossary_PK_working_group_2004.pdf (0-t z ) ⋅ 100 AGAH Working group PK/PD modelling Symbol Unit / Dimension Page 4 of 24 Definition Cp or C Amount/ volume Plasma concentration Cs or C Amount/ volume Serum concentration Cu Amount/ volume Unbound plasma concentration CL Volume/ time or Total plasma, serum or blood volume/ time/ kg clearance of drug after intravenous CL / f Volume/ time or Apparent total plasma or serum volume/ time/ kg clearance of drug after oral Calculation CL = administration CLint CL / f = administration Volume/ time or Intrinsic clearance – maximum volume/ time/ kg elimination capacity of the liver CLH,b Volume/ time or Hepatic blood clearance, product of volume/ time/ kg hepatic blood flow and extraction CLCR Volume/ time or Creatinine clearance volume/ time/ kg D iv AUC D po AUC CLH = QH·EH ratio CLm Volume/ time Metabolic clearance Cz, calc Amount/ volume Predicted last plasma or serum Cz or Cz, obs Amount/ volume Last analytically quantifiable plasma Cmax D f concentration or serum concentration above LOQ Amount/ volume Observed maximum plasma or serum concentration after administration Dose administered Amount Fraction of the administered dose systemically available - Measured or Cockcroft & Gault formula Calculated from a log-linear regression through the terminal part of the curve directly taken from analytical data directly taken from analytical data f = AUC po ⋅ D iv AUC iv ⋅ D po Absolute bioavailability, systemic availability in % Fraction of the administered dose in comparison to a standard (not iv) F = f ⋅ 100 % Relative bioavailability in % Frel = frel ⋅ 100 fa - For orally administered drugs: f = fa*(1-EH) fm - fu - Fraction of the extravascularly administered dose actually absorbed Fraction of the bioavailable dose which is metabolized Fraction of unbound (not proteinbound or free) drug in plasma or serum Half-value duration (time interval during which concentrations exceed 50% of Cmax) Terminal rate constant (slowest rate constant of the disposition) F % frel - Frel HVD Time -1 λz (Time) ke or kel (Time) LOQ -1 Elimination rate constant from the central compartment Amount/ volume Lower limit of quantification ...\PK-glossary_PK_working_group_2004.pdf f rel = AUC ⋅ DSTD AUCSTD ⋅ D STD = Standard fu = Cu /C negative of the slope of a ln-linear regression of the unweighted data considering the last concentration-time points ≥ LOQ calculated from parameters of the multiexponential fit AGAH Working group PK/PD modelling Symbol MAT Unit / Dimension Time Page 5 of 24 Definition Mean absorption time Calculation MAT = MRTev - MRTiv (ev = extravasal, e.g. im, sc, po) MDT Time Mean dissolution time MRT Time Mean residence time (of the AUMC MRT = unchanged drug in the systemic AUC circulation) Metabolic ratio of parent drug AUC and AUC parent MR = metabolite AUC AUC metabolite MR - t1/2 Time Terminal half-life tlag Time tz Time tmax Time Lag-time (time delay between drug administration and first observed concentration above LOQ in plasma) Time p.a. of last analytically quantifiable concentration Time to reach Cmax Vss Vz Apparent volume of distribution at Volume or volume/kg equilibrium determined after intravenous administration Volume or volume/kg Vss / f Volume or volume/kg Vz / f Volume or volume/kg t 1/ 2 = ln 2 λz directly taken from analytical data directly taken from analytical data directly taken from analytical data Vss = CL ⋅ MRT = D ⋅ AUMC (AUC) 2 Volume of distribution during terminal phase after intravenous administration Vz= Apparent volume of distribution at equilibrium after oral administration Vss /f = CL ⋅ MRT = Apparent volume of distribution during terminal phase after oral / extravascular administration Vz /f = ...