RAT Pack Playbook

(Fast Start Checklist - Use Checkmarks As You Go!)
❐ Text “Dream” to 37619 & Register for Text Updates www.WVRatPack.com/gettingstarted
❐ Complete 7day Fast Lane Sheet on Getting Started Page & Begin The Playbook
7day Fast Lane Worksheet & Audio: www.WVRatPack.com/gettingstarted
*OPTIONAL: RAT Pack Playbook: www.WVRatPack.com/leadership
❐ Register for Upcoming Training Event (Circle When Registered)
Super Saturday / Regional Training Event / National Event / www.WVRatPack.com/events
❐ Use Concierge Service and Download The RoviaAssist Mobile App
Call (Toll Free) 1.855.896.2815 - Ask ANYTHING... It’s Fun!
❐ Begin Invites Using 7day Fast Lane Sheet or 20-15-6 Flow Chart (From Playbook)
ACTIVITY + ATTITUDE = RESULTS in this business.
❐ Get Familiar With Your Websites and Use Your Membership
Username.DreamTripsLife.com / Username.WorldVentures.biz / www.WVRatPack.com
❐ Schedule a Travel Party at Your Home or Attend One In Your Area
http://www.WVRatPack.com/events Contact a leader to schedule one.
❐ Listen in on Wings & Wheels Call
Monday Nights 6pm MT, 7pm CT, 8pm ET / 712-432-8912 / PIN: 904188#
❐ Listen in on Knights of the Round Table Call
Sunday Nights 9pm Central / 1-218-862-1300 / PIN # 391615
❐ Begin Listening To Your Fast Lane Audio CDs
These are found in your welcome kit and distributed by leaders.
❐ Start Reading Recommended Books (www.WVRatPack.com/leadership)
The Business Of The 21st Century by: Robert Kiyosaki; The Mentor by: Ryan Chamberlin
This Fast Start Playbook is designed to teach you the system that thousands of people have
already used in order to earn a check quickly and waive their dues within our company. Our
trainings are fun and invaluable to your success. Those who regularly attend our events
significantly outperform those who don’t attend. As a result, our events commonly sell out.
Register at www.wvratpack.com/events
Our system is simple:
1. Pay Attention - Match, model, and take advice from those who have had success and have
what you want. Don’t take advice from someone with little to no success in network
2. Get Excited - Your level of excitement and the number of people you show with enthusiasm
can easily make up for any inexperience you may have in network marketing.
3. Have Fun! - When you’re brand new, many will join, but even the ones who say “no” at first
are still watching you so have fun with it! Remember, every dollar spent on your
membership can go toward a Rewards DreamTrip and more FUN!
The combination for earning
Your first step is to create a list of the top 20 people you want to show and contact them.
Then, set up 15 quality exposures using the 2 Step Invite with one of your business
partners/mentors either in person, over the phone, or online (DO NOT start by yourself!)
From these quality exposures, 6 will join your team (depending on your level of
20 Invites
15 Quality Exposures (w/ an expert present or on the phone for credibility)
6 Enrollments
*In this example, 9 said “no.” It’s OK! S.W. (Some Will, Some Won’t, So What! Some Will Later!)*
---Focus on getting a check for
$570 in your first week---
Names List
Start w/ 20
Used Expert
1. _____________________
2. _____________________
3. _____________________
4. _____________________
5. _____________________
6. _____________________
7. _____________________
8. _____________________
9. _____________________
10. _____________________
11. _____________________
12. _____________________
13. _____________________
14. _____________________
15. _____________________
16. _____________________
17. _____________________
18. _____________________
19. _____________________
20. _____________________
6 Direct Commissions ($20 x 6) = $120
6 Personal Sales In 4 Week Period = $250
1 Cycle (3 Left/3 Right) = $200
Total = $570
Find out what team you were born on
(left or right). Place your first 3 sales on
whichever team you were born on.
Ex: If you were born on the left team,
place your first 3 on your left.
In this example you’ve earned all of your
money back, become profitable, and waived
your overhead/monthly due!
Best INVITE & 2 Step Invites
Best Invite - “A good friend just shared an exciting idea with me and I immediately thought of you!
We need to get together ASAP so I can get you (up to speed/the info)!” (Set time and place without
2 Step
explaining - use “what is it” below.)
