File B2-12 February 2016 Historic Cattle Prices Table 1. Cattle prices, monthly average – Iowa/Southern Minnesota choice steers ($/live cwt.) Year 1990 1991 Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. Avg. $78.44 $78.40 $78.87 $79.83 $78.50 $76.57 $75.80 $76.78 $77.19 $79.00 $80.83 $81.61 $78.49 79.68 79.55 81.02 80.97 78.47 74.29 72.27 67.51 68.10 68.12 68.91 68.86 73.98 1992 71.83 76.50 77.66 77.65 76.36 1993 79.43 80.21 83.28 82.20 81.19 70.75 70.79 70.62 76.33 1994 72.05 72.64 68.19 63.41 65.43 66.26 65.54 66.08 68.17 68.32 68.85 1995 72.20 67.39 63.98 64.22 62.39 62.82 63.33 64.32 67.43 66.57 66.50 1996 64.38 62.80 1997 65.89 65.59 68.22 68.37 1998 1999 64.45 60.95 62.27 64.75 65.48 63.75 60.39 59.43 58.29 60.64 60.98 59.26 61.72 61.07 61.73 64.60 64.95 64.00 65.22 63.76 64.94 65.54 68.90 69.72 69.45 65.32 2000 2001 68.30 68.05 71.10 73.83 72.05 70.37 67.40 77.69 78.80 80.25 78.49 76.25 75.89 72.81 2002 67.18 70.73 73.01 68.53 66.41 64.30 62.44 63.39 64.31 64.40 2003 76.15 77.48 76.80 78.48 78.62 2004 80.58 79.76 85.02 86.90 2005 88.37 87.91 92.67 92.27 88.96 2006 92.58 90.32 85.67 2007 87.03 90.08 2008 2009 90.59 90.54 89.41 89.88 83.70 80.66 82.09 87.57 75.11 75.02 73.15 70.23 62.51 59.86 59.77 74.19 73.31 73.78 74.19 74.63 77.13 73.86 73.84 72.66 61.76 64.19 66.71 77.31 75.19 70.01 70.98 73.21 68.72 65.41 67.74 64.80 64.88 66.04 66.05 66.66 67.22 66.08 66.46 65.19 64.68 67.40 70.42 74.49 69.44 70.73 68.73 66.28 64.69 64.30 72.91 69.12 76.51 76.49 80.34 88.87 101.66 102.40 88.13 89.52 84.38 83.95 81.37 79.56 74.91 67.15 97.40 84.27 85.10 84.11 82.74 79.60 80.08 84.10 86.50 89.46 92.87 87.13 81.53 80.63 85.37 87.94 87.46 86.14 85.90 85.37 91.45 92.44 90.17 91.88 97.14 98.60 96.32 88.36 88.80 81.24 82.31 82.39 71.94 93.15 93.55 97.89 98.22 95.56 88.19 85.19 81.55 82.38 82.03 81.81 80.65 91.03 91.94 88.17 84.26 91.62 82.15 81.38 82.60 2010 2011 84.84 87.25 91.95 98.53 97.73 92.39 93.29 94.92 95.96 97.44 99.25 101.43 94.58 105.79 107.96 118.78 119.67 111.96 109.63 112.43 113.48 116.64 119.86 125.39 124.18 115.48 2012 123.70 124.12 127.16 123.09 121.58 121.21 115.12 118.38 123.50 123.60 125.74 125.18 122.70 2013 124.98 123.61 125.99 126.66 126.22 121.85 121.11 123.83 123.69 127.68 130.51 131.37 125.63 2014 141.12 146.25 149.95 148.17 146.95 149.39 158.35 156.97 158.25 163.84 168.10 163.26 154.22 2015 165.62 159.48 162.89 163.69 160.28 152.15 148.78 147.62 134.05 128.13 125.97 125.03 147.81 Notes: 1/ Weighted average prices for 65-80 percent choice. 