\PK-glossary_PK_working_group_2004.pdf Div AUC ⋅ λ z D ⋅ AUMC (AUC) 2 D po AUC ⋅ λz po instead of iv ! AGAH Working group PK/PD modelling 1.1.2 Parameters after multiple dosing (at steady state) Symbol Aave AUCτ,ss Unit / Dimension Amount Average amount in the body at steady state Calculation A ave = f ⋅ DM λz ⋅ τ by trapezoidal rule steady state % Cav,ss Amount /volume Cmax,ss Amount /volume Cmin,ss Amount /volume Ctrough Amount /volume DM Amount LF - PTF % Definition Amount·time/ Area under the concentration-time volume curve during a dosing interval at AUCss AUCF% Page 6 of 24 % Percent fluctuation of the concentrations determined from areas AUCF% = 100 ⋅ AUC(above C ave ) + AUC(below C ave ) AUC under the curve Average plasma or serum AUCτ , ss C av,ss = concentration at steady state τ Maximum observed plasma or serum directly taken from analytical data concentration during a dosing interval at steady state Minimum observed plasma or serum directly taken from analytical data concentration during a dosing interval at steady state Measured concentration at the end of directly taken from analytical data a dosing interval at steady state (taken directly before next administration) Maintenance dose design parameter Linearity factor of pharmacokinetics after repeated administration Peak trough fluctuation over one dosing interval at steady state Accumulation ratio calculated from AUCτ,ss at steady state and AUCτ after single dosing Accumulation ratio calculated from Cmax,ss at steady state and Cmax after single dosing Accumulation ratio calculated from Cmin,ss at steady state and from concentration at t=τ after single dose RA (AUC) RA (Cmax) RA (Cmin) Theoretical accumulation ratio Rtheor TCave Time tmax,ss Time τ Time Time period during which plasma concentrations are above Cav,ss Time to reach the observed maximum (peak) concentration at steady state Dosing interval ...\PK-glossary_PK_working_group_2004.pdf LF = AUC τ, ss sd = single dose AUC sd PTF % = 100 ⋅ RA (AUC) RA (Cmax) = RA = C ss,av AUC τ,ss = AUC τ,sd C max,ss C max,sd (Cmin) = R theor C ss,max - C ss,min 1 1- 2 - ε C min, ss Cτ ,sd = 1 1− e − λ z τ sd = single dose sd = single dose , ε= τ t1 / 2 derived from analytical data by linear interpolation directly taken from analytical data directly taken from study design AGAH Working group PK/PD modelling 1.2 Page 7 of 24 Parameters obtained from urine Unit / Dimension Definition Ae(t1-t2) Amount Amount of unchanged drug excreted into urine within time span from t1 to t2. Cur * Vur Ae(0- Amount Cumulative amount (of unchanged drug) excreted into urine up to infinity after single dosing (can commonly not be determined) Amount Amount (of unchanged drug) excreted into the urine during a dosing interval (τ) at steady state Amount/ Drug concentration in urine Symbol Aeτ,ss ) Aess Cur Calculation volume CLR Volume/ time Renal clearance or volume/ time/ amount CLR = Ae(0 − ∞) Ae(0 − τ ) ≈ AUC AUC (0 − τ ) after multiple dose CLR = fe - Fraction of intravenous administered drug that is excreted unchanged in urine fe = fe/f - Fraction of orally administered drug excreted into urine fe / f = Fe % Total urinary recovery after intravenous administration = fraction of drug excreted into urine in % tmid Time Vur Volume Ae(0 − τ ) AUCτ , ss Ae Div Ae Dpo Fe = fe ⋅ 100 Mid time point of a collection interval Volume of urine excreted ...