Volcano Websites

Name _____________________________________
Pd. ______
Use the following links to learn more about volcanoes. Answer the questions that follow each website.
Visit Mt. Etna
Take a virtual field trip and enjoy these incredible pictures of Mt. Etna. (Click “next” beneath the picture.)
Volcano Types
Find “Volcanic Landforms” on the left side of the page. Click on volcano type and read the information found here.
1) What are the four features of a volcano? _____________________________________________
2) What are the three types of volcanoes? ______________________________________________
List one fact about each type:
Volcano Formation
Read the information found on this page.
13) How do volcanoes form? ________________________________________________________
14) What is the difference between magma and lava? ________________________________________
15) What are the two types of lava? __________________________________________________
Click on “Try your hand at melting rocks.” Read the instructions and do the activity.
16) At what temperature did your rock melt?_____________________________________________
17) Explain how pressure and water help your rock melt. ______________________________________
Volcano Eruption
Locate “Volcanoes” on the left side of the page. Click “Volcanoes”, and then click on “How a Volcano Erupts.”
18) How does a volcano erupt? ______________________________________________________
19) How does the amount of silica and water affect an eruption? ________________________________
Look again at the left side of the page. Click on “Types of Eruptions.” Read about the different types of eruptions.
20) What are two types of eruptions? Write two sentences about each of those two types. ________________
Read more about what happens when a volcano erupts.
What is the biggest problem lava flows cause? _________________________________________
22) Why is falling ash more dangerous than lava flows? _______________________________________
23) Where was there a major mud and debris flow that caused much damage? ________________________
24) List and describe three other dangers that volcanoes can cause:
a. __________________________________________________________________
b. __________________________________________________________________
c. __________________________________________________________________