2/ Source: United States Department of Agriculture - Agricultural Marketing Service, compiled by the Livestock Marketing Information Center. Lee Schulz extension livestock economist 515-294-3356 Page 2 File B2-12 Table 2. Cattle prices, monthly average – Sioux Falls boning utility cows, 800-1200 lbs. ($/live cwt.) Year 1986 1987 Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. Avg. $34.98 $36.85 $37.61 $35.62 $38.16 $38.02 $37.35 $38.05 $37.88 $36.75 $35.13 $35.79 $36.85 41.23 42.62 44.81 44.55 43.48 44.46 44.12 44.58 46.34 45.98 45.80 47.84 44.65 1988 1989 47.83 49.68 49.25 52.46 51.43 51.83 51.76 51.06 49.75 50.00 1990 1991 52.80 55.74 55.65 55.67 55.97 56.56 57.27 57.61 56.55 53.33 49.30 51.10 54.80 51.05 53.46 54.58 54.80 55.73 56.32 53.78 52.68 51.35 50.56 47.84 48.31 52.54 1992 46.20 45.25 45.94 45.03 45.61 43.47 44.20 1993 45.00 47.25 49.50 45.16 46.36 48.34 48.38 46.30 45.50 49.05 48.47 51.12 51.17 52.58 53.05 52.42 50.12 52.72 51.31 46.10 46.45 45.66 42.06 44.65 45.05 49.13 49.00 49.40 50.28 49.75 48.05 46.00 47.31 46.69 44.70 44.00 43.65 40.56 43.13 42.50 47.42 1994 42.64 43.44 46.64 1995 38.69 40.56 39.39 38.47 37.05 36.02 1996 31.95 33.06 32.56 29.72 29.10 32.50 32.90 1997 27.50 32.50 35.75 37.70 37.86 35.31 1998 1999 38.16 38.52 34.81 35.81 2000 2001 39.19 38.88 41.58 43.94 43.50 45.38 42.20 44.94 44.63 46.25 47.70 50.50 44.13 43.00 41.88 38.25 39.38 41.42 41.71 47.63 46.95 45.50 41.80 37.50 38.38 44.50 2002 39.00 37.63 34.19 36.38 41.88 44.06 42.88 42.45 41.50 32.13 30.25 37.74 35.44 32.50 38.19 38.40 39.36 39.44 36.40 37.30 36.50 39.50 40.00 41.50 29.15 30.75 35.63 25.13 25.56 30.33 31.76 32.25 35.10 34.28 36.10 33.55 31.88 30.88 33.78 36.22 39.75 38.85 39.45 37.88 38.80 38.35 37.50 37.94 35.80 34.50 35.83 39.25 2003 39.20 40.25 2004 48.00 46.63 49.60 54.63 56.38 60.00 2005 54.25 55.25 60.30 61.25 62.75 61.20 58.25 54.90 2006 47.13 49.75 49.80 47.63 47.80 47.94 41.50 47.56 2007 48.50 52.63 52.00 52.13 55.50 54.25 54.08 55.25 52.88 53.20 46.25 48.75 52.12 2008 2009 50.00 55.94 55.69 54.40 59.38 58.13 63.35 63.00 59.00 53.60 44.75 41.75 54.92 45.63 46.75 46.88 49.33 53.17 45.88 48.63 47.06 46.90 44.94 43.08 45.83 47.01 2010 2011 49.67 52.88 52.50 58.31 62.06 61.75 60.13 60.69 56.73 57.25 53.00 56.20 56.76 64.31 71.31 74.40 76.94 76.94 74.58 70.50 70.97 64.60 63.75 62.25 68.50 69.92 2012 70.88 79.85 81.25 2013 73.34 76.11 75.30 2014 82.64 89.57 98.41 2015 75.72 42.13 45.20 48.41 46.06 49.90 37.00 36.68 36.48 42.48 34.19 32.63 29.25 81.97 97.91 60.75 49.13 50.50 48.85 51.83 48.13 46.63 59.75 58.00 54.75 55.50 52.50 54.71 55.13 52.75 51.50 47.75 49.85 50.25 48.31 43.06 84.14 78.99 71.83 75.86 76.56 73.99 76.18 76.03 76.72 80.49 78.32 75.80 75.83 52.13 56.64 71.58 72.00 76.58 76.14 76.33 97.52 103.38 112.16 117.91 114.13 114.40 111.79 109.38 104.10 107.00 105.72 110.16 109.95 110.72 109.66 109.15 108.75 96.98 87.10 76.03 69.88 100.09 Notes: 1/ Prices for South St. Paul, MN (January 1986 through December 1991) and Sioux Falls, SD (January 1992 through present). 