\PK-glossary_PK_working_group_2004.pdf directly taken from measured lab data AGAH Working group PK/PD modelling 2 Page 8 of 24 PHARMACOKINETIC PARAMETERS OBTAINED FROM COMPARTMENTAL MODELING Symbol A,B,C or Ci, i=1,...,n Unit / Dimensions Amount/ volume Coefficients of the polyexponential Calculation by multiexponential fitting equation -1 Exponents of the polyexponential equation (slope factor) -1 Exponent of the i (descending) exponential term of a polyexponential equation α, β, γ (Time) λI (Time) AUC Definition th Amount·time/ volume Area under the curve (model) by multiexponential fitting by multiexponential fitting n ⎡C ⎤ AUC = ∑ ⎢ i ⎥ i=1 ⎣ λ i ⎦ extravascular : iv : n ⎡ ka AUC = ∑ ⎢Ci ⋅ k a − λi i=1 ⎣ ⎛ 1 1 ⎞⎤ ⋅ ⎜⎜ − ⎟⎟⎥ ⎝ λ i k a ⎠⎦ Note: Ci is the linear coefficient of the polyexponential equation AUMC 2 Amount·(time) / Area under the first moment curve volume n ⎡ C ⎤ AUMC = ∑ ⎢ 2i ⎥ i =1 ⎣ λ i ⎦ extravascular : iv : n ⎡ ka AUMC = ∑ ⎢Ci ⋅ k i =1 ⎣ a − λi ⎛ 1 1 ⎞⎤ ⋅ ⎜⎜ 2 − 2 ⎟⎟⎥ ⎝ λ i k a ⎠⎦ Note: Ci is the linear coefficient of the polyexponential equation C(0) Amount/ volume Initial or back-extrapolated drug concentration following rapid intravenous injection n C (0) = ∑Ci i =1 Note: Ci is the linear coefficient of the polyexponential equation C(t) CL fi Amount/ volume Drug concentration at time point t Volume/ time - Fractional area, area under the various phases of disposition (λi) in the plasma concentration-time curve after iv dosing f ⋅ Dose AUC iv: f=1 Ci fi = λi AUC with n ∑f i =1 i =1 -1 Zero order rate constant Design parameter or determined by multiexponential fitting -1 Elimination rate constant from the central compartment calculated from parameters of the multiexponential fit -1 Absorption rate constant by multiexponential fitting k0 (Time) ke or kel (Time) ka or kabs (Time) Km CL = Number of compartments in a multicompartmental model i kij Clearance See 2.2 Transfer rate between compartment i and j in a multi-compartmental model Amount/ volume Michaelis –Menten constant -1 (Time) ...\PK-glossary_PK_working_group_2004.pdf by multiexponential fitting by nonlinear fitting AGAH Working group PK/PD modelling Symbol MRT Unit / Dimensions Time Page 9 of 24 Definition Calculation Mean residence time iv: MRT = AUMC AUC extravascular: MRT = Qi Amount/Time Intercompartmental clearance between central compartment and compartment i k0 Amount/Time Zero order infusion rate design parameter th t 1/ 2, λi Time Half-life associated with the i ln2 exponent of a polyexponential equation t1/ 2, λi = λ i τ Time Infusion duration t Time Time after drug administration Vc Volume or Apparent volume of the central or Volume /amount plasma or serum compartment design parameter Vc = f ⋅ Dose n ∑C i=1 iv: f=1 Vmax Amount/Time Maximum metabolic rate ...\PK-glossary_PK_working_group_2004.pdf i AUMC 1 − (tlag + ) AUC ka AGAH Working group PK/PD modelling 2.1 Page 10 of 24 Calculation of concentration-time curves Application iv bolus Parameter concentration after bolus administration Calculation n [ Cp ( t ) = ∑ B i ⋅ e −λ ⋅t i ] i=1 short-term iv infusion concentration during infusion n ⎡ ⎤ B Cp ( t < T ) = ∑ ⎢ i ⋅ (1 − e −λ ⋅t )⎥ i=1 ⎣ λ i ⎦ i peak level n ⎡ ⎤ B Cmax = ∑ ⎢ i ⋅ (1 − e − λ ⋅ T )⎥ λ i =1 ⎣ ⎦ i i concentration after infusion C p (t ) = k0 Vc ⎡ Bi ⎛ λi t * ⎞ − λi t ⎤ ⋅ ⎜ e − 1⎟ ⋅ e ⎥ ⎝ ⎠ i ⎦ i =1 n ∑ ⎢⎣ λ with t*=min(t,T) continuous iv infusion concentration at steady state extravascular C ss = Ro CL n ⎡ ⎤ ka ⋅ (e −λ ⋅tl − e −k ⋅tl )⎥ Cp ( t ) = ∑ ⎢B i ⋅ k a − λi i=1 ⎣ ⎦ i tl = t – tlag ...\PK-glossary_PK_working_group_2004.pdf a AGAH Working group PK/PD modelling 2.2 Page 11 of 24 Pharmacokinetic Equations - Collection of Equations for Compartmental Analysis One Compartment Model, IV bolus, single dose, one elimination pathway only (assumed to be urinary excretion) D ⎯⎯→ X ⎯⎯e → U U - drug amount in urine dX = −k e ⋅ X (t ) dt ke= elimination rate constant X = drug amount in the body U =drug amount in the urine i .v . k dU = k e ⋅ X (t ) dt D = X ( 0) = X (t ) + U (t ) = U ( ∞ ) X (t ) = X (0) ⋅ e − k ⋅te D = dose administered X(t) = amount in plasma at time t after administration U(t) = amount in urine