High School Graduation Speech: Inventing Your Future

Start of high school graduation speech
Principal Brown, members of the School Board, teachers, parents, friends, and
fellow graduates, it is an honor to speak to all of you today.
A little over 12 years ago I was 6 and I remember my first day of school. I was
excited with my new Power Rangers lunchbox. My parents were there with their
camera snapping pictures and wishing me well. And I met a really cool kid named
James. In some ways not much has changed in 12 years.
Here I am today. OK, so I didn’t bring my Power Rangers lunchbox but, my
parents are here with their camera, snapping pictures and wishing me well. My
best friend James is here and he’s still a really cool kid. And, I am excited.
But this is how things are different. 12 years ago I was excited but I had no idea
about the implications of the journey I was about to begin. I had no idea that
after 1st grade there would be 2nd grade and 3rd grade and so on. I was just
excited to be in first grade.
Today, I know that I am standing on the brink of a future that it is the rest of my
life. As a “computer geek” I am inspired by the words of one of our greatest
American computer scientists, Alan Kay. He said, “The greatest way to predict the
future is to invent it.”
Some of us here today, including our parents, are wondering how our lives are
going to turn out. It is OK to wonder but, I also think it is important to realize
that our future is not just something that happens to us. It is up to us to create.
So, fellow graduates, I urge you today to embrace the opportunity before you.
Take what you have learned the last 12 years and put it to good use.
Leave behind what isn’t helpful (I’m leaving my Power Rangers lunchbox) and
bring forward with you the lessons that will be the working parts of your greatest
invention ever, YOUR LIFE! Congratulations!