2/ Source: Livestock, Meat & Wool Weekly Summary & Statistics (January 1986 through December 2005) and Department of Agriculture - Agricultural Marketing Service (January 2006 - present), compiled by the Livestock Marketing Information Center. 3/ Annual prices for Sioux Falls in 2009 are only for Sioux Fall Regional (July 2009 - December 2009). Page 3 File B2-12 Table 3. Cattle prices, monthly average – Oklahoma City medium and large frame #1, 500-600 lb. steers ($/cwt.) Year 1992 1993 Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. Avg. $88.43 $92.59 $94.73 $93.03 $90.69 $91.53 $93.25 $94.31 $92.40 $87.75 $90.53 $90.83 $91.67 95.21 96.33 100.82 102.76 99.78 103.05 99.30 98.08 97.10 93.68 91.79 92.63 97.54 1994 91.85 95.89 99.85 98.61 90.53 86.52 1995 84.83 85.17 83.64 1996 60.94 61.35 61.44 58.78 58.41 1997 72.83 80.27 86.31 1998 1999 87.76 89.37 91.60 94.28 90.99 80.69 81.87 84.37 88.46 88.91 85.52 86.41 2000 2001 Jul. 87.64 81.13 75.94 74.69 69.90 87.18 80.03 79.85 83.53 84.50 88.83 70.11 65.94 63.41 63.14 64.63 73.54 61.80 60.53 65.28 64.64 64.29 67.32 68.86 62.80 87.23 88.92 89.54 93.95 91.12 88.56 87.16 87.00 75.71 74.18 71.69 73.58 76.75 78.35 82.08 87.06 85.65 85.45 84.55 92.59 96.55 87.28 98.22 101.27 104.53 100.03 98.10 99.35 104.77 99.87 93.03 92.02 96.17 100.14 102.90 106.96 110.27 104.18 105.43 102.70 99.24 99.55 92.66 93.98 2002 95.75 98.63 2003 93.78 97.56 96.26 94.12 95.56 97.18 88.71 86.80 97.85 98.77 97.85 101.32 92.75 88.94 86.70 86.62 85.64 86.26 90.06 92.26 91.45 97.12 99.57 101.23 100.25 103.08 106.73 108.75 108.29 100.47 2004 103.11 106.43 113.62 116.04 122.84 125.79 132.39 132.07 121.60 123.29 125.53 122.78 120.46 2005 119.45 125.04 132.87 133.60 133.78 134.08 126.39 129.11 131.06 123.94 132.43 129.51 129.27 2006 133.51 133.81 133.98 129.36 124.42 126.89 129.12 125.54 128.16 119.46 114.43 114.67 126.11 2007 109.14 119.30 124.45 129.26 126.46 123.67 125.95 125.38 123.95 119.03 118.20 115.82 121.72 2008 2009 115.77 121.21 121.55 119.22 123.86 119.57 117.15 119.40 116.20 107.59 107.22 97.90 115.55 107.13 107.47 108.94 114.61 116.13 107.94 107.85 109.52 105.54 104.89 105.91 106.15 108.51 2010 2011 108.31 115.33 122.31 131.34 131.12 128.97 126.45 122.46 116.52 117.10 123.62 133.48 123.08 139.01 146.82 157.26 150.71 146.22 137.75 144.55 143.29 137.88 143.82 156.38 161.05 147.06 2012 175.72 186.45 191.72 188.20 182.98 176.97 147.79 151.51 154.31 159.97 160.31 159.31 169.60 2013 172.82 173.25 167.95 164.23 158.41 161.18 169.76 178.68 172.65 179.56 188.50 189.90 173.07 2014 204.41 202.02 216.10 215.85 223.15 239.94 256.56 263.66 258.91 276.43 295.81 290.13 245.25 2015 275.07 270.54 279.47 280.09 277.95 277.16 263.89 245.04 220.98 208.28 207.97 192.65 249.92 Notes: 1/ Source: United States Department of Agriculture - Agricultural Marketing