at time t C p (t ) = Vc = X (t ) ; C p (t ) = C p (0) ⋅ e − k e ⋅t Vc X (0) D = C p (0) C p (0) C p (t ) = D − ke ⋅t e Vd ; t1 / 2 = ln( 2) ke Cp= Conc. in plasma after single dose ke= negative slope of concentration-time plot in ln-linear scaling Cp (0)= intercept with y axis Cp(t) - plasma conc at any time Urinary excretion U (t ) = U (∞ )(1 − e − ket ) ; ln(U (∞ ) − U (t )) = ln U (∞ ) − k e ⋅ t „Sigma-Minus Plot“ (page 21) Calc. of ke from urine data based on lnlinear plot of (U (∞) − U (t )) versus t, ke is the negative slope, but you need total amount U(∞) of drug excreted into urine, which frequently is not identical to the dose administered, in contrast to the assumptions of the model dU = k e ⋅ X ( 0 ) ⋅ e − k e ⋅t ; dt Other method based on urinary excretion rate (total amount of drug need not be known) ∆U/∆t -sampling intervals tmid - mean time point of the sampling interval ln ∆U = ln(k e X (0)) − k e ⋅ t mid ∆t dU CLR = dt C p (t ) ; CLR = k e ⋅ Vc ∆U = CLR ⋅ Cp (t mid ) ∆t U t = CL R ⋅ AUC ( 0 − t ) Cp (0) (1 − e −ket t ) AUC(0 − t ) = ke ...\PK-glossary_PK_working_group_2004.pdf Urinary excretion rate -described by renal clearance CLR Cp(tmid) = conc. in plasma at the mean time point of the urine collection interval, measured or derived by log-linear interpolation CLR = slope of a plot ∆U/∆t versus Cp(tmid) AGAH Working group PK/PD modelling Page 12 of 24 One Compartment Model, IV Inj. and Parallel Elimination Pathways (renal, biliary, metabolic), single dose k e = k ren + k bil + k met kren = rate constant of renal elimination kbil = rate constant of biliary elimination kmet = rate constant of metabolic elimination dX dU dB = −k e X (t ) ; = k ren X (t ) ; = k bil X (t ) ; dt dt dt X = amount in plasma U = amount in urine B = amount in bile M = amount of metabolites in plasma dM = k met X (t ) dt D = X ( 0 ) = X ( t ) + U ( t ) + B( t ) + M ( t ) = U ( ∞ ) + B ( ∞ ) + M ( ∞ ) Plasma concentration C p (t ) = C p ( 0) ⋅ e − k e t Drug amount in urine k ren ⋅ D ⋅ (1 − e −ket ) ke U (t ) = Up to infinite time (t = ∝) k ren U (∞ ) k ren D ; = ; ke D ke ln(U (∞) − U (t )) = ln U (∞) − ke ⋅ t U (∞ ) = ke - slope can calc.from the Sigma Minus Plot (U(∞)-U(t) vs t fb – fraction of bound drug CLR = k ren⋅ ⋅ Vc CLR u ; CLR = (1 − f b ) B( t ) = k bil ⋅ D ⋅ (1 − e − ket ) ke M (t ) = k met ⋅ D ⋅ (1 − e − ket ) ; CLmet = k met ⋅ ⋅ Vc ke dM p dt ; CLbil = k bil ⋅ ⋅ Vc = k met X (t ) − k eM M p (t ) C M (t ) = CLtot = M k met D (e − k e t − e − k e t ) M V (k e − k e ) M c Biliary excretion can be calc. In analogous fashion assuming no reabsorption Total amounts of metabolites including further excretion of M metabolite into urine ( k e ). M C (t) = concentration of the metabolite in the central circulation D = k e ⋅ Vc ; CLtot = CLR + CLbil + CLmet AUC D : U(∞) : B(∞) : M(∞) = ke : kren : kbil : kmet = CLtot : CLR: CLbil: CLmet ...\PK-glossary_PK_working_group_2004.pdf after the end of all elimination into the different compartments AGAH Working group PK/PD modelling Page 13 of 24 One Compartment, multiple IV injection (i intervals τ) Cn- concentration after nth administration every τ hours ⎛ (1 − e − nkτ ) ⎞ D ⎟ Cn (t ) = e − ket ⋅ ⎜⎜ − kτ ⎟ Vc ⎝ (1 − e ) ⎠ C ss (t) = C 0 ⋅ e −k e t (1 − e C ss ,max = C0 ⋅ R = − kτ ) Fluc. = Css ,max Css ,min = Peak D 1 ⋅ Vc 1 − e − keτ C ss ,min = C0 ⋅ R ⋅ e − keτ = % Fluctuation = During steady-state conditions (n=∞), C0=concentration immediately after initial (first) injection = D/Vc 1 R = 1 − e − k eτ = C0 ⋅ R ⋅ e −k e t D e − keτ ⋅ = C ss ,max ⋅ e − keτ Vc 1 − e − ket C ss ,max − C ss ,min Css ,max = Trough Fluctuation depends on the relation between ke (or t1/2) and τ, not on the dose ⋅100 = e keτ ⎞ ⎛C ln⎜ ss ,max ⎟ ⎜ C ss ,min ⎟ ⎠ τ= ⎝ ke − C ss = AUC C ss,max = τ = Useful for calculation of the maintenance dose C ss -average ss conc., weighted mean, value between Cmax and Cmin ; includes no inform. about fluctuations in plasma levels + no inform. about magnitude of Cmax or Cmin D CL ⋅ τ DM D 1 ⋅ = L ; − k eτ Vc 1 − e Vc ...