1. Clear The Date - (Ask them if they will be free at a specific time.)
• If Free: Move to Step 2
• If Busy: Say “OK, no problem I’ll catch you later!” - Creates Curiosity
2. Confirm The Date
Travel Party
Step 1 - “Hey! What are you doing tomorrow around 7pm?!!”
Step 2 - “Great! I’m having some friends over to my house. I’ve got some ideas I want to run by you
and some friends I want you to meet! Be here by 7pm. Get excited and don’t be late!”
*Inviting to someone else’s Travel Party: “Great! I’ve got some ideas I want to run by you and some friends I
want you to meet! I’ll pick you up at 6:40pm. Be ready and get excited!
Face-to-Face / Two-on-One
Step 1 - “Hey! What are you doing right (now/this afternoon/evening/tomorrow)?!!”
Step 2 - “Great, let’s grab (coffee/tea/some food)! I’ve got an awesome idea I want to run by you!!”
Online Exposure
Step 1 - “Hey, when do you have 20 minutes you can be in front of a computer without distractions?!”
Step 2 - “Great, I’ve got something exciting that I want you to check out. I’ll call you then!” (Don’t
give them the website until they are at a computer.)
---If they ask “What is it?”--• “It’s awesome! Get excited :)”
• “It’s not something I can explain over the phone, that’s what tomorrow night is for! Just get
I tried to explain it I wouldn’t do it justice. I don’t want to give you anything until I can show you
everything. You’ll see what it’s all about tonight! Get excited!”
• “It’s me! lol you’ll see it when we meet. Get excited!”
• “Something that I think could be a big blessing for you!”
----REMEMBER---Use this as a guideline but MAKE IT YOU. Incorporate your own personality into the invite. Your
friends can tell when you’re acting different.
Also, you’re in business for yourself, but not by yourself! If you don’t know how to respond to someone
or something, just ask a leader.
“Hey Mom/Dad, I just found a way to gain valuable leadership experience and skills while making extra
money! You’re going to love it! It’s REALLY flexible with school and work! When can we sit down so I
can show it all to you?! “
If they ask “What is it?” just say “If I tried to explain it I wouldn’t do it justice. I don’t want to give you
anything until I can show you everything. You’re going to love it!”
*Note: Your parents may have questions that you did not, so unless you want to look non-credible/illprepared it’s important to take a leader with you when you show them or at least arrange a 3rd party
validation over the phone in order to get their questions answered right then and there. This way our
leaders are on the pedestal, not you.
Successful Person
“Hey ___, this is (your name). I am calling because I have always respected you for what you’ve
accomplished in your life. I just started a new business that I’m extremely excited about, and I’ve been
told that successful people are always open to evaluate new business ventures. This may interest you and
you might be able to give me some ideas on how to expand this quickly. Would you be willing to give
me an hour of your time to take a look at what I’m doing?”
People You Haven’t Seen In a Long Time / Acquaintances
“Hey ___, this is (your name)! How are you? Great! Listen, I know you’re probably wondering why I’m
calling you out of the blue (laugh), but your name has been running through my mind lately. I started a
business recently and I honestly have never been so excited in my life! I’m not sure if this is for you or
not, but I wanted to call you because I’d love to share with you what I’m doing. Are you open to taking a
look? -If “yes,” then move right into the 2 Step Invite.
----REMEMBER---You can’t say the wrong thing to the right person! Don’t be afraid to mess it up a few times. The right
people will be open no matter what you say! Use this as a guideline but MAKE IT YOU. Incorporate
your own personality into the invite. Your friends can tell when you’re acting different.
Inviting is a learned skill. It’s not something that comes natural to most. Just like learning how to ride a
bike, you might make some mistakes and fall a few times, but after some practice you will quickly
become a polished, professional inviter.
At The Exposure
1. Chat for 5-10 minutes
• Make your friend feel comfortable - Give time for the expert to build a relationship with your
friend. This is assuming you have a leader with you. If not, skip this step.
2. Three Step Set-Up (What to say right before the presentation)
• Your “WHY” - Why are you doing this? This is something you have to discover for yourself. It
must be genuine and sincere, i.e. “I’ve been searching and searching for something that could
help me get out of debt. I just FOUND IT.”