Service, compiled by the Livestock Marketing Information Center. Page 4 File B2-12 Table 4. Cattle prices, monthly average – Oklahoma City medium and large frame #1, 700-800 lb. steers ($/cwt.) Year 1992 1993 Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. Avg. $80.32 $80.81 $79.73 $78.24 $79.01 $81.61 $83.01 $84.53 $84.70 $84.10 $84.89 $86.49 $82.29 87.44 85.56 85.95 86.92 87.39 89.03 89.58 89.33 87.82 86.41 86.49 85.82 87.31 1994 84.28 82.74 82.65 82.21 1995 77.03 73.19 69.96 66.33 65.37 1996 60.24 58.45 56.07 53.19 56.31 1997 69.48 70.04 69.49 72.73 1998 1999 77.92 76.21 74.96 75.91 75.00 73.64 70.16 72.13 73.47 72.16 71.89 71.34 76.73 76.26 67.62 67.70 71.08 69.41 69.66 72.44 77.89 79.82 80.79 83.93 88.86 77.11 2000 2001 88.49 85.62 85.18 85.68 85.13 88.42 90.99 88.38 88.00 88.85 91.27 89.75 92.68 92.26 87.23 84.78 87.49 91.99 93.43 87.87 91.80 92.64 90.01 86.39 86.87 89.91 2002 83.66 83.18 81.29 79.16 78.36 78.01 78.97 79.98 2003 82.03 78.93 77.89 81.02 2004 87.24 92.13 97.97 106.70 114.40 119.64 118.96 115.43 116.55 110.80 106.69 106.19 87.81 77.40 76.52 78.72 78.42 74.53 72.85 75.64 77.04 78.58 67.23 66.58 66.93 66.42 66.90 67.50 68.19 68.47 61.57 62.43 63.64 63.72 64.21 67.08 67.34 77.26 78.68 82.77 83.17 88.01 81.02 78.95 61.19 77.59 78.42 81.34 76.48 81.45 82.38 84.03 86.40 81.41 91.32 95.98 102.75 106.00 105.71 102.99 91.32 2005 105.57 103.79 107.70 114.23 115.28 116.93 111.96 114.03 114.98 116.19 118.32 114.22 112.77 2006 112.50 107.64 105.12 104.01 104.81 113.07 115.80 115.90 118.48 110.20 101.98 102.83 109.36 2007 96.20 98.97 106.42 109.67 111.00 110.49 114.27 118.35 118.23 113.55 110.79 107.36 109.61 2008 2009 98.69 104.64 101.57 103.40 109.28 110.11 111.57 113.38 110.00 97.21 97.66 90.55 104.01 95.71 93.08 92.57 100.33 100.99 99.77 102.72 101.96 98.57 94.80 94.58 94.14 97.44 2010 2011 96.38 99.98 105.01 114.19 114.91 112.63 114.29 114.95 112.24 110.48 114.56 118.82 110.70 125.67 127.91 130.97 134.51 129.83 132.20 138.28 136.07 133.55 140.65 144.97 144.67 134.94 2012 150.98 156.80 157.79 151.63 151.13 153.89 140.70 139.24 144.74 145.11 143.98 146.89 148.57 2013 148.12 142.60 137.89 137.72 133.60 138.11 148.45 155.73 158.95 166.56 167.09 164.77 149.97 2014 168.53 168.09 174.91 180.46 191.29 203.77 219.99 222.97 233.00 241.95 238.60 235.75 206.61 2015 220.53 209.74 214.16 218.52 223.03 230.26 224.39 217.41 200.71 191.34 179.66 161.09 207.57 Notes: 1/ Source: United States Department of Agriculture - Agricultural Marketing Service, compiled by the Livestock Marketing Information Center. Page 5 File B2-12 Table 5. Cattle prices, monthly average – Oklahoma City medium and large frame #1, 500-600 lb. heifers ($/cwt.) Year 1992 1993 Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. Avg. $79.31 $84.28 $85.56 $85.27 $81.95 $83.21 $85.21 $86.84 $84.36 $81.46 $82.06 $82.61 $83.51 85.84 86.24 88.85 93.92 91.53 90.94 90.57 90.11 87.67 84.60 83.44 85.98 88.31 1994 83.79 85.17 88.23 87.16 80.65 76.52 80.09 79.92 74.00 71.30 74.05 75.46 79.70 1995 75.10 74.67 74.58 70.86 66.40 1996 52.47 53.36 52.57 48.43 50.25 54.97 54.75 57.72 57.82 56.26 1997 62.18 70.05 76.02 75.83 78.82 79.93 84.83 81.56 79.70 73.57 73.87 75.25 75.97 1998 1999 75.00 77.67 79.53 82.09 78.79 73.59 70.34 68.31 65.39 66.25 70.39 73.60 76.37 76.74 76.57 78.44 78.84 77.90 78.65 78.27 67.05 69.09 81.64 85.95 72.76 77.78 2000 2001 88.63 90.56 95.44 93.11 90.58 93.10 96.59 91.17 86.13 87.12 91.21 91.40 91.35 92.67 98.08 99.46 94.13 98.58 94.75 92.93 90.98 84.29 83.46 84.55 91.25 92.10 67.30 64.40 63.43 59.66 56.24 56.00 55.25 65.32 57.24 59.11 54.58 2002 87.67 89.01 86.68 85.40 82.37 79.97 2003 83.72 84.53 86.72 2004 90.73 93.82 102.70 104.81 112.21 120.02 120.98 120.97 115.22 112.97 112.51 111.83 109.90 2005 108.20 111.63 118.74 120.92 124.53 124.47 117.16 116.66 118.41 116.60 114.56 118.46 117.53 2006 121.00 118.57 119.21 115.68 114.52 117.31 116.58 116.82 117.99 107.79 88.94 99.40 112.82 87.64 88.63 81.11 78.38 80.00 79.98 79.92 83.48 82.83 91.91 94.85 94.07 98.22 102.02 102.12 103.40 93.15 2007 95.73 101.77 111.71 114.67 111.86 110.01 115.18 118.43 114.48 108.85 107.00 103.99 109.47 2008 2009 99.36 104.92 106.24 105.53 110.10 108.12 108.99 110.68 107.18 91.69 93.51 95.73 102.84 104.08 99.47 101.54 102.48 98.85 92.70 90.74 84.90 102.46 90.14 90.99 91.79 96.93 2010 2011 95.24 101.33 109.30 116.92 115.91 111.72 114.96 114.80 109.82 105.96 108.39 114.77 109.93 121.83 131.50 138.75 137.84 132.51 129.62 132.10 130.35 126.19 131.79 139.44 140.51 132.70 2012 152.23 165.03 169.40 161.56 160.28 157.30 133.89 137.17 139.94 141.26 141.42 143.58 150.26 2013 152.18 149.95 147.80 144.84 139.61 139.76 145.99 155.48 158.17 162.72 168.55 168.43 152.79 2014 174.48 178.27 187.04 193.47 202.34 220.32 235.26 242.06 244.05 247.74 264.94 263.53 221.13 2015 240.86 236.49 253.18 249.09 257.46 257.09 232.19 230.38 202.23 183.86 176.53 158.16 223.13 Notes: 1/ Source: United States Department of Agriculture - Agricultural Marketing Service, compiled by the Livestock Marketing Information Center. Page 6 File B2-12 Table 6. Cattle prices, monthly average – Oklahoma City medium and large frame #1, 700-800 lb. heifers ($/cwt.) Year 1992 1993 Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. Avg. $76.50 $78.03 $76.02 $74.12 $73.99 $77.84 $79.74 $80.79 $79.71 $79.31 $79.44 $80.24 $77.98 84.52 80.72 81.76 81.85 82.63 84.43 84.40 83.80 82.39 82.02 80.39 79.27 82.35 1994 79.68 78.74 78.13 76.44 72.66 71.24 73.66 72.83 70.08 67.50 71.60 72.71 73.77 1995 73.00 69.18 64.89 1996 55.22 53.86 1997 63.44 1998 1999 70.51 70.66 