\PK-glossary_PK_working_group_2004.pdf DL = DM 1 − e − k eτ DL = loading dose required to immediately achieve the same maximum concentration as at steady state with a maintenance dose DM every τ hours AGAH Working group PK/PD modelling Page 14 of 24 One Compartment Model, IV Infusion, Zero Order Kinetics k0 ke D ⎯⎯→ X ⎯⎯→ E k0- constant infusion rate dX = k 0 − k e ⋅ X (t ) dt C ss = during constant rate infusion k0 ⋅ (1 − e − ket ) k e ⋅ Vd C (t ) = ss - t = ∞ , infusion equilibrium, like ss k0 k = 0 k e ⋅ Vd CLtot R0 =Css.CL ; Cltot =ke Vc ; R 0T D = CL tot = AUC ( 0 − T ) AUC Plasma concentr. at SS , CL at SS proportional to Css at SS C ss = R0 CL C (t ) = R0 (1 − e −ket ) CL C max = ; C(t ) = C ss (1 − e − ket ) for example: time to reach 90% SS ? (ln 0.1) C (t ) = 0.90 = (1 − e − k e t ) ; t = − ke Css Cmax -occurs at the end of infusion, setting t=τ (total time of infusion) R0 ⋅ (1 − e −k eT ) k e ⋅ Vd After End of Infusion: Plasma level after end of infusion with C(t ) = C max ⋅ e − k e ( t −T ) t = time after start of the infusion Short term Infusion: k LD = C ss ⋅ Vc = 0 ke Loading dose Incrementa l LD = Vc ⋅ (C desired − C initial ) Plasma level depends on infusion duration (τ) and t1/2: C (t ) ⋅100 = (1 − e − ke ) ⋅100 Css C 1 < t1/2 < τ: C (t1 / 2 ) = ss 2 One Compartment Model, Short Term Infusion, Zero Order, multiple dose C n (t ) = C n −1 (τ ) ⋅ e − ket + C n (τ ) = Cn(t) = concentration after nth infusion in intervals of τ k0 (1 − e − ket ) k e ⋅ Vd ⎛ 1 − e − nkeτ −ke (τ −T ) k0 (e − e − keτ ) ⋅ ⎜ ⎜ 1 − e − keτ k e ⋅ Vd ⎝ ...\PK-glossary_PK_working_group_2004.pdf ⎞ ⎟ ⎟ ⎠ n = number of doses AGAH Working group PK/PD modelling Page 15 of 24 One Compartment Model, Oral Administration With Resorption First Order, single dose D → A ⎯⎯a → X ⎯⎯e → E k dA = −k a A dt k dX dE = ka A − ke X ; = ke X dt dt ; f D = A(t) + X(t) + E(t)= E(∞) C (t ) = In most cases: k a > k e , this means that f ⋅ D ⋅ ka ⋅ (e − k e t ) Vd ⋅ ( k a − k e ) ln Cterm (t ) = e − ka t approches zero much faster −k t than e e - calc. of ke from slope of terminal phase k a < k e - Flip-Flop, but you need an additional iv administration to distinguish this case f ⋅ D ⋅ ka − k e t ; C(t)->Cterm(t) for t->∞ Vd ⋅ ( k a − k e ) Cterm (t ) − C (t ) = f ⋅ D ⋅ ka ⋅ e− k at Vc ⋅ (ka − ke ) ln(Cterm (t ) − C (t )) = t max BATEMAN-Function f ⋅ D ⋅ ka ⋅ (e − k e t − e − k a t ) Vd ⋅ ( k a − k e ) Cterm (t ) = C (t ) = F = fraction of dose available for absorption A(t ) = f ⋅ D ⋅ e − kat ; ka - feathering-method (can reasonably be used only if there are at least 4 data points in the increasing part of the concentrationtime curve) f ⋅ D ⋅ ka − kat Vd ⋅ ( k a − k e ) substraction of C from C’ (semilog. ∆(C’-C) versus t - slope -ka) with t0 - lag time f ⋅ D ⋅ ka ⋅ (e − k e ( t − t 0 ) − e − k a ( t − t 0 ) ) Vd ⋅ ( k a − k e ) ⎛k ⎞ ln⎜⎜ a ⎟⎟ ke ln(k a ) − ln(k e ) = ⎝ ⎠= ka − ke k a − ke C max = A = unabsorbed drug available at resorption place E = sum of the excreted amount of drug ka = absorp. rate constant tmax does not depend on the bioavailability f and, since ke commonly is substancedependent and not preparation-dependent, reflects ka , f ⋅ D ⋅ k a − ket max ⋅e Vd One Compartment Model, Oral Administration With Resorption First Order, multiple dose C n (t ) = Cn(t) = concentration after the nth consecutive dosing in intervals τ; BATEMAN-Function expanded by accumulation factor f ⋅ D ⋅ ka ⋅ (re ⋅ e − ket − ra ⋅ e − k a t ) Vd ⋅ ( k a − k e ) ⎛ e − k et f ⋅ D ⋅ ka e − k at ⋅⎜ − C ss (t ) = − k eτ ⎜ Vd ⋅ ( k a − k e ) ⎝ 1 − e 1 − e − k aτ t ss ,max = ⎛ k (1 − e − k e τ ) ⎞ 1 ⎟ ⋅ ln ⎜⎜ a − k aτ ⎟ ka − ke )⎠ ⎝ k e (1 − e ...