• Big Deal / All In - “This is a BIG DEAL and I’ve done all the research. This is something I’m
taking very serious and I’m ALL IN!” *Note: People follow strength, not weakness
• Don’t Care - “I don’t know how this will strike you. You might love it, or you might not get it
right away. Either way, it’s no big deal. I just wanted to give you the chance to see this before I
go show everyone else. ”
3. Introduce and Edify the Expert
• Edify Expert to Friend - Build them UP! “We are very fortunate to have ___ with us today. He
is one of the most dynamic, and high integrity individuals I know. He’s also one of the top
leaders in this area. He’s on high demand so it’s great that he could take the time to be here.”
• Edify Friend to Expert - “____ has been a friend of mine for years. She is one of the most kind
and caring people that I know. She’s the exact type of person that I would want to work with.
She’s extremely sharp so I knew she would get this!”
Using An Expert Over The Phone/Online
a. Skip #1, Complete #2, Then Edify Speaker In Recording - “Scott Ross is VERY successful in
business and is an incredibly humble man, a corporate trainer, and mentor to thousands around
the world. The fact that he’s involved obviously brings a lot of credibility to what we’re doing.”
b. After the recording/video say, “That was awesome wasn’t it?! (smile and nod)... I’m going to
get my friend (expert) on the phone.” (Don’t ask, just do it) Put your phone on speaker and
complete #3 and ask the expert to share his/her story and answer your friend's questions.
c. If online, call expert 1 minute before recording/video ends, then call your friend via 3-way call.
Complete #3 and your expert will take it from there.
----REMEMBER---During The Recording/Presentation: Be EXCITED! Laugh at the jokes! Don’t interrupt the video; stay
glued to it. Show EnthusIASM (I Am Sold Myself)! After Introducing Expert: Don’t interrupt the the
expert; it automatically de-edifies him/her. Listen and learn.
10 Commitments
Commitment: Doing the thing you said you would do, long after the mood you said
it in is over.
Commitment #1 - The Game Plan Session
Make sure you have a game plan session within 24-48 hrs with every new representative and conduct a game
plan session using www.WVRatPack.com/gettingstarted - Ensure they complete 7 Day Fast Lane & Checklist.
Commitment #2 - 2 Exposures Every Day
Commit to getting out 2 exposures every day using any of the exposure tools we have available. Just push
play DVD, Recruiting call, Website, live events etc. Minimum:at least 1 exposure a day for 5 days a week.
Commitment #3 - Attend your Weekly Live Business Presentation
The Weekly Live Business Presentation is your opportunity to bring guests to see a first class presentation.
You need to commit to being at 1 live meeting/week with or without a guest. Stay Around The Campfire!
Commitment #4 - Plug into Your Fast Start Training Classes
All New Representatives MUST attend the NEXT Fast Start Training Class in their area! These usually occur
following our live presentations (travel parties). Fast Start Training is the key to helping you get started fast
and earn $570. Also commit to attending with all your new members. Training agenda found on
Commitment #5 - Attend your Monthly Super Saturday and Regional Training Events
The Super Saturdays and RTE’s give you and your team the Big Picture! You will get training from
WorldVentures’ Top Money Earners. Make it a goal from month to month to have more people on your team
at the next big event.
Commitment #6 - Attend the National Events
There are four National Events each year! Everyone who comes back is changed forever. You get trained by
the best of the best and build a vision and belief that can take you to International Marketing Director and
beyond. BIG changes and decisions in your business are made at BIG events.
Commitment #7 - Commitment to Personal Development
This is the most important of the commitments! (See the others in the RAT Pack Playbook) You can only earn
what you become! Commit to reading just 10 pages of personal development everyday (See our
recommendations @ www.WVRatPack.com/leadership) and 15 minutes of a powerful CD (See Leadership
Cafe). Imagine what/who you would become if you read 10 pages everyday. That would be over 3,000 pages
a year!
Commitment #8 - Have a Workout Partner
Get someone to be your workout partner and be accountable to each other. Help each other stay committed to
the 10 Commitments.
Commitment #8 - Become a Product of the Product - Go on a DreamTrip!
This creates curiosity with pictures and shows people (prospects & nay sayers 1) You’re serious 2) It’s real
and the value is real!
Commitment #10 - Be Here One Year from Now (Doing 1-10)
Get committed to these commitments for one year. Challenge yourself to be committed for one year.
Challenge yourself to be committed to the proper activity for 52 weeks and watch what happens! Life will
never be the same again!
“I’d like to have an open communication with you.” .