70.59 72.07 69.70 67.64 65.94 63.48 62.33 63.90 62.81 62.61 66.85 67.00 67.54 67.01 65.60 64.81 70.59 73.44 73.34 72.79 74.64 75.49 80.38 71.05 2000 2001 81.11 83.08 79.15 78.67 78.93 77.81 83.37 86.00 81.99 78.76 81.50 85.48 84.06 81.40 81.27 82.89 83.36 83.29 87.71 87.39 86.17 85.03 81.88 78.40 79.15 83.30 2002 78.93 77.83 74.66 71.44 72.56 72.37 73.92 75.98 74.83 76.22 78.77 2003 78.23 75.48 2004 83.44 61.97 60.63 62.80 62.80 62.64 61.96 61.44 63.46 62.61 63.95 51.83 48.79 52.28 65.19 65.53 68.23 72.70 74.49 57.77 59.09 60.27 59.41 58.41 60.86 60.55 56.53 73.14 74.96 78.33 75.87 73.59 77.68 83.41 86.29 89.61 95.11 70.18 72.25 73.57 71.19 81.08 75.72 97.61 95.32 95.99 85.16 81.59 85.38 90.07 100.23 107.84 109.96 110.35 110.99 109.31 103.75 99.19 99.34 2005 100.90 98.00 101.67 105.01 107.78 108.67 105.29 104.21 108.11 108.80 110.52 108.31 105.61 2006 105.83 100.96 95.87 94.08 92.60 105.11 107.06 108.13 110.81 102.78 95.42 96.52 101.26 2007 91.48 92.71 95.90 99.05 100.65 101.54 107.74 109.61 110.17 104.89 102.99 97.21 101.16 2008 2009 92.36 95.16 91.73 92.73 99.62 101.81 105.24 107.48 101.48 88.44 90.03 84.17 95.85 88.17 86.09 83.27 89.12 92.16 92.26 97.02 95.40 90.92 86.77 87.57 86.67 89.62 2010 2011 90.49 93.27 95.20 104.54 105.21 104.16 107.01 106.87 103.96 102.83 106.05 110.35 102.50 115.73 118.50 119.58 123.23 119.87 120.89 125.69 122.28 121.48 128.48 128.68 132.33 123.06 2012 140.28 143.25 142.67 136.45 138.22 140.44 129.56 129.65 134.68 133.75 133.11 137.71 136.65 2013 137.30 133.02 128.52 127.03 125.05 130.04 138.84 142.84 144.20 152.80 155.54 152.86 139.00 2014 156.01 155.67 159.56 166.07 175.71 189.34 203.61 209.20 215.68 225.96 227.03 222.71 192.21 2015 205.04 189.95 194.55 201.63 201.95 210.35 205.56 201.10 185.60 181.21 165.01 151.43 191.12 Notes: 1/ Source: United States Department of Agriculture - Agricultural Marketing Service, compiled by the Livestock Marketing Information Center. . . . and justice for all The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits discrimination in all its programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, religion, age, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, and marital or family status. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.) Many materials can be made available in alternative formats for ADA clients. To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Office of Civil Rights, Room 326-W, Whitten Building, 14th and Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20250-9410 or call 202-720-5964. Issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension work, Acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Cathann A. Kress, director, Cooperative Extension Service, Iowa State University of Science and Technology, Ames, Iowa.