\PK-glossary_PK_working_group_2004.pdf ⎞ ⎟ ⎟ ⎠ re = 1 − e − nkeτ ; ra = 1 − e − nk aτ ; n = ∞ for steady 1 − e − k aτ 1 − e − keτ state, in most cases ra ≈ 1 tss,max < tmax for ka > ke AGAH Working group PK/PD modelling Page 16 of 24 Two Compartment Model, IV Inj (without Resorption), single dose iv k10 D ⎯⎯→ X c ⎯ ⎯→ E ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ k12 ↓↑ k 21 ⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅ X p Xc = amount in central compartment Xp = amount in peripheral comp. dX c = k12 ⋅ X c + k10 ⋅ X c − k 21 ⋅ X p dt dX p = k 12 ⋅ X c − k 21 ⋅ X T dt − ; dE = k10 ⋅ X c dt D = X (0) = X c (0) = X c (t ) + X p (t ) + E (t ) = E (∞) E(∞) - Sum of drug eliminated ⎤ ⎡ α − k 21 ⋅ (eαt * − 1) ⋅ e −αt + ⎥ ⎢ ( ) α α β ⋅ − k ⎥ C (t ) = 0 ⎢ VC ⎢ k 21 − β βt * − βt ⎥ ( e 1 ) e ⋅ − ⋅ ⎥ ⎢ β ⋅ (α − β ) ⎦ ⎣ Concentration in plasma = Conc. in central compartment Aiv = (α − k 21 ) D ⋅ (α − β ) V c α = 1 k 12 + k 21 + k 10 + 2 β = 1 k 12 + k 21 + k 10 − 2 ; Biv = ( k 21 − β ) D ⋅ (α − β ) Vc Vc = volume of the central comp., α>k21>β ( ( k 12 + k 21 + k 10 ) 2 − 4 ⋅ k 21 ⋅ k 10 ( ( k 12 + k 21 + k 10 ) 2 − 4 ⋅ k 21 ⋅ k 10 α ⋅ β = k21 ⋅ k10 α + β = k12 + k 21 + k10 ; Cterm (t ) = B ⋅ e − β ⋅t A ⋅ β + B ⋅α A+ B → ln C term (t ) = ln B − β ⋅ t ; k10 = k12 = α + β − k 21 − k10 = AUC (0 − t ) = A α α ⋅β k 21 = A+ B A B + α B β (1 − e − βt ) ...\PK-glossary_PK_working_group_2004.pdf disposition rate constants, equal for iv and oral administration β AUC = α>β, for elim. phase first term =0 A,B, α, β, can determined by feathering method Plot ln(Cterm(t)) vs t with slope β, intercept ln(B) Plot ln((C(t)-Cterm(t))) vs t with slope α, intercept ln(A) A,B iv ≠ A,B oral k10=kren+ kmet (+kbil+ kother) ; k ren U ∞ = k10 E∞ AB( β − α ) 2 ( A + B)( A ⋅ β + B ⋅ α ) (1 − e −αt ) + ) α, β = Macro constants (or Hybrid constants, independent of dose, A+B proportional to dose k 12 , k 21 , k10 - Micro constants C (t ) − Cterm (t ) = A ⋅ e −αt → ln(C (t ) − C term (t )) = ln A − α ⋅ t k 21 = ) A α + B β AUC - by integration of the general equation for C AGAH Working group PK/PD modelling Page 17 of 24 Two Compartment Model, IV Inj, single dose iv k10 D ⎯⎯→ X c ⎯ ⎯→ E ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ k12 ↓↑ k 21 ⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅ X p ( X p (t ) = D ⋅ k12 −αt e − e − βt β −α t max, p = ln α − ln β α −β ) Xp = drug amount in the tissues (peripheral compartment) dX p = 0 at tmax,p dt Most membranes central compartment / tissue are crossed by diffusion – by unbound drug only fb = fraction bound (to protein) Vc – volume of distribution in the central compartment Ccf (t max, p ) = C (t max, p ) ⋅ (1 − f b ) = C p (t max, p ) ⋅ (1 − f b, p ) = C pf (t max, p ) Vc = D D = C (0) A + B Xc + X p X X = = (assumed ) c Vc Vc + V p Vc Vd , ss = Vss = Vss = c ⎛ k ⎞ = ⎜⎜1 + 21 ⎟⎟ ⋅ Vc ⎝ k12 ⎠ Vss can also be calculated from macro constants A ⋅ β 2 + B ⋅α 2 ⋅D ( A ⋅ β + B ⋅α ) 2 C max, p = ( k 21 ⋅ D −α ⋅t − β ⋅t ⋅ e max, p − e max, p Vc ⋅ ( β − α ) dE dt C (t ) = AUC = A α CL β = + In the strictest sense only true at equilibrium Xp k 21 Vc ; C p = Vp k12 ) k10 ⋅ X c (t ) = k10 ⋅ Vc C (t ) CL = ke ⋅ Vss ; ke = Vz = k 21 k12 Xc Vc C ss V p = Vss − Vc = CL = (1 + )⋅ X = Xc + X p Other “volume” terms are proportionality factors assuming that Cc = CT, they may take on unphysiological values. Initially Xc and Cc high with XT and Cp nearly 0. In the end frequently CT > Cp. Vd = volume of distribution of the total organism – not constant in time! Vss = volume of distribution at equilibrium, when flows Xc ↔ XT balance: k12·Xc = k21·XT B β = k10 ⋅ Vc k ⋅k = 10 21 Vss k21 + k12 k 21 ⋅ D α ⋅ β Vc ; This is the definition of ke for a twocompartment model k ⋅k D = 21 10 Vc = k10 ⋅ Vc = CL AUC k 21 D β ⋅ AUC CL = k10 ⋅ Vc = ke ⋅ Vss = β ⋅ Vz = D AUC ...\PK-glossary_PK_working_group_2004.pdf Vz – volume of distribution during terminal phase, calculated based on the rate constant Vz > Vss > Vc – during terminal phase XT > Xc AGAH Working group PK/PD modelling Page 18 of 24 Two compartment Model single dose infusion (or zero order resorption) k0 k10 A ⎯⎯→ X c ⎯ ⎯→ E ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ k12 ↓↑ k 21 ⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅ X k0 = p D T Infusion of dose D during τ at constant rate k0 ⎤ ⎡ α − k 21 ⋅ (eαt * − 1) ⋅ e −αt + ⎥ k 0 ⎢⎢ α ⋅ (α − β ) ⎥ C (t ) = VC ⎢ k 21 − β βt * − βt ⎥ ⋅ (e − 1) ⋅ e ⎥ ⎢ ⎦ ⎣ β ⋅ (α − β ) General equation for calc. of C(t) during and after infusion, t* = min(τ,t) ⎤ k 0 ⎡ α − k 21 k −β ⋅ (1 − e −αt ) + 21 ⋅ (1 − e − βt )⎥ ⎢ β ⋅ (α − β ) VC ⎣ α ⋅ (α − β ) ⎦ k0 k k0 = k10·Ass = k10·Css·Vc; C ss = = 0 k10 ⋅ Vc CL during infusion, t*=t (eλt*-1)e-λt becomes 1- e-λt ⎡ (α − k 21 ) ⋅ (1 − e −αT ) −α (t −T ) ⎤ ⋅e +⎥ ⎢ α ⋅ (α − β ) k0 ⎢ ⎥ C (t ) = VC ⎢ (k 21 − β ) ⋅ (1 − e − βT ) − β (t −T ) ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⋅e β ⋅ (α − β ) ⎢⎣ ⎥⎦ after end of infusion, t-τ = time after end C (t ) = ...\PK-glossary_PK_working_group_2004.pdf For a continuing infusion, τ→∞ AGAH Working group PK/PD modelling Page 19 of 24 Two compartment Model, single dose with Resorption First Order ka k10 A ⎯⎯→ X c ⎯ ⎯→ E ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ k12 ↓↑ k 21 ⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅ X p (k21 − α ) (k21 − β ) ⎡ α⋅t −β ⋅t ⎤ ⎢ (β − α ) ⋅ (k − α ) ⋅ e + (β − α ) ⋅ (k − β ) ⋅ e ⎥ ka ⋅ F ⋅ D ⎢ a a ⎥ ⋅ C(t ) = ⎢ ⎥ (k21 − ka ) Vc −kat ⋅e ⎢+ ⎥ ⎣ (α − ka ) ⋅ (β − ka ) ⎦ k 21 − α k 21 − β + ( β − α ) ⋅ ( ka − α ) (α − β ) ⋅ (k a − β ) =− k21 − ka (α − ka ) ⋅ ( β − k a ) C-central compartment with micro constants C(t) = A⋅ e−α⋅t + B ⋅ e−β ⋅t − ( A + B) ⋅ e−kat C-central compartment with macro constants AIV = D (k 21 − α ) ⋅ Vc ( β − α ) Aoral = ka ⋅ f ⋅ Aiv (k a − α ) BIV = ; ; Boral = D (k 21 − β ) ⋅ Vc (α − β ) ka ⋅ f ⋅ Biv (k a − β ) Vc D = f f ⋅ Aiv + f ⋅ Biv C p (t ) = B ⋅ k 21 − βt ( A + B) ⋅ k 21 − k a t A ⋅ k 21 ⋅e e − ⋅ e −αt + (k 21 − α ) (k 21 − β ) (k 21 − k a ) Without iv data only Vc/f can be determined, but based on knowledge of f⋅Aiv and f⋅Biv the micro constants k10, k21, k12 may be derived CT-deep compartment Two compartment Model, multiple dose with Resorption First Order Cn (t x ) = A ⋅ − ( A + B) (1 − e − nατ ) −αt x 1 − e − nβτ − βt x ⋅e +B e −ατ 1− e 1 − e − βτ 1 − e −nkaτ 1 − e −kaτ e −kat x ...\PK-glossary_PK_working_group_2004.pdf Cn – concentration at time tx after the nth administration at interval τ, time after first dosing = n⋅τ AGAH Working group PK/PD modelling 3 Page 20 of 24 PHARMACODYNAMIC GLOSSARY 3.1 Definitions Symbol AUEC Unit / Dimension Arbitrary units·time Definition Area under the effect curve Ce Amount/volume Fictive ‘concentration’ in the effect compartment Cp Amount/volume Drug concentration in the central compartment E (effect unit) Effect E0 (effect unit) Baseline effect Emax (effect unit) Maximum effect EC50 Amount/volume Imax (effect unit) I50 keo Drug concentration producing 50% of maximum effect Maximum inhibition Drug concentration producing 50% of maximal inhibition Amount/volume (Time) Rate constant for degradation of the effect compartment -1 -1 Zero order constant for input or production of response kin (effect unit) (time) kout (time) M50 Amount/volume 50% of maximum effect of the regulator MEC Amount/volume Minimum effective concentration - Sigmoidicity factor (Hill exponent) n S -1 (effect unit)/ First order rate constant for loss of response Slope of the line relating the effect to the concentration (amount/volume) tMEC Ve Time Volume ...\PK-glossary_PK_working_group_2004.pdf Duration of the minimum (or optimum) effective concentration Fictive volume of the effect compartment AGAH Working group PK/PD modelling 3.2 Equations: PK/PD Models E=Efixed if C ≥ Cthreshold E= E= Page 21 of 24 fixed effect model E max ⋅ C E50 + C Emax model Emax ⋅ C n sigmoid Emax model n E50 +Cn dR = k in − k out ⋅ R dt Rate of change of the response over time with no drug present ⎡ ⎤ dR C = k in ⋅ ⎢1 − ⎥ − k out ⋅ R dt IC + C 50 ⎣ ⎦ Inhibition of build-up of response ⎡ I ⋅Cn ⎤ dR = k in ⋅ ⎢1 − max − k out ⋅ R n⎥ dt ⎣⎢ IC50 + C ⎦⎥ ⎡ ⋅C ⎤ I dR = k in − k out ⋅ ⎢1 − max ⎥⋅R + dt IC 50 C ⎦ ⎣ Inhibition of loss of response ⎡ E ⋅C ⎤ dR = k in ⋅ ⎢1 + max ⎥ − k out ⋅ R dt ⎣ E50 + C ⎦ Stimulation of build-up of response ⎡ E ⋅C ⎤ dR = k in − k out ⋅ ⎢1 + max ⎥ ⋅ R dt ⎣ E50 + C ⎦ Stimulation of loss of response ...\PK-glossary_PK_working_group_2004.pdf AGAH Working group PK/PD modelling 4 Page 22 of 24 STATISTICAL PARAMETERS 4.1 Definitions Symbol AIC Definition Akaike Information Criterion (smaller positive values indicate a better fit) CI Confidence interval, e.g. 90%-CI CV Coefficient of variation in % Calculation AIC = n·ln(WSSR) +2p n = number of observed (measured) concentrations, p = number of parameters in the model CI = x ± tn −1,α ⋅ SEM CV = 100 ⋅ Median = ~ x Median, value such that 50% of observed values are below and 50% above Mean = x Arithmetic mean SD x , SD = standard deviation (n+1)st value if there are 2n+1 values or arithmetic th st mean of n and (n+1) value if there are 2n values x= 1 n n ∑x i i =1 MSC Model selection criterion AIC, SC, F-ratio test, Imbimbo criterion etc. SC Schwarz criterion SC = n·ln(WSSR) +p·ln(n) SD Standard deviation SD = Var SEM Standard error of mean SSR SS Sum of the squared deviations between the calculated values of the model and the measured values Sum of the squared deviations between the measured values and the mean value C SEM = SD n n SSR = ∑ i=1 n SS = ∑ i=1 ( ) 2 C i , obs - C i , calc ( ) 2 C i , obs - C ⎛ n ⎞ ⎜ ∑ Ci ,obs ⎟ ⎟ ⎛ n ⎞ ⎜ ⎠ SS = ⎜ ∑ Ci ,obs 2 ⎟ - ⎝ i =1 ⎜ ⎟ n ⎝ i =1 ⎠ 2 n = number of observed (measured) concentrations use of the second formula is discouraged although mathematically identical WSS or WSSR Weighted sum of the squared deviations between the calculated values of the model and the measured values n WSSR = ∑ w i i=1 ( C i , obs - C i , calc ) 2 Var Variance s² = SS/(n-1) X25% Lower quartile (25%- quantile), value such that 25% of observed values are below and 75% above may be calculated as median of values between minimum and the overall median X75% Upper quartile (75%- quantile) may be calculated as median of values between the overall median and the maximum ...\PK-glossary_PK_working_group_2004.pdf AGAH Working group PK/PD modelling 4.2 Page 23 of 24 Characterisation of log-normally distributed data Symbol Definition Xg Geometric mean of log-normally distributed data sdl Standard deviation to the log-transformed data Calculation ⎡1 n ⎤ X g = exp ⎢ * ∑ ln(x i )⎥ n i =1 ⎣ ⎦ sd l = 2 ⎧ n n ⎤ ⎫⎪ 1 ⎪ 1⎡ ⋅ ⎨ ln( xi ) 2 − ⎢ ln( xi )⎥ ⎬ n − 1 ⎪ i =1 n ⎣⎢ i =1 ⎦⎥ ⎪⎭ ⎩ ∑ ∑ Scatter Scatter-Factor Scatter = e sd CIg Confidence interval of log-normally distributed data ⎡1 n ⎤ CI g = exp ⎢ ⋅ ln( xi ) ± tn −1,0.05 ⋅ SEM ln ⎥ ⎣⎢ n i =1 ⎦⎥ CVg Geometric coefficient of variation in % Per16% 16% percentile of log-normally distributed data Per84% 84% percentile of log-normally distributed data ...\PK-glossary_PK_working_group_2004.pdf l ∑ CVg = 100 ⋅ eVarln − 1 [%] Per16% = Xg Scatter Per 84% = X g ⋅ Scatter